~Guardians of Paradise~ Wolf/Human Rp

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

~Guardians of Paradise~ Wolf/Human Rp

Postby ~StarlightSombra~ » Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:59 pm

~Is this Truely Paradise?~




Wolf's and Humans are known to the wolfs as "Guardians" lived peacefully in the lands. Guardians were special humans chosen by the wolf ancestors to help protect and make the wolves prosper. The Guardians had special Elemental magic that would help the season come and go. Flowers and trees in the Spring and Summer bloomed and food and herbs were plentiful. In the Winter they would help the wolfs and pups keep warm. Everything and Everyone was safe and secure and felt..protected...
Soon the lands around the Wolf's seem to die around them, Herbs, Trees, and Flowers seemed to die and wither away. Food was scarce and winters were colder and harsh. Many wolves died away in "The Great Winter" The Alpha and his Beta's discussed about leaving the area..and they did just that. Unknown to them the Guardians were taken and Killed...but yet there was some left but they fled to the Mountains. A range is known to humans as "Death Mountains" The wolfs fled there and found a cave opening, One wolf by the name of StarLight the Alpha of the group found a strange cave leading in the mountains that no human can come to. He led the pack inside and where they ended was like paradise. In a circle of mountains laid fields and caves linking them together.avast, land. They stood in awe over the lush fields and numerous waterfalls and protection. They have stayed in what they call The Dark Mountains. They called themselves the DarkMoonTribe and stayed together until some warriors didn't like it so they joined together and left..they became known as the WhiteRose pack...and stayed on the field of white roses through a broken tunnel they fixed...The Tribes have been living peacefully until now...What side are you on? Can you trust your own packmates? But is this place truly paradise?
The few Guardians that are left have fled to the Mountains to escape death, and they have sensed the wolfs back..and they are willing to help but they must stay secret...can they handle it now? Especially when the packs are separated and tensions rising?

-Story WIP Update-


~Pack details and Territory~


~Info~-The DarkMoon tribe was the first tribe to center in the mountains. They live in the dark caves and their alpha is at the top near the Spirit rock. Their hunting grounds are mostly in the Dank Forest. Their coats are normally Silver, Black, Gray, Brown.

Dank Forest-WIP
Gurdian Forest-WIP


~Info~-The white rose pack is branched from the DarkMoon pack but were the ones born with lighter fur. They live in caves also but hang out more in the White Rose field and the SunLight woods. They have lighter shades of fur and softer color or brighter eyes like blue or green.

~WhiteRose Feilds~WIP
~SunLight Woods~-WIP

~Both Packs~

~Both packs share the spirit rock and the howling mountian that is known for wolves who have problems and go to talk to the ancestors. ~




Code: Select all
[center][img]((Put picture and Description here))[/img]

[b][size=100]♫ ((Character’s Name hear))♫[/size][/b]

[b][size=90]|•Personal Information•|[/size][/b]
[b]|•What is your full name•|[/b]
[b]|•What is your age•|[/b]
[b]|•What is your gender•|[/b]
[b]|•What is your birth date•|[/b]
[b]|•What's your rank?•|[/b]
[b]|•Do you have any more details•|[/b]

[b][size=90]|•Body Information•|[/b][/size]
[b]|•What is your description•|[/b]
[b]|•What color is your Fur?•|[/b]
[b]|•What color are your eyes•|[/b]
[b]|•Do you have any wounds or Scars•|[/b]
[b]|•Anything else?•|[/b]

[b][size=90]|•Personality Information•|[/size][/b]
[b]|•What is your personality•|[/b]
[b]|•What is your history•|[/b]
[b]|•What do you like•|[/b]
[b]|•What do you dislike•|[/b]

[b][size=90]|•Other Information•|[/size][/b]
[b]|•Who is your crush•|[/b]
[b]|•Who is your mate?•|[/b][/center]


Code: Select all
[center][img]((Put picture and Description here))[/img]

[b][size=100]♫ ((Character’s name here))♫[/size][/b]

[b][size=90]|•Personal Information•|[/size][/b]
[b]|•What is your full name?•|[/b]
[b]|•What is your age?•|[/b]
[b]|•What is your gender?•|[/b]
[b]|•What is your birth date?•|[/b]
[b]|•What are you?•|[/b]
[b]|•Do you have any more details?•|[/b]

