CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

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Dead doesn't mean gone

Postby WitchHazel » Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:15 am

General Information
Full name: Audra Iona Stark
Nicknames: N/A
Gender & Pronouns: Feminine, she/her but leaning towards they/them as well
Age: 17 - died 12
Birthday: July 15th - died June 29th
Sexuality: Bisexual

Camp Information
Godly Parent: Kymopoleia
Claimed?: Yes
Cabin: N/A, formerly Cabin 21
Number of Beads on Necklace: 3

Crossbow and Bolts
    A small crossbow with bolts specifically designed to channel electricity.
    A celestial bronze cutlass and her first weapon at camp. She thought it was cool initially because she feels like a pirate whenever she uses it.

    The ability to manipulate water. Audra's hydrokinesis is quite powerful and well-developed. It is stronger with saltwater than freshwater, though she can still manipulate freshwater with a great degree of skill. Audra's hydrokinesis also encompasses a multitude of water-based powers. She is immune to water pressure and can dive far deeper than any regular human would be able to. She can also see in the dark, but only when underwater. She heals much faster when immersed in saltwater, but not freshwater. In addition, Audra can breathe underwater, but only in saltwater or brackish waters. She struggles with changing the state of water - i.e. solid, gaseous, liquid - especially freshwater.
    The ability to manipulate the weather. Audra can summon storms powerful enough to rival a child of Zeus in ferocity. She can generate powerful winds and air currents, but unlike children of Zeus or the winds, she cannot use them to fly. She can control and create clouds as well; rain clouds more oft than not. She can also manipulate more powerful weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes, though doing so is incredibly draining. Audra can create and channel electricity through her body, but it is mildly difficult for her to control and often fluctuates with her emotional state. Unlike children of Zeus, she cannot call down lightning bolts from the sky. Audra's atmokinesis is most powerful when she is at sea or submerged in saltwater.

    Audra is a fantastic swimmer; feeling more at home in the water than on land. When she was alive, it wasn't uncommon to see her amidst the ocean waves, or chatting with the naiads who inhabit them.
    Despite having no experience until Camp Half-Blood, Audra is an excellent sailor. It seemed to come almost naturally to her - she took to rigging and steering boats like a fish to water. There is nowhere she feels more at home than on the sea - save perhaps in the sea.
    Audra is a decent fighter, not that she really enjoys it. She will gladly stick up for her friends and defend herself if necessary, but she would rather work things out verbally than devolve into violence.

Physical Description
    Audra is slightly taller than average; standing at about 5' 7". Though relatively thin, she is well-muscled - the bulk of which can be attributed to her love of swimming. Her skin is on the lighter side of tan, with a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her hair is nothing special - a mostly straight, ashy brown cut in a messy bob with uneven bangs running across her forehead. If she were living, she would think about dyeing it, but... well, no pun intended. The most notable thing about Audra are her vivid indigo eyes - often likened to the colour of the forget-me-nots she so loves.
Identifying Marks
    Audra has a few scars scattered here and there, but the most prominent by far is the one from when she was struck by lightning. A Lichtenberg figure scar stretches across her right shoulder and down across her arm, tracing its way out her fingertips. She isn't too bothered by it being exposed, though she doesn't often talk about how she acquired it.
    Audra has never been one for makeup, and as such doesn't wear any. She isn't very fashion conscious in general, and prefers to dress for comfort and functionality rather than style. Muted shades of blue and purple are favourites, however, with indigo taking the cake. She does not have her ears pierced and doesn't wear much jewellery. When she was alive, her wardrobe mainly consisted of jeans and old t-shirts, along with sneakers and other practical footwear. As a ghost, she usually appears in the clothing she died in - a pair of denim shorts and a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt.

