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- Eliezer by bailey;

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Artist bailey; [gallery]
Time spent 1 hour, 21 minutes
Drawing sessions 2
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- Eliezer

Postby bailey; » Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:23 am

"But the sad truth is that the truth is sad, and that what you want does not matter. A series of unfortunate events can happen to anyone, no matter what they want."
- Lemony Snicket, The Carnivorous Carnival

Name ; Eliezer Branson Winters | Name Origin ; Hebrew
Name Meaning ; "God helps" | Nicknames ; Eli
Occupations ; Works in Postal Service & Farmer
Age ; 26 | DOB ; September 12th, 1989
Western Zodiac ; Virgo | Chinese Zodiac ; Snake
Sex ; Male | Gender ; Male
Pronouns ; Masculine Pronouns
S/O ; Demisexual | R/O ; Greyromantic
Dialect - Coastal Southern
Scent ;
Ranges between violet and cedarwood incense

Introverted, Modest, Responsible, Insensitive, Composed, Stubborn, Analytic
Myers Briggs ; (ISTJ Assertive Varient)
Eliezer is the kind of person that most would consider grumpy. Stuck in his ways, often passing glares, painfully truthful, and fairly reserved. Yet, it's just the impression that he gives most. Preferring to keep to himself, and keep social interactions as limited as possible, he feels that appearing in such a way is a good method to get others to steer clear of him.
He's a fellow that, despite his negative disposition and sometimes unfavorable characteristics, can be a very endearing friend if you're willing to put up with him at that. Loyal to his words and promises and keeping the things he utters truthful, it's something that most people value the most in him.

Introverted > Eliezer prefers to use the term, "introverted" to describe themselves instead of the three letter word others use more frequently. "Shy". Most people jump to the assumption that he doesn't enjoy social activities, or something along similar lines, yet they have it all wrong. Eli doesn't dislike doing social things, he's just simply exhausted by them. Some could compare him to a car, or simply a battery. He has a limited amount of energy, and it's spent doing certain actions. For a car, it's traveling places. A battery, providing power to a creation. With Eliezer, it's interacting with others. Whether it be going to a party, sharing a movie, or even chatting. When he finds himself out of energy, it tends to get hard for him to really engage in whatever may be happening around him.

Modest > Eliezer isn't one of the best people to go to if you're on the looks for compliements, because there's no assurance that what he may say will be positive or not. Being a very straightforward and honest person, he doesn't lie to people just to make them happy. Most usually call him cold-hearted for this exact reason, but they usually assume wrong. He lives under the personal belief that being truthful towards a person helps them out more than being lied to.

Responsible > Eli is the kind that is always sure to keep all his ducks in a row, his apples seperated from his oranges, and his clocks accurate. In other terms, he understand when to keep some situations apart from one another. It wouldn't benefit anyone, especially himself, if he were to be worrying about what to make for dinner when it's breakfast time, or what he'll give to his friend for their birthday when it's a half a year away. Or in the words of Dr. Oak, "There's a time and place for everything, but not now." He tries his best to focus on the proper things, and give everything a certain amount of importance. But never too much, or too little.

Stubborn > Like everybody, Eli has his opinions and beliefs. Yet like a few, he often refuses to change them and isn't very open-minded. Just because of this, it does not mean he's entirely oblovious to whether or not his opinions are right or wrong when it comes toward's the public's opinions as a whole. He often knows whether or not the choice of side that he leans towards to be morally wrong or not, and doesn't mind the way that people may react towards him because it's usually expected. Yet, this doesn't mean that primarily all the opinions he favors are against moral laws.

Insensitive > Eliezer sends to be aware of many things. The things taking place in his surroundings, his household, the internet. Virtually everywhere. Yet, he's not very aware of other people's feelings that aren't expressed vividly.

Tournesol; Owned by del rey; | Age - 17 | Gender - Androgynous
A gal in which he's found himself to be the guardian for, Tournesol is his adopted daughter whom he care's greatly for. he's watched her grow slowly yet steadily with . From time to time things were somewhat, awkward for reasons most can properly assume. But that didn't put a damper on things. Eliezer and Tournesol often spend their time together watching BBC's Sherlock, painting alongside each other, hiking with Gambel, Dawn and sometimes Venice, cooking up their meals together, and their favourite out of them all, going to the Rivers' farm, and growing a small bundles of sunflowers seasonally. Yet, for whenever the two can't make it to the Rivers' farm, Eliezer always makes sure to get Sol some miniature sunflowers to take care of a lot closer to home.

