wip; Aurion wolf entry; another by diamonds;;

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wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby diamonds;; » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:37 pm

annabellia mellissa©, hakari tribe healer trainee


.: Annabellia Melissa© :.

((..Name Meaning..))

.: Annabellia is derived from the name of the Latin origin, Annabell, meaning beautiful, and the othe Latin name, Melodia, meaning 'melody'. When full translated, it means 'Beautiful Melody'. When I came up with this name I gave it to her immediately, knowing that it suited her from the start. It means a lot to me, this name, and it fit so well with her personality. I knew it was for her. As you can see, I am in love with Latin names here, so I looked around a baby name website for Latin names and I fell in love with 'Melissa', what means Beautiful goddess. So thats her full name, Annabellia Melissa, Beautiful Melody, Beautiful Goddess. :.


.: twenty four months :.


.: Female :.


.: Hakari :.


.: Healer Trainee :.

((..Theme Song..))

Fixed at Zero- VersaEmerge

.: "This doesn't make much sense
Think far out but I'm still locked in
I'm still lost, walking circles
The floor swallowed me up whole
There's no-where to go

There's a vulture on my shoulder
And he's telling me to give in
Always hissing right in my ear
Like it's coming from my own head
It's got me mixed up
Trying not to give up
Tell me there is a way to get out of here
Oh, Fixed at Zero!" :.


.: Her humble gratitude to a Healer that she looks up to, is what got her to this position in not only ranks in the Hakari Tribe, but her life and in the mind even shown in her movements. Sanity is something that never dies in the heart of this young Shaman. In the greatest of wars that brew on the own land that she walks on Annabellia never, ever looses herself to an insane figure that haunts her way. In pain, a silent scream flows through her body giving her nightmare that she cannot run nor hide from. The thing  in her eyes is just the look of death, the painful look of death. When it comes to something that she not handle, such as love, she can get lost in her thoughts and uses them for company and doesn't seem... Right, for even days on end. But with such a responsibility she can't let her mind focus on it, as her life has been sealed with healing suffering things of Aurion like someone told her at the time of her youth, that gave her her life prophecy that some can only dream of. 
But now the mystery in the story of the glowdeer, and how their lives are immortal, they are no myths. They are spirits laced with wisdom and knowledge and as a herd they are the power to life, says Annabellia. She can find beauty in everything so her love is for nature and her passion is for healing the sick and wounded. Now true beauty is life it's self, and you must go the path tells you to however everyone strays away onto their own duty as some are born to grow wise, and others may not grow and live at all. So she values everyday like it is her last, and she values it because no day will ever be the same. Now hate, Annabellia calls it jealousy, as she is jealous of other wolves that have a family and she feels that sometimes it can be connected with hate. She was born an outcast and only faintly remembers seeing her own parents so she rebels against this hate and jealousy and knows that her birth could be worse than it is, so she blocks that emotion away almost completely now. Peace is something that she tries to keep among the caves of the Hakari Tribe and calmness in every action and breath. Violence is something that she despises of, and is very stubborn however the selfless stubborn an if anyone is willing to sacrifice themselves for her anyone she would try to reason with them with another answer that sacrifice. Annabellia tells people that war is not the solution to all of life's problems, instead it should sorted by rational answers. Meditating is one Annabellia's favourite hobbies, and does it in times of misfortune, distress and trouble in a secret place in on a beach, her fur ruffled by the sweet breeze blowing in from the north sea.
Annabellia is often very emotional, her feelings reflecting on he actions and it often leaves her very tired in need of a rest. This can often occur to her that her body is fragile and that might be a reason that everyone knew she was different. However, she adores her rank in the tribe, and will treasure until the day she dies. Now Annabellia is a humble creature and shows her submissive side when around her great mentor. She listens very closely to the remedies the older healer speaks of, and tries her very hardest to become great like her mentor. Annabellia is quite intelligent in fact. She knows of things that most other trainees of her age do not, and even if they know how to defend themselves, but she knows how to cure sickness. When someone gets close to Annabellia, which is very rare, she does show her true side what is in fact very different. She can bubbly, energetic and quite a comical character with someone she knows she can trust and can even be affectionate. Yet this is very rare and positive side to her, as she is mostly lost in her negative side. As she knows that not many people are her friends she is often alone with only her thoughts or the regular butterfly landing near. She is not naturally comfortable with company, and yes she may be described as anti-social. The young wolf has been alone for so long, ever since she was washed away in her cradle of Rose petals. This healer is not insane, as explained above she is never short sanity. But she needs someone to be-friend with her, so she is not alone all of her life. She often consults with her mind that she is a stupid, immature pup that everyone hates, but that is not actually true. She probably has friends what she does not know about, and she just wants to be her true self.  In spite of her rank, Annabellia can be found playful, and has a secret ability of her speed. Though that secret is slowly fading away to become nothing, as many hours of her day is filled with constant tutoring and work. This young healer is searching who she can be herself around, and it's harder to find someone than you think really.
As a healer, this young one has a very close infinity and bondings with nature, is in-tune wit them with a lot. Nature is one of the most divine things on the planet to Annabellia and she has for them. Glow deer, to her, are such a beautiful animal with knowledge of the first wolf in the Blue forest and their illuminous eyes are something that Annabellia's get lost in. In times of war, the youthful shaman can get agitated for the warriors health and affronted if she will not heal the casualties well enough. Some of the horrific inguries what the soliders of Hakari come home with scars her mentally, for the inside yet she manages to heal them at the best of her ability. She shies away from unfamiliar faces and blushes often when she finds a cute boy. Now, in spite of her feminine looks, she Annabellia is in fact a relentless Tom-boy, and sometimes she tries to escape from her work and runs free in the forest, with a care-free nature. She tries to catch the last few minutes of the solider's training and admires their skills and power in their moves yet disagrees with violence. So overall she is a pleasant and youthful wolf.:.


