Popcorn- Winner by mordacious

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Popcorn- Winner

Postby mordacious » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:29 am


Previously owned by Stable.

Has a mate and two beans.

Can add extras/pretty up form/ ends on the 13th

Archives wrote:6. Popcorn x Qui

Diddlebug wrote:

Popcorn is perfect.

Short Personality:
Popcorn is just like a popcorn when you meet him. When you meet him, he seems to pop to life. He is the most lively bean you will meet, and he will surely make you smile. Popcorn loves and enjoys the company of other beans, and does not like to be alone. He loves to have fun and have a lot of energy, but he can also be a true gentleman when needed. You will find that he will always be there for you. Whether it is to cheer you up, or whether you are in need of some help. Popcorn may be wild, but he sees the up most importance in trust, and he will always stay true to his word. Overall he is a great bean to be around.
Popcorn wrote:Just watch out for my jokes, they're a little corny!

Favorite season:
This season is full of fun in the sun. This gives Popcorn the perfect opportunity to have fun with his family. He absolutely loves to go to the beach with his two kids. When you think of summer, you smile because you know how fun it is. Also, it is the perfect time to go to movies and eat popcorn, or go to the beach and eat popcorn.


Being with others
Having fun
Colorful things
(Only Upbeat songs!)
Making Friends
Waking up
(A new day is awaiting)
Making People smile
(It makes him smile even more)
Actual Corn
(It is not as fun as popcorn)
Being Alone
Quiet places
Someone being upset
Gray things
(He will never own anything gray)
Scary Movies
(They scare his kids and they are so predictable.)
(Unpredictable can be fun)

Well as you know, Popcorn loves to eat popcorn, but he has to prepare before he eats it. Popcorn absolutely hates those kernels that don't pop when you pop a bag of popcorn. When he pops a bag of popcorn he must go through the whole bag and sort out all the un-popped kernels before he eats it. One time when he was at the movies, he found a kernel in his bag of popcorn. He started poring the popcorn onto a napkin and sort through it. He did this until he was sure there was no more kernels but by this time the movie was almost over!

Popcorn has a very unique gift. He is ambidextrous. When he was growing up, it was just natural to use both sides of his body. When he writes he will change which hand he uses all the time. He always falls asleep on his right side, but wakes up on his left. He will constantly switch which side the popcorn bowl is on, and what hand he uses to eat.

Popcorn is in no way a picky eater. He loves all food (He just likes popcorn a little more), but when he eats he has trouble deciding which food to eat first. To help him decide he uses the rainbow to help. he eats in the order of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. M&Ms are a perfect example, she eats the red, then brown, then orange, then yellow, then green, and blue last. She eats anything this way, like in a bowl of fruit, she would always eat the strawberries first. Now as for white food he just puts that after blue (saving the best for last).

Popcorn is always happy, but when someone makes him really happy, or he becomes really excited, he will puffs out his cheeks as much as he can. He looks like he is about to burst! I don't know why he inflates is cheeks like a balloon, but when he does you can always see a smile in his eyes to let you know how happy he is!

Popcorn's Phobias wrote:Phobias:
Alektorophobia- Fear of chickens.
Herpetophobia- Fear of reptiles or creepy, crawly things.
Meteorophobia- Fear of meteors
Ophthalmophobia- Fear of being stared at.
Zemmiphobia- Fear of the great mole rat.

What's in a Pouch?:
Every bean keeps something different in their pouch, objects individual to him or her. These are things that bean likes to keep close and hold dearly, so here are a few things Popcorn normally has with him.

Marbles- There are so many games you can play with marbles, so to keep himself entertained, Popcorn always makes sure he has some with him!
Loose Change- It's always good to have money with you, so whenever Popcorn finds change lying around, he picks it up and saves it for a rainy day in his pouch.
A Popcorn Ball- Of course, Popcorn loves popcorn, so instead of having loose pieces floating around and getting squashed in his bag, he keeps a caramel popcorn ball with him at all times to nibble on throughout the day.
Lost Puzzle Pieces- When Popcorn finds puzzle pieces around the house, he puts them in his pouch for safekeeping until he finds the puzzle they belong to, even if he never does.
A Book- Popcorn enjoys to read, so he normally has a book with him to read when he becomes bored with playing marbles.

How I Met Popcorn:

Excitement built as I inched along, ever-so-slowly getting closer and closer to the front. I had been waiting in line for over an hour for the ride of a lifetime, and was only a few people from the front, there were maybe ten or so people ahead of me. They let in five more and the line lurched, I was so close!

