1X1 with arvanien

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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:57 am

(( Thank you so much! 💕 I send you lots of love as well! You're always so kind and so sweet to me and I really appreciate it! Things have been really difficult the past few months, but it'll all get better. Things are already getting a little better for my family financially! And things are starting to settle down a bit at the new place 😄 I've still been struggling a lot with my mental health, but I think I'm making some progress with it too. Very slowly lol 😅 But things are a little better! <3
I hope you're doing well!!! <3 I've really missed chatting and rping with you! ))


Thanks to the tireless work of Solodin's finest doctors and Healers, Hawthorne was recovering well after his near-fatal encounter with Rocket.The rouge Quell's poison had weakened him considerably, but the captain had recovered from far worse wounds at the hands of the Howlers. Still, Hawthorne had known not to push himself too hard while he was still healing.

Feeling the white hot pain searing through his chest, the captain knew he had accidentally reopened his still healing wound. Rocket's blade had left a deep and jagged wound which would eventually leave a nasty scar. A gruesome addition to the impressive collection of scars decorating his muscled chest. Jagged claw, talon and teeth marks lined his tanned skin, giving him a rugged look that somehow suited him.

Hawthorne coughed painfully, his chest wracked with agonizing pain as he pressed his hands to his wound in an effort to stop the bleeding. The nerve wracked captain took a few small, slow breaths, willing himself to stay calm. Seconds felt like lifetimes as he waited alone in the hospital room for a nurse to arrive. As soon as he spotted Kyran, the Captain offered him a crooked smile that looked more like a grimace.

"Just couldnt resist seeing me again, huh?" He joked lightheartedly, before almost doubling over in pain with a loud curse. Spots danced before his eyes, though Hawthorne stubbornly blinked them away. " S-sorry! Sorry.. I'm okay." He said through gritted teeth, "I just panicked a bit when I saw the ah... bood." The weary earth Quell cracked a weak smile, moving his hand away from the bloodied bandages so Kyran could get a better look. As a warrior, Hawthorne was quite used to seeing blood, though most of the time it wasn't his own.

Hawthorne watched as Kyran worked, holding completely still for him. " I feel okay, though... my heart's beating like crazy and my face feels warm. Im pretty sure that's a normal reaction to being treated by the most handsome nurse in all of Solodin" He quipped cheekily. The stony faced captain usually wasnt quite so flirty, but he was half delirious from blood loss and the thrill of his new crush.

A bought of coughing snapped the Captain out of his lovesick daze, however. His throat felt dry and scratchy, the faint, iron-y taste of blood still lingering in his mouth. Hawthorne licked his lips, offering Kyran a sheepish smile," Some water would be nice."


Juniper sat on the bed beside Celeste, keeping watch over her diligently while she slept. She most likely didnt need any protection in the Quell hospital, but he was quite content to act as her personal little guard puppy. The young Howler smiled softly to himself as he gazed at his sleeping lady love, his deep purple eyes filled with nothing but love and adoration. Celeste was undoubtedly one of the most attractive Quell in Solodin, but to Juniper, she was more beautiful to him than the moon goddess with her pastel colored hair spread about on her pillow like a halo.

With the utmost care, Juniper affectionately brushed a soft lock of pastel hair from Celeste's face. " You're so lovely, honey bunny~" He murmured softly, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. Juniper almost let out a frightened squeak as Celeste sat up so suddenly. Her panic startled him, though he was quick to try to reassure her. " A project? What kind of project? Maybe I can help you" He questioned, giving her hand a gentle squeeze," You've got to take it easy though, bunny! You still need plenty of rest" Juniper said worriedly. He knew the beautiful Quell was much stronger than even he knew, but she had just barely recovered from the lethal poison that had very nearly killed her.

Remembering the small bouquet flowers in his hands, Juniper shyly presented them to Celeste, looking to her with a familiar crooked grin. " I wasn't sure what kind of flowers you liked, but I hope these are pretty enough." He chuckled, gently taking Celeste's hand before kissing the back of it.


After the few days events, Basil found herself understandably a bit disheveled. Her clothes were stained with dark red splotches of blood, none of which was her own. Her normally smooth dark green curls had become a bit frizzy from so much running around and her makeup smudged from tears. Basil took out a small compact, frowning a bit onto the small mirror. " I look a fright," She muttered to herself, gazing at her tired eyes as she fruitlessly tried to rub away the dark circles under them. Biting her lip in worry, she tried to smooth out her tousled green curls before giving up with a soft sigh. Since Hawthorne had been sleeping peacefully and Juniper was with Celeste, the young earth Quell quickly decided that things were under control long enough for her to run home for a quick shower and a change of clothes.

