House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby TheRegularTerrarian » Wed Apr 05, 2023 10:35 pm

Alex Darkman | 35 | Male | Demon | Ballroom | Tags: Open
He bursts into the ballroom, after fully preparing himself for the masquerade. "Sorry I'm late folks! It would seem the party has already started!" He laughs at this, after all, he loved the attention he'd get, even if it was brief. He makes his way over to the snacks to see what was available for him. "Say, didn't Cedric mention something about humans coming tonight? I wonder when they'll get here... it's gonna be fun!" he says to himself, as he thinks up ways he could mess with them. Maybe, just maybe he'd be able to convince one of them to say him name three times... but there wasn't much point in thinking about possibilities. After having his fill on snacks, he prepares for the ball to finally start.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Consulting_Angel » Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:21 am

Elias Fletcher
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Ari, Van, Apollo,
He noticed how Amelia's brother didn't make an effort to speak to them. He sensed some disdain, if he wasn't mistaken. Elias ignored this, however, deciding to focus on the friends of the group instead.
"It is going to be great! The more I have to write about, the better!" Elias said to Amelia, enthusiasm increasing as it was evident that this masquerade ball was real. He selectively ignored how odd it was that such a strange house in the middle of the forest was inhabited, and that they were even invited in the first place.

As the butler arrived at the ballroom, he gestured for the humans to enter, before making his way - was he floating? - up the stairs. At the top, he spoke, voice suddenly amplified as he made an announcement.
"Welcome all to Grimwood Manor's Masquerade. Just before we begin, introducing your hosts, Cedric and Lilith Wicke!"

Elias looked up as a side door opened at the top of the stairs, and two figures stepped out and made their way down the stairs. There was a odd vibe from them, almost ethereal, yet... unsettling. After glancing at the other humans to how they were reacting, Elias began to move further into the ballroom.

Cedric Wicke
Appears 24|Cismale|Vampire
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Lilith/Open
Once the announcement was made for him and Lilith, Cedric stepped out of the room with a bright smile - a stark contrast to Lilith's deadpan expression. He did not seem to notice, though, as he was much too occupied with looking at the group of unfamiliar people, even with masks - the humans.

He also did not pay much attention to the other guests - the other residents of the Manor - mostly because he already had a good idea as to how they'd probably be reacting. He was very much hoping to prove that his inviting of the humans was a good idea after all. No, he had to prove it, or Lilith would never let him invite anyone outside of the Manor ever again. Or even let him participate in planning such events.
"Welcome to all of our guests!" Cedric announced, warmly, knowing Lilith likely did not share such a sentiment. When Lilith officially announced for the masquerade to begin, he stepped onto the ballroom floor, to begin mingling.

Lilith Wicke
Appears 24|Cisfemale|Vampire
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Cedric/Open
Lilith heard the doors of the ballroom open.. then the announcement from the ghost butler. She stepped out of the room at the same time as Cedric. As she walked down the stairs, she cast a cold gaze over the human guests. She hoped that, even with her mask, it would be obvious to the humans that she did not consider them to be welcome.
Another look around the ballroom, and she noted the other residents had also arrived. Alex, it seemed, had already raided the snacks - which she'd had the foresight to ensure there was extra food, to accommodate Alex's appetite and the humans'.

She noted Caelan and Leela were talking together, a sight that almost made her smile, but she managed to refrain from doing so. Then she saw T and Leon - not fighting for once, but she knew that they were not being particularly friendly with each other. And, finally, Xanthe and Tanwen were off on the far end, to which Lilith raised an eyebrow at.
Lilith addressed the room. "Let us begin!" she announced, and the music started up. She then turned towards the butler, and murmured very quietly to him, "Do what we've planned." and she finally stepped onto the ballroom floor, while the butler left silently.

Xanthe Chicane
Appears 23|Nonbinary|Mothman
Location: Ballroom
Tagged: Tanwen/Humans (mention)
Xanthe did not want to admit it, but they shared a smiliar concern about the humans. They did not want to be called a monster by the humans, and thus was usually very conscious about trying to remain in human form when around them. But at least they had a fully human form that was relatively easy to remain in, they were not sure it was the same for Tanwen. "I am sure they will not. Maybe they'll think your wings are part of an elaborate costume?" Xanthe suggested, hoping to be reassuring. "And if they do, then I'll spin them around until they forget!" they added.
Then, they shook their head. "I'm not sure. I wouldn't think so... but then, they don't normally invite humans..."
As Xanthe finished speaking, they noticed the doors open up and the group of five humans entered, lead by the ghostly butler that only ever seemed to appear when such dances and events were occurring.

