Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

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Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby Xura » Tue May 05, 2015 5:28 pm

Okay. So... I have no idea what to put here. Uh... Im Vanessa. That's right, Vanessa. A name that all will fear and respect one day. MWAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! *coughs, ahem* Okayyy anyway, I should probably tell you why I have you in the first place.
Well, I'm a college student, attending the Institute of Heroism and Villiany where some of the greatest heros and villains have graduated. I enrolled to become a future Villian. Yeah that's right. In just a couple years, my face will be on every flag, billboard, and poster in the world! But I shouldn't get ahead of myself, there's still a lot of stuff I have to learn. Maybe I should focus on taking over America right now. Small goals first, right?
My Villian monologue class professor all handed us a notebook this morning and told us that writing down everything that happens to us is a special training excercise. He said that he's going to be checking our page length every month and we'll fail the class if we don't write. Oh well. I guess I'm stuck with you.
So I'll run you through my day so far. This is my schedule:
Villian Monolouge Speeches 01
Villiany in History
Motive and Planning
The epic conflict: Hero vs. Villians
How to Do an Evil Laugh 101
Managing powers
Destroy and conquer
Ordering around your Minion

Yuppp. So first I went to my dorm to drop off my stuff, but I ran into this girl there:
Me: o.- this is my dorm
Obnoxious girl: Oh! *giggles* Sorry bout' that, I musta just wandered accidently into the wrong room. I do that a lot, you know. Like, A LOT! I mean like one time I-
Me: Get out.
Obnoxious girl: Oh I'm sorry! I tend to blab too much, like, ALL THE TIME. I'm just so excited to be here, ya know? My mother just told me yesterday that I-
Me: This is my dorm. Get out. Leave.
Obnoxious girl: *mutters under breath* well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning
She checked her schedule with the dorm number.
Me: Can't you do that outside?
Obnoxious girl: ... Well, it appears I'm in the right dorm. Which would mean...
Me: Oh no. Not you! No, no, no, no, no, no!!!!
She choked me with her hugs.
Obnoxious girl: We're roommates!!!
I pushed her off.
Me: Maybe im in the wrong room, Oh please let that be it!
I checked the schedule paper and the numbers on the door. They matched up DX
Obnoxious girl: Well, if we're roommates we might as well get to know each other! I'm Charlotte, what's your name?
Me: ... Vanessa.
She plopped down on the couch.
Charlotte: Vanessa! I like that name. You know, I have a cousin named Vanessa. I also have one named Valarie, Venus, Vavone, and Christina. Yeah, Christy kinda messes up the order. So what are you here to be at this college? Hero, Sidekick, Government leader, agency of defense-
Me: I'm here to be a Villian.
She gasped and threw a pillow at me.
Me: Hey! What was that for? If your ever going to be a henchmen or minon one day you should respect all the Villains you meet.
Charlotte: As if! I'm a hero! I so do not hench, and I'm 100% innocent kind and respectful!
Me: Oh great. You know what this means? We're in the training dorm.
What's the training dorm? It's the one dorm where a hero and a Villian are placed. It's school policy to keep heroes and villains away from each other, but there's always one dorm they place together the two of them as a joke for all the students.
Charlotte: Oh no.
She sighed.
Charlotte: Well, we should at least try and be friends.
Me: Uh, no. I don't like you.
Charlotte: Hey! Come on! If your going to have a bunch of people laugh at you, you should at least fight the system.
Me: Yeah, no.
Charlotte: Maybe we could find some common ground!
Me: Uh-huh. Like that's going to happen.
Charlotte: Just hear me out. Let's hang out tonight.
Me: Yeah, and how are you gonna get me to do that?
Charlotte: I heard there's chocolate brownie ice cream as a starting gift in all the dorms, and I'm connected to my parents Netflix account which I just set up about a minute ago.
Me: Yep, hanging out sounds like a great idea!
She smiled.
Me: let's keep this a secret for as long as we can though, alright?
She nodded.
Charlotte: Definitely. and when our friends come over, depending on whose they are, pretend to be on that side.
Me: Deal
We shook hands, then left for our classes.
So I got you in my first class, slept through my history class, started an evil plan in my third class, but then I got to my fourth class. We were going to be assigned rivals today so this would mean the world. I mean seriously, the rivals we got assigned now would be only ones thwarting our plans to take over the world for the rest of our lives! So I got to class and sat in the back row. Charlotte was in the class but she sat at the tables in the front.... Actually, all the wannabe heroes sat in the front, ugh total kiss ups.
Teacher: Alright. Today is the day, if you graduate, that will be the most memorable. It will affect you the rest of your lives. You will meet your life rival today.
All the future heroes whispered to each other excitedly. The rest of us all rolled our eyes.
Teacher: To make this fair and random for everyone, I've made two hats with all your names in them. They're categorized by your chosen professions. Once I call your name, you are to sit next to them the rest of the year.
