Corrosive_Limes' Neravontii Entries by corrosive_limes

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Corrosive_Limes' Neravontii Entries

Postby corrosive_limes » Sun Jan 11, 2015 2:21 pm

I am corrosive_limes. Currently I am in possession of six Neravontii. Five are mares, named Brisingr, Adurna, Freya, Dalamhati, and Macy. The sixth is a gelding named Ganga. Brisingr, Adurna, Ganga, and Freya have finished training. Brisingr and Adurna have a bonus of +1, Dalamhati's training is partially finished, and Macy's has yet to begin.

- Brisingr -

- Training -

First Touch -OLD-

First Saddle -NEW-
About a week after Brisingr's first touch, I decided I could
try first saddle. Selecting a saddle from the tack room, I
staggered down to Brisngr's stall, and let myself in. Brisingr
was out in the field, but I called her back with a whistle.

As she saw the saddle, she seemed to hesitate a bit. I set
the saddle down, and she approached it cautiously. I gave
her a few minutes to sniff it and nibble at it before picking
it up and gently lowering it onto her back. Brisingr stiffened
a bit, but decided to saddle wasn't going to hurt her. She
lowered her head and gently bumped my arm letting out a

Smiling, I removed the saddle from her back and slung it
over the wall between her stall and Adurna's. Scratching
her behind her ears, I pulled a sugar cube out of my pocket
and held it out. She gently picked it up, and with a final pat
on her neck, I picked up the saddle and exited the stall,
pleased it has been a success.

First Ride -NEW-
Over the course of the next few days, I introduced
Brisingr to the other pieces of tack. By the end of the
week, she was comfortable with all the tack. I decided
I would give riding her a shot, and so the next morning
I gathered up the tack, which right now was simply
a saddle and a bridle, and proceeded to her stall. She
was typically an early riser, and was already awake.
Brisngr's ears perked up when she saw me, and she
gave a low nicker in welcome. I let myself into her stall
and proceeded to saddle her up. She stood calmly as I
worked, and was ready in no time.

For now, I would simply ride her around the pasture, in
an environment she was familiar with. There was a
mounting block outside each stall, and I had to use it
to get up on Brisingr. I slowly leaned onto her back,
allowing her to get used to the weight of a rider. She
seemed uncertain, but trusted that I knew what I was
doing. Slowly, I swung my leg over her back and sat
upright. Brisingr looked around at me with a quizzical

We had done some longe work, and therefor she knew
that the signal to go forward was me clicking my tongue.
I clicked my tongue, and she hesitated a bit before taking
a few hesitant steps forward. I immediately praised her
and stroked her ears, slipping her a sugar cube. I clicked
mytongue twice, and now that she was reassured she was
doing the right thing, broke into an easy trot. I took her
around thepasture once before urging her into a canter.
At some point Adurna had come out and was watching us,
seemingly amused.

Coming back around to her stall, I gave a short whistle
and Brisingr slowed to a stop. Carefully dismounting, I
praised her again and gave her several more sugar cubes.
After taking her tack off and hanging it in the tack room,
I returned to her stall and gave Brisingr yet another sugar
cube. I was please that her training was nearly complete.
All that was left was a bit of touching up on some things.
- Adurna -

- Training -

First Touch -NEW-

First Saddle -NEW-
I had decided it was time for Adurna's First Saddle.
Knowing how she tended to wander, and the fact
that she didn't listen, I had kept her in her stall
overnight. She was grouchy, but we could work with

Adurna had her head slung over the door of her stall,
glaring reproachfully at me. When she noticed what I
was carrying, her expression became slightly curious.
Mostly though I think it was the distraction of shiny
things. While I was letting her get used to the different
tack, she mostly nibbled at the metal parts a lot. I'll
probably need to paint it later to avoid distractions.

After she was familiar with the tack, I began tacking
her up. I planned to move straight into First Ride and
wrap up her training. Adurna was a little uncomfortable
with the bit, but I coaxed her into accepting it with some
oats. Once she was tacked up, I opened the rear stall
door and led Adurna out into the sunlight.

