Daphne Marie Poodle by opti-mism

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Time spent 2 hours, 25 minutes
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Daphne Marie Poodle

Postby opti-mism » Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:21 pm

    I'd like to introduce my newest bean! This will be filled out with furthur information in the future, but for now, here's my winning form! Accessories still pending, you don't know how excited I am! qAq

^^ listen to me while reading form ^^


About the user;;
I'm .o p t i m i s m., but I commonly go by Opti. I've been a part of the JBD community for multiple years, and I have 4 beans, and 6 slots, as I won an extra slot in the raffle a few summers ago. I only like to try out for the beans I absolutely feel a connection to, which is why I've chosen to try for this little girl. I'm a regional art winner in the US for digital art, and I've taken 12-14 art classes at my school, and I'm an Advanced Placement art student. Though I may get busy at times, don't doubt that this little bean is being drawn everywhere, on my tests, homework, on any surface available. Though they might not make it online, just because I'm busy with college applications doesn't mean that I'm not absolutely head over heels for her. I've been accepted to a college in the field of Graphic Design, and after 2 years I'll be transferring into the college of my dreams. My beans are a big part of my life, and often reflect who I am in a way or portray a version of myself I wish existed. All in all, I'm highly committed to my beans, and you can often find me on the JBD chat on either of the sites {Cove or Hangout}, and I'm always open to talk if you have questions about me or if you just need to vent.




Daphne Marie Poodle
Daph, Daphie, Dove
7 years youngxxxxxxxxxxxx
Shorter than the average female JBD, due to her slightly shorter legs and bird-like features.
Body Features;;
Slightly plump, with a fluffier ruff that accentuates her shape and curves, as well as her fluffy legs and long wispy tail. Her green eyes always reflect her mood, and hold true to the saying that "The eyes are the windows to the soul."
Color Codes;;

Much like a dove, Daphne's voice compares to their soft coo, often lower in register and with a gentle undertone. When startled, however, it mimics their frightened squawk.
Fur Scent;;
Blackberries and Vanilla
Humorously familiar to a bird, Daphne slightly bobs her head when she walks and keeps her head up. She takes slow, deciding steps and occasionally stumbles over something as simple as her own foot. Even so, her step is essentially silent like the descent of a bird onto a springy branch. She is often teased for her gait and struggles to hide it, though it naturally shows through.Image

Bisexual, though leans towards the guys
-Daphne has very sensitive ears, which makes her quite skittish to loud noises, which requires her to be extremely vigilant in most situations. These also make her more situated to sensing keys and tones with music, leading to her successful music career.
-Daph was born with fragile bones, and is prone to hairline fractures in the bones of her lower legs, or breaking smaller bones. She's learned to live with it, though she must be relatively careful. Her toes are often bound together, as she breaks her toes quite often, whether it comes to accidentally squashing them with the pedal of the piano, or running them into a wall, they're practically numb now.
-Lactose Intolerant, and has always suffered with it. Ingesting too much milk {Or milk based products} without medication causes her to quickly wither and overall leads to a day in the bathroom, curled up in agony. This often makes ice cream offers a struggle, as she's often too polite to refuse. Substitutes all regular milk ingredients for soy milk.


Daphne tends to be more book smart than 'street smart' in a sense. She can easily spit out facts about random subjects, such as art or fantasy movies. In wandering the busy city streets, she's innocent to the possible danger that could be lurking and simply bumbles about. Even with all the action movies she's seen, she knows more about the movies themselves than how to defend herself or how life goes in the real world, depending more on her school-learned knowledge of how things work.
-Daphne has many bird-like habits, such as preening her longer fur {such as her tail, and leg fluff} and when she sleeps she nestles down much like a dove, settling on her feet and wiggling until she's all fluffed up
-When sleeping, positions herself very much like a bird, her body resting on her legs and her chest fluffed up, while her upper half simply sinks down towards the floor in a very comfortable and relaxed position. Her fur is often fluffed up around her for warmth, holding in the heat in the cold of night.
-Fluffs up her chest fur when nervous or scared, poofing herself out to make herself seem larger. Very much a defense technique.

Daphne tends to have a positive attitude in which she believes there is good in everyone. She proves too innocent for this world, especially living in New York City. She can get quite pissy when she's aggravated though, so look out! A fuming Daphne is a terrifying {yet oddly hilarious} Daphne!

Though quite the worrier, Daphne tends to be a happy person, always whistling a little classical tune as she strolls through Central Park, or visits the Met to see the newest display of artwork with her family. One surefire way to cheer her up when she's down is a simple salt-coated, freshly-made soft pretzel!
-With her unusual gait, Daphne tends to step with her toes hitting the ground first then rolling back to her heel, giving her the flowing, bobbing movement.
-Tilts her head from side to side when someone is speaking to her, registering what they are saying with her full sense of hearing.
-Taps music with her fingers, reaching for invisible notes. Often she doesn't realize it, and even when it's pointed out it's to the point of a habit that she's unable to stop.