He pulled the first name.
Teacher: Kathy!
A peppy and far too happy girl with pigtails stood up. The teacher pulled the second name, I was on the edge of my seat.
Teacher: Quinn!
I slumped back into my chair as another girl with black hair extensions and dark makeup stood.
Teacher: Remember who your rival is!
What's-her-face moved next to the-other-what's-her-face, as the teacher began to list more names that I, and the rest of the class, spaced out to. Except for one name that got my attention.
Teacher: Charlotte!
My roommate stood and glanced at me. A small note of fear touched me. What if Charlotte ended up becoming my rival?!
Teacher: And...
That would be bad. Everyone would make fun of me! My roommate as a rival?! It can't happen.
Teacher: (Already-forgot-his-name!)
At the time, because I was panicking, I thought the teacher said my name, which explains why I blurted this next thing out.
Everyone had heard that, and turned and looked at me awkwardly.
Me: Uh.... I just realized that I might've left the water running in my dorm.
I was so sure that he called me!
Teacher: O_o well, we can talk about your irresponsibility later
Class: *giggles*
Teacher: Alright, onto the next few.
So he called a few more names, all the students next to me laughed quietly. FINALLY, he called my name.
Teacher: Vanessa!
I stood.
Teacher: and... Alex
Alex stood:
He looked back and forth briefly between Alex and I, then I moved over next to him. The teacher finished calling the rest of the names.
Teacher: Okay, there a few rules with rivals.
He put sheets of paper down on our tables.
Teacher: You are to go over them with your partners.
He sat down while the class began talking quietly to one another. I turned toward Alex, he reached his hand out toward mine.
Alex: Hi! I'm Alex.
Me: I know.
He held his hand there. I picked up the paper.
Me: *sighs* Okay, so it says that...
His hand was still there and he was smiling like he could cure a hideous disease by doing it. I pitied him, so I shook his hand.
Me: Vanessa. So let's get started.
He held his paper up and nodded.
Me: Okay, so the first rule is that you can never fall in love with them. Pfft! Well, duh! Who would fall in love with their rival to the bitter end?
Alex: I don't know. Sounds ridiculous.
Me: Yeah. The second rule is... Your rival is your best friend until your out of college?!
Alex: What?!
Suddenly, all around us there was an uproar of disapproval. The teacher shrugged.
Teacher: It's the rules. You must have some past relations with your rival, if you don't like it, get out of the school.
There were a few groans but we returned to our sheets of paper.
Me: okay, last rule. During the time of your education there will be no fights, no butt-kicking, and no taking over the world without permission.
Alex: Darn it.
Well, scratch all of my plans to take over America.
Me: So.. Best friends, huh?
Alex: I guess.
Me: well, this stinks.
Alex: Hey! What do you mean?
Me: Huh? Oh, well don't take it personally. Wait, actually, you should. You heroes are way too happy for your own good. I mean, your smiles never leave your faces
Alex: Well, it's not like villains are all that great either. You all have no real manners, your mean, and you pick on others for no reason!
Me: That is so not true! After all, heroes only choose lame names like-like- Green Lantern!
Alex: Gasp!
Yes, he did say that. Outloud. Not the action of gasping, the literal word 'Gasp'
Alex: That is SO not true! Green Lantern's name is an original work of art. You're just jealous!
Me: Am not!
Alex: Are too!
The bell rang and like that, class was over. I finished the rest of my classes, and went back to my dorm exhausted. I walked in to find a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream stacked high. Charlotte was sitting on the couch and had already turned the TV on. I would protest, but considering how eventful today was, I just shrugged my shoulders and went with it.
Charlotte: Rough day?
Me: Less talk, more TV.
We spent hours watching Once upon a time until it was 9:00. There were two beds in one room, I chose the one on the left and unpacked my stuff. I undid my hair and put on yoga pants, Charlotte did the same.
Charlotte: See? Wasn't that fun?
Me: Sure.
I flopped onto my bed like an awkward fish. And just my luck, the doorbell rang.
Charlotte: I'll get it!
Me: AGHHHHHH! Fine! I'll get it! you don't have to yell about it
Charlotte: O_o
Roommates ’-’ I sluggishly pulled myself up and walked toward the door. I opened it to see Alex, he had a basket full of chocolate.
Alex: Hey! I just-
I shut the door. My roommate was watching.
Charlotte: Vanessa, open the door.
Me: No.
Charlotte: Open the door.
I opened the door.
Alex: -came to say I'm sorry about the fight we had earlier. I think your great!
Me: We had an argument that lasted less than thirteen seconds
Alex: I know, but I just can't stand fighting.
Charlotte: Awwww ❤️
Me: Private conversation, Charlotte!
She blushed, awkwardly waved, and waddled back into the bedroom.
Alex: Whose that?
Me: my roommate. Alright. Are you done here?
Alex: Yeah! Unless, you want to hang out-
I grabbed the basket of chocolate, and shut the door. I put the basket under my bed then crawled under the covers. Goodnight, assignment!
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Re: Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby Polar Kitten » Tue May 05, 2015 5:51 pm

