Plate Dragon #477 by InuImori

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Plate Dragon #477

Postby InuImori » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:20 am

A Plate Dragon is a subspecies of dragon! They have "Plates" on the side of their cheeks and on their butts! They also have scales around their bodies such as on their faces, legs, and tail! Another unique feature are the "spikes" on the end of their tails and horns that can range in many different shapes and sizes that are used for protection and battle. They usually live in jungles or forests but can be found anywhere. They are extremely venomous, and can projectile their venom when in danger! They use this tactic when feeling threatened or scared so as long as you have good intentions they wont hurt you! They are feisty but you'll be lucky to have one as your friend if it gives you its trust!

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Create a weapon for this girl and tell me why they chose this weapon!
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Re: Plate Dragon #477

Postby Kiesen » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:32 am

Don't know if marking is allowed, but I'm doing it anyway. I hate you Inu this is so up my alley.

As much as I love this, I'm rooting for my girlfriend. Thank you for such a cool comp, Inu. Please make more.
Last edited by Kiesen on Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Plate Dragon #477

Postby EatingTuna » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:33 am

mark! (was allowed to mark)
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Re: Plate Dragon #477

Postby Ottercola » Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:50 am

[username:] Ottercola
[ID:] 111526
[Weapon:] Ayaka's choice of weapon is a rapier with an elaborate gilded swept hilt bejeweled with ruby inset hearts. It is sun themed overall with a sun pommel and decorations along as well as heart shaped gems speaking as a token of love. She is the captain of the guard for a royal family and the personal guard of the king's only child and daughter, the princess Soliel. It was a gift from the princess herself when Ayaka was appointed to stay by her side. She isn't aware of the fact it was the princess's personal request she be so. It seems Ayaka has had the princess' eye for quite some time now, dating back to when they were even children. They are childhood friends but Ayaka tends to take her job a bit too seriously. However the gifted rapier is her most prized possession and she keeps it well maintained and cared for. It's become an obvious symbol of her role and she's never seen around the castle without it and would probably look as if a part of her is missing if she didn't. She has yet to realize that the gift was part of a confession, her own feelings, or somehow the hidden inscription carved in it that reads: "The Sun never sets for a lover's heart."


