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For roleplays featuring human or human-like characters which have inhuman abilities or live in an (original) fantasy world. E.g. vampires, shape-shifters, werewolves. However this category does not include roleplays based on existing fandoms such as Twilight or Harry Potter

rory 001

Postby klahoma » Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:44 pm

    ───── ❝ 𝑹𝑶𝑹𝒀 𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑨𝑵 !
    ( hunter • cisfemale • twenty-two • biromantic asexual • location; u.a.i kitchen, main corporation • mentions; mateo, meg • tags; max, bambi )

      it happened to be quite bothersome to rory that she had been forced to wake up at the break of dawn, for she was used to getting out of bed no earlier than ten o’clock on most days. a series of frantic phone calls and text messages were the culprits behind her sudden awakening, all of which being from dr. rennalds, the head of their team at the u.a.i. it was out of the norm for him to be reaching out to the group so early on in the day, and even more unusual to sound so urgent about it as well, leaving rory completely clueless as to what could possibly be so important at this hour. the sun was barely beginning to rise as she stepped out of her apartment and made her way down to the main corporation. a vexed sigh left her mouth when the ring of her phone sounded off once again, though she didn’t bother answering it. she was already nearing the entrance of the u.a.i. building. there wasn’t any reason to pick up the call now.

      rory’s drowsiness was still evident as she begrudgingly opened the front doors to the corporation. the last place she desired to be at five in the morning was work. ideally, she’d still be peacefully asleep in her homely bed. however, that was not her current reality, as much as rory wished for it to be. a sudden growl from her abdomen remind her that she left on an empty stomach, which dampened her mood even more so than before. typically, she could do without an ounce of food in the mornings, but her body felt like it was practically begging to be nourished. unable to ignore her cravings any longer, the first place rory headed was the kitchen. the area was nothing too special, consisting only of a fridge and a few other small appliances, but it was enough to provide for the small group of individuals that often inhabited the building.

      there just so happened to be a familiar face in the kitchen, brewing up a cup of coffee with a rather tired look on his face. although rory wasn’t very well acquainted with any of her co-workers, she believed the male’s name to be max. normally, she didn’t interact with any of the others unless she was required to. after all, she only began working for the u.a.i. about a month ago, which made it safe to say that she was far from comfortable around the team. rory had little interest in gaining new friends anyways and completing tasks was a far easier feat to accomplish when she wasn’t held back by the incompetence of others. however, eager to use the coffee machine, her impatience got the best of her, and she silently neared max.

      a few minutes had passed before he even took notice of rory. she let out a soft snicker as he stiffened in her presence, his body language only amusing her. it wasn’t uncommon for people to shy away from her, considering she had quite the intimidating guise. rory flashed a quick smile and raised her hand to give max a curt wave. his question caused her to chuckle, and she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. “i wouldn’t mind one,” she replied frankly, lifting her gaze to meet his eyes.

      just as rory finished her sentence, a group of voices could be heard squabbling from down the hall. the oddly loud fuss caused her to roll her eyes and let out a sigh of contempt. one voice was easy for her to make out, louder and harsher than the rest, that being the voice of bambi wyndham. her shouts were utterly unbearable, and rory winced every time she heard a word leave the girl’s mouth. she turned to max and pointed her finger at her head, twirling it around slightly and mouthing the word crazy. “does she ever stop talking?” rory questioned and clicked her tongue disapprovingly. “or consider the fact that her blabbering gives some of us a headache?” she added, glancing down the hall that led to the main computer room of the corporation. as much as she abhorred bambi, curiosity soon got the best of her, and she decided to make her way towards the ruckus. rory spun around ever so slightly to usher max along, hoping the male would follow.

      on her way down the hall, she caught sight of who appeared to be a petite blonde female named meg, grabbing layers of protective suiting from the security items closet. a dark-haired boy stood with her, and confusion mixed with slight panic washed over rory as she rushed past them. why on earth were they gathering safety materials? were they all in danger? the situation at hand started to feel a lot more real and certainly a lot more dangerous than it previously seemed. rory could only manage to think of the worst as she pressed on to the corporation’s main room, basically tripping over her own feet in an attempt to reach her destination quicker. unsurprisingly, bambi happened to be the one already on top of the computer business, which annoyed rory ever so slightly. she felt as though the technology part of the building was up to her to deal with, bearing in mind she was the one majoring in computer science. anxious yet inquisitive, rory hurried up to bambi and furrowed her brows. “what in god’s name is happening? it seems as though the world is coming to an end with the way everyone is acting!” she commented, irritation ringing in her tone. “what the hell is wrong with the computers?” rory interrogated, perplexed by what seemed to be some atypical objects scattered across the screen. apprehension filled her body as she further studied the display, completely astonished by what she was seeing.
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R [03]

