CS Writing Competition - June Contest UPCOMING

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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Navibird » Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:07 pm

- November 2022


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The weather is a fickle thing, nipping Auresque's heels no matter where he sets his paws. He values the warmth that mid-summer June has to offer, enjoying the splaying warmth as he watches the sun and moon tango between clouds within the sky. It's one of the few months he is allowed to view the two together at a single time. And oh how ironic it is, when as he rests among the grass and fauna, his shadow rests in turn. They mimic the aforementioned sky, then. The dazzling sun and the pale light of the child who reflects every ray.
So then, when winter creeps in a snail's-pace under their very feet and settles itself into the crevices of land and sea, they find it bittersweet in a way. Perhaps then, they could be compared to the snow and the sun. The flakes reflect light just as well as anything else, illuminating the sky with a faux moon-lit dawn that leaves one with a sense of listlessness. Like perhaps they were caught between morning and midnight unintentionally and became stuck in that strange, lethargic section of time. And then, perhaps, the sun could rest a while and let that soft-spoken child of the moon speak up a bit. Raise their voice and announce their presence that's punctuated by their pale blue beauty. A beauty founded on the inherent attraction of quiet and interpersonal words, and the soft glow of a gifted individual who hasn't yet found their footing.

Auresque is the sun, and Veloce is the moon, no matter late-November or mid-summer June.
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Gruffin » Tue Nov 29, 2022 9:56 am

Pet's name: ◈ Dreamer ◈




This cacophony of chaos resounded through the hollow, the source being none other than Dreamer, a blue and white Butterfly Wolf. She seemed to have something on her mind…

“HORROR! The absolute horror! We are going to be late for winter!” she howled, frantically dusting the last remnants of autumn leaves from the trees. She zipped to and fro, much like a hummingbird, to whip up as much cold wind as she could.

“Dreamerrrr, it’s 5 in the morning,” one of her companions groaned; she was much larger wolf who went by Kiki. The other wolves scattered throughout the hollow lifted their heads, several yawning or blinking away sleep after having been disturbed by the racket.

Kiki continued gently, “Winter can wait, can’t it? Just five more minutes?”

Dreamer wheeled around, shaking her head, “It most certainly can not! If I don’t start the change of the seasons now, then this whole hollow will be thrown off schedule! How will we look to the rest of the forest if we’re still stuck with all this--” she waved her paws around, “this-- orange all over the place come December?”

Dreamer at this point seemed on the verge of tears. She had worked so hard to get to this point; to be trusted with overseeing the coming of winter in her home forest. Autumn had come and gone in a blink, it seemed, and even with all her fussing and planning ahead, it still didn’t seem like enough.

“I can’t-- I can’t fail.”

Kiki and the other wolves’ annoyance softened at this.

“Oh Dreamer...Ever the workaholic, huh?” Kiki said, “How about...You take a quick break and let all of us help you out? You need to sleep too.”

“But--!” Dreamer looked around, noticing the concern on her companions’ faces.

Take a break,” Kiki cut off Dreamer’s attempts at arguing. “We’ll handle clearing the leaves while you rest, okay? Then once you’re awake, you’ll be able to bring in the cold weather much better.”

At this, Dreamer, slowly nodded. Yeah...She guessed that made sense. She was actually pretty exhausted now that she had a moment to check in with herself…

Kiki smiled, her tail wagging, “Besides, call me carefree if you want, but it’s still only November, right? And aren’t ‘white Christmases’ supposed to be rare in our area? Don’t worry, I’m sure with all of us working together, we’ll get everything done on time.”

“...Well, alright,” Dreamer finally said, “I’ll leave it to you while I take a quick nap then, Kiki.”

With that, Dreamer zipped up to her little tree hole, where she curled up in a nest of cloth scraps. Distantly, she could hear Kiki’s orders and the rustle of leaves being moved about. Her eyes slowly drooped closed, her panicked breathing evened. Thoughts of gratitude for her friends comforted her and she slowly drifted off to sleep.

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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Turo0 » Tue Nov 29, 2022 4:23 pm

November 2022
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Pet's name: Crystal
A snowflake lands on Crystal's nose when she's heading home. She gazes up in the sky and sticks her tongue out. Another snowflake soon lands on her tongue. She swallows it and jumps forward full of joy. She has been waiting for ages for the snow to come. She runs home as fast as she can while catching some more snowflakes.

When she's home she finds all her seasonal lights and decorations and blows the dust off of them. The dust sparkles in the sunlight. Crystal proceeds to set up all the lights, and when she's done she sets them on. They work, but would look better in the dark. Crystal lays down and cuddles her favourite blanket waiting for the sun to set. Eventually she falls asleep, dreaming of all the fun things she can do when there's enough snow.

