waterfalls tearing you apart by yeena

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waterfalls tearing you apart

Postby yeena » Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:04 am



    Mosaic always had a relatively easy life. She was left mainly to do her own thing
    because it was the only way she would eventually find out who she was meant
    to be. She is a natural user of water magick and she grows herbs and plants as a
    side hobby, while she works as a florist mainly. She used to live out in the wilds
    around the city wall and used that time out as a way to find out her own talents.


    Pony Name: Mosaic
    Gender: Female
    Magick: Water
    A lighter colored bat-pony who has no issue being out in the daylight but she does have sensitive skin.

    Mosaic has a small family that's,
    in her opinion, the best group of
    people she ever could be around.
    She has her parents and a sibling
    but that's it when it comes to her
    small group.
    They are all merchants, save for
    her because she never really was
    able to focus on the numbers.
    Regardless they love her greatly
    and she feels the same way for
    them and would do anything for
    her family.
    heres some sneaky hidden textImage Mosaic was always the calmest out of her family. She wasn't much for their hustle life and usually stuck to the back of the caravan and just enjoyed the ride, as opposed to running every which way trying to make a sale. It often but her out of place within her family but at the very least, they never judged her so she never had any reason to feel like she was different. Her family actually relied on Mosaic for totally unbiased, calm opinions when it came to everyone else being in a rustle.
    indentIf there was one thing that definitely set her apart from everyone else, it was her sense of humor. She loved to make jokes in every situation and granted they were almost always corny and unexpected, it was a totally her thing that everyone fell for. She's kind of dorky with her jokes, considering just how corny they all are. She doesn't have a taste for any bad or dark humor in her bones so most everything is just a matter of being light-hearted fun.
    indentBeing calm has it perks, but for Mosaic it just means that when faced with troubles she doesn't need to lash out to feel better. This doesn't help her much when it comes to the fact that she is very easily frustrated with tasks that don't seem to go in her favor. She might have a knack for being calm, but that doesn't stop her from being moody. She can usually shake herself out of her frustration with a quick cry or breathing session but it doesn't stop her from still being easily frustrated with things that don't fall into her perfectionist line.
    indentOverall, Mosaic mostly keeps to herself but she can easily strike up conversations if she truly wants. She has a habit of almost expecting too much, hence her frustration when her plans can fall short, but she's slowly learning that life is a matter of taking it by the day and that not everything needs to go exactly as planned to work out. She tries to surround herself with the best of everything and is learning to take things one step at a time to get to her eventual end goal. Regardless, if you ever need to have a quick chat or anything, Mosaic will always present herself as a shoulder to lean on.


    Image Ironically, Mosaic hasn't done any special sort of training for the royal summoning. Unlike the majority of Paledon, she didn't have any access to special schools or trainers that could help prepare her for her magick. She didn't live her life in the shadow of Paledon, constantly watching and learning from the citizens and royals alike. Even her own skin works against her, as she stands out like a white rabbit in the dark night. If anything, it seems like she's one of the worst options for the guard positions. There is nothing that makes her stand out more besides the singular fact that she cultivated herself within the Werwilds.
    indentMany could argue that the Werwilds is a severely underdeveloped, overgrown forest and nothing more. But Mosaic knows that it is far more than that and her own insight has allowed her to finally come to terms with herself. She is a proud resident of Paledon from now and henceforth, but there would be no denial from her that she is content with being alone and settling by herself, much like how the current king has done. She will always have a part of her that is, fundamentally, a werfolk and allows her to have some insight to life outside of the walls. Life that doesn't need to rely on anybody else or the advanced city technology, she is self-sufficient in every way.
    indentMagick never really was interesting to Mosaic until she was well into her teens, far later than what anyone else has probably experienced. She is an extremely late bloomer and even then, still took years to actually find her magick that flowed through her veins like the river does through the forests. Without any formal training, she does look relatively weak to her peers who have been through vicious, life-long training courses. Alternatively, Mosaic feels her magick within her instead of a possession. She controls her magick from her soul's link to the water in the world, as opposed to just thinking that she can control water and then actually controlling it. Her martial skills allow her to move like the wind, with grace and an unmatched precision. Everything she does is deliberate and accurate. There is no mistakes with her. Before you even make the first move, she's already reached a checkmate within her mind. The best part about her movement is that everything is loose nonetheless. She doesn't need to hold herself in a very tense state to be able to control a situation. In fact, she finds that being more relaxed allows her to move far more freely.
    indentShe connects far more to herself as a person as opposed to her magick as a strength, meaning that she relies more on herself than her magick. This does not mean to say that she isn't excellent at her magick, however. She went through long sessions with the werfolk where she would learn how to control her magick through her movements. She understands her magick at a fundamental level and it gives her the ability to use her magick as a function through any means. Her magick is her and water just so happens to be included. All in all, this goes to say that while she may not have had any conventional means of training, she surely knows how to handle herself and she is confident in herself and her abilities to get the job done. Even if her teammates were to fail, which is something she would go lengths to avoid, she could still finish executing a task.