Basil stepped out of the hospital with a contented sigh, eager to get out and stretch her legs outside. The underground city seemed almost sleepy as the first rays of light began to bathe Solodin in warm light. It was almost impossible not to stop and admire the stunning magical sunrise. It truly was a beautiful sight to see. Though, Basil didnt stop for long to admire it as she normaly would. She was on a mission to have a hot bath and change clothes so that she could hurry back to the hospital before anyone woke up.

The Montaigh mansion was only a short walk from the hospital and it wasn't long before Basil arrived at the lavish home she shared with her brother. Her heart fluttered as she stepped through the tall iron gate, crossing the garden where she and Arion had cuddled and kissed the previous night. The thought made her blush bright red and the young earth Quell quickly strode inside the large home.

Basil marched straight up to her bathroom, locked the door and undressed before turning on the water as hot as it would go. Once it was warm enough, she stepped into her shower with a contented sigh. The steaming hot water felt wonderful on her skin, letting it wash away all the grime and stress of the previous days.

A short while later, she emerged, wrapped in a fluffy pink bathrobe, smelling sweetly of a floral scented shampoo. Humming cheerfully, she wandered over to her bedroom's impressive closet, which was filled with all sort of clothes, ranging from fashionable designer ballgowns to comfortable sweaters. After trying on many different outfits, she decided on a knee-length, deep purple dress that had been embroidered with tiny silver stars, a dark denim jacket and black ballet flats. Basil decided to leave her short, deep green curls loose, though she braided several daisies in her hair, like a delicate fairy crown. To complete the look, Basil applied her favorite deep plum lipstick, did a quick smokey eye look and drew a tiny black star on her soft, pale cheek as a playful beauty mark. She also spritzed on a bit of her usual perfume, which smelled citrusy and floral, with a hint of pomegranate. Happily, she did a bit of a twirl, feeling a bit like a fairy princess in her own unique way.

Basil decided to walk back from the mansion, giving her a bit of time to de-stress a bit. Solodin seemed to slowly be waking up as Quell began to start their morning chores and routines. Basil passed by a few members of the Guard, who asked about her brother, Arion and Celeste, but Basil was too shy and in too much of a hurry to stop and talk to anyone. Once she arrived at the hospital, she felt much more like her usual cheerful self. Things seemed fairly quiet in the clean, antiseptic scented hallways, though the Solodin hospital always seemed to be bustling with activity.

Basil headed up towards Hawthorne's room, quite eager to check on him even though she had scarcely been gone for more than half an hour or so. Distracted by fretting over her brother, the young earth Quell scarcely noticed anyone else in the hallway until, of course, one of the most attractive Quell in Solodin crashed into her. " Oh my stars! I'm terribly sorry, I must not have been looking where I was going!" Basil apologized as she looked up, plump lips formed a perfect little "o" in surprise as she looked up to see Vanilla. Her cheeks began to flush bright pink as she instantly recognized the attractive model, " Miss Van Ness!" She squeaked, blushing even harder as she realized how close the attractive Quell was to her. Like so many Quell living in Solodin, Basil had been a fan of Vanilla's work for quite some time. And here she was, practically being embraced by her hero.

Though, Basil quickly snapped out of her fangirling as soon as she heard Arion's voice behind Vanilla. She tried to peek around Vanilla, her heart pounding rapidly in her chest.

" Arion? Arion!" Basil exclaimed, her deep green eyes lighting up with pure joy. She tried to untangle herself from Vanilla, all while apologizing profusely to the attractive model for bumping into her, before rushing over to Arion. She beamed up at him, overjoyed to see him looking so much livelier than he had been previously. Not to mention, he was drop dead gorgeous with his stunning makeup and outfit. Somehow, Arion was even more handsome than the young earth Quell had remembered. She had never seen him in his work clothes before, but somehow he made them look unfairly sexy. It was no wonder countless Quell were all clamoring for his attention.

" Its nice to see you looking so lively and less... covered in blood " Basil smiled up at Arion shyly, suddenly feeling awkward and unsure of what to do with her hands. Gently, she took Arion's hand in her much smaller one and gave it an affectionate squeeze. " I was worried about you! Are you feeling better?" She asked, looking up to him with a shy smile.


