` [ sick little games, ] ⊱ \\ open

For roleplayers who want to write longer detailed posts using advanced language and grammar. Anyone can create a topic here, but joining these RPs is by application-only so that RP owners can control the literacy level they're comfortable with. All content must remain child-friendly at all times.

` [ sick little games, ] ⊱ \\ open

Postby cheesewedge » Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:10 pm

▓▓▓▓▓PART OF▓▓▓▓
i am almost completely swallowed by my panic. i tell
myself that i won't let it take over my being, but how
can i really prevent it? i am all alone. at least i think
i am. what is wrong with these people? i am indeed a
living thing, and i can feel pain. all of it. they don't s
eem to think so. i am one hundred percent human, c
orrect? i have rights. i can't see a thing, i can barely
move my limbs. i am in a cage. there are other peop
le here, in fact, they're the ones that have been inje
cting me with who knows what. i feel so alone. whe
re is my family? my friends? what is going on?

it seems that i have waken up in some sort of forest,
surrounded on all sides by a wall. there is something
wrong with me, it's as if there is some sort of creat
ure trapped inside of me, desperate to get out. i ca
n't remember anything other than my name.

i changed. what am i? what's wrong with me?
this is a sort of mix between the hunger ga
mes, the maze runner, and animal shifting.
please excuse my limited imagination. c:

you wake up in a big, arena-like containme
nt. you have absolutely no recollection of a
nything. all you remember is darkness. you
now have the ability to shift into your 'spirit
animal', the ability given to you by scientist
who grafted animal dna into your system. t
here are others here who are you like. who
ever threw you in here are trying to test yo
ur physical and mental endurance, your abi
lity to stay sane. the weather can change at
any time, with no warning whatsoever. food
is sometimes scarce, sometimes plentiful. t
his place can change from being a fabulous
utopia to a torture chamber in only a few s
hort moments. there are others like you here.

⋆ ───────games!─────── ⋆
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` [ sick little rules, ] ⊱ \\

Postby cheesewedge » Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:07 pm

uno ;;
tess' rules are first and final say. don't know what the
heck i'm talking about? check them out here and here.

dos ;;
i would hate to see this roleplay drown. if you think you'll
be away from the computer for a while, please, don't even
bother joining. please post at least once every three days.

tres ;;
spamming is quite annoying, i'd very much appreciate you
to use the discussion thread to settle any charrie
relations and to ask questions. fighting with another user?
take it to pm, please. better yet, don't fight at all!

cuatro ;;
please pm me all reserves. otherwise, it won't be
accepted, no exceptions whatsoever. please remember
that i do reserve the right to turn you down.

cinco ;;
literacy is key. 450+ plus words is required per each post.
writers block will not be accepted as an excuse. if you
are literate enough, this should be no problem.


seis ;;
perfect people don't exist. gary and mary sues
are my least favorite things. please refrain
from creating characters like that.

siete ;;
charries are unlimited, but make sure you don't
neglect any of your babes. try to keep genders
balanced. don't repeat animals.

ocho ;;
you a go for romance? me too. nothing like some
sappy puppy love to warm up the heart and soul.
just fade to black whenever necessary.

nueve ;;
god modding and power playing is not

diez ;;
pretty coding is required for both charrie forms
and posts. remove siggies, it makes everything
look a lot more neater.

once ;;
don't stretch the language barrier. words such
as damn and hell are perfectly fine, though
anything else is not appropriate.

here to steal my coding? don't bother, i don't
hesitate to report!