Digging Deeper
    Audra is an empathetic soul; always willing to make the time to try to understand those she cares about. Her outgoing and chatty nature makes her an easy person to get along with, despite the anger issues she has faced in the past. She can be snarky, teasing, and sarcastic, but rest assured it is all in good humour. She is consistently honest and speaks her mind, though not unduly. Ever the optimist, Audra always sees the best in people - even when they cannot see it in themselves. Her loved ones are the most important thing in the world to her - she will go above and beyond to ensure their safety, and is very protective of those lucky enough to be considered friends and family. She shows a warmer, gentler side to her loved ones in general. She strives to make them happy, though will not compromise her own values to do so. Audra is no doormat - quite the opposite, in fact. She is assertive, confident, and bold; without a care what others think of her. In addition, Audra can be exceedingly stubborn and persistent, especially when it comes to her needs or the needs of others. She is loyal to a fault and will not hesitate to stand up for her friends, but is just as willing to stand up for herself. Audra is a very passionate individual; always willing to fight for what she believes in. She can be impulsive and reckless at times; choosing to follow her heart rather than her head. She is known to be somewhat moody, however; her moods are changeable as the seas themselves. She isn't angered easily - frustrated, perhaps, but not true anger. When rage does rear it's ugly head, it is probably best to run. Audra is no stranger to forgiveness, though, and will not hold a grudge unless something absolutely terrible has been committed.
    After her death, she has become sadder and more distant. Perhaps due to the things she has seen - an invisible witness; powerless to stop them. But she has never lost hope, not even once. It is that hope that has kept her going throughout the years.
    Her laugh sounds like a dolphin when she's really happy or excited - knows a lot of random facts about the ocean and sea creatures - finds beauty in the smallest of things - had a lot of acquaintances but few truly close friends - street-smart - not the neatest or most organised - has trouble sitting still for long periods of time - terrible sense of direction - handwriting is nearly illegible - a bit of an adrenaline junkie - has always been drawn to the sea - cuts her own hair - feels at home in the most torrential of storms - wanted to be a marine biologist
    Sailing - swimming - the ocean - sea creatures; sharks, whales, dolphins, and cephalopods particularly - forget-me-not flowers - thunderstorms - starry nights - soccer - heights - recycled products - campfire singalongs - hot chocolate - pirates - poetry - skydiving - honesty - seafood
    Pollution - bullies - modern technology; it's easy to fry anything digital if she's not careful - hot weather - being treated like a child - lying - liars - grudges
    Underground spaces - mild fear of dogs; specifically large dogs - dentists - abandonment - loss
Fatal flaw
    Audra is immeasurably stubborn and will refuse to give up on something or someone regardless of if others deem it to be a lost cause.
    Audra had been in the foster system ever since she could remember. Not because her father never wanted her, but because he was wholly unprepared and too busy struggling to support himself than care for a child. She never knew him, nor that she had parents at all - though she supposed she had to have come from somewhere. When she was young, Audra had quite the temper and could be destructive to people and property alike when that temper arose. A lot of her behaviours ended up getting her kicked out of various homes or, as was more likely, afraid of being kicked out - and so, she would run away.
    That changed somewhat when she met Vivienne. The two bonded when living in the same foster family. After an incident in which their foster father was killed, the kids were to be moved to different foster homes. Vivienne overheard the social workers talking amongst themselves, and learned that she and Audra were to be separated. Audra fiercely protested that this wasn't going to happen. When asked why not, she asked Vivienne to run away with her.
    Life on the streets was hard, but at least they had each other - and that was enough for them. However, the two soon became aware of their demigod abilities. This awareness brought with it a host of other problems, the most dangerous of which were the monsters that had begun to sniff them out. Thankfully, a satyr had also caught their scent. However, both girls had difficulty trusting him at first. It wasn't until a pack of hellhounds chased them all over the city that they accepted his aid and allowed themselves to be led to Camp Half-Blood. Audra was only nine years old at the time, with Vivienne being ten. They lived together in the Hermes cabin for a good part of their first year at camp, until both were claimed within the same week. Even after their claimings, they were inseparable. Audra began to relax and come out of her shell, blossoming into an outgoing albeit reckless individual. Vivienne remained cold and impassive, however - towards everyone except Audra. Audra was the one person she knew she could trust, and nothing changed that. Where Audra went, Vivienne followed, and vice versa. Audra would even spurn other social interactions if Vivienne wasn't invited as well.
    In their third year at camp, Audra was killed in a brutal Capture-the-Flag accident. But rather than be pulled down to the Underworld, her spirit lingered. Whether it was the confusion of having died so unexpectedly or the will to stay with her loved ones, she couldn't say. She was there for her own funeral, unseen save by a few children of Underworld gods. She was there when the pain grew too much for Vivienne to handle and she exploded out on the camp itself. She left with her when the daughter of Khione made her departure. She watched as the goddess honed Vivienne into a weapon of vengeance, all the while manipulating her to her own ends. All the while, Audra was powerless to stop it. She had never felt so powerless in her life. It was this that planted the bittersweet sorrow in her heart and the distance in her eyes. With Nicholas's involvement in Vivienne's life, she became less powerless. She was able to talk to her - for the first time in five years, Audra could do more than just watch and plead and hope with every desperate fibre of her being. In doing so, her spark was restored. She could see she had a real chance to change things - to try to help where she could, even though she was no longer living. It is with this renewed purpose that she took up the will to fight again. To fight for Vivienne's freedom and happiness, and perhaps for her own.

