1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:00 am

Alex looked down at the list his grandmother had given to him. Looked like he needed peaches, like this girl seemed to, as well as apples and two oranges. There was also juice on the list, which he saw her looking at. That was quite the coincidence but he didn't mind, he could get to know her. He said "I just...thought we could talk and get to know each other. You took over the Bluebell farm, right?" he asked. He was trying to remember if it had been an older man and or woman running it. He was pretty sure there'd at least been an older man. Her grandpa, maybe, that would have to be a grandpa. He smiled as he thought of George for a moment, then shook his head. "Oh...should've introduced myself first, sorry about that. My name is Alex, what's your name?" he asked the very pretty girl. Her blue eyes were a sharp contrast to his own brown eyes, and he found himself staring.

Jessie hummed quieter as she entered the clinic, knowing she couldn't hum normally. That would just make her cough more. Plus, she didn't know if there were any other patients waiting in the sitting area. She didn't want to disturb anyone, or annoy anyone. When she waa younger, her own younger brother had told her it was annoying when she'd hummed...She'd stopped humming for awhile. She'd started back up when she'd moved out here. She was away from her family, away from her brother, she could do what she wanted. Coughing, she shook her head, and looked at the other girl. "maru, right?" she asked, then blushed and said "Sorry..um...I think I might be coming down with a cold, and it started getting worse. I thought I should probably come in and get a check up," she said. The blush started to fade, but came back as Maru called her dear. She then nodded as the other asked her to wait. She took the forms to fill them out while she waited, and she hummed quietly as she also held Rion's leash.

Shiroi smiled as he watched the foxes a moment, then stepped back out of the building. He heard the tamed foxes yipping and yiping. He couldn't bring one along since he needed to bring the pups. He went back in the house and got Mika, putting the pups in their little carrier. He was pretty sure it was a rabbit or cat carrier, but they fit in it. He hummed as he headed towards the town now, heading for the bakery.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:27 am

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to sound so harsh.. I must admit I'm not quite familiar with a lot of the townsfolk here just yet!" The farmer apologized profusely, doing her best to sound kind. "It's nice to meet you Alex, I'm Loretta, but you can call me Lottie if you wish. And to answer your question, yes I inherited Bluebell farm! It is such a beautiful place, you should see what I've done with it! I must admit it was a little bit of a disaster when I first arrived! But now its flourishing and... Oh I'm sorry I'm rambling aren't I?" She said, a blush creeping back onto her cheeks in utter embarrassment. This always happened to her, she would talk too much and scare people off with her rambling. Soon her eyes shifted back to the fridge, picking out Jessie's favorite type of juice as she listened to the handsome man speak to her. "Oh, do you need something from the fridge?" She questioned as she took a glance at his own list, which was rather close to hers.

Maru came back from sanitizing with a smile on her face and gently took the papers from Jessie. "Alright let me file these papers really quick, I apologize it's just Harvey and I here today." She said, rather flustered as she hated making patients wait to get treated. The girl pushed back her glasses on her face before bending down to place the papers in the file cabinet. "Alright sorry about that again, come with me to treatment three please!" She said sweetly, guiding the other back to the room where she would begin to get vitals for Doctor Harvey. The male doctor came into the room shortly and began assessing Jessie as Maru relayed information and watched carefully. She herself considered becoming a doctor instead of a scientist, so it was important that she watched his techniques carefully.

Jordan was walking Brutus calmly, enjoying the fresh air on his face after being in the bakery all day. The male was interrupted from his thoughts as his dog started pulling his arm hard in another direction. "Brutus hey now!" He exclaimed, carefully trying to regain control of his trusty companion who clearly had other plans. Brutus dragged the baker over to Mika, wagging his tail excitedly as he began to sniff the other dog winding the leashes around the two males in circles. "Oh Brutus!" He exclaimed, his face heating up in embarrassment as he found himself face to face with Shiroi. "I'm so so so sorry sir," he said his face turning a bright tomato red as he spoke.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:31 pm

Alex shook his head, saying "No, no, you didn't sound harsh at all." He offered another smile, and nodded as she explained she wasn't familiar with a lot of them yet. He said "Oh, don't worry about that. You'll get to know us all and recognize our faces and all that in no time." He then smiled and nodded as she continued to speak of herself. "Loretta is a beautiful name, but Lottie is unique and pretty too. I think I'll call you Lottie then, if you're okay with that." He then chuckled a bit, shaking his head as he looked at her and her blue eyes. "I don't mind honestly, you seem to love the place a lot. Listening to you talk about something with such adoration makes me feel...happy." He then watched as she got some peach juice. "You must really like peaches; unless those are for a friend," he said. He then nodded and said "My grandma wants some strawberry banana juice. Also some cherry juice for my grandpa, he really likes that stuff."

