๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

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Re: ๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

Postby dogtreat » Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:08 pm

Briefcase Luggage Openings

You may see all items here and here

As apology for the delay and to get yall through your stolen goods quicker,
you may now open 5 (five) stolen luggages at a time.

_mirage_ wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : _mirage_ 1015593
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: x5
Token cost: n/a
Token balance Stolen luggage count beforehand: 15
Token balance Stolen luggage count after: 10
Link to my previous results:

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (bronze),fancy cane (red),ink-stain shirt,shoulder decor (tungsten) and shoulder decor (silver)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: shoulder decor (silver),youthful charm,tri-shard (standard),fancy cane (silver) and shoulder decor (tungsten)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: ink-stain shirt,lumpthing,shoulder decor (tungsten),shoulder decor (silver) and fancy cane (silver)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (bronze),fancy cane (red),ink-stain shirt,tri-shard (charged) and tri-shard (standard)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: breifcase,lucky charm,youthful charm,lumpthing and shoulder decor (bronze)!

mrs wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID: mrs
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 4
Proof I own this: here
Stolen Luggage beforehand: 4
Stolen Luggage after: 0
Link to my previous results: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=87&t=4752679&start=2080#p141352673

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: shoulder decor (bronze),ink-stain shirt,distinguished dress,fancy cane (bronze) and cloak!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (red),shoulder decor (bronze),fancy cane (bronze),shoulder decor (silver) and distinguished dress!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: lucky charm,shoulder decor (silver),ink-stain shirt,cloak and breifcase!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (silver),tri-shard (charged),ink-stain shirt,shoulder decor (tungsten) and lumpthing!

Lemon Tea Rain wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : Lemon Tea Rain + 935566
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5
Token cost: N/A, Prebought
Token balance beforehand: N/A (currently have 6 luggages!)
Token balance after: N/A (Will have 1 luggage left!)
Link to my previous results: Link!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (bronze),lumpthing,ink-stain shirt,breifcase and shoulder decor (bronze)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: breifcase,fancy cane (red),lumpthing,shoulder decor (bronze) and fancy cane (silver)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (silver),shoulder decor (bronze),shoulder decor (tungsten),fancy cane (red) and breifcase!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: lumpthing,distinguished dress,fancy cane (silver),shoulder decor (bronze) and shoulder decor (silver)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (red),shoulder decor (bronze),ink-stain shirt,cloak and fancy cane (bronze)!

shadowangelw wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID :shadowangelw 602564
Amount of stolen luggage i have: 5
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5
Proof of purchase: boop
Link to my previous results: boop

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (red),breifcase,cloak,fancy cane (silver) and ink-stain shirt!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: shoulder decor (tungsten),fancy cane (red),shoulder decor (silver),fancy cane (bronze) and cloak!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: shoulder decor (tungsten),fancy cane (silver),breifcase,fancy cane (red) and shoulder decor (bronze)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: shoulder decor (silver),breifcase,tri-shard (charged),ink-stain shirt and cloak!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (silver),shoulder decor (silver),ink-stain shirt,lumpthing and cloak!

PinkAngel wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : PinkAngel + 910149
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5
Luggage cost: 5 Stolen Luggage
Token balance beforehand: 24 Stolen Luggage
Token balance after: 19 Stolen Luggage
Link to my previous results: moop
Proof of purchase: moop

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: tri-shard (charged),shoulder decor (bronze),cloak,fancy cane (bronze) and lucky charm!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: shoulder decor (silver),lucky charm,distinguished dress,ink-stain shirt and fancy cane (silver)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: distinguished dress,breifcase,fancy cane (red),shoulder decor (bronze) and shoulder decor (tungsten)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (bronze),shoulder decor (tungsten),shoulder decor (silver),distinguished dress and lucky charm!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: shoulder decor (silver),fancy cane (silver),ink-stain shirt,fancy cane (bronze) and shoulder decor (tungsten)!

Viego wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : Viego #18365
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5
Token cost: Previously Bought
Token balance beforehand: 13 Luggages
Token balance after: 8 Luggages
Link to my previous results: Here

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: distinguished dress,tri-shard (charged),shoulder decor (silver),fancy cane (red) and shoulder decor (tungsten)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: cloak,shoulder decor (tungsten),lumpthing,lucky charm and fancy cane (silver)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: tri-shard (charged),fancy cane (silver),ink-stain shirt,fancy cane (red) and cloak!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (bronze),breifcase,distinguished dress,shoulder decor (silver) and shoulder decor (tungsten)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (red),youthful charm,lucky charm,tri-shard (standard) and lumpthing!