When Crystal wakes up she looks outside and notices that it's dark. She stretches and goes outside to see how her lights look like now. When she steps out of the door she feels the snow under her paw. It's hard to see outside, but it seems like there has already piled up quite a nice amount of snow. She turns on the lights and looks around her. The snow reflects the lights and creates a beautiful dance of colours all over. Crystal walks further and notices weird colourful shapes gliding around on the snow as she moves. After a moment she realises the lights must be reflecting from the crystals on her back. She gets up on her back paws and just dances. She lets the happiness move her as she closes her eyes, just enjoying the feeling. She takes a deep breath and opens them slowly again while still moving, and sees the most beautiful scene of lights and shadows dancing all around her. The snow looks like it's made of glitter, so beautiful and so soft. Crystal sees a nice looking snowy spot and lands there on her back, rolling around in the pure snow.

Eventually she has to stop to catch her breath. She lays down in the snow and gazes up to the sky. There are only a few small clouds left, and between them she can see stars. They sparkle beautifully, like nature's own light decorations. Crystal hopes she could stay like this forever, just enjoying all the nature's beauty.
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby cardea » Thu Dec 01, 2022 2:26 pm

November 2022
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Pet's name: Drift
Entry: [527 Words]
It was getting to be that time again. It was so odd! Twice a year—only twice, never once and never thrice—the sun seemed to show more love to one side of the Earth. It was only ever for a few months before switching. The Earth-Dwellers didn't seem to mind. But the Earth-Dwellers weren't the only ones around. Drift pushed her paws into the dust and tipped her head back in thought. Well, if the sun can play favorites, then so can I!
She racked her brain, thinking just how she could do that. After all, she wasn't nearly as big or as bright as the sun. She couldn't warm the cold areas, or change the weather on command. All she had was the dust of the moon and the stars to look up to. After an orbit, it hit her. She'd bring them a star!
The stars shimmered and twinkled—how could anyone dislike a star? She giggled thinking about it. A star to dance and play with will most surely earn the spot of Earth's favorite.
And so she plucked her favorite star from the sky. It twinkled and shone in her paws brilliantly. With a smile, Drift pushed the star into her tails to protect it, and hopped down onto Earth's surface.
As her paws hit the course ground beneath her, she felt strange. It was hot, too hot! Glancing around the terrain, she saw rough grass, orange dirt, and dry plants. No, no, no, this won't do! How can she jump and dance and play with the others when she's weighed down by the sweat in her tail? This was swimming weather! Not star weather! And with one last gloomy look, she hopped away, silently promising to show them the star one day.
She hopped across the Earth, landing in familiar soil. The powdery ground underfoot made her paw pads feel like ice. With a look up, she noticed the tiny particles as they rode the wind. They looked like baby stars with their sparkling. The entire ground was sparkling! How will the Earth-Dwellers chase the star when the entire landscape was twinkling? Another sigh, another hop, and another muted promise.
Feet splashed into a puddle as Drift landed on her third destination. Pitter-patter, splash splash splash. Quickly, the little wolf took shelter under a pine tree and shook the rain out of her coat. Gloomily, she looked out at the dreary weather. If she took her star out, it would surely melt in the rain! Alas, one more sigh and promise.
And with that, one final hop. She looked out across the green, blue, and white expanse that was Earth. Saddened by her journey, she returned to her home on the moon. How could she ever make friends on Earth when she couldn't even gift them a star? She pondered. Maybe the Sun wasn't playing favorites, maybe they found joy in the weather brought to them. They don't need a star to be happy. With this reassurance, Drift curled up and drifted off to sleep, her favorite star tucked snugly beneath her arm. It was been a long day. Maybe she'd visit again sometime.
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby ChurrosSwan » Fri Dec 02, 2022 8:44 pm

[color=#000000][/color]November 2022
Link to Pet: pet/386982396.html
Entry: *BirdsEye*

