Staff Plumerian - Segie (WINNER) by Segie

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Staff Plumerian - Segie (WINNER)

Postby Segie » Tue May 05, 2015 11:16 am

    Happy birthday to plumerians! Beach boy for you all eue
    I'm so proud to be able to make you guys a plumie quq

    Things to note about him -
    - His other side
    - He has a ponytail! It's a tad hard to tell with the feathers. You are free to draw his hair in different styles.

    Now for the contest! I'll be focusing entirely on the character concept used in your form, shown through art, writing, etc. Uniqueness is key!
    You will start with a base form, and you can add any 4 of the sections listed below onto it.

      (Choose up to four)
      - Personality
      - History
      - Art (Up to ten pieces)
      - Hobby/Occupation
      - Relationships
      - Interview (Can include one simple piece of art per question)
      - Other (Create your own category, can include up to 800 words OR up to 5 pieces of art)
      - FORGOT TO ADD - Items (this can include art and/or writing, but only one piece of art can include the plumie)

    You may also include any section that can be answered with 1 to 3 words (ex. Gender, Sexuality, Age, etc). Going a few words over is fine, but no complete sentences. This is so you can point out small traits of the character.

    I know this is a bit different, so Pm me if you have any questions!

    Code: Select all
    Section 1:
    Section 2:
    Section 3:
    Section 4:

    End date is Thursday the 28th
Last edited by Segie on Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Samuel - Lifeguard extraordinaire

Postby quitting,, » Tue May 05, 2015 11:18 am

- lifeguard extraordinaire



Name: Samuel
Gender/Sex: Cisgender, Male
Age: 21
Sexuality: Biromantic Heterosexual

Please listen to this while reading!


    “My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
    My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
    The more I have, for both are infinite.”
      - William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

xxxpersonality: Samuel spent his whole life living near the ocean, giving him the certain fact he would have a job later on in life focused around the sea.

Often a Plumerian who is seen around large, loud crowds creates way to a man who is hardly afraid of any stranger he comes across. Preferring the company of others around him makes him feel safe and protected, as being alone regularly gives away to paranoia and anxiety. Silence gives way to bad thoughts for Samuel, meaning he has trouble sleeping. Before going to bed he often puts on a soundtrack of rain falling as it helps him feel comfortable before sleeping.

A bubbly man around others, he can come off as boisterous and nosy to many. Though he never seems to see the wrong in what he's doing. Always wanting the latest scoop on anything, he digs into other's conversations and eats it up as if his life was hanging on to it. Someone cheated on another? Samuel's there for it. A fight happened? Samuel's there again.

Samuel can be seen day-dreaming most of the day, though when his shift starts he's immediately on duty; always on the look out, watching out for others who may begin to drown or struggle. Outside of his work, he shares a love for aquatic animals and often goes scuba-diving with personal instructors. Because of this he houses to a small baby turtle by the name of Hibiscus, named after the local hibiscus flowers. He often carves wooden figures as a hobby, and has taken it up as his second, year-round job in a small souvenir shop. The most common thing he carves are sharks and turtles, though he even sells wooden surfboards. [Polished and carved by yours truly!]

Ever since he was a young boy, living by the sea has always seemed like the greatest place to be. And it still is- he's lived by the same beach ever since he was a young boy, and it hosts many different memories. He feels as if any other place couldn't even compare to Hawaii [where he lives!] as in it's self i t's quite an amazing place. During the summer, his business and occupation is the busiest time of the year, though whenever he manages to get breaks he often enjoys travelling around the island, visiting and meeting all the places he's never explored yet.

Samuel seems to prefer noise when working, and often when carving or patrolling will have music playing quietly in the background. Though it may seem distracting for others, Samuel is troubled when silence is around him, as it makes him feel off guard. Usually calm, relaxing tropical music, sometimes it can appear as a spunky, face-paced beat. As Samuel becomes off-guard easily, the music helps relax himself easily.


    “The sea does not like to be restrained.”
      - Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief


xxxoccupation: Samuel spends half of his life on the beach, and for good reason. He's an experienced lifeguard that runs half of the strip of beach that lays between him and his small house. In his free time, he spends a good chunk of his life carving small wooden figures in which he sells in a small souvenir shop. Anything from tiny turtles to huge, life-sized carvings make it's way into his shop, and his business couldn't be even more successful then it already is.
shifts & hours: Samuel often works as a lifeguard only half of the year, between Spring and Summer. His work varies, and often lasts between 5-8 hours a day. His souvenir shop is also ran by another Plumerian, and they often take turns. Working yearly in the shop, he often works for three hours until his co-worker takes over for the other three.
where does he work?: His lifeguard duties take place on half of a large stretch of beach right next to a small town. Another lifeguard patrols the other half as the strip is too long for one single Plumerian. His souvenir shop is right on the corner of the parking lot that is next to the beach, with his house right behind the shop.