⋆ ──────get away!────── ⋆
Last edited by cheesewedge on Fri Jan 02, 2015 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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` [ sick little charries, ] ⊱ \\

Postby cheesewedge » Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:36 pm


raphael mikaelson // // 19 // prairie falcon // cheese
natalia katina // // 17 // white tiger // cheese
atticus gulberry // // age // jaguar // dr. yang
aspen iris o'flyenn // // age // wolf // dr. yang
judd harris // // 19 // lion // ~atlas~
skylar woods // // 17 // seneca white deer // ~atlas~
caspian whitker // // age // american black bear // charmey
poppy zoella paisley // // 17// dingo // indefinite
tobias parryodon // // 19// indian leopard // dr. grey
name // // age // animal // user
name // // age // animal // user
name // // age // animal // user
talon // // age // eurasian lynx // kalani.
rylee fyte // // 19 // fox // >cold
ian hallaway // // 20 // mountain lion // blaze;
skyelit // // age // eurasian lynx // kalani.
name // // age // animal // prince tabby
valerie drew hallaway // // 20 // snow leopard // blaze;
charlie dillon knokes // // 18 // snowy bunny // crasher.
anabelle miller // // 18 // barn owl // button.
name // // age // animal // kölgə canavar
name // // age // animal // kölgə canavar
name // // age // golden eagle // nightmare,
alaska marie belrose // // 21 // brown bear // crasher.

Last edited by cheesewedge on Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:41 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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` [ sick little announcements, ] ⊱ \\

Postby cheesewedge » Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:32 am

please pm all reservations before posting.
discussion thread
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` [ sick little raffe, ] ⊱ \\

Postby cheesewedge » Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:39 am

Image Image
⋆ ─────darling,───── ⋆
name: raphael mikaelson
nicknames: raffe
gender: male, chico, guy
age: nineteen
d.o.b.: september seventh
shift: prairie falcon
traits: dreamer, arrogant,
social butterfly, cocky, obnoxious.
eyes: blue/green
hair: brown
fears: what fears?
sexuality: heterosexual
friends: tba
foes: tba
crush: tba


born in a wealthy family to a family of three, raffe is your s
tereotypical 'rich, spoiled kid who always gets his way'. arr
ogant, rude and cocky, this boy was born with a golden spo
on in his mouth. 'spoiled rotten' is quite an understatement.
he usually slips past the usual rules by flashing a charming
a grin and sweet talking whoever is in his way. he is quite
a curious person, and usually find or exploits what he want
s to find/exploit. he doesn't know when the game is over,
and is one to hold long and harsh grudges. his enemies are
considered done for, and revenge has always been a reason
to continue whatever he is doing.


despite acting and seeming like a complete idiot, raffe is a
ctually a very sharp person, and is great at working under
pressure. tactical and hard working, he can come in handy
quite often, but usually doesn't do anything without receiv
ing something else in return. selfish doesn't begin to descri
be him. as soon as he is set on something, he will stop at al
most nothing to reach his goal. that means willing to black
mail, lie, cheat, and hurt others to get his way. whenever
he is in 'the zone' he can seem almost heartless. on the ins
ide, a storm is brewing. it might seem silly, but raffe does
indeed believe in love at first sight, and is saving his heart
for his significant other. his charm can actually be sincere
and is one for cheesy lines and 'sweep off your feet' actions.
Last edited by cheesewedge on Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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` [ sick little natalia, ] ⊱ \\

Postby cheesewedge » Wed Dec 31, 2014 2:39 am

Image Image
⋆ ─a matter of time─ ⋆
name: natalia katina
nicknames: nat, lia
gender: female, chica, gal
age: seventeen
d.o.b.: december eighteenth
shift: white tiger
traits: bipolar, aggressive, loyal,
antisocial, single-minded, brave.
eyes: blue/green/grey tint
hair: dark brown
fears: closed spaces, needles.
sexuality: heterosexual
friends: tba
foes: tba
crush: tba

⋆ ───────align!─────── ⋆

as a normal girl, natalia was perfectly normal. a social outcast,
but still, life was normal in her standards. she was quite a shy
kid, gentle, though sometimes, she blew her top. natalia had
been raised in a family on five, two parents, and two other sib
lings, (an older sister and brother). though she was the younge
st, she was never really spoiled, and was often times overshado
wed and ignored. not that she minded, in fact, she quite liked
it to be that way. she was the model student, always hurrying
to appease others and keep them happy. she was never really
one to argue with the higher ups, though when she thought it
was necessary, she would put up a very harsh fight.