.. N a t u r e ..
In Annabellia's eyes, everything is beautiful. If you see things in Annabellia's eyes, you will be happy, but the only thing that makes her truely happy is nature. The true beauty that Aurion possess. She loves how things are different, special in their own way. She treasures these little things, from the tiniest of creatures what are not seen and the largest that are highly respected. This youthful wolf loves how each one is unique, special in it's own little way and no-one will ever be the same. When not healing or spell-binding, she will be often found near a clear poor of water, silently observing the fish. This is one of the only ways that she can escape, and it is not every day she can come here.

.. W a t e r ..

Water is life, life is water. Water is the choice of life or death. It blesses many, yet some are without it. She is connected with water, by how she was brought over the sea in the grasp of her Guardian, her ever flowing markings like a network of streams within the forest and finally her pure blue eyes. The sound of it instantly calms her, and she can escape into her thoughts near it. It is the only place where she can revue her day, how things could be better and how she can improve. This is a bond that will never cease, as long as she is alive and growing the free spirit of water will be within her.

.. N i g h t ..
Night. This is a constant love of Annabellia's. This is a time of rest and beauty both together. As the night is lit with the light of noble stars, many rest. Yet she often gazes through a crack in a wall, staring at the stars, beliviving that each one is a spirit of a being. This was where the ancestors of many rested as long as the stars could be seen, and always will. As she becomes drowsy, she does drift off to her slumber, yet only to awake again in the morning in hope for a better future.

.. C o l o u r s ..
Colours, to Annabellia, show beauty. Everything has its colours, and the true way to show them is being who your are, not someone else. Yet she rarely shows her true colours, and if she does, it is only to a very few and selected others.

.. T r a i n e e s ..

Trainees. Something that troubles her, yet is curious about. There is an ever growing conflict between love or hate between trainees. As she hates voilence, you wold think she would be on the other side of earth when they are training for war. No, yet she watches them. Watches how the move, how garceful they are. She has feelings for them, but doesn't know if they are negative or positive.


