Terra Ferus: Fantasy Lion RP Site

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Terra Ferus: Fantasy Lion RP Site

Postby Roselynn1214 » Fri May 08, 2015 1:10 pm

The site can currently be view, and registrations are slightly open.
Here's the link http://terraferus.proboards.com/
For signing up, please post here the username you used so I know to accept you. RPing is not open yet and this is still in development.

Basic Info
Terra Ferus is an RP based off a series I've been writing and developing for several years now. The series and RP takes place in a world known as Terra Ferus to the humans who inhabit it(name given by the Roman soldiers who happened to find themselves stuck there), a world that is mostly wild and untamed. Its solar system isn't that unlike our own, and the planet itself isn't either. Terra Ferus has an equator where it's the warmest, and two poles where it's the coldest, but other than that, it's climate is a bit chaotic(not too much so). It is also a relatively new planet and the continents are close together and rather large still. The continent this RP will mostly focus on is actually two sub continents called "the North" and "the Far South" by humans.

The species the RP is based on, and what the vast majority of the characters will be, are known as Great Lions.
What is a Great Lion?
Well, for starters, they are a rather large species of big cat, related to real world lions(known as "Lesser Lions" in Terra Ferus), but not quite. The smallest sub species of Great Lion is about the size of a male African lion, and that's both genders. Here's a rough(and hastly drawn) comparison between Great Lions, real world lions, Terra Ferus Leopards, and real world leopards(may be off on the size of the African leopard).
The brown male furthest to the right is a male of a average to small size Great Lion. The largest sub species of Great Lion can be twice his size :shock:

Great Lions are highly intelligent, human level intelligence actually. They were originally highly moral creatures as well, but as time went on, and the influence of cultures from other species mixed with their own, their personalities became as varied as that of humans. Their social structure also varies, but most have clan-like structure. Most prides are led by a male who's title is mostly just dependent on tradition and his own personal opinion of himself, but most call themselves "Lord" or "Guardian" over "King". Under the lead male is usually a title called "General" who is a lion(usually male, but not always) that the lead male chooses as his right hand. Under the General is his/her Commanders, and under them are the warriors and/or guards of the pride. There is usually a court of nobles who support the lead male.
For most, the rest of the pride is made up of lions of mixed genders(males are not aggressive towards each other, unless their character makes them so) who are decided up into three general ranks, hunters, healers, and commoners(unranked). Hunters usually are the ones who provide for the pride/clan, and set off in parties, but hunt solo. Most Great Lions are skilled enough and strong enough to take down the vast majority of their prey on their own. Their prey are usually deer-like animals and wild hogs/pigs, though it is dependent on the sub species and location of the pride.

The RP will be dealing with only 6 of the sub species.
These are the standard sub species, Forest, Snow, Cloud, Mountain, and Coastal lions. There is/will be info on these on the main site. To keep things a bit shorter, I won't post info on these here.

More Info on the RP

There will be 3 general religions of Great Lions!
For the sake of a bit of fun, you can choose to give your character(s) a religion from the culture of Great Lions.
The first religion is mostly spiritual based with no to little belief in gods or deities.
The second one is the religion of the Ancients, one with many gods and legends.
The third is a splinter religion off of the second, and is the one of those who follow the Fallen Gods or "Demons". (That doesn't mean their gods are "evil".) This religion is called the Forsaken.
An example of one of the gods-
"Iet" here is personally my favorite X3 She's the goddess of outlaws and rebels in the Forsaken religion, but not one of the Fallen Gods.

You will be allowed to play as many characters as you like!
However you will only be allowed three of what are known as 1st Gens. These are characters of your own creation and not bred or won in an official contest/event.
There are very few restrictions as far as looks go on your characters, but they must be within the standards of your character's decided sub species(crosses and hybrids are allowed however). Markings can be fairly abstract, but should still be a little believable. Exact rules will be posted in our character creation board.

You can explore your pride's territory, or go on your own adventure!
It will be a very open RP, not restricted to only a few "campaigns"(I supposed that's what you'd call them *shrugs*). Once you create your character, you will be allowed to play as you please.

We have a set breeding system!
Well, sort of...
It has to be done manually by assigned staff members(Artists), but the breeding system is mostly based on genetics and a blend of both parents. I'll actually be making line arts for the artists and staff who will be processing these "breedings" between characters t make their lives easier ;)
The exact genetics of your character will be only known by staff members, but you may actually be able to figure things out yourself after a few generations.
Occasionally, one of the gods can actually be the father of your cubs too ;) There's a 10% chance of this no matter what.
And if your character has no mate, a randomly selected NPC from her pride will be the father.

Eventually the world will expand!
In the future, we have planned for expansion of the "world" of this RP. While we just are starting off with seven basic prides/clans plus outsiders(rouges/loners/wanderers), eventually there will be chances for members to make their own! Along with this, there may be contests for creating new religions and maybe even sub species.