The morning sun had just come out of it's rise, it's golden rays shining through the leaves of the cherry blossom tree they sat under. It was that time in Spring where the pink buds were in their full display of beauty. A soft breeze sends petals falling in various dancing arcs and landing on and around them. There's a small sneeze and Ayaka shift's her scarlet eyes in it's direction. The kingdom's most beloved princess sits next to her rubbing her snout. There's a perfectly placed petal on the tip along with dozens scattered in her hair. "Ticklish?" Ayaka gives a small chuckle and brushes the smaller plate dragon off gently. She can't help but notice how large her paws seem next to the princess's delicate form as she hold's her face in one paw stroking her cheek with her thumb gently. The girl can't help but blush as she looks up at her with her pale golden eyes. "A-Aya...?" She stammers out, starting to become unsure of where to look now. Ayaka stays silent for a moment not seeming to have heard her. There's another breeze and she can feel the princess shiver. She blinks a few times and seems to come back to the reality of the situation. "Oh...sorry about that. Here." She takes of her captain's coat and places it over the plate dragon's shoulders. "It's oddly chilly with the wind today for Spring.* She gives a soft smile, a claw on her chin. "But well you've never handled anything remotely cold have you, Soliel?" She comments as Soliel snuggles into her coat with a pleased look on her face. There's still a subtle blush on her face but she tries to keep herself calm and collected as best she can. "I'm named after the sun, it should be no surprise I prefer the warmth.* Ayaka nods more to humor her but she couldn't deny she thought that reasoning was cute. She leans back against the trunk of the tree, folding her arms behind her head and crossing one leg. She lets her eyes close but continues speaking. "So why did you call me out here today? And so early? You may be named after the sun but you've never been an early riser." She opens one eye and receives the pouting look she was expecting. Soliel tries to hide a yawn knowing it would only prove her point. She shifts nervously trying to collect herself and her thoughts. "I umm...thought well..."She frowns feeling like she's making a fool out of herself. This all had gone smoother in her head. She had been so bold and spoke everything she had wanted to say and yet every time push came to shove she floundered. Ayaka opens her eyes again and notices the franticness the other plate dragon. She silently wraps her arm around the princess's shoulder and pulls her against her side before resting her head on hers. "Whatever it is you can say it. You've got nothing to fear, remember? I'm your personal guard." She pauses and keeps herself from adding the words she wants to say. And you're my best friend. But she bites her tongue and holds that back. "Whatever it is I'm sure you've been through scarier. You're a princess after all. You have to deal with people from all over with such authority. I've seen you hit it off with everyone. So I think you can tell me." Soliel sighs. She knows Ayaka means well and that she's trying to be encouraging but this wasn't the same at all. "That's-" She keeps herself from finishing. That's different. That was all just for show. That was something she had to do. And they weren't you. And it wasn't a confession. She fumbles with her paws a bit. She tries to take a breath and calm down. She could do this. She had made up her mind. She was going to tell her today. "Um...that sword you have right now." Ayaka peers down to her hip. An old saber rested in it's scabbard. It was rather plain looking. It wasn't worn or rusty by any means but it didn't really fit the image of the captain of the guard much less the princess's personal one. She raises an eyebrow and pulls it out. The sun glints off the blade and Ayaka can see her crimson eyes staring back at her. "What about it?" She asks curiously, putting the sword back in its place. Soliel gulps and she slides an ornate looking box from behind the tree. She shyly puts in Ayaka's lap. "I um, thought you deserved something more...proper." Ayaka blinks in surprise, her eyes shifting between the long rectangular box in her lap and Soliel a few times. She carefully pulls the red ribbon from around it and lifts the lid. She looks stunned as her eyes widen when she lift's the sword from it's gifted housing. It's a silver and gold rapier with an elaborate shilt and pommel. It carried Soliel's sun motifs across it's make and held ruby hearts in it's details. A long black and red faded sash that matches her hair dangled from it, a breeze flaring it out in a beautiful flow. A golden bejeweled key dangled along next to it. Over all the sword was dazzling and it was clear how much craftsmanship had been put into it. Ayaka breaks from her mesmerized trance and turns to face Soliel. "This is....beautiful." Soliel's heart skips a beat like she was saying that to her and not about the sword. This felt like her chance. To say what she's always wanted to say. She squeaks as Ayaka abruptly gets up without word. She watches as she suddenly thrust the sword out in front of her. She seems to be checking the balance of the blade. She continues and begins practicing with it. It was almost like a dance with the sword as her partner. In that moment it was Soliel's turn to be mesmerized. She watched as the other plate dragon moved and swept the sword in such elegant swings and foot work. The stern and focused look in her eyes and face made her seem even more beautiful. She had never seen Ayaka practice with a sword like this this close before. It reminded her own when they were kids and Ayaka first started learning how to use a blade. Of course it was just sticks then but she really had grown into her own. She really did deserve her role as captain. It was something she knew Ayaka had always wanted. Would it be selfish of her to jeopardize that if she confessed? Especially after going out of her way to make her father appoint her as her personal guard. Perhaps this was as close as she was allowed to get. "This is an excellent sword!" Ayaka's voice breaks her train of thought as she walks back over wiping the swept off her brow. She kneels down and takes Soliel's paw and kisses the back of it. Soliel can feel her heart skip a beat again instantly. "Thank you. I'll cherish it." Ayaka smiles widely. It had been awhile since she had shown a smile like that. So honest and happy. Soliel sighs under her breath and returns the smile with her own. She feels a bit defeated in her original intention but well she seemed to have made an impression at least. She brings herself to her feet and brushes off her dress, handing Ayaka her coat back. "I'm glad then. Come along then. We should see about breakfast~" She beckons her to follow. Perhaps another day will come when she could confess her feelings. For now maybe if Ayaka can find that hidden inscription the sword has she can piece it together on her own. Ayaka puts her coat back on and adjust herself, placing the new rapier around her hip boldly and proudly before chasing after her. Much like she's down her whole life. "Yes, princess!"

Last edited by Ottercola on Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Plate Dragon #477

Postby kennadryl » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:00 am

kennadryl + 958080

X - X

The sound of grass falling under little paws was barely heard over the chirping of birds the little plateling bounded about with. Her giggle, however, joined the chirps and songs alike in a joyous harmony. Amused gazes keeping watch over the little one as they rested in the grass next to the porch. "She's so much like her mother," a gentle, feminine voice mused. A deeper hum was heard in response. The male who'd turned his gaze back to the kyoketsu-shoge laid in his lap, paws still diligently cleaning blade.

