.:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit {Accepting}

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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby ~MakeBelieve~ » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:32 pm




.:Full Name:.
Paige Esenger
.: Personality:.
Paige is a bit with drawn and not very talkative at first unless you talk to her about something that she likes or very strongly disagrees with. Paige is very easily angered even though she tries to keep her calm. She can't handle when people act like an idiot, even though she can sometimes act like on herself, and also cant handle when people are so self absorbed that they are clueless about everything else around them.
Paige wares ripped jeans, generally either dark wash or black, plain tank tops or graphic T-shirts, black high top converse or combat books, and a dark hooded sweat shirt.
Not yet
Nothing out of the ordinary. She lives at home with her Mom, Dad and little sister.
"Just know that no matter what people may call you,
it's your
character and yourhard work that will shine
through. And no matter how much you get
picked on you can do whatever the hell
you want to do." ~Cody Charles Carson
"This is not a celebration of being sick it's more about,
I don't know, I guess if you have a
problem I find that
keeping it a
secret makes it so much stronger. So it was
my way of getting it off my chest so that it wasn't
my only
secret anymore." ~Joshua Ramsay
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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby »αℓιcɛ-ιи-cнαιиƨ« » Fri Aug 24, 2012 3:33 pm



"Well lets start with the first things we
should know about you. Name, age, birthday,
any nicknames, and where you were born.
And whatever else you would like to throw in."

"Okay, well, the name is Chord Marcus Gibson. I have a very strange
name I know. But... I could tell you the simple reason why my name is the
way it is. Well... My dad, and my mom are kind of metal heads I guess, if
you wanna look a it like that. My dad is a guitarist, well.. Was, and it was
kind of ironic that our last name is Gibson. Like... A Gibson Les Paul? You
know what I mean? Well, anyways, when I was born they decided that they
were gonna name all their kids after something musical. And I turned out to
be Chord. And that's the story of my name! I don't really have a nickname so
just call me Chord. Yep. That's it... I am eighteen years old, a senior in
, and born on January 13th 1993. Yea.. I got held back... So what?
Anywayysss!!! I'm the oldest of my siblings, and.... Oh, i grew up in New York, and...
Lived there for my entire life.That's pretty much it. I can't think of anything else."


"So Chord... Why don't you tell us about your features.
Maybe add in any modifications you might have made
to your body over the years? Any scars, or interesting
birthmarks either? Just say whatever you want."

"Okay, wellppp. I have dark bown hair... Styled like this *points to head*,
it's kinda long...ish.. I guess? Um, I'm kinda pale... But, eh. I don't care. I have
a light brown color for my eyes. Actually almost hazel, but... Know what, let's
just go with hazel. Uhm... I would say I'm not the tallest guy standing at 5 feet
10 inches tall, and I'm not the biggest guy over all, I'm a huggable 162 pounds!
Heh heh. I'm skinny sorry. Not too much muscle on me at all. Errr.... Modifications...
Haha... Ya, other than my lip being perched, I have a few tattoos that Noone
is really suppose to know about since... I'm not supposed to have them.. But,
ya. I have a few music notes trailing behind my ear, and then I have
'Reckless and Relentless' tattooed across my chest. No V- necks or going in the
pool until I'm 18! Fun! Uh, no scars on this body, and no super awesome birthmarks
either, so I guess I'm done with this question.


"So,how would you describe Chord?. Your his friend.
Tell us what he's like. Nice, mean, weird... What?"

