Are You Unseen? DNP, Character Thread

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born to fight, Fri Mar 27/Mon Apr 13

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:35 pm

Hakim Bain

⊲ Full Name; Hakim Bain
⊲ Nickname(s); Hakim
⊲ Age; 27
⊲ Gender; Male
⊲ Rank; Knight
⊲ Grace; Fighting

⊲ Looks; Ugh I'm too lazy to describe. Lets just say he's around 6'8" so very tall, massive bulky built (not so big that he looks like he's on steroids but big enough to intimidate people), harsh looking face that always seems to be glaring yet at the same time handsome with a large nose that somehow seems to actually suit his features. Oddly enough he can look drastically different when he smiles, having a gentle look in his eyes (left; soft light blue with a greyish tone, right; lavender. Both can darken into a steely blue and a dark amethyst colors.) appearing to be a gentle giant although one most would still want to stay away from. His skin is very dark in color, hands rough and calloused, bald, yada, yada, yada. This picture of Terry Crews was the best one I could find that would match the image of what I have in my maze like thoughts but it isn't exactly how he looks so keep that in mind. I stated the slight differences above so it should be easier.
⊲ Personality; A serious man who is only kind to those he likes (or the injured) and even then it is rare as he still tends to snap a bit. Gruff, not afraid to get on people's bad sides, has a large temper, but loyal in his own way. He is fond of combat as it gives him a sense of control and doesn't mind being a little out of control. It keeps people from doing stupid things. He is distrustful of everyone but a few but if you can soften him up a bit he is hearty, friendly, and welcoming, although in a somewhat disturbing/intimidating kind of way lol.
⊲ History; When it was discovered that he was graced Hakim was immediately given up to the orphanage. From until he was five the boy stayed silent and let whatever happen happen, no one could tell what his grace was, and was constantly picked on by the other boys. Until he snapped. Socking the boy in the face was the start of a different "Hakim". He started thieving, got angry and yelled out more, running away and disrespecting others, but one day he took it too far. A man caught him stealing his wares and attempted to beat him but the eight year old was not a fool. He dodged the man's blows continuously and kicked one well placed kick before running away. It was seen by the one of the gals that ran the orphanage and so the next day he was moved out and placed in a barrack to train under the tutelage of the knights.

⊲ Parents; Unknown
⊲ Siblings; Unknown (maybe the last grace could be his sister lol)
⊲ Friends/Enemies; Friends are open, or are enemies. He may have a lot of the latter...
⊲ Crush; Open

⊲ Other;
    -If "crush" turns to love he may end up doting on said girl so just a bit of head up on that.
    -Also I may edit this later since I'm being a bit lazy :p


Visha Saliman

Name; Visha Maris Elaie Raylin Saliman
Nickname(s); Your Highness, Princess, Milady, (more titles), Lady Visha, Raylin for friends, Lin or Linny for close friends.
Age; Nineteen
Gender; Female
Rank; Princess of Asiali
Grace; None

Looks; Soft curly blond hair down to her lower back, porcelain skin, vulnerable pink lips, bright friendly sky blue eyes, heart shaped face, small delicate frame, height of 5'2", and as light as a feather. Her hair is usually pulled back into partial updos with beautifully crafted pins that suit her flighty personality raising her hair up a few or sometimes several inches from its natural height but is always parted at the right. The only time it is completely down is when she goes to bed or when no handmaid is around when she gets up in the morning. Her chin is a little stubborn and built seems to be so petite that it looks as if the slightest wind will carry her away with nary a blemish on her skin other than a white scar running across her upper left arm.
Personality; Flighty but sweet. As a princess she has learned proper etiquette, the history of Asiali, all things ladies need to know, how to read and write, etc, but she has a horrible memory so while subconsciously she acts how she is supposed to there have been many cases where she has been yelled at by her tutors or maids. Has trouble remembering names, mind constantly wanders, and a ditsy expression on her face, all make up a princess who believes she can do nothing for herself and will one day just end up as an ornament on someones arm. She isn't an idiot thought—she knows what is going on around her and occasionally has moments that makes people wonder what all she does know. Kind, friendly, considerate, Visha has a heart of gold that treats everyone nicely, always willing to help out, but she does expect people to wait on her hand and foot since that is how she has been raised. Thinking that the graced are meant to serve but not knowing what happens when they don't.
History; Before Visha was born the king was married to his first wife who gave birth to her elder siblings (unless if someone feels like making a character who was a child of a affair which is open) but died of sickness. For a while the king was in mourning but soon was captivated with a frail beautiful woman who was her mother. He took her as his new queen but due to her health she died while giving birth to her. Once again he went into mourning but later married again his current queen. Visha grew up among her family a little detached due to her personality but loves the triplets and Halli greatly, protecting them from the harsh viewpoint of her some of their siblings and the cruelty of the court itself.

