Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson RPG) ~ Always Open

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Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson RPG) ~ Always Open

Postby Mah Wolfie » Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:53 pm

(( Warning! This RP is based on the books, not the movie! Thank you ))

Well, i'd say you're living a normal live, but I won't. You change school, you can barely see your parents, you lost the other one and you just want to know more about them! It's hard in class, since the letter keep changing again and your teacher wants so much more than you can do from you! Yeah.... Live of a demi-god sure is hard... Wait.. What?!

You've discovered you're a demi-god - half human, half god. That explains everything. And now you have to go live in a camp where they will train you to become stronger and try to live a normall live and not get killed by a mythical creature. On top of that you can't see your real parent and you don't even know your god parents when other do?! Yeah... the live of a demi-god sure is hard... But will you make it work?

So basicly, in this rp it's about the live in Camp Half-blood. But to make things more interesting... One of the Heroes on Olympian has gone missing. Our dear Heracles has been either kidnapped or gotten off Olympian, but without leaving a trace behind. Now the main job at Camp Half-Blood will be to find out where Heracles is. If we don't find him untill the last solar eclipse, Zues will anounce war between the gods, the titans and the human world.

Some info on the Greek Mythology:

The 12 Gods- The 12 gods are as people say the 'Main gods', the one the live on Olympis and everyone knows. Your parents can only be these gods. But just for you to know your Greek History, here is the list of the other gods.

Other gods- There is a chance you might see them, but don't get your hopes up
* Demeter
* Persephone
* Dionysus
* Eros
* Hebe
* Eris
* Helios
* Thanatos
* Pan
* Nemesis
* The Graces
* The Muses
* The Erinnyes
* The Fates

Creatures- A lot of the creatures are Hadeses, but some of them live normally in the camp. Not very much... Only two or three, I'm afraid, but it's nice to have them on our side. He's a list of the creatures. (With green, on Half-Bloods side, red Hadeses side and yellow - their own side) Course, Hades has more creatures on his side, but who said they're all on the list?
* Cyclopes
* Hecatoncheires
* Giants
* Ash Tree Nymphs
* Typhoeus
* Cerberus
* Sirens
* Centaur
* Medusa
* Argus Panoptes
* Chimaera
* Echidna
* Gorgons
* Pegasus
* Chrysaor

More info on the cabins, maps and camp, click here! ==>> Clickyty, click, click!! He's a picture of Camp Half-Blood


Since Most of you haven't red the books (Atleast I think so), here's a little info. I'm sorry, but I started reading the books today and I've only red the first book, so I might update something.
**So, As you know Zues, Poseidon and Hades are the three most powerfull gods. You might think they can have children, but they have sworn in the waters of Stiks not to have children again, since they're children are the most powerfull of all and whenever they meet, the course of the earth changes. But Zues broke that promise and had a daughter, Thalia. Hades was very angry, so he send his minionts after her. He was unable to get his wish and kill her, but Zues spared her right before death and turned her into the pine tree right on the lines of Camp Half-blood. Since then, the three gods haven't had children.
**But I am willing to let three people be their children. I mean someone be the sun-daughter of Poseidon, Hades and Zues. Fisrt, put up your form with the god you want, then PM me if you want Poseidon Hades or Zues
**Also since Artemis is the goddes of hunt, she has sworn not to have children. But I am also wiling to make an exeption with her, since she is my favorite goddes.
** So, usualy, the children, including Percy Jackson and Annabeth, are both 12 years old. But I can let it go. The children dont have to be 12 years old. They can be 16
** SInce there's a war going on, someone has to play the gods when the demi-gods meet them. We'll decide that later and when we get to the momment when they send someone to search for the missing Hero, we can decide who stays at camp half-blood and helps from a distance and who goes on the mission. But I don't want anyone to beg me or bribe.... It's not gonna work and it will just make me more angry *looks at cake, that someone send* Now if you'll exuce me... I'm going to look at my..... early birthday cake
** So yeah, there are creatures and yes, I might let you play them. But there will only be around two or three and I will play one (Still three other spots open!), so people don't fight. Even if they do, I would brake them up my own way. So just like the three gods, you'll have to PM me if you want to be an instructor. The instructors can be demi-gods like Luke, but only one. And if you do pick one of them to be a demi-god, he\she may crush on other campers, but... please try not to, since he-she has to be older than the rest