"Ok, well Chord simply just isn't shy at all to be honest. He doesn't care at all what
people think of him, and will break out doing stupid, and funny things if, and when
he pleases to do so. He does what he wants to do, and doesn't let people tell him to
do otherwise. It's just him. He likes to have a good time and have as much fun as he
possibly can fit into his life. He views life as really short, and always is wanting to live
it to the fullest. Live every day like its your last one kind of theory he has in his mind.
He does end up accidentally hurting himself in the process of having the time of his life.
He's broken a few bones from time to time, and has gotten into an ATV accident with
a tree. Yes. A tree. He blames the tree for growing there, and causing him to break his
ribs... And an arm. Again, breaking an arm. As you can probably see, he's kind of a
daredevil kind of person, so I don't have to explain his whole doing something that would
give an adrenaline rush, and getting hurt a whole bunch of times more...On a different
note. He is kinda goofy, and silly and says things kinda... Well, like you wanna just smile
at him all the time and give him a big hug after he says some things. He does have an
interesting vocabulary. Ok, well he is also super sweet. Not in the flirtatious kind
of way, but his kind at heart. He honestly isn't much of a flirt at all, but I'll get to that in a
minute. Back to his sweetness. He likes to be nice. He doesn't really have a mean bone
in his body, probably because he broke it already! He tries to be as nice to people as he
can without being annoying. He doesn't speak his mind on his thoughts on people, unless
he really wants to tell them. He's pretty good with compliments though. If he likes something
about you, he sure as h*ll is gonna tell you. He isn't gonna go gay and be like, 'oh em gee! Your
outfit is like so totally awesome!' but he would be like, 'oh, cool shirt. I like it.' and then
end conversation on the shirt. It's pretty easy for him to talk to people actually. Like I said
he's not shy. He won't just randomly approach you or something... He wouldnt do that ever...
So if he does, it's probably ecause he was dared to. Oh, and his thing with girls, like I said,
he won't just go up to you without a reason, and just start talking. He would be that guy who
makes up some super lame excuse to go up and talk to a girl he actually might be interested
in. He'd maybe linger around the girl for awhile, until she noticed, and then say something, or
'accidentally' bump into her and be like, 'do I know you from somewhere?' after saying sorry for
bumping into them. He won't flirt all that much at all actually. He doesn't really feel he should
flirt too much. He thinks a girl should like him for him. Not based on the compliments he gives
her. But for a girl he really does like, he will be very protective of her. Not like... If the girl is
talking to another guy, he's on a have a freak out kind of protective. But if anoer guy is hitting
on her... Then there mit be a problem... Hes the kind of guy who just wants to keep her safe,
and out of harms way. Whatever it may be. All in all... That's Chord or ya."


"You must know his entire life story right? Please? Can you share it?
We'd like to know what happened in his past.

"Ok well.. He was born.. He lived. And now he's seventeen. That's it.. (long pause) Nah!
Jut kidding. He had a kind of sort of interesting past. Ok, well he, as a kid, was one of
those adventurous types of kids, and was always venturing off somewhere to go find
something new, play games of his own that he made up, or just to be a kid, he'd go do
his own thing. He never had too many friends as a kid, he was much much more shy than
he is now. He was mostly by himself playing as a kid. He used to get lost in the
neighborhood, and people would often bring him home from there. Kind of like a missing
dog. But there wasn't any posters for him. Everyone within five hundred feet any which
way of his house, knew who he was, and where he lived. That's how much he got out of
the house, and then got lost. Oh, I should have mentioned his first little sister who was
born when he was two. Guess what her name is... It's Melody Anne Gibson. Unlike him,
she's a dirty blonde, but they look almost identical otherwise. Well in elemantry school,
he was always like.. He class clown type of kid, same thing as in middle school. He tried
to make class intresting,and did, but was sent to detention quite a bit for disrupting class.
Highschool, which is still not over for him, was actually a pretty good ride. I know it sounds
weird, but he actually really enjoys school. He's actually not to happy about being a senior
because he doesn't wanna leave. He likes having all the freedom, and not needing to care
about anything but friends, and homework. The homework he can do without but... He
loves his friends. And as of ninth grade, he's been in a band with a few friends. His dad,
and now him. His youngest sister was born the year he was in ninth grade, now she's three.
And her name? Lyric Eva Gibson. Of course. Back to his band. The name of the band is
The Empire of The Fallen Stars. They're doing pretty well. And as of that... Nothing much
else has happened in his life.


"Alright, back to you Chord. I must say, a guy like
you had to have some special girl in his life! Tell us about her!"

