Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS by WitchSoul0123

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Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS

Postby WitchSoul0123 » Mon May 13, 2013 4:41 am


What is a Sora Neko?

Sora nekos are what all of the felines of the world originate from, they are an ancient species, only recently discovered. They are much like the felines of today except that they defy the laws of science, like they can fly and unnatural phenomenon seem to happen around them, some classing it as 'magic'.

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The more effort you put into your forms the more chance you have of winning. I highly recommend you read everything about these before you put an age on your form. The contest for this one will end on the 19th of May. Please have your forms completed by then.

Cherry.Blossom wrote:



Cherry.Blossom or you can call me a Japanese variation of the name, Sakura (✿◠‿◠). I already have one Sora Neko named Momoka, or Momo for short, and this cute princess would make a great addition to my group and she would make great friends with my Momo!


This young lady's name would be the classic, feminine version of the name Isabel, Isabelle. Isabelle is hugely fashionable again, a century after its first wave of success. Easy to see why: it's ladylike (a la Isabel Archer in Henry James's Portrait of a Lady) and melodic, traditional yet offbeat. Isabelle sounds smart as well as pretty. It's the French version of Isabel and it means God's promise.


She would be offended if you were to call her anything but a girl!


Although she keeps it a secret, I'll tell you anyways! She's four years old! And looks very young for her age.


I knew that as soon as we arrived to the new house, that I absolutely hated it. No, more like I loathed it. I mean, it wasn't even a house; not really anyways. Most people would call it a mansion, with about a million, useless windows, a million, useless doors, and a million, useless floors. It seemed more like a high-class prison than my family's new living quarters. You see? I can't even call it our own home. That's how sickening it feels. As my father, pregnant mother and I climbed out the car and stood in the cold, winter's day we all stared at the house expectantly. I knew my parents were pleased by their house selection and were waiting for me to be pleasantly surprised about it too. Well, just to make my point clear, I wasn't going to comply. " I hate it," I mumbled, emphasizing the word hate in my sentence. " It's too big and it's going to feel super empty and lonely outside." Of course my optimistic mother then said," Oh, sweetie. With your baby brother on the way, this home will be a great place to make a new start. And besides, your father has better job opportunities here." I just let out a sigh. I don't know if I mentioned this through my anger and resentment, but my father was a businessman who decided that it would be a wonderful idea to move us across an ocean to Great Britain. I mean, even the country's name sounded conceited. As I grabbed by purple zebra stripe duffel bag and headed towards the 2 giant chocolate bar- like doors, I unmistakably heard what I thought was... singing? Who would be singing out here in the middle of a forest in a White December? I dismissed it as the wind brushing against the leaves until it started again. However, this time, it was closer and I could actually make out the words:

" Dancing slowly in an empty room,
Can the lonely take the place of you?
I sing myself a quiet lullaby,
Let you go and let the lonely in, to take my heart again..."

I recognized the words as soon as I heard them. They were a part of Christina Perri's song, The Lonely. I remember this specifically because in my old town, I went to her concert with my two best friends, Talia and Makenzie. Those were the good old days in which we did the stupidest things together and we always lived life to the fullest. We somehow saved enough money to go to our favorite singer's concert and that's when I broke their hearts and told them the news of me leaving. Forever. No moving back. I quickly wiped away the tears forming in my eyes and tried to forget it. It's kind of hard when you remember your friends bawling their eyes out on you and giving you countless hugs and 'We'll miss you.'

Gathering up enough courage to use my voice again and speak without crying, I asked, " Did you just hear that?" My father starting unloading all the suitcases in the trunk and replied back asking, "What am I supposed to hear?" I gave him a look and said," I heard singing. It was very beautiful and I wanted to know if you heard it to. But probably not since all you guys are focused on is moving into this stupid house." I let my words stay there for a minute and let them hang in the air. My mom was about to be all positive until I said," You know what? I'm going to walk around and explore the property because I'm super interested to see if I can find some kind of alien or ghost in this frozen wasteland. Okay?" I knew I was really sarcastic and rude, but when you deal with the things I have dealt with all my life with moving because of my dad's job, then you would feel the same. I knew I was going to get it later but being the spoiled, millionaire's daughter, my father replied with a tired, miserable voice, " Sure honey, just make sure you get back by dinner." Still clutching onto the duffel bag to release any pent up anger, I stomped towards the opening of the woods.

When I finally opened up my eyes without thinking about all the other problems in my life right now, I realized just how beautiful the trees looked with the freshly fallen snow. The trees were a light brown, with bare pieces of bark showing from the snow; and the snow was a breath taking white that seemed to sparkle under the December sun. I can't believe I missed all this undeniable beauty in the last twenty minutes of my hateful thoughts since we came here. In Florida, where we used to live, there was no snow whatsoever. I'm sure Talia and Mackenzie would've loved it... They were so jealous when I said I was moving to Britain. "Omg, you are so lucky! They have castles and princes! I wonder if they're cute," said Makenzie, nudging my shoulder. Talia then said," Oh come one! She couldn't get a boyfriend if she tried! But hey, I heard they have pretty awesome malls there." They both started squealing and jumping up and down. I smiled and giggled at the memory, until I remembered I wouldn't see them. Probably ever again until I turned 18 and left for good. A sob crawled up my throat threatening the entrance of the tears. I dropped the duffel bag to the ground and sank to my knees. I never had a really good cry about this until, well, now. I let all my feelings drip out through the tears and muffled sounds came from my mouth. I was about to stand up and remember why I came here in the first place when an angelic, melodic voice with a slight British accent interrupted my thoughts. " You know, it isn't very ladylike to cry by yourself and make a huge mess. Ew, even your nose is dripping. You should only cry in front of a man if you want some sympathy."