"Five! Well, that's not so many." Xanthe whispered, as the butler made the announcement for Lilith and Cedric, who arrived and walked down the stairs. When Lilith officially announced the masquerade to start, and the music began, Xanthe turned towards Tanwen again.
"I'm going to see what these humans are about. Wanna come? Or stay here?"
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby SaphiraBrightscales » Thu Apr 06, 2023 10:20 am

Tanwen Dorvyre | Female | Appears 24 | Elf Dragon Shifter Hybrid | Location: Ballroom | Tags: Xanthe, humans (mentioned)

Smiling at Xanthe, reassured by what he said, she quickly adjusts her wings into a more relaxed position, making sure that they weren't extended too much since her dragon wings are rather large which resulted in a large wingspan. "As long as they don't try to touch my wings,maybe they will consider think so." She chuckled a bit when they mentioned spinning the humans and was just about to respond when the doors to the ballroom, revealing five humans. Tanwen takes a deep breath as she studies the humans while Lilith and Cedric appeared and announced the start of the ball. "Sure, I'll come but if they do call me a monster and such, they will be lucky that i won't shift in here to not risk destroying the furniture or injuring the other residents," Tanwen replies in a slightly hard voice as she waits for Xanthe to lead the way since they have had a little more experience around humans than she has
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☼ ii

Postby bigwig. » Thu Apr 06, 2023 10:55 am

    he/himchimeralocation: ballroomtags: trisiphone
    Leon was somewhat surprised when Trisiphone actually approached him. The two had a pretty long history - and most of it wasn't good. Of course, Leon didn't mind, usually enjoying the act of riling her up on the regular, but he'd never gotten the sense she reciprocated that enjoyment. She must've just been looking for someone to talk to - and decided nobody else was interesting enough. Or perhaps, there was just a sort of camaraderie inherent in two people knowing each other for so long, even if it wasn't for the best of reasons. He thought about teasing her over it, although that taunting could certainly be turned back around towards him if he did. He was still standing here talking to her, after all. The night was a bit young yet for anyone to get tossed across the ballroom, though; plus, Leon was a bit more interested in hounding the humans on this particular night.

    "Well, they let you and I in, didn't they?" Chuckled Leon in response to her (albeit presumably rhetorical) question. He laughed to himself before continuing, "For once, we agree - I don't know what reason anyone could've possibly had for inviting them here." He assumed it was probably Lilith and Cedric's idea - or one of the two, at least. Since they were the owners of mansion, they'd at least have to sign off on any sort of choices like that, although Leon still couldn't fathom why. Maybe they were just hungry. "Of course it's going to end badly." Leon huffed, restlessly rolling from his heels to his toes. "I'm just hoping to get some entertainment out of it when it all goes down." He gave her a sly smile, glimmering eyes betraying a desire for mischief. More like itching for a fight, really, but he doubted the humans would put up much of a fight.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Demon God Caelan » Thu Apr 06, 2023 12:33 pm

Caelan looked to the door as the humans came in and whispered to Leela, "This still seems like a bad idea. I don't know what Cedric was thinking, letting humans into the mansion. It just seems like he's asking for trouble. Hell, they'd be terrified if I was in my minotaur form, let alone my true form. And I have a feeling these humans are never going to leave this place, especially if any of them suspect we're not really humans."
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Spiritstar3 » Thu Apr 06, 2023 2:25 pm

Ell Summers- genderfluid- 28 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (golden cream with oddly darker face, white toes, chest and belly), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- pan- might find a dog- Tags: Mystic, other residents, humans

The blue green eyed and golden brown haired one had waved to Caelan. He'd looked down the hall at them a moment, after all. They then turned to Mystic, and smiled at them. She grabbed their hand, moving to link arms instead of hold hands. She stepped into the ballroom, and looked around. They listened as the butler introduced Cedric and Lilith. They looked at the humans, and got a bit worried. This was probably a really bad idea, having them here...but she just shook her head and went to mingle.

Mystic Summers- agender- 26 y- werewolf- speed, agility, wolf form (smaller and slender gray wolf), communicating with wolves, ears and tail can show or be hidden, swimming in not too deep water- boys- Tags: Ell, other residents, humans

The blue green eyed ash blonde hummed a small sound. They put their hand over the pendant, then shook their head. They squeaked as Ell grabbed their hand. She then decided better of it, linking arms instead, and they went with her. They looked at the humans, then the door. They listened as the vampires were introduced, then the two spoke. They watched the two vampires move towards the ballroom floor now. They shook their head, going with Ell as she went to mingle.

