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which cat should be willowclan deputy? [listed alphabetically]

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Postby astronautica. » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:04 am

      [ username ]
      [ astronautica. ]
      [ lisca ]
      [ detective who. ]
      [ wolf, ]
      [ jimmy novak ]
      [ lacke ]
      [ killian jones ]
      [ snow falling;; ]
      [ harmonious. ]
      [ winterlove. ]
      [ cas, ]
      [ scintilling, ]
      [ rockett. ]
      [ sleeper ]
      [ keriae ]
[ character && character ]
[ ivystar, firefly && eaglepaw ]
[ wrennose && owlpaw ]
[ mallowpaw && shrike ]
[ rowanpaw && gingersplash ]
[ rainsong && lioncloud ]
[ kestralwing && pebblesong ]
[ quickpaw && soapdish ]
[ alderstrike && larksplash ]
[ nyah, pansypaw && valerian ]
[ mintpaw & hawkfur ]
[ ashfall ]
[ stormheart && honeytongue ]
[ acornfur && externus ]
[ maine ]
[ badgerclaw ]
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✨ [ ivy ] ✨

Postby astronautica. » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:06 am

she was a much loved warrior that had
reached the rank of deputy at a young
age in comparison to most however th
e clan knew she would grow and gann
etstar would shape her into a marvelo
us leader much like her predecessor. w
ith the formation of rogues came the d
ownfall of gannetstar, one of their tra
ps tearing all four of his lives away fr
om him, his wound so deep not even t
he medicine cats in starclan could save
him. naturally leadership then fell to i
vystorm, the molly had been deputy f
or a while though nothing in starclan c
ould prepare her for this, she was give
n the title of willowclan leader way to
early not to mention in the most dange
rous time the clan has faced. she is try
ing to persevere through yet the loss a
nd newfound responsibility is clearly ta
king a toll on the inexperienced leader.
─────────── ★ ───────────
───── xxxx ─────
name: ivystar; warrior: ivystorm
age: twenty-eight moons; leader

ivystar is hardworking and reliable
if not a little brutally honest. she h
as always been in the spotlight, a t
alented molly that adores socialisin
g. she has strong morals, striving fo
r balance & fairness. ivystar fears f
ailure above anything else.

white with grey tabby points
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✨ [ firefly ] ✨

Postby astronautica. » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:06 am

no one is sure of his history,
which was merely being bor
n and bred to barn cats befo
re he left and found the fue
d. he just arrived one day o
ut of the blue, a sense of my
stery surrounding the slim to
m. firefly runs off ambition
but he likes to remain secret
ive. he is dangerous when he
wants to be but on the whole
just wants his space from cats.
he is secretive and driven in character, merely joining the
fight against the clan believing they can give him more then
the clan can. he has no deep hatred towards the clan as the
y do to him, he merely believes the gain of fighting them is
greater then joining. he likes distancing himself from other c
ats fighting willowclan, not looking to make many personal r
elationships. instead he makes acquaintances. firefly is unafr
aid getting his paws dirty, using his stealth and intelligence t
o trap and kill without being spotted. if someone does talk to
him though he flips into his likeable persona, charming and f
lirtatious easily able to persuade and fun to be around. he is
certainly a charismatic killer.
Last edited by astronautica. on Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:04 am, edited 7 times in total.
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✨ [ eagle ] ✨

Postby astronautica. » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:07 am

bravery is something eag
lepaw never lacks, unfas
ed by the presence of ou
tsiders ready to protect h
is clan at all costs. for an
apprentice he is unusually
fearless and chivalrous. hi
s bravery shrinks into reck
lessness as he prefers to st
rike danger head on often
landing him into the med
icine cats den subjected t
o being lectured by mallo
wpaw and punished.
he likes to wear his confi
dence proudly, rarely app
earing self-concious and
instead giving some that
barely know him the impr
ession of big headedness
and arrogance. egotystic
al is also a good word tha
t describes the tom, he c
ares about his achieveme
nts and can't stop babblin
g. prides a sin but i guess
envy is just as bad; so wh
eres the real harm?
name: eaglepaw; age: twelve moons; orientation; pan
eaglepaw was the first litter of stagfang and robinfur; his litterm
ate stillborn; and grew up alone with the other kits too old for hi
m, becoming apprentice age. yet his family doted on him, their
strong and healthy son. when he was nearing apprenticeship the c
ouple had a second litter; giving eaglepaw a little brother named
mallowkit. he trained as a warrior and four moons later mallowp
aw was apprenticed; following the path on wrennose instead of hi
s own pawprints, yet eaglepaw will always be his protective brother.
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✨ [ res ] ✨