Postby senna_ » Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:19 am

      he/him;.26;.cancer;.demi;.located: crash crater;.mentions: tags;.tagging: huck, odette
    If guilt was a normal feeling experienced by the Cancerian, Rhaegal had a feeling it would be the one emotion that stirred inside himself constantly, repetitively boiling up to cause some sort of internal destruction. He’d gotten himself stuck in one too many bad situations over his years, and it wasn’t usually until after he managed an outing that he dwelled back on his many disapproving acts. However, Rhaegal had grown tough skin; guilt was nothing more than a sprinkle of flavour on top of the main meal – not quite enough to taste it, but, from up-close experiences, enough to know it was deliberately placed there. His expression turned to something monotonous, emotionless, as Huck stumbled to raise to his feet. Rhaegal had surprised himself by how sturdy he felt standing up. It most certainly was not the most comfortable feeling in the world, and he was hesitant to move more than a step or two in another direction, but it was a good start on his end. Cancer had to have similar gravitational levels, or something alike to what was on this planet. Or maybe he was just having an easier time adjusting than some of the others. In all honesty, Rhaegal’s rage had overpowered him so quickly upon his awakening that he hadn’t even really made note of what the others were doing. It most certainly hadn’t crossed his time in a timely manner until now, and that was only because he was watching Huck stumble about like he had had one too many drinks that had been served at that Capricorn party.

    “Even the pretty ones can’t go on without a scratch,” he shot back, tone lighthearted despite the plainness in his expression. He fell into a blanket of silence, curling it around him comfortably, as Huck turned to address the one with a mop of raven-black curls. So much had changed about Huck, and yet, at the very same time, it seemed very little had. The ghostly years that kept the two away from one another had an affect on the Taurusian, although not in a way where it would completely over-age him. In fact, while Rhaegal had a few inches of height on him (finally, Huck had always been so tall growing up), Huck was no longer the delicate, scrawny boy Rhae had first befriended many moon rotations ago. Sure, he didn’t look like he would be able to throw around anything with a good few pounds on it from the blind eye, but, as much as Rhaegal hated to admit it, he wouldn’t be surprised if Huck revealed a surprising amount of muscle once put to work. Maybe. Huck had always been so posh and proper; he wasn’t too sure working out was up the guy’s alley. It was most amusing to note that it was Huck who now had more of a bundle of hair than Rhaegal himself; oh, how that boy did not let that go when they were younger. Even now, this certainly was not a situation Huck would ever want to end up in. All of them, yes, but Rhaegal could only imagine the horrid on Huck’s family’s faces if they were to see the condition of his clothes. Wealthy people really were a whole other breed. Perhaps it was for the best that they couldn’t travel to other planets; Rhaegal could only imagine the reaction from the Gaius family when Huck returned back with yet another mark. Rhaegal would have been as good as dead.

    “Alright then, Huckleberry the Third, your royal highness,” he continued, tone just as bored-sounding as it had been prior, which was nothing new for Rhaegal. “Or was it the fourth? I never can tell; where’s the originality?” He turned his head slightly in mild distaste at the all-too-familiar nickname and quickly flicked his hand to dismiss it. “It is not Feller,” he mused, skimming the premises of the sandy dunes. “Unless we have landed in some strange hidden spot.” As the words sunk in, Rhaegal couldn’t help but let out a short laugh at Huck’s lack of concern towards those around him; it was typical, and familiar, both towards Huck and Rhaegal himself, who had a similar mindset. Rhaegal was more the type to run towards a building that had caught on fire to help out others than to treat them like they were wounded soldiers. That was their problem now. “I agree completely.”

    He turned sharply when another voice, this one certainly not belonging to Huck, cut in. Although Huck had wrapped up his conversation a few minutes ago, it was Rhaegal’s turn to momentarily shift away. “I think that question is better directed towards him,” he returned, jabbing a finger in Huck’s direction. Nonetheless, a somewhat smug – or maybe just a sarcastically pleased – look fell upon Rhaegal’s features as he raised his brows in Huck’s direction – a look from his childhood, something that didn’t make an appearance as often as it used to. “I’m fine, not to worry.” Unsure if the strange new girl was staying or going, Rhaegal rotated his body enough to have the ability to address the both of them. “Our best bet might be to send out some people,” he contemplated aloud. “It is not the safest option, but if we have people hurt, we can’t lay around here for hours and hope someone will find us first.”