"She is, but you can hear her father in her." The woman beside him laughed.

"Too true! I think she will wear you down faster than he did. He was eager to learn but she's keen. Though she deserves to be just a child, at least for a little while longer." With a shake of her head the woman sighed, "I wish they'd have gotten to see more of this. All of this."

"I do too... I do too."


"Ojiisan? Why do you clean that everyday?"

"Because I respect this blade. It proved that I worked hard enough to earn the honor to have it. At deserves to be in as best condition, to shine brightly, as it has saved me more times than I can count."


"Yes. "

"What did you mean when you said you earned it?"

"These kyoketsu are given to those of us in the clan who have proven their merit, their skill. Your Otousan had one as well, as did mine, and as was his Okaasan before him."

"Can I get one?"

"You would have to earn that privilege. It is a long and hard journey, but, I believe you could do it.."

The plateling's eyes shined, determination had filled them, "I will earn this."


Sharp eyes watched as the older dragon polished the blade held in his paws. "When will I get to start training?"

"When you are ready." His gaze didn't shift towards her, despite her frustrated pouting.

"But I am ready!" She grumbled, glaring at her grandfather. "You keep saying that, 'you're not ready,' but I am!

His head turned, analyzing her, eyes, as usual, unreadable. a pregnant, uncomfortable pause before, "Okay."

Taken aback Shiori flinched. "I am?"

"Do you believe you are?"

"Yes, I do."

"Then we shall begin. You will start out with a wooden kyoketsu-shoge, just as your father, and I before him."

She could feel the grin stretching across her face, almost to the point of pain. "Thank you!"


"I miss them." Her gaze shifted from the weeds she was pulling from the flower bed to the plateling before her, her head hung low, tail limp, eyes down. A small piece of her heart broke seeing Shiori standing before her looking akin to a puppet with it's strings cut. She straightened up, moving to comfort the plateling who melted into her embrace.

"I miss them too." Was whispered into the top of the platelings head, eyes closing tight as grief overwhelmed her, not just for the loss of her son, but for Shiori. Grieving for what she could have had, what she should have had.

She pulled back, Shiori still pressed firmly to her flank. Her gaze falling outward towards the garden, and the forest past it. Her eyes caught the flutter of wings and hummed.

"Look little bird," was said with the point of a clawed paw, coaxing the plateling to look at the birds perched upon the sun-bleached-bird bath. "You see the white one with grey wings and a red head?" A nod.

"That's a cardinal. Do you know what they mean?"

Her head tilted, brow furrowing as she appeared to search through the depths of her sharp mind. "No."

She leaned down, so she could press her cheek against Shiori's. "Cardinals are believed to be magical. Seen as bird relating to phoenixes."

"What's a phoenix?"

"Phoenixes are birds who were believe to live long, long lives, and when their time came they'd burst into flames."

The plateling stared at her in disbelief, which was infinitely better than looking so devastated, "When they die they light on fire? By themselves?"

"Yes, and from the ashes left behind they would rise, young once again to continue live once more."

She watched as the platelings jaw fell in surprise, "Really?"

"Really. And Cardinals represent that, they represent rebirth. They represent transformation too. Some believe that cardinals are messengers from those we loved that have passed on."

Red eyes widened in awe, gaze instantly shifting back to the bird bath where the cardinal was splashing about, "Does that mean they're here?"

"Yes, and I believe they are trying to tell you that they will always be with you, even if they can not be here. That we'll all meet again some day. That they love you."

A grin took over the once forlorn girl, she jumped up, nearly yelling in her enthusiasm, "I love you too!"


The sound of a kyoketsu-shoge cutting through cool autumn air, only to find purchase in the earth instead of the target before Shori. Bad angle, that needed to be higher. And again. Too slow, have to recover faster between whips.[i] And again. [i]Didn't grapple properly, the blade fell out of position when weight was applied.

This cycle continued for hours, from the sun bright above to settling down as night approached.

"Shiori." The young dragon's head whipped to see her grandmother watching her with a frown. "You have been out here most of the day, have you been drinking any water? I don't see a bottle or a glass."

"I want to get this right. I'm so close."