Parents; King and queen (step-mother). I'll Think of their names later if I have to.
Siblings; Lots. Four older siblings, five younger. Eldest prince, then princess, twin boys, herself, a princess, then a set of triplets(two boys and a girl, named Tristan, Andrew, and Eleanor(nicked Ellie) who are twelve years old), and last but not least a five year old little girl named Halli.
Friends/Enemies; Open
Crush; Open

    -The scar is from when she was little and fell out of a tree.
    -Someone can play a brother or sister of hers, I'll add to the list if I need to, and it can be a child from the queen before her mother or the one after. Or it could be a child of a person the king had affair with like I stated above in Visha's history.
    -The majority of the siblings who are not played by anyone can be heartless villains since she technically isn't good or bad but does what she believes is right (so she can be swayed) and the only ones who can't be villainous are the children.
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True Love's Kiss, Mon Apr 20

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:37 pm

Sammy Johnson

Name; Sammy Ella Johnson
Nickname; Sammy, Sam, or Sammy-Sam
Age; 16 and a half
Gender; Female
Role; "Cinderella"

Looks; Short sunny blonde hair barely touching her shoulders in waves parted at the right, greyish-blue eyes with a darker blue rimming around the irises softened with kindness, and vulnerable pink lips always willing to form into a smile. Her skin has a pale rosy complexion that rather than tanning often burns, her body being petite and stick figurish having a height 4'11" but not so scrawny that she looks bony and malnourished. Instead it makes her look a bit childish without being childish (does that make sense?) shes small but the curve of her hips, clothing/make-up style, and the aura Sammy portrays is alluring—betraying the child image and making her appear her own age. Transforming old fashioned clothes into adorable creations that no one other than her will have is a "hobby" of hers as well as making them from scratch.
Personality; Sammy is one of the sweetest girls you will even meet, always the optimistic. In order to make sure everyone is happy she tends to be a bit passive, willing to give everything away even when something is important to her, even to the extent that she'll act like it never mattered to her in the first place. The only thing she never wants to give up is her prince charming. She always believed that when she met "the one" she would know right away and that person ended up being Zachary. A fashionista at heart she adores all things girly and cute but she isn't afraid of a little hard work being a bit of a logical mathematic even while daydreaming away. Occasionally she'll babble and ramble on about something but she also listens to others and lets them cry on her shoulder if she can't do anything more to help. Can be cocky/sassy (and incredibly stubborn when she wants to be) but she would never do anything to cause another pain, at least, not without hurting herself ten times more.
History; Once upon a time a little girl name Sammy was born. To her mother and father she was an angel who they both loved very dearly but tragedy struck the family when she was no more then ten years old. The mother passed away due to a hidden cancer, leaving behind two broken hearts. Her father tried his hardest to make up for the loss and ended up working all the time to make sure his little Sammy-Sam had a decent life, something she understood was his way of showing his love even if is wasn't what she wanted. Around the time she was thirteen he got married to a woman who had two daughters of her own; one who was three years older then Sam and one who was five years older. Being a silly man as well as a jack-of-all-trades having not one set job money in the household varied by the day, his one true passion being photography. A position in a studio opened up and even though it required him going out of the country for a while she encouraged him to go. The stepmother and sisters weren't happy about this but now nothing would denture him. For a while checks and letters would come in from all around the world but a few months later they stopped coming. He was gone without a trace. Blaming it all on her the stepmother told Sammy after she turned fifteen that she had to work for the income and she did, gladly, hoping to get on her stepmother's good side and possibly get her to like her. They moved into a smaller place and after having done online school for a little more than two years she entered the school in the middle of the first semester of her senior year (she skipped a grade) meeting the people she considers her friends as well as her boyfriend.

Parents; Father(Kien/missing), mother(Ella/deceased), stepmother(Myra/alive)
Siblings; Two older stepsisters; Janet(19) and Caren(22)
Friends/Enemies; Well I'm assuming everyone one in the group are friends so...
Crush; Zach

    -She plans on working in fashion, or with animals, or with children but isn't sure yet.
    -When her parents thought of her name since they didn't want to know if they were having a boy or girl they originally thought of Samuel for a boy and Rosamund for girl but they took one look at her and change their minds to 'Sammy' since she was as bright as the sun to them.
    -Random fact: Her favorite song is "I'll Think of You"
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☓ T O T E M ☓, Wed Apr 22

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:38 pm

(I'm doing a gif OMG never happens lol)
Amber ℒaurence
Faceclaim; Kendall Jenner

Name; Amber Jane Laurence
Nickname; Amber
Age; 20
Gender; Female
Role; Healer
Woflie; \\...X...//