The ride was a roller coaster; I had never ridden a roller coaster before, so I wanted my first to be absolutely fantastic! Before I knew it, the line moved again as five more people entered, leaving me at the front. I bounced with excitement, squeezing my hands in fists to contain my squeals.

A sudden delectable smell reached my nose, a smell completely irresistible to me, and I turned my head to see a concession stand selling the food I hold most dearly; popcorn. I closed my eyes and deeply inhaled, savoring the delicious scent. I leaned against the ropes, trying to get closer; I looked silly, but I didn't care.

The stand seemed deserted of business until a little blue bean, a jelly bean dragon, that is, approached and put his paws onto the counter, drooling on the glass of the popcorn machine. The man selling it stood from his lawn chair with a look of happiness on his face. "Hello, what would ya like?"

The bean blinked out of his popcorn trance after a moment and replied: "I'd like a small bag of popcorn, please."
The man smiled and scooped some fresh buttery popcorn out of the machine, putting it into a red and white striped bag.
"That'll be twenty-five cents."

The dragon scrambled for his pouch pulling it open and dumping the contents on the counter. Out of his paws fell a marble, a dime, a piece of string, a penny, and a seashell. He dug frantically, but that was it. The marble rolled off the counter and the man caught it, placing all of the dragon's objects in his paw.
"Sorry sonny, I'm afraid you don't have enough."

The bean slowly, mechanically, put his things back into his pouch and put it back around his neck, hopping down from the counter. He turned away and his eyes watered up. He stifled a son and ran, tears spilling down his cheeks. The man came down the stairs and asked for my ticket, and my attention was snapped back.
I looked at him in a daze, and he repeated the question.
"Ticket please."
His face was sullen and grumpy, and I still couldn't comprehend what he was saying, I wasn't focused at all. I waved in dismissal and lifted the rope, going under to get out of line. I walked over to the concessions and pulled out my coin purse, looking up to the sign.

"I'd like a small bag of popcorn pl..."
I stopped as the man reached for the bag and reworded.
"I'd like one of the mega bags of popcorn, please."
The man smiled and picked one from the top, grabbing it off the clip.
"I hope this'll cheer that little guy up, he looked so upset."
The man smiled at my remark and handed me the bag; it was cumbersome in its size, and I struggled to wrap one arm around it. I reached it my bag to find some of my dollar bills. "How much?" The man didn't respond and I looked up to see him pulling out his wallet.

"Free of charge; tell the little guy that I'm sorry for ruining his day, I hope this helps."
He put five dollars into the money box and I stuttered a grateful reply.
"Oh my, thank you so much, that's very kind of you, sir. I will make sure he knows."
I smiled and headed the direction I saw him go, following the messy paw prints in the dirt. I hoped they were the right ones, because that little bean looked mighty upset, and I knew exactly how he felt, being deprived of delicious popcorn when it was so close.

The tracks were getting closer together as I went, and they began to blend together, showing he was slowing and beginning to drag his feet in misery. I came around the corner of a large tent to see him sitting alone on a wooden crate, bawling his eyes out pitifully. I sat down the bag and walked up, and he didn't even noticed when I gently sat down and laid a hand on his bag. After a moment, he looked up at me through moist eyes, and I booped him on the nose. He giggled and snorted, and I wiped away the tears.

"Hello, I'm Elizabeth, what's your name?"
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, slowly trying to collect himself.
"My name's Popcorn."
A brilliant smile stretched across my face, and I looked down the realize what the pattern in his fur had to be.
"That has to be the coolest name I have ever heard of in my life."
He giggled and shied away, glancing down at his paws.
"Thanks, I like it because of my favorite food."
I smiled and stood, reaching for the bag while he was still looking down.
"I'm gonna take a wild guess on what that food might be."
I dragged the bag up in front of him, and his jaw dropped. A grin spread from ear to ear on his face and he looked up at me, his eyes lighting up.

"I love popcorn too, so I got this giant bag. I'll never be able to finish it, so do you think you could help me?"
Popcorn's grin got impossibly wider and he nodded spasmodically, reaching out with eager paws. I laughed and cracked open the big bag, and we snacked on it all throughout the day as we went on all the rides together, thankfully, I didn't have to split up the bag for the both of us when the carnival closed up for the night because Popcorn went to the new home he would share with me forever.