[b][size=90]|•Body Information•|[/b][/size]
[b]|•What is your description?•|[/b]
[b]|•How tall are you?•|[/b]
[b]|•How much do you weigh?•|[/b]
[b]|•What color is your hair?•|[/b]
[b]|•What color are your eyes?•|[/b]
[b]|•Do you have any piercings or tattoos?•|[/b]
[b]|•Any deflections?•|[/b]
[b]|•Anything else?•|[/b]

[b][size=90]|•Personality Information•|[/size][/b]
[b]|•What is your personality?•|[/b]
[b]|•What is your history?•|[/b]
[b]|•What do you like?•|[/b]
[b]|•What do you dislike?•|[/b]

[b][size=90]|•Other Information•|[/size][/b]
[b]|•What is your Theme song? •|[/b]
[b]|•What is your favorite Quote?•|[/b]
[b]|•Who is your crush?•|[/b]
[b]|•Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend?•|[/b][/center]


~Pack explations~

Alpha female:- Rules the pack with her mate(if she has one.) She is the highest of the pack not including her mate the Alpha male. she doesnt tolerate much and wont be disrespected without a price.
Alpha male:- The alpha females mate, he rules the pack also and is very strict and wont allow any flirting with his mate.(Must win the Alpha females heart)
Beta female:- The Alpha females right hand girl, she is chosen by the Alpha female for a reason and is her trusted adviser.
Beta male:- The alpha males wing wolf he is the Alpha males trusted adviser and is the beta females mate.
Delta Female:- The delta female is in charge when the Alpha's and Beta's are not around, they usually take charge of the hunting patrols and fighting practices.
Delta Male: The delta male is also in charge and is the delta females mate.
Lead hunter/huntress:- The best hunter in the pack can be male or female
Hunters/ huntresses:- The hunters and suppliers of the pack they supply for the pack when needed and are very important.
Lead warrior:- This wolf is the lead fighter he commands the fights when the Alphas and betas are not around. Usually considered the best fighter.
Warriors:- The fighters of the pack they are strong and skilled in almost any way of fighting and know how and when to kill.
Scouts:- They are the ones who scout for intruders in the pack lands they know how to fight but are mainly the watchers they are the ones who alert the pack of danger.
Spies:- This is a very important job at this time of need they are deadly and sneaky and loyal to only a few: the alphas, their mates, their families it is not suggested for any wolf who has pups or plans on having any. Wolves who are used to sneak into other packs for war information. They have to be stealthy, agile, and silent. (2-4; chosen by Alpha)
Herbalist:- These are very important they know how to heal pretty much any sickness and any wound. The can have mates but must get permission before they have pups.(Depends on pack size)
Expecting/nursing females:- These females are expecting or nursing pups.
Loners: Wolves without a pack. They are either banished or just don't wish to pursue the life of a pack wolf. But they can join one later, if the alpha accepts them.(Unlimited)
Spirit Wolves: Are wolves that have died but still live on in the Spirit realm, only certain wolves including Alpha's and herbalist can visit them (Please Pm if you want to be a wolf that can journey there, I only allow three at a time also, if your wolf dies Pm me if you want to be a spirit wolf.)
Omega:- This is the bottom ranker of the pack they are the least important and are often the most submissive they may have a mate but no pups until they are bumped up a rank.


~Wolf Language~

~I did not make this list,I do not take credit and only using it for roleplay purposes~

▦ Rules Of Love ▦

▦. Lick On Nose:: I like you
▦. Lick On Paw:: Your cute
▦. Lick On Cheek:: I love you!!
▦. Lick On Belly:: Pups?
▦. Lick On Muzzle:: Your my forever!
▦. Lick On Tail:: Your my Foralways!!
▦. Lick On Chin:: Your pretty sexy.
▦. Lick On Sholder:: Flirty
▦. Lick On EyeBrow:: Wanna go on a date?
▦. Lick On Neck:: Lets go on a walk....
▦. Lick On Front Leg:: Flirty
▦. Lick On Back Leg:: MAJOR FLIRTY
▦. Male Brings Female Elk:: I love you
▦. Male Brings Female Buffalo:: Your beautiful
▦. Male Brings Female Deer:: Ill love you forever!!!
▦. Male Brings Female Fish:: Your kinda cute.
▦. Female Brings Male Rabbit:: Flirty
▦. Female Brings Male Bear:: Im in deep love with you
▦. Female Brings Male Mountain Lion:: I want to be the mom of your pups
▦. Female Brings Male Carabou:: Ill do anything for you
▦. Paws Face:: Will you be my mate?
▦. Paws Tummy:: Want to be the ____ Of my pups?
▦. Paws Tail:: Your my soulmate
▦. Plays With Tail:: Dont ever leave me
▦. Plays With Paws:: Go out with me.
▦. When The Male Preposes:: Gives female a grass ring with a pearl he found on the top
▦. When The Female Preposes:: She makes a braselet with a shiny rock tied around the middle of it
▦. Look Into Eachothers Eyes:: I think im falling for you
▦. Looks Away Suddendly:: Im shy!!
▦. Blushes:: Your real cute
▦. Giggles:: Flirty
▦. Rubbs Agents The Other:: Your Wonderful!!
▦. Twins Tails:: Walk with me....
▦. Prances Around The Other:: Kiss me!
▦. Holds Paw:: Your forever my heart

