House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Fri Apr 07, 2023 11:55 am

Ell Summers- genderfluid- 28 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (golden cream with oddly darker face, white toes, chest and belly), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- pan- might find a dog- Tags: Mystic, other residents, humans

The blue green eyed and golden brown haired one had waved to Caelan. He'd looked down the hall at them a moment, after all. They then turned to Mystic, and smiled at them. She grabbed their hand, moving to link arms instead of hold hands. She stepped into the ballroom, and looked around. They listened as the butler introduced Cedric and Lilith. They looked at the humans, and got a bit worried. This was probably a really bad idea, having them here...but she just shook her head and went to mingle.

Mystic Summers- agender- 26 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (smaller and slender gray wolf), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- boys- Tags: Ell, other residents, humans

The blue green eyed ash blonde hummed a small sound. They put their hand over the pendant, then shook their head. They squeaked as Ell grabbed their hand. She then decided better of it, linking arms instead, and they went with her. They looked at the humans, then the door. They listened as the vampires were introduced, then the two spoke. They watched the two vampires move towards the ballroom floor now. They shook their head, going with Ell as she went to mingle.

Leela Evers- f- 80 y- witch vampire hybrid- earth magic (Wiccan), speed and agility, retractable fangs- has a white Angora kitty which may be a familiar- unknown sexuality but crush on Caelan- Tags: Caelan, Cedric and Lilith, Ell and Mystic and others, humans

The blue eyed one watched the humans that stepped in, too. She squeaked w bit when Caelan whispered to her, then. She nodded as she said "It definitely does...especially since Cedric and Lilith are vampires. They might be drink from some of them. I don't think head hurt them. Do we really want humans knowing about us, though?" she asked. She then nodded as he said if the humans did find out, they'd never be allowed to leave. "I really don't like the thought of forcing them to stay..."

-adding to this, don't know if you still need the above part-

Leela noticed when the other clenched his hand, and she made a small sound. She watched the red ring that was also there, glowing. She shook her head a couple times, and noticed he was taking breaths. She glanced to the humans a moment. She then glanced to Cedric and Lilith, and the others. Shaking her head, she focused on the embodiment of Rage again. She reached out to take his hand, then made a small sound. "S...Sorry, if you don't like this just tell me to let go."

Ari Soma- m- 24 y- human- good at storytelling and art- homosexual- high likelihood his crush is on Elias- open for an SO/whatnot- has a black Shepherd named Kuro and a white cat Shiro- Tags: Elias and Van, Apollo and Amelia, residents of Grimwood

The cute heterochromatic boy nodded to Amelia, when she greeted them with a smile or nod. He didn't really know what to say, at the moment. He just shrugged and walked in after the butler. He glanced to Van a moment, wondering how he was feeling. He glanced to Apollo as well. The other didn't seem all that interested in them, more interested in just his sister. Ari shook his head at at...then glanced around. He felt nervous, and a bit suspicious the butler seemed to float. " I the only one noticing the floating?" he asked. He mostly asked Elias and Van, but was asking the siblings too. He didn't think Apollo would answer. Maybe, hopefully, Amelia would answer though.

He then shook his head, and also looked up as a door opened. He looked at the two people there, a male and a female from what he could tell. He shivered a bit as he watched them, not sure why. Something about them made him...worried, nervous. He shook his head, scolding himself, and stepped further in. He nodded his head a bit, as the man welcomed them. He hummed a small sound, then looked to the woman. She was watching them all as well. He listened as she said they were going to begin. He nodded a bit, though maybe she couldn't see that from where she was. He then glanced to the other humans. He stuck close to Elias and Van, closer to Elias but still close enough to Van, and the other two.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Demon God Caelan » Fri Apr 07, 2023 1:45 pm

Caelan felt Leela take a hold of his hand and smiled, blushing a bit, "No, it's fine. I just get a bit riled up around humans. They give anger a bad reputation. Before I found Earth, there were thousands of civilizations that used the Red light of Rage to help the innocent. When humans get angry, they do more harm than good. I've yet to meet a human who is deserving of one of my rings."
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❖ i

Postby bigwig. » Fri Apr 07, 2023 7:42 pm

    he/himchimeralocation: ballroomtags: ---
    Silas was one of the later visitors to come down to the ball. He didn't really like being around others, but at the manor he at least typically had the luxury of not caring what the other people here thought of him. The idea that humans would be here had him feeling very on edge, and he was worried it would only get worse. Well, if Lilith and Cedric wanted him to be there, he would be there. He was slow to get ready, although he didn't even bother with shaving shaving. He didn't really own any fancy clothes; in his gray herringbone tweed jacket, he looked a bit more like he was ready to go to an office function than a fancy masquerade ball, but at least he had a bowtie to make himself look a bit more presentable. He slid his delicate white mask on, although he thought it silly; he was quite sure everyone would know who he was anyway. Except the humans, of course.