.. V o i l e n c e ..

Voilence is a word that Annabellia never likes to say. She dispises of it, and wishes that there was no such thing. She wishes that the rivalry between the Yami tribe and the Hakari tribe would be solves by rational matters, not war. This was a reason that she was taken to the Hakari tribe by her guradian and her destiny was to be a healer. She would never go back now, and never can.

.. T h r e a t s ..

Connected with voilence, she is not warm to any threats to anyone, and mostly the same as many other creatures. Even if the threat is very breif and not thought through, Annabellia will ingore you completly, almost like you are invisiable.

.. A n g e r ..

Anger, in Annabellia words, is an emotion that is some-what connected to jelousy, as she had felt it herself. The sudden feeling of envy with the many familes that many are born from. You don't realise what you have until it is taken away from you. She is rarely angery, and if that does over-come her she blocks it. She hates to feel it. That is her hate for anger.

.. I n p o l i t e n e s s ..

Arragonce is inpolite, inpolite is offensive. She has been offended, many times infact, and knows what it is like. If she see's someone acting like this, she would almost at once stop them even in spite of her shy nature.

.. F i r e ..

There is a contant fear of fire in Annabellia's mind. It brings devasation to many lands, and consumes everything in its path, leaving just ruin in it's trail. She fears for the day something near her is set on fire, as she would be instantly paralased by it's presence.

((..Main Element..))

.: The cleansing element of water :.


.: all art can be found on this page, including her design :.

((..Short stories..))

[ .. annabellia is my name .. ]

A very faint silhouette of a pup's shadow carved out a wolf of a petite height of about five foot two. The cave gradually fell silent, before a pretty white wolf cradled its pup in her paws. The fire snapped and crackled, yet the flames did not reach or jump that high into the air. A larger, more muscular built wolf came out of the gloom. A warm smile, as warm as the fire, on his face. " I will name you 'Annabellia Melissa' " He spoke clear over the rushing tide. " Beautiful Melody, Beautiful Goddess " 

[ .. nobody .. ]

There is nobody real inside of the wolf anymore. I saw it yesterday, when she tried to heal that spider. The trainees laughed at her, and you could see the clear embarrassment in her eyes. 

She was collecting herbs for her training near the training grounds when she saw the bug. She did a spell, and a large vortex of light smothered the wounds, cleansing the cut. It was simple, yet it helped the spider well. A snob of a trainee was spying on her, and happily invited her friends to come and watch this 'nonsense'. Sniggering and giggles erupted around her, and turned around violently to see them. The youthful shaman lay the spider down then stood up to face them. "I see you want heal, eh? Do us a favour and go away. We don't need a useless healer, no, pup to try and heal our wounds. You'll never make us better in war because your a useless waste of space, fit for nothing" Then the laughed surrounded her, like it was even coming from her own head. It made her emotionally fragile that day. 

She didn't need that. She didn't deserve it. I know she will make a great healer and they will be shown. They had no right to do that.

((..Main story..))

[ .. the story of annabellia mellissa ..]

"As you want here the story of a young wolf named Annabellia, I am sure you would firstly want to now how she reached the lush land of the blue forest, what is our home, don't you? So why don't you settle down and listen.
Annabellia was born on a chilly valentines day, to a handsome and powerful father and a beautiful, caring mother. Stunning, was what the scenery was. Blossom petals floated gently on the sweet breeze. A splash of crystal clear water from the ocean hung to her cheek.  A figure cradled her pup in her paws, and spoke to her daughter with a gentle tone in her voice. A guardian watched over her, and visited her only at midnight on her birthday. A guardian was as so graceful and beated it's wings at the pace of a heart beat. It lifted off with a strengthening in the wind and flew towards the moon, past the ocean. Annabellia only ever saw it twice, as it kept itself hidden from other wolves. Yet it sold guard in a humble blossom tree that grew freely next to Annabellia's cave. It was the on December the tweneith, when she was a mere twenty four moons old, lightning struck the cave, and poor Annabellia was pulled into the sea. Her parents were paralysed in the cave, unable to get out from the sea sweeping into the cave, gradually getting higher. Yet somehow, the storm finally died down, yet it left devastation to the island. There as no way to survive. The guardian, however, swooped down and carried the pup over the sea, towards the horizon. They traveled for five days, until Christmas was upon the land. They saw the guardian within the gently floating snow, with a body between it's claws heading for the Hakari tribe. They ran out to see the magnificent creature land and see what it held in is grasp. Until they came up to it, they we're unsure of what being she was, but after a quick glance they recognised her as a wolf. The guardian and lifted off with a single beat of his wings as Annabellia was taken into the Shaman's cave."

