[ Trust Your Instincts ] ||< Kalon 360 >|| by SpartanAmethyst

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[ Trust Your Instincts ] ||< Kalon 360 >||

Postby SpartanAmethyst » Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:58 am




Real name: Zachary Pagan Dobos
Zachary | Hebrew | "remembered by God"
Dobos | Hungarian | "dob" means "drum".

Alias: "Zapdos".

Biologically & Identity

Relation to element:
Quick-witted, Zapdos is known to have not only the reckless precision of lightning, but that sense of barely controlled wild abandon, like at any moment he could just turn into this wild creature and change everything around him. Thankfully, though, he also shares a pinpoint focus with his element, allowing him the determination to follow something through to the end once he's started it, even though sometimes that focus might jump around a bit, he always comes back to finish. That's what he shares with his element on the plane of his personality. Physically? Two words: Endless energy. Zapdos seems to never get tired. Honestly, if his second in command wasn't there to force him to sleep, he'd probably stay awake until he literally just passed out or collapsed. One of Zapdos' greatest vices, though, is that he constantly has a Java Monster energy drink of some kind in his hand. Not that he needs it, oh man he doesn't, but he loves how they taste.

In my left hand
there is the familiar;
In my right hand
there's the great unknown.
I can see the madly
different grass there,
but I'm drawn to
wilder nights at home.

Don't listen to your friends;
see the despair
behind their eyes?
Don't listen to your friends,
they only care
once in a while...

I can feel the draw,
I can feel it pulling me back.
It's pulling me back,
it's pulling me-
I can feel the draw,
I can feel it pulling me back.
It's pulling me back,
it's pulling me...

Are you drifting
way beyond what's normal?
'Cause around your mind
rings the words that
they would say?
When you go home
everything looks different,
And you're scared of
being left behind...

Just listen to your friends,
trust that they're fair,
look in their eyes.
Just listen to your friends,
they only care
and hope you're alright...

I can feel the draw,
I can feel it pulling me back.
It's pulling me back,
it's pulling me-
I can feel the draw,
I can feel it pulling me back.
It's pulling me back,
it's pulling me...

I can feel the draw,
I can feel it pulling me back.
It's pulling me back,
it's pulling me-
I can feel the draw,
I can feel it pulling me back.
It's pulling me back,
it's pulling me...
Zapdos is the kind of Kalon that really makes you second guess your thoughts about what makes someone a gang leader. Despite his title, Zapdos is the good kind of mischievous, social, caring, and fatherly. His gang is well-known to be amazing Pokemon breeders, and they have the highest rate of successful hatchings in the region. Zapdos takes quite a lot of pride in this, and uses that as his proof that "not all gangs are bad". He's also known to have a soft spot for women and children, and will go out of his way to help any individual in need if he is able. He loves to be around his crew, just reclining and having fun, and dislikes having to talk business or do anything that might ruin his relationships with those around him. Even when he's sad, depressed, or angry, he seeks to improve his mood by telling jokes, or helping someone out.

Like a typical gang leader, though, he is extremely territorial of anything he deems as "his", and will fight to his dying breath to protect it. He tends to be a poor negotiator (though he's at least trying to improve that skill), and often has quite a short fuse. Despite said fuse, Zapdos will never throw the first punch, only reacting in self-defense unless he sees someone hit a woman or child, then he will quickly neutralize the threat. And while Zapdos is not afraid of commitment, far from it, he is secretly terrified of taking a mate and subjecting her and any future children to his lifestyle. Despite the calm interactions between Instinct, Valor, and Mystic, outside gang interactions will not be as civil, and that's where he worries. So he has been known to have his share of one night stands, but those never go passed that first night.

What makes them a good leader:
What makes Zapdos a good leader is is ability to not only think logically but also take risks that others wouldn't normally take; he prides himself on being able to see what is lucrative enough to make the risk worth it, then to make a plan that would make the least losses should it backfire. Nine times out of ten he can balance everything out and come out stronger, with some sort of gain, be it monetary, territory, or otherwise. Of course he's taken his share of falls when a risk proved unattainable or a plan backfired, but he always picks himself back up and learns from it. It gives him a sense of recklessness, but don't let that fool you; he may not have a fancy degree or college schooling, but he is very intelligent and highly clever. I believe people call that "street smarts"?

What also makes him a good leader is his easygoing personality; he thinks himself less of a leader and more of one of the crew, but when needed, he stands up and adapts to the true leadership role. He creates this by earning his crew's respect and establishing mutual trust, letting them know that he's always willing to listen should they have a problem, but will not tolerate any sort of misbehavior or anything of the sort. He knows how to be both their friend and their leader.

