HAVE: C$ store WANT: 8c$

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HAVE: C$ store WANT: 8c$

Postby Darkcloud! » Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:47 am

Looking for Year Completion/Bulk Trades of low-rarity

I am looking to complete year 2011 the most, but am working on 2022 in the meantime!
Then 2014 to 2016 the most as I am closest to finishing those years, but enjoy 2008/2009/2010 pets greatly. I am not interested in pets from 2012/13 and 2017-2021 unless they are BULK trades.

Give me your Extremely Uncommons and below!! I want them OFF my wl and I'm willing to trade down for bulk <3

I am not looking for previous special release or any store pets at this time, unless they are the 2020 teacup rabbits <3

I am also missing the majority of pets from 2012, and then 2017-2020. I would be looking for bulk trades of below-rare pets from those years to start.

I am fine with re-releases and 'imperfect' date event pets. Just please consider they're worth less when offering them, especially if it's bulk trading.

I would prefer WL for WL trades over all else.

Pet's name: Litter Swap ONLY

Currently seeking (MONTHLY):
2017 August: PPS Cat

2017 November- PPS Puppy

2021 Golden Gatcha Dog

Seeking (Event):

2022- Easter, Internet Event, and Halloween- many <3

2011 St Paddys Dragon


Thank you SO much to DarkAngel3 for gifting this lovely November doggy (that has my birthday <3) <3

Thank you SO much to Daeva85 for gifting these two event hoofers <3
Image Image

Thank you SO much to liichkiing for the devilish ;) spooky horsie <3

Thank you SO much to .wafflecat. for the Very Berry Worm!

Thank you SO much to Mr. Underhill for the Tropical Worm!!!

Thank you SO much to rainbowzzzzzz for the fluffiest 'pillar!
Last edited by Darkcloud! on Sat Oct 05, 2024 7:43 am, edited 86 times in total.

semi-active, missed years 2012 and 2013 entirely- about halfway to catching up!
Looking to complete years 2011, 2014-16 and 2021-23!
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WANT: 30c$ for store pets

Postby Darkcloud! » Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:16 am

Seeking: 2022 Complete- Easter, Internet Event, and Halloween- missing many: see first post for more!
Bumped by Chicken Smoothie Assistant!
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