The cabins and 12 main gods: (Pink is girls - Blue is boys)
Username-Full name- Age-Crush-Team- How long have you been here- Skill- Link to form

* Zeus

Theadora E. Hawkins - 16 - Open - N/A - 5 years - Spark lightning to hurt people, storms start boiling when she's mad, disc that levitates - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=150#p7095654

* Poseidon

Logan Ty Leven - 18 - Open - N/A - Six years - Can make really huge waves when he's angry or trying the protect someone. Water and most sea creatures obey his very command, create an earthquake - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=120#p7084117

* Hades

Jamie-Alix Parker - 15 - None - N/A - Just arrived - Bending Shadows, Sending People straight to hell, and shadow travel - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=0#p7038011

* Hestia

* Hera

* Aris

Leo Backster - 16 - None - N/A - A few weeks - Understang dogs, turn into a rottweiler - Look at my forms

Sabrina of Ares - 16 - Open - N/A - 16 years - Turn into a giant wolf and asian lung dragon - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=20#p7058112

Mason of Ares - 16 - None - N/A - 16 years - Can teleport to small distance - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=20#p7058112

* Athena

Chealsea Whitman - 15 - None - N/A - Few Days - Super smart and always ready to jump into battle - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=20#p7058363

Jackson Whitman - 17 - None - N/A - A few days - Quick with weapons and always ready for battle - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=20#p7058363

Erynn Nichol Hartford - 15 - None - N/A - A few Months - Planning out attacks - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189#p7036398

Jenna Wyndsill-Evelynn Marker - 16 - Open - N/A - Five years - Excellent at sword fighting (battle skills) and she is EXTREMELY smart - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=120#p7084117

* Apollo

Julia Mcgutter - 17 - Open - N/A - Few Minutes - Magic Lyre, Lying, Sunlight - Right underneath your nose

Zack Ryder - 18 - Open - N/A - 4 years - Arhcery - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=140#p7087351

* Aphrodite

Jack Damon McDaniel - 18 - Open - N/A - 2 years - To charm people with his looks - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=30#p7060618

Lyra Hall - 16 - Open - N/A - 3 years - Can make two people fall inlove with each other - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=150#p7095500

Wolf Corpse - 17 - None - N/A - 4 years - Nah, I don't think so - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=20#p7058386

* Hermes

Luke Jackson - 18 - None - N/A - 5-6 years - Sneaky, has half his fathers things - Look

Alicia Craven - 16 - Jackson Whitman - N/A - Just arrived - Incredably fast - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=140#p7087351

Sally Holroid - 15 - Open - N/A - 3 years - Extreamly mischevious and very quick - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=290#p7286906

* Artemis

* Hephaestus

Zephyros Ichara Crane - 16 - None - N/A - 8 years - Fire appear in her hands and around her - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189#p7036917

Alec Samuel - 17 - Catherina - N/A - 2 years - Can create almost any machine or weapon - viewtopic.php?f=28&t=289189&start=240#p7191310

The Creatures and Guardians at the camp- There are magical creatures there, and there are creature who have to bring you there save and sound and go on missions with you. You don't have to play your guardians, but you can play a creature in camp. They are usualy instructors. Yeah, you red the previos one

Tree Nymphs-




The Campers Abilities- SInce every child has a different god parent, they have different gifts. Exept if you're not brother and sister and have the same parent. Anyways, you will have to choose a gift - Hunting, running, archery, fencing, climbing, ect. For every god, a different skill. If you have the same god parent, try to find a skill different from your.... half siblings

All of Tesses rules
No god-moding... Exept later when we play the gods
You can't play other peoples characters without their permision and you have to tell me first
Romance and Violence PG-13
Please keep the genders even. If there are too many boys or girls and someone joins with the unever gender, I have the rights not to accept you or to ask you atleast to make another character of the other gender
You can have as many characters as you can play, but please don't have too many creatures or too many demi-gods with the same parent
Please try to post around 5 sentences. In the form, please don't just put 'Will Rp Out'. It's kind of annoying. But I understand if you have writers block, I have it too at times. Just tell me, I'm human =)
If you have any questions about the rp, characters and story, please ask =) Most people haven't red the book (That I know of) and you can ask me. I don't bite... Well only people who I can and don't mind it
Be polite during OOC and don't argue with other people. Since I can also argue and trust me, people don't like me when I argue
Please don't use anime pictures! Only real ones
I'm afraid we need someone to play the Oracle. I know no one wants to play a dead mummy who has green smoke coming ut of it's mouth, so... The Oracle can be a live creature. But whenever he-she needs to make a prediction about someone, you have to go to the athic (Or however you spelled it) and wait untill the right moment
You can't steal the info from this rp. Trust me, I know when people steal things from me, I people have already tried. And I haven't been afraid to play fair. If you want to use the info from this rp, you can just ask me. If you ask me, of course I will let you use it. I'll even be glad to =)
If you red the rules, please bold your characters name and put 'Percy Jackson' in your favorite color
Mainly, have fun!