    With a sigh, Silas checked him one last time before deciding to go downstairs. He looked silly, stuffy, like a man who didn't belong in a suit jacket. At long last, he made his way down to the ballroom. The twins had gone all out, of course, making the ballroom look exceptionally gorgeous. By the time Silas got there, just about everyone else had already arrived, including the humans, who had just entered. He could tell who they were at the lightest of a glance, just by the way they were all looking around wide-eyed and timid. Silas growled to himself at the sight of him. They were going to get hurt. He wouldn't do it , at least not on purpose, but there were far too many opportunities for it to happen. Few were happy to see them here and too many of them had hair-trigger tempers. All this would serve only to prove exactly why humans and their kind should stay away from each other.

    Well. Nothing left to do but wait, was there? Silas sighed softly to himself and glanced around. He supposed he would have to at least pretend like he liked it here. He figured he could probably mingle lightly for an hour or so, then slip away without anyone really noticing. Hopefully none of the humans would come try to talk to him.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:58 am

Elias Fletcher
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Ari, Havana, Tris, Leon
Elias watched in awe as the, presumably siblings, descended the stairs. So much so, he almost didn't hear the comment about the butler floating. But, before he could take a closer look, the butler seemed to have already disappeared. "That is strange." Elias agreed, but he did not seem to be phased by this. If anything, it was just another note to write about. "Well. There's no use in standing around, we should talk with some of the other guests." he declared, though even he didn't really know where to start. Amelia was already approaching Cedric, and the sister, Lilith, had made the impression that she did not want them to be here, so he figured it would be wise to try and avoid her. That left... the other guests. There were already a few pairs of guests around the room, so it was a case of deciding who seemed more approachable. Which was hard to tell, with the masks the guests wore. Finally, he decided on a male and female that were talking, but didn't seem particularly friendly with one another - more just being civil. Perhaps they weren't the most approachable, but he thought there still might be an interesting conversation to be had.
Glancing towards Ari and Van, he gestured in the direction that he was intending to go. "I'm going to go and talk to those to. You're welcome to come along, if you'd like." Elias told them, as to not just abandon them in the middle of the room without warning.

He walked, somewhat briskly, and approached the two. "Hi!" he greeted, "Or... good evening? How formal should I be? My name's Elias."

Cedric Wicke
Appears 24|Cismale|Vampire
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Amelia
Cedric wasn't entirely sure which of the humans to approach first. He realised that he didn't quite know what to do. Not that it would be any different to talking to anyone else, but given the humans were in a supernatural territory, it felt a little different. He was about to turn towards Lilith to see what she would be doing, but she was already wandering off. Not that it mattered so much anymore, because one of the humans was approaching him. Perhaps that shouldn't be too much of a surprise, he was one of the hosts, after all. And maybe he just looked that approachable and cool, he also thought, vainly. If only he could see himself in a mirror again, just to reaffirm that to himself.

Anyway. The human - the young woman of the group. "Good evening. I'm Cedric Wicke." he greeted, once they were close enough to hear each other properly. "And you might be, miss?" Perhaps, in hindsight, for a masquerade, names shouldn't be exchanged. But he figured since they didn't know what they entirely looked like, it was still okay. Besides, given there was a certain expectation to hide the supernatural status of himself - and everyone that wasn't a human - it was still a masquerade in that sense. He silently praised himself for that comparison.