Did I say "contests"?
Yes, I did :D We will have contest that will vary from character contests, art or writing competitions, design contests, raffles, and as mentioned above, eventually ones for new religions, prides, and possibly sub species! Prizes in most cases will be staff made 1st gens, or even cubs from a "breeding" between two gods or NPCs. Other prizes might be things like getting a chance to redesign one of your 1st gens or something like that.

Members can also hold contests of their own. Prizes for these should just be characters other than 1st gens, art, and things along those lines.

Looking for staff!
At the moment, the site is only being run and created by my sister, "Peace", and myself. We are opening up some staff positions however! Here are the forms and descriptions. Please message these to me. Peace is not currently playing CS anymore(she used to), but she and I will both review your application and I will reply if/when you are accepted.

All Staff
-Access the staff only board.
-Can play as NPCs.
-Since this on a volunteer basis, all staff members have a limit of 3 custom 1st gen characters per month instead of overall. All 1st gen characters will still need approval by me(or another admin if you aren't one), but consider this my way of giving something back to you guys for your hard work ^.^
-On top of that, all staff who join up before the site goes public will get a chance to give their own input on things, helping with development, though all final decisions will be made by the admins.

I think a list is best to describe this.
-We run the site. (Not sure I even need to go further than that, but...)
-Process breeding/cubs.
-Act as mods when needed.
-Create/run contests.
-Accept characters and new members.
-Make the "hard decisions" or any final decisions as far as the site in general go.
-Are the only ones who can permanently ban someone. This only happens in the most severe circumstances.
-We are the only ones who are allowed to play as the gods or fallen gods. Not that we do this often though. *walks away whistling*
-And a lot more things. Mostly, we do all the above and do what we can where we can.
Why you want this position:
Why you should get this position:
Your past experience running RPs or websites:

Even though we don't think there will be a need for mods for awhile(we plan to be fully open and running sometime over the next few months, likely longer), we are considering and accepting applications for this position now.
Mods mostly make sure everyone is obeying the rules. Can leave warnings and suspend, but not ban anyone. Eventually, mods will be assigned to specific boards, for the sake of making it easier for them(you can opt out of this if you'd rather be a global mod).
Why you want this position:
Why you should get this position:
Any past experience you have:

Artist assist in mostly creating art for the site.
Like admins, artists are the other group of staff responsible for running the process of creating cubs.
Artists are always credited for their work.
Your DA(if you have one) or website:
Why you want this position:
Why you should get this position:
Examples of your work:

Help with writing NPC bios, default threads(like the temples/welcomes/etc).
Writers are credited wherever needed.
Why you want this position:
Why you should get this position:
Examples of your work:

It's alright if you have little to no experience too! If you're new to the kind of position you want, we'll still take you on as staff! We(my sister and I) want to give everyone a chance at it!
For artists, you need to at least be able to recolor linearts, as I will be making ones for those who might need them ;)
Basically all we're really looking for is people who are willing to communicate with the rest of the staff, and eventually the community.

Current Progress

Well, right now things are a bit slow going with just myself and my sister starting things up. Here's what's being worked on however-
This was last updated:11/23/2015
The list of deities: Mostly done, but a few need added.
The Religions info: Done.
Lore Thread: About 3 of these are done. The other stories/myths/legends need a lot of work.
Default Threads: Only the Snow Lion ones are currently done or being worked on.
Info Threads: A few of these are done, but there are still many more that need work or to be created.
Layout: Just going to be using free premade ones. I've set it so members can choose between a few different ones. I have plenty of knowledge of and experience with HTML/CSS, but no experience using it on ProBoards, so it may be awhile till I'm ready to set up our own layout.
Art: Currently working on ref sheets of the gods and other NPCs.
Line Arts for character ref: Some are done, including a lioness one with all the species/races.
Genetics "system": Done. Could possibly still be edited.
Character Creation: Done and open for Pre-Opening/Alpha members!
Planned RP Open Date: We're aiming for early January! Now aiming for February...
Referrals: Finished and open, but may add some more prizes later.

Pre-Opening Members
(We're now referring to these as Alpha members.)
My sister and I decided to open up sign ups a bit. Pre-Opening members basically get to be part of the development of the site/game. Character creation is also open for our Alpha members.

General Interest/Opinions!
We do need general interest and opinions on this RP site.
Last edited by Roselynn1214 on Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:57 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Terra Ferus: Fantasy Lion RP Site

Postby Roselynn1214 » Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:54 am

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Re: Terra Ferus: Fantasy Lion RP Site *Looking for Staff*

Postby Rottfield » Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:04 pm

Joining as Arlettie!
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Re: Terra Ferus: Fantasy Lion RP Site *Looking for Staff*

Postby Roselynn1214 » Mon Sep 28, 2015 7:06 pm

You've been accepted! Thanks for joining us ^^
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Re: Terra Ferus: Fantasy Lion RP Site *Looking for Staff*

Postby 4everHallie » Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:42 am


^My Sona' Megan!

Expect problems;
eat them for breakfast,
and finish up with better solutions.

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