Town of Shadows | Accepting

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Town of Shadows | Accepting

Postby -Keith- » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:34 am


    Nestled in a remote area between a large mountain range and a dense forest sits the town of Ash Grove. Its history is as mysterious as its residents. You see, this is no ordinary little village. No, this is something much darker. The night seems to be longer here, the days shorter. Instead of humans, the town is inhabited by creatures of all sorts. Beast of all shapes and sizes roam the town freely, for it is largely undiscovered by humans. Those that do discover it either flee and never speak of it to anyone- after all, who would believe them?- or decide to stay there forever. There is no in-between with the residents of Ash Grove.

    So, what is your story? Are you a demon, lurking in the shadows? Perhaps you're a faery of sorts, causing mischief wherever you go. Or perhaps you're a human unlucky enough to have stumbled on this town. Just know that the path ahead is filled with mystery and adventure.
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Postby -Keith- » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:34 am


    The town of Ash Grove is nestled between a mountain range to the north and dense forest on all other sides. It's mostly hidden from the outside world, except for shipments of supplies that come in. For the most part, however, they are self-sustaining. There are farms near the town and they have wells from which they can get water. It's a small town with no real roads or cars. There is electricity, however.

    In the town there are many species. Here are a few of them and details about them. As more species pop up, I might add them here.

    Vampires are creatures that feed on the life force of other organisms by drinking their blood. While they prefer human blood, they can easily live off of the blood of other creatures and even regular animals like deer and rabbits. Since humans are rare, some vampires live off the creatures in the woods while some have relationships with other creatures where they are allowed to drink blood to survive. They are normally pale with reddish eyes and dark hair. While being in the sun does not kill them, it does make them weak and sometimes even sick. They are susceptible to wooden stakes through the heart and decapitation. They can also sometimes turn into bats. They don't age.

    Werewolves are half-breeds, meaning they are half-wolf and half-human. Their human form looks completely normal, though they do tend to run a bit larger than most. Their hair color determines their fur color. In their wolf form, they are a bit larger than a regular wolf. They can turn at will into their wolf form, and gain much more power on the full moon. They are susceptible to silver. Werewolves can speak telepathically to one another in their wolf form. They age very slowly.

    Kitsunes are fox demons. They have a human form, normally marked by oddly colored eyes. In their demon form, they have ears, 9 huge tails, and claws. They are also stronger and faster when in this form. They are susceptible to silver, just like werewolves. Most kitsunes can control an element.

    Faeries are normally slightly smaller than most regular humans, though not terribly so. Their hair and eyes tend to be lighter in color, and they have glimmering wings that they can hide. They cause mischief wherever they go, though some more than others. Some also have the ability to shrink down to the size of a hand. They are susceptible to iron. Most faeries have some sort of illusion or plant magic.

    Demons come in many forms, but the most basic type of demon is relatively simple to understand. They have bat-like wings and possibly tails and horns that they can hide at will. Their eyes tend to be bright, odd colors and their hair dark. Their personalities and powers vary widely. They age very slowly.

    Angels are the opposite of demons, with normal eye colors and fairer hair colors. They have bird wings, normally pure white, which they can hide at will. Their personalities vary widely, but most have a sense of justice. Their powers vary widely as well. They age very slowly.

    Spirits are the souls of people that have no passed on yet. They are weakened by light, and empowered by being nearer areas of death. They remain the same age that they died at.
Last edited by -Keith- on Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:53 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby -Keith- » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:34 am


    1. Follow all site rules.
    2. No godmoding, powerplay, mary-sues, etc.
    3. Please respect everyone on this thread and be open to characters of different sexual orientations and gender identities.
    4. Please limit your characters to three for right now, and try to keep the genders moderately even. Something like 10 to 14 boys to girls would be alright, but not 3 to 15.
    5. Please follow the species information listed above if you pick one of those species. ANY species is welcome, so long as it isn't overpowered. Also- be mindful of the balance of species. I don't want 12 vampires.
    6. Please make your own form. They can be short or long, so long as they have all the necessary information.
    7. Each post must be a minimum of 8 well-done sentences. There is no maximum. I would love to see you write more!
    8. I am in charge here, so what I say goes. That being said, I don't bite. I'm open to PMs about questions, or just chatting. c:
    9. Please disable signatures while posting here.
    10. Please use proper grammar and spelling, at least to the best of your ability. No text talk.
    11. Please use anime faceclaims, and no canon characters from anything please!
Last edited by -Keith- on Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:19 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby -Keith- » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:35 am


