Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby Queen of flames » Sun Mar 31, 2024 11:47 pm

|| Rick Clower ||
|| werewolf || male || 21 years || Pack || Tags: Nick, open
He kept walking, and walking the road was longer than he thought it to be and the heavy bags, all this walking, and the hunger started to feel in a bad way on him. For a moment he felt that he had made a mistake, his eyes looked behind to his younger brother who also seemed only barely to keep up. He sighed when he walked into a crossroads and for both ways, the roads seemed the same, nothing no houses not nothing. He turned to leave to the other side of the road when his brother stopped him "What?" he turned around to look at him. He looked to the way where his brother was pointing, it was not that near the sandy road, but between the trees there seemed to be a large building, with the light on "That's probably the Inn I am heard to be a mentioned about" he called out to him. He started to walk toward the building "I do have some, maybe we could get at least one room, for one night, if not, then we can always sleep out...I mean we're still wolves..." he said to him.

|| Nick Clower ||
|| werewolf || male || 18 years || Pack || Tags: Rick, open
He followed after his brother as they walked mostly in silence, he didn't say that the shoes started to hurt his legs, or that the bag was feeling almost too heavy for him to carry. He looked up at the sky for a moment and noticed that the day was ending, did they walk this long, he could not believe it as it didn't really feel that long. He stopped at the crossroad ahead of his brother, looking around he noticed something behind the woods here and poked his brother "There is a building?" he called out feeling a little more excited "There are lights on, there has to be someone living there?" he said as he didn't fully see what kind of building it was, but he was sure it was big. He looked to his brother once again "Inn? Well that could be great, do we have enough money for a night? or at least for food..." he asked him, starting to follow him toward the building.

|| Angelthorn Valentine ||
|| werewolf || male || 32 years || Pack || Tags: Sophie
They looked at the she-wolf "Well it's not my place to say what you can do or not, but are you sure?'s getting late your parents and brother will still get worried if you don't tell...or be home at night?" they said to her. They sighed as they looked up 'Where do all these days disappear to...' he thought then shook his head "We better take this back to camp fast then go after them before their scents get too faint or there starts to rain or anything...but I guess you saw which way they did go? The Sandy path I guess?" they asked her. He started to carry the cart toward the camp which was not far anymore, it already showed under the bushes.

|| Aki Briggs ||
|| Werewolf || male || 26 years || Loner || Tags: Kuro, Amaya, Cain, the pups (NPC guards)
He walked to his kitchen to boil hot water and coffee for whatever everyone wanted. He didn't have much food left as he didn't wait for visitors, but he had bread to make sandwiches if someone wanted. He felt that Kuro didn't come here to eat and drink, he likely used this opportunity to get the mother and the pups inside the house. His ears perked when Kuro mentioned his house "I guess so..." he responded, wondering what was the co-leader planning. He looked over the Guards and Cain, he had seen him before, but never really talked to him "You want anything?" he asked him questioning, but heard the words from Kuro then.

||werewolf||male|| 34 years || Rogues co-leader || Tags: Aki, Amaya, Cain, pups (NPC guards)
He looked at Amaya "I didn't.." he lied "...They know who to be loyal to...I sure hope you could learn that too, because..." he said then stopped as he waited for the mother and the pups to enter the house. He looked around the house "Much to say, Aki, your family sure did a great job with the house..." he called out giving this weird look to the loner then turned back to Amaya "What do you think honey? Could you want to live a house like this?" he asked her with weird smile on his face. He looked at Cain and the guards "They are on the job to make sure... then nobody goes in or out without my permission..." he called out.

|| Jack Norrix ||
|| werewolf || male || 16 years || Pack (student) || Tags: Kianna, Erra (Umi, Abi)
He shook his head with a sigh "I don't have any future plans, I am just trying my best to get over the school and then see what to do...maybe I will just go back to the pack for them" he said to her. He looked at her "Why are you focused on finding love too much? I mean you can do so many other things in life than have a mate and happy family?" he questioned her "And Being alone, is not a bad thing at all..." he said.

|| Abigale Maximillian ||
D || werewolf || female || 14 years || Pack (student) || Tags: Kianna, Erra (Umi, Jack)
She took a look at Erra when she approved them or Umi "So who are you again, Newbie?" she asked the other girl she was pretty sure she had not seen her before, or who knows maybe she did as she didn't really look to the others students faces when walking past them.

|| Umi Maximillian ||
S || werewolf || female || 14 years || Pack (student) || tags: Kianna, Erra, (Jack, Abi)
She looked at Erra when she asked her a question then gave a look at her sister as well who also was questioning her. Abi could already have a hurry to her classes, but she left her at least listen to the name of the new student. She looked back at Erra "Sure, I don't mind, but I don't really have any ideas about what we could do..." she said thoughtfully "Of course If you don't want to see the school?" she said.

|| Catherina Strikes ||
|| Human ||female || 20 years || tags: Meyer, Jamie
She gave them a little stupid look on her face when Meyer mentioned the dinner "Dinner? Oh yeah it was that late already...I got confused by the time..." she said with a sigh. Her eyes looked around to the familiar voice of her older brother "...Jamie, you're here too...I thought you had work in town?" she asked him then sighed "Or did you do something bad again...anyway...maybe we could get some dinner or snacks together?" she said to her brother.