I love this, and I've onky read one entry! Two of my favorite authors and an exciting plot? This couldn't be better! *Punches mark button*
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Hi! I'm Polar Kitten. I used to be nyancat583. You can call me Polar, PK, or Polar Kitten. It doesn't really matter to me!

Happy Summer!
(for those of you in the northern hemisphere)

Candy is good.

I was a member of the Rebel Alliance, a timelord, a tribute in the Games, a Dauntless soldier, a runner in the Maze, and a security guard at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. I'm so good at sleeping that I can do it with my eyes closed. I visited Jurassic World survived the Time War. I am unstoppable.
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Re: Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby Coolpaw5 » Sat May 23, 2015 9:14 pm


Hey there.

Today, I woke up, nice and early. The birds were singing, the sun was shining. I hated it. I hung up a blanket on the windows. No curtains since my wonderful roommate insisted that having no curtains meant we could enjoy our view more.

I don't know what she means. Our window literally looks out to the local dump. If you squint your eyes, you can spot yesterday's newspaper.

I put my headphones on to block out the annoying birds. Why do they have to be up so early? After scrolling through a few sites, Charlotte decided she actually wanted to live instead of being a loud-snoring flop.


Charlotte: **yawn** Wow, you're up early.
Me: It's 10:00 AM.
Charlotte: Earlier than I'm ever up.
Me: Fantastic. I get more time away from you.
Charlotte: You don't have to be such a party pooper.
Me: And you don't have to act like everything's rainbows and unicorns.
Charlotte: **rolls eyes** What do you want for breakfast?
Me: For you to leave.
Charlotte: I'm getting us bagels, okay?

She left before I could think of an insult.

When she came back, she left my bagel on a table and headed to her room.

It wasn't that bad, I suppose. I mean, as good as a piece of bread with a circle in the middle of it, could be.

She walked out of the room, out of her hideous kitty pajamas and into normal hideous clothing. She had a bag around her shoulders and strutted to the window. Opening the window, she took in a deep breath, which I would advise against since I could smell the garbage from here.

Charlotte: I'm heading out!
Me: Great.

She skipped out of the dorm as if she hadn't inhaled toxic fumes 3 seconds ago. I looked at the time and decided I needed to go as well. My classes were boring as usual.

First class is a bunch of wannabe villains who were discussing how long should the monologue at the hero for, since you want it long enough to say your entire plan, but not long enough to bore them. I personally would just kill the hero at the first chance I get, but to each their own, I suppose.

Second class is the teacher talking about how many villains have fallen from forgetting large mistakes such as leaving the hero unattended, forgetting to get double-A batteries for their laser guns, tripping on their shoelaces, etc. I'm pretty sure the teacher was a fallen hero (As in a hero but turned into a villain) so he was kinda cool. Boring, but better than Mr. Hyuk who just laughs at everything.

Third class is... Boring. I fell asleep. I already know what's going to happen. We're going to plan each step of world domination and then one step would go wrong and the entire thing will fall apart.

Then. Fourth class.


Ugh. Alex.

Alex: Hey Vanessa!
Me: **glares**
Alex: **smiles**

We had a glare-smile contest. It was an intense battle of wills. Who would falter first?

Of course me. These heroes have like, some intense face muscles because his face didn't even change for the 30 seconds I stared at him.