Why did I Decide to Help Popcorn?:
I have never had the luck of befriending a Jellybean Dragon, but when I saw that bean so sad I had to help! I would regret not helping that bean smile. I never planned on befriending him, but after we shared that Popcorn there was no doubt. We had become instant friends. If you let me be his best friend, I promise I will always be an active friend with him, on the website and everywhere else (He already covers My Deviant Page!).

How Popcorn Received his Favorite Popcorn bowl:

Popcorn wrote:I was very young and naive when I found my popcorn bowl. I was hungry and I walked to go find my mother to ask her for something to eat. It was getting dark, and i wasn't sure where my mother was. I walked by this one bean and saw that he had this white fluffy stuff in a blue bowl. He then starting eating this stuff. I walked up to this bean an asked, "What is that your eating?" The male bean looked up at me with a confused look, and said, "Why, this is popcorn. Here have some." He then nudged the bowl towards me. I looked at it for a second and then took a bite. It was the most amazing I ever had. I thanked the Jellybean Dragon and ran to my mother.

I finally found her, and she looked at me and asked, "What do you need?" I looked at her an put on my best begging face and asked, "May I please get some popcorn?" She looked at me and said, "Go find and bowl and then I will get you some popcorn." So I was determined to go find a bowl. I wasn't sure where to get one and it was getting late, so I decided to wait until morning to find a bowl.

The early sun was just waking up when I set out on my path. I headed into the thick forests, for I had no idea where to start. I walked through the woods for an hour or two looking under every rock and up every tree. I was about to move on to the next place because I had a long way to look, until I heard a cry coming from the other side of the woods. I had to keep moving if I was to find a bowl by nightfall. The cry roared through the trees, hitting my ears. I had to go check out what was going on. I ran to the cries as fast as I could. As I neared the shrieks the creature came into view. It was a Burrowing Owl. I only knew this because we would sometimes run into them when searching for food. We would never eat one of these, and they were great friends to us. This Burrowing Owl had her foot stuck in the root, and it seemed to be badly injured. I walked out of the bushes slowly, trying not to startle her. "Who are you?" She immediately asked when she saw me. "I have no means to hurt. I want to help get you out." I said calmly. I wasn't sure how I was going to get her out without hurting her foot. I decided to try to chew the root apart instead of putting pressure on her foot. I slowly walked up and started to bite at the root. It took a couple of tries before I finally manage to get it weak enough to break. The Burrowing Owl slowly pulled her foot out. It took her a second before she could put weight on the her claws, but she soon was able to walk normally. There was "Thank you," she replied. "Please follow me I want to treat you to dinner as a thanks for saving me." She said as she started to walk.

On our walk she told me she tripped and got her foot jammed into the root, and had been yelling for help for almost an hour. She then asked, "Why were you in the woods?" I replied with "I was searching for a bowl to put my popcorn in." She looked at me for a second and asked, "Oh, you lost a bowl?" I was a little confused on the question, but I replied with "No, I don't own a paintbrush, but I want to find one." She looked at me with a curious look and laughed a little before replying with, "Well you won't find one out in the woods." She said this like it was common knowledge, so I decided not to reply and just laugh with her. We finally came to her home. It was a underground and I barely made it into the hole. once I manage to go down the hole the rest was a lot bigger. She suddenly had a worried look on her face. "Is something wrong?" I asked. She turned to me and said shaking, "My children are gone."

"Wait, isn't their father with them?" I asked. "No, he was going hunting the rest of the night and wouldn't take them with him." She said worried. We both quickly crawled out of the hole. She started calling for them by their names. We decided to split up and search for them. I was walking around, calling their names, but no answer. I had no clue where to look or where they were. I finally heard some whimpering which reminded me of when Cognium and I was separated. I ran as fast as I could. I felt a rush of relief wash over me, as I laid my eyes on these two baby Burrowing Owls. "i am friends with your mother, and I am here to bring you home." I said to them. I called out to their mother as loud as I could. It was not long before she met up with us. She hugged them and could not stop thanking me. "Please come back with me, I have a gift for you." She said to me. We reached her home and she went down the hole, and when she came back up she had a pink bowl in her mouth. "This is to thank you for all your help. " She said as she laid the bowl in front of me. I was so excited, and I thanked her for the amazing gift. "I guess you can find bowls in the woods," She replied jokingly as we waved goodbye.

