Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Penndragon » Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:04 pm

Dear Celia,
Can't you just leave him alone? I don't see why you have to cut into our business. He likes me not you. If you keep this up, it will makes this awkward between all three of us. Not just you and me or you and him. You won't attract his attention like this. So please, just leave us to our business!

Love, Jo
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby noodle cat » Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:15 pm

    dear joseph,
    babe you cant have a stroke
    everytime i say "i love you" k ?
    thats bad lol.
    -love emmie
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby ScottishWolfy » Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:25 pm

Beloved brother,

I know that now you're a teenager you don't want to spend that much time with me, or talk to me, or hang about with me during school because you have your own friends now. And I'm fine with that. But please, at least once, act like I'm more to you than just an inconvenience.
Your whole life I have cared for you and watched your back, and I'll continue to do so till my heart stops beating. Remember my reputation in primary? That I was as ruthless as a mother bear guarding her cubs if you ever got hurt? I'm still like that, even if you don't notice. Sometimes I think you hate me, the way you glare at me when I ask you something or other, until the times you'll lay beside me and play on your iPad silently. It's times like those that I hope you still love me as much as I love you.
I'm sorry if my constant chatting about Avengers and DrawCast and the books I'm currently reading annoys you, but that's just me. I hope you understand that you and Mum are the closest things in my heart and that everything I do, I do for you.

I love you,
Your dearest sister

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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby lucas. » Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:47 pm

    dear r,
      i love every second with you. heck, i love you! i know you may not be interested in men and it does hurt. all i ever see you with is girls. hyperactive girls. i kinda act like one, you know. i honestly don't know how i even developed feelings for you. you have homophobic jokes. whenever you say them, i can't be near you, but i honestly want to be. i try my hardest to do so, but it's quite hard. i'm glad we're friends..but can't we be more than that? please?
      you cheered me up after a breakup of a guy you never even met. you don't even know im homosexual! i just wanted to thank you for being there with me and...
      i love you.
    - lucas
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby demonimpala67 » Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:06 pm

Dear ---------,

How. Dare. You. How could you keep such a secret from me? Everyone knows he is MY CAT. You all thought he was dead, for a WEEK! You buried a cat that you thought was HIM! As far as everyone knew, Tigger, my baby, was dead. Everybody knew, except me! The one who cares about him the most! How could you do that? You think you were doing what was best, but it hurts me. You have just shattered my trust. You have kept secrets from me, about my cats, TWICE now. I told you the first time, not to do it again. That didn't really stop you. If he really had been dead, and you kept the secret from me, it would still have hurt. Even now that you have told me "Hey, we though your cat was dead, but he is alive, everything is normal!", I still feel very betrayed. I was denied my right to know what was going on. I can't... I can't talk to you now. If I do, the only things I will say will be extremely hurtful. I can't believe you. If I can't trust any of you to tell me what's going on, how am I supposed to trust anybody at all? We are FAMILY. We are supposed to be able to trust each other. BUT I CANT TRUST YOU!! You didn't tell me! I talked about him earlier today, and you didn't say ANYTHING! That was your chance! That's as good as lying, in my book! You have failed me!

Now what am I supposed to do? Just forget it? I can't. Not that. Not from you. I don't trust you anymore... I can't trust anyone. My entire family believed he was dead, AND NOBODY SAID ANYTHING!
You may think that I'm fine, but stabbing me in the heart would hurt less then the secret you kept...


Next time something happens, you WILL tell me, and I will be the one to do the burying.
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Taako » Mon Nov 10, 2014 4:55 pm