Relationship with the other leaders:
Once, the three leaders were inseparable friends; and despite their current differences, Zapdos still considers them as such. At one time, the trio lead a singular, massive gang as one unit, and controlled the entire city; protecting it from the tradition type of gang, who brought the blight of violence and hate instead of the peace and safety they assure their territories. Now, the city remains safe, but it's divided into three.

Zapdos and Mike, or "Moltres" are still very good friends; even though they now have business to attend to, they still talk and joke like old times. One of their favorite things to do? Claim the other's things. For example, that cafe that Zapdos likes? Mike claimed it. That amazing tailor that makes the best leather jackets, exactly how Mike likes them? Zap claimed it. Somewhere down the line the two will trade the territories back, after laughing and teasing each other.

Zapdos and Artie, or "Articuno" as he calls them when time comes to discuss business, aren't on such good terms. Even though Zap still considers Artie a friend, the blue Kalon is as cold as his coat towards Zapdos; there's no denying he's very bitter towards both of his ex-teammates, and Zapdos often wishes he knew why. But rather than poke a stick at Artie's wrath, he tries not to pester the blue Kalon except during business meetings. Their border has been left largely unchanged because of this. And even though Zapdos often seems aloof around Artie, there's no denying that Lightning misses his Icy companion.




Hidden History:
Zapdos' story is one that is truly deserving of the label "rags to riches".

Left on the doorstep of a church when he was barely weeks old, he was found one rainy night by the elderly priest with a note and his name, which at the time was just "Zak Dobos". After notifying the police of his discovery, he and the nuns banded together to adopt the little one and raise him within the church, maybe even to be the next priest when it came time. Once the adoption was finalized and he received all of his official papers, he was safe in the arms of his new family under the name of "Zachary Dobos", a blessing the priest hoped would protect him throughout the rest of his life. Years passed and he grew into a rambunctious but well-behaved child, and spent his early days learning with the nuns and helping out around the church. Life was peaceful, and the future was bright.

About his sixth birthday, a female Kalon appeared at the church, claiming that he was her son and she wanted him back. Suspicious of the stranger, the priest questioned her about the boy; simple things, like "what was the date you left him here?", "what was the weather that day?", and "what color blanket did you leave him in?". When the female answered all of the questions incorrectly, the priest stood and politely asked her to leave, and informed her that Zachary was now officially his own son and would be staying at the church as long as the priest still lived. Accusing the priest of kidnapping, she screamed and raved before leaving in a huff, slamming the massive wooden doors shut behind her. The priest hoped that would be the end of it, but it wouldn't be. Nothing was ever that simple.

A month passed, and the woman had not showed her face in the church again, so everyone had significantly relaxed. The priest and Zachary were closing up the church late one winter's night when it began to snow incessantly, turning the dark sky into a menacing grey that piled the white high around them. Taking Zachary's hand, the priest tried to hurry to the detached rectory, to get out of the biting cold. They'd almost made it when this horrible shot rang out, echoing off of the buildings and crystallized water in the air, pulling both Zachary and the priest down. The terrified young Kalon quickly scrambled up, pulling on his adopted father, but the older man wouldn't budge; try as he might, Zachary just couldn't get him up. Moving to look at his face now partially covered in snow, it was then Zachary noticed the red staining the snow; realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He realized he wasn't safe here, and instinct made him leap up and bolt into the night, fleeing from the scene as sirens began to call in the distance.

It was close to dawn when Zachary stumbled into a café, the business having just opened up for the morning rush. The owner, a black-haired man no older than 30, quickly ushered the little Kalon inside and sat him at the bar, wrapping his own coat around his small shoulders and fixed him a cup of hot chocolate. Slowly Zachary began to shiver less, and began to speak softly, though he said nothing about what transpired the night before. As more workers and customers came in the man returned to work, but constantly came over to check on the little one. It was just after eight o'clock when a news bulletin came up on the television, a news story about the priest having been shot the night before and highlighting the missing boy. The owner, seeing as Zachary had fallen asleep on the counter, slipped into the back and called the police, informing them that he was safe in his establishment, and that they could come pick him up there. When Zachary awoke about half an hour later, there were two police officers sitting on either side of him; one was human, the other was another Kalon. The latter was watching him and smiled softly, but the golden kit was still in a mild panic from last night. Logic told him that they might be after him too, that he couldn't trust anyone, that he should run and disappear. His legs ached at the thought. His instinct, though, told him they were trying to help him and, taking a deep breath to calm his erratically beating heart, murmured a quiet "hi".