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Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby SilentMelody » Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:07 am

    Sakari Nereza | 26 | female | beta | tags: pack
    She continued her patrol through the forest, her paws freezing on the snowy ground. But she ignored the pain, shaking them off every so often to get the blood flowing. As she walked, Sakari scented every inch of the woods. She could smell some deer and caribou, causing her mouth to water. It had been... how long since she had last eaten? But she couldn't focus on that now, she needed to track down the rogues. For a brief moment, she thought of the Ball. There was no way Sakari was going if she hadn't traced the rest of the hooligans.

    Aidan Maximillian | 33 | male | warrior | tags: open
    He was tidying up his house, thinking of his daughters at school. He was a bit worried about the two of them.

    Emery Raven | 38 | female | pup-sitter | tags: Brooks & Davina, Jarek & Nathalie
    She glanced over at Nathalie the alpha female, also the mother of Davina. The flush returned to her cheeks. "Oh, yes, we'll be attending, of course. But there's no fuss over figuring out what I'm going to wear -- I wear the same thing every year," Emery laughed lightly. Her bright green eyes glanced over to Davina and her grandmother. "We won't keep you any longer. Good luck with the dresses! Now Brooks, let's go find your father," she agreed. Emery led the way out of the house and daintily made her way down the steps on the front porch, her small and short frame moving with ease.

    (Does her husband have a name or should I just make one up? Also do the pack members have individual houses?)

    Cain | 27 | male | rogue follower | tags: Kuro, Aki, Amaya
    His face didn't change when Aki offered him refreshments, though hunger coiled in his stomach. But he understood his orders, and he could eat later, his appetite could wait. "Then nobody goes in or out without my permission..." Kuro said. Cain faintly jerked his head to the other guards. They all positioned themselves at different entrances and exits to the room. There was virtually no possibility that Aki, Amaya, or her pups could escape -- especially not with three men keeping an eye on them. Not to mention that Kuro was a formidable opponent.

    Jamie Strikes | 22 | male | human | tags: Catherina & Meyer
    He waited patiently for an invitation, smiling when Meyer directed him. "Thanks, I'll head over there now," he said, and he was about to start over there when his sister began talking. A flush started up on his neck, embarrassment rising. "I'm not in trouble!" he demanded defensively, although his employer had told him to "take the rest of the day off". He worked as an administrator for an accounting company in town, and he was notorious for making mistakes all the time. "Sure, we can eat together. I mean, if you don't mind me interrupting you two."

    Makena Laurent | 21 | female | loner | tags: open
    She was far from the pack's territory but still in a part of the forest. The young woman knew to stay far from them... and she didn't want anything to do with them, frankly. Currently, she was living in a cabin that she bought from one of the humans in town. She offered them enough money that they didn't ask any questions, though they gave her an odd look. But it was better than squatting in someone's summer home without their knowledge. Makena stirred a cup of tea before making her way to the back porch and settling herself in a white rope hammock, legs crossed at the ankles.
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Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:34 am

[Melody: I thought you were asking about Amaya, sorry., I didn't name the husband, just decided he was a healer, so you can make one up for him.
Also, I think it was decided that younger wolves live in the pack house? And families and couples have their own houses? I don't really remember, but we definitely discussed that at some point.]

Nathalie Svärd- 34 years- female- alpha female- mate of Jarek, mother of Davina and Michael (unborn)- bow and arrows, and daggers- Tags: Davina, Brooks, Emery

She looked to Emery, noticing the blush and giggling a bit. She nodded at her and said "That's fine...thats fine," then headed to Davina's room. She smiled as she watched her mother in law start pulling out dresses. She looked to her daughter, as Davina sat on the swing near the balcony. She asked "Davina, do you like any of these dresses more than the others?" She then looked over the dresses herself. "Oh...I like this one," she said, lifting up one of the dresses (the one you showed me in the link). She turned to Davina with it, to show her.

Brooks Raven- m- 20 y- bi; Rick maybe- SO: Davina?- older brother of Sophie, son of healer and pup sitter- 6' and 180 lbs- Tags: Davina, Nathalie, Emery

The brunette smiled as he looked to the others, and he hummed a small sound. He nodded to his mother, as she said they should go find his father. He said "I'll see you later," to Davina, and watched her head off. He smiled a bit as he watched her, then turned to his mother. "Mom...have you seen Sophie lately?" he suddenly asked. "She almost got us in trouble with humans, because she showed up as a wolf...Davina and i, or me really, were watching her. I figured she was over the human female, but...I don't know, maybe she'd still sneak out..."

Sophie Raven- f- 18 y- pan; Nick- SO open- younger sister of Brooks, daughter of healer and pup sitter- 5' 5" and 140 lbs- Tags: Angelthorn

The green eyed golden brown haired girl hummed a small sound. She said "I love my parents and brother, Angelthorn, but I am an adult now...Also, for now we're just going to find them and see why they left, right? Its not like we're leaving the its fine." That wasn't strictly true, she might end up like the brothers and not want to come back. She knew there was a werewolf at the it wouldn't be bad. Shaking her head, she said "Okay," and began helping him move the wood. She smiled a bit as she looked at them.

Codi Anderson- m- 23 y- wolf is Korin- Hetero- Tara- older brother of Kiki, son of Amos and Melody- Tags: Tara

The wolf wagged his tail, internally of course, as he looked at her through Codi's eyes. He was also showing her what he looked like. He looked quite happy and full of pride, as he saw the way she looked at him. He said to Codi I guess we can do it, after all. This is amazing, so amazing...and I love how both of them look like. He then went back to looking at the she wolf, and felt happiness and warmth.