Appearance; Hair: Dark brown falling to the mid of her back in light waves. Hair Style: Typically braided and pulled over her shoulder. Eyes: A dark blue that could almost look black in some lights (hidden by glasses). Skin Tone: Not quite tan yet not quite pale, her skin has an even complexion with maybe the slightest bit more color on her cheeks. Build: Tall, curvy, fit. Height: 5'8" - 5'9"ft. Weight: 130ish. Clothing Style: A classy casual look that makes her look nice but is also comfortable to wear. Often in neutral colors as she isn't fond of most things that are bright and flamboyant. Half of the time she also wears a lab coat to keep the clothes clean. She doesn't mind getting them dirty but trying to get blood out of them every so often is annoying. Accessories: A tattoo on her right wrist of a cross which is the only tattoo that, as far as anybody knows, she has. Her left ear has two piercings on the lower end and one in the cartridge while her right just has three all lined up but the only earrings she ever wears are two small pearl like duds.
Personality; Super smart and typically serious Amber feigns indifference most of the time but is truly a caring girl. She has a huge temper so typically she seems mad about something but that may also be because she is a workaholic and carries herself in such a way that it is either "move it or loss it" for whoever is around her. Often butting heads with those she doesn't like and occasionally, depending on the person, with those she does yet even with the smallest of things setting her off she is able to channel it in a effective way most of the time. When she can't, well boys and girls, run. Or tolerate a tongue-lashing of a life time mixed with many many threats that she puts in such a way that the impossible seems very possible. *Pleasant smile* If she likes you Amber will be one of the greatest friends you will ever make. Even though she isn't the best at expressing herself and feels uncomfortable when people point out her her good characteristics she is hard working, loving, and loyal to those she cares about. Not only that she is friendly (to an extent) and will joke around with you, acting motherly in her own way as she can't stand seeing any of her friend hurt. She will scold and she'll tell the facts exactly as they are, not sugarcoating anything, but she isn't heartless. Anything and everything she does is for others and she doesn't care if she is hated because of it.
History; Born as the youngest child in her family, her father being the healer before her, it was more likely one of her brothers would take the position but she was the one who showed the most interest in it. Starting at an early age in her training Amber learn a lot of math and science that boosted her ahead in grade levels (going into first grade at four) to the point that she graduated high school at the age of fourteen with a few college credits already under her belt almost immediately enrolling in a college that would allow her to get her undergrad finished quickly as well as her medical schooling. Now while she still has a lot she would like to learn and about a year left before completing her residency training at a hospital a few towns away she has come back to replace her father as healer since he had decided to move to an even more secluded area. Her brothers, both married, one for a few years, and the other just last fall, having moved themselves.

Sexuality; Heterosexual
Parents; Mark(father), Annabell(mother)
Siblings; Erik(29), Johnathan(25), Natalie(26/Erik's wife), Carrie(23/Johnathan's wife)
Friends/Enemies; Joey is a friend, can't stand Xavier.
Crush; Open
Boyfriend; N/A

    -She has a two year old niece named Hollis whom is the child of Erik and Natalie. Carrie is pregnant with a child herself.
    -Extremely good with children and animals. Absolutely adores them.
    -Can't stand horror movies and has a childish fear of bugs.
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☆ '( The café ), Sun May 03

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:49 pm

Name; Jessica Kaia Lockett
Nickname; Jessica
Age; 19
Gender; Female
Role; New worker
Sexuality; Heterosexual

Looks; Wavy brown hair in a untameable disaster typically down or in a loose ponytail. Grey-blue eyes. Sun-kissed skin. 5'6". Skinny but not malnourished and with decent curves.
Personality; Closed up and serious. She isn't one for making friends but she isn't one for making enemies either, all she wants is to be left alone inorder to get her work done and leave to live her own life. Jessica is friendlier to those who are weak and more likely to be bullied as they remind her of her sister but open her up and you get a real sweetheart. Not sugar sweet but kind enough. Logical, doesn't tolerate idiots who have a habit of not thinking, and has a habit of sassing those who get on her nerves and challenges her.
History; Her father was a truck driver so he wasn't home often and her mother was the sweetest lady who gave birth to another baby girl when she was four years old. When she was twelve and her sister was seven their mother was taking Chloe (her sister) to school when the two got in an accident that left Chloe with brain damage, permanently disabled in a wheelchair, and killed their mother. As their father wasn't home their grandmother got custody of them til the time he would come back except he never showed up. Years later and Jessica is nineteen years old. Having graduated high school she now wants to go into the workforce to care for her sister and grandmother.

Parents; Maria(mother/deceased), George(father/abandoned them)
Siblings; Chloe(15)
Friends/Enemies; N/A
Crush; Open

    -Grandmother's name is Hannah yet everyone, including family, calls her Nana(73 year old).
    -She is addicted to coffee and the smell of it.
    -Adores big dogs.
    -Because of the brain damage Chloe still has the mentality of a seven year old child.
    -Plays guitar and sings a bit because her sister likes it (plus she enjoys it).