Lilith Wicke
Appears 24|Cisfemale|Vampire
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Apollo (briefly), Silas (mention)
Caelan, Leela
As she brushed by the group, Lilith noticed one of the humans approaching Cedric. She scoffed silently, particularly noticing the exchange between the human woman approaching Cedric, and one of the human males. She diverted her path to walk by the human male, and stopped just behind him to murmur, "I'd keep an eye on her with my dear brother," before walking away. Cedric was harmless, so there was no real concern with him, but she couldn't quite help but plant that seed of doubt, however it was taken. Any excuse to prove to Cedric humans weren't as nice as he seemed to think.
Another glance around the ballroom, and she noticed that Silas had made an appearance, finally. She nodded towards him, as a brief greeting, knowing that he'd likely sneak out early so this might be the only time she saw him. At least he made an effort to attend.

Finally, Lilith's walk took her to where Caelan and Leela were stood, talking. She noticed the somewhat tension between the two, the light blushes, but didn't say anything. She very much looked up to Leela, especially as she had become something of a mother figure for her and Cedric after they lost their parents not long after they had been turned. Lilith gave a small smile towards Leela. "Leela, Caelan. How are you finding tonight so far?" she asked, mostly asking Leela, but included Caelan out of politeness, of course.

Xanthe Chicane
Appears 23|Nonbinary|Mothman
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Tanwen, Apollo
"I'm sure you'll be okay. And if not - I bet you can sneak out for a few moments." Xanthe reassured, and they proceeded to approach the group of humans. They watched the group for a moment, to try and figure out who would be the 'safer' option to approach. There seemed to be some mixed reactions from the humans, but it was hard to tell, what with the masks. By the time they'd gotten closer to the group, most of the humans had started to split off. That meant, Xanthe decided, they should talk to one that didn't have anyone to talk to.
Approaching the human, ignoring any signs that he might not want to be spoken to, Xanthe smiled brightly. "Hello! Welcome to Grimwood Manor - I promise it's not as spooky as the name implies!" they said. "Oh - my name's Xanthe. This is Tanwen." they gestured towards Tanwen.
"We don't normally have non-residents attend, you must be honoured!" Xanthe continued, oblivious, and just seemed to be excited to be talking to a human. They had hundreds of questions to ask, but was currently refraining - with difficulty - from asking any of them for the time being. They didn't want to scare the human off.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sat Apr 08, 2023 10:06 am

Ell Summers- genderfluid- 28 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (golden cream with oddly darker face, white toes, chest and belly), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- pan- might find a dog- Tags: Mystic, other residents, humans

The blue green eyed and golden brown haired one had waved to Caelan. He'd looked down the hall at them a moment, after all. They then turned to Mystic, and smiled at them. She grabbed their hand, moving to link arms instead of hold hands. She stepped into the ballroom, and looked around. They listened as the butler introduced Cedric and Lilith. They looked at the humans, and got a bit worried. This was probably a really bad idea, having them here...but she just shook her head and went to mingle.

Mystic Summers- agender- 26 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (smaller and slender gray wolf), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- boys- Tags: Ell, other residents, humans

The blue green eyed ash blonde hummed a small sound. They put their hand over the pendant, then shook their head. They squeaked as Ell grabbed their hand. She then decided better of it, linking arms instead, and they went with her. They looked at the humans, then the door. They listened as the vampires were introduced, then the two spoke. They watched the two vampires move towards the ballroom floor now. They shook their head, going with Ell as she went to mingle.

Leela Evers- f- 80 y- witch vampire hybrid- earth magic (Wiccan), speed and agility, retractable fangs- has a white Angora kitty which may be a familiar- unknown sexuality but crush on Caelan- Tags: Caelan, Lilith (also mentions)

The blue eyed one noticed the slight blush, and blushed herself. She giggled a bit, again feeling like a younger girl. She shook her head, and adjusted the sparkly green eye mask. She nodded, then said "Some...can get angry for good reasons. Like if someone hurts their family or friends. I've seen them get angry over people hurting animals, too." She then looked over as Lilith approached. She smiled at the girl she saw like a daughter or a grand daughter. She smiled as she looked at the younger female. She herself looked eighty, but might honestly be older than that. She continued to smile as the female vampire approached. She glanced to where Cedric was a moment, then focused on Lilith.

"Ah...I'm a bit worried someone might get hurt, but otherwise it's pretty interesting. You don't seem too happy Cedric did this, though..." she trailed off. She somehow knew it had been Cedric's idea. Even if the two acted as a pair a lot.