▣ Howl Talk ▣

▣. Long Howl:: Come here
▣. Short Howl:: Go away
▣. Medium Loudniss Howl:: Is anyone here??
▣. Quiet Howl:: Mating Howl
▣. Loud Howl:: Im lost!
▣. Medium Sounding Howl:: Hide and seek time!!
▣. Long Loud Howl:: Is anyone here?
▣. Long Quiet Howl:: I think I smell a pack!
▣. Long Medium Sounding Howl:: Calling to the pack
▣. Short Quiet Howl:: Im sorry
▣. Short Loud Howl:: Lets play!!
▣. Yapp:: Playful

回 Puppy Talk 回

回. Nipp:: Play time!
回. Yapp:: Catch me if you can!!
回. Howl:: Wheres mommy?
回. Nuzzle:: Im tiered
回. Jump Around:: PLAY PLAY PLAY
回. Prance:: This is fun
回. Nipp Ear:: Where is dad?
回. Nipp Tail:: When can I start to eat meat?
回. Press Paw On Mommy:: Milk please
回. Growls:: Go away!
回. Rolls Over:: SO BORED!!!!!!!!!!
回. Swats:: Leave me alone!

▤ Threats ▤

▤. Growl:: Back. Up. NOW
▤. Bares Teeth:: Leave!
▤. Fur Stands On End:: Go away. And never return.
▤. Lowers Head:: If I ever see your face again, your dead.
▤. Circles:: YOUR DEAD!!!
▤. Lifts Tail:: Wanna fight!!??!!
▤. Flattens Ears:: Ill kill you!
▤. Lunges:: Im gunna eat you for breakfast!!
▤. Attacks:: Get away from my pack!!
▤. Snarle:: Get lost!

☒ Alpha Talk ☒

☒. Growls:: Leave me alone
☒. Circles:: I had a long day
☒. Jumps on Alpha Rock:: Im going away
☒. Raises Eyebrow:: Curious
☒. Looks at Curiously:: Come with me
☒. Nodds Head:: Your accepted
☒. Looks from the Wolf, to His den:: I need to talk to you. Its urgent
☒. Chuckles:: Well, your funny
☒. Winks:: You have a good chance at being my mate
☒. Sighs:: So tiered
☒. Breaks Up A Fight:: There will be no fighting in my pack!!!
☒. Lowers Head:: Sorry. Not Intrested.
☒. Barks At Female:: Sorry. No thanks.
☒. Turns Away:: Maybe later



There are a lot of rules. But please bare with me. They are to help keep the RP fun for everyone. And to make sure no one is left out.
*No Gary-or-Mary-Sues(Making your character perfect), No powerplaying(Taking control of someone elses character), or godmodling(Making your character un-beatable0. I mean come on people that makes the RP dull, and boring. Be unique!
*If you make more than one character do not make them like each other. That just makes it boring. It's way more fun to interact with other Rpers.
* NoMeta-Gaming. If one character says something, like maybe plotting against your character and your character is miles away from that other character, don't magically make your character hear that person.
*No spamming because this is extremly annoying.
*Post at least a paragraph per post. 5-8 sentences at least. This should be enough to give the person your talking to, to go on. I mean if you post barely a sentence then the person you are rping with may have a hard time coming up with something and this could bring the RP down
*Tess's Rules apply
*Now here is a big rule. If I, or someone else, suggests something to you that we think will help you RP better, or will keep you from breaking the rules, don't get mad or be rude and quit the RP. Take it into consideration and actually TRY! The person is only trying to help you.
*If you are not going to be on for a while please tell me so that I do not assume you are just simply noy talking and kick you off. Same goes for quitting. If you quit, then tell me, don't just stop talking.
*No text talk,Also when talking out of character use OOC, or ([{}])
*Minor cussing is alloowed but Major must be bleeped out
*Wait till I say you can post. Wait till I accept you
*If you join. You MUST post. Don't just join to join, and then never post. It's annoying, and stupid.
*Proper grammer is appreciated.
*Please do not do big time skips unless I say it's alright. By big time skips I mean a whole day. An hour or two, is alright. But do not skip to the next day unless I say it's alright.
*Romance and Violence is highly encouraged. It makes the RP more interesting.
*To make things more fun, in my opinion at least, you can ask other RPers if you can be related to there characters. Like brother and sister.
*No Force love makes the rp less interesting
*Bios can be posted on here
*Don't ask if you have been accpeted look on the first post to see.
*Most importantly...HAVE FUN!!