Name; Clayton Matthew Parker
Nickname; Clay
Age; 22
Gender; Male
Role; Waiter
Sexuality; Heterosexual

Looks; Tall, 6'3". muscular in "trim/toned" sense. Clear blue eyes. Light brown hair. Clean shaven jaw most of the time. Friendly smile.
Personality; Sweet, friendly, and a bit intimidating. Loves to joke around and have a good time, a bit lazy, but also a hard worker. He is a total guy, loves football, doesn't like to admit when he is wrong, and isn't afraid to throw a punch, but is a softy when it comes to a pretty girl that he has the tad bit interest in smiling his way. Polite and considerate.
History; Not much of one. He was raised in a big family and loves them all greatly adoring his nieces and nephews and spoiling them rotten every time he sees them. Truthfully he doesn't even need his job as his family is rich but he and the majority of his sibling find that they enjoy a bit of work.

Parents; Laura(mother/52), Mark(father/53)
Siblings; Kayla Conner(female/31), James Conner(male/35), Lizzy Harper(female/28), Mitchel Harper(male30), Gregory(male/27), Lisa Laurens-Parker(female/26), Caden(male/25), Jenny(female/21), Caleb(male/19), Myka(male/16)
Friends/Enemies; Open
Crush; Open

    -His eldest sister married James, Lizzy married Mitchel, and Greg married Lisa. Caden has a girlfriend but hasn't proposed yet. Kayla and James have two children, while Lizzy and Mitchel have one. Greg and Lisa are having twins.
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|we'll always be more than a band|, Mon May 11

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:51 pm

♩♫ Ⓞⓓⓔⓢⓢⓐ Ⓐⓒⓞⓢⓣⓐ ♫♪



       ~Basics~                      ~Personality~
Full Name; "Odessa Lara Acosta."
Nickname; "Odessa mostly. Some
call me Lara, Des, Desi, or Dessa."
Age; "Seventeen."
Gender; "...Seriously? I'm Female."
Birthday; "May eighteenth."
Positive; Smart, brave, truthful, kind, considerate, loyal, hard worker, responsible, willing to take time to listen.
Stubborn, extremely picky, huge temper, unsympathetic at times, and tends to over think things.

Odessa displays so many different personality traits in so many ways that it get hard to keep track at times! Often it reflects her mood so even while she tends to be almost always kindhearted if she gets in a weird funk it's hard for her to remain sweet when really she just wants to sulk in a corner or rip someone's head off. Literally. Her mood swings are really out there too. It can range from "Happy, hyper, crazy!!!", "Okay? So what?", to "Take a step towards me and I'll remove your vocal chords from your throat." although it mostly rest somewhere in between 'hyper' and 'okay' if a person isn't used to her having random outburst they tend to think she is either super weird or insane, sometimes both. She can't stand people who pity themselves and don't like the way they are yet aren't doing anything to change, thinking that other have to do the work for them (which is where she gets unsympathetic), nor can she stand narrow mindedness or... a lot of things actually. Typically she just puts up with it and doesn't let it bother her since she figures that about half the time there is a valid reason for the way someone is but if she doesn't like the way someone is acting she will simply leave without saying a word it order not to blow a fuse. Normally though she just shows a happy girl who is completely focused on her work and isn't afraid to tackle difficult situations being somewhat of a hopeless romantic as well. Sometimes comes off as a loner as she doesn't mind being alone and occasionally prefers it that way but her friends are people that she would stand beside through thick and thin, loving them like family.

Likes; "I love to read, fantasy or paranormal mostly, two of my favorite authors being Mercedes Lackey and Donita K. Paul. The color green, giraffes, the feeling of peace, um... well, a lot. Music is a big one and I've been involved in is since I was little yet I can't play any instruments except the piano and while my voice is okay I don't believe it is star worthy."
Dislikes; "You know one of my favorite quotes reads something like this; 'People. Too many people.' As awesome as they are if you're thinking of involving me in pointless drama then reconsider cuz I'm just gonna shove it right back in your face covered in bold letters spelled— D-E-N-I-E-D. Simple as that. I also don't like being in the spotlight or horror movies so you can just call me a wallflower."
Fears; "Well besides the typical darkness/alone thing I don't have many of these. I freak out when I'm surprised sure but that doesn't mean I'm scared I'm just... 'startled' you could say. Often rather than being scared I'm just wary of things although horror movies will definitely get me freaked out since I can't do blood, guts, and gore. Thats just... ugh. Mostly though I think my biggest fear is myself but don't ask why because it's complicated."