The turquoise eyed golden haired man smiled warmly as he looked at her. He nodded his head as he listened to what she was saying. "I'm Codi, son of Amos and Melody, and I have a younger sister. Her name is Kianna, or Kiki as we like to call her in our family." He fell silent to let her keep talking, and he nodded along. He hummed a small sound, then watched as she winced when she moved a bit. " careful," he said, then smiled at her again. "I'm currently staying with a satellite pack under Jarek and Nathalie's protection. That's why I'm here...because one of the wolves in the satellite pack got attacked. I protected him, so I got hurt a bit too."

Kianna Anderson- f- 15 y- wolf is Canary (creamy and white)- bi; Jack- bf/gf open- SO not open until 18- younger sister of Codi, daughter of Amos x Melody- Tags: Umi, Erra, Jack, Abigail

The dark haired girl shrugged as she looked at the boy, shaking her head. "I'm not that focused on love...but its normal for most people to develop crushes. I just thought I should let you know... since you asked why I cared so much." She shook her head a couple times more. "Well, yeah, being alone is nice sometimes, but we're wolves. We're pack animals, family people, so...yeah. Oh! What pack are you from?" she asked, as he'd said he'd probably go back to work for his pack. "My brother is currently trying to find a pack to be with. He's also trying to find his mate, so...I may not end up in the same pack. I don't know, he might want me to stay in a different pack."

Erra Minnos- f- 14 y- Pan; Abigail and Umi- SO when 18- Eagle's Crest pack alphas: Eonn- fluffy reddish brown with darker face- emotional support dog Mine- Tags: Kianna, Umi, Abigail, Jack

The dark brown haired ambery eyed one with brown ringing the pupils hummed. She looked at Abigail first, saying "Oh, right, um... my name is Erra, Erra Minnos. I'm from the Eagle's Crest pack," she said. She then looked to Umi and smiled, nodding at her a moment. She blinked as she listened to her, and nodded once more. "Right, yes...I haven't seen the whole school yet, so if you don't mind taking me around, we could do that."

Amaya (night rain) Sommaa- f- 24 y- Demi; Shiye maybe, Aki- SO open- Moonless Night is her birth pack- mother of Rinn and Kuma (both are 4)- 5' 5"- Tags: Aki and Kuro and Cain (and NPC pups and guards)

The long haired dark haired woman continued to keep the pups close to her. She growled as she listened to Kuro...saying "Don't call me honey...I have a home," she then said, and rolled her eyes a bit. She looked to Aki, as he went about as if this was just a normal hang out. She sighed and shook her head, then growled once more...She tensed up again, as Kuro said the guards were there to keep anyone from leaving...

Meyer Bridges- genderfluid- 30- werewolf- pan; Angelthorn- adopted Ninaa (Hawthorne; turquoise eyed brunette; Aiyana the Shiloh Shep)- 5' 6" and 160 lbs- Tags: Inn, Catherina

The golden haired werewolf smiled and nodded at the human. They chuckled a bit, as they said "Its fine, it must have been a busy day for you. Since you just got back," he said, she would have been on an airplane or such. Then she would have had to go through the airport. She then had to have gotten here, by car or by walking. All that probably would have distracted her from the time, and the evening setting in. He nodded to Jamie as well, saying "You aren't really interrupting. Your sister was just asking about Rick and Nick," he said. that's all he said, though, as they didn't think Jamie knew the two were wolves..He glanced to Anni as she passed through, nodding his head to the Inn owner.
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Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby Seeley » Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:08 am

|| Shiye Nereza || Male || 28 || Werewolf || Guard/patrol || Tagged: open || Older brother to Sakari ||

After a while, it was time to swap. Shiye honestly couldn’t remember the last time he was able to even get some rest. Shaking his head, the male trotted out of the forest and greeted the other wolf. The other wolf wasn’t much older or younger than Shiye, but had been in the pack for quite some time. Shiye shifted into his human form and stretched out his arms above his head. Ahh finally….A break from patrol…..Haven’t had one in what seems like forever…. he told himself and decided that going to the kitchen would be his first stop.

|| Davina Svärd || Female || 18 || Werewolf || Tagged: Her mother and her grandmother || Taken: Brooks || Daughter of Jarek and Nathalie Svärd ||

She watched the dresses come out of the closet and then noticed her mom draw attention to one of the dresses. Davina stood up and walked over to it. She took the dress in her hands and held it up to herself while looking in the mirror. Her grandmother came up to her and started playing with her hair. “Why don’t you try on the dress and then we can see what to do with your hair.” she said and gave Davina a little nudge.

Davina went to go put on the dress and she came back out. Davina watched as her grandmother’s face lit up at the sight of Davina.”Oh look at you!! You look absolutely stunning!!! You look so much like your mother did when she was your age. I remember when I first saw your father with her and oh how gorgeous she looked that night. You definitely look so much like her. I see your father in your eyes but you definitely got the beauty from your mother.” she said and then began to work on Davina’s hair.
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Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:55 pm

[Melody: Emery's mate doesn't have a name. You can make one up.
Also, I think it was decided that younger wolves live in the pack house? And families and couples have their own houses? I don't really remember, but we definitely discussed that at some point.]

Nathalie Svärd- 34 years- female- alpha female- mate of Jarek, mother of Davina and Michael (unborn)- bow and arrows, and daggers- Tags: Davina, Brooks, Emery

She looked to Emery, noticing the blush and giggling a bit. She nodded at her and said "That's fine...thats fine," then headed to Davina's room.