I quickly spun around, stunned about who had followed me when I came face to face with a... cat? No, I recognized this exotic creature, fore I've met one before by the name of Momo. However, this Sora Neko looked really different. While Momo looked like and adult and in the right shape, this one was more... petite and princess like. She had a beautiful,velvet black bow on her ear and tail and her fur was a beautiful shade of various kinds of pinks and purples. I have never seen anything like it and I must have stared too long or something because she said, " You know, it's kind of rude to stare but I take it that you find me exquisite or something. If that's the case, I will dismiss your rude behavior and would like to know your name, if you don't mind." Oh my god, this girl literally completed my thoughts. She talked in perfect, clear syllables and it sounded as if she was singing when she was talking.With a shaky voice, I replied back. " M-my name is Sakura and I just moved here..." I pointed in the general direction of the house and anticipated for her answer. She gave me this really sad face (I almost started crying again) and said," Well, Sakura, although you don't look like any cherry blossom, I can fix that. My name is Isabelle and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She sort of curtsied and walked towards me. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that she knew what my name meant, but I could tell she was the smart type and not the stupid, blond ones in my former school that used to bully me because of my name. " What are you doing out here in the cold?" Even though I asked this, I knew that she had a super fluffy tail bigger than her whole body to use at her disposal but she looked so frail and fragile like an ice sculpture. She then asked me a really, random question. " Did you hear my singing?" She said this in a hopeful, anxious look that I didn't ever want to destroy. "Yes, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," I whispered, slightly embarrassed. She gave me a sarcastic look and said, " Well, if I was really cold,then I wouldn't have the power to sing would I?" She let out a little giggle that sounded like the angels from above.

Gathering up all my courage, I asked the question that I had from the start. " Are you alone?" She gave me sad, face full of despair and gave out a weak smile. "I am actually, and it has been very cold ever since I lost him..." My mind raced with many questions. Who's "he"? What do you mean you lost him? Why do you look so sad? Instead, I asked, more like whispered," Would you like to live with me? My house is super big, and I don't have any siblings yet, and I'm sure my parents won't mind..." I know I was talking really fats and sounded really desperate, but I sensed a coming of happiness- the first I've felt in a long time. And I was about to use my father's business skills to persuade her. Looks like I didn't have to because she then said, " Really? Would you really do that for me,someone you've just met?" As soon as I saw her twinkling, innocent eyes staring longingly at me, I knew I wanted to preserve that fresh, pure face forever. "Yep. Forever." Maybe a new adventure awaited me in Great Britain, with someone like Isabelle.


Isabelle was born on a cold winter's day, and was the runt of the litter along with her twin sister. Most of the pack thought they were both going to die because of their small, petite size but their mother believed that their spirits were full of the fire to live and so she kept nurturing them even though the rest of the back told her not to bother. The mother had empathy for her poor girls, fore when she was younger, she was also born the runt and her mother still took care of her. Unfortunately, Isabelle's twin sister eventually passed away because she just wasn't strong enough. Isabelle was a few months old by then and everyday she would ask, "When am I gonna see her? Is she taking a trip or something? I wanna see her!" Eventually, when it hurt her that she was never coming back, she fell into a deep black void and wouldn't speak to anyone for months, blaming herself the entire time. Although her mother was also devastated, she was even more persistent to keep her only, weak daughter alive and tried to make the best for her. During the time of her depression, many for the other Sora Nekos had already formed their groups and cliques and by the time Isabelle was getting out of her dark, lost state, there was no more room for her. And it's not like it mattered anyways since no one would except her for her weak, worthless self. Wanting to become better and proving to the world her worth, she spent most of her childhood reading. I guess this is where she got her intelligence. She read many books, varying from fiction to geography books. She loved the mystery of the world and wondered what everyone else was like, if they would except her. She spent the remainder of her time trying to become ladylike and feminine to also prove that just like anyone else, she had respect for herself and wanted to look good. However, by the time she was 1 and it was summer, tragedy striked the clowder. Apparently, in the human world, many humans prized Sora Neko fur as clothing and some poachers had come. To bring fear out of them and to rat them out, they lit the whole forest in which they were staying in on fire. Isabelle only remembers hearing frantic screams and cries and doesn't really remember what happened next. She told me that she just woke up in some man's arms in a new, mysterious house she never saw before. However, she was too tired and restless and eventually fell asleep, forgetting all the misfortunes that happened. When she finally woke up for good, Isabelle noticed she was now in a... basket? With a blanket covered over her. She slowly raised her head, careful not to disturb anyone else that might be in the room with her. There, she saw him. He had brown, wavy hair, with the most bluest eyes in the world, as if it was a part of the sky itself. He was deeply engrossed in a book he was reading, until he caught her eyes staring at him. Isabelle caught myself blushing, something that she didn't even realize she was able to do, but knew she knew she didn't like it. " Oh, you're finally awake," he said with the most masculine and yet gentle voice ever. Oh, don't get me wrong here. "It's not like I was f-f-f-f-falling in l-l-l-l-love or anything..." She told me this as she was telling the story. She replied with a simple nod and asked, " Where am I?" Isabelle later remembered the events that had happened.. earlier on today? She couldn't remember. "Well, as of know, you're in the library. I hope that basket is comfortable. I didn't know what to do so... I thought that basket was good enough for your size." Isabelle was astounded from his well mannered attitude and voice and loved the way he spoke all gentlemany to her. She knew instantly that learning to act proper and reading all those books would pay off sometime and now was the time. She later learning that his name was William, but only she could call him Will. I could tell she liked that. Apparently, they hit off almost instantly, Isabelle trying to forget her ill past, and well, so was Will. "Did you ever learn anything about his past?" I asked, holding a handkerchief just in case I started bawling my eyes out again. She replied back saying that his parents had abandoned him and that his foster parents gave him a huge mansion to live in when he was done with college. " Where was the house," I inquired, hoping we could take our next adventure there. She gave me a sad smile before replying with, " Well, this was his house. And right now, we're in his room." Tears started swelling in her eyes and I noticed how she put emphasis on 'was'. "Ohmigod, Isabelle. What happened," I asked, about to cry myself. She let out a shaky breath and replied trembling, " T-they found us... The poachers. They knew I was here and tried to take me and..." And what???? "We were out in the yard and we were putting the gardening tools away," she whispered. " We noticed an unusual, burning smell coming from outside the shed. When we tried to open the door, we realized that it was locked and I feared the worst. We were going to be burnt alive." Her eyes were wide with fear and concern, obviously remembering the retched day in which she lost her guardian, protector, father, brother, her world. "He found a small hole in the corner of the wall that I could fit through. But he couldn't He kept telling me he was going to be fine and I submitted to his words. I crawled through the hole and took a strong look at our trappers. I recognized the men instantly. They were the men from that day. I had a cold sweat run down my neck and I knew that no matter what William said, that he was going to die." Her words choked on her final words and I was left to figure out everything for myself. That was okay since it wasn't very enjoyable whatsoever to see a strong, independent girl break down on you. Will eventually died and Isabelle couldn't do anything about it. She left the mansion for good, not wanting any sad memories. However, that was until I moved here. Now we could start over, letting our scars heal, and making new memories together.