"You can always continue tomorrow."



"Yes, Obaasan..."


Not a sound was heard as two sets of paws made their way through the house, towards the kitchen.

"Are you sure I'm ready for this?" Abruptly, clumsily, spilled over of teeth-torn lips.

A soft chuckle echoed the hallway, still not a step heard. "Do you believe you are not ready?"

"No! I-I mean," A pause, "I believe I am ready."

"Then do not doubt my decision, little bird. Take a seat. It'll be over soon."

"Yes, Ojiisan."

Soon the comfortable silence that befell them was filled with the snip-snip of scissors.


"Are you ready to see it?"

"Yes! I mean, yes, please."

With a soft the older dragon tipped his head towards the table, permission. She nearly tripped over her own eager paws as she rushed to the table, pulling herself up to peer at the sheet-covered gift she'd spent, so, so, so long working for. She could she pulled back the offending white and blue fabric, breath held. "Oh."

"What do you think?"

A paw came to cover her mouth, tears welling in red eyes, soon spilling down her cheeks without regard for the decorum such an event should have. She cleared her throat, quickly wiping her tears with the paw she'd wrenched away from her lips. Gently she lifted the kyoketsu-shoge in her grasp, examining the patinaed steel, the cord, the cord, she looked in wonder seeing her cord. The blade was proof in and of itself, but... She trailed, reverently, a pad down the cord, made of the hair she'd had to have cut in the kitchen light.

She breathes in a gasp, not realizing she had held her breath once more.

She swallowed. "It's," no that wasn't right, no, "She's perfect."

Her grandfather hummed, smiling softly when she finally turned her gaze from the blade she knew she'd treasure till her last breath. "She needs a name."

"She does." Her gaze once again falling to the blade before her, the nameless[i] blade before her. Silence blanketed the room as she stared at the metal before her.

"Cardinal." She spoke, suddenly, breaking the quiet, startling even herself. "You and Obaasan and Okaasan and Outousan before..." She paused, closing her eyes hard for a moment, swallowing the lump in her throat. "We used to watch the red-crested cardinals in the yard. You both teased me about them. Always bouncing about, poking and prodding others for food or affection-- so tiny and yet so fierce, protecting those they love." A soft smile graced her visage, raising her gaze to meet his. "Grandmother started calling me her little bird, then you did. She- You--," she sucked her teeth, trying to fight back the tears welling in her eyes once more, tensing her jaw in the losing battle. "You all, instilled in me that I must work hard for the things I want. You fostered my ambition. Because of you all I ended up [i]here.

She looked up, staring up at the white light above them, blinking back the tears in her eyes, a paw coming to rest against one of hers, cradling Cardinal. The sniffling she could hear waving white flags, tears falling once more down her cheeks. "You cannot be by my side forever. As much as I wish you could," her voice cracked, as she choked back a sob. "But this, this is yours just as it is mine, and you, you and grandmother, you deserve to be honored like this. I can take her with me knowing you will both be at my side, protecting me even when you're not here anymore--"

A gasp stopped her and she was suddenly being held, Cardinal carefully clutched between them. And she broke, a sob filling what little space was left between them. Both shuddering as they held each other tightly.

She didn't know how much time passed as they held the seams of each other together before they'd calmed, but not long after her grandfather pulled back, moving his paws to cup her face, a teary smile gracing his grey-ticked face. "Watching you grow up has been the biggest honor we could have ever imagined. I am so proud of you. We are all proud of you." The pad of his dewclaw wiped a stray tear before it could stream too far down. He moved a paw, and gaze, to the weapon cradled between them, stroking the metal fondly. "She would have loved her too. They would have loved her too."


Days later she found herself sitting in the garden polishing Cardinal, sunlight draping through the leaves of the tree behind them, dappling where the light fell. The song birds bounding about the grass in search of seeds that had been tossed before she and Cardinal had made their home amongst the mulch. A sudden flutter of wings, catching the attention of a certain dragon, her gaze flitting to stop upon a red-crested cardinal who'd landed not too far away, her hum ceasing in surprise.

Her eyes softened, a fond smile gracing her face, gaze drifting back to the blade in her paws before moving a paw to the hilt. She dug a claw into the micarta, carefully etching a shape into place.