All things hair:
Hair Color; "Chocolate brown."
Hair Style; "I mostly leave it down but
I will occasionally put it up in a ponytail."
Hair Length; "Well it's layered so I don't
know— a few inches below the shoulder maybe?"
Part; "It's parted at the right."
Eye Color; "Blue-green."
Eye Shape; "Almond? They're large and
angled due to my Spanish heritage."
Lashes; "Long and heavily lashed. It gets
annoying when I decide to put on mascara
because they end up touching my glasses."
Eyewear; "I don't like contacts so my
most recent pair of glasses are like a maturer
versionof the nerd glasses people seem to be
so fond over the past year or so. Black-rimmed."
Built; "I'm not sure how to answer this one.
I'm not fat or even the slightest bit chunky yet
I suppose I'm a little bit thicker than skinny due
to how... um 'endowed' I am? Ugh. Just take a
look at the picture please and figure it out for
Skin Tone; "A little on the pale side but I do tan
a bit during summer."
Height; "Last I checked 5'4" and a half."
Weight; "And again, last I checked I was about
a hundred and twenty one pounds."
Clothing; "Modest. I tend to sport a style along
the lines of 'business casual' but not always."
Makeup; "...It's heavy and annoying. If and
when I decide to put any on it basically just
mascara, lipgloss or lipstick, and/or eyeliner. I
tend to go for browns and dark reds and purples
for lipstick."
Piercings; "My ears are pierced but nothing
else." (ignore the gages and other piercing in
the photo)
Scars; "I have a scar behind my left ear going
down my neck and one on my right hip."
Lets start with her mother's parents since her family line is all wonky. Odessa's grandmother was from Spain and fell in love with a half Spanish - half Italian man (whom she was not suppose to marry) which resulted in them eloping the night she was suppose to get married and through that raised three children. Two boy and a girl. Fast forward and her mother then fell in love with a man who was already married (although she didn't know it at the time) and became pregnant with her. When she found out that he was married she immediately left him, not even telling the man that she was pregnant with his child, and went back to live with her parents. For a while they lived there but once her mother was able to pick herself up again they moved into a small apartment where they still live to this day. Odessa, even without her father, has become very happy in her life. She knows how she came to be and even with that she doesn't hold it against the man nor plans to ever go find him since she already has a family that loves her. Even at a young age she had loved music, joining the choir in her elementary school and having her mother teach her to play the piano, but she was never interested in taking on a solo or doing the talent show. As the years went on and she was still this way she was starting to get very confused in what she wanted to do with her life. All her interests being basically just hobbies. Yet during her freshman year of high school she discovered that as much fun as it was to sing and play the piano what she loved most about it was learning the music and watching as it was created. It was interesting learning how songs got produced, bands got famous, and the few times when she helped create the design of music videos, seeing it all fall into place. Now she is the manager of a band helping out her friends and making sure that they get as many good gigs as they can so that they can achieve their dream of rising to stardom.

Parents; "My mother, Tia Acosta who is forty-two, and technically my father, David Reynolds, who I believe is...forty-eight?"
Siblings; "Supposedly I have some on my father's side but I don't know how many or what their names are."
Grandparents; "My abuela, or grandmother, was known as Rina Palomo but took on my grandfather, Lucio Acosta's, last name when they got married."
Aunts/Uncles; "Both my uncles got married to lovely people so I have a few cousins my age as well."
Children; "Uh no. In the future I would like to have some but at the moment I'm seventeen soooo.... No. Just no."

              ~Love Life~
Friends; "Weird category for this to be in." (Open)
Enemies; "I don't hate people, I just dislike a few. There is a difference." (Open?)
Crush; *mega blush* "I typically don't crush on people but I guess I do have someone in mind at the moment." (Tba)
Love; *blush deepens and squeaks* "Ask me this question later please!" (?)
Dating; "Unless if I believe I could love you I won't date you. It's... complicated." (N/A)
Past Relationships; "I don't know if it's because I seem to be better friend material then girlfriend but I've never had one. It may also be because I want a serious relationship and not just a passing fling but whatever. It doesn't bother me, I have romance novels, chick flicks, and—oh dear. I'm sounding like an old maid."
Sexuality; "I'm straight. Girls are pretty and all but I want a guy to snuggle up with."

~Anything Else~

-The scars she got from a bad memory back when she was seven so even while it doesn't bother her now if she is feeling unsure or uncomfortable she'll place a hand around her belly and the other around her neck subconsciously. She also doesn't like them being touch.
-Mostly took after her father and grandfather which is why she doesn't look Spanish at all yet has the slightest touch of an accent when she speaks.
-She has a pet parrot (scarlet macaw) named Izzy who she likes to bring with her places sometimes, having him perched on her shoulder most of the time when she does.
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masquerade., Tue May 12

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:54 pm

Topic is locked so here is a link.
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Don't You Dare Say You Love Me, Sun May 31

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:56 pm



This is Belle. A seventeen year old girl who was born January 28th. Her full name happens to be Belle Faye Castillo and all three are from french origins. Belle means 'beautiful' or 'fair', Faye is 'fairy', and Castillo being 'the old castle'.

