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free kia adopt by teaqarties

Artist teaqarties [gallery]
Time spent 7 minutes
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free kia adopt

Postby teaqarties » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:30 pm

for owners and no-owners alike
end date is Feb. 14th


this is the kia | has 3 breeding spots left | was previously mated but do to circumstances was divorced
personality is completely wiped so blank slate but comes w/ old couple art and one solo piece which will be given upon winning

and because i'm lazy right now copying from sheep

for this competition, it's basically free everything!
i want to see a lot of development and stuff!

this wont be judged solely based on the amount of art, but on how much of a character you've developed through all means! As in, even if you don't have as much art as someone, if you have a good character you have a chance!

I love reading long things, btw

also, to be considered i would like to see at least three pieces of art! they can be small, i don't really care, but I like visuals too!

any questions can be asked here, or by PM! <3
have fun, friends!
Last edited by teaqarties on Fri Jan 08, 2016 12:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: free kia adopt

Postby bullie » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:31 pm

marking,possible reserve??
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Re: free kia adopt

Postby sneezes » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:31 pm

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Re: free kia adopt

Postby thelabradorr » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:32 pm


age: twenty-one
gender: female
home state: New York
occupation: studies dreams
hobbies: meeting people
eyes: tempting red
good traits: ambitious, charming & attentive
bad traits: eccentric, fearless & restless
fears: being alone
sexual orientation: bisexual
crush: open
relationship status: single


personality: azlyn is a kiamara with a story as meaningful as a dream, or so she is often told by others. azlyn has never paid attention to herself and is more attentive to her surroundings and the ones who fill the specific area she is in. azlyn is very eccentric in her ways, often scaring people away when they first meet her. but everyone she has ever met comes back to her because they say she is quite charming in a way. azlyn has never noticed the charm she has on others, but the ones around her say it lifts their spirits. this kiamara has always been ambitious in her journeys around the world. if she puts her mind to something she wants to succeed in finishing it. the only problem with her being extremely ambitious is she has picked up the trait of being fearless. the trait is not in her favor because she fears nothing, and when she travels the world she almost feels like no one can ever touch her because she is not scared. though she is often restless because azlyn does have one fear. the kiamara that studies the dreams of others is actually scared of her own dreams. azlyn is restless and scared to go to sleep at night and see her own dreams. this is the effect of having horrible nightmares as a child and most of them came true. the kiamara does not find herself an important being on the earth and would rather surround herself with ones with stories of their great dreams coming from their sleep.

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Re: free kia adopt

Postby bailey; » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:32 pm

hooo boy : )
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Postby GIGABITE » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:33 pm


Pán. The name is short, unassuming. Length wise it could never hope to sum up the intense fire making up his bright spirit, but then again, names don't define souls.
And fire it truly is. Pán has always been hard to keep calm, with a hatred for sitting still and a love for adventures. Though he has an appreciation for his wealthy upbringing and dresses somewhat extravagantly, he prefers not to sit reveling in this rich life; becoming eventually no better than a fat, spoiled cat. He despises his ancestors for this, loathing their lazy, uncaring nature.
From even a very young age, Pán had no real interest in inheriting this low-energy life of royalty, much to the displeasure of his parents, who have raised him for the exact purpose of inheriting the throne. Instead, Pán sought out a more carefree lifestyle, taking up falconry at a relatively young age as his choice of hobby. His parents, hoping this would tie him down a bit and calm the raging inferno of his spirit, invested heartily in this; presenting him with the biggest, most beautiful golden eagle in the land when he was experienced enough to train the creature.
Instead of reaching their hopes that he would be happier at the estate now that he had a means of spending his endless energy, Pán did the opposite, as per usual, and expanded his range of exploring outwards. Some nights he didn't even return at all.
Though like a cat kept outdoors, he always ended up back home after a day or two like nothing had ever happened.
He always was bursting with stories. No one ever really paid attention when he rambled on like that, though he never cared at first. He loved to share what wild and beautiful things were out in the bigger scope of the world. He hoped they'd be proud of these new discoveries, but instead they would brush him off as a silly teenager, tell him to dress proper for the evening meal, and send him off to his room to do as such. He grew frustrated and lonely, wishing for a friend. Though his eagle, named Icarus, made for a loyal companion, he was not the sort of friend Pán needed.
It wasn't until a rash decision to leave after a fight with his parents that he actually left. He needn't sneak off in the night, seeing as his family was accustomed to his absences, and would likely delay the point they came after him. So one day, that's just what he did; gathered up his usual adventuring materials, and wandered off. It was a solid four days before his absence was noted as unusual, and his hometown began their search. He paid this news no mind, instead wandering further and further, always a few paces ahead of the search. He never wrote to his parents, though he wanted to, desiring no possibility of his location being revealed.
Pán had lost track of the days on his journeying, so he didn't know exactly how long the search came up. He tired of sneaking around and faking his name in fear of getting dragged back to the royal estate without a chance to ever adventure again. Icarus was restless as well; Pán would not fly him when there was people around, as Icarus would be easily recognized as the huge bird Pán's parents had got for him. He started hearing about the search less and less, eventually thinking it may have died out, perhaps he'd been forgotten about completely. He continues to be careful to this day, continuing his journey southwest, taking notes of his discoveries in his journals, and keeping away from the general population in his continuous nervousness of being forced to the place he'd never seen as a true home.