    young. (0-16) wrote:• born into a merchant family,
    was not rich but lived a very
    comfortable life
    • not as interested in sales as
    the rest of the family
    • traveled around the city for
    two years as a way to try and
    evoke some kind of interest in
    being a merchant
    older. (17-27) wrote:• after trying to travel and sell stuff
    around the city, decides to move to
    the Werwilds out of interest
    • learns all about herbs and plants
    • interested in magick, tries to learn
    earth magick but is a natural water
    • masters water magick through the
    martial arts
    current. (28) wrote:• moves back to Paledon after she
    fully masters martial arts and, by
    association, her magick
    • takes up a job as a florist but still
    sells herbs and natural remedies on
    the side
    • learns of the royal summoning and
    applies to become a royal guard out
    of her own confidence

    Image Mosaic was born into a well-off merchant family. They were not rolling in money, but they lived fine in a home that could keep all of them happy. She never was too invested in the family business, as all of the numbers and counting disinterested her, but she still attempted to sell their wares in town. Once she was old enough, she took up a trade as a traveling merchant just to see if perhaps a change of setting could help her out. Her family supported her all the way and never judged her for not taking up the trade, as they only wanted to encourage their kids to be the very best that they could be. If this meant that their daughter didn't want to be a merchant and instead chose to travel and do her own thing, so be it. They had no quarrels with her doing such a thing, granted she would visit when she could.
    indentSo she travelled for awhile, soaking in the world as it came up to her. Paledon was only so large, however. Once she had spent at least two years, trekking around the city and seeing all that she possibly felt that she could see, she asked her parent's for a small sum of money so she could settle down in the Werwilds that seemed to beckon her more every time she passed by the southern stretch of the city. Initially concerned with her choice, her parents chided on her about not doing it until she was able to convince them that she would be fine and she would come to visit every other week so that they wouldn't have to worry. Only then was she allowed to move out.
    indentThe Werwilds weren't nearly as terrifying as Mosaic had thought they were supposed to be. In fact, the most challenging task was to get established within the vast forest. She ended up buying a small cottage from a seller that had been more than shady. Despite that, the cottage was in relatively good condition and it was far from the walls, something she had specifically been wanting. Mosaic lived within the Werwilds for a decade, loving the freedom and also finding it more than beneficial to herself. The Werwilds was where she was able to finally find herself, someone she had been struggling to discover when she was surrounded by the city of Paledon.
    indentMosaic moved back into Paledon when she was completely happy with herself. She only left her cottage in the Werwilds when she didn't feel that beckoning force anymore, when everything seemed to have finally shifted into place. Obviously she kept her cottage and now goes to visit when she needs a breath of fresh air or wants to simply check in on the health of her old home. Otherwise, she lives a happy life in Paledon as a florist. She also works out of her house cultivating herbs and making natural remedies to sell on the side. She vists her family daily, bringing herbs and love with her each time. Overall, her life is mostly settled at this point. It was only by chance she came back a year before the royal summoning for guards.



    Mosaic genuinely struggled with her magick when she first discovered it, mainly as a
    result of her being in a family that didn't necessarily take time to learn their magick
    like a normal citizen might. She was angry at first, that her gift was not in earth but
    instead in water. Through the teachings of a friendly wercommunity, she was able to
    learn martial arts that helped her harness her true abilities, magical and natural.


    The pots sat at her feet, water droplets spilling over from the sides and
    from the dirt. The rain had lasted for hours, maybe even days, she
    couldn't tell because she hadn't been paying any attention through her
    cursing the skies and struggling to read the long passages from the
    magick book. The weather had just been background noise to her
    troubles, her totally neglecting to bring in her plants as a result. The
    tears were unexpected, and she grit her teeth when she could feel the
    wet streaks moving down her face. Anger burned within her, almost
    enough to scorch her chest. Is that what it was like to finally wield a

    Regardless, she couldn't help the sob that ripped from her mouth,
    falling onto her knees with a plethora of curses and painful
    exclamations about her plants. She wished that the water would vanish
    from all sources: the sky, the ground, everywhere. She wanted it to be
    gone. Her plants had suffered a terrible death, drowning due to the
    sheer amount of rain that had bombarded them.