It was dark by the time I returned, and when I returned I saw my mother waiting for me. See looked to me and said, "Where were you? You had me scared." I looked up to her and I replied with, "I went to go find a bowl for my popcorn." I grabbed my bowl and laid it in front of her. When I showed her my bowl, She smiled and said, "When I said get a bowl, I meant from the house silly." I was mad that I went through all that for nothing. I then realized that I changed someone's life, which made the journey worth it and not for nothing. I would never forget them, and they would never forget me.


(All Art by me)

An Avatar

Popcorn with popcorn

A Lineless

Pixel of Popcorn

Bouncing Popcorn Pixel!

Popcorn Popping!
Last edited by mordacious on Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
basically quit lol

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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby Jetti » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:31 am

.................................................................❥ . P O P C O R N

███████████████████████████████ █████████ ████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

───────── I۰didn't۰fail۰the۰test ──────────────────
.........................I JUST FOUND 100 WAYS TO DO IT WRONG
.....................▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬

............❥ . B a s i c s

.......Name . Popcorn
.......Nickname . None, thank you.
.......Gender . Male
.......Age . 23 years old
.......Family . Qui is his mate and his two children
.......are Seasalt Taffy and Colton.

..........................................................................................❥ . P e r s o n a l i t y

        Some would say it's hard to describe Popcorn, and that may be true. He's a strange kind of guy with crazy ideas, which leap around randomly from one project to another. And boy, does he love projects! Just working with his hands and brain would be enough, whether it's art, home-improvement, sports or cooking - and no matter how terrible he is at it! He loves to try different things and never settles with one style or media for long before taking off in a whole new direction. This causes Popcorn to be very unorganized and messy in appearance and speech, as well as being easily distracted when talking to others. The only thing Popcorn would give up anything for is science. He speaks of science like it's the name of God, and is dead serious about it, no joking matter. And everyone knows, with science, comes failure. Popcorn never succeeds on the first try, though has plenty of junk laying around his workspace that he can just try again. You would be amazed with the amount of art supplies and tools the bean has! Closets of anything from clay extruders to magnetic paint - and he even has those pentagonal screwdrivers he uses to study the toys that weren't supposed to be opened. Popcorn is an observant bean, watching and collecting data from the others around him. As a bean, he would always ask questions for his love to learn and discover was so great. School came easy to him, and any school project or presentation were always on another world, as most beans say about Popcorn himself. Most beans don't give much thought to him, and Popcorn never cares much for other beans, either. He cares more for adventures and ideas, facts, nature and books.
        "Popcorn, noun; corn of a variety with hard kernels that swell up and burst open when heated." The definition of popcorn seems to fit the dragon's short temper very well. When heated, or provoked, he will swell up and burst, but not in the same way as the corn! Popcorn always keeps a notebook with him filled with words and their definitions. It could be simple words, such as mouse, glove, strange, bounce - anything. Just to have something to think about and ponder. Popcorn may come off peculiar to other beans, for he is always kind of by himself, talking excitedly as he wanders around, a new idea, project or test coming in his mind. Once you get to know him, though, he's really a great guy. He's a wonderful father and mate, very caring, calm and careful. The best thing about him, perhaps, is how he reads stories - oh it's just amazing to listen to! You can see the whole story come alive, and appear before your eyes, the battles and the love stories, tragedies and comedies. It's amazing. I've never seen anything like it.
......................................................▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬

..........................................................................................❥ . S e a s o n

        Must he choose just one? All the seasons are lovely, but the best conditions for working is the spring, because it's not too cold that any of his delicate work will freeze or be harmed, and it's not too hot or humid that they won't dry. I supposed it could be autumn as well, but the spring has a mysterious feel to it and is perfect for countless experiments.

███████████████████████████████ █████████ ████████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██
Last edited by Jetti on Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby Scribblestar » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:32 am

Short Personality: He loves to be with kids. He is a funny JBD as well!
Favorite season:Summer! His colors match, no? He loves the swimming, and the ice cream and pop corn!
My use only-
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby conquest; » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:35 am

Name: Kettle Corn
Short Personality: wip
Favorite season: [winter,spring,autumn,summer] summer
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby Charchar2 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:36 am

might have to enter x3 <3
I'm traveling til Friday w/ no access to my tablet!