'senna_x.xshe/herx'.x'est'x.x'adultx'.x'soc student
hey all, i'm senna! i'm a young adult,full-time university
student, and a writer with a spontaneous muse :') i'm
most likely to be caught napping, thinking about plots
i'll probably never write, or hyper fixating on the late
st paranormal podcast <3

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K [05]

Postby senna_ » Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:19 am

      he/him;.24;.scorpio;.pansexual;.located: crash crater;.mentions: tags;.tagging: odette, huck, lili
    Kaz truly had not even noticed that his Virgo friend Odette had also found her way to this mysterious planet until her hand slid around his upper arm to catch his attention, which nearly sent him flying in pure surprise. A bit wild-eyed, as if he no longer knew where he was located (which, really, wasn't that far from the truth), he smacked her hand away, but almost instantly relaxed as he caught her eye. “Oh, hello cygbędź!” he drawled rather lazily, a typical tone of his, before sending a wave in her direction, a light in his eyes. The cygbędź, the swan. Although she did not necessarily carry the grace one would expect to find with such a creature, her name reminded him grandly of the tale of the Swan Princess. He’d been calling it since they first became friends. “Oh, I am just lovely! Just lovely,” he answered with a satisfied bob of his head, but she was already gone. He puckered his lips together and shook his head slowly. “Such a cluśiųr.”

    Shrugging the odd interaction off, Kaz swiveled back on his feet, facing Huck once more as Lili started building herself back up so that she could make her way over. His brows lifted and he watched the Taurus Boy as if he had grown another head right before his very eyes. “You are strange man,” he told Huck. “Mister Dah’mos.” His entire body seemed to shake as Huck joyously grabbed hold of his hand, shaking it with such intensity that Kaz feared when he decided to let go, he’d go spiraling to the ground. Kaz’s own hand was as limp as the dead fish that washed up to shore, and he continued to let it droop at the wrist when Huck released his grip and turned back to the taller man. Cis ludzi sa szalarri. These people really were crazy.

    Normal, or at least what Kaz had previously prepared himself for, finally slid into his line of vision. Lili was walking exactly how Kaz was currently feeling – standing on the ground the way they were felt like he was in Lake Seźeni, where the current was so strong that one would not succeed in standing in it for more than a few minutes. He felt woozy and lightheaded, and while it seemed he was swaying back and forth like he had become a stick of seaweed, Kaz wasn’t quite able to tell if that was happening, or if it was merely in his knocked-up head. At this rate, he wasn’t sure what was real and what wasn’t anymore.

    His eyes widened and he gasped like a little kid. “That is what I believed at first!” he told her, as if it was the craziest thing – or maybe the most amazing thing – anyone had ever said. “But we are somewhere strange, on strange planet, and I tink – th… ink – we may not be in Astromenta. Like an adventure!” he added in a half-heartedly cheery tone, sticking both thumbs in the air in an enthusiastic manner to add to the rather sarcastic joy. He stepped back cautiously, glancing behind him as if worried he’d back right off a cliff or something major, then took a better look at Lili. Her golden blonde hair was a mess, like the nests the osprey birds liked to make near the beaches, and her rose pink dress was crumpled. He couldn’t tell right off the bat if it had any tears in it or not. He wasn’t sure how badly she’d taken a tumble, whenever that had happened. At the same time as him? Who knew at this point. “Your sleeves,” he continued, lifting a hand to gesture towards the fluff against her wrists, “are like cleaning fluffs. But I do like belt – could be good weapon if crazy person runs at us. Although...” he paused with a tilt of his head, as if reconsidering what had been said. “I do guess you can rub the fluff under their nose. A sneeze go long way, you know.”
Last edited by senna_ on Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'senna_x.xshe/herx'.x'est'x.x'adultx'.x'soc student
hey all, i'm senna! i'm a young adult,full-time university
student, and a writer with a spontaneous muse :') i'm
most likely to be caught napping, thinking about plots
i'll probably never write, or hyper fixating on the late
st paranormal podcast <3

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[⌖ ─ sonic ray gun, gonna be a superstar !! // ]

Postby sammy, » Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:20 am

─────────────────────────𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐔𝐒 '𝐑𝐎' 𝐀𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐈──────
i. xxxgemini. xxxii. xxxtwenty-three. xxxiii. xxxtags: kaz, odette, iv. xxxcrash crater.
𝗌𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗁𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖿𝗅𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗅𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗋𝗌𝖺𝗂𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁; 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖿𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝖻𝗅𝖾𝗐 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗍-𝗐𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝖺𝗌 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗁.. ─────────────────────

xxxxxi’ll take you up on that. i’d hate to disappoint,” humiliating a soldier on what he had convinced himself to be earth had the additional benefit of not being immediately electrocuted. “fabulous? me? never.” ro drawled, glancing down at the creases in the sheer fabric of his clothing. the air was not humid enough to steam it out, no matter how hard he attempted to smooth the crumple, and it was becoming rather irksome. the grazes on the palms of his hands were leaving slight smears - all in all, it was a disaster. “odette.” he repeated. “lovely.

xxxxxthe approach of he who was quickly identified as kaz was noted to be rather blunt. an overt display of affection for one, the cold shoulder for himself. how very cruel. water off a duck’s back to him, though. he considered there to be much larger things at hand to worry himself about than the social impoliteness of an etiquetless scorpio.