Benji_ wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : Benji_ | #680546
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5 [remaining: 19]
Proof of purchase/owning: x
Link to my previous results: boop

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: cloak,shoulder decor (tungsten),ink-stain shirt,fancy cane (bronze) and lumpthing!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: lumpthing,ink-stain shirt,fancy cane (silver),shoulder decor (silver) and fancy cane (bronze)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: lumpthing,fancy cane (silver),shoulder decor (tungsten),distinguished dress and fancy cane (bronze)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (bronze),shoulder decor (silver),lumpthing,shoulder decor (bronze) and fancy cane (red)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: distinguished dress,tri-shard (charged),shoulder decor (tungsten),lumpthing and shoulder decor (silver)!

Ghost_Support wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : Ghost_Support 1004894
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5
Stolen luggage amount after: 5 ( had 10 )
Link to my previous results: N/A
Proof of purchase: Here!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: breifcase,cloak,shoulder decor (silver),fancy cane (red) and shoulder decor (tungsten)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: shoulder decor (silver),shoulder decor (bronze),fancy cane (silver),fancy cane (red) and fancy cane (bronze)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: ink-stain shirt,lumpthing,shoulder decor (tungsten),shoulder decor (bronze) and tri-shard (standard)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: ink-stain shirt,shoulder decor (silver),shoulder decor (tungsten),distinguished dress and shoulder decor (bronze)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (red),breifcase,shoulder decor (silver),fancy cane (silver) and youthful charm!

Mossclaw3706 wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : Mossclaw3706 + 34046
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: x5
Token cost: n/a; purchased here
Stolen luggage count beforehand: 15
Token balance[/strike] Stolen luggage count after: 10
Link to my previous results: here!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: lumpthing,fancy cane (bronze),shoulder decor (silver),distinguished dress and cloak!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (bronze),lumpthing,ink-stain shirt,distinguished dress and fancy cane (red)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (red),tri-shard (standard),tri-shard (charged),lumpthing and shoulder decor (silver)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (silver),breifcase,distinguished dress,cloak and shoulder decor (tungsten)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: breifcase,tri-shard (charged),ink-stain shirt,fancy cane (silver) and distinguished dress!

Asternaut wrote:I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : Asternaut 354100
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5
Token cost: 5
Token balance beforehand: 7
Token balance after: 2
Link to my previous results: beeps

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (red),fancy cane (silver),shoulder decor (bronze),shoulder decor (tungsten) and lumpthing!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: ink-stain shirt,breifcase,shoulder decor (bronze),shoulder decor (tungsten) and fancy cane (red)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (red),cloak,tri-shard (charged),breifcase and ink-stain shirt!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: fancy cane (red),breifcase,shoulder decor (bronze),shoulder decor (tungsten) and fancy cane (silver)!

The briefcase opens, its insides revealing: distinguished dress,fancy cane (red),lumpthing,shoulder decor (tungsten) and ink-stain shirt!


ImageGarden Event Trunk OpeningsImage

Music_Lover wrote:I'm opening a trunk/s!
User + ID: Music_Lover + 135845
Amount of trunks I'm opening: 9
Proof I own these: Right here (:

Here's my last results
Hopping on the bandwagon since Ahki mentioned wanting some open as well haha

You got old vines! Do it for the vine, am i right? is that joke still funny??
You got Rock floats! Pray they don't fall down one day and smack you.
You got mossy collar! Re-use and recycle, right?
You got mini trunk! You can put your favourite hat in here, maybe. Its a bit too small to be functional.
You open the crate and...100 gummies? They smell kind of old, but its better than nothing, right?
You got Rock floats! I mean, its in the name innit.
You open the crate and...10 scrap. What a cruel world we live in.
You got Rock floats! I mean, its in the name innit.
You got old vines! Oh, wonderful- a tripping hazard.

ahirked wrote:I'm opening a trunk/s!
User + ID: ahirked 290196
Amount of trunks I'm opening: 4
Proof I own these: boop

You open the crate and... 50 scrap? I mean, sure.
You got old vines! Oh, wonderful- a tripping hazard.
You got old vines! Do it for the vine, am i right? is that joke still funny??
You crack open the trunk, and.... oh, its a werm. No, no, no. Where is my mossy collar. (ID#4850)
made by 0blivion

AlatusNemeseos wrote:I'm opening a trunk/s!
User + ID: AlatusNemeseos + 1019891
Amount of trunks I'm opening: 7
Proof I own these: โ™ก

You got mini trunk! Trunk-ception.
You open the crate and...100 gummies? They smell kind of old, but its better than nothing, right?
You crack open the trunk and.... oh? Oh. A werm? Oh, that's definitely the worst outcome and definitely not what you were hoping for. (ID#4851)
made by 0blivion
You got mossy moon decor! How does it stay up there..? (its blu-tack.)
You open the crate and... 50 scrap? I mean, sure.
You got Rock floats! Pray they don't fall down one day and smack you.
You got old vines! Do it for the vine, am i right? is that joke still funny??