Personal Relationships
ϟ - neutral║✔ - positive║✗ - negative║✖ - enemy║✩ - friend║★ - close friend║♡ - love int.║♥ - romance║♤ former love int.║♠ former romance

Vivienne [★♤]
    In life, Vivienne was Audra's closest friend and confidante.
    Their relationship ran very deep, stemming from their time
    together in the foster system. Audra was one of the only people to
    get past Vivienne's cold and callous exterior to the gentle, sensitive
    soul beneath. Audra always saw the best in Vivienne, even when
    she could not see it in herself. The two were nearly inseparable -
    they did everything together. Audra was the only person allowed to
    call Vivienne "June"; once she found out her middle name, she
    thought the nickname was ironic given Vivienne's snow powers.
    Death did little to change how Audra feels about Vivienne, despite
    the path Vivienne chose. She still cares greatly for Vivienne,
    though it breaks her heart to see her friend in so much pain. She
    wants the best for Vivienne; she wants her to be able to move on
    and be happy, even if that means being left behind.

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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby sunhorsestar » Tue Jul 06, 2021 4:39 pm

Hey guys, so life's really not great right now, and I’m having a hard time keeping up. A lot of the time I’m feeling pretty left out too, so I think I’m going to have to bow out for now. I may be back eventually, when things clear up, I may not. It really depends. So you can write off my charries or make them NPCs if you guys want, whatever you need.

Much love to all

- sun
Born female, identify as Genderfluid, any pronouns.
Chorus director and founder, black belt in Taekwondo, writer, actor, playwright, enjoys horseback riding, RPing, playing Howrse, animating, big projects, singing, reading, any kind of storytelling.

Autistic, mood disorder, pansexual, and proud! Feel free to talk to me about anything!

Note for any RPs I'm in: I love building up relationships, so feel free to approach them, but I DO NOT do arranged relationships in general. (May make a few exceptions, depending on circumstances)

Current Main Fandom: One Piece
Other Notable Fandoms: Attack on Titan, The Maze Runner, Soul Eater

Link on my profile is to a new Warrior cats RP site I started because I can.

Update: Considering quitting, not immediately, but overtime, things have just gotten to be a bit much, so we'll see what happens.
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:35 am

I totally understand! If you want to come back at any point just let me know c:
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tell me we're okay

Postby takara » Thu Jul 08, 2021 2:02 pm

fc; katherine langford

General Information
Full name: Jane Elizabeth Daughtry
Nicknames: Lizzie (by other hunters)
Gender/Pronouns: Cisfemale, she/her
Age: "19" (Joined in 1797)
Birthday: July 7th, 1777
Sexuality: Aro-ace