Postby astronautica. » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:07 am

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✨ [ wrennose ] ✨

Postby lisica, » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:59 am




    name wren- for her small size and brown tabby fur, -nose for her observant and
    quiet personality, and strong sense of smell.
    age twenty moons.
    rank medicine cat
    desired achieved

    gender female - she/her
    orientation grey-ace bisexual
    mate/crush none

    fur pretty brown tabby with hints of ginger fur and white markings
    build small and slim
    eyes pale green and vey round

    positive wise, intelligent, calm, mature, quick thinking
    neutral quiet, independent, witty, relaxed, tolerant
    negative shy, anxious, sharp, stern, brutally honest

    mother dustclaw
    father pinefoot
    stepfather stormstep
    stepbrother owlpaw

    voice dodie
    mental illnesses (if any) anxiety

    skills healing, senses, specifically hearing and scent
    likes flowers, the scent of herbs, little things in nature
    dislikes arguments, raised voices, ticks
    fears ticks which is inconvenient, being forgotten

    other I hope she's okay!


      history here!
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Postby detective who. » Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:01 am

                name; Mallowpaw
                rank; med apprentice
                age; eight moons
                gender; male
                orientation; heterorom/grey-ace
                appearance; white with brown tail and ears, blue eyes; lanky, wiry
                brother; Eaglepaw
                skills; tracking, healing, memory, listening
                likes; mouse, tiny flowers, watching fish, mist
                dislikes; frog, rain, fighting, standing out
                fears; being ostracised, owls

                From kithood, Mallowpaw has been interested in medicine, but he felt pushed toward becoming a warrior by the other apprentices. He would often hang about the medicine den, trying to go unnoticed by Wrennose, although that was rarely, if ever, the case. Due to a fear of being ostracised by the other apprentices, he only showed open interest in medicine about a moon before his apprentice ceremony was to happen; although he didn't want to be different from the others, he also didn't want to be pushed into a warrior apprenticeship. He still frequently questions whether he made the right choice, especially when he listens to his friends talk about their training, and he often wonders whether Wrennose thinks he is taking his duties seriously.

                He's of a peaceful disposition, which is part of the reason he was inclined toward becoming a medicine cat; he never was good at fighting, even when he was just playing with his siblings. He has a strong sense of sympathy, both to physical and emotional pain, which Wrennose hopes will serve him well as he progresses. Due to his sympathy and thoughtfulness, Mallowpaw was often the peacemaker between the other kits before he was apprenticed. He still enjoys spending time with the other apprentices, regardless of the path he chose. Partly because of how close they are in age, Mallowpaw works well with his Wrennose, and the two have bonded quickly since his apprenticeship began. He deeply admires her knowledge and skill, especially given how young she is.

                Mallowpaw, with his surprisingly acute sense of smell, has proven himself an expert at finding herbs. He's very curious, though, and often gets distracted from his task by unfamiliar sights or smells; he is known to return to camp with prey alongside the herbs he was meant to collect. Despite how easily sidetracked he is while searching for herbs, Mallowpaw is extremely attentive to patients. He is very precise and careful in his treatments, and while confident in his abilities, is not afraid to ask Wrennose for help if necessary.