Ohmygod, if I were to even be able to own her, I would be honored. She would be carried in a special place in my heart and I'll giver her anything she wants since she's my princess. It's not enough to say that I'll just love her; everyone says that. No, I will cherish her and try to preserve her enchanted, exotic self for the rest of her life because that's her strong point. I would never make her cry and I'll make sure that whoever bullies her will be severely punished (lol). I will make sure to write many stories of her and I together, continuing our story, and I might do a couple of role-plays with Isabelle as the main character! She'll be thrilled that she's going to be the main attraction of many pieces even though she might act like she's not! If I were to own her, I will also create some art of her, and make sure to stand by her side every day of the year, nurturing her growth. I'm sure she'll grow into a fine, classy lady :D.Thank you very much for reading up to this point but I just wanted to express my endless love for Isabelle <3.

Image Isabelle in human form! Now she can finally be with Will! *Isabelle overhears and slaps my face* lol Isabelle looking cute and tenacious!


You're probably looking at this word and wondering, 'What foreign language is this and what in the world does it mean??' Well, to answer your first question, it's a common term to describe someone like Isabelle in Japan. What this means is that the character acts and behaves like a princess towards people she doesn't know, but as soon as she gets closer to them and opens herself up, she shows them her loving, caring side. However, when she's in her "princess" form. she'll often be snotty and rude, usually to ward off people just like she had done all her life due to her childhood. She will also demand people around (playfully and not annoyingly) and tell people to act more ladylike and gentlemen-like. However, as soon as she does open up and reveals her true colors, she can be very sweet, willing to help,and tries to improve everyone's flaws, much to their dismay.
Isabelle is very much the very elegant, feminine lady that you can expect, based on her looks. She is very careful about maintaining her looks by brushing her long, luscious fur every morning and by trying new shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers, etc. She is very elegant and speaks with proper English without any flaws or slang words. She pays attention to how she behaves to make sure that she has a very pure reputation and she definitely looks the part with her vibe and aura.
Attentive/ Shy
Although her character doesn't seem to portray it, she has some flaws, such as her shyness. Her self confidence may fool you but in truth, she would prefer reading to herself then hang out with the big groups of Nekos. In fact, this is what she did most of her childhood. As others went around hanging out and chatting about to one another, she did the same thing with her books and imagination. During this period of being alone, she gained the hobby of observing others. She watched the other Sora Nekos do about their business and learned how to read other's body language and face features. She gained anew perspective and can often tell what others are thinking and what they're feeling without them telling her.
Isabelle is very smart and intelligent due to her past of reading in her entire spare time. She has a unique perspective on the world and people are often surprised on her knowledge of the world and are shocked that such a petite, cute girl knows so much.
Isabelle has very pleasant qualities and is very lovable and lovely. She is very charitable given that she is a very good-natured princess and wants the best for her friends. Isabelle is pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous towards others that she cares for. However, she won't hesitate to be nasty to those who have hurt her before. She's the type that doesn't forgive or forget although she tries to hide that dark part of her.


1. Isabelle was born on December 6, 2010. Her zodiac is a Sagittarius and usually their life pursuit is to live a good life. Her birth stone is turquoise and they are usually used for luck, love, protection, and healing. Her birth flower are Poinsettias.


Her other zodiac symbol is a tiger(how ironic) and they are usually lively, lucky, vivid, and engaging which is very much like Isabelle.

2. She has a huge phobia of fire, due to her tragic past and will often just freeze on the spot when she comes into contact with it. :cry:

3. Her favorite food and drink are scones and earl grey tea.

4. Isabelle's favorite movie and book (series) are Beastly and the Princess diaries.

5. She has a secret talent of singing and it's probably the most beautiful, angelic thing ever heard to man.

6. Her favorite music and genre are classical with a modern twist and paranormal romance.

7. She wishes to make some sort of impact on the world, but is not really sure how to yet. Maybe by creating some sort of fashion industry to help people who want to look and feel better?

8. She hates when people mistreat her and doesn't like it when people make fun of her or her friends.

9. She sometimes wishes that she could relive her life and start over again as someone else but she learned eventually to live with her horrible past. She sometimes thinks that maybe after what everyone said and what happened, she doesn't deserve to be happy. This feeling is locked deep in her heart.