Ari Soma- m- 24 y- human- good at storytelling and art- homosexual- high likelihood his crush is on Elias- open for an SO/whatnot- has a black Shepherd named Kuro and a white cat Shiro- Tags: Elias and Van, Tris and Leon

The cute heterochromatic boy hummed a bit, seeming to be trying to keep calm. He reached up to touch the rabbit mask a moment. He then let out a small sigh, and scolded himself silently. He nodded to Elias, as the other answered him. He wondered how Elias could be so calm. Then again, he himself was prone to nerves and shyness, even around humans. He nodded to Elias, as Elias said they might as well go mingle. He said "Okay," then flanced around a moment. He watched as Amelia went and approached the male host. The female one had gone off towards an older lady and a guy. He tilted his head at that, then shook his head again. He glanced towards Van a moment.

He looked back to Elias, when the other male said he found some people to talk to. Well, he actually said he was going to talk to some people. It was basically the same thing, though. He nodded to the other male again, and said "Okay." He hesitated a moment, as he looked at the two people. He figured out who it was, as Elias headed towards them. Ari made a small sound of nervousness as he realized the other was moving off. He moved quickly but careful after him. "I...I'm going with you," he said, then thought on that. He should have said he was coming with him, not going with him. He sighed and wondered if it really mattered, actually. As they reached the two figures, he also said "Good...good evening."
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Demon God Caelan » Sat Apr 08, 2023 4:49 pm

Caelan looked to Lillith as she approached them and asked how they were liking the ball. He answered, "I'm not exactly a ballroom dancer, but it's still nice. Although I don't know whose bright idea is was to invite humans here, whoever it was, they didn't think things through fully. I don't particularly like getting involved with humans' affairs. The last time I did, it started the Spanish American war." He hated to admit it, but he had gotten involved with problems that humans were facing, and it rarely worked out very well.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby ellyenchanted » Sat Apr 08, 2023 5:11 pm

        ────── ❝ 𝐀 𝐌 𝐄 𝐋 𝐈 𝐀 ❞ ──────
        ⤷ human; 25; located inside manor; tagging cedric

        cedrick wicke was tall and seemed to walk with a certain confidence. his mask covered half his face, but she could tell he was young. with a start amelia realized he couldn't be much older than her. so, why was a young man who she has never heard of before hosting a masquerade ball? like flipping a switch, she turned on the charm and brandished her most award-winning smile. "my name is amelia," she answered, holding out her hand for him to shake.

        "i wish i could say i've heard all about you, but, well..." she shrugged light-heartedly. she didn't want to shut him down with any accusatory questions just yet. at least whoever cedrick wicke was, he knew how to put on a ball. the lavish decorum elevated the atmosphere and made amelia slightly self-conscious about the fact that she probably trailed dirt inside.

        ────── 𝐀 𝐏 𝐎 𝐋 𝐋 𝐎 ──────
        ⤷ human; 25; located outside manor; tagging xanthe, tanwen

        apollo was zeroed in on his sister and cedrick when the other host approached him, though she didn't stop to talk, merely murmured a vague threat that sent him on edge. if he didn't like the situation before, he certainly didn't like it now. and what exactly did she mean? before apollo could storm after amelia like an overprotective guard dog, he was interrupted by two of the supposed residents. he felt the clench in his jaw but he couldn't urge himself to relax.

        apollo scoffed at her greeting. he wasn't amelia, he wasn't going to play nice and pretend like this was normal. "i find that hard to believe." he countered. not spooky? that was laughable. "you know, mysterious manor no one's ever heard of and all." they gave their names but apollo did not feel compelled to give them his. xanthe was particularly cheerful and it made him bristle. he was not here to make friends. "i can't say that i feel very honoured."
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☼ iii

Postby bigwig. » Sat Apr 08, 2023 6:26 pm

    he/himchimeralocation: ballroomtags: trisiphone, elias
    Leon's eyes glittered as he watched the humans enter the ballroom, distracting his attention from Trisiphone for a moment. He watched them intently, with a distinct curiosity - but a curiosity akin to that of a predator watching potential prey. None of the humans caught his attention, though. They all looked quite weak and soft, hardly worth his time. Leon would've at least tried to pick some worthy ones from among the great masses. Was this really the best Cedric could find? He growled softly when Trisiphone elbowed him, a playful but feral sound indicating an itch for a fight. Trisiphone sounded quite confident when she said she could handle Leon, but they both knew it would not be so easy. He had won at least a few of their fights, and was never in his life going to let her win easily. What came next was surprising to hear - a question, a request for help. Was her infallible facade starting to crumble?