Mostly quitting CS; I'll check messages on occasion but DA or Skype is probably a better place to contact me.
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby Pokechu12 » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:37 am

Name: Popcorn
I want to keep his original name <3
Short Personality: Wip
Favorite season: Winter

its safe to say I've pretty much quit this site, but I'm still available on discord if you need me. :> @pokechu #1116
hey there! pokechu12 here, though feel free to call me poke or the like. while awkward i consider myself to be relatively friendly, so feel free to approach me if you need anything!
i also happen to be both a nerd and pretty lazy; hence why this sig is so lacklustre for now, consider it a wip i guess. |'D i also have no real pronoun preference so feel free to call me whatever. :>
the pixel of Phe was made by aviate, and the pixel of Lace for my avatar by Dep/Crimoodle !

my friends are also really rad and all deserve hugs. :0 <3

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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby petrify » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:39 am

Popcorn. c:
Short Personality:
Nice - Funny - Silly - Fatherly - Gulliable - Sarcastic.
Favorite season: [winter,spring,autumn,summer]
Autumn would have to be his favorite season. He just loves making leaf piles with his mate and his two kids, and jumping in them. He also knows that Christmas is coming soon, which he loves. He loves the nice breeze that comes with autumn.
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby Lady.Nixon » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:40 am


Follows the rules,
Fears drawing attention to himself,
Dislikes competition,
Somewhat easily frightened,
Low energy,
Socially Uncomfortable,
Not Spontaneous,
Doesn't appreciate strangeness / difference
Has a slight obsession with old movies

Summer, of course!
Last edited by Lady.Nixon on Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby Guepardo » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:42 am


    "Just when
    the caterpillar
    the w o r l d
    was over,
    it became
    a butterfly."


- p o p c o r n -

you make me
smile like the sun..
fall out of bed..
sing like a bird..
dizzy in my head..


    name;; Popcorn, it just fits him so well.
    name origin;; Ehh.. Well.. I'm not exactly sure. X3
    pronunciation;; Pop-korn
    middle name;; He doesn't really have one..
    age;; Popcorn's an adult.
    gender;; Male.
    d.o.b;; August 16th, sometime during the day.
    birthplace;; He was born in Canada, actually.

    popcorn -- " whelp! that would be some
    information on me! you can call me
    just plain 'ol Popcorn. anything else..
    well.. i guess just doesn't suit me!

    guepardo (my 'sona) -- " yep! You've got that
    right popcorn. i don't think i've called
    you anything else before.. have i..?
    ahh, i don't remember..

    popcorn -- " i don't think you have..
    but others have and they just don't seem
    right for me! i mean.. nicknaming a
    bean "pop" when he's named
    popcorn.? nope. not for me. anyway,
    pop and popcorn are two different things!
s t o r y;; part one
The male twitched in his sleep. Popcorn froze, eyes locked on the body of the other bean. At least his back was turned toward him. Popcorn held his breath, every muscles in his body aching for him to move again. But he fought the feeling.
As soon as Popcorn thought it was safe, the blue bean quickly scuttled along to the other side of the ship. He glanced over the railing to see hungry waves lapping viciously at the side of the large ship. Popcorn suddenly felt queasy. He looked away from the water, thinking it would help, but the rocking motion of the boat made it worse.
"-I knew that already, smart one. Just because you're trying to kiss up to the captain doesn't mean you have to act like a know-it-all to us crew members. Besides, you're making yourself look like an idiot. We all already know this stuff that you're trying to point out to us," a voice growled. The voice was not too far away.
Popcorn felt his heart racing. He quickly and quietly slid behind a barrel to stay hidden. Again, he had to hold his breath, hold his position. He couldn't be noticed.
That's when the steps of the other jewel mane dragons came closer. They were walking the ship together, probably to do some important business that Popcorn had no care for. One, Popcorn could tell just by hearing his paw steps, was strongly built and tall. His heavy steps frightened Popcorn. The other had lithe, swift, yet slightly stern paw steps. He must have been pretty small, because he was walking quickly and just by hearing Popcorn knew the heavy-set JBD was ahead of him.
Popcorn felt the side of the railing pushing into his back. The ship still swayed from side to side, and Popcorn was somehow managing not to hurl. He really did feel like turning over the railing to become sea-sick. Popcorn's stomach just couldn't handle everything. The nervousness, the fear.. Usually, he liked boats. But a rickety old ship like this, filled with dragons that liked to pillage other boats like their's..? Popcorn shifted his weight.
Suddenly, both pairs of paw steps ceased. Everything seemed to pause, except for the usual sea noise. That always went on. It was only moments later that it happened. "Hey! Hey!" the angry voice bellowed out furiously, so loud it made Popcorn's ears hurt. A flurry of paws followed only a second later.
Popcorn's face flushed. They've found me.