A breeze went through the hollow, rotting forest. Birdseye woke up with a jolt, then realized it was November. She got up and ran towards the exit, away from the village, to the northern hemisphere where she loves to play. Even though it is forbidden there, she is a wolf. She doesn’t care! Her chains rattled softly in the wind, as she laid down in the snow.CRASH! She got up to the crash and trotted towards it slowly. It was just the wind, she exhaled. She went to fix the jars when another wolf came up and growled “Aren’t you forbidden here?” She shook her head then the wolf trotted off. She raised her ears, listening for nearby animals. She looked at the clouds and inhaled, it was gonna storm. She dug a cave into the mountain, taking the jars with her and stayed the night. When she woke the enterance was gone, and it was thick, slippery ice. She dug more of her way into the mountain before she made an entire den, so she guessed this was her home now, having to eat snow and ice until summer or spring. She realized the jars were full of food and water so she relied on those until they were gone. At least 20 days later.. She took the last meat of the 6th jar out, and consumed it. That was the last of the sixth jar, she kicked it aside to the snow pile where it would refill, because snow commonly falls there. End of story! She got freed and is now free from the southern hempisphere’s cruel ways.
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Pinecous » Fri Dec 09, 2022 10:28 pm

November 2022
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The wind raced through the leaves howling up a cacophony of noise, the branches groaning in protest against the movement, as if the tree was not used to such violence. The leaves accepted the droplets of rain, which was carried by wind, almost reaching out for the water, catching the few drops, and holding them for just a moment. The wind came again, screaming jovially as it violently shook the leaves shaking the water free to cascade down towards where a huddled form stood perched inside a woven nest. As the water splashed down onto her head, Maliris shook her feathers for what felt like the umpteenth time that night, the rain spraying from her plumage in an array of drops. It was beautiful for a moment, the water reflecting the light from the barely visible moon, before the wind sent the water back into her beak and back onto her feathers.

It was meant to be summer. The weather before had been still, the warmth lingering in the air, trapped inside the never-ending clouds. The breeze but a gentle whisper caressing the leaves to rustle in the melody of summer. The wind had however crept in, gradually increasing in strength until flying against its force sent Marliris pinwheeling through the air to land on the very branch which she was still on at this moment. Gradually the wind died down, lamenting its farewell as it continued to travel through the forest. It seemed for a moment that all would be quiet, the moon slipped behind a cloud as if it was also resting. Marliris settled back down, tucking her head underneath a wing; peaceful. The serenity that is left after the screaming winds, but then the rain came. It came from the silence. The peace split by the sound of a leaf catching the first of the drops, and then another, and another. The downpour was savage and sudden. The rain hammering against the branches, the canopy of leaves not doing much to prevent the onslaught of water and soaking the small figure of Marliris where she hunched. Puddles formed on the ground, surfaces slippery with the water, and just like that, the rain stopped. Everything stopped. The wind which had accompanied the rain stopped. The only sound was that of the dripping of the water onto other branches, other leaves.

Marliris blinked open her eyes, once again shaking her feathers dry, expecting another onslaught of weather to hit her, but it never did. The silence from the remainder of the night pressing in on her. Tucking her head under her wing once more, she rested. It was the songs of other birds around her which woke her. The leaves were still damp from the previous rain, but it seemed as though the weather was calmer. There was a warmth in the air, heating up from the rising sun. Streaks of red and orange beginning to scorch the sky. A gentle breeze caressed the leaves, shaking free the last drops of rain. Marliris joined the leaves in shaking free the water from her plumage before lifting from the branches, the sun warm on her feathers, her morning song joined that of the others, a choir of rejoicing for the fresh day. Maybe it was summer after all.

Word Count: 548
ℝ𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕟 𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟,
𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕞!

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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Toydog21 » Mon Dec 12, 2022 7:54 am

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Ginger the bunny was getting ready for the cold snowy season. She’d just finished putting away the food foraged from the woods into her warm, cosy burrow. Inside was neatly packed with dry grass and leaves so she could rest comfortably. Once settled and calm she reflected back on the fun-packed year.

Back in Easter, many of the animals from the surrounding woods gathered for the annual egg collecting festival. The little ones would make it like a competition. The young bunnies managed to gather far more than the mice and stoats this year to the surprise of many. There were many new little faces mothers showing off their new kits, litters and pups to the other families. the older children ran around enjoying the spring sun. As the weather warmed up and Summer began she decided to take a trip to her favourite spot by the beach. Many of other animals and friends also had the same idea of heading to the beach. This was wonderful, as they played for hours in the sand making castles and taking leisurely strolls along the coastline. When Summer cooled into Autumn the air became crisper and drier. The landscape was filled with red, yellow, brown and orange. The coming of Autumn was ideal for collecting lots of tasty treats for the children around Halloween. Gathering around the fireflies they would tell spooky stories of Witches and Werewolves. Although the mothers used to complain not to scare the children too much, it was lots of fun. With an eventful year she’d now have time for some well deserved rest.