xxxxxconversation was alluding him. they had landed in the armpit of the middle of nowhere, and speech was turning to something about cleaning fluffs. he’d breathed the atmosphere. he’d understood the placement. he knew where he was. whether that would be shared or not was a different story - there was something rather endearing about the way the rest of them scrambled for their senses.

xxxxxro was more concerned about how he was going to get out. getting launched out of a party and out into the wider universe was one thing, but being given no vehicle with which to escape was another. he had no true knowledge of the planet’s history, but with the lack of contact with those who referred to themselves as human throughout his travels, he doubted it had gone very far. a streak in the grass-blue sky overhead suggested flight had been achieved, but the lethargic way the little dot meandered through the clouds was evidence of their stunted, cave-dwelling knowledge. breathing air that they did, it came as no surprise that they were inept in the cranial department.

xxxxxwell, you have a belt, odette has a head injury, and i’ve creased my best shirt. my only shirt. this is my only shirt in this entire galaxy -” a pause as he realised just how dire that was. “- and i’ve ruined it. so if a crazy person does decide that their best course of action is a swift round of fisticuffs, i’ll be on the uptake. i would rather be a smear on this stinking planet’s crust than living with one shirt.” the dramatic flair aside, ro’s attention turned swiftly to the figures that surrounded, some emerging from their steaming craters, propped up by fragments of shrapnel, and some stumbling toward the crowd with as much stability as a newborn holvus. watching others wasting time lying around was not going to get him any closer to the outer reaches of the universe. so, as though the greatest issue he had ever faced was the shirt that hung depressingly off of a gold-tinged frame, he flounced away from the main scene, and toward one of the anomalous outcasts.

xxxxxnow, do you think you’ll make it back home by wallowing in between hefty shards of metal alloy, or do you think it’d be best to stand and make a little go of it?” he asked the man who appeared half-aware of his surroundings. “i’d offer to help you up, but i believe i may be bleeding, and i’d hate to make a first impression of flinching away the moment you reach for my hand. you’re going to have to stand, deary.” a touch patronising, but that tended to launch the stubborn into action. nobody liked to be called out for their idleness. “a whole new world. you should be soaring for joy. stop staring at the ants. come and play.


─────────────────𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄 '𝐁𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐈' 𝐖𝐘𝐍𝐃𝐇𝐀𝐌────
i. xxxhunter. xxxii. xxxtwenty-five. xxxiii. xxxtags: rory, iv. xxxapartment | main corporation.
𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖺𝗂𝗇'𝗍 𝖺 𝗆𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗈𝗇 𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗁 𝗍𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝗇 𝗈𝗋𝗉𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗂𝗇 𝖺 𝖻𝗈𝗑. .───────────────────────────────────────────────────

xxxxx time was ticking, but it appeared that meg was on a similar wavelength to her own, running through the thought processes as bambi followed along, nodding with agreement at every hairpin turn in the decision-making process. “no civilians,” she concluded, the allocations made. as long as the two of them were on top of it, others were bound to follow suit. there was no use in looking around with idle panic.

xxxxx the question was a pertinent one, and bambi’s eyes glimmered with something that could have construed as mischief, malice, or a plateau in between the two of them. “no,” she whispered, just under the chatter, the blare of alarms. she didn’t believe that anyone was to blame. it was a surprise in all senses of the word. the only indication would have been situational evidence that could only have been detected in hindsight - tiny blips that would have dipped under the radar, in her mind. “but if everyone thinks there’s someone to blame, they’re going to work very hard to prove that it’s not them.” sleight of hand. or manipulation on mass scale. the words to describe it, no matter the weight or baggage that they were left with in wake, were nothing when it came to the result. bambi tapped the side of her nose. “keep that quiet, though. everyone on their toes. everyone’s got something to prove, now.

xxxxx meg launched into action, rallying the group that would make their exit, and bambi headed for one of the headsets, dialling with haste a number of a dearly-trusted idiot. the line rang. hold music played. of course. typical. four seasons by vivaldi, droning in her ears, rather fitting for the scene that was playing out live and in high definition.

xxxxx three taps of her palm against the table. four raps of her knuckles. impatient, certainly. a screeching voice distracted her from the roar of the tinny orchestra, interrogation quick and impertinent. “that’s what we would call an alarm bell,” was her brusque answer to the question of the computers. “radiation. something’s crashed,” was her brusque answer. “hurry up now, chick. i’m on top of things over here. go and make yourself useful. i think some people are suiting up to go out. maybe you could play tag-a-long.” her tone was nothing less than constructive and sweet-sounding, but an undercurrent of distaste ran underneath them, barely tangible. the music ended.

xxxxxhi, dan renshaw, how can i help you?
xxxxx a quick shooing gesture at rory. she needed quiet. the alarms couldn’t be picked up by the mic. “dan, it’s bernie,” saccharine and disgusting, but tinged with very real panic. “listen, i’m asking you as a favour, [i]please don’t run with this story.