Belle has light chocolate brown hair down to her shoulders with slight layers although that is kinda hard to tell with how frizzy it tends to get making it look windblown 24-7. Her eyes are a pretty hazel color being a mostly pale green color with a bit of brown around the pupils and her skin is on the side of fair. About 5'6" in height if she didn't wear clothes that made her look like she simply doesn't care (leggings or yoga pants, plain tops a few sizes too big with the occasional logo or saying on them, hair in a sloppy ponytail, no make-up, glasses, and sneakers) she actually has a decent figure with some curves.

Probably one of her main traits would be motherly. She loves to care for others but outside of her own house it would seem like she prefers just to stay by her lonesome with only a few meet and greets that show she isn't a crazy or shy but instead quite level headed. She can be pushy of bossy if she feels that it's necessary and while it may look like she can be easily pushed around answering to others wills Belle is as stubborn as a mule if not more so. Obedient to those she respects treating them as equals but if she show her the even slightest bit of immaturity she will look down on you and treat you like a child til you fix your ways. Loves to laugh and have fun but her idea of fun may be a bit different from other peoples or to be more precise she doesn't limit herself to the things everyone else does and instead finds new and creative ways to go on an adventure. All this isn't seen unless if you go up to talk to her though since normally she is just "there", a space in the room that is occupied but because it doesn't seem all that important you don't go over to check it out. Other bad traits are that she is picky, sometimes rude, smart-mouthed, and has a huge temper.

As the oldest of five siblings she has a lot of responsibility. She takes care of her fellow siblings (all of whom are extremely rambunctious), cooks, cleans, does the shopping, and completes her homework for her senior year. Her mother, Mia, fell in love with a man at the age of twenty-seven and became pregnant with Belle but things didn't work out between them because of her father's social standing. Mia then went on to marry a man named Mark Linden who was everything she could dream to be and they had the other four; Lina(14/F), Joshua(12/M), Carrie(8/F), and Caleb(4/M). Helping out her parents had become her daily routine and the family remains loud and crazy even when her father, Alphonse, contacted her three years back requesting to spend time with her. Now every Sunday and Wednesday she goes to his place after school to do practically nothing with the man besides have a silent uptight dinner with him.
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|| ωнαт ιѕ ιт ℓιкє тσ ƒєєℓ...?, Wed Jun 03

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:58 pm


♣ Ⓗⓞⓝⓔⓨ Ⓒⓛⓞⓥⓔⓡⓢ ♣



Full Name;
Honey Lynnet Clovers
Honey or Lynnet
November 14th

Paint a Picture For Me?

"I guess to start off I'm your typical butterscotch/sunflower blonde with those few brown streaks in my hair, all natural by the way, and my hair tends to form a bit of a frizzy wave a few inches above the mid of my back. Mainly because I have in up in a bun all the time. I'm told my skin is very smooth, being almost baby soft and rosy in complexion, and that my face is very 'sweet' yet mature but I work in a garden half of the time and paint the other sooo... yeah? Five-four and a half in height, I don't really feel like a fatty and truthfully should probably eat more since when I look in the mirror I almost feel too skinny but once again others tell me I'm "dainty" and "graceful" so whatever. Eyes are a light honey brown— and before you ask, no, it was not the reason for my name— and lashes I think are at a decent length. Anything else I need to describe? Oh. I wear comfy jeans and either regular tees or turtlenecks, over half of them stained with paint somewhere."

How About Your Personality?

"My personality? Well my brother tells me I'm a cold hearted hippie but thats because I don't let him get away with everything and make him eat a balanced diet, my mom says I'm a sweetheart who actually cares, and my dad says that I'm the only girl he knows who can beat him at crap. I'm not really sure what that means but I'm guessing he's saying that I have a good poker face? Basically I'm just reserved and calm about almost everything, I don't really show any reactions, I feel them but... my face kinda just remains blank." Honey seems cold and mean but she just has difficulty displaying what she is feeling and an odd way of showing it. Part of it has to do with her big brother doing practically everything for her when she was little and part of it is she is just a mellow person. She can talk, and will talk, but only when she has something to say being very blunt and literal about it due to her kinda monotone/light voice but if you know her well enough you can tell when that voice is laced with kindness and general cheer (which is most of the time) or when it is angry or fearful. A lot of people don't know this but she is also a very fearful person. She can't do horror, thunder, spiders or cockroaches, clowns, surprises, blood, power outages, the dark, and a whole lot more. Loves children, painting, and gardening, having the patience for all three.

And Your History?

"I was born a little under two years after my brother Lucas and because he had been playing with a bottle of honey (you know, the kind that is shaped like a bear?) when I had been born, and the fact that it was the type made from clovers my mom thought it would be cute to name me Honey.[as a side note she is actually embarrassed about it] For the next several years Lucas was always by my side and because of it seemed to have gained some sort of sixth sense when it came to my needs and wants. Sadly I also didn't understand that he was the only one who could do that and if I just stood staring at my parents they wouldn't know what it was I wanted. During this time my mom showed me the joy of gardening so I've been doing that since I was four and two years after that I got my first paint kit. I don't really know if my high school and middle school year were normal either since Lucas 'somehow' ended up wherever I was at and continued attempting to spoil me. Now though I live in the highest apartment in my complex so I have access to the roof. I've been working on the garden there and have a nice spot to work on my painting."