As the sun began to rise, the normally bustling Howler village seemed to be subdued. A mounting anxiety could be sensed throughout the pack. A group of warriors had gathered in the the village square, sharpening their weapons and readying their armor. Many Howlers had volunteered to go on the scouting mission and many more had come to watch them set off on their mission.

Thing seemed grim, but Gilly couldnt help but feel a small sense of pride stirring in his chest as he saw his pack mates in their gleaming battle armor. The pack was united against the humans and he was confident that they would survive a war with the humans, just as they had when fighting against the Quell. Though, things would be different than fighting against the humans, especially since the humans vastly outnumbered even both the Quell and the Howlers combined. But, Gilly wasnt too worried. After all, there was nothing more resilient than a Howler warrior with their back against a wall.

Gilly didn't bother to wait with the others in the square, though he greeted them all with cheerful words and reassuring claps on their backs. Cheerfully, the young derr Howler headed to Endymion and Miri's home with his leather satchel in tow.

" Oi! Miri!" He waved and flashed a crooked grin up at the younger girl as soon as he spotted her. " I hope you didn't eat breakfast yet! My ma made us some pastries" He called up to her, " Here, catch!" Gilly tossed up a still warm, berry filled pastry. " If your grumpy brother wants one too, he can have one. I'm feeling extra generous today!" He teased, despite knowing Endymion could probably murder him without even blinking. Gilly smiled up at Miri, his dark brown eyes alight with mischief." Oh! And tell your mum I said hi!" He called up


Lyra had busied herself with getting ready to lead the scouting mission. Though with her injured leg, getting ready seemed to take twice as long. Just making herself a cup of coffee felt exhausting. Though, Lyra was too stubborn to ask for help from her comrades. She knew her pack needed strong, unyielding leaders to face the latest threat of humans.

Lyra stared deeply into her hard earned cup of coffee, gazing at her own tired reflection in the dark, bitter liquid. She could fool her pack mates into thinking she wasn't exhausted, but she couldn't deceive her friends. And she certainly couldn't deceive Endymion. But, perhaps it was just one of the many reasons why she had appointed him as second alpha. Endymion knew her like no one else did. The two of them had fought side by side countless times during the war. They had watched each other nearly bleed out on the battlefield. There was no one Lyra trusted more than the stern, dark haired warrior. It was true Endymion had a secret life of his own and many of the pack members were afraid of what he could do. But Lyra didnt question his loyalty to her. The young alpha quietly sipped her coffee, making the decision to put Endymion in charge of the scouting mission.

Lyra set her empty coffee mug down on and took up her staff from where she had left it beside her sleeping mat. Leaning heavily against the smooth, well worn wood, the young alpha limped over to the chest where her armor lay tucked carefully between sheets of soft fabric. She had kept her battle armor pristine condition, storing it away to use as battle regalia when she needed to. Truthfully, she had never expected another war in her lifetime.

Lyra picked up her helmet, her fingers delicately tracing over her symbol she had etched on the side and over the visor, which resembled a wolf's fierce scowl. "Hello, old friend" She murmured, turning over the silver helmet in her hands. Even after so many years of use, the enchanted metal still shone brightly in the muted light of Lyra's hut. A soft, heavy sigh escaped the leader as she slipped on her helmet, letting her white braid trail down her back. Deciding to forgo wearing her full armor because of the weight, Lyra carefully slipped on her armored chestplate over her tunic, then secured her leather arm guards to her slightly freckled forearms. The task of putting on her heavy armor left the injured young Howler feeling quite worn out, her forehead already sticky with sweat inside her helmet. Though she didn't stop to rest for more than a moment, instead she pulled on her boots and stepped out of her hut, leaning heavily against her staff, but standing tall with her chin raised determinedly.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:02 am

(Ahh I’m so so happy to hear things are starting to get better for you and your family!!! I wish nothing but the best for you, and for you to keep on healing 💞 I know there’s not much I can do for you but I’m always here if you need me! Keep on putting yourself first ☺️)


"Oh my god, you're insufferable," Kyran groaned, his eyebrows furrowing as he took a hasty seat by Hawthorne's bedside. His hands were a blur as they changed the bloody bandages out for fresh ones infused with healing potions. "I seriously cannot deal with you right now," he sighed in exasperation, trying and failing to keep himself from smiling at Hawthorne's flirty remarks. Kyran bit down on his lip in embarrassment as a hot blush rose to his cheeks. Dang it, how is he doing this to me?! He's literally half-dead! This is so unfair!