Username | Name | Age | Gender | Species

Matsuoka.Rin | Hayato Nakamura | 22 | Cismale | Kitsune
Matsuoka.Rin | Kazumi Akiyama | 17 | Transmale | Demon
kotalicious | Cataleya Quintero | 20 | Cisfemale | White Tiger Shapeshifter
kotalicious | Derek Williams | 22 | Cismale | Human
kovu. | Nova Derston O'neil | 16 | Cisfemale | Werewolf
kovu. | Rome Flouresi | 24 | Cismale | Vampire
dorkasaurus | Arata Tsukino | 21 | Cismale | Demon
dorkasaurus | Kimiko Shime | 18 | Cisfemale | Human
Tuesdays | Erin Atwood | 20 | Cismale | Werewolf
LittleMoon | Lynette Dufour | 20 | Cisfemale | Spirit
Affliction | Akihiko Ryuu | 18 | Cisfemale | Kitsune
Affliction | Jason Gutierrez | 23 | Transmale | Angel
Last edited by -Keith- on Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:00 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Postby -Keith- » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:35 am

Reserved just in case.
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Postby -Keith- » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:35 am



name;; Hayato Nakamura
age;; 22
gender;; Cismale
orientation;; Bisexual panromantic
birthday;; October 29th- Scorpio

looks;; Hayato is of average weight and height for a man his age. He has moderately pale skin and silver-blonde hair. His eyes, because he is a kitsune, are different colors. His left eye is a golden color, while his right eye is blue. He wears dress shirts and pants most of the time, though he does wear more relaxed clothes while he's at home alone.
Kitsune form

history;; Hayato grew up in a town outside of Ash Grove. His entire family was magical; his mother was a kitsune like him, his father was a faerie, and his sister was a werewolf. They hid their powers well, and managed to live a normal life. One day, however, their mother fell sick. She soon died, and their father went crazy with grief. He ended up just up and disappearing, leaving Hayato and his sister, Aiko. They made their way from their home in the hopes of finding somewhere safe to grow up (he was 17 at the time). On their way through the woods, however, his sister was attacked by a rouge vampire that killed her. Hayato killed the vampire, but it was too late. He ended up making his way to Ash Grove, bloody and alone. From then on, he has never mentioned his past to anyone at all.
personality;; Hayato tends to be rather reserved, often not talking much and preferring to observe. He dislikes confrontation, but will deal with it as swiftly as possible. He does not lie, and is not shy about hiding the truth either. While mostly, he is calm and friendly, a few things will send him into a rage. One is if his friends are in danger. That's a rare occurrence, but it has happened before. The other is if someone mentions his past. He is very touchy about that, and refuses to talk to anyone about it.

species;; Kitsune
powers;; Dark fire
other;; When in his kitsune form, a katana appears on his left hip that he can use to fight.


name;; Kazumi Akiyama
age;; 17
gender;; Transmale (masculine pronouns, female body)
orientation;; Pansexual panromantic
birthday;; March 28th- Aries

looks;; Kazumi is a short, petite- 5'1" and 100 pounds- demon with a relatively flat chest, for which he is thankful. He has short black hair and dark blue eyes with silver flecks. His skin is relatively dark for a demon's, but he doesn't really care. It helps hide his blushes. His clothes tend to be anything masculine and comfortable, so jeans and t-shirt and sweatshirts are his favorite.
In his demon form, he has a set of pitch black bat wings, two tiny horns on his head, and a long, wiry demon tail. His clothes change as well. A pair of dark shorts and a crop top replace his normal clothes, with a pair of black sandals replacing his shoes. He also gets black wrist warmers.