She smiled as she watched her daughter watching the two of them. Davina seemed to take interest in the dress she'd pointed out. Her heart felt warm at this, and she watched her take the dress. She giggled a bit as she watched her mother in law play with Davina's hair. She nodded along as the other woman told her she should go try on the dress. While Davina did that, Nat said "Maybe a waterfall style?"

She fell silent as her daughter reappeared, and she marvelled at her beauty. " really do look lovely in that dress," she agreed. She then fell silent, feeling a blush coming on at the compliment from her mother in law. She was pretty sure that was all compliments. She smiled and nodded, saying "Yes, you look so much like me." She then looked to her mother in law, and smiled at her. "Thank you mom," she said, since the other had said she'd pointed gorgeous all that time ago. She then said "Hair...maybe a braid, or a couple braids, or..." then trailed off.

(Edit: ended up messaging to show the one style I was thinking of)

Brooks Raven- m- 20 y- bi; Rick maybe- SO: Davina?- older brother of Sophie, son of healer and pup sitter- 6' and 180 lbs- Tags: Davina, Nathalie, Emery

The brunette smiled as he looked to the others, and he hummed a small sound. He nodded to his mother, as she said they should go find his father. He said "I'll see you later," to Davina, and watched her head off. He smiled a bit as he watched her, then turned to his mother. "Mom...have you seen Sophie lately?" he suddenly asked. "She almost got us in trouble with humans, because she showed up as a wolf...Davina and i, or me really, were watching her. I figured she was over the human female, but...I don't know, maybe she'd still sneak out..."

Sophie Raven- f- 18 y- pan; Nick- SO open- younger sister of Brooks, daughter of healer and pup sitter- 5' 5" and 140 lbs- Tags: Angelthorn

The green eyed golden brown haired girl hummed a small sound. She said "I love my parents and brother, Angelthorn, but I am an adult now...Also, for now we're just going to find them and see why they left, right? Its not like we're leaving the its fine." That wasn't strictly true, she might end up like the brothers and not want to come back. She knew there was a werewolf at the it wouldn't be bad. Shaking her head, she said "Okay," and began helping him move the wood. She smiled a bit as she looked at them.

Codi Anderson- m- 23 y- wolf is Korin- Hetero- Tara- older brother of Kiki, son of Amos and Melody- Tags: Tara

The wolf wagged his tail, internally of course, as he looked at her through Codi's eyes. He was also showing her what he looked like. He looked quite happy and full of pride, as he saw the way she looked at him. He said to Codi I guess we can do it, after all. This is amazing, so amazing...and I love how both of them look like. He then went back to looking at the she wolf, and felt happiness and warmth.

The turquoise eyed golden haired man smiled warmly as he looked at her. He nodded his head as he listened to what she was saying. "I'm Codi, son of Amos and Melody, and I have a younger sister. Her name is Kianna, or Kiki as we like to call her in our family." He fell silent to let her keep talking, and he nodded along. He hummed a small sound, then watched as she winced when she moved a bit. " careful," he said, then smiled at her again. "I'm currently staying with a satellite pack under Jarek and Nathalie's protection. That's why I'm here...because one of the wolves in the satellite pack got attacked. I protected him, so I got hurt a bit too."

Kianna Anderson- f- 15 y- wolf is Canary (creamy and white)- bi; Jack- bf/gf open- SO not open until 18- younger sister of Codi, daughter of Amos x Melody- Tags: Umi, Erra, Jack, Abigail

The dark haired girl shrugged as she looked at the boy, shaking her head. "I'm not that focused on love...but its normal for most people to develop crushes. I just thought I should let you know... since you asked why I cared so much." She shook her head a couple times more. "Well, yeah, being alone is nice sometimes, but we're wolves. We're pack animals, family people, so...yeah. Oh! What pack are you from?" she asked, as he'd said he'd probably go back to work for his pack. "My brother is currently trying to find a pack to be with. He's also trying to find his mate, so...I may not end up in the same pack. I don't know, he might want me to stay in a different pack."

Erra Minnos- f- 14 y- Pan; Abigail and Umi- SO when 18- Eagle's Crest pack alphas: Eonn- fluffy reddish brown with darker face- emotional support dog Mine- Tags: Kianna, Umi, Abigail, Jack

The dark brown haired ambery eyed one with brown ringing the pupils hummed. She looked at Abigail first, saying "Oh, right, um... my name is Erra, Erra Minnos. I'm from the Eagle's Crest pack," she said. She then looked to Umi and smiled, nodding at her a moment. She blinked as she listened to her, and nodded once more. "Right, yes...I haven't seen the whole school yet, so if you don't mind taking me around, we could do that."

Amaya (night rain) Sommaa- f- 24 y- Demi; Shiye maybe, Aki- SO open- Moonless Night is her birth pack- mother of Rinn and Kuma (both are 4)- 5' 5"- Tags: Aki and Kuro and Cain (and NPC pups and guards)

The long haired dark haired woman continued to keep the pups close to her. She growled as she listened to Kuro...saying "Don't call me honey...I have a home," she then said, and rolled her eyes a bit. She looked to Aki, as he went about as if this was just a normal hang out. She sighed and shook her head, then growled once more...She tensed up again, as Kuro said the guards were there to keep anyone from leaving...