"Well... Actually right now I'm single. I had a bit of a break up about six
months ago. Girl was no good. Know what I've noticed? A lot of girls want the
guys who won't treat them good. All the good guys are either just dumped,
or just walked over because there a so called better guy out there. Being
used is fun isn't it?! Ok, well. I'm straight. No guys allowed into my
relationshipy kind of thing. Nothing more than friends with a guy. Ever.
Um... A crush, I don't have one of those either. So. Yep. Thats just about it.


"Okay! We're almost done here! Now just tell us what
your interests are, hobbies, dislikes and likes. And even fears."

"Well. Music would have to be my number one thing. I live music.
Eat, sleep breathe, and listen to music is most of what I do. Playing with my band
is part of the whole music thing too. We aren't really looking to get signed or
anything like that. We play free shows, and just hang out in my garage. I have a
transparent cherry red SE-245 PRS guitar that I love so so so much. Amazing sound
on that thing. Oh, and if you couldn't tell already, I like to do very dangerous things
just for thrills. If there is a high possibility that you could get hurt, count me in.
Can you say roller coaster addict?! I'm obsessed with the things. Living a few hours
from six flags, and about a half hour from a pretty good amusement park... Works
to my benefit with those things. Oh things I don't like... Boredom, doing nothing,
boredom, people who don't try and have fun, people who refuse to do anything and
don't try and live their life, and boredom. I think that's self explanatory. Oh, and Im
afraid of dying without finishing my bucket list. And believe me, it's a long bucket list.
I actually have it written out and hanging up on one of the walls in my room."


"Sorry! You aren't done yet! Just tell me a few more things.
Your family. Who are they? And do you have any pets or such?"

"Okay, my family would be me, my mom and dad, and my two little sisters.
My parents are pretty cool to be honest but they act like kids from the eightees... But eh.
And then my little sisters I love them to bits. Melody is like my best friend, but then I
get all of her little friends hitting on me all the time.. That's kind of annoying and
weird at the same time... I don't mind younger girls, and I've dated one in my sisters
grade, but my sisters friend... That's just... Eh. And then Lyric is like my little buddy.
When I'm home she's always by my side, and trying to do what I'm doing. At the
moment shes been trying to use my guitars, so I ended up getting her a little teensy accoustic
one that's her size and trying to get her to do some sort of music. Kinda easy to get musical
stuff since my parents own well... A music store. I can play guitar, drums, violin, cello, a
nd clairanette. Benefits of working there. So so so many benefits. Well musical ones. I love
it. Oh and pets! I have a Rottweiler named Angus. Another musical thing
(Angus Young from AC DC) and a Doberman Pincher named Hendrix. And that's it. Byee!"

{{If you ever need an extra guy because of uneven genders, just lemme know ^_^ I'll be happy to make another one.}}


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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby Shiver. » Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:38 pm

»αℓιcɛ-ιи-cнαιиƨ« wrote:


"Well lets start with the first things we
should know about you. Name, age, birthday,
any nicknames, and where you were born.
And whatever else you would like to throw in."

"Okay, well, the name is Chord Marcus Gibson. I have a very strange
name I know. But... I could tell you the simple reason why my name is the
way it is. Well... My dad, and my mom are kind of metal heads I guess, if
you wanna look a it like that. My dad is a guitarist, well.. Was, and it was
kind of ironic that our last name is Gibson. Like... A Gibson Les Paul? You
know what I mean? Well, anyways, when I was born they decided that they
were gonna name all their kids after something musical. And I turned out to
be Chord. And that's the story of my name! I don't really have a nickname so
just call me Chord. Yep. That's it... I am eighteen years old, a senior in
, and born on January 13th 1993. Yea.. I got held back... So what?
Anywayysss!!! I'm the oldest of my siblings, and.... Oh, i grew up in New York, and...
Lived there for my entire life.That's pretty much it. I can't think of anything else."


"So Chord... Why don't you tell us about your features.
Maybe add in any modifications you might have made
to your body over the years? Any scars, or interesting
birthmarks either? Just say whatever you want."