Jessie continued to hum quietly, nearly jumping when the other woman returned. She looked at Maru and nodded to her, managing a small smile. She continued to quietly hum, and said "Its...its fine. It seems like I may be the only patient here at the moment anyway." She then focused on the girl's glasses, as Maru pushed them back. She giggled a bit then covered her mouth, shaking her head. She nodded and said "Okay," then stood to follow her. There wasn't much more to say, so she just silently followed her now. She felt her heart beat pick up a bit as the other got close to take her vitals. She silently scolded herself, then Harvey came in. Jessie didn't know Maru had already guessed at the fact she had a cold. When Harvey said that's what it was, Maru's guess was confirmed.

Shiroi smiled as he held the carrier, which wasn't plastic but some other material, with one hand. The other hand held the dark red leash. Mika had a dark pink collar, and the leash was a dark red in color. Everything was calm until Mika noticed the male dog, and the male dog noticed her. He gasped as she began to tug and pull. "Mika!" he yelped, steadying the carrier to not disturb the two tiny pups. The two dogs ended up tying up the two boys, as both dogs were going in circles. They finally got to each other, but now the boys were tied up. Shiroi was about to scold Mika when he realized how close he and the other were...Blushing, he stuttered "i-i...um...it's...I'm sorry too."
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:51 pm

"Okay I'm glad I didn't, I wouldn't want to start scaring all of the townspeople! That would be bad for business after all." Loretta joked, a playful smile making an appearance on her lips. "I sure hope so, this town is so tight knit. It must feel wonderful to have so many lovely people to lean on!" The farmer replied as she pushed her flowing blonde hair out of her face, if she was smart she would have tied it up before heading out on her errands. "I truly do love it here, it is so peaceful compared to where I came from. I'm glad it makes you feel happy, it makes me really happy too!" She said as she picked up her groceries. "Oh yes! My best friend Jessie lives with me on my farm and she absolutely adores peaches, I'm more of a grape girl myself." She said, giggling softly, her face flushing with a happy glow. Lottie nodded as she listened to what the other needed, carefully picking out the juices for him. She handed it over to him with a smile, her fingers gently brushing against his as she passed it onto Alex. "There you go!" She chirped, doing her best to ignore her heart beating wildly in her chest. Why was she so nervous? All she could do was hope the other hadn't noticed.

"Alright well taking care of a cold is rather simple, get some rest, drink your water, and I have some over the counter medicine I can give to you if you wish! That'll help you get over your cold rather quickly!" Maru informed the other as Harvey left the room to fill out the rest of his paperwork. She would have her own to fill out, but for some reason she didn't want Jessie to leave just yet.

"Oh no need to be sorry! I-it's dear Brutus's fault anyway, silly boy doesn't know what to do when he sees a girl!" Jordan replied, doing his best to keep his words straight as he shyly looked at Shiroi. "Come on boy lets get us untangled shall we?" He questioned nervously, doing his best to coax the German Shephard away from Mika. However it seemed that Brutus was more interested in showering the other dog with playful kisses. "Well it seems like someone has a little crush hm?" He joked, doing his best to ease the awkwardness of their predicament.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 3:39 pm

Alex nodded along again, as he listened to her speak of the townsfolk. He said "Oh, you wouldn't scare them away, a lot of them like to talk. Except Shane...and Sebastian tends to keep to himself and his family. I think he may have a significant other, but...none of us really know." He then smiled as she said the people were lovely. He said "Oh, yes, the people here are quite kind and lovely." He chuckled a bit at this wording, then shook his head a couple times. He then smiled as she said it was peaceful and nice here. He nodded again as he looked at her, smiling as he listened to her talk. He smiled and said "I'm glad you have a best friend. As you could guess, my grandma is the one that likes the strawberry banana juice. I myself really like apples and grapes, so...we have grapes in common. Er...we have liking grapes in common," he laughed. He shook his head at himself now, then watched her. He smiled as she got the juices for him, and he put them in his bag. "Thank you," he said to her, and wondered if her heart was beating fast like his.