    oh, you
    make me
By PokeZelda


    personality;; sweet -- talkative -- supportive -- fatherly -- spontaneous -- protective -- goofy -- honest

i think of myself as a sweet dragon. i don't know how to really explain that, but, everyone knows what being sweet is, right? so i don't think i'd have to explain it. unless you want me to explain it. if you want me to explain then i suppose i could, because i don't think it would be right to not explain it if you had no clue what i meant. oh, i should really move on now.. yeah, if you haven't noticed, i'm pretty talkative.. not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.. well, i guess i can bring people together with my talking. i'm pretty good at including others in the conversation. oh! in my eyes, i'm very supportive. of basically anyone, but especially my family. i keep them going if they fell down, help them to reach their goals, tell them they're good enough and a bunch of other supportive things! i'm sincere about them, too. i don't lie. yeah, i'm honest.. even if the truth can hurt someone.. ehh.. i'm very fatherly! i love my kids, and i am very much the father figure to them. i do, you know, a bunch of fatherly stuff.. i can be spontaneous a lot. i'm just one of those dragons to get up and say 'let's do it' out of the blue. spontaneous. i am also very protective of my family. maybe a little bit too protective, but i try my hardest to give them all some space.. and as a last note, i'm very goofy! yay!

    l i k e s;;
    Popcorn likes a lot of things. So
    I'll have to explain only a few so
    this doesn't get too long. c;

    Popcorn likes drive-ins/theaters.
    One, they bring the family together.
    He loves doing activities with his family.
    They also create a lot of memories and
    bring back a lot of old ones. He also
    loves the over-buttered popcorn
    and the nachos they offer at the
    canteen.. It's also just nice to
    sit and watch a movie.

    Popcorn also likes snowboarding.
    as a young bean, he snowboarded as
    much as he could. Now that he's older,
    he doesn't usually snowboard. Unless
    it's a family trip where they all go
    snowboarding. He's still fond of it,
    though he usually doesn't get to do
    it anymore..

    Another thing that Popcorn likes is
    nighttime. By his colours, you might
    seem to think he would enjoy the
    day more. But, no. Popcorn loves
    the night. The night just looks
    amazing and beautiful. It's very
    peaceful. Popcorn likes watching
    the stars and point out every
    constellation. The moon is quite
    the sight to him, as well. He
    also likes just doing different
    activities at night, such as stargazing,
    night swimming, and more!

    d i s l i k e s;;
    Popcorn dislikes some things.
    I'll only give three of his dislikes
    and explain them, just like I
    did with his likes. ;3

    Popcorn strongly dislikes Jell-O.
    It just doesn't appeal to him at
    all. Popcorn tried Jell-O once,
    and it nearly made him puke. He
    has disliked it since then,
    and doesn't want to try
    liking it.

    Popcorn dislikes extreme heat.
    He prefers the cold over heat.
    Heat just bothers him a little and
    makes him uncomfortable. Well,
    extreme heat does that to him. He
    can handle some heat, just not
    a whole lot of it. Extreme heat
    also makes him feel like he's being
    suffocated by a massive wall. He
    just doesn't like it.

    This bean also dislikes moths. In fact,
    he has a major fear of moths. They
    make him squirm and feel all afraid
    inside. He has always disliked moths,
    ever since he was a young bean.

favourite season & why;;

Popcorn's favourite season is winter. Why? Well, there are many reasons. Popcorn loves to sit inside and watch movies all day with his family. Or maybe they'll take the night to play board games. But these are special winter activities, where everyone just does nothing but watch movies and munch on popcorn with M&M's. Maybe Popcorn will make some special hot cocoa that everyone enjoys. Would you like a little whipped cream with that? Popcorn likes to just do things like that on cold, snowy, winter days. He also likes to get outside, as well. Popcorn loves to toboggan with his kids, make snow forts, snow ball fights.. Popcorn personally loves the snow. Most of the time, the cold doesn't bother him that much. As explained in his dislikes, he can't stand much heat. So the cold is better for him. Popcorn just loves winter, and it's beauty.




    crush;; Uh.. Could you consider your
    mate a crush..?