Leela Evers- f- 80 y- witch vampire hybrid- earth magic (Wiccan), speed and agility, retractable fangs- has a white Angora kitty which may be a familiar- unknown sexuality but crush on Caelan- Tags: Caelan, Cedric and Lilith, Ell and Mystic and others, humans

The blue eyed one watched the humans that stepped in, too. She squeaked w bit when Caelan whispered to her, then. She nodded as she said "It definitely does...especially since Cedric and Lilith are vampires. They might be drink from some of them. I don't think head hurt them. Do we really want humans knowing about us, though?" she asked. She then nodded as he said if the humans did find out, they'd never be allowed to leave. "I really don't like the thought of forcing them to stay..."

Ari Soma- m- 24 y- human- good at storytelling and art- homosexual- high likelihood his crush is on Elias- open for an SO/whatnot- has a black Shepherd named Kuro and a white cat Shiro- Tags: Elias and Van, Apollo and Amelia, residents of Grimwood

The cute heterochromatic boy nodded to Amelia, when she greeted them with a smile or nod. He didn't really know what to say, at the moment. He just shrugged and walked in after the butler. He glanced to Van a moment, wondering how he was feeling. He glanced to Apollo as well. The other didn't seem all that interested in them, more interested in just his sister. Ari shook his head at at...then glanced around. He felt nervous, and a bit suspicious the butler seemed to float. " I the only one noticing the floating?" he asked. He mostly asked Elias and Van, but was asking the siblings too. He didn't think Apollo would answer. Maybe, hopefully, Amelia would answer though.

He then shook his head, and also looked up as a door opened. He looked at the two people there, a male and a female from what he could tell. He shivered a bit as he watched them, not sure why. Something about them made him...worried, nervous. He shook his head, scolding himself, and stepped further in. He nodded his head a bit, as the man welcomed them. He hummed a small sound, then looked to the woman. She was watching them all as well. He listened as she said they were going to begin. He nodded a bit, though maybe she couldn't see that from where she was. He then glanced to the other humans. He stuck close to Elias and Van, closer to Elias but still close enough to Van, and the other two.
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✤ iii

Postby bigwig. » Thu Apr 06, 2023 6:43 pm

    they/themhumanlocation: outside the manortags: ari, elias, amelia & apollo, ment. cedric & lilith
    Van followed cautiously, not paying too much mind to Amelia and Apollo. The boy stayed silent, seeming standoffish, but perhaps it was simply because he didn't like being around so many strangers. Not a very sociable type, Van assumed. They went along with the tightly-clustered group of people, all looking around curiously at the elaborate interior of the manor. They made their way into the ballroom, which was just as grandiose as would be expected. Glowing lights adorned it all over, with a banquet table towards one side of the room. Van was rather surprised to see how many people were here already - where had they come from? Had they just...arrived earlier? Already been here? Had the group outside just taken longer than they'd thought? The people who were already there were also dressed up, wearing various interesting masks and outfits.

    The person they'd been following, presumably a butler, went past them and up the stairs. He seemed to move in a strange, almost floaty way, again as if he were something less than corporeal. An illusion, it almost seemed, only there in the mind's eye. Like...a ghost? It felt strange, improbable, but at the same time intriguing. Honestly, it would stand to reason this place was haunted - a creepy old manor in the middle of the woods? Of course it was haunted. But ghosts couldn't set up all this decor, right?

    The butler spoke in an oddly voluminous voice which seemed to command the entire room, announcing the arrival of their 'hosts'. So, that meant the people who had put this party on, right? Van quickly looked up to watch them walk down the stairs. There was a pair - definitely siblings, possibly twins. A young man and a young woman, both in matching rich purple outfits. Attractive, although only half of either face was visible, but with a strange quality about them. Different from the ephemeral nature of the butler - more corporeal, but still seemingly unnatural. A peculiar pallor, perhaps, or a subtle lack of something seemingly inherent to a human.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby ellyenchanted » Fri Apr 07, 2023 4:03 am