10. Her favorite song is The Lonely by Christina Perri and is enchanted by it. ( Her favorite quote is, “I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.”

11. Her favorite flower and tree are orchids (means love and beauty), Gardenias (means unknown love) and willow trees.

12. Although she can be a bit stubborn, an attention-addict (loves attention) and can be high maintenance, she is a wonderful friend to have and will always try to be there for you and will try to make every day for you the best you've ever had. And that's everything that I could ever ask for <3.

Sorry that I wrote so much! I just had so many ideas and they kind of exploded... I would very much appreciate if you were to read them though! But it's okay if you skip around a bit... Thanks so much for putting her up for adoption! No matter what, I'll be happy to whoever she ends up to because I know that they will love and take care of her as much as I would. :)
Last edited by WitchSoul0123 on Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS

Postby mimi26188 » Mon May 13, 2013 4:52 am

Username: mimi26188
Name: Delilah
Gender: female
Age: 9
Story of how you found him/her: Sarah was looking was staring into the sky through her telescope hoping to find some stars that haven't been discovered yet. She saw something glittering in the sky. She zoomed in with her telescope to find a strange creature collecting stars and jumping from planet to planet. The creature looked down and met eye contact with Sarah. The creature soon darted down to earth zooming to Sarah. Sarah reached out touching its delicate fur. It accepted her and let Sarah cradle him in her arms. She soon named it Delilah. The end
What will you do with him/her if you win him/her: If i got her i would get gift lines of her and draw her into my notebook
Last edited by mimi26188 on Mon May 13, 2013 5:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS

Postby Sheori » Mon May 13, 2013 5:17 am

Reserve <3
My JBDs . My Kias
My TH . My DA
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There is too much
hate in this world.
Let's do our best,
to make it a better
place for everyone.
And the first step,
starts with ourselves.



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{ rhiya brielle } the youthful princess!

Postby tixij » Mon May 13, 2013 12:45 pm


--- name ; rhiya brielle. age ; 3. gender ; female.

    username: Equinesta, a Sora Neko non-owner and the first Sora Neko I will tryout for. You may call me Equi or Jazzy if you would like to.

    name: Rhiya Brielle, where Rhiya means "singer" and Brielle means "heroine of nature".

    gender: A beautiful, young, little female.

    age: She is a proud three year old. Born on August 24th. Birth flower is Gladiola. Her birthstone is the Peridot. Peridots are used to help dreams become a reality. Birth tree is the Pine Tree. Her Western zodiac sign is Virgo, her Eastern sign is the Ox.

    theme song: Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia

    history: She was born in a meadow near her clowder's den. From day one, many Nekos noticed she was too small for the average Neko. So small, it seemed like a deformity. Her mother urged her to go on and play with the other Nekos, but she refused. She was just so small. She dreamed of raising a family, but who would deem her worthy of the title of "Matriarch"? She was uncomfortable about her size. She was teased about it since youth. From then on, she stayed quiet, ignoring the verbal, painful words thrown at her. She was lower in rank than a commoner. When approached, she will snap at them until they leave. She knew she was much more special to be treated like this.


    at first...

    shy | feisty | attentive

    Her looks don't really actually speak for themselves, especially at first glance. Rhiya was as silent as silent can be, sitting besides a tree and avoiding large crowds of Nekos. She was hardly seen with many Nekos in fact. But despite her shyness, she was alert with everything that was going on. She didn't have to speak to know what was happening, she listened. When approached, she backs down and became snappy. She was spunky, a one of a kind. But after meeting her, it all changed...

    but now…

    → lady-like | benign | intelligent

    She is truly a sweet, intelligent little girl. Now, her looks do speak for themselves. She was charitible, especially to young animals like her. Her past seemed to be twisted into a sugar coated fairy tale. She is a lady, careful of what she says, what she does, where she goes. Her intelligence is a surprise for someone with a pretty face. She is careful not to talk over others and have made rules for herself to be never overlooked.

    likes, dislikes, quirks, phobias:

She has the ability to sing high and low notes and see things in different perspectives. She has cleisiophobia, the fear of being locked in an enclosed place and cheimatophobia, the fear of the cold, hence why she dislikes the winter.

likes and most favorites

→color; pink.
→number; 3.
→animal; feline.
→mythical creature; unicorn & pegasi.
→food; fruit salad with a side of mashed potatoes.
→drink; green tea w/ honey + ginseng & water.
→candy; truffles & other chocolate.
→flavor; strawberry.
→snack; yogurt.
→dessert; triple fudge chocolate cake.
→mealtime; dinner.
→holiday; christmas & valentine's day.
→month; august, april, & june.
→season; spring & summer.
→time of day; evening.
→location; meadows & forests.
→landmark; golden gate bridge.
→TV show; pretty little liars& the walking dead.
→film; mean girls.
→music genre; romance & alternative.
→genre; romance, action &adventure,
→book; city of bones series.
→video game; the walking dead & alice: madness returns.
→game; capture the flag & hide-and-seek.
→sport; football & lacrosse.
→pastime; cooking, reading,
→herb; aloe vera.
→transport; flight.
→tree; cherry blossom.
→flower; hibiscus & rose.
→word; "gorgeous".
→subject; literature & art.
→day; saturday.
→job; designing.
→element; air.

dislikes and least favorites

→color; green.
→number; 6.
→animal; canine.
→mythical creature; cerberus.
→food; foreign meats.
→drink; artificial flavored drinks.
→candy; anything with mint.
→flavor; mint.
→snack; chips.
→dessert; angel food cake.
→mealtime; breakfast.
→holiday; halloween.
→month; september, january, & march.
→season; winter.
→time of day; morning.
→location; cities.
→landmark; washington monument.
→TV show; anything with gordon ramsay. o-o
→film; jack & jill.
→music genre; metal & jazz.
→genre; informational.
→book; twilight.
→video game; sqij.
→game; cops & robbers.
→sport; cheerleading.
→pastime; dance.
→herb; basil.
→transport; machinery.
→tree; birch tree.
→flower; venus flytrap.
→word; "pamphlet".
→subject; math.
→day; monday.
→job; hunting.
→element; fire.

    story of how you found her: My eyes were set on her from day one.