    girlfriend;; Could your mate be your
    girlfriend..? XD

    mate;; The beautiful Qui! <33
    child;; His first child is Seasalt Taffy! <33
    child;; His second child is Colton! <33
    sexual orientation;; Popcorn's straight.

    popcorn -- " yes, i have a beautiful
    mate and two beautiful children. or
    should i say handsome, just so i don't
    embarrass my boys. i have seasalt taffy
    and colton who are both very handsome.
    my beautiful mate is qui. you should
    come and meet them all!

    guepardo (my 'sona) -- " hehe.. yes, handsome
    little lads they are! and qui, yes,
    she is beautiful! you have one
    beautiful family, popcorn!

    popcorn -- " yes, i know! i'm
    very lucky to have them all! <3

    - A R T -
    ·art by PokeZelda on form

    ·"fake moths? Really?"
    by me

    ·by me
s t o r y;; part two
Popcorn ducked down a little more, stomach doing somersaults. He wasn't feeling good at all. His heart was pounding a thousand times a minute, and he had a death-grip on the side of the barrel. Those beans were coming for him. What could he do? Jump off of the boat for his life?
Popcorn held his breath as the steps rocketed in his direction. Popcorn pushed himself farther down, wanting to melt. He was about to be found.
But the paws quickly passed and echoed away. Popcorn took a gasp of air, and he realized he was shaking just slightly. Popcorn made slow breaths, though he wanted to gulp in as much as he could. He listened to the paws.
The two beans that were on the ship walking together suddenly made quite a ruckus, startling Popcorn. He bit his tongue to hold back a yelp. A bunch of hollers were passed around between the two.. No, now it was three.. But the hollers were inaudible to Popcorn. They sounded tense, and angry. All of them.
That's when he heard the body get slammed down onto the deck of the ship, which made Popcorn jump. "That'll teach you not to sleep on the job!" a voice boomed.
Then there was silence. Absolute silence from the others beans on the ship. Popcorn felt like he was alone with the sound of the waves and the rocky, unstable boat. More silence. That just wasn't right..
Popcorn opened his mouth to call out. But it was too late. The bean had a sack over Popcorn's head almost immediately. He had been ambushed. Popcorn squirmed and fought. My mate! My kids!
But he was slowly losing all of his strength. Power was draining from him second by the second. He was losing. He was losing.
Popcorn suddenly jolted up right. He was sweating, and panting. His mind swirled. He was shaking. Popcorn slowly seemed to calm himself, and he glanced to his left. Qui was there, concern in her eyes.
"Popcorn, are you okay?" she asked, genuinely worried.
Popcorn took a breath and nodded. He felt Qui wrap her arms around him. He did the same to her. They were locked in that hug as Popcorn calmed his nerves. Just a nightmare.. Just a nightmare.. One of his fears, his greatest fears, was losing his family. That nightmare had shown him what it would've been like. Popcorn nodded again.
"Yeah, I'm fine.. Just a nightmare," Popcorn replied to Qui.
Qui squeezed him a bit before letting go. She nodded. "It must have been a pretty bad one. I woke up to you squirming like crazy." she said with a slight giggle.
Popcorn smiled uneasily and nodded back. "Yeah.. Well, sorry about the squirming.." he said apologetically to Qui, an amused tone to his voice. Qui laughed a little, before Popcorn gave her a soft kiss on the top of her head. "Shall we get some more sleep? It is five in the morning," Popcorn noted with a glance at the clock. With that, Qui nodded and lay her head down softly and slowly.
Popcorn did the same, except he didn't fall asleep as easily as Qui did. He watched her close her eyes, and fall into a gentle sleep. Popcorn stroked the side of her head as she did so. He thought about Seasalt Taffy, and Colton, and Qui. Popcorn closed his eyes. I never want to lose you, not you, or Seasalt, or Colton.. he thought, and gave Qui's head a last, soft stroke.
Last edited by Guepardo on Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:51 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Popcorn- Readopt

Postby SukarettoYanagi » Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:42 am

Short Personality:
Popcorn is, different, to say the least. He enjoys microbiology, or just biology, and the study of plants. He does not like color green and prefers everything to be in it's natural beauty. He is calm and confident, not at all an overwhelmingly happy bean. To say the least, he isn't a grump or a bore, he simply likes things calm and stable.
Favorite season: Autumn. He loves the colors and the time. He can wear winter-like things, without it actually being cold out. The colors amaze him too, everything in it's natural beauty, instead of being all green.

My cat died in my arms.
Rest in peace, baby girl.

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