"Okay, wellppp. I have dark bown hair... Styled like this *points to head*,
it's kinda long...ish.. I guess? Um, I'm kinda pale... But, eh. I don't care. I have
a light brown color for my eyes. Actually almost hazel, but... Know what, let's
just go with hazel. Uhm... I would say I'm not the tallest guy standing at 5 feet
10 inches tall, and I'm not the biggest guy over all, I'm a huggable 162 pounds!
Heh heh. I'm skinny sorry. Not too much muscle on me at all. Errr.... Modifications...
Haha... Ya, other than my lip being perched, I have a few tattoos that Noone
is really suppose to know about since... I'm not supposed to have them.. But,
ya. I have a few music notes trailing behind my ear, and then I have
'Reckless and Relentless' tattooed across my chest. No V- necks or going in the
pool until I'm 18! Fun! Uh, no scars on this body, and no super awesome birthmarks
either, so I guess I'm done with this question.


"So,how would you describe Chord?. Your his friend.
Tell us what he's like. Nice, mean, weird... What?"

"Ok, well Chord simply just isn't shy at all to be honest. He doesn't care at all what
people think of him, and will break out doing stupid, and funny things if, and when
he pleases to do so. He does what he wants to do, and doesn't let people tell him to
do otherwise. It's just him. He likes to have a good time and have as much fun as he
possibly can fit into his life. He views life as really short, and always is wanting to live
it to the fullest. Live every day like its your last one kind of theory he has in his mind.
He does end up accidentally hurting himself in the process of having the time of his life.
He's broken a few bones from time to time, and has gotten into an ATV accident with
a tree. Yes. A tree. He blames the tree for growing there, and causing him to break his
ribs... And an arm. Again, breaking an arm. As you can probably see, he's kind of a
daredevil kind of person, so I don't have to explain his whole doing something that would
give an adrenaline rush, and getting hurt a whole bunch of times more...On a different
note. He is kinda goofy, and silly and says things kinda... Well, like you wanna just smile
at him all the time and give him a big hug after he says some things. He does have an
interesting vocabulary. Ok, well he is also super sweet. Not in the flirtatious kind
of way, but his kind at heart. He honestly isn't much of a flirt at all, but I'll get to that in a
minute. Back to his sweetness. He likes to be nice. He doesn't really have a mean bone
in his body, probably because he broke it already! He tries to be as nice to people as he
can without being annoying. He doesn't speak his mind on his thoughts on people, unless
he really wants to tell them. He's pretty good with compliments though. If he likes something
about you, he sure as h*ll is gonna tell you. He isn't gonna go gay and be like, 'oh em gee! Your
outfit is like so totally awesome!' but he would be like, 'oh, cool shirt. I like it.' and then
end conversation on the shirt. It's pretty easy for him to talk to people actually. Like I said
he's not shy. He won't just randomly approach you or something... He wouldnt do that ever...
So if he does, it's probably ecause he was dared to. Oh, and his thing with girls, like I said,
he won't just go up to you without a reason, and just start talking. He would be that guy who
makes up some super lame excuse to go up and talk to a girl he actually might be interested
in. He'd maybe linger around the girl for awhile, until she noticed, and then say something, or
'accidentally' bump into her and be like, 'do I know you from somewhere?' after saying sorry for
bumping into them. He won't flirt all that much at all actually. He doesn't really feel he should
flirt too much. He thinks a girl should like him for him. Not based on the compliments he gives
her. But for a girl he really does like, he will be very protective of her. Not like... If the girl is
talking to another guy, he's on a have a freak out kind of protective. But if anoer guy is hitting
on her... Then there mit be a problem... Hes the kind of guy who just wants to keep her safe,
and out of harms way. Whatever it may be. All in all... That's Chord or ya."


"You must know his entire life story right? Please? Can you share it?
We'd like to know what happened in his past.

