<♕> When The Rain Doesn't Come <♔> Discussion/form thread

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<♕> When The Rain Doesn't Come <♔> Discussion/form thread

Postby Heda » Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:56 pm


This is the form and discussion thread for this rp, please post your form here and wait for me to accept it before posting on the main thread and please please please read the rules. Here we can talk about relationships and other things we want to see happen in the rp. So have fun!
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The King

Postby Heda » Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:56 pm


name ;; Zuberi
meaning ;; strong
age ;; five years almost six
rank ;; king
gender ;; lion/male

+traits ;; observant, humble,
calm, wise, charming
-traits ;; Sharp-tongued, annoyed easily,
strict, slightly stubborn, fierce

Zuberi was always the strongest out of his brothers when he was first born, he was the smartest and most cunning too. His father didn't like these traits about him, he didn't like that his son was becoming a copy of him just stronger and younger. So when it came time his father chased him off, Zuberi wasn't really bothered by that fact he did indeed want to become king but at that moment he was young and just looking for trouble.

Zuberi was a hit with many lioness and he probably hasa few cubs some where out there, he's a charming fellow and was quite flirty at his young age. As he grew he became bigger, stronger, and better, he was a stunning creature to look at. He spent some time as a rogue for awhile, always getting into fights and challenging himself to doharder things. Many of the rogues were happy to have him and didn't think the young trouble making was going to leave butthey were wrong. Zuberi only joined rogues to ready to take down his father and whatever son he had picked to take after him, Zuberi left one late night making a long journey back to the place he had called home. When he came to his old pride his mother was over joyed to see her son but when she figured out what he was up too and she begged him not to do so but he refused to listen.

Zuberi challenged his father and they fought but his father was no match and Zuberi killed him in under minutes. He then killed the Prince,he knew in the long wrong he would just cause trouble so better to end it now then later.He showed no mercy through thev whole thing. He seemed cruel, heartless but he simply said "Thats how Africa works, you ether thrive or you die."
Last edited by Heda on Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:04 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Don't Make Her Mad

Postby Heda » Wed Nov 19, 2014 11:56 pm


name ;; Atka
meaning ;; Spirt
age ;; four years of age
rank ;; fighter
gender ;; Female

+traits ;; observant, flirty,
outgoing, serious
-traits ;; Sharp-tongued,
devious, hard to get to know


Last edited by Heda on Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
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The Queen & The Rogue Warrior

Postby broken* » Sat Nov 22, 2014 2:01 pm


Name; Laentina
Name Meaning; Goddess of Death
Gender; Female
Age; Three & a half
Rank; loner
Pride; none
Positives; Confident, Clever, Protective
Negatives; Deceitful, Tricky, Sly, Devious
Love Interest; None
Mate; None
Cubs; None
Relatives; None
History; She believes that she was born to be Queen. Ever since the time of Jahoona, a previous King of her pride and her great-grandfather, his descendents have been the only ones to rule. Out of each new King and Queen pair, one is related to the male, whether it be his child, grandchild, great-grandchild, etc. That parent, when their mate falls pregnant, or they get pregnant, chooses the strongest of their litter to survive and become ruler in their place; the other cubs are killed. This was the case of Laentina; she was stronger than her brothers and sister, so she was the survivor. She was brought up to rule. However, when she was not even two years old yet, a new male, her half-brother, decided he wanted to become king and easily(unfortunately) slay her father; claiming the pride as his. She held hatred in her heart for him in the beginning, believing that he took what was rightfully hers, and fought, both vocally and tooth & claw, with him before he finally kicked her out. she is currently a loner, with hopes of joining the rogues once she finds them and working her way to the top.


Name; Raiden
Name Meaning; The Thunder God
Gender; Male
Age; Six Years
Rank; warrior
Pride; yes
Positives; Calm, Strong, Loyal
Negatives; Stubborn, Daring, Possessive
Love Interest; None
Mate; None
Cubs; None
Relatives; None around
History; He was born to a pride a that is quite far away from where he now resides. It was a regular type, with only one male, and so, when he became too old, he was kicked out, and began searching for a pride of his own. Being a more peaceful creature, however, when he came across the rogues, he had an instant dislike for the leader, and continued on as a loner. eventually, he stumbled across the pride, and found that he fit in quite nicely there., and was willingly accepted, he was more than content. He didn't need a harem of lionesses to keep him happy; companionship and perhaps one mate someday would be enough for him.
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<♕> Zukino ; Leader Of Rouges

Postby sava. » Sat Nov 22, 2014 4:50 pm

- Leader Of Rouges - Male - Five Years -

Zukino is a male whom prefers to be on his own. He doesn't tolerate disrespect, nor does he tolerate goofing off. This male is strict, his views and goals set on the one thing he sees as important; survival. You will rarely see this male even crack a smile, nor let out the slightest sound of a laugh unless it is sarcastic. He doesn't tolerate mistakes being made, and will see to a punishment if he observes or deems to find out about one. Zukino doesn't have a friendly side, or, he just hasn't had anybody to discover such.
Zukino only has one blood relative left alive. This creature is such of his sister. Purely disgusting to him, as he saw her as nothing but a pitiful female. Ever since she was born, he had taken an immediate dislike to her. As she grew, it only grew stronger as well, finding her hobbies annoying, seeing her out in the fields of herbs all day long. Finally, the two split as they both left their original pride. Zukino's reason was to be on his own and independent, his sister's reason is unknown to him. To him, it was a disgrace to have found out she joined another pride, and wanted nothing more that to rip apart her form for such stupidity.
Zukino has no interest in love life, yet wouldn't mind claiming a mate of his own. To him, it shows that if he has a mate, then he has double the power. Odd, right? Though, the mate he would choose would have to be one of a fierce female, strong and loyal, crude and mean, just like him. Cubs would be the next step, as he would wish to raise them just like himself.
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<♕> Zaylena ; Shaman