Me: **sigh** Hi Alex.
Alex: Did you do the homework?
Me: Uh huh. Right after I killed half the population.
Alex: So, you didn't do it.
Me: Nope. Can I copy yours?
Alex: As a hero-in-training, I really shouldn't.
Me: As a villain-in-training, I think you should.

He shook his head, so I dove into his bag, taking out his folder. He grabbed it and tugged it back to him.

Alex: Stapppp
Me: Give ittt

We grabbed the folders between us, tugging at it.

Teacher: You two, in the back. I don't advise against you two getting chummy, but can it wait until after I explain this?

Alex immediately shrunk away, looking embarrassed.

Hah. I took the chance and took the worksheet out of his folder.

Being an expert cheater, I copied the whole thing in 30 seconds, flat.

He gave me the first glare EVER and took the paper back.

Me: Didn't know you could glare.
Alex: I am a normal person.
Me: Except way too optimistic.
Alex: I like to think of that as a good thing.
Me: Yeah. Way too optimistic.

The rest of the class was borrringg. Like everything else. Alex and I fought a bit every few minutes, which is better than every other group who just scooted to their farther side of the table and stayed silent.

I think we argue a lot because it's better than just wasting your time avoiding someone.

We fought about anything and everything.

Me: Well, mailing letters through the post office is way better because if you ever want to pull up a letter from a friend, you can just find it instead of risking your account being deleted.
Alex: I guess, but mailing stuff takes actual money while sending emails are just more practical because pretty much everyone has a laptop. Some people don't live near a post office, so that spends even more money on gas.
Me: Oh yeah? Well-

The class ended.

Alex: It was nice arguing with you.

Who even says that?

Me: Right.
Alex: And to thank you, I'll give you a gift!
Me: Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope nope

I repeated that to the halls, and he continued to pester me about it.

Alex: It'll just be something small.

I stopped.

Me: Is it food?
Alex: Maybe.
Me: Ughhhh

I was stuck at a crossroad, unsure of what to do. If I accepted, I would be admitting defeat. But if I refused... NO FOOD.

It was too great of a loss. I nodded my head, ashamed. He looked overjoyed. That little...

Alex: Great! You're not allergic to anything, right?
Me: Only your insufferable happiness.
Alex: Chocolate or vanilla?
Me: Chocolate.
Alex: I like chocolate too!
Me: Never mind, I love vanilla.
Alex: I actually like vanilla as well!

Anyway, after class, I came back to my dorm, and I'm still waiting for that chocolate or vanilla thing he's getting me.

>:T I'm hungry.

Oh well. Bye, assignment!

Eᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ʙᴏᴛʜ, I ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ sᴛɪʟʟ...
Wʀɪᴛᴇ ᴀ ᴅɪᴀʀʏ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴏsᴛ ɪᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴᴇᴛ.

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Re: Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby CookieCat000 » Sat May 23, 2015 10:44 pm

Mark! I was looking at the Discuss and Share writing and found this, this sounds interesting :3

And two of my favourite authors doing it together! I love it even more! :D
By my personality I'd think I'd be a hero wannabe...
I don't really come here anymore
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Re: Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby Macky » Sat May 30, 2015 6:58 am




(stalker twitch) :D :D :D 8-) :D :D 8-)
Still bored after 5 years on this website idk what I'm even doing tbh
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Re: Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby BlondeChick » Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:25 pm

Mark, need more ouo <3
''Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck''
Female / Middle school / Computer artist
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Hey there, I'm BlondeChick! Just the average dirty
blond doing what blonde's do best ^v^ I'm pretty
busy so I won't be able to get on the computer
much to draw, but I will be on a mobile phone
alot so I will be replying to trades/PM's :>

My characters......link ...... link .......link


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[] Finish entry for cycat #50
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Re: Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby Toy Dragon » Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:51 pm

Mark! Awesomeness is commencing! o3o
pretty much not alive here
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Re: Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby middle child » Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:33 pm

I don't mean to spam this new diary series, but I must say: COOLPAW5 AND XURA ARE MAKING THIS WHOLE DIARY THING-A-MA-BOB!?!?!?!?!!!??! Whoa. :D



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Re: Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby Xura » Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:39 pm