First Ride -NEW-
Once outside, I led Adurna up to the mounting block.
Carefully, I leaned over her so she was supporting most
of my weight. She stiffened and her ears flattened, but
she had seen Brisingr and I do this and was determined
to live up to the other mare's standard.

After I had mounted, I leaned forward and clucked my
tongue. Adurna took a step forward after a moment,
and I immediately rewarded her. We repeated this
process a few times until Adurna had made the had
learned what was expected of her.

We had a few false starts, but slowly we made
progress around the pasture. Partially because
Adurna was still learning, but also because
Brisingr and the gelding kept wandering over to
see what was going on. The gelding kept running
up and down in front of Adurna, flicking his tail
and neighing to distract the mare.

Brisingr kept trying to get Adurna to follow her,
and it took a while to get her to understand that
she had to stop it. Even after they finally stopped
pestering us, they still trailed us and distracted
Adurna, who was getting impatient with me and
flicking her ears at me.

Once we had finally finished, I wearily dismounted
and untacked Adurna, turning her out into the pasture
with Brisingr and the new gelding, who immediately
began to trot around, showing off for the ladies.

After putting the tack away, I returned to watch them.
Adurna was frolicking in the field with the blue gelding,
pleased the serious business was over, not that I could
blame her. Smiling, I tried to come up with names
for the gelding.


- Ganga -

- Training -

First Touch -NEW-

First Saddle - NEW-
I was feeling wary of how Ganga would react, but I had
decided it was time enough for his first saddle. I had only
recently named him, but he didn't seem to mind that. I
collected the starter tack that Adurna and Brisingr had
used, for they I had recently ordered custom tack for them
and they didn't have a use for it anymore.

I was not in the mood to catch him, and had left him in his
stall overnight. Needless to say he was practically bouncing
off the walls. This is what happens when you leave a very big,
very energetic and mischievous creature with incredibly
strong hands and limbs overnight in a wooden stall, I
reflected as he nearly knocked me over in his excitement.
It was nearly fifteen minutes before he was calm enough that
I could get him to calmly inspect the saddle, saddle blanket,
and bridle.

The saddle blanket went on easiest, and the saddle wasn't
too hard, but the bridle was a huge problem. Ganga had
decided that he was tired of what I was doing, and kept
jerking his head away at the last moment. After about the
dozenth time, I smacked by forehead and tried not to get
impatient.Ganga had paused and was looking at me with a
curious expression, and catching him by surprise, I finally
managed to get the bridle over his ears and fasten the
buckles. He snorted and gave me an offended look. I lightly
shoved his shoulder and he snorted, looking away. "Oh, c'mon
ya big grump. There'll be time for games later," I told him as
I led him outside.

First Ride -NEW-
Things went wrong as soon as I took Ganga outside. The new
mare,Freya, accompanied by Adurna and Brisingr, came over,
and Ganga began to act show-offy again. He broke my grip on
the lead rope and pranced around the females with a haughty air.
I sighedand lunged after the lead, but that only made him think
it was a game. Ganga charged away up the pasture and I groaned.

I followed him, chasing him up the field, but this only made
him more certain this would annoy me, and he continued to
the far end of the pasture before wheeling around and prancing
back down. Naturally as far from me as possible. Panting slightly,
I continued after him. I managed to corner him against the
barn and fence. Picking up the lead-rope and dragging him
over to a mounting block, I muttered "I did not mean it was
time for games right this instant."

I repeated what I had done with Adurna and Brisingr, and was
honestly wholly expecting him to kick me over his head.
Luckily, he didn't. I had taught him what was expected of him
when I clicked my tongue, similar to what I had practiced with
Brisingr. I clicked my tongue softly to get his attention,
before clucking at him again. He immediately took off at a
gallop around the paddock. I only just managed to get him to
stop, and quickly dismounted and led him back into his stall so I
could remove his tack.

Well, it had been a first ride, I reflected after turning him out.
It was chaotic and completely without order, needing a lot
more work, but it was a first ride. Wearily, I leaned against the
rail wondering why I had picked him. The salesperson had said he
was a handful, but I chose him anyways, and not just because
he was pretty. If anything, he reminded me of myself when I
was younger. Rowdy, full of energy, and completely
- Freya -

- Training -

First Touch -NEW-

First Saddle -NEW-
I was a bit flustered right now to be honest. I had
made a fairly stupid mistake, and had bought another
Nera, still had one untrained Nera, and had entered
in a contest for another. Needless to say I was rushing
Freya's training a bit so that I didn't get in trouble if
I got the Nera put up for sale on Valentine's Day.