Dear ______,
Hey, hey there. Remember when we said "sisters to the end"? When we said that we would be lifelong friends? Together through thick and thin? Yeah... I remember, too. I also remember wiping away your tears, saving your life (literally), and catching you when you fell. You know what else I remember? Trusting you enough to let you in. Opening up. And getting shut down for being "too sad". Remember when I was perfectly fine? When my smiles were always honest? I don't. They haven't been for over four years, and you didn't know me well enough back then. But I'm a fantastic liar. I can fake the best smile, even get it to reach my eyes, and nobody will know that it is anything but genuine. What about that time I stood with you instead of the girl who introduced us? What of the time I helped you get through your family issues? Your other issues? How about when I tolerated you using my shoulder and never reciprocating? I helped you with so much, and you know it. Yet, now that you have a real smile, and a great therapist, and better friends who are prettier and laugh more, I'm left in the dust. Cast aside like what I truly became to you: dead weight. Did you ever stop to consider that maybe I wasn't becoming sadder, just that I was being more honest with you? No, it didn't occur to you. I've lost so much that I should know better by now.
Well, guess what? When I contacted you, and you said you still wanted to be friends, I felt a bit better. Yet, you haven't acknowledged me since then. But, don't worry. I know better now. I know to always have that smile up. I know that I should no longer let anyone in. If I don't tell them anything, then my secrets will remain safe. Nobody has to know about how I really feel; if I say I'm doing great, and they don't know who I truly am, then they have no reason to not believe me. Nobody needs to know how much I truly relate to some music. Is it wrong to lie with your eyes? Because I'm going to do that for as long as I live, since I've become so great at it.
I'm glad you left before I could really open up to you. Before I could spill my secrets out. I didn't even tell the people I trusted most them, ever, and I never will. That's what diaries are for.
Enjoy your life. Please, forget about me. It'll be best for both of us, and maybe then I can't ever hurt you again. If everyone stays away from me, I'll be fine. I won't have the chance to open up. I really wish I could tell E. about everything, but I'm not going to. She's a genuinely happy person, and I can see it in her eyes. In the way she carries herself. I'm not going to be the one to ruin that for her.
Stay away from me. Please. Can't you see how much it hurts me to not be able to hug you? Don't you see the light slowly fading from my eyes? Oh, that's right, you can't. Nobody can. I still love you, and I always will. Even through the pain you've caused me, I always have. Au revoir, mon petit chou.
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby toast, » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:54 am

      Dear father and grandma,

      Please believe me. Just once, believe me. You always get so mad when I don't tell you anything, yet when I do, you still get mad because its when I made a mistake! My computer crashed and my two projects deleted. I swear, I did them! But no. You think I'm just a lying teenager who doesn't care about her school work. You think I like being less smarter than all the other kids? The only reason I go to this school is because you (grandma) are working at the school. This school is for advanced kids, and I am just an average girl trying to do her best in education. I am trying my best, but you both yell at me saying there is no trying- only doing. And I can't take it anymore. I wish I went back with mom. She would let me choose my future education. She would tell me my mental health is worth more than education. But its no use. You guys are too hard to convince. Even if I say I'm feeling depressed or blue, you just ask me if I finished all my school work. You continue to yell at me and scream at me even after I'm in tears. And then you have the nerve to tell me you're sorry? Well, like you told me once father, sorry doesn't mean crap anymore. You never mean it. Its always my fault. Its never anyone else. Its always me. So I just want to say, father, everyday I love you less and less. It seems cold but I do. You have shaved it down to a 'highly like'. Not even love anymore.

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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Peppercorn » Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:27 am

Dear whoever stole my Pokémon

Why, I spent 25 dollars on that stupid tin, plus 10 pounds (I got it in England) for the 5 booster packs. Those where so special. I have been collecting for a while now. I had maybe around 350 cards. Everyone in my homeroom just goes "Mehh just paper" I spend around 55 dollars (because I have bought boosters packs here) So I decided to ask if I could go to the 1st graders and 2nd graders about stealing and the principal said nah they will learn next year.

From Jessica
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Pumpkin Cupcake » Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:18 pm

Dear Piper,

Every day I admire you more and more. I can't think of a day where you have left my thoughts for even an hour. I bring you up in all my conversations and can't leave you out of my life. I want to spend the rest of eternity with you and I can't think of a better person to be with. But you know I'm still hesitant after my other two marriages that just went downhill. I am still cautious on wrapping my arm around you or even kissing your cheek. I want to cuddle you in the morning and whisper sweet nothings to you while you make dinner. I want to hold you in my arms as we dance around the living room, to kiss you in the candlelight and whisper again because the kids are sleeping. I want to treat you to the best Sunday breakfast and give you gifts every time our anniversary passes or every time I think of you while going out (which is an always). I wish I could do all of this and more with you, but you know I'm a shy man. Just show me your love and be patient, and I'll show my true self to you someday.


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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Nawratus » Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:38 pm

Dear ____,

Today I found out that you have a girlfriend. Why am I feeling so jealous? I didn't know that I had feelings for you, or maybe I did, but denied them. I don't want you to be with her, but I know that you're probably happy, because you're never really happy. I want to be happy for you, but for some reason... I can't find that empathetic side of me. I've never really felt jealousy since I was little, so this is so new to me. I know that I have no chance with you, because I'm your friend, and I'm not your type. I want to get rid of this feeling, but at the same time I can't. I'm sorry for my feelings.

The girl who is only a friend

Dear ____,

I think I like you, no, I do like you. And the weird thing is, in the play that we're in... you're supposed to be a pervert to me. The teacher said that you have to act as if "I'm the only girl in the world". It's scary, but at the same time... I'm grateful. Part of me wants you to like me after, and wants to rush things, but most part of me wants to just stop thinking like that. It's completely selfish of me. I'm sorry. I want you to like me, but at the same time.... I'm way out of your league.

That one girl
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