things are very different now. whatever happened to natalia har
dened her quite a lot, and she no longer even lifts a finger to he
lp someone else. 'gentle' is no longer featured in her personality,
replaced with the an explosive, sarcastic, and very moody perso
n. she is still an anti-social person, which doesn't really come as
a surprise. her fear for small, confined spaces and needles have
done nothing but get worse and worse. she is no longer shy, but
has gotten a lot more loyal. lying comes easily to her, and her o
wn survival is at the top of her to do list. she keeps her emotions
bottled up and stowed away, though her old self sometimes does
make an appearance. trust has become a harder issue.

Last edited by cheesewedge on Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Aspen Iris O'Flyenn

Postby Heda » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:21 am


i solemnly swear

that i am up to

no good

Aspen was a pretty normal girl before all this, she had friends,
she had loving parents, good brothers, a roof over her head, her
life was pretty good. Aspen got all A's in school and she was very much
into sports, she loved being active and sometimes she had too
much on her hands; between sports and school it became too
much at times. She was actually about to graduate before she
woke up here, she planned to go to university but it looks like
that plan backfired.
Aspen is sweet and and respects those around her...sometimes,
she is fast to answer questions and usually has a solution for most
problems. Now this girl can be quite stubborn when she has her
mind set on something and no mater how hard you try to reason
with her she won't change her mind, you're just going to have to let
her learn the hard way. She hates this trait about herself but she really
can't control it, Aspen is very manipulative and can get what she wants
in seconds. As a little girl she had mastered manipulating people into
doing what she wanted and to make it even better she's pretty sly
about everything she does too. I'll tell you now not to let her
sarcastic nature upset you, she can't get through one day without
a sarcastic remark. Aspen can really be a sweet girl, when she wants
to be thats is.


name ;; Aspen Iris O'Flyenn
age ;; eighteen
gender ;; female
hair color ;; dirty blonde
eye color ;; grey
height ;; 5'3"
weight ;; 120 pounds
+traits ;; quick witted, sweet, brave, observant
-traits ;; sly, manipulative, sarcastic, stubborn
crush ;; tba
friends ;; tba
enemies ;; tba
shift ;; wolf


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Atticus Robert Gulberry

Postby Heda » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:22 am


things have beat me down,


cause i'm strong,


His life has never been really easy, everything he
ever seemed to really do always went wrong. To him he has
bad luck that will never stop and he blames that on his drunk
dead beat of a father. Although he should be lucky that he
can't remember anything anymore. He always seemed to be
hating on the world and the only people he ever showed love to
was his mother and his siblings but now that he is here he is very
quiet and reserved, keeping to himself. He is sarcastic and
somewhat mean when provoked, his patients for others run thin
and he can snap quickly. He won't deny it but yeah he has a pretty
bad temper. He does have gentle and friendly side to him but he
keeps that locked away not wanting to show it, he feels weak when
he shows that side of himself.
Last edited by Heda on Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:04 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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` [ poppy the dingo ]

Postby indefinite » Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:24 am


full name poppy
zoella paisley

n. name just zoe
gender female
age seventeen
years young.

animal dingo
crush has none
traits restless,
cooperative, aloof
isolated, loyal,
sophisticated, flirty

─────────── HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING ON A ───
left sidebar goes to morris.
than i
poppy made for an excellent
experimental candidate. she
had no family, no home, had
hardly any friends. she lived
in the foster system the most
of her life and had pretty
much expected it to stay that
way for the remainder of her
childhood. she's used to the
constant moving around and
the independence she has
required of herself to get
through the days. it must've
been why they chose the
genes of the dingo to put
inside of her. after all, they
are most alike in personality.