A cold chilly draft wafted into the burrow. Maybe I’ll take a quick peek outside she thought, poking her head up, looking towards the sky. Snow was starting to fall, it was only a trickle still but it was mesmerising. Fascinating, she thought, how each little snowflake is so unique in it’s shape and size with it's own story. And how they swirled in the sky. The feeling was calm and peaceful, she curled herself into a ball for extra warmth, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

She woke up excited and decided to take another look outside, Ginger stretched then took a peek outside. The once brown soil and green grass was coated in a blanket of pure white snow, now settled, she couldn’t contain her excitement to go outside and play. It was time to celebrate with all her friends!

She hopped quickly out the door. Snow hitting her fluffy paws gave them a chilly surprise, but soon dashed away leaving a trail of speedy paw prints behind. The forest, which was partly sheltered, made the air more comfortable. You couldn’t miss the Robins with their bright red chest, singing in the morning. She greeted them as she hopped on by, to see her other rabbit friends. They’d been spending the morning decorating the trees to celebrate the upcoming festive season. Wrapping vines, tinsel, and ribbons while the fireflies glowed among the trees giving off a gentle twinkling light. Red berries added a nice touch of colour. As she looked around a little mouse came out and greeted her with a happy squeak, turning around to finish on his morning snack.

Ginger was excited to play in the snow along with her rabbit, squirrel and mouse friends. Some of them made snow angels flapping their arms and legs. Others used their paws to draw different shapes and patterns or cute paw patterns around. Later they sang songs about winter and told festive stories. As it began to get late, they gathered around to watch the sunset. It was peaceful and calming watching the colours change the pinks, purples and oranges dancing in the sky. The beauty of it drew them closer together. As the sun moved beneath the horizon, the night chill started to come in they left to go home to warmth and shelter.

She was glad to be able to celebrate with her friends and enjoy the winter landscape today. In these colder months ahead she will likely stay inside more but she wanted to make the most of the season.

And while she loved the winter she was also looking forward to next year, with all the fun things she wanted to do. New adventures and experiences she looked forward to. But for now, she would just enjoy the winter and get a bit of rest from the year.

Word count: 749

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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Light_Star » Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:56 am

November 2022
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Entry: Here there is a dog, known as Cricket. I Cricket love summer because I can splash and play in my pool, although Christmas is my favourite Howliday (Well my owners call it Holiday but I think Howliday has a better ring to it).

Every year I have been given a hat which was fluffy at the bottom and the top, the top had a Pom Pom I once tried to eat. The middle is red it reminded me of the same colour of the red ball I once tried to steal from a tree my owners brought in the house! They didn’t let him bring in a stick, but they brought in a whole tree! Lucy is my favourite person rather then my owners. Lucy came every year at the winter Howlidays and gave me a bone cookie! Last year she gave me a real bone! I love that bone very much; I love chewing it at the fireplace and I wont stop until my owners turn the fireplace off and take my bone away.

This year at winter time, I Cricket and my family have travelled to Lucy’s place! Usually she came to my place but not this year. When we arrived I barged my way into the house and found Lucy I jumped on her (she was okay) and knocked her over on the couch and started licking her face. Lucy giggled and said “Cricket!” and then I heard a noise it was a cry- I turned around and drooped my tail, another cry. I cocked my head, Lucy said “It’s okay Cricket that’s my new little sister! Her name is Rosalia!” Then Lucy’s Mom entered the room with a bundle of blankets rapped in her arm. I came closer and sniffed, Lucy’s Mom said “Hey Cricket this is Rosalia.” She then lowered the bundle and I saw a little baby, I cocked my head as it led out another cry, this must be Rosalia. I came and put my head over towards her face and I licked her nose, Rosalia giggled and touched my Pom Pom on my hat! Rosalia booped my nose, I then stepped back, and wagged my tail. I sped outside and had a hissy fit (zoomies etc). Then it started snowing it never snowed where our place was a snowflake landed on my nose I licked it and Lucy and I played in the snow. Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed and have a happy Howlidays!!:D
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby KitsuniGirl223 » Fri Dec 16, 2022 9:34 am

:silent: :roll: November 2022
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Entry: Annelisse groaned as she rolled out of bed. She was not a morning person, so she was a little confused as to why she had woken at 6 o'clock. She walked over to the window, her jade green tail swishing behind her, and her jaw dropped as she opened the curtains. The sight before her was wondrous. Snow. So much snow! "Snow gear, here I come!" cried Annelisse joyously, as she ran into the hall, where the box of snow clothes was kept.