"Ok well.. He was born.. He lived. And now he's seventeen. That's it.. (long pause) Nah!
Jut kidding. He had a kind of sort of interesting past. Ok, well he, as a kid, was one of
those adventurous types of kids, and was always venturing off somewhere to go find
something new, play games of his own that he made up, or just to be a kid, he'd go do
his own thing. He never had too many friends as a kid, he was much much more shy than
he is now. He was mostly by himself playing as a kid. He used to get lost in the
neighborhood, and people would often bring him home from there. Kind of like a missing
dog. But there wasn't any posters for him. Everyone within five hundred feet any which
way of his house, knew who he was, and where he lived. That's how much he got out of
the house, and then got lost. Oh, I should have mentioned his first little sister who was
born when he was two. Guess what her name is... It's Melody Anne Gibson. Unlike him,
she's a dirty blonde, but they look almost identical otherwise. Well in elemantry school,
he was always like.. He class clown type of kid, same thing as in middle school. He tried
to make class intresting,and did, but was sent to detention quite a bit for disrupting class.
Highschool, which is still not over for him, was actually a pretty good ride. I know it sounds
weird, but he actually really enjoys school. He's actually not to happy about being a senior
because he doesn't wanna leave. He likes having all the freedom, and not needing to care
about anything but friends, and homework. The homework he can do without but... He
loves his friends. And as of ninth grade, he's been in a band with a few friends. His dad,
and now him. His youngest sister was born the year he was in ninth grade, now she's three.
And her name? Lyric Eva Gibson. Of course. Back to his band. The name of the band is
The Empire of The Fallen Stars. They're doing pretty well. And as of that... Nothing much
else has happened in his life.


"Alright, back to you Chord. I must say, a guy like
you had to have some special girl in his life! Tell us about her!"

"Well... Actually right now I'm single. I had a bit of a break up about six
months ago. Girl was no good. Know what I've noticed? A lot of girls want the
guys who won't treat them good. All the good guys are either just dumped,
or just walked over because there a so called better guy out there. Being
used is fun isn't it?! Ok, well. I'm straight. No guys allowed into my
relationshipy kind of thing. Nothing more than friends with a guy. Ever.
Um... A crush, I don't have one of those either. So. Yep. Thats just about it.


"Okay! We're almost done here! Now just tell us what
your interests are, hobbies, dislikes and likes. And even fears."

"Well. Music would have to be my number one thing. I live music.
Eat, sleep breathe, and listen to music is most of what I do. Playing with my band
is part of the whole music thing too. We aren't really looking to get signed or
anything like that. We play free shows, and just hang out in my garage. I have a
transparent cherry red SE-245 PRS guitar that I love so so so much. Amazing sound
on that thing. Oh, and if you couldn't tell already, I like to do very dangerous things
just for thrills. If there is a high possibility that you could get hurt, count me in.
Can you say roller coaster addict?! I'm obsessed with the things. Living a few hours
from six flags, and about a half hour from a pretty good amusement park... Works
to my benefit with those things. Oh things I don't like... Boredom, doing nothing,
boredom, people who don't try and have fun, people who refuse to do anything and
don't try and live their life, and boredom. I think that's self explanatory. Oh, and Im
afraid of dying without finishing my bucket list. And believe me, it's a long bucket list.
I actually have it written out and hanging up on one of the walls in my room."


"Sorry! You aren't done yet! Just tell me a few more things.
Your family. Who are they? And do you have any pets or such?"

"Okay, my family would be me, my mom and dad, and my two little sisters.
My parents are pretty cool to be honest but they act like kids from the eightees... But eh.
And then my little sisters I love them to bits. Melody is like my best friend, but then I
get all of her little friends hitting on me all the time.. That's kind of annoying and
weird at the same time... I don't mind younger girls, and I've dated one in my sisters
grade, but my sisters friend... That's just... Eh. And then Lyric is like my little buddy.
When I'm home she's always by my side, and trying to do what I'm doing. At the
moment shes been trying to use my guitars, so I ended up getting her a little teensy accoustic
one that's her size and trying to get her to do some sort of music. Kinda easy to get musical
stuff since my parents own well... A music store. I can play guitar, drums, violin, cello, a
nd clairanette. Benefits of working there. So so so many benefits. Well musical ones. I love
it. Oh and pets! I have a Rottweiler named Angus. Another musical thing
(Angus Young from AC DC) and a Doberman Pincher named Hendrix. And that's it. Byee!"