~Pack Rules!~

Pack rules-
WhiteRose Rules
1.No romance with loners or the DarkMoon pack
2.Pups and warriors and queens are fed first
3.No tresspasing on the other packs territory
5.No fighting among people in the pack
6.Word of alpha is law
DarkMoon Pack
1.No absolutely no romance with loners and the White rose pack if you do you get death
2.Alphas and high ranks fed first
3.Word of alphas is law if you don't listen punishment is death
4.Rouges and killers welcome
5.Fighting is welcomed for pratice,but no killing




Alpha Male-Cyrus
Alpha Female-
Beta Male-
Beta Female-
Omega Male-
Omega Female-
Lead fighter-
Lead Hunter-

Alpha Male-
Alpha Female-
Beta Male-SilverFang
Beta Female-LunaLight
Omega Male-
Omega Female-
Lead Fighter-DarkRose
Lead Hunter-

[One Space Saved]









I take no credit for the photos and only used for creative purposes.
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Re: ~Guardians of Paradise~ Wolf/Human Rp

Postby ~StarlightSombra~ » Sun Apr 11, 2021 10:37 am

I will be updating this soon! If you wish to join please put up your people now! The story will remain the same but will be written better! Thank you for your patience
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Postby Furrydogs12 » Sat May 29, 2021 6:19 am


♫ LunaLight♫

|•Personal Information•|
|•What is your full name•| LunaLight
|•What is your age•| Same as my mate
|•What is your gender•| Female
|•What is your birth date•| December 10th
|•What's your rank?•| DarkMoon Beta Female
|•Do you have any more details•| n/a

|•Body Information•|
|•What is your description•|
|•What color is your Fur?•| Black
|•What color are your eyes•| Blue
|•Do you have any wounds or Scars•| Yes, a small one on her nose
|•Anything else?•| n/a

|•Personality Information•|
|•What is your personality•| LunaLight is very loyal to her Alphas and her mate. She is extremely brave and will be the first to try new things. She will sacrafice herself to save others. LunaLight in private is very kind, loving, and caring. She is very protective of her pack, Alphas and mate.
|•What is your history•| Was born as a runt, left to die. She was rescued by the WhiteRose Alpha. She met her mate later and they bonded.
|•What do you like•| My mate of course! Food, Love, Friendship, Kindness
|•What do you dislike•| Blood, Rain, and Bullies

|•Other Information•|
|•Who is your crush•| n/a, Loyal to her mate
|•Who is your mate?•| Silverfang
Last edited by Furrydogs12 on Sat May 29, 2021 6:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Furrydogs12 » Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:23 pm


♫ Cyrus♫

|•Personal Information•|
|•What is your full name•| Cyrus
|•What is your age•| 6 years old
|•What is your gender•| Male
|•What is your birth date•| March 30th
|•What's your rank?•| WhiteRose Alpha
|•Do you have any more details•| n/a

|•Body Information•|
|•What is your description•|
|•What color is your Fur?•| White
|•What color are your eyes•| Brown
|•Do you have any wounds or Scars•| Yes, one down his left side
|•Anything else?•| n/a

|•Personality Information•|
|•What is your personality•| He is a strict and a no nonsense Alpha. He can come off as mean as he can be, but he has a soft interior. You just need to break through his hard outer shell. He pushes his pack very hard and doesn't like slackers. He gives punishments very seriously.
|•What is your history•| His parents were the Alphas' before he took over. He trained extremely hard as a pup, barely even taking breaks.
|•What do you like•| Fighting, Training, Food
|•What do you dislike•| Weakness, Laziness

|•Other Information•|
|•Who is your crush•| no one
|•Who is your mate?•| no one
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Re: ~Guardians of Paradise~ Wolf/Human Rp