After about a week of various interrogations and being taken care of by the police department, young Zachary had to be sent to a nearby orphanage. It was a nice place; he made many friends and learned quickly, always willing to help out and pull more than his own weight. Once he broke past his mourning phase he showed the staff how charismatic and gentlemanly he'd been taught to be, and always brought a smile to whoever he interacted with. It was only a few months later when the Kalon officer came to see him, and sat down to discuss the results of the investigation. Zachary learned that it was the female Kalon that tried to take him before; she'd gotten angry and come back to take him by force, but couldn't find him after he bolted. The officer also told him that she was the girlfriend of a local gang leader, who quite possibly was Zachary's father, and she was trying to get Zachary back for him. When asked how they knew that, the officer explained that they'd compared DNA from him and the leader, who they'd collected from when they collared him years ago for a drug bust. Zachary took this information quite well, but as soon as the officer left, he excused himself and retired early to his room. It took him three days to come back out again.

The years passed uneventfully from there, and soon enough Zachary found himself at his thirteenth birthday. He was a teenager now, and with more responsibilities and duties on his shoulders, things that had only been afterthoughts had begun to weigh more heavily on his heart. In particular, his father; part of him wanted to meet the man and know the Kalon that sired him, but the other part wanted nothing to do with him. But no matter what temporary decision he came to, he couldn't get the mystery man out of his head. Just after Christmas but before New Years, Zachary made his final decision and left the orphanage, sneaking out of his window into the dark night, creeping down from his two story window and disappearing into the shadows. He tracked down his father, which was much easier said than done, but finally he stood in front of the man who looked shockingly similar to him. While Zachary was expecting this hard-hearted killer, he watched as his father calmly sent the rest of his men from the room. Once they were alone, the grey male in front of him dropped to his knees and reached out, pulling Zachary close, and began to silently cry.
"I can't believe I finally got this chance. I'm so, so sorry, Zak, for everything. I begged your mother not to give you up, I pleaded, I- Please stay here, with me. I need a new second in command, someone I can trust. I want to be part of your life, and you a part of mine. And... I know, it's not going to make it better, but that night seven years ago was never supposed to happen. I didn't know she'd go crazy like that, I never meant...," He sighed, reining his emotions in but not releasing Zachary. "Just.. give it some thought, okay? I'd love to make up for lost time," Zachary only nodded, unsure of this new situation, but after three days, he found life to be pretty good. He definitely ate better than at the orphanage, his father essentially spoiled him, and he got to encounter these amazing creatures known as "Pokémon". He always knew they were around, but the creatures were prohibited at both the church and orphanage, so he never got the chance to see them. And unexpectedly, one sunny afternoon after fighting for one's life, he brought home his own Pokémon to train and bond with.

As the years passed, both Zak and his team grew in both size and strength. At eighteen he had a champion team of six, and had done nothing but make his father proud. He'd gone to high school under an alias, having taken "Pagan" as his middle name to mark his new system of belief in Wicca. High school went easily; though he seemed lazy and way too chill, he always studied hard at home and made nothing but straight A's. He was smart and a hard worker, and it showed on every report card he brought home. While in high school, he met both Arthur and Michael, or as we know them today, Articuno and Moltres.

It was his Junior year when Zak met Artie; he felt bad that the ice-marked Kalon was constantly getting picked on and beaten up, and quite a few times the golden Kalon would stand up for him behind his back, which may or may not have lead to a fistfight or two. Suddenly one day Arthur approached him and asked to join his gang; Zak was shocked at first, but still said yes- if he can prove that he'll be loyal to the gang and it's ideals. At the time, it was just him and a few members from his father's gang, since they were still essentially under Zak's father. They strove to rescue abused and abandoned Pokémon, and find them new, more loving homes. Arthur and Zak became great friends, and formed the founding duo of their original gang. Summer passed and Zak helped Artie grow as a trainer and a person, bolstering his confidence and teaching him to fight. They were inseparable. Start of senior year, Mike came into the picture. The perfect personification of his element, he also sought to join the gang, and one he'd passed the same test that Zak had given Artie, he was in too. The duo was now a trio, and they quickly became the strongest trainers in that part of the city. Everyone wanted to battle them, but rarely did anyone win. Everything was going perfectly, and the future was even brighter than before.