Bleh. Mornings. I woke up to the alarm I forgot to turn off. It was Saturday, so no school. I yanked off the covers with a yawn. It only took a glance to my left to see my roommate doing a downward-dog.
Me: uh... What are you doing?
Charlotte: Yoga! You should totes-tally try it.
Me: Yoga? Really? Who do you take me for? Plus, totes-tally? Shunning was invented just for words like those.
Charlotte: *rolls her eyes* Yoga is supposed to strengthen your body. It's recommended for all the students.
Me: Yeah? where'd you hear that?
Charlotte: The college instruction manual of course. Duh!
Me: They made those for all the goody-two-shoes to read
Charlotte: So your saying I'm a goody-two-shoes?
Me: Oh don't take it personally, all heroes are. That's their job description.
Charlotte: .-. I am not a goody-two-shoes.
Me: Uh-huh, now have fun with your yogurt or whatever. i have to go watch Netflix on your account. Buh-bye.
I crawled out of bed and walked into the kitchen. Charlotte, of course, had made eggs... With a note:
Dear Bestest new friend Vanessa,
I made these eggs for you. There's also toast in the toaster and a box of donuts on top of our fridge :)
Toodles hehe,

Me: Ugh, Kindness. Disgusting.
I only accepted it because it was food. Delicious food that was spoiled by the friendliness that lurks within the heart of that bouncy energetic optimistic... thing. I heard the dormbell buzz.
Charlotte: can you get that Van?
Me: Van?
Charlotte: Yeah I shortened your name.
Me: I don't like it and no, you get the door.
Charlotte: Aw okay.
The dormbell buzzed again.
Me: Geez. Whoever is at the door is going to get a piece of my mind, who do they think they are?!
Charlotte began her super slow walk to the door and just as she reached it, I pushed her out of my way. I swung open the door and saw Alex.
Me: Oh. You again.
Alex: Hey!!! Remember I said I'd bring you something?
Me: Unfortunately
Alex: Well I couldn't find chocolate ice cream so I-
I shut the door.
Charlotte: Vanessa. .-. That's rude. *pulls out a spray bottle and squirts me with it* bad girl!
Me: Hey! I'm not one of those dog stereotypes!
Charlotte: Sit! *lifts the spray bottle threateningly
I sat. Wow. I'm weak.
Charlotte: Now open the door and you'll get a treat!
She pulled out a chocolate bar.
Me: Isn't chocolate bad for stereotype dogs?
Charlotte: I thought you said you weren't a stereotype dog.
Me: Touché
I stood up and reluctantly opened the door. Charlotte slipped the chocolate bar into my hands. Alex was still standing there like nothing happened.
Alex: SO anyway, I wanted to take you out to eat to make up for it, so I made reservations at a nice restaurant that has a chocolate fountain.
Me: Doesn't that sound a little romantic? You know, like a date?
Alex: No way! Best friends totally do this.
Me: .__. We're no where near "friends", and NOT EVEN CLOSE to "best" friends.
Alex: I know! And I like, so want to change that. I think this experience will help us grow in our relationship.
Me: Oh. Well in that case, no. I will happily decline your "gift" and crush your hopes and dreams of us becoming close.
On that note, I slammed the door shut with a grin. Charlotte squirted me and I barked at her.
Charlotte: Vanessa! That was rude. Bad girl! Open the door and apologize.
Me: Bark! Grr!- er... I mean, uh... No. I don't like him. And I do not apologize.
Charlotte: <3 but he's so sweet and innocent, all he wants to do is be friends with you. What's wrong with that?
Me: Everything. Everything is wrong with that.
Charlotte: You're not allowed to use Netflix unless you apologize and accept his offer.
Me: Oh now that's evil! Are you sure you don't want to become a villian?
She rolled her eyes.
Charlotte: Just go do it!
Me: Alright, alright. Sheesh.
I opened the door to find that Alex was now standing there with flowers, about to knock.
Me: -_-; what does it take to get rid of you?
Alex: Hello again!
Me: bleh. *sighs* I'm sorry I shut the door on your face, and-
Alex: That's okay! We're friends, and friends always forgive-
Me: in order to get my Netflix back from Charlotte, I'll go do dinner with you at that restaurant thingy. Just... Try not to irritate me.
Alex: That's great! And how can I avoid irritating you?
Me: Don't show up.
Alex: Ha! That's funny. I love your sense of humor. I'll come get you at 5 tomorrow
Me: Whatever ’-’
I shut the door.
Me: Happy now, Charlotte?
Charlotte: It'll suffice. For now. Mwahahahahahahahahaha! >:D