"Yes yes, of course," Kyran hurried to pour a fresh glass of ice-cold water, tripping all over himself in the process. He lowered a straw down to Hawthorne's mouth, shyly putting his hand behind the captain's head. Kyran took a deep breath, trying his best to ignore the hammering of his heartbeat against his ribcage. He took a deep breath and steeled his nerves, looking Hawthorne straight in the eyes. "I dare you to move again, or I'll make Dr. Nero's wrath look like a tea party," he threatened. While Kyran had a general reputation for being a huge pushover, he took his job extremely seriously. Though, talking like this to a battle-hardened veteran who could snap his spine with one hand was probably not the best idea.


Celeste grasped Juniper's hand so tight, her fingers began to turn purple. "No no no, it's not that kind of...project," she faltered. The initial wave of panic was fizzling out, confusion taking its place as she looked around in the small, cozy hospital room. "Umm. Why are we in the hospital? I feel totally fine." Celeste chuckled nervously. "Seriously though, did something bad happen? Is Arion okay?" She frowned, perplexed as she scanned Juniper's face, trying to recall the events of last night, but nothing floated to the surface.

Celeste's soft blue eyes lit up as Juniper presented her with the flowers, her confused expression disappearing in a wide grin. "Oh my goodness! They're beautiful! Where did you get these?" A bubbly laugh escaped her lips as she went to bury her face in the colorful petals like a toddler. Celeste looked up from the flowers, her eyes twinkling as she met Juniper's gaze. She scooted forward and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, all panic forgotten. "Thank you darling. You treat me so well," She smiled somewhat shyly as she reached out to brush a lock of unruly hair out of Juniper's eyes. "Now let's get out of here, shall we?"


Arion's lips parted as he took in Basil before him, his heart pounding furiously as he went to run a hand through his impeccably styled hair. All he could do for a moment was bask in the relief of knowing that she was safe and happy. "Basil! I-"

Vanilla stepped between the couple, effectively cutting Arion off and extending a long, graceful finger to turn Basil's cheek up towards her. "Hi there beautiful~" she purred, the delicate aroma of her expensive perfume enveloping the two women. "Now, let's not bother with him," She snickered, tossing a long silver curl behind her shoulder towards Arion. "Come with me and I'll show you some proper fun! Maybe you can come over to my place tonight?" Vanilla gave Basil a coquettish look through her long, glimmering eyelashes, her pale jade eyes flashing coyly as her cold adamantine finger slipped under Basil's chin.

"VANILLA WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU." Arion snapped indignantly. He wrapped his arms around Basil and drew her into the curve of his body, his muscular arms enveloping her completely. He knew Vanilla well enough to know she was only messing with him, but it still agitated him to see anyone flirting Basil, seriously or not. "You can't be serious. And right in front of me?" He glared, his gold eyes glinting in annoyance.

Vanilla sneered up at him, the soft lines of her full mouth curving into a mocking smile. It was rather frightening how similar their fiery personalities were. "Oh sweetheart, get out of here. Don't you need to find your oh-so-mysterious bride-to-be? I'm just shooting my shot over here with this beauty." She cooed, taking Basil's small soft hands in both of hers. The hard, pearly material of her delicate prosthetic hand contrasted starkly with the soft warmth of her real one. Vanilla gave her a mischievous smirk that belied her apparent cluelessness of who Basil really was.



"Eyyyy Gillyyy!!" Miri shouted joyfully as she caught sight of the deer Howler. She laughed as she caught the warm pastry in her small hands, running to catch up with him. Miri cringed slightly as Gilly mentioned her mother, but she tried to laugh it off. "Ah, I don't think she's in the mood for any good mornings right now. Ooh these are my favorite! Your mom is the best," She chirped happily, stuffing the entire pastry in her mouth. The sweet, slightly buttery flavor of the layers tasted like a thousand sunrises. "This is gonna be the best mission ever!" Miri shouted with her mouth full. She grabbed Gilly's hand in hers and thrust it as high as she could, Gilly's arm still bent at a ninety degree angle due to their height difference.

Endymion stared straight ahead, his pointedly cold gaze completely disregarding Gilly. Only someone as frigid as the dark-haired Howler would ignore such a friendly greeting. He hefted the black helmet under his arm and walked away with a flicker of his cape, leaving the two younger Howlers as he headed for Lyra's hut. The sun had barely risen over the distant mountaintops, and yet he began to wonder if he should have come sooner.