    It was a beautiful August morning. I was bird-watching that day. Grabbing my binoculars, I set my eyes onto a blue jay. It chirped happily as summer slowly drifted away and came to an end. I looked for more birds; zebra finches, robins, cardinals, warblers, and gold finches. Tired after about two hours of bird watching and taking wonderful pictures, I started to set on foot back to my home.

    On my way, I caught my eye on a clowder. A clowder of the magestic Sora Nekos, many of which were flying happily in the air, enjoying the fringe of summer left. There was a matriarch and patriarch, sitting away from the rest of the clowder near the entrance of their home. The mother seemed to be ready to give birth. Or has she already? It was hard to tell from here.I slowly and carefully walked trudged to a nearby tree with an enormous trunk and look around it carefully and cautiously. There was a tiny Neko in the arms of the matriarch. I looked closely and noticed it seemed... too tiny. Not the size of the average newborn.

    From then on, I decided to watch her grow. I was really unsure that she might even survive at first, but the mother was a strong one. At about two weeks of age she learned how to run and played with other Nekos. There, I was really sure she had some type of genetic disorder of some type. Other Nekos of her age were twice her size. The only similarity was the size of her tail.

    Deeply saddened by the outcome of her size, I kept watch. Everything else was fine. She seemed to be full of energy, like many of the other youths. One day, I thought, I will meet this Neko.

    I befriended her without ever meeting her. Today was her first birthday, but her parents weren't exactly the royalty they were the year before. They changed considerably. They still cared for her of course, but they have aged... they almost seemed like they lost their royal title of matriarch and patriarch. Rhiya was far too young to be abandoned, and I hope that they keep her for a little longer.

    At a year and five months old, Rhiya learned to be pretty independent. She started developing her social skills by observing her mother and playing with other Nekos and cats; practicing running, jumping, stalking and pouncing. Some of her teeth seemed to be loose and she refused to eat too much, and as they grew out she started to gnaw on bark. She tried to "challenge" her parents, whom gave her a slight cuff on the ears. She didn't look like a fluffball like she was five months ago; she suddenly grew long and lanky.

    When she was almost two years old, she tested her flight skills. Soon enough, she learned how to fly. She dazzled the other Nekos with her streamlined body and elegance, and they barely cared for her size. This was when I decided to approach her.

    She was sleeping behind a tree, away from her parents (who had a new baby Neko to care for) and other Nekos. I crawled towards her and waited her to wake up. I brought a gift for her, due to her learning how to fly. It was two black bows, one for her tail and one for her head. I thought they would look cute, and it was a nice 'hello' gift. The rest of the clowder (except her parents, off to visit another clowder) watched me suspiciously and acted as if, if I was a predator they wouldn't have cared if I took her or not. She opened her eyes and bared her small tiny teeth. Her eyes were glassy black ovals. I pulled my hand out from behind my back and handed her my token of friendship.

    She eyed it suspiciously but let me put the first ribbon on her head. I put the second one of the base of her tail and let her look at herself for a moment. She looked adorable - no, gorgeous. Accepting it, she leaped into my arms and curled back up again. Hoping, just hoping, she's going to be mine.

    what will you do with her if you win her: First thing, thank you for reading my form, even if you skipped around a bit. The real reason of why I want Rhiya Brielle is because she'd be my very first Sora Neko and she'd be a huge honor to own her. I also would love her for the way her design reflects beauty perfectly; hence why I really love her. I know I am going against many amazing forms. But it would be my absolute honor if you let me own her. Rhiya will not be forgotten in a thread somewhere. I am involved in other roleplays and will be in the fanclub. I want her to be loved and cherished, and I would love Rhiya. Rhiya would get involved many roleplays and events that are available. I will make much art, she will have a lot of love and not be neglected if I do win another later on. Perhaps, in time, she would find many friends. If I get Rhiya, I promise I'll care for her and treat her like a princess. If I do not get her, I won't get mad, sad, or a little stressed out. I'm going to be happy she's going to a great home and will have fun for the next Sora Neko I'll try out for. Thanks for reading this, once more!

    art: Image

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Re: Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS

Postby WitchSoul0123 » Mon May 13, 2013 12:53 pm

Just to let ya know, she's PPS, so she won't be able to have a mate and children^^
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Re: Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS

Postby tixij » Mon May 13, 2013 12:54 pm

BlackRose0123 wrote:Just to let ya know, she's PPS, so she won't be able to have a mate and children^^

Oh, I was wondering about that, since she's PPS after all. Thank you BlackRose0123! C: I'll edit my form in a second.
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Re: Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS

Postby WitchSoul0123 » Mon May 13, 2013 12:57 pm

Yup no prob^^
We discussed on the thread, but I don't believe it's on any of the main posts^^
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Re: Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS

Postby Lying_Lilacs » Wed May 15, 2013 3:25 am

Reserve. <333

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Re: Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS

Postby Cherry.Blossom » Wed May 15, 2013 3:36 am




Cherry.Blossom or you can call me a Japanese variation of the name, Sakura (✿◠‿◠). I already have one Sora Neko named Momoka, or Momo for short, and this cute princess would make a great addition to my group and she would make great friends with my Momo!


This young lady's name would be the classic, feminine version of the name Isabel, Isabelle. Isabelle is hugely fashionable again, a century after its first wave of success. Easy to see why: it's ladylike (a la Isabel Archer in Henry James's Portrait of a Lady) and melodic, traditional yet offbeat. Isabelle sounds smart as well as pretty. It's the French version of Isabel and it means God's promise.


