:eyes: wrote:- aa this is exciting! i've added your website to my bookmarks. i look forward to spending a few hours consuming every piece you have put on there. i'll also have to check out neocities as well. it seems like a wonderful platform.
Ah, thank you so much! I really hope that it'll be a good place for people to check out my work. Neocities is a really great platform, and it has a very active community with a ton of nostalgic charm.
Westerns wrote:I didn't know you do fursuit work, do you plan on taking commissions at some point or is it a personal project thing?
I don't currently take fursuit commissions, but I definitely plan to in the future! I'd like to gain some more experience (and time in my schedule) before doing anything custom for others, but I will be selling premades as soon as I can dedicate the proper time and funding to them. Thanks for your interest!
Vazchu wrote:First, I think I haven't commented on any of your art yet? I apologize about that, I'm shy, lol. But I must say I really do love your style, it really stands out from the crowd.
Secondly, it's so fun to see someone else writing about personal websites. That's how I first got interested in the internet (I got bored with drawing snowmen in MS Paint and wanted to do something more challenging, lol). My mom used to make a lot of websites back in the days and I wanted one too. Thus I borrowed all her books about how to code in HTML and at an age of merely 11 I started making my very first website with lots of dinosaur gifs and information about dinosaurs ... xD After that it evolved further and became more about me, my likes and my aquariums.
Reading that website of how the internet has changed made me realize that I've been a part of half of it and seen it evolve (and disliked the evolution of how it's come to be, especially the part with social media and how much pressure it puts on artists to be seen). And it makes me a tad ashamed that I haven't updated my own website for so long (last time was 2018 I think?) ... Sadly the most recent update I've started with crashed sometime last summer ... That's what I get from not coding everything from scratch like I used to, simply because I got lazy and decided to use a template since I haven't bothered with getting into how to make a website work on the computer as well as a smartphone. ):
I should try to make my website come to life too soon. (: Let's make that my goal for 2022!
And hope you have a nice holiday season too! (:
I relate to so much of this, and it's a huge part of what has made me get back into these old-web-esque communities. I avoid social media as much as possible, but I still really enjoy having a little space where I can post simple updates and artwork. I hope you find what makes you happy too, and I wish you luck on your site!
soil wrote:i've been following you for a looong time.
i didn't know you made fursuits (awesome)
... simply all this makes me really happy and i felt compelled to post for once.
you're pretty rad.
That art is old enough to give me whiplash just by looking at it. :') I really appreciate that you've been following along with my work for so long, and your posts are always very pleasant to see! You're pretty rad too.