Camp Information
Basic Hunter weaponry, only appears when needed.
  • Badge
    a bayoneted Civil war era rifle, has been retrofitted to keep with the times as well as being equipped with imperial gold bullets
  • Betsy
    A World War 1 era bone saw, also imperial gold. Usually used on already slain targets to prepare for eating
  • Bobbi
    A Victorian style hatpin. Very sharp, typically worn in Jane's hairpiece and used in emergency situations
Godly Parent: Venus Legacy (mother's side)
Claimed?: Not officially
Cabin: 8
  • Plant location & identification
    Not much of a "power" per se, but Jane has a green thumb and is one of the best gatherers that the Hunt has seen. When prey is low, she always manages to find edible plants, and often enough to sustain the other hunters
  • Intention sensing
    Jane can uncannily determine if someone has harmful intents on one of her sister's and is more than ready to erase such people.
  • Immortality
    Unless killed in battle...
Number of Beads on Necklace: None. Never attended camp or the legion

Physical Description
Jane is 5' 3" (~160 cm) tall, but what she lacks in height, she makes up for in ferocity. Her face is beautiful, but easily forgotten. Brown eyes over alabaster skin. Her long hair is typically pinned back under her circlet, and she favors simple dresses or skirts that she can put on herself, with thick boots. She has a wide variety of overgarments, but a particular flair for cloaks. You would not know how old she is from looking at her, as she has kept her head down and changed with the times, both in style and mannerisms.

Personality & Background
Jane is just trying to survive. It's what she told herself when she ran away to join the world outside her windows, and it's what she tells herself now. Jane was an extra, the 6th daughter of 11 children. While well off, her world was stifled by social decorum and spiced with needle pricked fingers. She spent her whole life keeping her head down, and that filtered into her time as a hunter as well. As such, she is well attuned to the finer details of social cues.

Jane has never been the bravest, the strongest, or the wisest. But she's still alive, and that counts for something. She has many regrets, and the only fear she is still sensitive to is the dread of what lies on the other side of the veil for her. She has a bad habit of keeping important information to herself. What she is, is loyal, able to follow orders to a t, and joyful (when the situation permits). Her upbeat attitude can light up a room, but she's more than content if it makes just one person smile.

She enjoys trying new things, laughing and cooking
She dislikes bad cooking, ne'er-do-wells, and pessimistic people.
She is afraid of dying.
Her fatal flaw is being afraid of caring too much.

Jane has a habit of mixing slang from various eras, as she doesn't have a preference for one over the other and the passage of time seems exceedingly fast to her. Whenever she is near the grave/place of death of fallen hunters, she tries to leave flowers because she knows that she is likely the last person to have a living memory of them. She has an extremely low tolerance for uncouth behavior toward her hunters, and will repay unwanted remarks with a prick of her (very sharp) hatpin.

She also smokes handrolled cigarettes, and has a tendency to roll them when she's nervous or lost in thought.

Personal Relationships
Jane has respect for the other hunters, but does not open up to them unless she needs to. They have a bad habit of perishing on her, and it only hurts too bond too soon. Still, she is quite good at remembering and celebrating birthdays and other important occasions.

She doesn't remember much of her family, and prefers it that way. Some things should be left to the sands of time.

Anything Else
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby WitchHazel » Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:32 am

Yesss accepted!!
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby shezawomanoffame » Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:01 am

Hey so I apologize for not responding for..a while.. but I’ve just been super busy. I’m moving up in my horse riding career, meaning I’ve become more busy with riding and having more races. And I’m also having a hard time keeping up with the rp, since I still don’t have a computer :/ I’d like to be back someday I just don’t know when that day will be. Again I apologize for being so inactive

-Deku <3
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𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑖 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡𝑤𝑜 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠: 𝐴𝑚𝑖𝑔𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑃𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑎
𝐼 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑓𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑎𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑙 𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑆𝑡. 𝐽𝑢𝑑𝑒 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟,
𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑐𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑠 𝑔𝑜 𝑡𝑜 𝑆𝑡. 𝐽𝑢𝑑𝑒!
𝐼𝑚 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑃ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑝ℎ𝑦, 𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠, 𝐴𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑒, 𝑒𝑡𝑐.
𝐷𝑚 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑏𝑖𝑡𝑒!!
𝑆𝑖𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑎 𝑊𝐼𝑃
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby rheia » Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:42 pm

hihi everyone sorry i have been so busy with work can i gets a quick recap pls <3
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Re: CHB: Into the Storm - Discussion Thread

Postby takara » Sun Jul 11, 2021 9:35 am


I'm sorry to see you leave, but I understand that this rp can be overwhelming. Good luck in your future endeavors, and hopefully I'll see you around cs.