Saiph ; Owned by DandyLIONscare | Age - ?? | Gender - Male
Now many would question a relationship between a full grown man and a child, Jumping to the conclusion that this man would be a predator. But this isn't the case as far as things go between Saiph and Eliezer. Saiph is one of the few people that in this modern day, send out handwritten letters, and Eliezer, working at a post office seems to run across these little letters quite often, the drawings on the envelopes setting them apart from those of the bland white. Eliezer makes it his personal goal to see the letters are sent to their destination safely, and from time to time sends small handwritten back to Saiph to give them assurance that their letter was sent, with usually a small index card sized painting attached to them.

Tawny ; Owned by Tigressa | Age - 18 | Gender - Female
Eliezer doesn't allow himself to get exceptionally close with a lot of people, but that doesn't mean he's not open to exceptions. Only having two, one of them his own adopted daughter, the other being Tawny. A young gal he would often spot in places from time to time doing the same thing as himself. Drawing landscapes. At very first, Eliezer was a bit unsure of getting to know this gal. What if she was the rude type? Or the kind of person that was just downright uninviting to be around. Not allowing these little possibilities to stop him from meeting someone else with a common passion, Eliezer approached the gal one spring afternoon, as she was settled in a patch of grass on a small quilt, her gear scattered about around her. As he gave her a small, "Hello", the girl was somewhat surprised to see someone appear out of the blue to speak to her. She did follow up with a quiet "Hi" herself, and a few questions were passed to her by Eliezer. She seemed almost hesitant to answer, but eventually, the questions, answers and starting conversation started to flow with a bit more ease between the two, before the day had grew dark.
The two planned to meet up that following day, as Tawny never got a chance to finish her painting and Eli never getting a chance to show her his own works. Their friendship progressed even more, as Eli would bring the two small snacks for their painting sessions and the matter of fact that they respect each other introvertedness, fading their conversations to somewhat silence when a signal or sorts is given.

Caius ; Owned by immask1 | Age - 22 | Gender - Male
One of the people that Eliezer has grown to dislike, Caius, in Eli's own words, is a fairly rude individual.
"What are you lookin' at?" he said to Eli the first time he made his way up to the register after waiting for roughy 5 minutes. Gosh. He would've expected more out of an employee of what seemed to be such a successful buisness. Stopping himseld from making a remark back, he refrained from answering or even acknowledging the question at all. Clearing his throat, he started up his words. "Do you happen to sell vegan snickerdoodles?" he said in a calm tone, but what he got back caught him off guard as well. "Well, maybe we do. Maybe we don't." Eliezer contorted his face in confusion. What was up with this guy? "Excuse me, mister, was that a yes or a no." "That's a yes." Eli let out a sigh. "Could I get 3 then? " With a nod, the cashier talied up the total, with tax. The transaction was done fairly quickly, as Eli passed what was needed and simply told him to keep the change.
The two still run across each other often, with Caius doing more of the talking than anything. Despite Eli's dislike for the fellow, he doesn't let this stop him from getting his vegan snickerdoodles.

Gambel ; Owned by Sundayrain26 | Age - 27 | Gender - Male
Like a fair amount of society, Eliezer has a fondness for the nature that surrounds us, and chooses to spend his time with it by hiking about along the trails made by others' footsteps, as well as trails he makes with his own. But making trails of your own isn't always the best option, and this was proven further when Eliezer met Gambel. Enjoying sunsets so dearly, he does understand the clear risks of hiking during it, for it's dangerous to hike in the dark. But he doesn't let it stop him from doing so ever now in then. But this go around, Gambel was a bit misfortunate. After reaching the peak of a certain hiking trail, he veered a fair ways off just to find a perfect view. He settled there for a fair amount of time, watching the sun sink below the horizon slowly. Yet, as he decided to find his way back with only the moon to light his trail, he found himself confused. With no packed dirt beneath his feet to determine which way he was going, and no light to tell the trees and shrub apart, he couldn't find his way. Not wanting to get any more lost than he did, he simply stayed in his place, and called out for help every now a then, only taking steps following north to ensure he wasn't going down the hill and possibly running into a steep incline he wouldn't have time to prepare himself for. Eliezer, who was backtracking his steps in search for the bundle of paintbrushes he didn't realize he dropped. Hearing Gambel's calls, and with his phone in hand to guide his way, he found the lost fellow and guided him back. Gambel was determined to go back to the trail's start the moment he was back on it, but decided to help Eliezer in his search. While Eli would have enjoyed the silence that was there, he decided to start a bit of small talk, because otherwise it felt awkward. As they made it back to the parking lot, the two parted ways, but continued to meet afterwards, becoming hiking pals of sorts. After all, there's power in numbers, even if there's only 2.