Layamell wrote:I'm opening a trunk/s!
User + ID: Layamell 987626
Amount of trunks I'm opening: 15 (30 left)
Proof I own these: https://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=87&t=4736845&p=138786201&hilit=layamell#p138786201

You got Rock floats! Sounds like it could be a cool drink.
You open the crate and...10 scrap. Hopefully you weren't having a bad day before this.
You open the crate and...100 gummies? They smell kind of old, but its better than nothing, right?
You got mini trunk! Somebody thought they were real funny when they thought of this.
You got mossy moon decor! It glows softly in the dark.
You got mini trunk! Somebody thought they were real funny when they thought of this.
You got mini trunk! Trunk-ception.
You got Rock floats! Sounds like it could be a cool drink.
You got mossy collar! Foliage fashion!
You open the crate and...100 gummies? They smell kind of old, but its better than nothing, right?
You got mossy collar! Re-use and recycle, right?
You open the crate and...10 scrap. What a cruel world we live in.
You got Rock floats! Sounds like it could be a cool drink.
You got mossy moon decor! How does it stay up there..? (its blu-tack.)
You open the crate and...100 gummies? They smell kind of old, but its better than nothing, right?

Deus Machina wrote:I'm opening a trunk/s!
User + ID: Cyberkonstruktor / 859449
Amount of trunks I'm opening: 15
Proof I own these: Here!

15 open, 35 to go

You got Rock floats! I mean, its in the name innit.
You open the crate and...10 scrap. Hopefully you weren't having a bad day before this.
You got mini trunk! Somebody thought they were real funny when they thought of this.
You got old vines! They're.. oh my god are they plastic??
You got old vines! Oh, wonderful- a tripping hazard.
You open the crate and...10 scrap. Hopefully you weren't having a bad day before this.
You open the crate and...10 scrap. What a cruel world we live in.
You got mossy moon decor! How does it stay up there..? (its blu-tack.)
You open the crate and...100 gummies? They smell kind of old, but its better than nothing, right?
You got mini trunk! Trunk-ception.
You got old vines! They're.. oh my god are they plastic??
You got mossy collar! Foliage fashion!
You got Rock floats! Sounds like it could be a cool drink.
You got mini trunk! Trunk-ception.
You got mossy moon decor! How does it stay up there..? (its blu-tack.)
Last edited by dogtreat on Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

Postby Benji_ » Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:13 pm

I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : Benji_ | #680546
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5 [remaining: 14]
Proof of purchase/owning: x
Link to my previous results: boop
[ Benji | She/They | Adult | Wermz tracking ]
Henlo I'm Benji, I'm not great at talking to people but I'm doing my best <3
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Re: ๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

Postby Mossclaw3706 » Sat Mar 18, 2023 3:03 pm

I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : Mossclaw3706 + 34046
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: x5
Token cost: n/a; purchased here
Stolen luggage count beforehand: 10
Token balance[/strike] Stolen luggage count after: 5
Link to my previous results: here!
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Re: ๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

Postby PinkAngel » Sat Mar 18, 2023 4:02 pm

I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : PinkAngel + 910149
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5
Luggage cost: 5 Stolen Luggage
Token balance beforehand: 19 Stolen Luggage
Token balance after: 14 Stolen Luggage
Link to my previous results: moop
Proof of purchase: moop
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Re: ๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

Postby Dartist » Sat Mar 18, 2023 5:29 pm

I'd like to buy an item!
gummy balance beforehand: 16,485
Item/s: old coupon
total cost: 700g
gummy balance afterwards: 15,785
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Re: ๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

Postby yandere » Sat Mar 18, 2023 11:07 pm

I'm claiming a free item!
Username + ID: yandere 635513
Item: x5 jerma

    hi im chlo!

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Re: ๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

Postby GoldieDoggy » Sun Mar 19, 2023 1:55 am

I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : GoldieDoggy | 949727
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5
23 left
proof of purchase
Link to my previous results: boop!
Happy Hanukkah/Chanukah!

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Re: ๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

Postby Lightnea » Sun Mar 19, 2023 3:53 am

I'd like to buy an item!
gummy balance beforehand: 1200
Item/s: Old Coupon Image
total cost: 700
gummy balance afterwards: 500
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Postby halo » Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:01 am

iโ€™m opening a trunk / s !
user + id : strawberry crepe + 976487
amount of trunks iโ€™m opening : 10
proof i own these : beepbeep

โ€” xo <3

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silly thaaaaang ! !
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Re: ๐Ÿ“€Wermz๐Ÿ“€ Shopping District

Postby Music_Lover » Sun Mar 19, 2023 6:39 am

I'm opening stolen luggage!
Username + ID : Music_Lover + 135845
Amount of stolen luggage I'm opening: 5
Stolen luggage count beforehand: 12
Stolen luggage count after: 7
Proof I own this: Bonk
Link to my previous results: Right here

I'm opening a trunk/s!
User + ID: Music_Lover + 135845
Amount of trunks I'm opening: 5
Proof I own these: 12 / 21
Imageโ™ชโ™ซโ™ชImage Image Image โ™ชโ™ซโ™ชImage
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