Sometime during senior year, the trio discovered something absolutely amazing; there were three lost Pokémon called the "Legendary Birds", and each one of them resembled one of the birds in both color and markings. They were called Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres, and when the boys took parts of their names and rearranged them, they shared their names. They went on to read that three powerful trainers will eventually be able to call upon their spirit and summon the birds in their time of need. For the rest of the year, the three spent the afternoons training, then researching and working to find their spirit guides. They worked tirelessly, though breakthroughs were few and far between, they knew it would all be worth it in the end. This was their chance to put their names on the radar, and following that day each Kalon took the name of their respective bird as their official alias.

But it doesn't take long for disaster to strike again. The summer after Zapdos, as he now asked to be called, graduated, he learned that his father had been shot during a gang discussion, and had been rushed to the hospital. He got there as fast as he could, and sat by his father's bedside after he came out of surgery. Tears pricked his coppery eyes; the doctor said the bullet had damaged his heart, and he didn't have long. So they'd given him morphine and done everything they could to make the older Kalon comfortable, but nature would just have to take its course. His father woke up just long enough for them to have one final conversation. They laughed and joked for awhile, trying to enjoy their final hours together, but eventually the conversation went darker. His father told him one last time that he loved Zap, and that he was so proud of him, and that his only wish is that he'd been able to see him grow up more. He kissed Zap's head one last time and finally slipped off to sleep, exhausted from the medication. The doctor asked Zapdos to leave after he'd fallen asleep, and the lightning Kalon walked down to find his two best friends there waiting for him. Later that night, Zap's father passed away peacefully in his sleep at only 38 years of age, leaving Zapdos in charge of his gang. So angry and hurt, though, he took and basically said that it was done, but invited all of its members to join under the trio instead. Their gang was focused around good, especially now that Zapdos was so angry at the violence and hatred in the world.

The first six months of the new gang were the hardest; it was hell trying to consolidate and get everything under control, figure out rankings, and the like. The worst part, though, was that Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno could not agree on the correct way to lead; each had their own idea of leadership and how a gang should be run. Eventually, the three began to drift more and more apart until the bond shattered, and the gang splintered; each Kalon ended up making their own gang, and members had their choice of who they would follow depending on the leader's ideals. And thus the three teams were born: Instinct, Mystic, and Valor.

Three years later, each Kalon is a full grown adult and a successful leader of their respective Teams. They've managed to take control of the entire city, pushing out the violent gangs and establishing a sense of peace, even if they tend to butt heads and take over each other's property's for kicks. They battle Pokémon to settle differences instead of using weapons, and each team has its own sense of honor and respect for both the rest of their teams and members of the other two teams as well.


The Hidden Myths:
Long ago, legendary Pokémon ruled the earth as kings and queens. Each individual deity had its own charge,
and were given the duty to protect and help it grow. They were astoundingly powerful, noble creatures, and
revered by many. Some sought to catch them, others to study them, and still others said they should be left
alone to do what nature created for them: to protect.
As the human race evolved, it grew more power hungry. More and more trainers sought to catch these legendary
beasts, and fewer and fewer still held that respect and admiration that the Pokémon were so used to. As one,
they convened and made the decision to go into hiding. It was difficult, but eventually each Legend retreated
into the deepest heart of their sanctuary, far past the point any normal trainer would go to find them. And for
the stubborn, hundred of puzzles strewn across vast distances would have to be solved before they could ever
even come close. But before that, the Legends knew that they could not hide forever, so they devised a plan:
In one century, they would seek out a soul before it is born, and imbue their breath upon it. It wasn't known
how it would affect the soul in its physical form, but it wouldn't hurt them. But it would give them the drive
and mental attributes needed to seek them out. These souls would still be tested, of course, but maybe they
could prove that there was still good in the world. All agreed, they left the mortal conscious, reduced to
mere fairytales and bedtime stories.
Now, a century later, we're still searching for those three famous souls, though so few now believe this
prophecy, that we may very well never know if they exist...