I'm sorry to see you go. Good luck on your racing career, and hopefully we'll see you again in the future!

Of course! But it's going to take me a hot minute to get it together
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Recap time! (From page 202)

Postby takara » Sun Jul 11, 2021 2:03 pm

Please note that these are somewhat chronological, but mostly just grouped by what specific groups of campers are doing. Obviously, Orin and Astoria were with Nick before they returned to camp

Also, if you have anything to add or change, please do so!

At camp

-Aldous & Conan, sons of Janus, use their powers to escape to camp half-blood
-Ryan is assisting with various injured campers, as are the hunters of artemis

-Nick released his focus from the skelebois, leading to them realizing that they are dead. The few that remain are very scattered

-Lucy hauled Juliet to cabin 7, then proceeded to play her violin for some "musical healing"

-Cain, Astra and Honey hang out with the younger campers and Jack in the Aphrodite cabin (cabin 10)
-Whiskey (a cat) grabs some unfortunate skeleboi's femur and is just vibing with it. She joins Jack in the Aphrodite cabin and leaves with him when Ophelia returns. He has bees to look after.

-Auggie, Chad and Reese are trying to get the golden fleece back
-They get it back, but both Reese and Auggie got shot by ghost bullets in the process.
-Chad is attempting to return the fleece to Thalia's pine.
-Auggie takes Reese toward cabin seven, but dips when she recognizes a hunter (also her not-quite boyfriend, Orin, kinda dided in their earlier)

-Orin and Astoria return to camp. Orin rejoins the living, but only Chuck and Auggie know this so far. Also, Auggie and Orin made it official! Go Pikachu's knife Reyman!

-Emmie has a mental break over the day's events.

-Elfie hits herself and Hank with a blast of mania inducement while trying to fight a ventus.

-Aoife and Kathryn flirt for like, 5 pages

-Mateo and Robyn throw Spanish at eachother to confuse those around them. And by that, I mean me.

-Juliet post that casually recaps the whole rp for fun in this post

-Ophelia and Aydan get patched up and part ways. She has the world's briefest talk with Will, and does not change her opinion of him.

-Anastasia and Aydan meet. Insert spiderman meme here as they realize that they have a sibling

-The dinner horn blows, signaling that campers should go to the dining pavilion. Once there, Mr. D and Chiron have some important announcements

-Hank and Elfie meet Chuck. Something is off. Namely his awesome singing tie-dye shirt!

The questers

-they leave the 1950's diner and get into a van
-on their way to the hotel, Aggy gets on everyone's nerves, so Ash knocks her out with dreamdust
-Rooming arrangements are being determined. Aggy is to room with Mira. Ash and Teilo will be together,. Jamie and Aiden will likely end up together

-They arrived a hampton hotel in farmingville

The powers that be

-Malcolm interrupts Ramsay's journey to camp
-Orin and Astoria pop back up from the underworld and join Vivienne and Nick in a church in nowhereville, Pennsylvania
-Orin and Vivienne get into a fight over who's loss of a loved one was more traumatic

-In a bet for Vivienne to accept his sympathy, Nick tells her his tragic backstory™
-Vivienne does not
-in an attempt to let Vivienne move on, Nick lets her see Audra's ghost

Housekeeping/other news

-Relia, Jen and Hannah got npc'd
-Zahra got yeeted into the Duat. Never to be seen again
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CHB: Into the Storm - Kayle Pax

Postby Kveykva » Mon Jul 12, 2021 3:17 pm

General Information
Full name: Kayle Pax
Nicknames: Kay, Monkey
Gender/Pronouns: Female (she/her)
Age: 19
Birthday: June 2nd
Sexuality: Bisexual

Mundane Information
Notable Relations: Death, Horseman of the Apocalypse (half-brother)
Residence: New York
Occupation: Construction
Other: Blind since birth

these hands - Kayle has been trained in just about every form of martial arts since she learned to walk, and her disability arguably makes her more dangerous than most opponents. she thrives on chaos and isn't afraid to fight dirty if her life or someone else's is on the line.