Code: Select all
[b]Demi-god forms:[/b]
[b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]God\Goddes Parent:[/b]
[b]Parent Skill:[/b]
[b]Picture/ Description:[/b]
[b]How Long have you Been here?:[/b]
[b]Theme song (Optinal):[/b]

Code: Select all
[b]Instructor Form:[/b]
[b]What creature are you?:[/b]
[b]Who is your god-parent (Demi-god only)?:[/b]
[b]What do you teach?:[/b]
[b]Picture/ Description:[/b]
[b]How long have you been here?:[/b]
[b]Theme song (Optinal):[/b]

My Characters:

Demi-god forms:
Full Name:
Julia Mcgutter
God\Goddes Parent:
Parent Skill:
She can tell when people are lying, and can't lie. She has a golden lyre, a gift from her dad. And a porche car, from dad again. She can controll sunlight, heat and when it's really bright, she can move as the 'speed of light.' And if she asks her dad to find someone, anywhere in the world, he can
Julia is very kind, sweet and gentle. She is polite to everyone and is very friendly to new people. She is a little shy around people who... come too strong, but she tries to not show it and holds her head up high. Julia doesn't scare easy. Yes, she gets scared from things normal girls get scared of, but she isn't afraid to face her fears as long as she has her friends. She is very loyle to them and will never let you down in a hrd moment. Just loves to help people. to her enemies, she usualy tries to solf things peacefully, but if it doesn't work, she tries to protect her friends even if it means having to face her biggest fear
So since Julia hasn't arrived at the camp yet, she doesn't have such an interesting history. But she knows she is a demi-god. Her mother told her when she was 6 years, so Julia wasn't so shocked when she had to leave for Half-Blood. Since she had to protect her mother, she started to train. Fencing, archery. She wasn't good at all those things, since her father is Apollo, but she could sing like an angel. She would play her guitar in the streets and sing and would get about 20 dollars every day. So soon her and her mother will leave for Half-Blood. Before they left, her mother gave Julia a golden lyre, a gift from her dad
N/A for now
Picture/ Description:
How Long have you Been here?:
A few minutes
Theme song:
Crush and Alexandra Ungrueanu - 2nite we'll rise

Instructor Form:
Catherina Justin
What creature are you?:
Who is your god-parent (Demi-god only)?:
Artemis. But she isn't her mother. Catherine is one of Artemises huntresses and she just chose to go to the camp
Catherina isn't like the other girls. First of all, she's an instructor. And she takes her job very seriosly. She never lets her feelings her in the way and always tries to keep her 'warrior image'. She is a bold leader and she knows it! Many people have told her and all she does is slightly blush and shook her head. She hates compliments. She isn't a tom-boy or a normal girl. She is... nothing in the middle. She is true warrior. Of course, she sometimes feels sorry for people and helps them, but if it willcause her or someone esle trouble, she'll just have to get over it. She has a heart, but a small part of it is nice. The rest is like fire - touch it and you'll get burned. She can have fun. At times, she likes to flirt to make other people uncofortable and she enjoys watching them blush. But she doesn't like bullies. She tries to protect the little guys who get beat up and teaches them how to fight. At times, she likes to blow off some steam and relax, but only if she makes everything is okay
What do you teach?:
Fencing and.... pegasus riding
Picture/ Description:
How long have you been here?:
Since she can remember
Theme song (Optinal):
Flo Rida ft David Guetta - Club Can't Haddle Me ; Emily Osment - Let's be Friends
She has a very interesting history. Her parents raised her well, they had a good live, but there was always something missing. Catherine would go out in the middle of the night in a garden and watch the stars. One night, while she was out, someone came and joined her. She didn't know his name, but he came every night. Catherina would talk to him normaly and in the morning, they would both come inside. One night, he didn't come. After he promised he would. Catherina went looking for him and she saw him running from a hydra. Turns out he was a hero. Catherina ran to help him and they both escaped. Days later, the village pronouced him a hero for killing something that was eating peoples food. If it wasn't for Catherina, he wouldn't be alive, but he didn't say a thing about her. The same night she talked to him about it and he said that she was just someone close by to help. He did it by himself. Catherine was furios. The next day, Catherine watched out her window and saw Artemis with her huntresses walk by. Catherina wanted to join. She hated men, still does, and wants to be loyle only to her mistress. So Artemis made her head huntress. They travelled for year, untill Catherine came by Camp Half-Blood. It was just a few houses back then, so Catherine wanted to joi and help. Artemis let her. But as the years pass by, Catherina is still waiting there for Artemis to come and tell her to come back. But that day still hasn't come