After a while she pulled back, examining her handiwork with a grin she traced the heart she carefully etched into the hilt. She turned to look back the birds still romping about, eyes falling back to the red-crested cardinal pecking through the grass.

"I love you too."


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Re: Plate Dragon #477

Postby Exitium » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:03 am

[Username:] Exitium
[ID:] 626371
[Weapon:] A torch wand that packs a punch
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Re: Plate Dragon #477

Postby tsu-bear » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:31 am

[Username:] tsu-bear
[ID:] 874233
[Weapon:] wip!
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Re: Plate Dragon #477

Postby pinkFdragon » Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:50 am

[Username:] pinkFdragon
[ID:] 1094676
[Weapon:] A Swiss Army knife! It might not be useful in a fight but she loves using it for craft projects and is always willing to use it to help anyone she can. Need an apple peeled? She’s got you! Need to open a bottle? She can help! She definitely has her faults but is always trying to improve herself.
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Re: Plate Dragon #477

Postby AnxietyBlackStar » Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:44 pm

[Username:] AnxietyBlackStar
[ID:] 1049983

She crafted and chose this weapon as the one she carrys among her adventures due to the fact it has long reach, a scythe is a useful weapon and one that takes skill, so over the years she has developed the skill of wielding this weapon professionally, and she has become known as the widower, a master assassin with the signature of a scythe and the appearance of a black widow, being known for her unique choice and style preference among assassins everywhere, she grew up in the lower income part of the Citys of old, her appearance being feared by many, wearing a dark red cloak with the mark of the deadly spider, she stalks through the city now as a now mature and well trained assassin, she is skilled and nimble in her trade, she has been known to tie up her victims after they have been taken down.
A little story:

Widower stalked the PD from the roof under the cover of darkness, her steps silent and posses no sound, she stares down at the PD as they look around nervously, keeping an eye on them as they head for the streets of the midnight secret forbidden market, this PD is named Alexander, they are a PD known for helping others in forbidden transport, owning a whole section of the market, and for aiding in this issue of the city, the king himself aided in paying widower, widlow jumped from roof to roof, and when the PD entered the market she still really jumped down from the bridge carefully taking her time making sure that her paw steps do not cause a disturbance, when she gets to the ground she carefully stalks into the market keeping against the crowd while also keeping an eye on the PD so she doesn't lose him, she makes sure not to catch the attention of any of the ongoers of the market, going from area to area, and then suddenly the PD she's following slips into a side alley and once they slip down there she follows after she keeps alert with her ears up and her weapon at the ready, she watches as they talk to others...

PD1 Alex: "I'm getting in a few more loads tonight, do you think you two can ensure the safety of the cargo that's entering the market?"
He says to the duo

PD 2: "I think we can sir, we shouldn't encounter any problems."
He said with a wide smirk

PD3: "Correct, we have it under control, you don't need to worry whatsoever, just hand us half of the cash now and we will be on our way and out of your hair" He says in a sly almost overly happy tone

After listening to the three speak for a moment and the other two turn their backs, she quickly gets out of the shadows and she gies after Alexander, getting rid of him and doing her job with a flock of her mawl and swift steps, once she has him down she turns her head to the others as they turn around to see what happened.

PD2: "Oh NAW I didn't come here for this, your on your own!" He quickly turns into a Sprint down the alley trying to escape his ultimate fate

PD3: "Right after you!"
The third says sprinting after the ither in hopes of escaping as well, he really didn't expect to be running into one of the assassins of the guild of flames.

Widower follows quickly after, jumping on a near by garbage pail and then getting on the roof, she jumps over a few then to the right and she slips down into the Ally, she drops in front of PD2 with her scythe in her jaws with a deep growl, her shape being illuminated under the moonlight, she takes care of PD2 as PD3 slides to a halt with pure terror in his eyes, and he again starts sprinting the other way, widower puts away her weapon after cleaning it and readjusting it into its holder, she lets the third one escape as to leave a message for the market, and she gets what evidence she needs to take to the king so that she may collect her bounty.

[Art done by me <3]
Last edited by AnxietyBlackStar on Wed May 01, 2024 4:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Plate Dragon #477

Postby LOSTINUNKNOWN » Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:05 am

[ID:] 1002427
[Weapon:] A deep crimson spear bearing a sharpened, white metallic tip and strewn bonds of darkened fabric wreathed around the handle and near the neck.
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