Bubble, bubble... by ChristainAnimalLover

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Artist ChristainAnimalLover [gallery]
Time spent 1 day, 7 hours
Drawing sessions 1
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Bubble, bubble...

Postby ChristainAnimalLover » Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:04 pm

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[center][size=85]" [i][color=#C45151]If you have the power to make someone happy, do it.
The world needs more of that[/color][/i] "[/size]


~ ~ ~
[b][color=#C90000]K[/color][color=#C71B1B]e[/color][color=#C63636]n[/color][color=#C45151]n[/color][color=#C36D6D]e[/color][color=#C18888]l[/color] [color=#BFBEBE]N[/color][color=#C0A3A3]u[/color][color=#C18888]m[/color][color=#C36D6D]b[/color][color=#C45151]e[/color][color=#C63636]r[/color][color=#C71B1B]:[/color][/b]
~ ~ ~
Bailey & Barnum
~ ~ ~
Male & Male
~ ~ ~
[b][color=#C90000]S[/color][color=#C71B1B]p[/color][color=#C63636]e[/color][color=#C45151]c[/color][color=#C36D6D]i[/color][color=#C18888]e[/color][color=#C0A3A3]s[/color] [color=#C0A3A3]a[/color][color=#C18888]n[/color][color=#C36D6D]d[/color][color=#C45151]/[/color][color=#C63636]o[/color][color=#C71B1B]r[/color]
[color=#C90000]S[/color][color=#C71717]p[/color][color=#C62F2F]e[/color][color=#C54747]c[/color][color=#C45F5F]i[/color][color=#C27777]f[/color][color=#C18F8F]i[/color][color=#C0A7A7]c[/color] [color=#C0A7A7]B[/color][color=#C18F8F]r[/color][color=#C27777]e[/color][color=#C45F5F]e[/color][color=#C54747]d[/color][color=#C62F2F]s[/color][color=#C71717]:[/color][/b]
Schipperke +
Chihuahua Mix [size=85][Bailey][/size]
Schipperke [size=85][Barnum][/size]
[size=85]" [i][color=#C45151]Keep the circus going inside you, 
keep it going. Don't take anything too
seriously, it'll all work out in the end[/color][/i] "[/size][/left]

[color=transparent]---[/color]They will be used as main characters, ones that I will get and make lots of art of. ♥ They'll be used in stories, they'll be lavished with love. ♥


[color=transparent]---[/color]Bailey is a very happy-go-lucky pup, ever the optimist, there's not much that can bring him down. He's either very brave or really foolish, either way, he seems to fearlessly tackle trying new things without worrying about the repercussions or the possible harm he may come to. He is ever the optimist, always seeing the bright side of things. To him, there's always a way out, the sun will shine again, and tomorrow will be a better day. He is so optimistic to the point of being irritating to others, especially Barnum.

[color=transparent]---[/color]Barnum is a bit of a grump, to say the least, he's probably also the biggest pessimist you'll ever meet. You can pretty much count on Barnum to find the gloomy side of things. He can tend to be on the lazy side and often comes across as being slightly uncaring, especially when it involves a silly idea that Bailey's dreamed up because he knows that there's little he can do to persuade Bailey not to do it. Behind his gruff exterior there is a soft interior core, which is probably why he was even given the opportunity to have a second chance at life. Barnum is caring (though he may try to act otherwise), he is secretly very protective of those whom he holds dear, and he is very affectionate...in his own little way. He can be quite impatient and easily frustrated


[color=transparent]---[/color]Bailey is one of four puppies that were born to his purebred Schipperke mother, Ava. Bailey was the runt of the litter and although he was cared for by Ava's owner so that he wouldn't die, he and the rest of his siblings were eventually all gathered up and placed in a cardboard box marked in bold capitalized letters with the words FREE PUPPIES! and placed outside in the rain.
[color=transparent]---[/color]All of his siblings were taken, but Bailey wasn't because he was too tiny and everyone thought that he would never survive very long. He sat in the box shivering, cold and wet, hoping someone would come along and adopt him or at least rescue him from these unpleasant circumstances.
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Hey kid," a gruff voice greeted him.
[color=transparent]---[/color]Bailey looked up and saw a male black Schipperke with black wings standing above him outside the box, "H-h-hello," he greeted him, shivering.
[color=transparent]---[/color]"The name is Barnum," the Schipperke said, "I'm your....guardian angel."
[color=transparent]---[/color]He said it grudgingly, as if he hated to admit that that was what he was.
[color=transparent]---[/color]"M-m-my name is-"
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Bailey," Barnum cut him off, "I know."
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Why are you here?"
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Because I have to watch over you and take care of you until you're old enough to take care of yourself."
[color=transparent]---[/color]"When will that be?"
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Soon, if I'm exceedingly lucky."
[color=transparent]---[/color]Bailey laughed, finding humor in Barnum's statement.
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Come on kid, let's get out of this box," Barnum said, putting a paw down in such a way as to flip the box over and cause Bailey to tumble out.
[color=transparent]---[/color]Bailey got up, wagged his tail and came back over to Barnum, "Now what?"
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Now we go find you a home so that I no longer have to look after you," Barnum replied, scowling at Bailey.
[color=transparent]---[/color]Barnum took Bailey around to all sorts of places, hoping to find one that would be interested in a pup, but each house they went to didn't appear to be in want of a puppy, so they continued looking. Eventually, it started raining again and Barnum knew that he'd have to find the pup shelter so that he wouldn't die of hypothermia. The higher-ups would be mad at him if he allowed his charge to die. He didn't know why they told him to watch over a pup, they knew how much he hated puppies, which is why he never had any of his own when he was alive. He agreed to watch over the pup though because he knew that if he did this, he'd be granted the opportunity to live again.
[color=transparent]---[/color]The closest refuge that Barnum could find for them was a circus, which according to the sign was called Count Smiles & Andy's Circus Crux. An interesting name to be sure, but he had the pup hide out under the bleachers in the main tent hoping that he'd be safe there until the storm passed.