sharpened senses - to make up for her blindness, Kayle's other senses have become nearly superhuman in comparison. put plainly, she's very hard to sneak up on and knows when you haven't brushed your teeth.
chi sense - it goes by many different names, but Kayle has the ability to sense the presence of others by the strength of their life force. her constant usage of this ability has made it incredibly keen, and she can even use her own chi to gauge her surroundings by how it reflects back. think echolocation.
iron stomach - there are big eaters, and then there's Kayle. because of her insanely high metabolism and the number of calories she goes through when training, she can eat a person out of house and home, and she's not picky in the slightest. following that, she also doesn't get sick from anything she puts in her gut. in fact, she rarely ever gets sick from anything.

Physical Description
At best, Kayle is considered above average height at 5'9, but a shapely athletic build puts her weight at 215 lbs, though it's easy to see why she weighs that much. She's faintly freckled and tans well, which complements her naturally bronze-colored hair. Most days it's an untamed whirlwind of locks, and Kayle spends hours and hundreds of dollars of product putting it into long curls that frame milky white eyes. She also has a set of green tribal style tattoos along her left arm and leg, going up her neck and even continued through her chest and belly on the same side.
Kayle has dozens of scars, little ones here and there, all with stories but only a few that she remembers. It could be a bullet, a knife, a scab picked at for too long, a trip when trying a new pair of heels, she can't always say. The one scar with a story is a set of surgical scars on her chest, as well as what appears to be an improperly set ribcage. They don't cause any pain, but they're a constant reminder of the lesson she learned.
Her clothing choice is fitting for her personality. Although she can't see how she looks in an outfit, she's confident about her body and likes to show it off. Tank tops, skirts, crop tops, shorts, heels, leggings, and cute blouses are her go-to's, though the color choices are fairly standard since she can't appreciate them anyway. The only other factor that matters for clothing besides the mix of "cute" and "comfortable" is that it's easy to move around in. If she doesn't have her full range of motion, Kayle doesn't want it.
appearance here

The quickest way to describe Kayle is "Loud and Proud." She's a social butterfly with a big mouth, except she has the bite to back up her bark. When it comes to fights, she's usually the first to throw a punch, but with most people, one is enough to send them reeling. She confident and strong, and that strength is something she's very proud of. There was a time when this pride led to arrogance, but as she's gotten older, Kayle has learned to pick her battles and avoid ones that aren't worth the price she'd pay. She has more than a small rebellious streak, and it takes quite an array of people to keep her in line when it comes to petty lawbreaking. With what she packs in the strength department, Kayle can be a little daft at times, and she usually doesn't think everything through until after the fact. So long as she has some guidelines to follow, she's self-sufficient, which makes her easy to manipulate. Despite this, she has a good heart deep down, and the two values she holds dearest are loyalty and pride.
Likes: loud music, sparring, being a party animal, visiting family
Dislikes: ice cream, people calling out her blindness (or underestimating her for it)
Fears: Kayle's pride is characteristic of her family, and with everything her father, brother, and all of her ancestors have accomplished, she's afraid she can never live up to it. she's already blind, which is enough of a disgrace, so all of her volatile nature and careless henchman work under people whose motives she doesn't get is to try and find that spark that will solidify herself in history, so her presence on the Earth isn't lost in the wind
Fatal flaw: since Kayle is so self-suffice, it's easy to guide her in a certain direction with a small nudge here and there, and soon enough she'll have her own path carved into the rock. she doesn't worry about things that don't concern her, which means as long as she thinks the cause she's fighting for isn't evil, she won't challenge it. out of sight, out of mind.

Snowdrop - a grey Siberian Husky serves as Kayle's seeing-eye dog. Snowdrop wears a bright red harness that denotes her status as a service animal, and like most others in her position, she's trained to guide her owner around in crowded places where Kayle would normally have difficulty relying on her chi sense alone.

Shinedown - Adrenaline

thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis will come later bc i am mush rn

anyway i present the fridge thief
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