Some see him as an aloof, childish dreamer; head in the clouds,
mind on the mountains, and eyes on the horizon. All of this is true,
though not necessarily in a negative way. Pán is a truly unique
individual, especially considering his upbringing. Despite his
powerful stride and presence around others, due to his isolated
childhood under the logic that he was too good to play with the
poorer kids. Due to this, Pán is very lacking in true socialization and
tends to fumble when not in an official, almost rehearsed, manner
of speaking. Being born into royal blood with the life purpose of
inheriting the throne, he was never treated as an independent
individual, more as an accessory at social gatherings and other
events involving the royal family. He never did care for these
gatherings, instead he'd find a quiet hidden place to sit and
polish up the sketches in one of his many journals he uses to
record his findings on his adventures. He'd draw everything he saw;
from the distant horizon, to the trees, the interesting creatures he
would find... Anything notable, ended up on one of the worn pages.
He has many of these journals, continually filling them up with new,
interesting finds.


Pán is very fascinated with the wildlife around him, particularly animals, and takes special care documenting behavior, appearance, habitat, diet, and other details without disrupting the creature's routine. He has a special adoration for birds, and has special relations with a few bolder species he feeds on a regular basis. He usually does this while Icarus is settled for the night, so the smaller birds don't become frightened. Some of the larger ones, like the crows and certain kingfishers and jays, aren't afraid of Icarus, though don't necessarily trust him either. Predatory birds often keep their distance, uninterested in Pán's small food offerings.

Pán is happiest like this, living a nomadic life with his hunting partner, observing the beautiful, massive world around him. He hasn't forgotten about his old life and still has the habitual posture and dressing style of the life he had before. He prefers to keep away from others, but when in the presence of people, he can be very intimidating; huge and powerful in stature, extravagant clothing, and his massive eagle always accompanying him. This is a lonely life, where no one dares approach, and all travel occurs alone. Pán knows in the back of his mind that he isn't any better off in this sense now than in his former life, but he prefers not to think about it, instead putting forth all of his energy into his new way of living.

Despite not having befriended many of the others he has met in his travels, Pán has met a few odd travelers like himself, who are not afraid to speak with him. There's never much a chance for a friendship to grow further, as Pán must always keep moving, never tied to one place.
Abarden was certainly an interesting one to Pán. He was a traveler from the western part of their region, wandering the land just as Pán does, but with no specific purpose other than he just doesn't care to settle. Pán met him in the market whilst looking to stock up on food, and the two even traveled together a few nights before Pán's slow, generally uneventful pace started to match up less and less with Abarden's faster-footed stride and heart for the center of action. Hero-born, Pán called him. Abarden had nothing for himself, so he dedicated his days to a mixture of nothingness and helping others out of chatotic messes, and Pán admired him for that. They talked in-depth about their homelands; being from opposite sides of the land, there were many differences in their mannerisms, dialect, and cultures. Their massive difference in upbringing was also a subject of interest, Abarden living a much humbler life through his childhood. They talked for hours on end as they traveled, before they ended up going their separate ways; both saddened by the other's departure, but too prideful to say anything.

Out of all the travelers Pán has encountered, he'd say that Theta Sigma was by far the strangest. An anomaly in both appearance and behavior, he stuck out somewhat pathetically. The oddity was usually left alone by the townspeople, instead they would stand aside; staring and whispering about this strange traveler. He looked and sounded like no one they, or even a wide-expanse traveler like Pán, had ever known. He had a strange, quirky accent, erratic behavior, and seemed to appear out of nowhere and disappear just as quickly. Pán made it a point to approach Theta, and he seemed absolutely unfazed by Pán's regal appearance, though seemed to bumble about in terms of how to behave around him. Pán helped the poor fellow find what he was looking for, figure out the place, and find his way back to his friend. The pair thanked him for being of help, walked off into the woods and was never seen again, by anyone. Some began to question whether the whole thing had even happened. Pán always continued to believe the truthfulness behind it, though.