;;Liked and Adored;;
Food;; Soft Pretzels
Drink;; Chai Tea
Smell;; Fresh Cinnamon
Color;; Pale Blue
Place;; Central Park
Music Genre;; Classical
TV Series;; Arrow
Movie Genre;; Action
Season;; Fall
Weather;; Sunny & windy
;;Disliked and Despised;;
Food;; Deviled Eggs
Drink;; Lemonade
Smell;; Burning Rubber
Color;; Neon Yellow
Place;; The Gym, ew
Music Genre;; Rap
TV Series;; Grey's Anatomy
Movie Genre;; Chick-Flicks
Season;; Winter
Weather;; Storms

Important Posession;;
Out of everything she owns, or ever will own, her beautiful mahogany professional piano will always mean the most to her. It's her most cherished object, which she polishes day after day, shining the keys and taking careful care of. Without it, she would be nothing, as it's more than just a simple piano, it's a part of her very being. Every chord played seems to echo through her soul, thrumming deep within. Even as a tiny baby, she had a connection with it even if she didn't understand then.

Daphne had a rough childhood. Not because of the way she was raised, or her two mothers, or her sister, but because she was born quite sick. From the moment she had hatched Daphne was fragile. Daph spent the first 3 months of her life moving from doctor to doctor, her frail structure making each movement painful. She rarely slept, though she did calm at the soft, soothing tones of classical piano music. Pine and Doodle could often leave their sick child to sleep a few hours with a soft peal of Pachebel's Cannon in D playing over her crib.
Once she reached about 3 years old, Daphne suddenly started to get better. Though her bones were still fragile from her early years, she gained new energy, starting to play with Soda and bumbling around like any childish bean. This caused a deep sigh of relief to both Pine and Doodle, though they still fretted over her roughhousing when it came to the twins wrestling. Even though they slept in seperate cribs for multiple years, the sisters were inseperable, bonded over something as simple and pure as her tight-knit family.

-Pianist; At age 7, Daphne finally had long enough legs to reach the pedals on the piano. It was then that her lifelong obsession with playing the piano began, the classical tunes becoming ingrained into her mind and soul.
-Gardening; Daphne, feeling the need for something green even if she wasn't at Central Park, constructed an abstract garden on the roof of her apartment building {After persuading the building super, of course}. It takes up half the roof, curls and winds, and is tended to by none other than herself. It gives her something to do on days she's sore and needs some sunshine. She'll often sit and write music in the serenity of the garden, seated on a porch swing in the center.
-Rollerskating; There's nothing better to her than taking a spin around the park on her advanced-grade roller-blades, with her thin creme scarf tied loosely around her neck and rippling behind her in the wind. It's a great thing that helps her relax, though she always tries to convince her twin to join in with her! {Yes, she has broken more than a few bones this way, often it's her toes again, though Doodle and Pine have to wonder... How did she break a toe with such thick, unbending boots?}

-Movies; Being the fragile, peaceful, gentle bean she is, few would suspect that she is a huge fan of action movies. The more explosions, the better! No sappy chick-flicks for this girl, if there's not a physical fight it's not allowed on movie night! Disney movies are okay, but from the moment Pine accidentally put in a supposed-Disney movie from the library -only to discover when she walked back into the girls' bedroom near the end of the movie that it had been taped over with a violent action movie- and walked in on a thrilled Daphne pretending to launch stuffed animal bombs across the room at her twin, there was no going back.
No particular beliefs religiously, though she does hope there's life after death. She does what she thinks is morally right for not only herself but those around her, and believes that it will come back around in due time.
Daphne tends to live a modest life as she grows older, only buying what she needs when she needs it, reuses things she can, and donates anything with good quality that comes out of her apartment with seasonal cleaning. She tends to encourage those around her to do the same, always with a smile and perhaps a friendly nudge to the shoulder.
Future Profession;;
Professional Pianist- Daphne is a concert pianist. Her swift fingers and gentle disposition make her an ideal classical piano player, and she often spends most of her time allowing the tinkling notes to spring forth from the large instrument. Daph is passionate about he piano for many reasons. Be it the fact that the skill seems effortless beneath her fingers, or that the piano has such a deep meaning to her, Daphne made the decision from age 10 that it was what she wanted to do for the rest of her life.