Postby geminibaby » Sat Sep 04, 2021 10:45 am



|•Personal Information•|
|•What is your age•| 6 Years
|•What is your gender•|Female
|•What is your birth date•|June 14
|•What's your rank?•|DarkMoon Alpha
|•Do you have any more details•|N/A

|•Body Information•|
|•What is your description•| Black fur with grey tones, Orange/hazel eyes, Black paw pads
|•What color is your Fur?•|Black & Grey
|•What color are your eyes•|Orange/Hazel
|•Do you have any wounds or Scars•|One behind her right foreleg running up to the elbow joint from the dewclaw.
|•Anything else?•|No

|•Personality Information•|
|•What is your personality•|Bristle is initially Standoffish, but can be extremely affectionate with her pack members. She is loyal and can be to a fault, always confronting a threat or obstacle. She's also stubborn and sometimes doesn't think before her actions. Overall, Bristle has earned her way up the ranks and will keep it so at all costs.
|•What is your history•|Born the only female in her litter, Bristle had to constantly show her worth to others to feel accomplished. She was extremely close with her mother, but always had the tendency to wander off. One summer, Bristle had managed to get stuck under some thrush when her mother finally found her and managed to pull her out. She wouldn't be able to forget that day though, as that's how she got her scar. Bristle either avoids the question whenever she's asked or makes up some ridiculous story to try and get the attention off her.
|•What do you like•|Hunting, exploring, sleeping.
|•What do you dislike•|Disobedience, dishonesty, bats, birds (especially crows).

|•Other Information•|
|•Who is your crush•|N/A at this time
|•Who is your mate?•|
N/A at this time
Last edited by Fawnie on Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:09 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ~Guardians of Paradise~ Wolf/Human Rp

Postby ~StarlightSombra~ » Wed Sep 15, 2021 6:50 am

Hello people!!! Nice to see that there are some people here! I shall add you all to the first post!
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Re: ~Guardians of Paradise~ Wolf/Human Rp

Postby geminibaby » Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:16 am



|•Personal Information•|
|•What is your full name?•| Astra Aurora Slyfeather
|•What is your age?•| 24
|•What is your gender?•|Female
|•What is your birth date?•|March 7th
|•What are you?•| Human
|•Do you have any more details?•|N/A

|•Body Information•|
|•What is your description?•|Slender, strong, Quick-footed
|•How tall are you?•|5'6"
|•How much do you weigh?•|124 lbs
|•What color is your hair?•|Blonde
|•What color are your eyes?•|Green
|•Do you have any piercings or tattoos?•|Left nostril, navel, ears
|•Any deflections?•|Scar behind left ear
|•Anything else?•|N/A

|•Personality Information•|
|•What is your personality?•|Astra is outspoken and opinionated, And can sometimes let her emotions get the best of her. She can come off as abrasive at first, but is extremely empathetic and affectionate towards those she cares about. Astra is always willing to put others before herself, especially in terms of their wellbeing and happiness.
|•What is your history?•|Astra was born on a rainy evening, and has two other siblings. She left her home at a young age to explore what the world has to offer, and has not been back since. Astra had a relatively reclusive childhood, and chooses not to talk about her past very much.
|•What do you like?•|Swimming, the outdoors, nature.
|•What do you dislike?•|Caves, building fires (although she has to do it), bugs.

|•Other Information•|
|•What is your Theme song? •|River- Bishop briggs
|•What is your favorite Quote?•|"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow."
|•Who is your crush?•|N/A
|•Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend?•|N/A at this time

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Re: ~Guardians of Paradise~ Wolf/Human Rp

Postby ChevyTheQH » Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:16 am

Can I save alpha female for white rose while I work on my character?
Ash | She/Her | Equestrian
My life revolves around horses
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Re: ~Guardians of Paradise~ Wolf/Human Rp

Postby ~StarlightSombra~ » Tue Oct 12, 2021 6:58 pm

Sure you can!
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Re: ~Guardians of Paradise~ Wolf/Human Rp