"Whoa, that's so cool."
"Zak, that's nothing but a fairy tale."
"It can't be Artie! There's no way!"
"You have no proof-"
"Look at us Artie! Look at the Legendary birds, then look at us! We look like
them! And it even says it right there, 'It wasn't known how it would affect the soul in its
physical form'! It has to be us! Mike, does any of your family have your coat type or color
"Color, yes. The markings and volume? No."
"See! No one else in his family has his firebutt."
"And Artie! No one in your family is as vibrantly blue as you are, right?"
"Yes but-"
"Then my dad was grey and white with none of my markings or extra fur, and
even though I don't know anything about my mother, it couldn't have been enough to make me
this shockingly handsome
"I swear to Lugia, if you start punning today I will hurt you."
"Not but seriously guys, what if this is us? What if we are the Legendary Souls?
We're so much different that our own relatives as well as everyone around us, it is a possibility. Even
our names twist around to their names! We know that the Legendary Pokémon aren't fake; they've
been documented for centuries before they vanished without a trace. You're both silent; you know that
it could be true. Oh come on, don't sigh Artie
"Zak, even if it is true, how are we even going to go about finding them?
They could be literally anywhere on the planet
"That, well, that I don't know. But as long as we're a team, we can do it right?
Artie's brains, Mike's bravery, and my instincts will lead us. Together we'll find them, I just know it!
I can see it in Zapdos' eyes. And I think that we should take our Legendary's names; now that
we're the leaders of a gang, we need aliases. I think they'd be perfect
"I'll admit to that."
"Fine with me."
"Awesome! I'll take this book with us; maybe we can get started on our hunt tomorrow.
Articuno, Moltres, let's go home. Race you
Extra One


Short story:
"Zapdos, sir, you have a challenger waiting for you in the main building."
"A challenger, this late? Is it important?"
"It's a kid, sir. He says he wants to take over Team Instinct. Should I send him off?"
"No, go ahead and bring him back to the arena, I'll let him take a shot."
"But sir-"
"It's fine; besides, it might not be ambition driving him. Remember, we don't know his story."
"Yes sir."
"Stop calling me sir!" Zapdos yelled after him, a chuckle on his breath. Heaving a sigh, the golden Kalon put down his book and stood, waking up the sleeping Raichu beside him as he stretched. "Come on Zeus, we have a battle." The Raichu gave a brief sound of displeasure before hauling himself up, jumping down off his place on the couch and trotting to get the other Pokémon out of bed.

The stars above shone brightly above the Kalon and his six-Pokémon family, and nightingales flitted between the trees as they walked. The birds sang in soft melodies, as if trying to lull everyone back to sleep; it was a beautiful night, Zapdos mused. He should have come out here to read under the clear skies and cool breeze that caressed the treetops. The Kalon took a deep breath to smell autumn on the breeze; soon the leaves would change. He loved autumn, and with it came Halloween; though Princess was not fond of the costumes, he enjoyed celebrating the holidays with his Pokémon and the rest of his massive team. All to soon he found himself at the arena building and, renewed with their battle attitudes, his team filed in one by one and took their scripted places. Zapdos took this moment to look the boy up and down; the poor thing couldn't have been older than twelve, and he was shaking with nerves. Honestly, he looked almost in tears, but behind that Zapdos saw brute determination and the will to win. It reminded him of the day he first met Artie, to be honest. That look brought a welcome sense of nostalgia. "Sure you want to do this, kiddo?" The boy only nodded, and shakily sent out his only Pokémon: a low level Goldeen. Feeling bad, Zapdos sent out his weakest Pokémon: Jakuta. The young Electrike was his newest addition, and nowhere near as strong as his others. And so the battle began.

Zapdos dragged it out as long as he could, but in the end Jakuta was still much too strong for the Goldeen, even using non-electric attacks. The boy ran to his fainted Pokémon and began to cry, muttering and whimpering to the still form. Zapdos sent Jakuta back, and went ahead and told his team to go back to bed. Of course, the only one who didn't was Zeus. Together he and the Instinct Leader walked towards the boy and knelt beside him. "I just wanted to prove I was strong," the young human sniffled, and it made Zapdos' heart warm.

"Kiddo, just by standing up and challenging me you proved you were strong, and brave. Reckless, but brave. Being strong isn't always about beating other strong trainers, you know," he said softly, putting a hand on the young boy's shoulder. The boy looked up hopefully, and Raichu made a happy sound of agreement. "Now, why did you really challenge me?" The boy looked down in embarrassment, and it took him a few minutes to respond.

"I-I was out Pokémon hunting and I found this egg in the woods. It was all alone, and I couldn't see any signs of it being cared for, so I brought it home," he said softly. "But it hasn't been doing well, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I t-thought maybe by becoming Instinct's leader, I'd have access to all of your things and make it better..."