        ♡=familial; ♥=friend /5
    • ivystar;; although he looks up to ivystar and believes that she is a fine leader, mallowpaw is slightly concerned that she may overwork herself, but he has never mentioned this to her or to wrennose. he appreciates all that ivystar has done to keep the clan safe and strong. he has only spoken to her a few times and so has no established relationship with her.
    • wrennose;; mallowpaw is very admiring of his mentor, and he sees her like an older sister. still, she is very intimidating when she's upset, and he's sometimes afraid to head back to the den if he knows he was out too long or if he couldn't find an herb. he's often unsure of what she's thinking and feeling, but he does his best to keep her happy, especially with her anxiety. he wishes she would confide in him more. ♡♡♥♥
    • deputy;;
    • kestralwing;; kestralwing reminds mallowpaw of wrennose. all of their interactions have been positive, and although they haven't spoken much, mallowpaw has developed a trust in the warrior. he'd like to talk to wrennose about signs of anxiety he's noticed in kestralwing, but hasn't gotten up the confidence to do so yet. ♥
    • rainsong;; mallowpaw doesn't know him well, but he appreciates how cheerful rainsong is and the enthusiasm he shows.
    • lioncloud;; because of how little emotion he shows, lioncloud intimidates mallowpaw. he avoids the older cat when he can.
    • alderstrike;; mallowpaw respects alderstrike immensely, and although he was intimidated by the warrior at first, the two have since bonded a bit while caring for pebblesong. mallowpaw doesn't mind his bluntness; in fact, he sometimes appreciates it, even though alderstrike doesn't know medicine and might sometimes question what mallowpaw is doing. mallowpaw knows it's only out of concern for pebblesong and stays patient with him; he thinks it's fantastic how much they care for each other. ♥♥
    • larksplash;; mallowpaw hasn't seen much of larksplash around in the medicine den, but when he does, he wonders if he's even listening to what he or wrennose tell her; he thinks she has more respect for wrennose's words than his, but he does her best to get her to pay attention to him.
    • pebblesong;; mallowpaw has gotten to know pebblesong much better than many of his other clanmates, because he sees her daily in the nursury. the two have developed a friendship, and at this point, mallowpaw is looking forward to her kits almost as much as she and alderstrike are. ♥♥♥
    • ashfall;; mallowpaw hasn't interacted much with ashfall and knows very little about her, but he sees how hard-working and selfless she is and appreciates that.

    • eaglepaw;; mallowpaw's brother. despite mallowpaw's usual patience, he is easily frustrated by his brother's recklessness, though it is out of love, as he constantly reminds him. he is often jealous of eaglepaw's accomplishments, and his enthusiasm sometimes causes mallowpaw to question whether he's chosen the right path. he envies his brother's confidence, and his exasperation occasionally leads to quarreling, despite their closeness. he discourages eaglepaw's boasting and often reminds him that if he wasn't so proud, he wouldn't end up in the medicine den so often. ♡♡♡♡
    • owlpaw;; owlpaw and mallowpaw have been friends since they were kits, in part due to their closeness in age. they're both a bit shy and lose focus easily, so much of their 'hanging out' was just sitting by each other, thinking their own thoughts. owlpaw was the only kit who mallowpaw didn't feel pressured by to go into a warrior apprenticeship. ♥♥♥♥
    • quickpaw;; because quickpaw is so reserved and was often out of the nursery to spend time with his father, mallowpaw wasn't as close to him as he was the other apprentices. still, mallowpaw is impressed by how hard quickpaw works, and he was very sorry and offered what comfort he could when silverswipe was killed. ♥♥
    • rowanpaw;; since mallowpaw is only two moons older than rowanpaw, he has a pretty strong relationship with her. he enjoyed playing with her in the nursery, even after he was apprenticed, and often spends time with her and the other apprentices now. he admires her spirit and determination, though he worries sometimes that she might get herself into trouble. ♥♥♥♥
    • mintpaw;; mallowpaw doesn't know mintpaw that well because of how timid she is, but he hopes they can become friends. he got to know her a little better than he did as kits when she was in the medicine den for her eye injury, and he told her when she was released that if she ever needs to talk about anything, to come find him. ♥
    • pansypaw;; a moon younger than she is, mallowpaw has always found pansypaw a bit enigmatic. he appreciates her spirituality and wisdom, and wouldn't be afraid to talk to her about starclan. he enjoyed her stories as a kit and still remembers a few of them. ♥♥♥
Last edited by detective who. on Sat Jun 04, 2016 3:03 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Postby detective who. » Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:05 am

              name; Shrike
              rank; follower
              age; 36 moons
              gender; male
              orientation; demiro ace
              appearance; grey-and-white mask-and-mantle, green eyes, sturdy, slightly round build
              family; none known
              skills; climbing, hunting in and from trees
              likes; shredding things, shiny things, squirrel, eating
              dislikes; mockery, unwanted attention, fishing, fighting
              fears; being seen as useless

              Shrike is an ex-kittypet who joined the fight against the Clans after getting fed up with taunting by OakClan cats. He's been out of his kittypet home for a long time, long before the fight began; he was dumped from his home at a fairly young age due to his disobedience, his habit of tearing apart nearly anything he could get his claws on, and his clearly manifested dislike for his owner's girlfriend. He was mocked by the Clan cats for his being neutered (evident by his altered scent) and also for that fact that he couldn't even succeed at being a kittypet. Shrike joined the outcasts mostly as support, and generally avoids any actual fighting; he prefers to sharpen his claws on trees and use his teeth on prey, though he is fantastic at making the site of a battle look worse than it was, because of his destructive tendencies, and this was his responsibility at OakClan's ruined camp.