Five minutes later, Annelisse was wearing her favourite red hat and coat, and her fluffy socks, mittens and boots. Looking in the mirror, she thought she looked very Christmassy with her red outfit and her green and white fur. The little cat slipped through the door and in to the cold. She sank into three inches of snow! Annelisse wondered if she should get her snowshoes, but nah! She saw her friend Pegasus nearby, but no sooner had she started to go over to him then the town hall bells rang. Mayor Strawberry had an announcement.
"Hello everyone!" she said. "I am proud to announce an event called theSnow Day Buildolympics! There will be three contests and you'll be in teams of 3. The contests will be: snowman building, snow sculpting and igloo design! The winners of each will build in the final, where they will build a fabulous igloo, a snowperson to live there and a pet for the snowperson! You must choose one, as they'll be at the same time. Sign-ups close in 1 hour. See you there!" The mayor ran back into town hall. "Wow! We're definitely entering!" said Annelisse. "Yes!" replied Pegasus. "Do you think Starlight could be convinced to complete our team?" he asked, referring to Annelisse's twin sister. "We need three after all." "What makes you think I'll need convincing?" Starlight laughed, pushing through the crowd. "Of course I want to enter! But which contest?" The cats fell silent for a moment. "We should draw straws," Annelisse suggested. "After all, Starlight is great at igloos, Pegasus is brilliant at snow-men, and I like to think I'm good at snow sculptures!" "Good plan," the other two agreed, so they did. Annelisse won, so they entered the sculpting contest. An hour later, they were in the field where it would happen. They'd planned their sculpture already and if it worked it was sure to win. "GO!" yelled the mayor over a microphone, and the Snow Day Buildolympics had begun!
They worked for 3 hours. Annelisse did most of the sculpting, while Pegasus fetched things for decoration and Starlight used them to make decorations. At the end of the 3 hours, the mayor blew a whistle to stop the building.
For the first time, the team stepped back to see their masterpiece.
A giant butterfly wolf stood, her falconlike wings stretching above her, her feet planted on the ground beneath her, which was devoid of snow to show her glory. Snow had been artfully sculpted to create a flowing cloak, and she wore a crown of the biggest, most intricate snowflakes the cats could find. Several sculpted animals peeked from under her cloak, where she was shielding them.
Mayor Strawberry had been judging all the other sculptures, but when she reached theirs she fell silent. Her eyes traced the crown, the cloak, the animals beneath, and then she said "Well. We have our winner!" The cats were ecstatic. Then the mayor said, "None of these will melt, for we'll sprinkle them with magic snow. Say the magic words, which you'll think when sprinkling them, to shrink them and put them in your pocket, where they won't break, they'll be indestructible, and say the words again to grow them to their original size." Annelisse, Pegasus and Starlight cheered. "The prize for the final winners will be a box of this magic snow, a box that never runs out. Each." The trio was speechless. That would be… amazing! Woah. Annelisse felt lightheaded with joy. They were in the final! "You have 3 hours to prepare before the final," the mayor said. "Better get planning!"

"Wow!" said Pegasus, five minutes later. "What are we going to do?" "Well, I'll do the igloo," replied Starlight. The three planned until their time was up, and then began.
5 hours later, the time was up.
The igloo was a cottage with a bed, dog bed, kitchen, 2 armchairs and a rug inside, all crafted of snow and ice. Outside, sculpted rosebushes squatted by the "thatched" cottage, their flowers frozen berry juice, giving them colour.
The snow-people were an elderly couple. They were so lifelike that you could almost see them living in their igloo-cottage, hear the woman's voice offering a cookie from the sculpted plate she held, see the smoke rings from the man's pipe. A sculpted dog sat at his side and a cat at hers. The dog was a farm-dog, and autumn leaves had been used to give him brown patches in his coat. His tongue hung from his mouth and his eyes glittered appealingly. The cat was fluffy and white, and she gazed up at the snow-woman pleadingly. She squished a clockwork mouse under her paw.

The mayor was speechless. She just stared. Then she turned and walked up the steps to announce the winner.Everyone waited with bated breath.
"And the winners are… Annelisse, Starlight and Pegasus!"
"WHOOPEEE!" squealed Pegasus. They collected their prizes and decided to put all the snow builds in The Clubhouse. That night, as she drifted asleep, Annelisse wondered what on earth tomorrow would bring.

I apologise if it's too short or too long, my device won't let me use a digital wordcount. I hope it's ok!
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Re: CS Writing Competition

Postby Lacuna » Fri Dec 16, 2022 12:00 pm

Entries for November 2022 are CLOSED.
Judging has now commenced and the winner will be announced soon!

Entries for December 2022 are OPEN.
Please refer to the main post to make sure you are following all rules!

December 2022 Summary wrote:Prompt: Your pet's favorite stuffed animal is lost! Tell us the story of how they search for it, and if they are successful in their quest!

Judge: Lacuna

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