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Skylar the feeble and Judd the egotistical

Postby ~Atlas~ » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:34 pm

@faceclaim: Ana Mulvoy Ten

NameSkylar Woods
Sprit animalSeneca white deer
BirthdayFebruary 15


❈ [size=85]Description
Skylar is the average height for her weight, 5 feet and five inches tall. However, her weight is what she severely lacks in. She only comes up to 105 lbs., leaving her teetering on underweight. She tries to hide her skinny body in lots of jeans to long-sleeved shirts; however, this doesn't really do much for her. Her hair is long and golden, and curled at the ends, giving off a pretty gleam in the sunlight. Her eyes are a startlingly pale blue, giving off the impression that she is blind. She is not, however, she does have weak eyesight. Along with pale eyes, she has extremely pale skin that burns easily. With her stick0thin body and pale features, one might even think she's a ghost.

Her spirit animal is the Seneca white deer, a rare type of deer. It has a coat variation, making it pure white. Although she is often mistaken for an albino deer, her rich brown eyes prove otherwise. Like her human form, her deer form is petite and lithe. This provides her with speed, and if she is being chased, she can burst out running. However, her asthma always catches up to her, and she is eventually forced to seize her running. Her hooves are sharp and pointed, and if she wanted to, she could provide a good kick. However, her gentle personality prevents her from doing so.


Detailed personalityStrong and extroverted are words that do not match, and will never match with Skylar. Her physical appearance and personality coincide with one another. With a small body, she has a small voice and sense of confidence. When she is being picked on, Skylar merely stays quiet and lets others continue. Her self-esteem is small, yet she never burdens others with her problems. when she does interact with others, she is very quiet, until she gets to know the other individual better. Once a strong point in a friendship has been reached, Skylar is one of the most dependent and loyal friends one could ask for. Her devotion to her friends stretches to all realms; whether she needs to stay up all night to console them, or merely accompany them to point A to point B, she will do it without hesitation.

Even with strangers, this shy girl can muster up the courage to help them. In her spare time, Skylar loves to volunteer to help those less fortunate, such as the homeless or elderly. In these situations, it is common for her to get extremely emotional for others who have problems, even though Skylar had nothing to do with them. Skylar cries easily for others, but whenever it comes to her own emotions, she bottles them up and hides them under the surface. It is easy for her to become discouraged or worried about situations, but she never informs those around her, as she hates to be a burden.

Intelligence is evident within Skylar, although she doesn't flaunt it around or brag. Sometimes, she can just say something observant or unapparent without thinking about it. She enjoys reading in her free-time, and throughout high school, she excelled in her classes, despite being absent most of the time. In most circumstances, she can push herself much too hard and become overly critical. Rounding back to her body, she is extremely weak and quite sickly. So, it is simple for her to be taken hostage by her body, which severely restricts what she wants to do. However, she tries her best not to let her weak body get in the way, especially when it came to academics in high school. Skylar has a strong sense of morality, work ethnic, and sympathy. However, her other determining negative factors, like her body, low self-esteem, and drive to push herself too much can become very dangerous for her mental, emotional, and physical states.

Ever since her capture, Skylar's timid personality has developed into a full blown fearful mess. This trembling girl is like a deer caught in headlights, unsure and paralyzed with fear. In this way, her gentle, yet skittish spirit animal represents her greatly. She now suffers anxiety and occasional panic attacks, making her a constant state of nerves. She is mostly very silent, and when she is around others she isn't comfortable, she shuts off completely. Even though she is fearful and anxious, she still retained her gentle and compassionate side. If anyone is injured, no matter who they are, this girl will always try to help. However, it would take someone or something very special to bring this girl back to the way she was.

LikesBeing included with others, reading, academics, music
DislikesFighting, bullies, conflicts, being sick, obnoxious people
Positive traitsSweet, loyal, selfless, intelligent and patient
Negative traitsWeak, shy, recessive, too soft-spoken, fearful clingy
FearsJudgement, asthma attacks, being in a group surrounding, the scientists, not achieving anything in life, failing to help others
WeaknessesSmall and fragile body, asthma, prone to sickness, anxiety, orthostatic hypotension (low blood pressure upon standing after sitting for a long period of time), fainting