Kurona- f- 26 y- werewolf- pup sitter- bi; Shiye- guard x hunter: Tallie + Rowan; her + Elnor; Reimei, Raimeki, Yukiko, Himiko; Sora + Sara- Tags: Shiye

The silly and sweet but stubborn and strong willed she wolf sat and sighed. The dark as night fur was hard to see now, as evening or night was setting in. Standing, she stretched then shook herself off. She phased back, all golden tan skin and long flowing dark hair she parted instead of having bangs. Brown eyes looked about a moment. Shaking her head, she headed to the house and met Shiye along the way. Deeply brown eyes looked upon him, and full lips quirked to a smile. She said "Oh...good evening Shiye," and hummed a bit.

Joaquin Stark- m- 22 y- human- homosexual- crush: James- father and mother: Kara (30), Laura (27), Maddie (24)- Tags: James and others

The sweet and soft but shy and sensitive one hummed a bit, as he looked around. He smoothed down a purple shirt, and shook his head. He took his glasses off, having been reading something but not anymore. The mahogany skinned cute and pretty but somewhat handsome one yawned. He shook his head, and looked up. The long lashed and full lipped one left his room, heading through the Inn. Blue eyes landed on James, and he felt himself blushing. Shaking his wavy ended haired head, with its dark hair, he said "H...Hello James, Caterina."

Meyer Bridges- genderfluid- 30- werewolf- pan; Angelthorn- adopted Ninaa (Hawthorne; turquoise eyed brunette; Aiyana the Shiloh Shep)- 5' 6" and 160 lbs- Tags: Inn, Catherina, Jo

The golden haired werewolf smiled and nodded at the human. They chuckled a bit, as they said "Its fine, it must have been a busy day for you. Since you just got back," he said, she would have been on an airplane or such. Then she would have had to go through the airport. She then had to have gotten here, by car or by walking. All that probably would have distracted her from the time, and the evening setting in. He nodded to Jamie as well, saying "You aren't really interrupting. Your sister was just asking about Rick and Nick," he said. that's all he said, though, as they didn't think Jamie knew the two were wolves..He glanced to Anni as she passed through, nodding his head to the Inn owner.
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Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby Seeley » Mon Apr 01, 2024 7:23 pm

(The younger ones that aren’t in the academy live at the pack house, but there are separate houses for families. But majority live at the pack house.)
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Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby Queen of flames » Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:35 pm

|| Rick Clower ||
|| werewolf || male || 21 years || Pack || Tags: Nick, open
He walked the path to the building he realized as an Inn, the path they were using was a walking path and the road to cars was on the other side. The sky was already pretty dark so the light of the parking place was very bright. He looked up to his younger brother "I don't know, but the main door seems to be still open, we could always ask if there is any way to buy a room" he said to him. His stomach was rumbling at the faint smell of the food from the kitchen, which seemed to be on the other side and the door seemed to be a little bit open "At least they may have dinner time soon, we could have money for at least for a buffet" he said to him as he started to walk toward the main entrance.

|| Nick Clower ||
|| werewolf || male || 18 years || Pack || Tags: Rick, open
He followed his older brother looking around the parking place, which didn't have many cars, but still some "This seems not to be that busy Inn, do you think they will still give rooms, I mean it's kind of late..." he asked him then looked the large building with lights on "I sure hope so, being wolf or not, staying on outside is never too nice, and I feel like it's going to be cold night" he said. He turned to look at the small kitchen door at the side, where the smell of food came to his nose "You know brother, if we can get a room, we could maybe sneak to the kitchen on that open door there?" he said to him. He thought that could be a risky move with many problems for them, but that could also be a good choice if they could get a room at the Inn.

|| Angelthorn Valentine ||
|| werewolf || male || 32 years || Pack || Tags: Sophie
They took the cart to the entrance of the camp, where everyone could take them to their places or they could do that after going to find the brothers "I know you're an adult, but doing so large and hurry decisions, may come back to you than anyone could know that...but that's about it..." they said to her "my parents always told me that before doing anything, thing three times before acting...and there is always a chance that those brothers don't come back and if they don't we can't stop them to do what they want...keep that in mind" they said to her. They muscular male then transformed to their wolf form and looked at Sophie "let's go, and stay alert...we don't want any humans to spot us" they said to her. They waited for the she-wolf to take the lead as she could have a little knowledge of which way the brothers got.

|| Aki Briggs ||
|| Werewolf || male || 26 years || Loner || Tags: Kuro, Amaya, Cain, the pups (NPC guards)
He took a sigh when Cain didn't seem to even hear him 'Well at least he is doing his job right' he thought to himself as he took back to the kitchen the water and coffee were ready, he took them to the table and made some sandwiches for them as well. He took a look at Amaya and the pups "Don't anger him..." he said to them in silence when he was close enough for them to hear. He then turned to look at the co-leader who was still circling the house "There is the coffee or tea and sandwiches if you want, Kuro" he said to him. He then got pale when Kuro started to speak "Kuro, this is my home, you can..." he was able to say when felt his hand on his chest "Of course not..." he said to him with a little fear. He took a look around "Can I at least take something with me? before I leave?" he asked him. He walked past the co-leader to take his bag to get some stuff with him, he then stopped when Kuro called for him again, but this time he didn't know what to say. His eyes looked at Amaya.