xxxxxberns. what - what story?” the vulture awoke.
xxxxxthe sightings in phoenix. you know, meteors that landed off route one-seven-nine. we need to keep it quiet. it’s a big story. if it breaks, we’ll lose precious time sorting it out.
xxxxxi haven’t heard -
xxxxxoh, god, have i let the cat out of the bag? oh, christ -” after releasing a flurry of curses, bambi hung up with haste. an art. onto the next number.
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max 002

Postby borahae. » Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:40 pm

    𝐌𝐀𝐗 ! ! ───────────

    zodiac hunter ✩ twenty-five ✩ cismale ✩ pansexual ✩ tag: rory, bambi ✩ location: u.a.i kitchen, main corp.

      xxxRemaining rather stoic as the female offered up a smile and a wave, feeling something between embarrassment and bewilderment at even being addressed, nonetheless so politely (his general coldness a natural people repellant), Max took a moment to catch up to the fact that Rory had even spoken, and even then seemed to hesitate. He was never much of a people person, and never had to worry over being one given his track record of crabbiness and general moodiness, so initiating conversation which was then returned is beyond comprehending for the 5'7 male.

      Blinking a couple times as if caught spacing out as the female finally caught his gaze, Max turned back to the machine with a grumble of agreement and a slight flush to his cheeks, giving a swift nod as if to agree with her request. Right. Coffee.

      Grabbing another ceramic mug down from the cupboards, the machine nearly done brewing, Max turned to look back at the other as a sigh left her lips and couldn't help but to break character; upon turning back to rory, he caught the other rolling a finger beside her head, gesturing to where the loud voices could be heard bickering and mocking their teammates. While he wasn't one to get himself involved in things more than necessary, especially in cases of conflict or general heated behaviors, the action amused him far more than he'd expected, and his usual case of rbf seemed to momentarily be replaced with the smallest of grins. Of course, if asked, he'd deny it to no end.

      "...Mmm, hard to tell which one it is, these days. Everyone seems to have a faulty volume switch at this place." After a momentary pause, Max decided to contribute to the conversation, surprising even himself at his sudden interest in returning the casual banter. Maybe he really was short-circuiting from this 5am wake up call.

      Turning his attention away from the coffee machine and back to Rory as he spotted movement from the corner of his eye, the female seeming to be moving towards the exit, Max watched with curiosity but seemed to get the hint when Rory turned back towards him and gestured for him to follow. Sighing under his breath, appearing far more exasperated than he really felt, Max turned off the pot and followed silently behind the other. Guess the coffee'll be going to waste...this better really be an emergency.

      Spotting a couple of his fellow teammates suiting up and other's racing about with purpose as he followed closely behind the dark haired girl, Max too began to speed up, the sudden threat that had brought them in that morning seeming much more real.

      Arriving to the scene just behind the other, admittedly out of breath from the sudden change of pace, Max listened as the girl began to inquire over the state of the building and was answered with just as much fiery as had been given, silent as the tension between the two suddenly seeming a lot less like a jest than it had before, back in the kitchen. Pondering his options as Bambi stomped off and began to call around, assumingly resuming her role in the emergency, Max turned back to Rory and offered yet another sigh, speaking out an answer and an inquiry simultaneously
      "...Guess I'll suit up. You coming too?"
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huck (05)

Postby nikbowie » Tue Aug 03, 2021 2:01 pm

░░░░░ taurus • he-him • gay • 22 years • tags: rhae, kaz • mentions: xx • location: the crash site ░░░░░

Huckleberry Stier Gaius the Third. It was a heavy name, it pulled down on him like some heavy metal. He hated it, hated everything about it. ‘Huckleberry’. It sounded like the nickname for some goofy oafish hound. Not even a dignified one. ‘Huck’ on its own was swallowable, short, brief; he liked to imagine it was mysterious enough. And, he had realized with a sort of solemn glee, it rhymed with a certain English expletive. Just Huck, that was fine, indeed.

But no one else seemed to agree with him. He could just hear his mother’s gravelly voice, it didn’t match her body in the least bit. His mother had a thin, thin frame—verging on emaciated. But in her low and earthy voice, she seemed to have a particular fondness for calling out: Huckleberry! at the top of her tiny little lungs. What a drag. She rarely spoke in English—often rattling on about how much an appropriation of Taurisian culture, that ‘wretched language was’. He supposed he could blame her for his current flounderingly poor abilities. Mainegalea—that was, in fact, her real name— was curt, to the point, and certainly not overly emotional. Still, she had bestowed her temper unto Huck: her greatest legacy, he liked to kidd. (Though only half joking.) Mother of seven, she wasn’t too close to any of her children, though Huck believed that she deeply favored his eldest younger sister, Rose. (Short for Rosemary, and an equally unfortunate name in his mind.) He knew he wasn’t the golden child, but being the eldest son had gotten him sway in many departments. The primary perhaps being that he was the heir. Heir! What a silly word. It sounded princely. (Though wasn’t his third cousin a prince? Or duke. Something along those lines.)