Skrývať. The town was humble, the people humbler. Out of all the villages Pán had been to within the past few days, this one was one of the smallest. He certainly felt like an outcast, suddenly almost self-conscious of the intricate golden fabric at his hip, and the brilliant headpiece that adorned his hair. He felt like a freak show in this shambles of a town, people stayed deliberately out of his way, and he could hear their whispering. Fear. Admiration. Jealousy. Hatred. He kept track of where his dagger rest, in the sheath in the band around his waist; lest one of the more bitter voices turn into violence in a less public area. Pán didn't need much here, he'd simply had a tough time finding familiar edible plants in his travels lately, and needed to restock his bags with more. The further westward he moved, the less he recognized the foliage. He made a mental note to pick up a book on the subject when he made it to the next village over.
After he'd made his selections, he browsed through some of the other market stalls for the unique items you can only really find in a town like this one. Interesting pins caught his eye. Though somewhat dull compared to the brilliance of his current attire, he chose one resembling a brassy dragonfly. He could polish it up during a dull moment, it was certainly too interesting a piece to dismiss simply because it wasn't as shiny as the rest. As he was paying for the trinket, he heard a commotion near the center of the market. Turning around in surprise, Pán caught sight of an unusual-looking man in a black leather jacket, bickering with the town smithy. He was too far away to hear what it was they were upset about, but he could see the wild hand gestures on both sides of the argument, emphasizing the importance of whatever point they each had. A bit of a crowd was gathering, watching curiously. Though it was no unusual sight to see the argumentative old smith disputing with some traveler over something petty or other, it was the blunt oddity of this particular traveler that interested them. Pán approached and joined the crowd momentarily, puzzling over the bizarre scene.
It was at that moment that the argument broke, the strange traveler bidding the smith goodbye in a somewhat sarcastically polite manner. The crowd had shifted and dispersed somewhat, but the eyes stayed locked on him. He looked around at the townspeople, a confused expression on his face, before declaring "what, not get a lot of travelers in these parts?" He was met with a continued appalled silence, before slowly turning their attention back to whatever each was doing before the ruckus began in the first place. Pán remained, having no other purpose in Skrývať; though he was certainly curious about this new turn of events.
The traveler, after casting a sidelong glare at the smith, who had returned to his station, approached Pán, who happened to be the only one still looking at him. "You there! You look like a nice bloke. Care to help me out? I seem to have lost track of where I told my companion to wait for me while I looked for something here."
Pán blinked and nodded once, surprised he had been chosen out of everyone here, when most people would hardly cast a second glance at him, let alone speak to him. The traveler, whose name was Theta Sigma, or simply Theta, had come from a place even father away than Pán himself; though he wouldn't specify where. Instead, he gave cryptic answers that made Pán's head hurt trying to decipher them. After hours of frustrated circling and backtracking through the surrounding forests, they made it to a stopping point. Theta scrunched up his face as he looked into the sky, which was toning down into a pale blue-gray, indicating a soon-upcoming nightfall. "We'd better hurry, else get caught in the dark," Pán said, a sudden note of concern creeping into his voice. Theta shook his head. "Unless you've got somewhere to be, I'm not too concerned about a bit of darkness anymore." A smirk was on Theta's face,but Pán continued to stare at him. "There's a reason the people here don't go outdoors at night, and I'd rather not you find out that reason. I'd rather not be responsible, indirectly or not, for your death." The smirk dropped from Theta's face. "Sounds fantastic!" A cheery note of false enthusiasm was in his voice; he seemed more serious, though Pán could see he was still not truly concerned. Regardless, they moved on with an extra burst of swiftness.
The duo ended up finding Theta's friend before dark; a small but sturdy girl, round-eyed and peppy but had a certain rigidness in her posture that told him she was not one to be messed with. Theta thanked Pán in his usual odd way of speaking, and the two headed off, seeming to disappear into the murky darkness of the forest shadows.
They were never seen again; not by Pán, or anyone for that matter. Some believed Theta had never existed at all, dismissing memories as mere imagination. Pán knew it was real, and while on his journeys, continued to keep an eye out for the strange traveler, the anomaly, the disappearing oddity he called Theta Sigma.
Last edited by GIGABITE on Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:49 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: free kia adopt

Postby cece. » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:34 pm

no longer trying out (lost connection) ;v;
good luck to all of you and i hope he goes to a great owner c:
Last edited by cece. on Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:51 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: free kia adopt

Postby AustrianAce » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:34 pm

marking hhhh
AustrianAce | She/her | Aspiring Veterinarian | Alpine Aces Kennels

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Re: free kia adopt

Postby not a talking cat » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:35 pm

aaa mark
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Re: free kia adopt

Postby Jasmine_Cipher » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:36 pm

Last edited by Jasmine_Cipher on Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:00 pm, edited 38 times in total.
Hi! I'm Jasmine_Cipher and I'm just a random artist roaming about. I might gift people art of their characters and such! If you know any of my interests we should totally chat! I'm really friendly and would love to know other people and make new friends! oUo/ Feel free to PM me at anytime about anything!

Interests: wrote:Mystery Skulls, Undertale
Frozen, Gravity Falls, OUAT,
Invader Zim, My Little Pony,
Steven Universe, Adventure Time,
Doctor Who, Welcome to Showside!
Zoophobia, Bee & Puppycat.
Ultra Dreams
Get a dream Kiamara
Win a JBD
Go to Florida
Go to New York
Improve on my art
Become a animator!

I kinda like le angry tree lady... And I'm major Mystery Skulls trash ATM!!!

dA: jasminecipher • IG: coming soon
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