HistorySkylar was conceived on February 15, 1997, in a small town. Her mother, Susan White, was only 19. Her father, although he loved Susan very much, never married her. Since her mother was so young and unprepared for birth, she died in the process. Skylar's father, Andrew Woods, was heartbroken. still, he loved his new baby girl, and took care of her as best as he could. When she was born, Skylar was small and quiet, rarely crying at all. This concerned Andrew greatly, and Skylar had frequent doctor's visits. She was prescribed medicine after medicine, but she was still tiny and weak. At the age of three, Skylar caught a cold that developed into pneumonia. This sudden childhood illness nearly killed her, and inhibited her life forever. after she recovered, she was left with another major difficulty to cope with. Pneumonia damaged her lungs, leaving her with moderate, yet bordering on severe asthma. After a severe asthma attack, the doctors visits only increased. Additionally, after several fainting episodes, she was diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension, occurring when she had drops in blood pressure upon standing. Her body was fragile, and if she took a few, ordinarily mild falls, they often led to broke bones and other injuries. She was often sick, so she never got to have a fun childhood like most. Due to all of her health problems, her father become even more protective, never letting his daughter out of his sight, and frequently developing anxiety attacks due to all of his worrying. So, Skylar spent much time comforting her concerned father, insisting that she was okay. However, she was always obedient to his wishes, and always followed his rules.

Her schooling went by without a problems, academically at least. She was always one step ahead of the other children, and as a result got moved into higher level classes. However, her peers gave her grief for this, and frequently teased and harassed her. One instance even involved one of them snapping her inhaler in half, while she was having an asthma attack. Luckily, she was often unable to come to school, due to illnesses. Once reaching high school, the bullying stopped for the most part. However, she was still usually alone and craving friendship. Despite being lonely, she pushed through high school, graduated early, and passed with honors. Her options for colleges were wide. However, her father, who had invested much of his money into her health care, had no extra money to pay for her college tuition. Now, she just remains at home and works as a tutor for middle school students. Even though she desperately wants to attend college, she never complains, as she and her father are working the best they can.

Two years ago, her life was once again completely altered. Somehow, she was captured by the scientists, but she doesn't recall how. One day she had been volunteering at her tutoring center, and the next she'd been captured. The small, dark cages, were terrible, confining her body and scaring her senseless. She was provided little care, and due to her fragile health, she was often extremely sick. Food was scarce,and the already-thin girl lost 10 pounds, now causing her to be dangerously underweight. Her asthma was terrible, and she suffered frequent asthma attacks, and was only given her inhaler when she was veering towards unconsciousness. Due to her recessive personality, she was rarely beaten, but when she was, it was severe. Ever since she was released, she has been relieved, yet is still very scared of the days to come. Her deer form isn't so bad, and she often shifts into it when she feels threatened. However, there will still be a long way to go util this girl is ever the same.


CrushesNone at the moment. Who would like her?


Alone-Trampled By Turtles
Cry Like A Ghost-Passion Pit
All Shades of blue-Gregory Alan Isakov
Only Heather-Wild Nothing

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@faceclaim Aaron Paul


NameJudd Harris
BirthdayOctober 20

Image Image


Judd is a fairly well-built young man, due to his athletic side. His biceps are large, along with quite a developed six-pack in his stomach. He is a bit short, coming up at only 5'6, but his stockiness makes up for it. His eyes are a dark, cooling blue. His hair is brown and spiky. This unruly hair is naturally messy, and gives him a rugged appearance. Finally, he has the small stubble of a beard and mustache.

His lion is large and powerful, with rippling muscles and a striking mane. he is extremely large, exceeding the 550 pound average for male lions. His claws are long and dangerous, much like dreaded eagle talons. His teeth are even sharper than his formidable claws, and could easily rip a limp off if he wanted to. His sandy, yellow coat is average, not having any distinctive markings or scars.