He spotted Lyra standing outside her hut a long distance off, and quickened his pace. Although the familiar helmet obscured her features, he could feel the exhaustion emanating from her. "I would say good morning, but I know you hate lies as much as I do." Endymion greeted her tersely. "We are ready to leave."
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:48 pm

(( Thank you so much!!!! 💕 I really appreciate it!! You've always been so sweet and kind to me! I just really want to say thank you for being such a sweet friend 🥰 I hope you're doing well!! ))


" Ha~ I'm sorry, I just can't seem to help myself." Hawthorne chuckled warmly, his dark green eyes shining brightly with amusement. He looked to the handsome young nurse with a cheeky half grin, no trace of regret on his face for his shameless flirting. Though, as Kyran sat down on the bed beside him, the captain suddenly realized how close Kyran was to him. His heart began pounding hard and fast against his ribcage. Hawthorne felt his cheeks warm, feeling like a schoolboy who was fanboying over his crush. Oh dear gods, he's so close. Is he blushing? Damn, hes even cuter like this!. Distracted by his flustered thoughts, the eart Quell barely noticed the pain slowly evaporating from his chest. His muscles began to relax as the healing potion began to soothe and heal his wounds, causing him to sink back into the bed without him even realizing it.

Hawthorne couldnt help but grin as he noticed Kyran's cute little smile. " Whaaaaat? I thought I was your favorite patient~" He quipped cheekly, reaching over to give Kyran's hand a gentle, affectionate squeeze before he hurried off to get a glass of water. " Ha~ You're definitely my favorite nurse~" He teased, giving him a playful wink.

" Thank you~" He said before taking a long sip of water, the cool water feeling more refreshing than any healing potion to his dry throat. Once he was finished drinking, he settled back against the pillows, thanking Kyran once again. Hawthorne was extremely thankful for all the kindness and compassion the young nurse had showed him ever since he had been admitted into the hospital. Hawthorne met Kyran's eyes, slightly distracted by how mesmerizing they were, " Don't worry, I'll stay put this time." He promised with a warm chuckle. The last thing he wanted to see was Kyran angry at him. After all, he knew from experience how scary exceptionally kind people could be when they were angry.


Juniper was a little caught off guard by Celeste's tight grip on his hand, growing worried that she seemed so anxious and confused. Soothingly, he rubbed the back of her hand with his calloused thumb and looked to her with a warm smile. " I'm glad you're feeling better, honey bunny! You gave all of us quite the scare." He hummed gently, tucking a stray lock of Celeste's cotton candy colored hair behind her ear. " Your brother's fine! He was here, but he went out for a bit. And... I'm about ninety percent sure he doesnt want to kill me now, so that's a plus too!" He said sunnily.

Juniper looked to Celeste with a familiar sunny grin, her excitement at the flowers very clearly rubbing off on him. He laughed merrily, his bright purple eyes sparkling with pure joy. " I'm glad you like them!" He grinned, practically wiggling with excitement. If he were in his Howler puppy form, his tail would have most definitely been wagging like mad. " I asked miss Basil to make them! They're magic flowers!" He grinned crookedly. It made him so happy to see his beloved looking so bright and cheerful once again.

Juniper's cheeks flushed bright pink as Celeste kissed him there. Her soft, sweet kisses never failed to make him absolutely melt. " Heh~ You're very welcome, lovey" He hummed, leaning down so she could brush his dark brown hair from his face. " That sounds like an excellent idea! If you're feeling better, of course! " He hummed, smiling down at her softly, " We should get some breakfast! I dunno about you, but I'm starving~"


Basil was overjoyed to see Arion again, especially now that he looked much more like his old fiery self. Though, she barely had a chance to think before she found herself looking up at Vanilla. "H-hello!" She squeaked. Her cheeks burned bright pink, her plump lips forming a perfect 'o' in surprise as the attractive young woman called her beautiful. Vanilla van Ness, one of the most attractive Quell in Solodin and one of Basil's modeling hero's, actually called her beautiful. Basil was so surprised that she caused a few daisies to pop up around her ankles. The young earth Quell blushed fiercely, feeling even her ears grow warm at Vanilla's proposal. " I-I'm flattered! Really, I am!" Basil smiled shyly, " I'm already courting Arion"

Basil found herself being pulled closer to Arion's chest, feeling his toned muscles pressed up against her much smaller frame. His familiar, masculine scent both made her relax and even more flustered than before. It was hard not to get flustered when she was surrounded by attractive people. She wasnt used to getting so much attention like this.