Osier ; Owned by Aaronzee| Age - 24 | Gender - Male
Eliezer is used to delivering some things to some odd people, but in the case of Osier, it was a bit different. Never before did he ever open the packages, but Ozzy would always seem so estatic at the arrival of their package, often calling out the name of it's content the moment his eyes would rest on it. "Oh joy! My jars are finally here, thank goodness. I couldn't find them in a place that was fairly local! Thank you mister." He'd say, all while signing his name on the paperclip Eliezer held in hand. "I hadn't taken notice of how many I had gotten chips and cracks in recently. I felt as if it was time for me to finally gather a new batch for me to terrorize!" Eli was somewhat, concerned for the bottles after hearing the tone in the fellow's voice as the box was plucked from his hands.
Eventually, as Eliezer found himself with free time on his hands, he decided to take a visit to the shop once more, only to be fascinated by what rested inside with every visit. Every time he came inside, nothing was the same. Whether it be the potion upon the shelves, the customers he had that day, the number of bugs that were scattered about the place.

The Flowers Family > Works at their farm, friends with the only daughter by the name of "Juno", a friendly half-vegetarian that specifies their meat intake to only white.
Eliezer was born into the Winters' family, with an eldest brother by blood and an older that was adopted as well as a mother by the name of Ava and father by the name of Lucifer. He was more of a surprise child, his parents being more on the older side. While most would expect for him to be astoundingly spoiled, being the youngest, things were actually the opposite. He was often forgotten, yelled at, and ignored by his blood relatives. More than often it was his adopted brother Gabriel, and his girlfriend Beth that would take care of him. Taking him to their place overnight, making sure he was being fed, bathing him, basically all the things a caretaker would do.
For a few years, there was a legal debate in the household as to who would get legal permission to be the guardians of Eliezer. His birth parents initially won, and they were the ones to enroll him into his first years of pre-kindergarten. Despite this, Eliezer's adoptive brother still often took care of him.
That is, until a fight one New Years Eve, when Eliezer was the age of 6. It lead the family to court once more,

Eventually, Elizer's adoptive brother got true custody of him, and he was raised in his care. When Eliezer grew, he of course got curious as to why, he wasn't able to see his mother and father any longer. His brother would always lie to him, claiming that they were on a long vacation and he was supposed to watch him until they came back. As years passed, Eliezer grew supicious and eventually, his 'brother' opened up to him.
Yet not only did he tell him about the fight, and how his mother and father were after his birth. But the things before his birth, the things before he was even adopted into the family at the age of 7. How many times their father was supposed to be in court, yet managed to somehow get themselves out of trouble and not getting charged as many years as they really deserved. How many times his mother would claim the fact she carried knives was for self defense yet threatened so many. How his brother did things that were only kept between each other.

As Eliezer grew, he began to look down in disgust at his family name and fellow members. His father that cheated people out of justice, his mother that often threatened lives, his brother that often abused money and it's power. The only person that shared his last name he was proud of, was Gabriel. And even they don't even share the same blood.

Eventually, to sit in class and write his last and first name out on the assignments he was given, was one of Eliezer's least favourite parts of his days. But asides from that his days were fairly well. Coming home to a family of sorts that appreciated his presence, and cared for him was all that he could ask for. Yet, he's showered with so much more even then. The cookies Beth makes for him certainty became his favourite things as the years passed. Snickerdoodles. With their somewhat sugar cookie like texture, but with cinnamon sugar, and often brown sugar when made specifically by Beth, as a alternate.
Even though Eli felt as if his room was on the smaller side of things, and didn't enjoy the rule of "No TV after 10", he didn't whine or complain about it. He just appreciate what he had, especially the windchimes that hung on the front porch where his room was near. On windy nights, it was the most pleasant thing to hear, or at least to Eli it was.