Postby sava. » Sat Nov 22, 2014 4:51 pm

- Shaman - Female - Four Years -

Zaylena is a sweet, gentle female. Her words are usually always spoke kindly, her actions show her gentleness, as her eyes give off the look of her love for others. Zaylena has always been close to nature, finding the value and worth in it almost immediately. She is never one to judge, nor create a scene of conflict. Usually Zaylena can hold back any anger she gets, but the one thing she does not tolerate is disrespect towards her healing.
Zaylena was born into a pride of cold-hearted individuals. She had never felt like she belonged, nor even remotely liked the pride. Her older brother, Zukino, was a major bully to her. Always stepping all over her plants that she would collect, harassing and doing his best to crush her spirits. Finally, Zaylena left the pride, though, so did her brother. Her reason was leaving was such of to find a place that would treat her better, and that she did. Having heard her brother was a rouge leader angered Zaylena, but also made her fearful to ever cross his path.
Zaylena would love a mate, though she feels that she is just too caring and trustworthy for a male to actually take an interest in her. Cubs are something she longs for, wanting to birth a new generation and raise them differently than from how she was.
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alika : the pride huntress

Postby sinopa » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:25 am


alika is a genuine lioness who
was born into pride life. born a
litter of two, alika has a older
brother who has since gone
missing when they were just
apprentices. neither her father
or mother are alive today. she
is very dedicated and loyal
to the pride. she is a generous
lion willing to help anyone as
long as it does no harm to her
pride. even though alika appears
sweet don't underestimate her.
she can be quite mischievous
and a little on the impulsive side.
it is almost impossible to change
her mind once it is set on anything.
be careful not to get on her bad
side for she can hold a grudge.
having only become a hunter a
few months ago alika is very eager
to prove herself. the lioness is very
quick on her paws and agile. alika
has no mate or cubs but would one
day like to have a family to call
her own.
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jabari : the rouge fighter

Postby sinopa » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:26 am


jabari was born apart of the
pride along with his sister alika.
he was never one for pride life like
his sister though. he didn't want to
be held down by the king. jabari
wanted to rule his own life, so
during his apprentice months he
ran away from the pride. on a
short travel he came along the
rouge lions and liked the way
they worked, so he stuck around
and became one of their warriors.
but jabari still doesn't like the
thought of someone ruling over him
and still wishes to go off on his own.
jabari can be simply explained as
egotistical and haughty. he can be
quite unpredictable so it would be
best to be prepared for anything
when it comes to this lion. he is
charming with other lions and knows
how to come off as someone you'd
want to get to know. he isn't one
to be afraid often and goes into
battle like a knight in shining
armor. even though he is anything
but that.
Last edited by sinopa on Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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bakari : the shaman apprentice

Postby sinopa » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:27 am

The lioness everyone thinks is his mother,
is not. Bakari learned of this before her death,
a few short months ago, and that everything
he knew was a lie. She had told him that
after giving birth to his brothers and
sisters, she had been out in the plains
when a lioness had appeared carrying
a small cub by the scruff and had left him
with her. This cub was Bakari and his birth
mother was a rouge. But she had still
raised him as if he was her own and
told no one that he wasn't pride born.
Soon after her death Bakari became very
reserved and barley talks to anyone. He
takes being shaman apprentice very
seriously and has always been curious
of the job since before he could walk
properly. For his young age Bakari is
very smart and is easily relied on by
his pride. He is cautious when getting
to know others but he isn't a bad lion
to get to know if your up for a challenge.
Last edited by sinopa on Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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<♕> Zuri the shaman <♔>

Postby hortus » Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:44 am



name ➳ Zuri
nicknames ➳ none
age ➳ 2
gender ➳ female
species ➳ lioness
meaning ➳ beautiful

fur ➳ a light tan
eyes ➳ hazel
brother ➳ sefu

mate ➳ tbd
crush ➳ secret
secret crush ➳ machani
friends ➳ tba
enemies ➳ tba
pride ➳ yes

positive traits ➳ friendly,
strong, helpful,protective,
nice, loving, strong, stealthy
negative traits ➳ curious,
can be mean, secretive,
honest but sometimes
comes out a rude




this lioness is a lighter color
than most, but not rare.
she has a lighter shade
of hazel that always seem
to glow with happiness,
thought that usually
changes when she's
working because she takes
that seriously.



on rare circumstances zuri
can become mean, but
that's usually to keep
others in check. she is
a loyal lioness, and knows
when too much is too
much. she is mostly nice
and willing to befriend
just about anyone.

Last edited by hortus on Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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