history;; Kazumi was born in Ash Grove as the only child of a human and a demon. His father was one of the few humans in the town, and his mother was a powerful demon. He still lives at home with them.
personality;; Kazumi is very much a tsundere. While he seems to be outwardly cold and almost angry, especially to new people, he really just wants love and attention. His parents, while loving, pay just enough attention to him to let him get by. What he wants are some friends, though he's never made any real close ones.

species;; Demon
powers;; Telepathy, telekinesis, super speed
Last edited by -Keith- on Fri Feb 12, 2016 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Town of Shadows | Accepting

Postby kotalicious » Thu Feb 11, 2016 1:36 pm


The Basics: wrote:Name: Cataleya Quintero.
Nickname(s): Cataleya's most common nickname is Cat.
A few people call her Kitty.
She has been calle Kitty cat, but she prefers other nicknames.
Age: Twenty (20).
Gender: Female.
Species:White tiger Shapeshifter
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual (straight)

Appearance: wrote:Hair: White.
Eye color: Dark blue.
Skin: Fair/pale.
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120lbs
Body type: Petite.
Modifications (scars, tattoos, etc): This Phoenix tattoo on her back.

On the inside: wrote:Personality: +Kind
+Playful like a cat
+quick thinker
+Puts others before herself
-Too brave
-Has a slight temper.
History:Cataleya was the second twin born to James and Amelia Quintero. Her twins name was Anna and they were inseparable. They did everything together. On the twins' tenth birthday the small family found out that Cataleya was a shifter. Her mother had been a shifter so it wasn't too surprising. Life went on as normal and Cataleya quickly figured out how to control her shifting powers. She could even make herself half shift so she would only have the ears and tail. One day something happened to Cat and she shifted and went on a rampage. She ended up killing a witch's only son. The witch cursed her so she could never be fully human again. Cat was unable to hide her ears and tail anymore. The people in the town she lived in grew scared when they saw her. They thought the whole family was the same so they had them killed. Cat was the only one to escape. The only thing she managed to bring with her was a cat collar with a bell on it that her sister had given her as a fake present. She wears it every day now and never takes it off. Cataleya stayed in hiding for two years before she stumbled across Ash Grove. She was welcomed there by most people and she has been living there ever since.

Realtions: wrote:Family: James Quintero, Father, deceased.
Amelia Quintero, Mother, deceased.
Anna Quintero, sister, deceased.
Friends: Open, pm me.
Enemies: Open, pm me.
Crush: Open, pm me.
Boyfriend: None.
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nova - kovu.

Postby miss kobayashi » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:06 pm

      name. nova derston o'neil
      nick. nova, star
      age. sixteen
      gender. female
      species. werewolf
      sexuality. bisexual

      appearance. nova has a rough look with messy hair and baggy clothes. she has a shorter then average height but makes up for it with speed and strength. she normally wears a red hat that occasionally slips over her head due to its large size. she wears messy shorts, along with a plaid shirt and normally topped with a baggy hoody. her skin tone is pale, with a grey hair color to match her timber wolf origin. she has huge bright eyes. her appearance often is mistaken for a male, but hugely incorrect, as she hates being called one. though of the werewolf family, she was known of the runt of the pack and not hugely appreciated. her voice is gruff and masculine, but still has a girlish charm. she has no tattoos or other markings besides a thin scar on her cheek. her wolf form is similar, with a small/bulky appearance and light grey fur.
      personality. some would call nova something of an annoyance, as she normally drags the other hunters down with her smaller size and hot-headed behavior, however, she works hard for everything she's got. her jealousy falls among other girls, who seem to get males attention, because she herself had never felt desirable. she is still flirtatious and a bit perverted. her behavior is, for the most part, happy and optimistic.
      main trait. spirited
      status. single
      crush. open

      family. mother, unknown. father, unknown. other unrelated 'relatives' are the wolves in her pack.
      birth date. june 1st
      powers. besides her ability to form into a wolf, no other known abilities.
      other. not very good at fighting - she hasn't had much practice and is still the runt.
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    Re: Town of Shadows | Accepting

    Postby -Keith- » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:14 pm

    (You're both accepted!)
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    Re: Town of Shadows | Accepting

    Postby kotalicious » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:19 pm

    (Thanks. I actually changed my picture and what my character can shift into. Hope that's okay.)
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