||werewolf||male|| 34 years || Rogues co-leader || Tags: Aki, Amaya, Cain, pups (NPC guards)
He circled the house, watching and touching anything that interested him, he ignored Amaya's words for a moment "This sure is one nice house...Aki..." he murmured mostly to himself before turning to Amaya "Really...well you will have a better home now..." he walked closer to them his dark eyes looked to Aki as he called for him to the food he made for them "As starting now, this nice house belong to me and you, my dear" he said with smirk. His eyes then looked to Aki "Oh, what's that I hear? that resistance Aki...hmm" he said his poking his hand to his chest "Oh no, you could not be that stupid to do that are you Aki?" he said to him. He looked at him and then stepped back "That's my boy Aki, I thought that you're not that stupid..." he said then lifted his shoulders a little bit "Of course...five minutes, no more" he told him. He let the loner walk past him, but before he got to the other room to get his stuff he turned to him "Oh yeah Aki, when you leave take those brats with you, they're not welcome here" he said as his dark eyes landed to the two pups near Amaya.

(I hope this is not too dark I tried to keep it less dark, but still wanted to keep the darkness of Kuro in here)

|| Jack Norrix ||
|| werewolf || male || 16 years || Pack (student) || Tags: Kianna, Erra (Umi, Abi)
He sighed staying silent for a moment when she mentioned his pack "My pack...I am not going back to my pack, they could likely not even let me in there anyway, it's not like I wanted to go there anymore..." he said his eyes looking elsewhere "my pack, it's was on the high mountains, very primitive pack with high rules, as I was a born to an omega mother and high ranked father, the pack didn't look that in good eyes. as for them omegas was trash, and high ranking wolves could only mate with another high ranking my father was seemed like a traitor because his relationship with my mother, we pups were often bullied I had enough of it and left it...I actually got to this school not to study, but also to find a shelter for nights...and get food..." he opened up to her.

|| Abigale Maximillian ||
D || werewolf || female || 14 years || Pack (student) || Tags: Kianna, Erra (Umi, Jack)
She looked at her for a moment "Okay Erra...I am Abigale Maximillian...her twin sister actually, if you didn't already catch that by our similar looks" she said to her. Thought their look could be very similar, but clothes and styles were totally different, which could make them look like themselves. She sighed "I can do that myself sister...I know where the class is, I have got there so many times that even my eyes closed I could find it without walking into any walls or doors on the way," she said irritated and left them to go to the hallway to the right, where the classroom was.

|| Umi Maximillian ||
S || werewolf || female || 14 years || Pack (student) || tags: Kianna, Erra, (Jack, Abi)
She looked at her sister for a moment then turned to Erra "Okay, sadly we can't go to many classrooms as they're locked when not used, so the chattels don't start walking..." she said to her then shook her head a little bit "You already know the cafeteria as were standing next to it, maybe we could start there, I could accompany my sister to get to her classroom" she said to her looking at her sister then "Okay okay..." she said rolling her eyes. She then turned to Erra "Actually what do you want to see about? Or what are your classes anyway?" she asked her.

|| Catherina Strikes ||
|| Human ||female || 20 years || tags: Meyer, Jamie, Joaquin
She blushed a little bit "Oh please brother, we're not dating or anything, so no you're not interrupting anything...I just got back to my job and had a talk with them for a thing..." she said her eyes wandering to the floor once again. For a reason talking about the two brothers was really hard for her. She wanted to find out what happened to them, but nobody knew anything, sometimes she even questioned herself whether they were real or were just her childhood fantasy, but no she knew very well those were real. Other way she could not have photos of them, or Meyer or her brother could not know them. Her eyes looked over to the other male approving them "Hello Joaquin" she said to him as she walked toward the buffet counter.

Her eyes looked up to the large windows there, which brought to the parking lots, up to the darkness she could see two figures walking to the lights there. She stopped for a moment just to look at those two boys outside of the window walking forward the Inn entrance "It could be? Is can't be?" she said under her breath in a little shock as she just stared at the window.

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Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:38 am

[Seeley: XD cool, cool

Queen: it wasn't too dark, no. That post was fine.]

Nathalie Svärd- 34 years- female- alpha female- mate of Jarek, mother of Davina and Michael (unborn)- bow and arrows, and daggers- Tags: Davina, Brooks, Emery

She looked to Emery, noticing the blush and giggling a bit. She nodded at her and said "That's fine...thats fine," then headed to Davina's room.

She smiled as she watched her daughter watching the two of them. Davina seemed to take interest in the dress she'd pointed out. Her heart felt warm at this, and she watched her take the dress. She giggled a bit as she watched her mother in law play with Davina's hair. She nodded along as the other woman told her she should go try on the dress. While Davina did that, Nat said "Maybe a waterfall style?"

She fell silent as her daughter reappeared, and she marvelled at her beauty. " really do look lovely in that dress," she agreed. She then fell silent, feeling a blush coming on at the compliment from her mother in law. She was pretty sure that was all compliments. She smiled and nodded, saying "Yes, you look so much like me." She then looked to her mother in law, and smiled at her. "Thank you mom," she said, since the other had said she'd pointed gorgeous all that time ago. She then said "Hair...maybe a braid, or a couple braids, or..." then trailed off.

Brooks Raven- m- 20 y- bi; Rick maybe- SO: Davina?- older brother of Sophie, son of healer and pup sitter- 6' and 180 lbs- Tags: Davina, Nathalie, Emery

The brunette smiled as he looked to the others, and he hummed a small sound. He nodded to his mother, as she said they should go find his father. He said "I'll see you later," to Davina, and watched her head off. He smiled a bit as he watched her, then turned to his mother. "Mom...have you seen Sophie lately?" he suddenly asked. "She almost got us in trouble with humans, because she showed up as a wolf...Davina and i, or me really, were watching her. I figured she was over the human female, but...I don't know, maybe she'd still sneak out..."