    "The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps.
    It defies all attempts to capture it with words and
    rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it,
    there is always that which you can't."
      - Christopher Paolini, Eragon


xxxwhistle: Ah, Samuel's whistle. When Samuel first signed up to be a local lifeguard, he was given a whistle to have for when he was doing his job. As Samuel absolutely loves his job as a lifeguard, he almost never take it off as it symbolizes when he first began to work on the beach. Though very rarely his job isn't all sunshine and rainbows, in the end he feels superb with the knowledge that he helped save a innocent life that day. Samuel swears to keep the whistle for as long as he can, as he feels it has sentimental value to him. Though he's only been a lifeguard since he was 17, he can't help but feel pride in wearing it. While others may be out saving the world, or, finding a cure for cancer, Samuel wouldn't want any of that. Some find it to be a silly job; meant for lower-class people. But with that whistle around his neck, he feels as if he could do anything. Surely everyone can love something, right?

xxxcharms: When Samuel was a child, his mother would often take him out to the seaside, where he would bring home little trinkets of things he thought were unique or interesting. His mother eventually gave him a small, leather bracelet to put around his wrist. At first he had been confused- bracelets were for girls! He would think, angry at his mother. Until she explained that with that bracelet, he could hang little trinkets and charms he found special to him on it; and he would never loose them. His name had been imprinted on it specially, a gift from his mother to him. Since then, he's had a total of 4 charms placed on that small bracelet.
wooden turtle
A small, miniature wooden turtle. His first carving he ever did as a child, it holds much value to him. Symbolizing his love for the ocean, aquatic animals, turtles, and his first carving, it no doubt holds a spot on there just for it.
shark tooth
A small shark tooth that Samuel had come across, found lodged his is first ever surfboard he had acquired. Now it holds a spot on there as a symbol for his first time surfing, and the first board he ever bought. Once again, it holds much value to him.
small pebble
Now, what would a pebble hold space on there for? Simply, it holds a spot for Samuel's love of the beach. Small pebbles are scattered all along the coast, and Samuel had to put one on there so he would never forget.
broken shell
This symbolizes his adventures while scuba-diving. Coming across the beautiful, broken shell on his second trip underwater, he absolutely had to take it back to the surface. This tells others his passion for the sea, and it now holds a spot forever on his bracelet.


by CharChar2 = x x x x
by SoulfireWolf = x x
by PurpleKakashi = x
by Zuppe = x
by LyraStarBirbs = x

item art:
by Lady Sif = x x

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Re: Staff Plumerian - Segie

Postby Sethh » Tue May 05, 2015 11:18 am

quitting but keeping most of my pets, may gift stuff 2 friends
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Re: Staff Plumerian - Segie

Postby Scion Hanzo » Tue May 05, 2015 11:19 am

Username: Capsicle

Name: Jaylyn

Nickname: Jay

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 19

Affectionate // Passionate // Impulsive // Sarcastic

Jay believes himself to be one of the most affectionate and touchy-feely people that he knows. He never hesitates in hugging you if you look like you need it, or putting a friendly arm around your shoulder just because. He has always been like this; especially with his family and close friends. He would totally be up for platonic cuddles any time of the day.
Thought he sure doesn't mind how close he is with his friends, he would also like to have some romantic cuddles soon. Jay is a little (read:huge) romantic at heart and totally believes that he would be the best wooer to ever woo. He would love to take somebody out on dates, give them cheesy roses, and maybe take them out to walk the beach at night because he is totally cliche. He wants to eventually have that easy love and affection with somebody, and maybe eventually a family.

Jaylyn is very passionate about the things he loves; this especially goes for the environment. You could argue that this love for the environment came from his job, but he would argue that he had always felt this way. He is a huge advocate for environmental conservation and keeping the Earth clean. Nothing makes him angrier than seeing trash laying around on the beach.

One down side of this passionate nature is that it makes him very impulsive. If he sees somebody throw a piece of trash on the beach, he won't even think about walking up to them and kindly (read:passive aggressively) telling them to pick it up and "actually throw it into the trashcan that is right next to you, yeah?"
His boss doesn't really care for this and usually gets complaints from the beach goers. Jay has a problem of thinking about the consequences of small actions.

Sarcasm is Jay's main defense if he is being reprimanded. It's even more so his defense if he has gotten his feelings hurt and he is trying to cover it up. He has a problem of showing a lot of strong negative emotions around people he doesn't trust, so he usually resorts back to sarcasm when he is trying to cover it up. Just a quick funny and sarcastic comment and he has successfully put up his wall.

Jay currently works as a beach beautifier. Basically, he picks up the trash that is left on the beach throughout the day. Even for a small town, this usually ends up being a large amount, much to his annoyance considering there are trashcans all over the edge of the beach.

There are some days where he will have to go to his job early because of items that have washed up on shore from the ocean during the night. What he picks up during these times usually ends up being about two times larger than the amount his picks up on a regular day just from the beach goers. The largest item he has ever had to remove was a car tire, and he still has no freaking idea how that got into the ocean.