She would be offended if you were to call her anything but a girl!


Although she keeps it a secret, I'll tell you anyways! She's three years old! And looks very young for her age.


I knew that as soon as we arrived to the new house, that I absolutely hated it. No, more like I loathed it. I mean, it wasn't even a house; not really anyways. Most people would call it a mansion, with about a million, useless windows, a million, useless doors, and a million, useless floors. It seemed more like a high-class prison than my family's new living quarters. You see? I can't even call it our own home. That's how sickening it feels. As my father, pregnant mother and I climbed out the car and stood in the cold, winter's day we all stared at the house expectantly. I knew my parents were pleased by their house selection and were waiting for me to be pleasantly surprised about it too. Well, just to make my point clear, I wasn't going to comply. " I hate it," I mumbled, emphasizing the word hate in my sentence. " It's too big and it's going to feel super empty and lonely outside." Of course my optimistic mother then said," Oh, sweetie. With your baby brother on the way, this home will be a great place to make a new start. And besides, your father has better job opportunities here." I just let out a sigh. I don't know if I mentioned this through my anger and resentment, but my father was a businessman who decided that it would be a wonderful idea to move us across an ocean to Great Britain. I mean, even the country's name sounded conceited. As I grabbed by purple zebra stripe duffel bag and headed towards the 2 giant chocolate bar- like doors, I unmistakably heard what I thought was... singing? Who would be singing out here in the middle of a forest in a White December? I dismissed it as the wind brushing against the leaves until it started again. However, this time, it was closer and I could actually make out the words:

" Dancing slowly in an empty room,
Can the lonely take the place of you?
I sing myself a quiet lullaby,
Let you go and let the lonely in, to take my heart again..."

I recognized the words as soon as I heard them. They were a part of Christina Perri's song, The Lonely. I remember this specifically because in my old town, I went to her concert with my two best friends, Talia and Makenzie. Those were the good old days in which we did the stupidest things together and we always lived life to the fullest. We somehow saved enough money to go to our favorite singer's concert and that's when I broke their hearts and told them the news of me leaving. Forever. No moving back. I quickly wiped away the tears forming in my eyes and tried to forget it. It's kind of hard when you remember your friends bawling their eyes out on you and giving you countless hugs and 'We'll miss you.'

Gathering up enough courage to use my voice again and speak without crying, I asked, " Did you just hear that?" My father starting unloading all the suitcases in the trunk and replied back asking, "What am I supposed to hear?" I gave him a look and said," I heard singing. It was very beautiful and I wanted to know if you heard it to. But probably not since all you guys are focused on is moving into this stupid house." I let my words stay there for a minute and let them hang in the air. My mom was about to be all positive until I said," You know what? I'm going to walk around and explore the property because I'm super interested to see if I can find some kind of alien or ghost in this frozen wasteland. Okay?" I knew I was really sarcastic and rude, but when you deal with the things I have dealt with all my life with moving because of my dad's job, then you would feel the same. I knew I was going to get it later but being the spoiled, millionaire's daughter, my father replied with a tired, miserable voice, " Sure honey, just make sure you get back by dinner." Still clutching onto the duffel bag to release any pent up anger, I stomped towards the opening of the woods.

When I finally opened up my eyes without thinking about all the other problems in my life right now, I realized just how beautiful the trees looked with the freshly fallen snow. The trees were a light brown, with bare pieces of bark showing from the snow; and the snow was a breath taking white that seemed to sparkle under the December sun. I can't believe I missed all this undeniable beauty in the last twenty minutes of my hateful thoughts since we came here. In Florida, where we used to live, there was no snow whatsoever. I'm sure Talia and Mackenzie would've loved it... They were so jealous when I said I was moving to Britain. "Omg, you are so lucky! They have castles and princes! I wonder if they're cute," said Makenzie, nudging my shoulder. Talia then said," Oh come one! She couldn't get a boyfriend if she tried! But hey, I heard they have pretty awesome malls there." They both started squealing and jumping up and down. I smiled and giggled at the memory, until I remembered I wouldn't see them. Probably ever again until I turned 18 and left for good. A sob crawled up my throat threatening the entrance of the tears. I dropped the duffel bag to the ground and sank to my knees. I never had a really good cry about this until, well, now. I let all my feelings drip out through the tears and muffled sounds came from my mouth. I was about to stand up and remember why I came here in the first place when an angelic, melodic voice with a slight British accent interrupted my thoughts. " You know, it isn't very ladylike to cry by yourself and make a huge mess. Ew, even your nose is dripping. You should only cry in front of a man if you want some sympathy."

I quickly spun around, stunned about who had followed me when I came face to face with a... cat? No, I recognized this exotic creature, fore I've met one before by the name of Momo. However, this Sora Neko looked really different. While Momo looked like and adult and in the right shape, this one was more... petite and princess like. She had a beautiful,velvet black bow on her ear and tail and her fur was a beautiful shade of various kinds of pinks and purples. I have never seen anything like it and I must have stared too long or something because she said, " You know, it's kind of rude to stare but I take it that you find me exquisite or something. If that's the case, I will dismiss your rude behavior and would like to know your name, if you don't mind." Oh my god, this girl literally completed my thoughts. She talked in perfect, clear syllables and it sounded as if she was singing when she was talking.With a shaky voice, I replied back. " M-my name is Sakura and I just moved here..." I pointed in the general direction of the house and anticipated for her answer. She gave me this really sad face (I almost started crying again) and said," Well, Sakura, although you don't look like any cherry blossom, I can fix that. My name is Isabelle and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She sort of curtsied and walked towards me. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that she knew what my name meant, but I could tell she was the smart type and not the stupid, blond ones in my former school that used to bully me because of my name. " What are you doing out here in the cold?" Even though I asked this, I knew that she had a super fluffy tail bigger than her whole body to use at her disposal but she looked so frail and fragile like an ice sculpture. She then asked me a really, random question. " Did you hear my singing?" She said this in a hopeful, anxious look that I didn't ever want to destroy. "Yes, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," I whispered, slightly embarrassed. She gave me a sarcastic look and said, " Well, if I was really cold,then I wouldn't have the power to sing would I?" She let out a little giggle that sounded like the angels from above.