{{If you ever need an extra guy because of uneven genders, just lemme know ^_^ I'll be happy to make another one.}}

Acceptted, and thanks, also him and Snow are so hooking up!!!!!! Yess!!!

<3RossLynch<3 wrote:



.:Full Name:.
Paige Esenger
.: Personality:.
Paige is a bit with drawn and not very talkative at first unless you talk to her about something that she likes or very strongly disagrees with. Paige is very easily angered even though she tries to keep her calm. She can't handle when people act like an idiot, even though she can sometimes act like on herself, and also cant handle when people are so self absorbed that they are clueless about everything else around them.
Paige wares ripped jeans, generally either dark wash or black, plain tank tops or graphic T-shirts, black high top converse or combat books, and a dark hooded sweat shirt.
Not yet
Nothing out of the ordinary. She lives at home with her Mom, Dad and little sister.

{{ Denied, sorry, please use a different pic DX}}

Hey guys I am Shiver.I love toRPand I am an aspiringartist! I will be offline much more frequently now though. But I will be open toone x ones.So send me a pmand maybe we can work something out!Bye!

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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby sawyer beans. » Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:47 pm

Amber Lyn Johnston

Breathe me by Sia
Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

"My name is Amber Lyn Johnston. Nice to meet you guys."
Nicknames: "Call me Boo or whatever else you can think of."

Age: "Thats a little personal...im 16."
Birthdate: "I was born on the 12th of January."
Birthplace: "I was born in San Diego, California."

Breathe me by Sia
Ouch I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,
Yeah I think that I might break
I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

"I have always been the most out spoken of my group of friends, and i'm loud and crazy. Some people would see me as obnoxious, but my friends love me. I have a potty mouth, and like to drink sometimes, but any other kind of drug I hate. I'm fun loving, and can be sensitive at times. (Mostly when i'm drunk.) When i'm in HS everyone calls me French Kiss. All the guys want me, and I let most of them have me. But I am never irresponsible during school hours, and sucks up to the teachers. I am not your typical popular, i dont like cheerleading at all! I'd rather skateboard! Oh by the way if i dont like you i'll more than likely tell you and i DO NOT put up with sh*t!"
• Singing
• Nature

• Drama
• Sl*ts and wh*res
• To much sun

• Spiders
• Clowns
• Death

• Not being so shy
• Fall in love
• Be a famous singer

• Singing
• Running
• Skateboarding

"Well everything was perfect until my mother was told she had brain cancer. Our family helped her through it all until the end. The ending was the worse thing to watch ever. She forgot who dad, brother, and I were. She couldnt speak or anything near the very end. I stayed with her that night she died and I had never felt so sad in my life. I never knew what lonelessness felt like until then. I was very very close to my mother and when she died it was a lot to take in but then I met my friend."
Family: "I only have my brother and father."
Job: "I work as a volunter at the nearby vets office."

Breathe me by Sia
Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me
Best Friend:"My older brother."
Sexual Orientation: "Im straight. Sorry girls...."
Crush: "ya but it doesnt matter..."
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: "Hahahaha, no."
Ex-Boyfriends/Ex-Girlfriends: "A few."
Enemies: "Tons!"
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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby »αℓιcɛ-ιи-cнαιиƨ« » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:56 am

((Thanks! And I'm fine with that ^_^ @VampireWarrior: hey! ))


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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby Shiver. » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:32 am

VampireWarrior123 wrote:
Amber Lyn Johnston

Breathe me by Sia
Help, I have done it again
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

"My name is Amber Lyn Johnston. Nice to meet you guys."
Nicknames: "Call me Boo or whatever else you can think of."

Age: "Thats a little personal...im 16."
Birthdate: "I was born on the 12th of January."
Birthplace: "I was born in San Diego, California."