Titles could matter less to Huck. Heir, inheritor, it all meant one thing. When his parents died, he would get the property. His father’s art gallery. Their money, their notoriety, all of it. And he wasn’t even expected to share with his siblings. Well, maybe expected, but in no means legally obliged. Which made their current situation seem a thousand times more dire. What if he never returned? It was a horrid, shiver-inducing kind of thought. Planet Taurus was his home, and it not be more different from their current hot, sunny, generally dismal wall-less prison.

His skin felt itchy, like it was absorbing the heat of their surroundings. Taursians were just not built for sun. He could tell he was pouting. Whether it showed on his face was unclear. Huck knew he was nowhere near easy to read. Maybe that was why Rhaegal was such a polarizing...friend? Foe? Little bit of both, he decided. Either way, Rhae had always just seemed to have a knack for finding that little pinhole in Huck’s exterior. And using it to bother him. Of course he went straight to his name as a target. It was always that one something that actually bothered Huck, that was what Rhaegal found constantly, as if it was some special godly skill. At the same time… he had to give it to him. He could never really stay mad at Rhae. Not long. Some little joke and they would be back to laughing at those around them. Five minutes later, yelling and screeching about something else.

At least, that’s how it had been. The last fight, years ago, had gone too far. Huck had found Rhae’s pinhole and basically stuck a knife through it. But he knew to steer clear of Rhae’s parents now. He was lost in thought, but tore himself away briefly to acknowledge Kaz. “Ha!” It was a mixed laugh, rooted from true amusement but dripping with sarcasm at the same time. “Mister Dah’mos!” He pronounced it ‘Meester’. “You are a funny man, Kaz.” It was drawn out, once again coming out like a hiss: Kazzzzz. He didn’t even take time to think about whether Kaz was serious or not, momentarily forgetting that not everyone spoke Taurisian and that there was a serious chance Kaz might not even be purposefully making a play on words.

“Oh Regal Rhaegal, I’m sure you wish dearly that I’m the fourth or the fifth or even the sixth, don’t you? That would mean more Hucks walking the planets, more handsome faces to stop you in your shaggy little tracks.” He refused to even acknowledge the possibility that Rhae was taller than him. That would be truly wrong. He just ignored the thought, pretending it wasn't true. Huck felt no malevolence towards Rhaegal, even as insults slipped between his teeth. It was just how things were. “You think it funny, hmm?” He raised his eyebrows playfully after his companion laughed due to his perhaps immoral indifference. “I have no hero complex.” Shrugging, he made an innocent face. “But I don’t think you do either. So, Pyrforaianfritz,” He spewed Rhae’s last name as total gibberish (this had always been a cover for his inability to pronounce it) “Who do you volunteer to send out?”
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Re: the zodiac hunters [revised]

Postby poppyxoxo » Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:54 pm

~~Odette Jane Harlow~~
she/her, 24, Virgo, bisexual, location: crash crater, mentions: x , tagging: Eurus, Kaz, Rhae

Odette shifted slightly to catch Kaz's eye, shooting him a quick smile. He didn't seem to be as excited to see her but perhaps that was just the way she was looking at this. Her smile faltered slightly but she hid it while turning back to the man she had walked up to. Odette watched with slight bemusement as the two fighting men slowly broke apart. For the most part she had missed what they were even fighting about but between the two, there seemed to be a sense of familiarity between the two but it was hard to know on what level. She had caught the attention of the male close by but he seemed slightly startled but that was normal. Everyone had been shaken up, perhaps this one more than the others. Although, she did have to hand it to him, he was handling things pretty well.

Odette tucked a bit of loose hair behind her ear, hugging her arms tighter to her body. "It looks like you two had fun...I'm glad you're ok" she replied, trying not to question what had happened. Her heart hammered in her chest at just the thought of having to go off into this strange world, but what the man said was true. "I... I'm open to going to find someone" she spoke up after a few moments thought. She needed to do something. She hated sitting there feeling like she was doing more harm then good.
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percy 002

Postby borahae. » Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:15 pm

    𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐘 ! ! ───────────

    aquarius ✩ twenty-three ✩ cismale ✩ homosexual ✩ tag: ro ✩ location: crash site

      xxxIt was the sudden introduction of a deep but honeyed voice that finally stirred Percy from his thoughts, his momentary crisis put on halt as the stranger called out to him, his head unconsciously tilting to face the source; and, after situating a smile appropriate to his usual character, the blonde took his time wrapping his head around the other's words. "Huh?....Oh. Oh! Oh no! I'm not wallowing, I swear by it."Seeming perhaps a bit too eager to prove otherwise, Percy lifted his hand from where it had been cradling his aching shoulder and returned it to his side, looking up at the other from where he was as he tried to explain his situation "I'm just feeling a bit hazy right now, there's a fog in my head or something. Don't really know how I got here, or where here even is."