Gathering up all my courage, I asked the question that I had from the start. " Are you alone?" She gave me sad, face full of despair and gave out a weak smile. "I am actually, and it has been very cold ever since I lost him..." My mind raced with many questions. Who's "he"? What do you mean you lost him? Why do you look so sad? Instead, I asked, more like whispered," Would you like to live with me? My house is super big, and I don't have any siblings yet, and I'm sure my parents won't mind..." I know I was talking really fats and sounded really desperate, but I sensed a coming of happiness- the first I've felt in a long time. And I was about to use my father's business skills to persuade her. Looks like I didn't have to because she then said, " Really? Would you really do that for me,someone you've just met?" As soon as I saw her twinkling, innocent eyes staring longingly at me, I knew I wanted to preserve that fresh, pure face forever. "Yep. Forever." Maybe a new adventure awaited me in Great Britain, with someone like Isabelle.


Isabelle was born on a cold winter's day, and was the runt of the litter along with her twin sister. Most of the pack thought they were both going to die because of their small, petite size but their mother believed that their spirits were full of the fire to live and so she kept nurturing them even though the rest of the back told her not to bother. The mother had empathy for her poor girls, fore when she was younger, she was also born the runt and her mother still took care of her. Unfortunately, Isabelle's twin sister eventually passed away because she just wasn't strong enough. Isabelle was a few months old by then and everyday she would ask, "When am I gonna see her? Is she taking a trip or something? I wanna see her!" Eventually, when it hurt her that she was never coming back, she fell into a deep black void and wouldn't speak to anyone for months, blaming herself the entire time. Although her mother was also devastated, she was even more persistent to keep her only, weak daughter alive and tried to make the best for her. During the time of her depression, many for the other Sora Nekos had already formed their groups and cliques and by the time Isabelle was getting out of her dark, lost state, there was no more room for her. And it's not like it mattered anyways since no one would except her for her weak, worthless self. Wanting to become better and proving to the world her worth, she spent most of her childhood reading. I guess this is where she got her intelligence. She read many books, varying from fiction to geography books. She loved the mystery of the world and wondered what everyone else was like, if they would except her. She spent the remainder of her time trying to become ladylike and feminine to also prove that just like anyone else, she had respect for herself and wanted to look good. However, by the time she was 1 and it was summer, tragedy striked the clowder. Apparently, in the human world, many humans prized Sora Neko fur as clothing and some poachers had come. To bring fear out of them and to rat them out, they lit the whole forest in which they were staying in on fire. Isabelle only remembers hearing frantic screams and cries and doesn't really remember what happened next. She told me that she just woke up in some man's arms in a new, mysterious house she never saw before. However, she was too tired and restless and eventually fell asleep, forgetting all the misfortunes that happened. When she finally woke up for good, Isabelle noticed she was now in a... basket? With a blanket covered over her. She slowly raised her head, careful not to disturb anyone else that might be in the room with her. There, she saw him. He had brown, wavy hair, with the most bluest eyes in the world, as if it was a part of the sky itself. He was deeply engrossed in a book he was reading, until he caught her eyes staring at him. Isabelle caught myself blushing, something that she didn't even realize she was able to do, but knew she knew she didn't like it. " Oh, you're finally awake," he said with the most masculine and yet gentle voice ever. Oh, don't get me wrong here. "It's not like I was f-f-f-f-falling in l-l-l-l-love or anything..." She told me this as she was telling the story. She replied with a simple nod and asked, " Where am I?" Isabelle later remembered the events that had happened.. earlier on today? She couldn't remember. "Well, as of know, you're in the library. I hope that basket is comfortable. I didn't know what to do so... I thought that basket was good enough for your size." Isabelle was astounded from his well mannered attitude and voice and loved the way he spoke all gentlemany to her. She knew instantly that learning to act proper and reading all those books would pay off sometime and now was the time. She later learning that his name was William, but only she could call him Will. I could tell she liked that. Apparently, they hit off almost instantly, Isabelle trying to forget her ill past, and well, so was Will. "Did you ever learn anything about his past?" I asked, holding a handkerchief just in case I started bawling my eyes out again. She replied back saying that his parents had abandoned him and that his foster parents gave him a huge mansion to live in when he was done with college. " Where was the house," I inquired, hoping we could take our next adventure there. She gave me a sad smile before replying with, " Well, this was his house. And right now, we're in his room." Tears started swelling in her eyes and I noticed how she put emphasis on 'was'. "Ohmigod, Isabelle. What happened," I asked, about to cry myself. She let out a shaky breath and replied trembling, " T-they found us... The poachers. They knew I was here and tried to take me and..." And what???? "We were out in the yard and we were putting the gardening tools away," she whispered. " We noticed an unusual, burning smell coming from outside the shed. When we tried to open the door, we realized that it was locked and I feared the worst. We were going to be burnt alive." Her eyes were wide with fear and concern, obviously remembering the retched day in which she lost her guardian, protector, father, brother, her world. "He found a small hole in the corner of the wall that I could fit through. But he couldn't He kept telling me he was going to be fine and I submitted to his words. I crawled through the hole and took a strong look at our trappers. I recognized the men instantly. They were the men from that day. I had a cold sweat run down my neck and I knew that no matter what William said, that he was going to die." Her words choked on her final words and I was left to figure out everything for myself. That was okay since it wasn't very enjoyable whatsoever to see a strong, independent girl break down on you. Will eventually died and Isabelle couldn't do anything about it. She left the mansion for good, not wanting any sad memories. However, that was until I moved here. Now we could start over, letting our scars heal, and making new memories together.