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PersonalityJudd is a man of alternating waves, with emotional waves that are almost nonexistent, and others than swell in power. His outbursts of aggression have only increased sine the torture, and he can flip at the smallest things. However, he's fighting fro control again, and hopes that he can soon achieve it. Judd has always been a young man of temper, one who was quick to jealousy and anger. Additionally, he is responsible, and will always get done what needs to be. His goals for himself are high, and he hold himself to his own standards. Often times, he is the first one up and the last one asleep, always attending to small problems that throw a small wrench in the day. If there's a problem, he'll fix it to the best of his ability. Not only is he a hard-worker, though, but he is also very intelligent. Even though Judd didn't get the highest grades in school, his dismal grades do not in any way reflect his intelligence. He is cunning, smart, and knows how to strategize and how to trick others. Even though his intelligence can often be a deadly weapon in his hands, he usually just uses it to pull innocent pranks on his group members when they need a spirit-lifter.

Even though Judd is hard-working and smart, this doesn't mean he's a stick in the mud. He'd quite rambunctious when the situation calls for it, and he can often be seen laughing with his group. He loves to flirt with the ladies, and he loves to kick back and enjoy life. An arrogant side lies in his personality, which is especially bolstered by his powerful spirit animal. He tries not to be too arrogant, but at times it just happens without him noticing. Although he curbed his anger to he most part, his temper can still easily be aroused. He knows how to control it most of the time, though, and it just comes off as a calm, cool anger. When Judd has made up his mind about something, it cannot be easily changed. He is quite inflexible, and quite reluctant to change what he feels is best.
Judd has a deep sense of loyalty towards his group, and once someone earns his trust, he will never give up on them. Although he tires to hide it, Judd is quite a caring young man. He cares deeply about the wellbeing of every group member, even those he isn't fond of. If he were to loose anyone from the group, Judd would spiral into a deep pit of self-hatred. Luckily, though, this has not happened yet. When it inevitably does happen, though, all he'll be able to blame is himself.

LikesHaving fun, hunting, running, strategizing, leading and flirting
DislikesMonotonous work, disrespect, weakness, loners being criticized, not being active
Positive traitsCunning, hard-working, intelligent, physically strong, loyal, assertive, confident, caring
Negative traitsArrogant, quick to anger, dislikes change, blunt, not very flexible, strict at times, unable to cope with loss, competitive
FearsFailing his alpha, being disliked, loosing a fight, fire

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HistoryJudd's history is brief and not very out of the ordinary. Well, other than being a werewolf of course. His parents were quite wealthy and he had a comfortable lifestyle. As a child, he enjoyed playing many sports and drawing. As he entered high school, his talents on the baseball and track field were very apparent. When he was younger, he loved these sports with all his heart. However, as he got into high school, he found himself less and less interested in these activities. His sports friends thought he was crazy. He insisted though, that he was just feeling burnt out. So, by his senior year, he quit all sports activities. His parents and teammates were disappointed in him, but Judd couldn't care less.

His interests fell more into art, and he was often out in the woods, sketching abstract pictures. One day, he was approached by a strange man dressed in black. He had a business proposition for Judd, and the money-hungry boy took it without any consideration. The man claimed that Judd would be used for a short, social experiment, only taking up 40 minutes of his time. Upon arriving at the broken-down building, Judd was quickly taken into hostage. He was slammed into a cage, like some for of animal. Others surrounded him, as scared as he was. Scientists did unspeakable things to him, manipulating his body and experimenting on him like a lab rat. His aggression was only heightened in such a situation,and due to his noncompliance, he was often beaten severely. Upon being released, Judd enjoyed the freedom, as well as his new spirit animal. Still, he swears that it was never worth it, and craves to escape their arena as soon as possible.

Image Image

CrushesNone yet, but this doesn't stop him form flirting

She Always Takes It Black-Gregory Alan Isakov
Master and a Hound-Gregory Alan Isakov
Down in the Valley-The Head and the Heart
Ghost on the Shore-Lord Huron
Honey-Magic Man

(I'll be adding more to Judd's form, as this one is a bit old and needing a facelift)
Last edited by ~Atlas~ on Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:19 am, edited 4 times in total.
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