Postby Ƈಎ႑ಎෆiႵƴ » Thu Oct 28, 2021 7:22 am



|•Personal Information•|
|•What is your full name•| Allecrity
|•What is your age•| 4 Years
|•What is your gender•| Female
|•What is your birth date•| May 16th
|•What's your rank?•| WhiteRose, Beta Female
|•Do you have any more details•| N/A

|•Body Information•|
|•What is your description•| Photo provided
|•What color is your Fur?•| Silver/ White/ Red fur color
|•What color are your eyes•| Light yellow, almost white
|•Do you have any wounds or Scars•| Back ankles have scars that are missing fur from previous fights
|•Anything else?•| Weight: 116

|•Personality Information•|
|•What is your personality•| Insightful, gracious, and upfront. Tells you how it is even though you may not like it. Fights for the weak.
|•What is your history•| Born in the White Rose pack, she was the runt who survived. She was a hunter turned Beta over the course of time. She's proven her worth by her victories in battles and decision making skills.
|•What do you like•| Gathering supplies for the pack, serving, giving advice.
|•What do you dislike•| Conspiracies, lies, impending doom, scarcity.

|•Other Information•|
|•Who is your crush•| N/A atm
|•Who is your mate?•| N/A atm



|•Personal Information•|
|•What is your full name•| Kuri
|•What is your age•| 5 Years
|•What is your gender•| Male
|•What is your birth date•| August 6th
|•What's your rank?•| DarkMoon, Alpha Male
|•Do you have any more details•| N/A

|•Body Information•|
|•What is your description•| Photo Provided
|•What color is your Fur?•| Red, long fur with black
|•What color are your eyes•| Amber
|•Do you have any wounds or Scars•| Large healed gash on back rear leg.
|•Anything else?•| Weight: 152

|•Personality Information•|
|•What is your personality•| First impressions are that he's always one to think the worst of you. Proving yourself is all that matters. He has no issue with keeping anyone in line. Mistakes aren't taken lightly. Overtime, working closely with him, you realize he cares for his pack and order is what his goal is. He has a soft spot for pups, and his mate.
|•What is your history•| Tall and lean, he definitely never considered taking the lead role of a pack. He was but a scout and learned almost all positions just by his studying on his time off. The prior Alpha disliked him, thought him as a day-dreamer. But, Kuri never wavered no matter how many times he was punished, he was learning to find what could be better for the pack. DarkMoon was in termoil that year having very little food and a longer winter. Kuri didn't intend to challenge the Alpha, but the argument had turned into a fight. Kuri barely had won, his back right leg was wounded severely, almost didn't survive and the pack was without a male Alpha, and the previous alpha female lead her pack as she thought fit. She tried to order someone to kill him, but the plans fell through due to WhiteRose venturing into the pack's territory. He survived, and ordered exile to the female Alpha. Many disagreed, but change was necessary. A year has passed and the pack is still recovering, but things have improved.
|•What do you like•| Sunning, loyalty, praises, pups
|•What do you dislike•| Abandonment, traitors, rain, outsiders, lack of improvement, weakness

|•Other Information•|
|•Who is your crush•| Alpha Female
|•Who is your mate?•| Alpha Female


♫ Asher♫

|•Personal Information•|
|•What is your full name?•| Asher RavenEye
|•What is your age?•| 23
|•What is your gender?•| Male
|•What is your birth date?•| November 14th
|•What are you?•| Human
|•Do you have any more details?•| N/A

|•Body Information•|
|•What is your description?•| Toned build, pale skin
|•How tall are you?•| 6'3
|•How much do you weigh?•| 160-ish
|•What color is your hair?•| Black, shines dark brown in sun
|•What color are your eyes?•| Amber/ Light brown/ Some green
|•Do you have any piercings or tattoos?•| No piercings, Tattoo is on back left shoulder. Black tribal 'moon' but a raven forms the moon with its wing and body
|•Any deflections?•|None
|•Anything else?•| Voice: Chris Adam Hedman Sörbye Weapons: Dark bow, two hunting knives, custom forged short sword

|•Personality Information•|
|•What is your personality?•| Used to the solitary lifestyle, Asher is more reclusive keeping things to himself. He's fine in small crowds, overwhelming masses he will be the one hanging out in the back.
|•What is your history?•| When the mountains were the only way to survive, Asher stayed, but not for long. He ventured the wilderness, surviving on what little there was to offer and ventured far into different lands. He learned many things in his travels. He felt the sense that the pack he once protected had survived, and has made his way back home.
|•What do you like?•| Hunting, heights, adventure of the unknown.
|•What do you dislike?•| Routine, sitting idly, blizzards, egotistical personalities

|•Other Information•|
|•What is your Theme song? •| Get thru this- Art of Dying
|•What is your favorite Quote?•| "Actions speak louder than words."
|•Who is your crush?•| N/A atm
|•Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend?•| N/A atm
𝓦𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝓘𝖓𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖉 ... 𝓘 𝓒𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊

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