[center]- - -[/center]
[color=transparent]---[/color]As Bailey got warm and dry inside the circus tent, he watched as the circus performers practiced their routines. When the clowns came out, he just couldn't contain his happiness, there was just something about them that called to his soul. The music, the way they made him laugh with the things that they did. During one of the clown practices, he found himself swept away by the music and he came out and danced around in the ring on his hind legs. When the music stopped, he found everyone staring at him.
[color=transparent]---[/color]Including Barnum, who was staring at him in horror and fear.
[color=transparent]---[/color]The clowns laughed and scooped up Bailey.
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Hey [url=http://file.toyhou.se/images/4731441_j5I3aVdMxnWoK1U.png]Kivanç and Andy[/url]! I think we found ourselves another act at the circus," one of the clowns called out, looking at their ring leaders.
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Indeed we might," replied the female ring leader, Andy, as she walked over to the clown that was holding Bailey, "Hello there little pup, want to join our circus?"
[color=transparent]---[/color]Bailey yipped in excitement, which she took to be a yes.
[color=transparent]---[/color]"Excellent, let's see what you can do," the male ring leader said with a grin that spread from ear to ear.
[color=transparent]---[/color]Over the course of a week, Bailey was tested at all sorts of things and he bravely took them all on. The tight rope, leaping through flaming hoops, dancing, there wasn't much that he wouldn't tackle. Through it all though, Barnum was on edge, not wanting Bailey to die as he attempted all of these feats for the sake of impressing some circus people. Vainly, he tried to convince Bailey that they needed to leave, that he had a forever home out there waiting for him.
[color=transparent]—-[/color]“I found my forever home here,” Bailey would respond every time that Barnum had tried that angle.
[color=transparent]---[/color]It wasn’t until the fourth time that Bailey had declared the circus to be his forever home and after seeing Bailey perform for the first time with the circus that Barnum had begun to wonder if perhaps the pup was right. Maybe the circus was his forever home.
[color=transparent]---[/color][i]If the circus is his forever home though...ugh...my work won’t be done. I’ll have to watch over him forever,[/i] Barnum thought in defeat and anguish. He had wanted so badly for this to be a quick job, but it appeared that it was never meant to be. He swore that the next time he saw [url=https://toyhou.se/1729967.sebastian]Sebastian[/url], he’d give him a piece of his mind for this.


[center][size=150][b][color=#C90000]L[/color][color=#C71717]i[/color][color=#C62F2F]k[/color][color=#C54747]e[/color][color=#C45F5F]s[/color] [color=#C18F8F]&[/color] [color=#BFBFBF]D[/color][color=#C0A7A7]i[/color][color=#C18F8F]s[/color][color=#C27777]l[/color][color=#C45F5F]i[/color][color=#C54747]k[/color][color=#C62F2F]e[/color][color=#C71717]s[/color][color=#C90000]:[/color][/b][/size][/center]
[left][center][u][i]Bailey [/i][/u][/center]
[color=transparent]---[/color]There is little that Bailey doesn't love, in fact, one
would be pretty hard pressed to get Bailey to admit to
hating anything.
Here is a short list of things that he loves the most:
- Playing around
[size=80][especially with Barnum, if he can get him to participate][/size]
- Performing
- Butterflies
- A good belly rub
- A good scratch behind the ears
- Playing with the clowns
- Circus and Fair food
- Relaxing in the sun
- Trying new things
The only thing he might ever claim to dislike is
individuals who give clowns a bad name.[/left]

[color=transparent]---[/color]There is not much in this world that Barnum will claim to
like or enjoy other than piece and quite, rare moments
when Bailey manages to shut up and not bother him, free
food, and being an angel (because there are some perks,
like flying). Very secretly (and he won't admit it outloud),
he is does like the "kid" (Bailey), but won't ever tell him
because he wants to keep the kid at a distance. He knows
that as a guardian angel, if he gets attached to his charge,
he'll just end up getting heartbroken when he has to leave.
Barnum dislikes so many things that it's truly difficult to
keep track of everything that he's ever said he dislikes.
Mainly, he dislikes cities, quite a great deal of humanity
(he's seen the worst of it and hasn't seen anything to redeem
it in his eyes), rain, hot weather, puppies and children, cats,
and having fun (he doesn't believe that as a guardian angel
he's allowed to have fun).[/right]


[size=70]Art by ChristainAnimalLover[/size][/left]
[color=transparent]---[/color]space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder

[right][size=85]" [i][color=#C45151]Entertain a clown, and you
become part of the circus[/color][/i] "[/size][/right]

[size=70]Art by me[/size][/right]
[color=transparent]---[/color]space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder

[left][size=85]" [i][color=#C45151]My theory is, if you look
CONFIDENT, you can pull off
anything - even if you have
NO CLUE what you're doing.[/color][/i] "[/size][/left]

[size=70]Art by Lucifer on Discord
(known as Castiel on CS)[/size][/left]
[color=transparent]---[/color]space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder space-holder

[right][size=85]" [i][color=#C45151]Sometimes the only way to stay
sane, is to go a little crazy! When
all else fails...Join the circus[/color][/i] "[/size][/right]







female . she/her . INFP
USA . Christian . Night Owl
Artist . Writer . Reader

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Credits: pfp | space divider | left art | right art | moon | </>
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