      Again turning to look back around him, as if he'd suddenly be able to grasp at his situation and be able to move onward, Percy gave a thoughtful hum and unconsciously felt himself slipping back into his half-awake state. So, it's not a dream, after all.

      However, just as the blonde began to once more try to piece together his scrambled memories, he was brought back to the situation at hand by that same honeyed voice from before giving out the command for him to stand. Turning back to the male with a quizzical look, his brows suddenly furrowing and his smile faltering, Percy took another moment to place what was happening before seeming to come to grips and very quickly fumbling to rise.
      "Stand...? Oh, I'm so sorry! Oh gosh, am I trespassing or something? I really don't know what happened to me. I must be going mad." Seeming to come to some alternate conclusion, his assumption leading down the path of 'oh, well, I must've passed out on someone's yard and now they are politely asking me to leave after I disturbed their peace', Percy stood on his two surprisingly in tact feet and with a light flush to his cheeks moved to give a bow of sorts. His planet may be sort of primitive in the way that they live, but an Aquarian was never impolite. "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused. It won't happen again, I swear by it."With something akin to embarrassment, bordering absolutely horrified, Percy stood straight once more and (after seemingly missing the whole final statement made by the stranger in his attempt at fixing his mess) and faced the other with a sheepish sort of smile.

      It was then that the male caught on to the fact that the other had said something about bleeding (the grazes on the boy's palms not hard to miss, now that he knew to look for them) and almost immediately felt his face twist in something between horror and worry, stepping closer to the other and completely dismissing his own pains as he reached a delicate hand forward to inspect the stranger's hand (grabbing his wrist lightly in an attempt to twist his hand around to get a better look at the injury)
      "Oh, please tell me this had nothing to do with me? I swear, I really don't remember anything, so if I attacked you and then proceeded to pass out on your yard, I don't know what I'd do. Ah, it doesn't look very good..."
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R [04]

Postby senna_ » Wed Aug 04, 2021 2:54 pm

      he/him;.26;.cancer;.demi;.located: crash crater;.mentions: luka, tags;.tagging: huck, odette, leo
    For a moment longer, things seemed to fall back into the sea of silence, the gentle howling of the sand dunes washing over them like waves gathering strength to reach the seashore. As Huck seemed to drift back into his internal box of memories, Rhaegal began looking around yet again. Watching, observing ─ something his mother used to always tease him about. "You would make a grand spy," she told him, and while he took it as nothing less than a joke back when her presence was still in undeniable existence, he had recently questioned it. Things such as spies and military were not exactly a common thing on Planet Cancer; King Jastin and his wife Abbyl were constantly striving for peace amongst both their beloved civilians and the other planetarians, so they did not often call upon a military-based group for action. And no military meant no spies, although Rhaegal knew the suspicions were high that the government did indeed have hired spies that watched over their smaller towns. In Rhaegal's opinion, he thought that was no more than a fairytale to get one's hair on their arm to raise, but he heavily preferred logic over loose guesstimates; why dream when the truth is right there? Rhae had given up on dreams. His mother was a real dreamer; an angel in the heavenly clouds of life, with a heart bigger than the planet itself and a desire to help anyone and everyone. She had large ambitions, ones that would change the world. Ones that resulted in a better future for Rhaegal. Oh, how that went down the opposite path. Her disappearance in his day-to-day life most certainly did change his life, but for the worse. The deep, dark worse. And Huck knew it too. And Huck had once liked digging up that mourned grave and replaying that funeral every time Rhaegal got on his nerves. Looking at the brunette now, Rhaegal wasn't too sure what was left of that boy and what was not. He supposed the same thoughts could go towards him, too; he considered himself fairly different, but everyone saw everyone in a different way. He was over what people thought of him, really. It was pointless, other opinions, when the only one that truly mattered to himself at the end of the day was no more than his.

    "Stop that," he told Huck, eyeing him like a parent who was both embarrassed and quizzingly taken aback by their child, as he zzz'd the Scorpion's name, copying the humming of a bumblebee. "You sound like you're sick or something." Often, Rhaegal steered clear from that, for it was rather amusing to watch his friend ─ if one would call their relationship a friendship ─ get tangled up in a string of hot ignominy or chagrin, but Huck seemed a bit flustered, which certainly was not like himself. Huck had always been so confident in what he did; growing up, Rhaegal was admittedly rather envious of that. Yes, Rhaegal himself was confident with his slyness and quick to hop into situations, but what Huck carried on his person was different. It was sophisticated, attractive. The guy could do one thing and mess up everything built up for him in his future days and still managed to play it off as if it was all part of the plan. It was something about the way he chose his words, something that even in English, a language that most certainly was not native to the Taurisian people, that made it sound so collected. It dripped off his tongue lavishly; even in a situation like this, even though Rhaegal had dusted out that sensitive side in Huck yet again, he still played it off wonderfully. Until he stumbled over his words with the Scorpion.