Demi-god forms:
Full Name:
Luke Jackson
God\Goddes Parent:
Parent Skill:
He's very sneaky and has most of his dads stuff... He stole it from his house
Luke is sneaky, good liar. He is friendly, polite and loyle to what he belives in. Yes, he hates Percy and Annabeth, and he still tries to help Kronos, but still he's a good guy. He likes to mess with people and yes, he hates his dad. He thinks all god parents don't care for their children and really doesn't like it when people ask for help from their parents. Other than that, he's, as people say, the boom at a party
I don't know much about his history. So I'll just say what I know. He helped Kronos defeat Olymp, but his plan didn't work and Luke fell down the ends of the earth. Seariosly, not kidding. But somehow he lived siince he has ancient powers on his side and they're helping him. Long time ago, he was fighting a dragon and the dragon scrached half his face. So that's all I know. But as Annabeth believed he got back on camp half-bloods side. Just kidding, this is just the rp part. For now, from the books all I know is he still hates the gods and he still hasn't returned. But let's correct it a little
Picture/ Description:
How Long have you Been here?:
About 5 years, maybe 6
Theme song (Optinal):
I don't know this one
(( Sorry! Just had to make him, he's my favorite character! I know changed a few things, but in the books in doesn't say everything about him! I'll just put the good parts of him in his personality!))

Demi-god forms:
Full Name:
Leo Backster
God\Goddes Parent:
Parent Skill:
He is incredible aggresive, can understand dogs and can turn into a rottweiler
Leo is very quiet, careless and aggresive. He snaps like a bear trap. He can be polite and.... well, only polite, but only when your s true friend of his. At first, he is very aggresive and snappy, talks back at everything you say. And I do mean everything. He likes to tease people just for fun, but he doesn't like to go too far. He has a heart and can tell when he's gone too far, but at times his mind is clouded since all he wants to make his father proud. Which is hard, knowing what Ares is like
Leo grew up with a few brothers and sisters in Boston. His mother died when he was little in a plane crash and their dad would aways come home drunk. So it was up to the kids to find food and money. Leo found a lot of jobs, but he aways got fired for yelling at the people. So you must imagine how angry he was when he found out his father was Ares. His oldest brother told him. Turns out their mother married a drunk dude just to blend it with the others. Leo did his research and was furios. Since their mother was killed in a plane crash because of a lightning storm, Leo still blames Zues. His oldest brother signed him up for Camp Half-Blood secretly. Leo still hates half the gods, mostly Zues.
Picture/ Description:
How Long have you Been here?:
Around a few weeks, so not very used to everything
Theme song (Optinal):
Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow ; Nickelback - Photograph

Team 1# - The one that reports to the gods
- Leo - Me
- Jamie - Jaded Shadow
- Wolf - Jaded Shadow
- Erynn - Adal
- Jack - Hikaru Kurosaki
- Lyra - TayVans

Team 2# - The one that goes inside the Maze - A
- Theodora - Rosia
- Mason - DaughterofAres
- Jackson - ~Sheepy ~
- Jenna - LouLou800
- Zack - Heroes~Chuck~Naruto
- Alicia - Heroes~Chuck~Naruto