Jessie hummed quietly a couple times, then nodded to the other girl. She said "Yeah, I figured I'd just need to drink water and take medicine. Peaches usually can help it too," she said with a small smile. She then nodded once more, as the other mentioned over the counter medicine. "That would be a good idea, probably, to get that medicine. Um...and...would you...want to hang out some time?" she managed to get herself to ask.

Shiroi nodded as the other said there was no need to be sorry. He wanted to say the same to the other, but instead he said "Well...at least he knows a pretty girl when he sees one." He then shook his head a couple times. "Also, um...thank you for calling me sir, a lot of guys have assumed I'm a girl..." He shook his head as he said these words. He knew it was because of his hair length, his height and slenderness. He giggled a bit as he watched the dogs, almost forgetting his shyness and embarrassment. However, it quickly came back as the other spoke. "yeah...I think she has a crush too," he said. He then said "I may have an idea," and held the carrier, saying "Mika, pups."

The collie immediately yipped and backed away from the humans. Enough so that maybe now they'd at least be able to untangle their selves. Though he did say "We should let them stay near each other. Doesn't mean we have to stay tangled up together though."
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Fri Mar 01, 2024 4:08 pm

"Well, I will keep that in mind! I've seen Shane around for sure and he seems to be a little.. grumpy." Lottie replied, chuckling softly as she remembered the first time she saw him. It was raining which made him seem even more miserable, it was like a scene that she had seen in a movie before. "I'm not much of a fan of strawberry banana juice, but now those ingredients in a smoothie is like heaven! And if you like grapes you must try some from my vineyard when they are done growing, should be any day now!" The farmer replied, extremely happy to be making a friend in town. "You're welcome! But I do have to excuse myself, I have to finish my shopping and get back to Jessie. She's my friend and she has a little cold so I do need to deliver these peaches to her before she goes crazy without them." She said politely. Part of her wanted to stay and talk more with the tall and handsome male, but she became rather worried she would embarrass herself if she continued speaking with him more. She wasn't used to developing a crush, not since her last relationship, after that she had sworn herself off crushes or dating in general, but this Alex might just change her mind.

"Yep, that's the usual. However it was a good idea to get it checked out, sometimes it could be more than a cold and we wouldn't want that." Maru replied, leaning against the counter with a smile on her face. "Peaches hm? I love peaches as well, in fact my favorite dessert is peach cobbler!" She replied, a huge smile on her face as she spoke to Jessie, it was nice to bond with someone other than Penny for once. "Yes, yes of course let me grab some for you real quick!" She replied, turning her back for just a moment to grab a box for the girl. "Hang out?" She questioned, not quite used to being asked to spend time with someone other than Penny or her robots, but she was rather happy to have been. "I would love to! We close here at five so whenever you're feeling better swing on by and we can grab a bite to eat from the Saloon!" She said, a bright smile spreading across her face, unable to hide her excitement to make a new friend.

"Oh well you're welcome, I admit I just assumed but I am glad I assumed right!" Jordan replied, scratching the back of his head in slight embarrassment. The baker watched in shock at how obedient Mika was, and was rather grateful that they were beginning to become untangled. "I'm glad one of our dogs listen, Brutus usually has a mind of his own, but that's what I like about him, he's an independent man!" He said, chuckling in relief as the two were able to separate from each other. "Aww you mean you didn't like being so close?" The male joked but immediately slapped his hand over his mouth in shock over what he just said, his face turning a dark red color. "I am so sorry that slipped out! Let me bake you a special pastry to make up for this," he said quickly, stumbling over his words as he apologized profusely.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 7:52 pm

Alex nodded as he looked at her, saying "That just seems to be his nature. I don't think he likes rain much, and I don't think he likes his John I don't know why he even works there..." he said, with a shake of his head. There was no way Shane actually liked being at Joja...Shaking his head a second time, he focused on the blue eyed girl again. The brown haired male smiled as he did so, and nodded to her. "oh, I don't really drink it myself, my grandma does. She says it tastes really good, but...I'd rather drink apple or grape juice. Apple pie and cooked apples are also just so good, and grapes are great. I could eat them by the clusterful," he said with a small laugh. He then looked concerned as she mentioned her friend. She said her friend would go crazy without peaches...and he made a small sound. "I hope that isn't really true, her going crazy without peaches." She must be trying to make a joke, or just giving a reason to leave. He smiled as he said "Its okay, you can go back to her. Tell your friend I hope she can feel better soon," he then finished off by saying.