"wait, why was 'Annabellia' even brought to the Hakari tribe?"

"your questions will be answered soon.

It took her a while to heal, and her scrawny body had no help what so ever to her recovery. By the time she was somewhat healthy, a new year had almost dawned on the Blue Forest. Now, Annabellia was confused when she awoke from her coma. She was confused about who she was, about her past and all the recent events, even her child hood and it was all answered in a single dream. When night fell and Annabellia rested for the next day, the guardian appeared. It told her about what had happened, and why she had been brought to the Hakari tribe. Why, you may ask? To receive her destiny, to become a healer. As this dream brought her knowledge, it also confused her some-what more. She was never meant to be a solider. She was made to be a Shaman, to heal the beauty that Aurion possess. Slowly things came back to her, but still left a gaping hole in her memory with her parents. The guardian told her there names, which she never discussed with anyone apart from her thoughts and what they looked like. Annabellia pictured what they looked like in her head, but she wished to see them once more. Yet that was not to happen. She was later given the rank of Healer Trainee, and was received by the moon spirit. Her element that she was given was water, from her clear blue eyes and her ever free markings, like a network of streams flowing through a forest-"

"that's a really cool story, but who is Annabellia Melissa?"

"I am"
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Re: wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby diamonds;; » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:11 am

[ Guys do you think my personality is a bit long? I really want your opinions here now xD. It's a but of a read ]
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Re: wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby diamonds;; » Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:50 pm

[ bump. any criticism not of the drawing, but of my form? ]
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Re: wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby Verdana » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:10 pm

I think your design is beautiful, and she sounds like a very sweet character! Personally, I might shorten the personality a little, just so the judges don't feel too swamped. But it's your call. If you don't think you can cut anything, then don't.
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Re: wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby diamonds;; » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:16 pm

Okay, thank you so much for that. I know what to cut, and I will. I thought it was too long.
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Re: wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby ButterflyChaser » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:56 pm

It is a great character. I really like this. I hope you don't mind my constructive critique. I hope you don't mind me agreeing to shorten it to perhaps a couple paragraphs. Another thing you can try is taking some of that and making it into a story for your character. You can also consider breaking it up into new categories. My entry is also kind of long, but I believe I did an okay job describing the character without rambling too much (I hope! But if I am rambling, please by all means say so.)

Onto the rest:
I got a pretty good glimpse of her skimming over the start of the first couple paragraphs. I kind of stopped after that. The main things I took out of it was that she is soft spoken, does the best she can to save others lives even if they are small lives. (things my character would squish without giving a thought, lol.) I also like her interest in the glowdeer and trying to connect their immortality to possibly healing the ailing creatures she finds. Those are things I'd keep. Where I lost interest was describing her breath and her sanity. (I'm going by the general parts of it.) I don't know why, but I think it is because I got the idea from the first sentence. One piece of constructive criticism I got with my own writing is to show, not tell. (and I am still working on this and not quite out of it yet!) I much rather see a chunk of that personality section made into a story of her trying to rescue a small thing like a dying bug or tiny mouse. I can even go further to imagining her being unable to revive it and being grieved. In grief, she looks to the glowdeer to find out if they can help her. Perhaps this is after she asked other pack mates and got made fun of. (especially if you go with the dying bug as the thing she is trying to heal.) This is just an idea. You can take it any way you want. I also like to see more development in her conflict between hating violence and having interest in soldiers. That too can make an interesting plot for your story.