Me: O_o is there some dark side of you that I should know about?
Charlotte: ^-^ Nope, nothing comes to mind!
She skipped away with a grin from ear to ear.
Me: O_o allllrighty then.
I'm hungry. I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was filled with vegetables and fruit.
Me: Charlotte! D:<
Charlotte: What?
Me: Where's all my snacks?!
Charlotte: Oh! I read the ingredients and I decided that they were too unhealthy. I made you some broccoli pudding though!
Me: *facepalm, sigh* I'm going out to eat.
I closed the fridge, grabbed a handful of cash and walked out into the dorm hall. I had a choice between the stairs and the elevator. I pressed the button and waited.
About three minutes passed the until the door opened, there was a girl there:
Me: Press one please
???: Don't tell me what to do!
Me: Oh sorry. *awkward*
???: I'm just messing with you. I'm Dawn by the way.
Me: Oh.
Dawn: ...
Me: ...
Dawn: ... Aren't you going to introduce yourself?
Me: Don't tell me what to do!
She laughed.
Me: I'm Vanessa.
Dawn: Emergersh! That's such a long name! How am I going to write it in my diary of the planet's future overlord?!
Me: You keep a diary too?
Dawn: Class issued
Dawn: O.o Woahhh... take a chill pill, bro. You like pizza?
Me: Yeah
Dawn: Great! Let's go!
It was an awkward three seconds before the elevator door opened. We entered the lobby area and went for the door. A security guard was posted there.
Guard: Wait! Wait! Wait! One moment.
Dawn rolled her eyes.
Dawn: Kyle? What are you doing here?
Kyle: I'm working part-time as security here.
Me: Uh... You know him?
Dawn: He's my ex-boyfriend
Me: Oh. This can't be good
Dawn: Kyle, you were working part time at a mall and you were about to attend Harvard. Why in the world are you working here?
Kyle: I just happened to land a gig here. I definitely did NOT read your acceptance letter that came in the mail!
I pulled out a bag of popcorn, this was almost as entertaining as TV.
Dawn: Uh-huh. Whatever. Listen, we're over. You working here is not going to change anything.
Kyle: Yeah, I know that.
Me: *crunches popcorn*
Kyle: Do you mind?
Me: No, not at all, keep going! This is fun to watch
He rolled his eyes.
Dawn: Whatever, Vanessa and I are leaving.
Kyle: Uh.. Nope! I don't think so
Dawn: And why not?
Kyle: Because of all your safety violations!
Dawn: What safety violations?
Kyle: First of all, you don't have your ID's out.
I dug through my pockets and found my ID. Dawn did the same.
Dawn: There. You happy now?
Kyle: Also, you aren't wearing the proper shoes.
Dawn: That's ridiculous!
Kyle: There's no traction in those moccasins!
A group of colledge kids stopped by the door for approval, Kyle waved them through.
Dawn: OH COME ON! None of them showed you any ID, and they were ALL wearing moccasins!
Kyle: Ma'am, you are going to have to calm down or I will have to detain you!
She took off her shoes and threw them at him.
Dawn: No traction, huh?! Well how about you just take em'! You little- ARGH!
Kyle grabbed her arms and started to handcuff her.
Dawn: Get your hands off me!
She kicked and elbowed him in the gut. He momentarily stumbled back.
Dawn: Let's get out of here!
She ran out the door. I hesitated, but picked up her shoes and ran after her. Kyle reached for my arm but I whacked him with one of her shoes. She ran barefoot down the sidewalk with a grin on her face and one arm handcuffed.
Me: Did you just assault and escape a security guard?
Dawn: Yes. Did you just aid and abed me in assaulting and escaping a security guard?
Me: Yes.
Dawn: Good. That means we're partners and crime.
We slowed to a stop and gasped for air.
Me: Aw man. I am so out of shape *huff huff*
Dawn: What? Are you no longer a square or something? I don't understand that expression.
I laughed and handed her the moccasins I was carrying. She gladly took them as she shook out rocks from her feet.
Dawn: So I know this perfect pizza place right down the block. The thing is, when we get there you're going to have to pretend that we're descended from royalty. The duchess of Nottingham to be precise. Her name is Beatrice, she's our mother-
Me: Wait. What? Why?
Dawn: It's for my rep. Oh, and also the bill, it goes on her tab
Me: You have a rep here?
Dawn: I have a rep everywhere.
Me: Does Beatrice know about this?
Dawn: Aunt Bea? Yeah, of course she does! She supported my decision to run away!
Me: What do you mean Aunt Bea?