    It was almost as if she had uttered a spell. The tears on her cheeks
    seemed to dry as they were lifted upwards, the plants in front of her
    going through a similar treatment. The water lifted upwards, on her
    own emotional command, draining from the pots. She fumbled
    backwards and it felt like the tears were suddenly just being pulled
    from her eyes, a pained look of horror crossing her expressions. She was
    a water user. A natural, water user. Something stung within her, and it
    could've been her heart or it could have been her forcibly shutting
    down all thoughts of the water, causing the droplets and tears to fall
    back to the ground with gravity.

    How dare the universe pull such a cruel stunt?
    Image Magick is definitely somewhat of a sensitive topic for Mosaic. Partially because she struggled with it at first, mostly because she's so in tune with herself and her abilities. Her family had never been too involved with magick so they couldn't teach her anything and for awhile, she was fine with that. She had no real desire to learn any magick for any reason. When she started travelling around was when she finally started to dabble in magick and read up on it. She still didn't have any specific type she wanted to learn so, for the most part, she just read the basics on magick and everything there was to know about magick as someone who didn't practice it. After moving out to the Werwilds, Mosaic finally started to practice magick and honing her skills in.
    indentWhen out in the Werwilds, Mosaic developed a knack for growing plants. This gave her hope that maybe, perhaps she could finally focus on learning a magick. Earth magick, to be specific. It was her dirty luck that she was absolutely terrible at Earth magick. She didn't want to move back to Paledon and drain her parent's money to go to an expensive academy, so she instead opted to read books and guides. Once again, unluckily enough she didn't have a knack for studying long passages of text. She found herself unable to focus on the guides and readings and ultimately, was left in a ditch with learning her preferred magick. It infuriated her and for weeks, Mosaic would just angrily kick the dirt around her, hoping that maybe miraculously, her anger would suddenly cause the ground beneath her to shift. Such an event never came.
    indentIt wasn't until a particularly stormy day came and in her frustration with herself, Mosaic neglected to bring her plants under shelter. After the rainstorm she came out to find her plants flooded, dying or dead due to immense overwatering. She couldn't stop the tears from falling, angry at herself and the world for seemingly being against her. She even wished the water to simply vanish, for if she couldn't control her magic, perhaps she could just make everything that was hurting her disappear. To her horror and partial amazement, the water began to drift upwards, from the pots. Her tears even began to float before her very eyes.
    It shattered her heart to know that she was naturally gifted for water magick.
    indentShe even rejected the entire notion of magick after that event. She hated that she was gifted in water, of everything to be gifted in. She wanted to be gifted in earth, not the flow of the currents. Everything she did from that day forward for a month was just avoiding water while unintentionally summoning it towards her. She would think about watering her plants and get up to do it, only to realize that the water from her pails had already been drained and placed inside the plant. Just her thinking about moving the water from one location to another, would cause such an action. This also infuriated her, to the point of kicking her pails and having to angrily sit herself down and practice breathing to calm down.

    Image While still in her angry rut over her magick, she stumbled across another werfolk while gathering herbs one day. They were a very sweet individual, happy that she wasn't part of one of the dark communities located within the Werwilds, supposedly. They became friends relatively quickly and it wasn't long before she knew of the existence of a friendly werfolk community. She eventually would open up about her magick struggle and they were all very understanding of her, but also her friend explained that sometimes she just needed to let nature take its course. Sometimes, she couldn't control everything that happened to her but she could control what she did about her situation.
    indentSo began the training. Mosaic learned on a level she didn't even think was possible, a spiritual, fundamental level. She stayed upset over her magick but a very natural, graceful type of fight style took her mind off of her magick. She learned how to move with precision and deliberation. Every action was her reading her own body and moving how she was telling herself that she needed to move. No stumble, trip or shift was misplaced. She mastered the act of moving with purpose. It gave her a sense of unmatched grace, allowing her to flow around any opponent that dared to spar with her. Through her martial arts training, she could finally accept her natural talent for water magick.
    indentWater was as graceful as what she was. It could move freely and needed to be held with delicacy, as opposed to the original earth magick she wanted to master. Water was a very, very defensive sort of magick. She could redirect attacks, plan and dodge attacks with an adept precision. Her magick reflected her in such a way. She held back on accepting the water magick but she peacefully meditated inside a shallow pool of water one day and felt a rush of life for herself when she stepped out. It was her breaking down her internal barrier against water magick. Once she let the walls fall, she finally was able to begin mastering her magick as she had always wanted to do.