Ohmygod, if I were to even be able to own her, I would be honored. She would be carried in a special place in my heart and I'll giver her anything she wants since she's my princess. It's not enough to say that I'll just love her; everyone says that. No, I will cherish her and try to preserve her enchanted, exotic self for the rest of her life because that's her strong point. I would never make her cry and I'll make sure that whoever bullies her will be severely punished (lol). I will make sure to write many stories of her and I together, continuing our story, and I might do a couple of role-plays with Isabelle as the main character! She'll be thrilled that she's going to be the main attraction of many pieces even though she might act like she's not! If I were to own her, I will also create some art of her, and make sure to stand by her side every day of the year, nurturing her growth. I'm sure she'll grow into a fine, classy lady :D.Thank you very much for reading up to this point but I just wanted to express my endless love for Isabelle <3.

Image Isabelle in human form! Now she can finally be with Will! *Isabelle overhears and slaps my face* lol Isabelle looking cute and tenacious!


You're probably looking at this word and wondering, 'What foreign language is this and what in the world does it mean??' Well, to answer your first question, it's a common term to describe someone like Isabelle in Japan. What this means is that the character acts and behaves like a princess towards people she doesn't know, but as soon as she gets closer to them and opens herself up, she shows them her loving, caring side. However, when she's in her "princess" form. she'll often be snotty and rude, usually to ward off people just like she had done all her life due to her childhood. She will also demand people around (playfully and not annoyingly) and tell people to act more ladylike and gentlemen-like. However, as soon as she does open up and reveals her true colors, she can be very sweet, willing to help,and tries to improve everyone's flaws, much to their dismay.
Isabelle is very much the very elegant, feminine lady that you can expect, based on her looks. She is very careful about maintaining her looks by brushing her long, luscious fur every morning and by trying new shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers, etc. She is very elegant and speaks with proper English without any flaws or slang words. She pays attention to how she behaves to make sure that she has a very pure reputation and she definitely looks the part with her vibe and aura.
Attentive/ Shy
Although her character doesn't seem to portray it, she has some flaws, such as her shyness. Her self confidence may fool you but in truth, she would prefer reading to herself then hang out with the big groups of Nekos. In fact, this is what she did most of her childhood. As others went around hanging out and chatting about to one another, she did the same thing with her books and imagination. During this period of being alone, she gained the hobby of observing others. She watched the other Sora Nekos do about their business and learned how to read other's body language and face features. She gained anew perspective and can often tell what others are thinking and what they're feeling without them telling her.
Isabelle is very smart and intelligent due to her past of reading in her entire spare time. She has a unique perspective on the world and people are often surprised on her knowledge of the world and are shocked that such a petite, cute girl knows so much.
Isabelle has very pleasant qualities and is very lovable and lovely. She is very charitable given that she is a very good-natured princess and wants the best for her friends. Isabelle is pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous towards others that she cares for. However, she won't hesitate to be nasty to those who have hurt her before. She's the type that doesn't forgive or forget although she tries to hide that dark part of her.


1. Isabelle was born on December 6, 2010. Her zodiac is a Sagittarius and usually their life pursuit is to live a good life. Her birth stone is turquoise and they are usually used for luck, love, protection, and healing. Her birth flower are Poinsettias.


Her other zodiac symbol is a tiger(how ironic) and they are usually lively, lucky, vivid, and engaging which is very much like Isabelle.

2. She has a huge phobia of fire, due to her tragic past and will often just freeze on the spot when she comes into contact with it. :cry:

3. Her favorite food and drink are scones and earl grey tea.

4. Isabelle's favorite movie and book (series) are Beastly and the Princess diaries.

5. She has a secret talent of singing and it's probably the most beautiful, angelic thing ever heard to man.

6. Her favorite music and genre are classical with a modern twist and paranormal romance.

7. She wishes to make some sort of impact on the world, but is not really sure how to yet. Maybe by creating some sort of fashion industry to help people who want to look and feel better?

8. She hates when people mistreat her and doesn't like it when people make fun of her or her friends.

9. She sometimes wishes that she could relive her life and start over again as someone else but she learned eventually to live with her horrible past. She sometimes thinks that maybe after what everyone said and what happened, she doesn't deserve to be happy. This feeling is locked deep in her heart.

10. Her favorite song is The Lonely by Christina Perri and is enchanted by it. ( Her favorite quote is, “I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.”

11. Her favorite flower and tree are orchids (means love and beauty), Gardenias (means unknown love) and willow trees.

12. Although she can be a bit stubborn, an attention-addict (loves attention) and can be high maintenance, she is a wonderful friend to have and will always try to be there for you and will try to make every day for you the best you've ever had. And that's everything that I could ever ask for <3.

Sorry that I wrote so much! I just had so many ideas and they kind of exploded... I would very much appreciate if you were to read them though! But it's okay if you skip around a bit... Thanks so much for putting her up for adoption! No matter what, I'll be happy to whoever she ends up to because I know that they will love and take care of her as much as I would. :)

"Dancing slowly in an empty room,
Can the lonely take the place of you?
I sing myself a quiet lullaby.
Let you go and let the lonely in
To take my heart again."
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Re: Sora Neko #106 ~ PPS

Postby tixij » Tue May 21, 2013 11:18 am

Good luck everyone. <3
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