        ────── ❝ 𝐀 𝐌 𝐄 𝐋 𝐈 𝐀 ❞ ──────
        ⤷ human; 25; located inside manor; tagging humans + mentions cedric

        amelia returned elias's enthusiasm with a friendly clap on the shoulder. "there will be no shortage of things to write about, i'm sure of it." she followed the butler through the magnificent entryway until they arrived at a lavish ballroom that certainly lived up to the hype. her thoughts immediately went to the mystery owner and the wealth they must possess. what off the map multi millionaire owned grimwood manor? were they some young heir to a multi-billion dollar corporation? or the ceo themselves. her favorite theory was that the owner was royalty from some far off country. whatever the answer was, amelia was confident she could get to the bottom of it.

        and soon she would be able to, as the butler promptly announced the hosts of the masquerade, cedric and lilith wicke. one with a smile and the other an unreadable gaze. she noted there were others, too, dotted around the ballroom. but this pair, who she assumed were siblings, were her target. they were the hosts, so surely they knew the most. she jostled apollo with her elbow and nodded towards cedric wicke who was descending the ridiculously grand staircase. "i'm going to go talk to him, alright? just...mingle. or something." as much as she loved her brother, he radiated negative energy, and she couldn't have him messing things up for her. at apollo's protest she rolled her eyes, "you'll be fine!"

        ────── 𝐀 𝐏 𝐎 𝐋 𝐋 𝐎 ──────
        ⤷ human; 25; located outside manor; tagging humans + mentions cedric

        if apollo had hackles they would be raising. he immediately took note of the others around the room. had they received invitations too? who were they? he didn't miss ari's comment about the butler floating up the stairs, and apollo didn't even want to consider the implications to that. floating butlers, creepy mansion in the middle of the woods that no one's ever heard about... they were so screwed.

        the next thing he knew the butler was announcing the hosts of the masquerade ball and as he glanced over at amelia, he could already tell by the look in her eyes that she had locked on to a target. "no. no absolutely not." he hissed. there was no way he'd allow them to split up. apollo trusted these people as far as he could throw them, which is to say he didn't trust them one bit. "you cannot just leave me!" but his protests were in vain, because amelia had already started towards cedric wicke, leaving him to stand awkwardly with the others they came in with.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby General Chaos » Fri Apr 07, 2023 8:53 am

[Female] [Erinve] [Loc ; Ballroom] [About] [Tags ; Leon , Humans (Ment)]

    Leon's joking jab back gave Trisiphone a little bit of ease. While she didn't particularly like Leon, he was one of the only people she knew. It gave her an odd sense of peace, which she never would have thought came from the likes of Leon.
    She gave a sideways glance at him, almost in shock that he had agreed with her. 'That'll never happen again,' she thought to herself. They had a history on disagreeing, on pretty much everything. She opened her mouth to speak as the ballroom doors swung open, her mouth stayed like that for a moment before snapping it shut her jaw clenching as she did.
    She counted the humans silently as they entered the ballroom, one after the other her heart sank more. She didn't realize this many had been invited, maybe one or two but this was a lot more than that. Her gaze slowly shifted back towards Leon, the worry in her eyes now noticable.
    "At least I know I can handle you of things get out of control." She elbowed him jokingly, hoping to ease her nerves. She knew the statement wasn't necessary true, Leon had beaten her plenty of times althought it was always a battle to beheld.
    She thought for a moment, watching as the humans entered and looked around.
    "Will you at least help me if things get out of control?" Her question stunned her as it left her mouth, almost making her flinch as she asked it. She had never asked for help, not even from her sisters let alone Leon. She shook her head quickly, wishing she could take back the words she never meant to say. "Nevermind, dumb question. I'm sure it'll be fine, right? It's just a ball anyway." She let her eyes wander towards all the mythics of the manor, and sighed. This was going to be a very long night.
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Re: House of the Unknown (Accepting!)

Postby Demon God Caelan » Fri Apr 07, 2023 9:00 am

As the humans entered the mansion, Caelan's right hand was clenching into a fist, with the red ring on his finger glowing. He said to himself, "Deep breaths Caelan, deep breaths" taking deep breaths was one of the few things he was able to do to keep himself from going ballistic. And if he went on a rampage during the ball, Lillith would be furious, so he needed to control his anger. He looked around the ballroom to see if he could find Trisiphone. The Erinve may not be his best friend, but they had a similar sense of avenging the innocent. Despite him being the embodiment of rage, he still knew how to show compassion. Plus, his armies made of people who worship him as a God of War and Vengeance, they didn't hurt innocent people, they used their anger to punish dangerous criminals. The Erinve's purpose was similar, so he had a level of respect for her, even if they weren't really the best of friends.
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