Jessie nodded at the other girl, and smiled slightly as she did so. "Yeah...my friend was quite worried about me, and told me if I had to come here to leave a note. I did leave a note for her, so if she gets back first she should be able to find it. I hope she isn't too worried..." She then giggled and smiled as Maru said she liked peaches as well. "Oh, that's nice, we both like peaches a lot." She got this sweet little, soft smile on her face, which just made her look cuter. Not that she had any confidence in her cuteness or prettiness at all...She shook her head, nodding at Maru and watching her grab a box. She then said "Y...Yeah, hang out...if you'd want to." She then noticed the happy look the other maybe didn't even realize herself. Then again, if one was happy they'd usually realize it. Shaking her head, scolding herself for random and or muddle thoughts, she hummed. She smiled and nodded, saying "that would be great; when I'm better."

Shiroi hummed a small sound, lips twitching as he wanted to smile. He nodded at the other male, saying "I've even had to tell some people here. Its usually the people from out of town, that cone visiting...Sebastian and Abigail definitely didn't know what to say to me at first. I outright told them I was a guy because they seemed worried about assuming, or offending me. Then Shane... well, he's not the nicest. He just outright called me a girl so I had to tell him. I'm glad you got it right," he said to the other, then smiled at the dogs. "Brutus is a very smart looking dog," he said with a sweet, soft smile. His face immediately went red, and he muttered "Maybe I did like it..." He then regretted that, hoping the other hadn't heard. He nodded and looked up, now that they were free of the leashes. "Id...I'd like that," he said to the other, knowing he was the one that owned the cafe.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:10 am

"I totally understand staying in a dead end job, sometimes you feel as if you can't get out of it! That's what happened to me at my Joja desk job, and then thankfully I was saved by my inheritance. It took me awhile then to quit as I was still grieving, but I knew my grandfather wanted me to have Bluebell and I couldn't let him down." Lottie explained, her eyes tearing up slightly as she spoke to Alex, it was a rather sensitive topic still but for some reason she felt as if she could let her guard down around the male. "Oooh apple pie! That sounds delicious right now," she said as she remembered the pie her mother used to make. "Thank you! I'm sure I'll see you around town sometime! You are also more than welcome to come by and see the farm!" She said before bidding her goodbye, her heart finally calming down as she reached the checkout counter. The farmer paid for her goods before heading back to the farm to check and see what Jessie had decided to do. Upon seeing the note the female took care of watering her animals, thankful for all the work her friend was still able to do for her in the morning. Life with Jessie made taking care of the farm much easier and she was extremely lucky to have such a great support system in her.

"I'm glad you have a good friend to take care of you! That's awfully important, especially with being somewhat new around Pelican Town." Maru said truthfully, smiling brightly at the other as she listens to her words. As she watched the other's sweet smile appear on her face, she couldn't help but admit her heart melted in her chest and she wanted nothing more than to keep that smile on her face. "I truly would love to hang out with you sometime, but definitely when you feel better! I would hate for our first outing to be when you feel miserable!" The female replied, already feeling really eager to spend time with Jessie. Something about her was so invigorating to the young scientist, but it had been a long time since she had felt this way, especially this way about a girl.

Jordan chuckled softly as he did in fact hear the admittance of the other liking it, but he decided not to press it. "Lovely," he said as he began to walk back towards his bakery, doing his best to keep Brutus in line as they walked. As the two entered into the bakery the male unleashed his dog who was excited to be free to roam wherever he wished. He quickly hung up the leash on the coat rack, next to his own assortment of jackets and coats. "Now, what can I make for you today?" He questioned as he returned behind his cafe's counter. "I have quite a few ingredients here, so just let me know whatever you wish to have and I am sure that I can make it for you!" He said, kindly smiling at Shiroi as he spoke. He was eager to hear the male's dessert of choice as he could tell a lot about a person from their favorite choice of dessert.
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sat Mar 02, 2024 12:21 pm