Skipping ahead a few years, after Gabriel and Beth went to the next stage of their lives together, the three of them moved house, and Eli graduated from Highschool.
Before heading off to college, which was being funded partially by a scholarship he had gotten from the art program integrated into his school as well as Beth and Gabe, Eli often spent his time at a farm owned by the Rivers' family. Beth's family.
He often spent his time their, working away in some of the fields with a small portion of the harvest as his 'paycheck' at the end of the season. There, he grew close to the other peep that often devoted their time towards the fields instead of the animals in the barn. She went by the name of Juno, and often her and Eli would rest together at the end of the day and sip on a cup of lemonade or water, to replenish what water may have left their bodies as sweat.

After graduating, Eli went off to college to major in geography, but before he left, was given his scarf by Beth. She commented on how she thought it'd be neat if it were to match his feathers, and how she wanted to give him something to remind him a bit of home while he was there. Of course, leaving for college in summer he didn't wear it an awful lot, and often left it in his dresser until fall came around.
Finally putting it on, and actually taking a look at it, he took a glance at the scarf, just to see a small message hand embroidered on one of the sides. "We love you, be safe." it read, with the initials "G + B".


Likes wrote:Windchimes ; He finds their sound to be very serene,
almost preferring their sound over rushing water.
Oranges ; He enjoys their sweetness, and how
they're soft to eat. Unlike apples.
Squirrels ; The little critters are amusing to him,
with their bushy tails, and he often feeds him the
nuts he chooses not to eat out of trail mix.
Snickerdoodles ; The reasoning for this
happens to be quite obvious. But his most
common excuse being the memories.
Watercolors ; He finds how easily manipulated
to be their biggest redeeming quality.
Hiking ; He enjoys getting fresh air, and keeping
his health in check. This hobby is the best of both worlds.
Vegetarian Chili ; By far his favourite way to warm
up, and fill up, during the cooler seasons.
Autumn ; The colors of the trees make autumn a
very aesthetically pleasing season to Eli.
Incenses ; He finds their scents to be very soothing,
his favourite scents to burn being violet at night and
cedarwood in the morning.
Dislikes wrote:Pinapples ; He absolutely despises their sourness,
which makes his face pucker whenever he eats them.
Dogs ; Some being awfully noisy and demanding
a lot from owners, he could never find himself owning one.
Acrylics ; By far the absolutely least forgiving
painting medium out there, according to Eli.
Beaches/Sand ; Sand is one of the worsts things,
getting stuck in places it shouldn't be and making
virtually everything as uncomfortable as possible in its presence.
School ; It's not that the fellow didn't like school
and often acted out because of it. Early on he often
questioned it's purpose.
Sleet ; His least favourite type of weather to deliver
mail in, for it's quite painful to the face and extremities.
Thunderstorms ; He wouldn't admit to being scared
of them, but he hates the suddenness of them all.
Nuts ; He really doesn't enjoy their textures and often
bland flavors at all whatsoever.
Being ticked ; Being a very tickle-sensitive person,
he finds his reaction to it fairly embarrassing.


Now like most people, I simply enjoy Eliezer's design. Not his edits. The fluff on his stomach, back and neck, and head don't matter to me at all. If this fellow was still a common, I'd come running over the hills for him.
When you break it down, his design is fairly simple. Just, a couple of spots here, a subtle gradient there. Don't forget those markings on "add"! It's honestly very fun to draw, and all the while is very pleasing to me. ;v; I love his shades of brown as well as the shades of orange on his feathers and scarf.
I will admit to being picky with the Plumerians I try out for, only connecting to a few select designs. I've only tried out for 12, but 13 if you want to count the fella.
While there are still quite a few more that I wasn't around to try out for, Eli is certainly one of them, and it'd only be with a chance of readoption like so for me to get a chance at nabbing him.

Long story short, I really love this guy, and always have. And to have this rare opportunity is very appreciated.


Thanks for taking your time to read my form. ;w;
And also a thanks towards everyone else that either hung around on my 12 hour long stream and watched me finish this form as well as cheer me on.
Another thanks goes towards those that allowed for me to use their Plumerians in my relationships section, and a third to all that wished me luck.
And once again, thank you for holding the contest bear. ;v; Apologies you lost connection.
Some art I wasn't able to get into my form ;
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