The anger he feels when he sees all of the trash on the beach really helped spark his passionate feelings towards conserving the environment. He hates seeing all of the trash that has washed up during the night, thinking that some of the items had the potential to harm aquatic wildlife.
He was actually offered the job by his current boss when he saw Jay walking the beach, picking up trash while mumbling angry insults under his breath. Jay readily accepted because he didn't have anything else to do, and he guessed it would be cool to get payed to pick up trash while getting angry at people.

Honestly if Jay wasn't so oblivious, he would think to maybe go into environmental conversation work. But, it hasn't even crossed his mind yet. Maybe one day he will finally realize it would be the perfect job for him.

Jay grew up as an only child with his mother and father, whom he has, and always will, have a very strong relationship with. They have always lived in the little sea-side town that is right up against a beautiful beach. He can't remember a day where he wasn't out there playing with his friends.

He blew through his school years pretty easily. He had a large group of friends whom he stayed close with all through high school, which was pretty normal considering the town was kind of small. Though, he sort of lost touch with these friends after they all moved from the town into larger cities to pursue their dream jobs. Jay plans to stay in his favorite little town forever, and he has no idea what he would want to do for the rest of his life. He thinks he a little too young to think about that. His main friends are now the people he has met through his job (mostly lifeguards and surfers). He has grown very close to them after starting his job, so he's completely happy where he is at for the time being.

When he was a child, he always thought that he wanted to be a professional surfer. His mother was, and he wanted to follow in her footsteps. This dream sort of crumbled when Jay figured out that surfing just wasn't something he could do. He had multiple lessons, but barely managed to even stand up on the board for more than 10 seconds. It was with a heavy heart that he gave up that dream, but he knew that there must be something else out there that he is good at. For now, he will work his small little job until he figures that out.

Litter Stick
This item is used everyday at Jay's job. He uses it to pick up the trash and then put it into the trash bag he drags along behind him.

Straw Hat
Jay's work can get a little hot, and it usually stays that way all throughout the day. This hat helps keep the scorching sun off of him, and also helps his mom rest a little better because then he probably won't get sunburn on his face and head.

The sunglasses that Jay wears all the time where actually a gift from his parents as a graduation present. There is a small, well-hidden, turtle etched into both sides of it.
Last edited by Scion Hanzo on Fri May 29, 2015 7:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Staff Plumerian - Segie

Postby tiredlett » Tue May 05, 2015 11:19 am

Sadly, I just could not connect</3
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Re: Staff Plumerian - Segie

Postby Missing✖ » Tue May 05, 2015 11:20 am

Username: The Missing Kurloz
Name: Ulysses
- 2: {Bio}
-3: {History}
- 4: { one piece of art}
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MissingX /She-her/

Dragon cave

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Re: Staff Plumerian - Segie

Postby aoba » Tue May 05, 2015 11:21 am

Biggest mark of my life i s2g this is kela's big brother no bones about it aaaa im in love

i'll be god
i'll be god, i'll be god
i'll be god, today
hold my head under that bath and breathe away
slit my wrists and watch that blood evaporate
bein' this godly can't be good for
ana's safety, ana hear me

jam of the week // [x]
requests // closed
commissions // closed
trades // open
roleplays // open
mood // stressed
status // busy

i'll play god
i'll play god, i'll play god
i'll play god, today
ante up and play that god a poker game
walk away with all our little god's spare change
plain' this god it can't be good for
ana's safety, ana hear me

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

check out my johari window!
any pronouns are fine, but i prefer he/him or they/them! <3

sig is a wip, not all links are active
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Re: Staff Plumerian - Segie

Postby benjeep » Tue May 05, 2015 11:22 am

Username: The Master Doctor
Name: Hamish Boyd
Alaises: Mr. Boyd, Mish
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Sexuality: Homosexual
Origin: Scottish
Voice Claim: John Barrowman
Myer Briggs Personality:ENFJ (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling Judging)
Section 1: Personality
Section 2: Items/Accessories
Section 3: Interview
Section 4: OCCUPATION University English teacher
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no name brand™ // transman // adult // raging gay // infp // kylux and harringrove trash
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Re: Staff Plumerian - Segie

Postby heir » Tue May 05, 2015 11:22 am

Possible reserve ;w;

Obsession with turtles and squids.
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〈 amor, amor de mis amores 〉


hey i'm finn & i think you're pretty cool

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Re: Staff Plumerian - Segie

Postby hakuu » Tue May 05, 2015 11:23 am

Username: marzipan-love
Name: len, sam, alois, komaeda, yoko, will, hachiro, hikaru
Gender: male
Section 1: art
Section 2: interview
Section 3: hobby/occupation
Section 4: personality

working on this on weekends
reserve - works at a small shop where he carves surfboards
surfs at night - night job
risk taker, bets his own life
don't steal!! <3 ;u;
Last edited by hakuu on Tue May 05, 2015 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.


hello, im haku. im
not very active
here on cs
anymore; i
usually only check
for commissions
and buy ocs and
art. i love
DAart shop

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