Team 3# - The one that goes inside the Maze - B
- Logan - LouLou800
- Cheaslea - ~Sheepy~
- Julia - Me
- Luke - Me
- Zephyros - Invader Koru
- Sabrina - DaughterofAres

(( If you have any questions, please ask. And I will ask you to try and post as much as you can, since most people haven't posted in a while ))
Last edited by Mah Wolfie on Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:38 am, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: =p half blood

Postby Jennyanne » Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:47 pm

Demi-god forms:
Full Name: Erynn Nichol Hartford
Age(15-20): 17
Gender: Female
God\Goddes Parent: Athena
Parent Skill: She is good at planning out an attack and she is fierce, brave and loyal when she want's to be.
Personality: Erynn is a good friend, but she tends to be curious about everything, which does get her into trouble. She does not enjoy it here very much and has been trying to plan an escape ever sense she came here. Other then her scheming Erynn is friendly and almost alway's smiling. She can be mean, but it's only when people get on her bad side.
History: Erynn lived with her mother for a long long time, but strange tings started happening and her mother brought her here. She grew up not knowing who her parent's really were, until now.
Crush: Nope
Boy/Girlfriend: ^
Picture/ Description: Image
How Long have you Been here?: She has been here for a few months and she is well known.
Theme song (Optinal):
Percy Jackson
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Re: Welcome to Camp Half-Blood

Postby Mah Wolfie » Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:22 am

(( Oh oh... Oh not I got the wrong form! I saved this into draftes and accidentaly posted it! Oh god! I feel awfull! !!!!))
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Re: Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson RPG) ~ Always

Postby Jennyanne » Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:28 am

(lol, xD)
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Re: Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson RPG) ~ Always

Postby beekind » Sun Oct 10, 2010 1:01 am

Full Name:Zephyros Ichara Crane(Yep.Her mom's really into Myths.)
God\Goddess Parent:Hephaestus
Parent Skill:She can make fire appear in her hands or around her at will and she's good with metal working.
Personality:Zeph is easily annoyed,snappish,sarcastic and she's a tad bit ADHD. She doesn't hang around people too much unless it's her Mom or other Half-bloods.
History:Her mother was a struggling artist and never had enough to pay the bills. Zephyros ran away from home when she was six and was immediately attacked by a harpy.She barely got out of that scrape alive,and when she did,she'd thought she was seeing things.Her mother explained to her when she was seven that she was a half-blood,but never told her who her father was. She ran to camp half blood and has been there ever since.She doesn't know where her mom is or even if she's still alive.
Boy/Girlfriend:None.Most people thinks she's extremely creepy.
Picture/ Description: Image
How Long have you Been here?:8 years
Theme song (Optional):Leave Out All the Rest By:Linkin Park
Other:Percy Jackson
Last edited by beekind on Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:47 am, edited 3 times in total.

one thing i know is, you've got to be KIND.
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Re: Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson RPG) ~ Always

Postby ~Jaded » Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:36 am

((YES!!!! I've been waiting for one of theese xD))

Demi-god forms:
Full Name:
Jamie-Alix Parker
God\Goddes Parent:
Parent Skill:
Bending Shadows, Sending People straight to hell, and shadow travel...although she doesnt know it yet...
Emo, Pessimistic
Tried to Kill Herself, Put in a mental hospital for 7 years, when she go out she found out her brother ((Zane son of Apollo)) was dead and her mother now hated her, so she ran away and stumbled/was led upon the camp...she's clueless to the whole demi-god greek thing
Picture/ Description:
Click For Picture
How Long have you Been here?:
new, just arrived
Theme song:
PERCY JACKSON!!!!!!! ((i'll put that anyday xD))
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Re: Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson RPG) ~ Always

Postby beekind » Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:38 am

((*Hi-Fives* As am X3 I just finished re-reading the series.))

one thing i know is, you've got to be KIND.
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Re: Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson RPG) ~ Always

Postby ~Jaded » Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:43 am

*hi-fives back
i know almost every lie by heart...
yay for being over obsessive x3 ))
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Re: Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson RPG) ~ Always

Postby beekind » Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:46 am


one thing i know is, you've got to be KIND.
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Re: Welcome to Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson RPG) ~ Always

Postby Mah Wolfie » Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:58 am

(( Adal, accepted, welcome ^_^ But Jaded Shadow and Invader Koru, I'm sorry, but Hades can't have two daughters. You should have red thgat earlier so sorry, not accepted ))
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