Alex nodded as he looked at her, and said "Sometimes I wish he wouldn't have entered that job... Maybe that job is the reason he's always upset and miserable. Then again, maybe it's not, maybe it's something else." He shook his head a couple times, then smiled at her. She seemed pretty excited by the whole apple pie thing, so he chuckled a bit. He nodded at her and said "Its a perfect time for it. If...you wanted, I could ask my grandma to make an apple pie for you. You just have to tell me, or come by our house and find me." He smiled and nodded again as she said she was sure she'd see him around. It was true, she'd definitely see him again since he was always in town. Though he liked going up into the mountain to visit Maru's parents. He also liked going to Marnie's farm, as well as the river. There was that boy down by the river, that took in foxes. Shaking his head, he waved to Lottie as she headed for the checkout. He went to get some honey as well as sugar and stuff, then he was done too. He headed for the checkout himself, paying with the money Evelyn had given him.

Jessie giggled and nodded at the other girl, saying "She really is such a good friend. She's the new owner of the Bluebell farm," she thought to mention. She hummed quietly as she now held the box of medicine. She looked at the other girl, trying to think of what else to say. She blinked a couple times, then continued to hum quietly. "Oh, um...would you happen to have allergy pills?" she asked her. "not ones that have to be swallowed, but dissolvable ones." She didn't think there was a liquid allergy medicine, but she could be wrong. She said "I'm allergic to cats but I love them...and both my friend and I have cats." She then giggled and smiled at the other. "Yeah...it would be no fun if I'm still sick," she said, with a shake of her head. She then smiled at the other, before letting her eyes wander the room.

Shiroi smiled that soft and sweet smile again, and nodded at the other. He giggled, then blinked and scolded himself as he'd been made fun of before...Where he'd lived, as a child, the boys made fun of him for giggling. That was, of course, after a certain age though. Seeing as all kids giggled before a certain age, though once they got a bit older they seemed to condemn. Boys seemed to think it was a girly thing to do. He shook his head, and walked with the other. Once inside, he let the dog off her leash and held her leash and the carrier. He set it down on a counter or table, glad for the surface. "I really like lava cake but that's pretty extravagant ...I'll go with honey cakes with fruit," he told the other male. He smiled as he said this. He said "My favorite fruit is blueberries but I don't think those grow in autumn...Apple slices or strawberries would work too." He said this and smiled still, then said "I don't like oranges though...or really any citrus."
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Re: 1x1 Spiritstar3 and cronchbottle

Postby cronchbottle » Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:36 pm

After Loretta took care of all of the farm tasks for the day she unlocked her friends cabin to set down her groceries in. The female quickly unpacked the peaches and juices, leaving the fruit on the counter while putting the drinks in the fridge carefully. After this was taken care of, it was finally time for her to relax and kick her feet up a little. She made her way back to her own cabin, putting away her own groceries in their respective spots in her pantry or fridge. She wouldn't have to prepare dinner for another two hours, so she nestled into her couch and turned on her tv to watch her favorite cooking show. It would possibly give her an idea for dinner as she had plenty of ingredients but not many ideas on what sounded good for her to eat.

"Ahh I wondered who moved into that place after her grandfather passed on! I'm glad to hear someone so good is taking care of that place, it was beautiful in its prime. I admit my memories of it being so nice was when I was a child so they may be clouded a little with childhood wonder." Maru replied as she looked at the female, her eyes sparkling as she thought back to her time playing on the farm. The owners were always so welcoming to her so she spent quite a few years of her childhood running wild within the fields. "Yes yes of course, usually I would offer you the liquid form... but it seems we are out of that! So dissolvable it is!" She chirped as she looked through the allergy medicines. "I have a pack of thirty, is that enough?" She questioned as she set the box on the counter in front of the other. "Very true, being sick is not fun." She said, nodding in agreement as she spoke.

Jordan didn't mind the other's giggles, in fact he found it rather adorable and it brought a small smile to his face. "Lava cake hm? I will have to remember that for the next time I need to give you an apology dessert!" He said as he began to dig out all of the required ingredients. "I do have some blueberries left, I have a supplier who grows them indoors with solar panels so it keeps the environment just like summer!" He said, setting down the boxes of fruit on the counter besides him. The male began whipping up the batter which took him only a few minutes as he became rather quick as his skills and practice grew more and more. "No citrus hm? I think they are good to add a little bit of spice to a meal, but not too much!" He said, doing his best to make conversation with Shiroi. "What were your plans for the day?" He questioned, glancing back at the other, flashing him a bright smile.
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