Earlier today first touch had happened by accident
when I shoved her hand away from a cookie. I
decided to jump right into training and had rushed
to the tack room, picking up the now fairly worn
equipment. Brisingr, Adurna, and Ganga all had their
own tack now so this was used solely for beginning

Approaching Freya's stall, the mare was watching
the other four Neravontii in the pasture. She turned
at the sound of my foot steps and curiously nibbled
at the tack. At first she was very curious about
the scents of the others on the gear, but she
grew a bit uninterested and bumped my hand.
"Well you're certainly eager to start training
in proper aren't you," I chuckled as she tugged
on the saddle. She accepted the saddle being placed
on her back and accepted the bridle without
complaint. Freya then bumped my elbow with
her nose and turned pointedly to the rear door.
Looks like first ride would be next.

First Ride -NEW-
I led Freya out into the pasture where the others
were, watching her reaction because I knew how
tricky she could be. She followed me over to the
mounting block and stood calmly. I was honestly
surprised although I probably shouldn't have been.

You see, Freya is very intelligent and manipulative,
and to be honest, hated being outdone. I
remembered one time, after I had completed Ganga's
training and they all had their fancy saddles, when
she had climbed the fence and walked upside down
along the branches in the nearby forest until I had
finally noticed her missing and gone after her.

As I mounted her for the first time, she twitched
a little and turned her head to look at me.
Deciding it wasn't worth fussing over, she turned
to look forwards again. A bit curious about her
behavior, I clicked my tongue. Being the smart
Nera that she was, she had learned what that
meant and calmly trotted towards the far end
of the pasture.

At the end of the pasture, I had Freya trot in a circle
for a minute before riding her back to her stall.
Dalamhati came over to see what all the fuss was
about, and, again, the others also came over to bug
me. Brisingr seemed quite offended I had kind of
ignored her for quite some time if I'm being honest.
Overall I was impressed with her attitude and was
surprised at how well behaved she was. Dismounting,
I led Freya into her stall and untacked her, before
turning her out with the others. It had taken a while,
but finally her training was done.


- Dalamhati -

- Training -

First Touch -NEW-

First Saddle -NEW-
With Freya's training being recently finished, and
having gained Macy, I figured I should finish
Dalamhati's training. The mare was pacing around
in her stall when I arrived, and when I tried to
introduce her to the saddle, she lifted one of her
hands to her head and tipped her head back,
pinning her ears. "Drama queen," I muttered.
She lowered her head and gave a scarily
accurate impression of staring at me for something
with no eyes. A bit unnerved, I moved a bit closer
and slipped the saddle onto her back. She made an
insulted noise as I stepped back, and she turned to
bite at the offending leather.

This pretty much repeated each time I tried to
introduce her to a new piece of tack, and the tail
cover even had her actually chasing her tail. Let
me tell you it is not fun to be stuck in a small
room with a creature nearly 10 feet tall and that's
whirling around trying to get something off it's tail.
Not. Fun. After a few minutes she calmed down,
and I shook my head as I approached her. I was not
looking forward to getting the bridle onto her.

Surprisingly, the mare actually accepted the bridle
easily. Dalamhati did not like me touching her ears
though. She just about had a fit when I got the bridle
on over her ears. Sighing, I lead the mare out into
the pasture.

First Ride - NEW-
As soon as she was outside, Dalamhati began trying
to pull away. As I was still hanging onto the reins,
she ended up almost dragging me with her. [wip]
- Macy - "Bride of Frankenstein" -

- Training -
None yet.

unfortunately almost entirely quit, this site just doesn't spark joy for me anymore. (no my stuff is not available. if it was i would've made a thread for it)
occasionally log back on to search for references or old posts for character information, but not much more
i'm on @corrosive_limes if you want to credit me for a design / art that you have
my discord is also corrosive_limes if you really really need me for something
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