Sophie Raven- f- 18 y- pan; Nick- SO open- younger sister of Brooks, daughter of healer and pup sitter- 5' 5" and 140 lbs- Tags: Angelthorn

The green eyed golden brown haired girl shook her head a couple times. They got the wood back to where it needed to be, and she looked at them. "Think three times before you act...well, that's good advice. Unfortunately, not everyone would like that, or just... not everyone would think. I...don't really want to make them come back. I just thought you should be allowed to say good bye, if they're really not going to come back." She then nodded to what he said. She turned to wolf form to walk for awhile, since the brothers had gone on a path that had no humans. She was pretty sure it wasn't used. Maybe just because it was getting late, but no one was out right now.

Codi Anderson- m- 23 y- wolf is Korin- Hetero- Tara- older brother of Kiki, son of Amos and Melody- Tags: Tara

The wolf wagged his tail, internally of course, as he looked at her through Codi's eyes. He was also showing her what he looked like. He looked quite happy and full of pride, as he saw the way she looked at him. He said to Codi I guess we can do it, after all. This is amazing, so amazing...and I love how both of them look like. He then went back to looking at the she wolf, and felt happiness and warmth.

The turquoise eyed golden haired man smiled warmly as he looked at her. He nodded his head as he listened to what she was saying. "I'm Codi, son of Amos and Melody, and I have a younger sister. Her name is Kianna, or Kiki as we like to call her in our family." He fell silent to let her keep talking, and he nodded along. He hummed a small sound, then watched as she winced when she moved a bit. " careful," he said, then smiled at her again. "I'm currently staying with a satellite pack under Jarek and Nathalie's protection. That's why I'm here...because one of the wolves in the satellite pack got attacked. I protected him, so I got hurt a bit too."

Kianna Anderson- f- 15 y- wolf is Canary (creamy and white)- bi; Jack- bf/gf open- SO not open until 18- younger sister of Codi, daughter of Amos x Melody- Tags: Umi, Erra, Jack, Abigail

The dark haired girl blinked as she looked at him, and nodded to him. "I guess that pack really was my mother is also an omega. She isn't treated bad, though, because her job is to others. If the others start fighting, she gets between them. She gets their focus on her, which then seems to dissipate the tension. I'm sorry your pack treated your mom bad..." she said. "They shouldn't have treated your dad as a traitor either," she said. She then smiled and said "Yeah...using this opportunity to have a safe place and food is also fine."

Erra Minnos- f- 14 y- Pan; Abigail and Umi- SO when 18- Eagle's Crest pack alphas: Eonn- fluffy reddish brown with darker face- emotional support dog Mine- Tags: Kianna, Umi, Abigail, Jack

The dark brown haired ambery eyed one with brown ringing the pupils smiled. She nodded to Abigail, saying "You two do look very similar. Its nice to meet you," she said to her, then looked to Umi. She giggled a bit then shook her head, looking between the two of them. "Honestly feels like all the rooms should be locked at this time. Except like the offices, in case any of the students need to talk to someone. Anyway! I have like all the normal classes, so a math class, science, English or reading, history. Then I have a French class. I also have native American studies, which...I don't really need but I decided to take it. Then I have art and another language class; Chinese."

Amaya (night rain) Sommaa- f- 24 y- Demi; Shiye maybe, Aki- SO open- Moonless Night is her birth pack- mother of Rinn and Kuma (both are 4)- 5' 5"- Tags: Aki and Kuro and Cain (and NPC pups and guards)

The long haired dark haired woman looked at the three guards a moment. If she turned to wolf form she could take them...unless they also phased. She could at least maybe take one or two by surprise though, before they could transform. Shaking her head, she looked down. She couldn't risk anyone trying to hurt the pups...If she did that, the four males could go after her pups instead...She twitched a bit when Aki got close to her and said something. She sighed and muttered "Fine..." then he was turning to Kuro again. She growled a bit, quieter now, when Kuro said they would live there...She rolled her eyes, then tensed up as he mentioned the pups...and she looked to Aki. She said "Take them...and protect them." She knew she wouldn't be able to get out of this...

Kurona- f- 26 y- werewolf- pup sitter- bi; Shiye- guard x hunter: Tallie + Rowan; her + Elnor; Reimei, Raimeki, Yukiko, Himiko; Sora + Sara- Tags: Shiye

The silly and sweet but stubborn and strong willed she wolf sat and sighed. The dark as night fur was hard to see now, as evening or night was setting in. Standing, she stretched then shook herself off. She phased back, all golden tan skin and long flowing dark hair she parted instead of having bangs. Brown eyes looked about a moment. Shaking her head, she headed to the house and met Shiye along the way. Deeply brown eyes looked upon him, and full lips quirked to a smile. She said "Oh...good evening Shiye," and hummed a bit.

Joaquin Stark- m- 22 y- human- homosexual- crush: James- father and mother: Kara (30), Laura (27), Maddie (24)- Tags: James and others

The sweet and soft but shy and sensitive one hummed a bit, as he looked around. He smoothed down a purple shirt, and shook his head. He took his glasses off, having been reading something but not anymore. The mahogany skinned cute and pretty but somewhat handsome one yawned. He shook his head, and looked up. The long lashed and full lipped one left his room, heading through the Inn. Blue eyes landed on James, and he felt himself blushing. Shaking his wavy ended haired head, with its dark hair, he said "H...Hello James, Caterina."