Dawn: Oh. I actually am decended from royalty, but I ran away a long time ago. Tragic backstory yadeyadeyada
Me: Oh. Okay.
Dawn: Anyway, we're sisters, and our last name is Liare. I'll let you come up with a British sounding first name of your own
Me: Wait- wah?!
Before I knew it she was pulling me across the street and into pizza place. There was a long line and red carpet, it looked more like a club than a restaurant.
Dawn: Oh and you're also going to need an accent
Me: You're very strange
Dawn: ^-^ I know!
We were in the back of the line when some guy spotted us and signaled us to move forward.
Security guy: Yo! Look it's our little British duchess, Dawn! Whose that with ya?
Me: Uh.. I'm her sister... Violet.
Security guy: That true, Dawn?
Dawn: Yes, indeed.
Security guy: I don't know how I feel about this...
She bit her lip.
Security guy: Why didn't you tell me you had a sister earlier?!
He took both of us in a bear hug
Dawn: UGHHHHH! ... Yup. Thanks Reggie, can you put us down now?
Security guy: Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You can go on in to the VIP section.
He unhooked the rope thingy and let us through. We entered the pizza place and casually walked over to the VIP section. This place was filled and exploding with music, but when we walked into the VIP section, we were hidden behind soundproof glass and walls. There was a table already waiting for us that had a little label that said "Dawn and Violet Feare". The 'and violet' looked like it had just now been written with a sharpie.
Me: You already have a table?
Dawn: Psh. Come on, Van. Of course I do. Who do you take me for?
I know Charlotte had called me van earlier, but it sounded better when Dawn said it- especially in her British accent.
A waiter came by just in a very nice expensive looking tuxedo.
Waiter: what will be your order, m'lady?
Dawn smiled and leaned back smugly.
Dawn: A medium deep dish cheese pizza with a British flag in the middle.
Me: O_o Right.
The waiter nodded and left.
Me: Wasn't the British flag a little overboard?
Dawn: They'd never believe me if I didn't add a little something.
I shrugged
Me: True that. So what're you attending college to be?
Dawn: Villian, obviously.
Me: Saaame.
Anyway, it may have been awkward at first but we really hit off and became great friends/fake British sisters- Same thing, right? So eventually it got really late and we started to leave.
Me: Wow. That was fun.
Dawn: Yeah *yawns*
Me: Do you want to hang out tomorrow?
Dawn: I don't know...
She checked her phone.
Dawn: I'm scheduled to hang out with the wrong crowd at four so... :T
Me: Oh.
We walked back into the college, just for Kyle to stop us.
Dawn: *Groans* Great. What do you want now?
Kyle: You assaulted an officer
Dawn: Yes, I did. But I have to say that he wasn't a very good one.
Kyle: You do know I can get you suspended from this school, right?
Dawn: Why would you care?
Me: *popcorn again*
Kyle: Because I'm a security guard.
Dawn: So what? I'm going to finish my series of White Collar. Come on, Violet- er... Vanessa.
I followed her to the elevator.

Me: How'd you two break up anyway?
Dawn: Isn't it obvious? He's clingy.
I shrugged.
Me: True that.
We got on and I hit floor 3.
Dawn: You know, I should come over to your dorm some time and meet your roommate.
Dawn: Well, I'm just thinking. When we were talking about her at the pizza place you said that she was fun and evil.
Me: DID I say that? *laughs awkwardly* NAH I didn't mean that. She's-she's- SUPER BORING. Yup. That's it.
Dawn: ._. Oh. Okay. Well, you're on your floor, see you later.
Me: Okay.
I waved goodbye and exhaustedly walked to my dorm. Charlotte was sitting on the couch watching Legally Blonde.
Charlotte: Hey Vanessa.
Me: Hey.
I put my wallet away and saw on the counter that Charlotte had bought me a bag of Gas station chocolate donuts. I jumped on the couch next to her with the bag.
As we watched, I began to have some of those deep shower thoughts about life. Maybe... Just maybe... Charlotte wasn't the worst roommate on this side of the planet. I looked over at her, cheering the main character on and swooning whenever Emmet and El talked.
Hm. Maybe.
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Re: Diary of The Planet's Future Ruler (Coolpaw5 & Xura)

Postby gomi. » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:07 pm


mark so hard omg
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