              An excellent climber, Shrike prefers sleeping in trees to on the ground, and he prefers squirrels to other prey. He has a stentorian voice and is virtually incapable of whispering; his lowest tones can be heard over several fox-lengths. Because of this, he doesn't talk much. He still has trouble feeling as though he's of any use, and dislikes the attention speaking brings. When he so chooses, however, he can certainly attract all the attention he needs. Due to his past, he is completely unafraid of twolegs, and he will often hang around picnics and campsites and beg for food. He also enjoys snatching any shiny objects dropped at these sites; he stores his cache in a gap at the base of one of the younger oak trees.

        ♡=familial; ♥=friend /5
    • nyah -- shrike respsects her strength, skill, and intelligence, but he avoids her when possible, especially since he frequently worries that he contributes nothing to the group.
    • firefly --
    • soapdish -- soapdish and shrike have respected each other since soapdish joined the group, but it didn't take long for that respect to turn into friendship, with all of their shared interests. shrike enjoys hanging out in the treetops with soapdish, talking about what it was like to live with their twolegs. shrike thinks soapdish's collar is really neat, and he doesn't quite understand why she would leave her twolegs like she did, but he respects her decision. ♡♥♥♥
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Postby wolf, » Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:25 am


name: rowanpaw (rowan[flame])
age: 6 moons
gender: female
rank: willowclan apprentice
⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯
main trait: optimistic
p. traits: energetic, positive, athletic, eager, ambitious
n. traits: sore looser, dramatic, clumsy, hot headed, ambitious
mother: Cherrynose (alive/open)
father: Hawkstorm (alive/open)
littermates: (open),
crush: (open)
friends: (open)
enemies: (open)
coding by ailuric

fur: long, thick ginger fur with ticks of red and cream throughout it.
eyes: large, round green with specks of brown and blue in it.
ears: large, pointed ears with a touch of hair sticking off of the top
tail: long, thick tail with fur flowing freely from it.
weight: six point five lb
height: six in
build: small and lean, with small muscles. built for agility
scent: of crisp apples and leaves

the SUN will
rowanpaw was born in the clan by her mother cherrynose and her father hawkstorm. her life has been pretty normal, she spent her kithood throwing mossballs and playing with the other kits. not to mention she always enjoyed provoking her fellow clanmates. she always dreamed of becoming a warrior, possibly even a leader one day, but that'll be quite a bit considering she has just been named rowanpaw, a newly made apprentice of willowclan. she honestly can't wait to become a warrior and she wants to be the absolute best one too, because second best is simply just the first looser.
ALWAYS come again
Last edited by wolf, on Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby lance mclame » Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:28 am

rainsong. tom-cat.
twenty-one moons
white, creamy-brown face; blue eyes
theme; [x]

- traits: oversensitive, impulsive, jealous
+ traits: optimistic, reliable, enthusiastic

demi-homosexual - virgo

scent: smells of the earth after rain;
species: manx

lioncloud. tom-cat
twenty-four moons
long, brown fur
green eyes
theme; [x]

- traits: unemotional, distrusting, impatient
+ traits: clever, confident, independent

homoromantic - aries

scent: smells vaguely of pine and water
species: oriental

    • rainsong;; soft and kindhearted, rainsong is a joy to be around. he always seems to know what to say and will stand by you no matter what. though a bit timid and shy at first glance, rainsong is an endless ball of energy and confidence with just the right amount of optimism to keep things running smoothly and soundly. he's a tid squeamish at the sight of blood and will usually stray back from fights. rainsong's homosexuality shines through like a beacon and he isn't scared to flaunt it off but if you were to approach him, he'd probably get choked up and embarrassed.
    • lioncloud;; stone faced and stone cold, lioncloud isn't one to be approached. he's just as emotionless as a piece of prey and tends to stray away from social contact. the tom doesn't speak often but when he does, you'd better hope it's a praise. although he sends off rather dark vibes, lioncloud is a very loyal tom and will die for his clan. he isn't one who makes friends easily; the only one he considers an acquaintance would be rainsong. he keeps all feelings to himself and if you do manage to catch a glimpse of his soft side, it would be brief. lionheart has kept his sexuality quiet and off the radar of others, fearing it would diminish his view. sometimes, he forgets about that and tends to veer off, checking out others, hopefully going unnoticed.
Last edited by lance mclame on Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:21 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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