Daphne has a very strong opinion of everything around her, and isn't afraid to speak it. However, when she does so, she always chooses her words very carefully, considering the other bean's feelings and emotions as she speaks her mind.
With gentle paws, Daphne can plink away an arpeggio moving through the keys, pick up a younger sibling with a cuddle, or carefullly select the most delicate of flowers for Pine's flower crowns. Her gentle disposition gives her an air of serenity, which ebbs off her in waves.
Fierce Protector;;
Whether it pretains to her mahogany piano, her twin sister, or any future siblings to come, Daphne has always been one to defend those things important to her with her life. She's gone as far as to take a swing at someone picking on Soda, her fur fluffing up to nearly 3 times it's usual size, much like a bird does in a defensive situation. Needless to say,
Daphne was born with a unique ability, a gift of making people feel safe. For a gift so small and simple, it stands out and is one of the things that makes Daph who she is inside. With this skill, Daphne always seems to make people feel at ease with the music she can play on the piano, the gentle runs of swift and twinkling notes. Though she may be structurally weak, she has a true inner strength flowing through her.
From the time she was a young bean, Daphne has always been driven, thriving under pressure. No matter what the situation, she stays dedicated to activities that she enjoys, her family, and the true relationships she has with her friends.
No matter how frantic the situation can become, Daphne is always the calm in the storm. No matter how close her audition is, you can find her coping with it by simply drinking caffinated tea, or talking to her uncle Noodle about the most concerning things. Like a rock in a stream, Daphne is unmoving when it comes to holding her ground and staying collected.
Especially being fragile, Daphne has always had to be careful. From this caution that was always put on her, Daph was quite decisive, delicate, and flowing in everything she did. This gave her an air of elegance, transpired simply by the way she moved, spoke, or performed.

-To go back to school to get a minor in
Music Theory {future}
-Play piano in a professional concert hall
-To surprise her parents one day in the far future
with a piece of music dedicated to them.
-Meet someone as perfect to her as
Pine and Doodle are to each other
-To see the midnight-premiere of an
action movie on her own
-Go into music as a profession at Juliard
-To become a highly-recognized pianist and to
perform in a highly-revered concert hall on her own
-Maybe meet someone?
-No longer be fragile-boned

-Enclosed spaces
-Losing control
-Will she get into Juliard? {top notch art school}
-Worries that she won't be good enough for her family.
-Concerned about her future health,
especially her fragile bones.



Favorite Song;;
You Can Close Your Eyes by James Taylor
Daphne has always just adored this song, because the gentle sweeping melody of his voice contrasts perfectly with the low, throbbing notes of the guitar. Whenever she's having a rough day, this song always makes her feel at ease with herself and everything around her. This song was also one of the first pieces she learned on piano with a grand staf {using both the base clef and the treble clef, aka both hands playing different parts}, and the beautiful song just always is a way to relax, whether she's playing it on the piano or listening to it in the dark of her room as she's drifting off to sleep.

Connections to those around her;;
Daphne often refers to Doodle as Mom. Daph always enjoys painting with Doodle, even though it may not be her strong point. She'll often copy Mom and use her twirling, trailing tail to splash colors on the canvas, always giggling with joy. With Doodle's instruction, she'll often paint the few things that mean the most to her; Family, music, or soft pretzels. When they're painting, Daphne often will discuss the hardships she's going through in her life and will use it as a time to vent and bond with her mom.
Daphne often refers to Pine as Mother. When it comes to Pine, Daphne has always been enthralled with her mother's swift and graceful fingers, whether it came to her knitting abilities or the beautiful flower crowns she wove on a daily basis. It is thought throughout their family that Daphne inherited her graceful fingers from Pine, especially when it comes to the quick weaving 16th notes in an arpeggio, dancing along the keys nearly identical to the way that Pine weaves her flowers.

Once they get a little older, Daphne and Soda will often accompany each other to the mall, causing havoc and devouring soft pretzels. Daphne loves to play for her sister, as her sister is the best critic for her. Whenever they're together, Daphne can't help but smile and have fun. Though Daphne is very focused on her studies, she can always find time to go to lunch or spend time with her sister to clear her head and talk for inspiration!
Uncle Noodle;;
Just because her mom isn't a fashionista, Noodle lucked out. Daphne is all over being dressed up and cute, and often sports a pink silk scarf given to her by her favorite uncle. Some of her favorite memories include him helping her dress up for her piano recitals, donning her black lace skirt and accessories that framed her face, not distracted from it. Whenever she can't talk to her moms or Soda about something, Daphne will run to Noodle for advice, and perhaps a makeover.
Aunt Genesis;;

Living her own careful life, Daphne is always enthralled to listen to her Aunt Genesis' tales of adventure. Whenever her aunt is in town, she'll spend time with her, listening in awe to her seemingly-unreal stories, how she travels the world. Even living as she does, Daphne can imagine herself in the situations her aunt is, even though she'd probably be too fragile to do any of the overly-daring stuff Aunt Gen does without injuring herself. Daphne likes to surprise her aunt with the dramatic piano pieces she wrote, based on the sounds her aunt would hear on her journeys, always taking a surprising turn with sounds and key changes.