Last edited by yeena on Mon Nov 29, 2021 12:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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what hell are we doing now?

Postby yeena » Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:06 am

post for random facts i didnt feel like coding into the og one LOL

she actually was born with her fur but she used to only shave it down/trim it when living in paledon because she didnt know how to control it which led to her getting sunburns a lot because the fur usually protected her skin
once she moved to the werwilds where she would have to actually travel back to paledon to get it trimmed, she learned how to manage it herself so now its long and luxurious without being greasy and knotted
sometimes, when shes in the mood, she gets it touched up just for the sake of wanting to do it

ironically her fur can also make her feel super hot so she still prefers only being active at night because she gets hot so quickly! in the werwilds the shade from the trees helped keep her and everything around her cool but in paledon she just kind of suffers when she has to do things in the day

to get an idea for how she jokes, imagine someone whos best joke is an "updog" one. shes a master at tricking people into somehow falling for the updog one

she totally makes plant jokes. like. lives and breathes plant jokes. "what kind of tree can fit in your hand" "a palm tree" type of energy
"what do you say to a fancy cactus" "lookin sharp"

long passages get very boring to her but she still tries to read them even if it just means she gets a headache and starts to lose focus! she very desperately wants to be able to focus while reading or with numbers but she always ends up getting distracted and or bored halfway through! so its best to get through to her with short summaries or visuals!
despite not being able to learn well through long sessions of sitting and listening, she soaks up stuff like a sponge if you can create a short, to-the-point explanation for her

despite NOT being able to blend in with the night at all like a usual bat pony or typical night guard, she is always anticipating a surprise and disadvantage for her fur so even if you think you could sneak up on her, you cant because shes already expecting you to be there somewhere
and then once you figure shes already expecting you so you cant sneak up on her, she will just face you like she would do anyone else! basically: no surprises around here

as suggested by her name, shes actually a very fond enjoyer of arts! art was the only thing she could really enjoy and just stare at for hours but, as the universe holds for her, she sucks at anything artsy but can work with water in such a way that makes it seem like shes a moving statue. she actually does sometimes perform "water" shows for public crowds when it comes to watering her plants!

in reference to water, she keeps a bottle or two on her at all times just in case she needs to use it. after it rains she can usually summon the droplets from the ground but, still, she tries to always have water available to her

mosaic actually trained in stealth by wearing bells. not heavy, gong-like bells- just a simple harness with jingle bells! needless to say, if she can masterfully sneak up on someone while she had a belt of bells on her, she can excel without
honestly its just best to not underestimate her skills because she didnt get formal training. the wercommunity was an excellent training source for her and they taught her without all of the fancy equipment!

she owns her own floral shop that she was ever so graciously gifted the funds for by her family! its a very small shop set ina busy part of the city but its very easily overshadowed by the much larger buildings. she sells all kinds of plants; from floral bouquets to, on the side, herbal remedies! she isnt very vocal about her healing side business however, mainly because she has no desire to compete with the bigger businesses around her. only family and friends of friends usually come to her for remedies, as her stuff is kept pretty hush

also feel free to comment if you want <3
Last edited by yeena on Mon Nov 29, 2021 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: waterfalls tearing you apart

Postby Metski » Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:02 pm

Aah! Shes so pretty! ^v^

And i would love for Asra to engage w her sometime! They would be an interesting dynamic and they're quite opposite 😳
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Postby yeena » Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:44 pm

Daioki wrote:Aah! Shes so pretty! ^v^

And i would love for Asra to engage w her sometime! They would be an interesting dynamic and they're quite opposite 😳

sorry it took me a hot second to respond but thank you! shes my baby girl lol
also i second the idea that they should interact! they would have such a neat dynamic even though mosaic would be flabbergasted at how... uptight her family is
maybe some family rivalry too? mosaics parents are well-known merchants that get their sales around, even though they arent absurdly rich!
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Postby Metski » Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:47 pm

yeena wrote:
Daioki wrote:Aah! Shes so pretty! ^v^

And i would love for Asra to engage w her sometime! They would be an interesting dynamic and they're quite opposite 😳

sorry it took me a hot second to respond but thank you! shes my baby girl lol
also i second the idea that they should interact! they would have such a neat dynamic even though mosaic would be flabbergasted at how... uptight her family is
maybe some family rivalry too? mosaics parents are well-known merchants that get their sales around, even though they arent absurdly rich!

Ah! That would definitely be a good idea!! ^v^
Plus the whole family rivalry would be fun!
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