Zapdos gave a small laugh, smiling brightly down at the boy. "You could've just come to me and asked, kid. You don't have to be Instinct's Leader to get help with an egg. We help anyone who's having trouble, regardless of who you are."
"Even Valor and Mystic?"
"Especially Valor and Mystic."
"What about Team Rocket?"
"Well I'd be a hypocrite if I said no, wouldn't I? I may not agree with them, but I'd never turn down a Pokémon in need. Now, how about you show me that egg? I'm sure I can help." Nodding softly, the boy took off his backpack and reached inside, pulling out the infant unknown Pokémon. "Wow, that's quite the small egg. And you're right, it's not looking too good, huh? Here, let's put it into one of the warmers. It feels a bit cold; hey, maybe we can even see what kind of Pokémon it is!" Suddenly the boy's tears were gone, and replaced with excitement. "I have a Revive back here for your Goldeen too, and some Potions you're welcome to use. Get your Pokémon all fixed up! As soon as that's done, let's give your parents a call so they can come get you. Don't want a mean old Aerodactyl to take you away, now do we?" Zapdos winked at the boy, who smiled bright and giggled in return, shaking his head "no". Zapdos smiled as the boy skipped along beside him, content that he'd been able to help another budding trainer. And who knows, maybe one day this kid would grow up and come back to whip him soundly, and be the next Team Instinct Leader...




Favorite Pokemon partner and why:

The story of Zeus and Zapdos is so heartwarming that most people don't believe it; or course, that stems from thinking that because he's a "gang leader" that Zapdos has no compassion. You would be oh so wrong.

Zapdos first met Zeus right after he'd become second in command to the original gang, long before he met Mike or Arty. He'd been surveying his new territory, simply walking along the streets and seeing where all of the important landmarks were located, when the horrid sounds of a Pikachu in distress caught his attention. He'd followed them down into the dark back alleys until he came upon a sight that horrified him; three teenagers surrounded a tiny yellow form, kicking it and taunting the poor Pokemon. Without a second thought Zapdos leapt into action, attacking the closest boy and forcing him away from the injured Pikachu. Of course, being barely older than a kid himself and outnumbered three to one, he lost. Miserably. But he accomplished his main goal: to save the Pikachu. The boys taunting turned to him before they left, and one let the reason for their abuse slip.

"Tch, thought you could fight us? You're just as pathetic as that little rat. At least you had the spirit to stand up! Heh, how about this? We'll spare ya, if you take the little coward off our hands! A Pokemon that can't fight isn't even worth the bait." And with that the three left the alley, laughing the whole way. Zapdos, both his pride and his body badly hurt, forced himself to stand through sheer determination and moved to pick up the crying Pikachu. He held it close to his chest, careful to not cause anymore damage, and stumbled to the closest PokeCenter. He handed the little one over to the Nurse then took a seat in the waiting room, still bruised and bleeding from where he'd received his lashings. After hearing his story, the nurse bandaged him up as well while the doctor was working on the Pokemon. Almost twelve hours later, Zapdos woke in the same seat he'd sat in the afternoon before, hearing the nurse call him. He wanted to make sure the little one would be alright, so he stood painfully and walked up to the desk. Suddenly a golden form launched itself over the desk and into his arms, crying and cuddling into his bloodstained white hoodie. Immediately his arms caught and cradled the Pikachu, but he couldn't help the look of shock at how quickly it took to him. So he paid for the center's services and walked back to the hideout, holding his new companion close. Once there he passed the story on to his leader, who smiled and approved of the new addition.

After this, Zapdos began working with the Pikachu, improving his confidence and training with him. Shortly after Zapdos took control of the gang and overhauled it into what we see today did Zeus evolve, and with the constant battling needed to keep control of Instinct, Zeus has become an amazingly strong and confident Pokemon. And just as much as that first day, he and Zapdos are completely inseparable.

Scyther xxxJolteon xxxWartortle xxxMightyena xxxElectrike



Memories in Color:
These are all art, which are placed around my form as decoration.
All are linked to their full size pieces, so make sure you click each image!
I've also linked them here so they're all in one place c:
:Leader: | :Instinct: | :Savior: | :Mythos:

Extra TwoxxxExtra ThreexxxExtra FourxxxExtra Five
Pokemon Sprites taken from pldh.net.
Original avatar artwork was made by Musiculia @ Deviantart.
Pokéball Sprite Divider was made by chocolakii @ Deviantart.
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[ Please Save Us ] ||< Zap's Rescues >||

Postby SpartanAmethyst » Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:59 am


I.D. #: 006
Name: Tristan
Gender: Male
Species: Cubone
Type: Ice
Move Set:
Brief Personality:

all of his non-fighting team pokemon go here!
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