"Almost, but not Quite..."
The dark wood towered above
Ivory keys reflecting light.
The baby bean bumbled beneath
Almost, but not quite.

The childish bean leaped for the edge
Springing with all her might.
Still unable to reach the seat
Almost, but not quite.

Sitting upon the wooden stool
Her goal within her sight.
Remained too small to reach the keys
Almost, but not quite.

Hand placed fretfully
Face that a look of fright.
What if a mistake were made?
Almost, but not quite.

Fingers dancing skillfullly
Smile flashing in delight.
Peals of Mozart fill the air
This time felt just right.

How would she react, by chance?;;

Another sibling?;;
"Daphne, how would you feel if you had a little brother or sister in a few months?" Doodle asked the little dove softly, ruffling her lighter-colored daughter's fluffy ears. The little bean looked up, her brow furrowed. "As long as they don't touch my piano." she grumbled, crossing her arms. "But... does that mean that Soda and I have to get jobs? Do we have to get our own house?! I DON'T WANT TO SELL MY PIANO!" she panicked, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes as she didn't understand. Taking a shuddering breath, she huddled up to both Pine and Doodle. "Mom.. Mother... does that mean that we won't be the babies anymore?" She whispered, tapping Pachebels Cannon on her arm. In response, the two mothers exchanged a simple glance, and gathered Daphne up between them, synonymously kissing her on the head. "You'll always be our baby..." Doodle murmured. "Our little dove..." Pine smiled.

A date?;;
The pale blue bean twiddled his fingers, looking from his hands up to Daphne with his large violet eyes. "So?" he asked, waiting for a response. Daphne swiveled her ear, glancing up from writing the scores of music. Soda sat beside her, twiddling with her caterpillar, giggling to herself while Daphne simply worked on her music. "A date?" Daph responded back, meeting his eyes for a moment. Soda nudged Daph, nodding happily. With that, Daphne smiled, and turned to face the bean. "Alright, where will you meet us?" She asked, tilting her head. The little boy stammered, "U-Us?" he gulped. "Of course us! You're talking to both of us, aren't you?" The bean, unable to answer, blushed madly and fled the scene, while the creme bean turned to her sister. "Huh, I wonder why he left?" she quipped, before shrugging. "Oh well. That means I can work more on 'The Dance of the Ladybugs!'" she giggled, jotting down a few more notes before going back and erasing them. Now wasn't the time to focus on boys anyways, she was with her sister.


XxX by laces
XxX by laces
XxX by vintage.
XxX by .Nova.
XxX by .Nova.

XxX by .Nova.
XxX by .Nova.
XxX by .Nova.
XxX by laces
XxX by .Nova.

XxX by laces
XxX by .Nova.
XxX by Koalanews
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XxX by laces

XxX by laces
XxX by laces
XxX by laces
XxX by laces
XxX By Sparked Angel

XxX by laces
XxX by laces
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.

XxX by .o p t i m i s m.
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.

XxX by .o p t i m i s m.
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.
XxX by .o p t i m i s m.


A short little headcannon;;
I came up with this while sitting in class today, though you guys might appreciate it!
Daphne sat at her piano, polishing the last of the wood where her music rested with a pale blue cloth, humming a little tune to herself. Soda stood on the other side of her piano, using it as a stand to observe her jar of ladybugs from ALL angles, seemingly circling it as she pondered. Suddenly, the jar teetered, Daphne reaching out as if she could stop it. But to no avail, the jar crashed, the lid popping off and nearly one hundred ladybugs scattering across her piano, flying and landing across it. Daphne groaned, her brow furrowed in frustration as she lightlight waved her paws in a fleetingly helpless motion. "Shoo? Heel? Uh, ladybugs, return?" she deadpanned as her twin waved her arms, attempting to scatter them back into the jar. "Please! Come back! Don't squish them Daph! Don't get near them! No! No!" she shrieked, flailing about, trying to collect them one by one. Daphne retreated, sulking. "Gonna leave little tiny footprints all over my freshly-polished piano." she grumbled. "Couldn't have just put them on the table."
Last edited by opti-mism on Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Daphne Marie Poodle

Postby Goosecheese » Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:27 pm

i saw this in most recent oekaki so i was like YAY!

Odelia (new sister): Hey Daphne!!
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