Breathe me by Sia
Ouch I have lost myself again
Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,
Yeah I think that I might break
I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me

"I have always been the most out spoken of my group of friends, and i'm loud and crazy. Some people would see me as obnoxious, but my friends love me. I have a potty mouth, and like to drink sometimes, but any other kind of drug I hate. I'm fun loving, and can be sensitive at times. (Mostly when i'm drunk.) When i'm in HS everyone calls me French Kiss. All the guys want me, and I let most of them have me. But I am never irresponsible during school hours, and sucks up to the teachers. I am not your typical popular, i dont like cheerleading at all! I'd rather skateboard! Oh by the way if i dont like you i'll more than likely tell you and i DO NOT put up with sh*t!"
• Singing
• Nature

• Drama
• Sl*ts and wh*res
• To much sun

• Spiders
• Clowns
• Death

• Not being so shy
• Fall in love
• Be a famous singer

• Singing
• Running
• Skateboarding

"Well everything was perfect until my mother was told she had brain cancer. Our family helped her through it all until the end. The ending was the worse thing to watch ever. She forgot who dad, brother, and I were. She couldnt speak or anything near the very end. I stayed with her that night she died and I had never felt so sad in my life. I never knew what lonelessness felt like until then. I was very very close to my mother and when she died it was a lot to take in but then I met my friend."
Family: "I only have my brother and father."
Job: "I work as a volunter at the nearby vets office."

Breathe me by Sia
Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
I'm needy
Warm me up
And breathe me
Best Friend:"My older brother."
Sexual Orientation: "Im straight. Sorry girls...."
Crush: "ya but it doesnt matter..."
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: "Hahahaha, no."
Ex-Boyfriends/Ex-Girlfriends: "A few."
Enemies: "Tons!"

{{ Acceptted and seth steals!!!!!! A.ka they should really hook up later on they are like a match!!!}}}

Hey guys I am Shiver.I love toRPand I am an aspiringartist! I will be offline much more frequently now though. But I will be open toone x ones.So send me a pmand maybe we can work something out!Bye!

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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby Shiver. » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:33 am

{{ We may begin now!!}}

Hey guys I am Shiver.I love toRPand I am an aspiringartist! I will be offline much more frequently now though. But I will be open toone x ones.So send me a pmand maybe we can work something out!Bye!

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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby mouse. » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:46 am

{Yay! c:}

about me: i am a math whiz that loves to write. I know that must sound crazy. I mean, who can be left brain but still think with a right brain? Anyways, I am a semi to literate roleplayer. I am most interested in realistic human roleplays, and I can play both girls and boys. If you need an extra person to join your roleplay, please message me.
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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby Shiver. » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:51 am



Snow awoke with a jolt as a rat scurried across her hand. She flung it acroos the room. It hit the wall with a smack and fell limply to the floor. She sighed standing. She walked up to the door and tugged. It was chained. It must have been night. She crawled out a broken window. She cut a her arm . It was only a small cut though. She shrugged and walked away. She walked down the street. No one was out, it being a freezing night. She had no jacket though. She did not notice the cold or anything else for that matter since her mom had died. Her arms had goosebumps though but not from the cold. From the anxiety that her dad would walked around every corner she passed. She looked at the star filled sky. The moon was partically covered by a cloud. Her breath billowed in white clouds. She walked until she saw the alley with the shed she had once hidden in. She walked into the shed and pulled the door closed. It shut with a squeak. She sat in the far right corner. She pulled her knees up in front of her. With a couple of moment filled with black stained tears, from her mascara, she fell asleep. She always slept very lightly not getting much rest. She had learned this since her childhood. So she awoke at any little noise, paranoid it would be her dad.

Hey guys I am Shiver.I love toRPand I am an aspiringartist! I will be offline much more frequently now though. But I will be open toone x ones.So send me a pmand maybe we can work something out!Bye!

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Re: .:Forever Scarred:. {{Emo/Scene Rp}} Semi-lit

Postby sawyer beans. » Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:25 am

{{ Hahaha thanks (: Hey Alice! I'll post a starting post soon }}
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