Like I said, I like the character you made. I think if you take these suggestions to mind, you will be much happier with your entry.
Last edited by ButterflyChaser on Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby diamonds;; » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:24 pm

ButterflyChaser wrote:It is a great character. I really like this. I hope you don't mind my constructive critique. I hope you don't mind me agreeing to shorten it to perhaps a couple paragraphs. Another thing you can try is taking some of that and making it into a story for your character. You can also consider breaking it up into new categories. My entry is also kind of long, but I believe I did an okay job describing the character without rambling too much (I hope! But if I am, please by all means say so.)

Onto the rest:
I got a pretty good glimpse of her skimming over the start of the first couple paragraphs. I kind of stopped after that. The main things I took out of it was that she is soft spoken, does the best she can to save others lives even if they are small lives. (things my character would eat without giving a thought, lol.) I also like her interest in the glowdeer and trying to connect their immortality to possibly healing the ailing creatures she finds. Those are things I'd keep. Where I lost interest was describing her breath and her sanity. (I'm going by the general parts of it.) I don't know why, but I think it is because I got the idea from the first sentence. One piece of constructive criticism I got with my own writing is to show, not tell. (and I am still working on this and not quite out of it yet!) I much rather see a chunk of that personality section made into a story of her trying to rescue a small thing like a dying bug or tiny mouse. I can even go further to imagining her being unable to revive it and being grieved. In grief, she looks to the glowdeer to find out if they can help her. Perhaps this is after she asked other pack mates and got made fun of. (especially if you go with the dying bug as the thing she is trying to heal.) This is just an idea. You can take it any way you want. I also like to see more development in her conflict between hating violence and having interest in soldiers. That too can make an interesting plot for your story.

Like I said, I like the character you made. I think if you take these suggestions to mind, you will be much happier with your entry.

Thank you very much for that. It really helps. I know what I going to edit now, and thank you for that.
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Re: wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby ButterflyChaser » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:31 pm

Thank you very much for that. It really helps. I know what I going to edit now, and thank you for that.

You're welcome! Anything I can do to help. I really like the thought of her trying to rescue a bug because they are viewed as insignificant, even creepy. The ick factor would drive others to just let it die, in fact they may have helped it along by squishing it. But not your character. Your character sees the value in such things and would try to heal it. That I believe is important to your story. I could even imagine a scene with the soldiers laughing at her as they see her chanting a healing spell and generating healing mist around the dying bug. Then flustered she races off gently holding dead bug in her mouth to the glowdeer (the head dear, Father Illumus or whatever his name is) Please check spelling on that. I didn't look up his name. What the glowdeer have to offer will be up to you. My imagination likes to keep playing the movie, but I better stop. it is your story not mine.
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Re: wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby diamonds;; » Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:16 pm

Thanks. I re-read the personality, and most of it I would like to keep, yet I dislike the first few lines. Good-bye. There is nothing that I could add now.

Yeah my personality is done.

Thanks for them ideas, and I have a great idea for the story now. I did it briefly, but I have to write it up in a more literate form. I will PM you the story when I am done if you like.

I am going to edit the design. I don't like it. Its just ugh to me. I thinking White with Lavender/Voilet markings?
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Re: wip; Aurion wolf entry; another

Postby diamonds;; » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:24 am

i have her design done. i going to try and get some more art of her done quickly, while i still have the chance.

i hope you like her, as she is very special to me. i hope you see the same beauty what i see in the inside of her, and the outside too. i put my heart and soul into this, and good luck to everyone. thank you for creating this contest, apache, beacause i now know that i can do something if i believe. i never thought i would be able to draw a design i would be proud of, yet i did it. thank you, and again good luck to everyone. i wish you all the best.

Last bumped by diamonds;; on Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:24 am.
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