(going to leave this for Melody, but I can now post something for Meyer towards Jo)

Meyer Bridges- genderfluid- 30- werewolf- pan; Angelthorn- adopted Ninaa (Hawthorne; turquoise eyed brunette; Aiyana the Shiloh Shep)- 5' 6" and 160 lbs- Tags: Catherina, James, Jo, Rick and Nick

The golden haired werewolf nodded to Jamie as well, saying "You aren't really interrupting. Your sister was just asking about Rick and Nick," he said. that's all he said, though, as they didn't think Jamie knew the two were wolves..He glanced to Anni as she passed through, nodding his head to the Inn owner.

They made a small sound when she mentioned dating...and they sighed a bit. They shook their head, and looked to Joaquin as well. They smiled and said "Hello," to him, then looked up and out the windows as she did. "huh...who..." they started, then headed for the door. They stepped out the door, calling "Hello?" and looking at the two. The two were still in the dark, they hadn't quite reached the Inn yet. Meyer felt their chest tighten, honestly hoping it was the two brothers. This would make everything so much easier, Catherina wouldn't have to go looking for them.
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Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby SilentMelody » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:08 pm

    Sakari Nereza | 26 | female | beta | crush: open | tags: Shiye
    Finally, the hunger won her out, and she signaled to one of the pack members. Take over my spot for me, she spoke to them in her silvery wolf form. Sakari trotted back to the pack house. She made her way to the kitchen, finding her brother was already there. "Got something for us to eat? I'm starving," she admitted casually, bumping him with her elbow playfully. The beta opened the fridge and stooped over, peering at each of the shelves. "Ugh. Of course everyone else ate everything. Now there's practically nothing in here."

    Aidan Maximillian | 33 | male | warrior | wife: missing? | tags: open
    He was tidying up his house, thinking of his daughters at school. He was a bit worried about the two of them.

    Emery Raven | 38 | female | pup-sitter | husband: Simon (NPC) | tags: Brooks
    She was about to walk out of the door of the alphas house respectively, but she paused at her son's question. "I'll be honest, it's been a while since I've spoken to her. And I'm quite worried," Emery admitted. She sighed heavily and shook her head. The werewolves were meant to stay away from the humans. Yet the younger members of the pack often threatened this rule. "I sincerely hope she's not getting tangled with the humans. Should we find out where she is?"

    Cain | 27 | male | rogue follower | crush: Deacon | tags: Kuro, Aki, Amaya
    His eyes lingered on the plate of sandwiches and the cups of tea and coffee. Hunger and thirst threatened to win him out. But for now, he was on guard for Kuro. Cain moved slightly out of the way. Just to allow Aki and the pups to slip by, after the loner claimed he needed the grab supplies. Nonetheless, he kept his watchful eyes on Aki. Then on Amaya, who was staring at him and the other guards with a thoughtful look.

    Jamie Strikes | 22 | male | human | crush: Joaquin | tags: Catherina & Meyer, Joaquin
    "Oh, I would never insinuate anything like that!" he teased his younger sister. However, his deep blue eyes lit up at Meyer's mention of Rick and Nick, his two childhood best friends. "Oh, really? I had no idea! It's been a while since I've spoken to them. Please let them know I say hi," Jamie replied. That is, if the two of them ever came around again. Like he said, it had been forever since he had seen the two brothers.

    He was about to turn into the dining room of the Inn when another stepped into the foyer. "Oh, hi, Joaquin," he warmly greeted the other man with a stunningly bright smile from his short, light red beard. "I was just about to get some food. Would you care to join me?" James asked, motioning to the dining room. Not waiting for an answer, he headed into the room to survey the options. In the meantime, he was completely unaware that Catherina and Meyer had left the White Rabbit Inn -- if only to step outside. "Hmm, everything here looks good... are you hungry?"

    Makena Laurent | 21 | female | loner | crush: has to develop | tags: open
    She was far from the pack's territory but still in a part of the forest. The young woman knew to stay far from them... and she didn't want anything to do with them, frankly. Currently, she was living in a cabin that she bought from one of the humans in town. She offered them enough money that they didn't ask any questions, though they gave her an odd look. But it was better than squatting in someone's summer home without their knowledge. Makena stirred a cup of tea before making her way to the back porch and settling herself in a white rope hammock, legs crossed at the ankles.
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Re: Humans and Werewolves ( werewolf role-play)

Postby Seeley » Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:22 pm

|| Davina Svärd || Female || 18 almost 19 || Werewolf || Tagged: Her mother and her grandmother || Daughter of Jarek and Nathalie Svärd ||

”Ooh I think those sound lovely! And mom you still look beautiful!” Davina said with a smile. Davina went to take the dress off and she set it aside so she would wear it for the ball. Even if she wasn’t a fan of being all dressed up, she would put up with it even for a night.

|| Shiye Nereza || 28|| Male || Werewolf || Tagged: Sakari and Kurona || Older brother to Sakari ||

He heard another voice speak up and saw that it was his sister. And also Kurona, whom he had seen a few times around the house. “Hello Kurona and little sis. Hmm either we can try to find something to eat or we can just order something.” he said, leaning up against the counter.
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