Anything Else You'd Like to Share?

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L O V E ஐ I S ஐ F A T E, Tue Jun 30

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:04 pm

Issac Carter

Full Name; Issac James Carter
Nickname; Issac
Age; Twenty-four
Gender; Male
Rank; Lead Hunter
Wolf; \\...X...//

Appearance; 6'4", 200lbs, brown hair teased on top, hazel eyes, muscular built, tan skin, and an infectious grin. (kinda got lazy...)

Wolf is 34 inches high at the shoulder and has a pattern similar to his sister's pelt but different in color. A black and dark brown around his ears and his withers as well as going down a bit right behind his shoulders, a cream on his cheeks and fore chest also occupies his forearms and flanks, and a tan on the top of his muzzle and flanks (and dusted lightly everywhere else too). A brown covers his main back. Eyes are a penetrating grey.
Personality; Goofy and friendly and much like a child. He has his mature moments but those are rare and only to comfort or help another although he has no clue what to do when someone is crying. Those cause him to freak out a little. Keen with his senses Issac can also notice little details that cause people to wonder if he is hiding his smarts (which he isn't) since he normally acts like a gear-headed idiot. When he is hunting he is completely serious so often times if you aren't used to it that will surprise someone just as much as his mature moments. Hunting is also the only time he will ever yell at a person or give orders too. Like his sister he doesn't let on how much he knows but only in a different way. (He's like a teddybear!)
    +friendly, mature, smart, loving, caring, sweet
    -childish, weird, rarely gets serious, lazy
Strengths: His senses(eyes, ears, nose), tracking, fighting, logical thinking
Weakness: Can't swim and doe eyes*
Fears: Sam getting hurt either emotionally or physically as she is the only family he's got left.
History; Issac was very close to his parents, always wanting to please them and make them happy, but when the truth about his mom came out when he was four he had no clue what to do and was confused about what was going on. When she told him to take care of Samantha just before leaving he felt that if he did that then she would come back for sure yet as the years passed and it became clear that that was never going to happen he began to resent little Sam. This went on for a while and he wanted nothing to do with her till his father gave him a harsh scolding and woke him to reality. After that he became perfect big brother again and realized that none of what happened was her fault. More time went on and while everyone thought he would make a promising fighter he was determined to become a hunter. Around that same time (he was about 20) his father passed away leaving him to take care of his sister all by himself as their aunt and uncle had left the pack years ago. He managed though and they have an incredible bond.

Sexuality; Heterosexual
Parents; Sarah Sweetn-Carter, Matthew Carter(deceased)
Siblings; Samantha Carter
Crush; Open
Mate; N/A
Offspring; None.

*He can't deny a girl with such innocent wide-eyed expressions anything. He's like putty in the palm of their hand.

(Samantha, first page, was apart of this rp too but I had altered her a bit to fit the topic.)
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Howl For All We Used To Be, Fri Jul 03

Postby Miss✥Unseen » Tue Sep 01, 2015 6:07 pm

"Hey I'm Aaron. Y'know.
The handsome dude
to the left?"


Full Name; Aaron Samuel Case
Nickname; Aaron
Age; Twenty-three
Gender; Male
Rank; Healer
Wolf; \\...X...//

Appearance; In shape but on the tapered/lean side so he won't look to imposing when taking care of others, although he has tattoos. One is a sleeve on his left arm of a hawk like bird coming down his forearm while its tail and wing feathers turn into a forest and wolves on the run having a girl play the flute and a wolf's face carefully blended into the scenery watching the event play out as it sits on his shoulder. The word "Fearless" is engraved on the inside (palm side) of his right arm reaching from two inches away from the wrist right up to the crook of the elbow. His hair is a dark chocolate brown on the short side but longer on top normally teased to the side but can look cute tousled too, has a height of 6'1"and weighs 196lbs, eyes a dark blue hidden behind unneeded glasses.