    She seemed to recant her question quickly, hastily but awkwardly shutting it down. It was much too late, however, as she had already given him ammunition. The blonde-haired man grinned haughtily, chuckling darkly at the question. "Hah! The mighty Trisiphone, asking me for help?" He purred. He gave a moment to let the taunt settle before speaking again. "We'll see." He answered, in a low, grave voice. He wouldn't promise to be on her side; he was on his own side, no matter what happened. If things went downhill, it was everyone for themselves. Whether or not they ended up on the same side didn't matter so much to him.

    When he saw one of the humans start walking towards them, he rolled his eyes behind his lion mask. "Why don't you use that charm of yours on this one?" He muttered sarcastically, just before the young man came into earshot. Leon sized him up, instinctively standing tall in a posture that could almost be interpreted as threatening. The human was a bit shorter than him, but reasonably well-built, although nothing too exceptional as a physical specimen. He chuckled a little. "Elias?" That was an old name, a Greek name; he had met an Elias or two before, many long years ago for the most part. "Good evening." He enunciated. "I'm Leon."
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby SaphiraBrightscales » Sun Apr 09, 2023 9:46 am

Tanwen Dorvyre | Female | Appears 24 | Elf Dragon Shifter Hybrid | Location: Ballroom | Tags: Xanthe, Apollo

Following a few steps behind them so that she didn't accidentally brush Xanthe with her wings, Tanwen's red dragon eyes briefly dart over to the window and doors, already wanting this night to be over with. A small, somewhat forced smile graces the part of her face not covered by her mask as she turns her focus back to the human male Xanthe approached. She honestly didn't understand why humans were invited to begin with since not everyone who resided there wanted to interact with them but there must have been a reason so she was just going to have to stay and socialize until the ball was over. Tanwen keeps the forced smile up which didn't meet her eyes while the two talked before replying briefly, "When you put it that way it could sound spooky." Noticing that the human didn't give out his name, Tanwen glances over at Xanthe, giving them a slightly nervous look, hoping that they won't overwhelm the human with eagerness, especially since they didn't want the other humans to suspect that the residents are not human.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby General Chaos » Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:05 am

[Female] [Erinve] [Loc ; Ballroom] [About] [Tags ; Leon , Elias]

    A fearful half smile formed on Trisiphone's face, her eyes unmoving from the humans entering the room as Leon gave her grief about asking for help. She should have known better, and she probably won't hear the end of it for awhile. Her mind swirled with outcomes of the night as she cautiously watched the humans start to attempt to mingle. By her calculations it was about a .91% chance this night would end in just a normal ball.
    Her eyes locked with a pair of dark green eyes, a human boy that was approaching her and Leon. She could hear Leon's low voice, but no words. As if someone was speaking to you while your head was underwater she couldn't make out the words. Her mind was clouded with panic, and anger. A boy. A male. A human male at that, which in Trisiphone's mind was mighty close to being her least favorite thing. For a brief moment, her body tensed in almost a flight or flight response.
    She took one quick breath before the boy got within range, pushing all the thoughts that swirled in her mind out. Trying to focus on the situation at hand. She almost reached out for a railing, or Leon's arm but didn't dare. She was already regretting asking him for help and she wasn't going to add onto that.
    With a few blinks, she was back, a faded smile plastered on her face as she looked up at this tall boy as he spoke. Elias he said his name was. She was fond of the name, but not the person who possessed it. Well, not for now anyway. She quickly redid the calculations in her head as she noticed how many human men were there. 0.009% chance this would end in a normal ball.
    "Nice to meet you Elias, I'm Trisiphone." She spoke in a quick, matter of fact voice. Her bright green eyes shone behind her black mask as she looked over Elias, trying to determan what kind of man he was. Though, she wasn't as good as reading people as her sister. She finally got the courage to ask what she had been wondering since she heard of the ball. "What made you come tonight?" Her voice softened just slightly, more curious than cautious.
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