    He crinkled his nose ever-so-slightly. "Stop doing that thing you do," he continued on, tone hissed lowly for Huck's ears only, and while the look on his face was near disgust, he wasn't speaking very seriously. "The thing with guys; we get it, you're gay." He knew that was one thing that never harshly got to Huck; the man was more proud and out to the world about his sexuality than boisterous Abbyl was about the topic of the power she held over the rest of them. He then furrowed his brows and pouted his lips in a slight frown as if seriously considering what was said to him. "Nope? I think the Third is bad enough. I am Rhaegal Pyrforaianfritz the First, and thankfully, I have no access to Taurus. So I will never get to see more than one Huck; it really is my lucky day." Mastering the straight face, the Rhaegal face, he lifted his brows, then glanced back at the young woman whose name remained unknown. To her, someone who didn't know him, it was entirely possible she was taking their conversation as nothing more than harsh insults, but Rhaegal knew Huck knew he wasn't actually being serious. He saved his truly rude retorts for the people he despised. More often than not, some comment along the lines of "I'm going to kill them" slipped. That wasn't a thought that had once popped into Rhaegal's head.

    The girl was pretty, with pouty lips and hazel-green eyes ─ someone he would have loved to lash at in his teenage years. The look on her face, the timid way she was holding herself, gave him the impression she was delicate. It was surprising that she strolled over to the two of them, now that Rhae got a good look at her. Moving his aqua eyes back towards Huck, he offered a quick hmph of laughter. Fun. He ran his thumb and index finger along his jawline, raising his brows quickly and tilting his head in mere agreement, or at least positive acknowledgment, before letting his eyes settle back on her. "A broken nose won't hurt anyone," he said, even though he knew Huck's nose wasn't broken, just a bit bloody.

    I'm glad you're okay. How many people actually said that to him? With his uncontrollable temper and cold attitude from afar, it wasn't often people actually took his own feelings into consideration. Rhaegal's features had softened for the quickest of seconds, but filed back into the completed puzzle as both Huck and Blonde Girl spoke in regards to the loose suggestion he had tossed out there only seconds prior. Exactly at that moment, a new voice, this one with enough energy to shine that brilliantly bright sun itself, popped into the picture. Dark brown hair and a big smile, he had. "There you go," he drawled, gesturing towards Huck as the question was answered. "Sunshine Boy over here, and her. And him." He gestured towards the one the cheery one was gripping onto; the pouty look on his face was enough to indicate he wasn't too thrilled with what was happening. That makes two of us. Rhaegal was exhausted; he hated talking as much as he currently was. Why wasn't someone else stepping in? "What do you say, Sherlock? You in, too, or does your royal family usually send out others to do the dirty work first?"

'senna_x.xshe/herx'.x'est'x.x'adultx'.x'soc student
hey all, i'm senna! i'm a young adult,full-time university
student, and a writer with a spontaneous muse :') i'm
most likely to be caught napping, thinking about plots
i'll probably never write, or hyper fixating on the late
st paranormal podcast <3

'hufflepuff'.''leo''.''cat mom'.''researcher'.''my misfits
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Re: the zodiac hunters [revised]

Postby poppyxoxo » Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:50 pm

~~Odette Jane Harlow~~
she/her, 24, Virgo, bisexual, location: crash crater, mentions: x , tagging: Rhae

A strong group had formed by the time discussion of moving on to find help was being discussed. As far as anyone was concerned, there weren't any casualties which was a good sign. A few were injured though, if not all, and no one knew to what degree. Odette swiveled her body slightly to stare past the men who were the primary speakers. Her eyes glittered with hope as she trained her gaze to the horizon. She could see evidence of other human life, or what she assumed was the top of their builds. They were nestled in a crater right now, so to get out they would have to do a little bitch of climbing but that wouldn't be a problem. She hoped. "I personally think that a few should go in case we run in to trouble so at least if we don't come back, the others have a chance. Surely these people aren't dumb, so they would have known by now that we are here. Whether that's good or not, we can figure out more details later" Odette spoke, turning her head slightly as if to check what the man, who had suggested they exploration, thought.

Although he probably didn't want to be the one suggesting that they get moving, he had a confident air about him. Not rude, especially given the kindness in which he has responded to Odette when she checked on him. Although he had nearly gotten into a full blown fight moments before, he didn't seem that bad. He was quiet handsome, ruggedly even. In a good way, of course. The Virgo women drifted past the others, walking with slight hesitance as she reached the edge of the crash site. "It doesn't look like our walk will be too long, so hopefully we can send someone back to the others as quick as possible" she called back, spinning around slightly to take in anyone else who was accompanying her on the walk. The man she had checked on before, and a few others. Hopefully they could make some light out of the messy situation they were currently sitting in.
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