His wolf is dark in color mostly being a dark brown but there are a few areas that are light brown on his back. The ventral (belly side) being a tan color and his eyes a grey. Aaron as a wolf is both one of the most ferocious and the most gentle having a height of 35 inches at the shoulder and 52 from head to tail yet a body a little sleeker than a fighter.
Personality; As a person Aaron is cocky, arrogant, and a little full of himself which tends to get a lot of people to dislike him but he gets his job done so people can't complain. Typically seen with a grin on his face all he seems to do is mess around or sleep as he is also extremely lazy yet the amazing part is that somehow whenever nobody is looking things he get done; an example being stitching up a boy's knee and instead of the child being focused on the pain he is paying attention to Aaron's obnoxious behavior. Almost never do you see him angry, annoyed, or worried but when that happened he can become very dark and moody, snapping at everyone and willing to tear out your throat. When angered it is also extremely hard for him to "look on the bright side" or think logically as all caution is thrown to the wind so as a piece if advise don't piss him. Oddly enough he also can act like a doting older brother or a sweet guy in general if a person needs it.
    + sweet, cheerful, positive outlook, gets things done, dependable
    - lazy, full of himself, obnoxious, arrogant, annoying, rash when angered, moody
Strengths: Smart, cunning/misleading, strong both physically and mentally, healing
Weakness: Not cautious, wary of cliffs, his sister, his little anger issue
Fears: Something happening to Tess that he could have prevented, monkeys, and isn's big on spiders.
History; Born to two loving parents Aaron was a happy boy who enjoyed playing tricks on his loved ones. When his sister was born he absolute adored her and gave her a present of worms that caused their mother to freak out but the two were the best of friends. Around the time of Teresa's hearing problem he had been teased about how close he was to her and because of that tried to distance himself from her but became heartbroken when he realized he hadn't a clue what she was going through. Deciding he didn't care what other thought of him he supported her once more. Later when it became apparent that he wasn't human Aaron kept it a secret from everyone but was found out by Teresa's all-seeing-eye, luckily after she got used to it she still cared for him and even helped him find the pack. After a year of her living with them and it being clear that she was also one he was overjoyed yet worried for her but so far she has done fine.

Sexuality; Heterosexual
Parents; Ellen Bucanan-Case, William Case
Siblings; Teresa
Crush; Open
Mate; N/A
Offspring; None.

Other; Probably has more tattoos but to describe them all at once is kinda... overwhelming?

"I'm Tessa...


Full Name; Teresa Rose Case
Nickname; Teresa, T.C., Tess, Tessy, Tessa, etc...
Age; 18
Gender; Female
Rank; Omega
Wolf; \\...X...//

Appearance; Long wavy dark chocolate brown hair a shade light than her brother's with a few even lighter strands blended in being about three inches below the shoulder, sweet light blue eyes wide and framed by long lashes, and full pink lips are the most noticeable about her face but the rest of her ain't bad either. Standing at 5'5" she isn't short but she isn't exactly on the tall side, her skin light and fair. 116lbs in weight she is also a bit stickish too but she does have some curves and a decent bust. For clothing she has a complete lack of style and instead wears tops with weird, funny, and/or insulting quotes, and jeans or cargo pants with sneakers.

26 inches at the shoulder and 43 in length from tail to head Teresa is one of the smaller daintier members of the pack yet may also be one of the faster ones. Her legs and belly are white spreading up her sides and muzzle while the rest of her coat is grey and black. On the top of her snout is a bit of tan that is the same color as the fur around her flanks, rump, and underside of her tail. The upper part of the tail being the mix of grey and black yet the very end of it being a solid black. Eyes grey.
Personality; Teresa is an oddball for sure. Amazingly sweet and seems to be very naïve yet also blunt and...rude? Basically she isn't the angel she appears to be. It's hard to get to know her as she hardly talks and isn't big on company but she is honest and generous and would never tell you that you annoy her to your face. She kinda has this round about way of saying things that at first seem super sweet but after a few moment would have a person wondering if she was making fun of them yet as she still acts nice leaves them to think that is was their imagination. Tess could also be described as the forgetful mother as when others are around her she tries to take care of them but is always loosing track of where she placed something or instead of placing the milk in the freezer she'll place it in the oven (true story).
    +sweet, nice, honest, generous, motherly
    -blunt, silent, forgetful, rude, anti-social, weird(?)
Strengths: Running, cooking, taking care of others, picking up social cues
Weakness: Deaf, bad memory, low in strength
Fears: Her main one is that she'll wake up one day and her sight will be gone as well but she's also afraid of loosing her brother as he is the only one she has every relied on and feels completely at ease with.
History; Not always was this girl deaf. Until she was about seven she could hear just fine but suddenly there would be times when the world went completely silent and it scared her enough that by the time she told someone about it nothing could be done and the world quit singing to her. This left her in a depression for a while but Aaron brought her out of it when she discovered his little secret and was determined to help him. From then on she lived a decent if not good life and when her parents moved three years ago went to officially live at the pack house. After a year of living there it became clear that she was just like them and made a member of the pack.
   "Hello world..."
Sexuality; Heterosexual
Parents; Ellen Bucanan-Case, William Case
Siblings; Aaron
Crush; Open
Mate; N/A
Offspring; None.
"You gotta minute?"   

Other; She's deaf but has never been big on sign language so instead she writes or uses her phone to say what she wants if she doesn't feel like talking since it sounds a little weird and sometimes people don't know what she is saying. Tessa can also read lips fairly well but if a person talks too fast don't expect her to do anything other than smile and write "You've lost me at the interstate." which is her way of saying 'Slow down or I'm leaving.'

Also likes to paint and is pretty good at it.
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