Basil felt her face grow even warmer as Vanilla called her a beauty once again. Her cheeks were blazing red by now and her heart was absolutely racing in her chest. Shyly, she smiled up at the taller woman, a few more flowers popping up at her feet. " You're very beautiful," Basil blurted out, a shy, bubbly giggle escaping her. "How do you know Arion? Are you two friends?" She asked, beaming up at both of them.


Gilly laughed warmly as Miri managed to catch the delicate pastry. " Here, you can have the other one then! At least you appreciate my mom's excellent cooking skills! Your grumpy brother doesnt know what hes missing" He said laughing as he tossed Miri the other wrapped dessert. Gilly had noticed Miri's hesitation when he mentioned her mother, though he didn't want to press her about it. Instead, he let her grab his hand and throw it upwards, laughing good naturedly as she couldn't get it very high.

" Yup! It's going to be great! Especially since I've got some snacks for the trek! " He winked, patting his satchel. Gilly laughed warmly and gave Miri a playful bump with his hip, " Are you ready for the mission? I know I am! I'd like to give those humans a taste of what its like to mess with a real Howler warrior" He joked with a goofy grin, flexing his nearly non-existent bicep.


Lyra's pale pink lips twitched upwards into a slight smile as she spotted Endymion walking towards her hut. She leaned against her staff heavily, her deep brown eyes flickering with the faintest hint of amusement of how Endymion remembered her loathing for lies of any kind, no matter how pleasant they were. " That helmet still suits you well, Endymion. You look as formidable as ever" She said, her smirk widening a bit before her familiar stern expression returned.

" Good, we're right on time then." The white-haired alpha nodded, looking up at the clear early morning sky. Lyra glanced back down, meeting Endymion's gaze with a fierce determination in her eyes. She trusted him more than anyone else in the pack and she knew that she could ask him for assistance without feeling guilty." Endymion... I'd like for you to lead the mission today. I trust your judgment and I know you'll handle it well," Lyra said simply," I know I thrust a lot of responsibility on you by asking you to be second alpha and I apologize for that. But.... I believe you're well suited for the job. There's no one else I would trust more to help lead the pack."
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:27 am

(Don’t mention it!! I just want to make sure you’re doing well and that you are putting your mental health first ❤️)


Kyran’s face split into a wide lovestruck grin, a small laugh coming from the young nurse as he twisted his hands in his lap. They felt empty without the warm roughness of Hawthorne’s hands against them. “Huh? No, you’re definitely my favorite patient! I mean, how could someone as funny and handsome as you not be my favorite,” He giggled, his heart pounding so hard it was about to leap out of his throat. Kyran’s soft gaze met Hawthorne’s, his face flushing an even deeper red. “I’m your favorite nurse? You-you really mean that?” he asked, a small giggle of delight escaping his lips. He buried his face in his hands, embarrassed by the fact that a simple little wink from Hawthorne was enough to send butterflies swirling in his stomach.

"Oh my gosh, okay, good." Kyran exhaled. He leaned back momentarily as he breathed a sigh of relief, before realizing how sweetly Hawthorne had agreed to stay put, unlike numerous other soldiers the young nurse had treated before. "Ah, I-I'm sorry I snapped at you like that! It's just—ugh—it’s just that Dr. Nero hates that I can't seem to calm down a lot of wounded patients, especially not veterans," Kyran laced his fingers together, looking sheepish. "I can't help but worry that I'm always on the bubble. I just know that when a better nurse comes to work here, they'll tell me to leave.” He sighed.

Kyran’s face twisted as he realized what he’d just said, his hands flying up to cover his mouth, “Agh—I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to over-share, you didn’t need to know that,” he laughed awkwardly. “I’m just glad you seem to like having me around!” Kyran tried for a smile, his soft grey eyes lifting to meet Hawthorne’s.


“He left?” Celeste’s smile disappeared, but quickly came back as she returned to her cheerful self. She couldn't worry about Arion forever! Besides, Quell who wielded red magic were far more resilient than their other magical counterparts. Arion could be on death's door one day, wake up the next morning, and crush an anvil between his bare hands like putty. Celeste had seen it happen time and time again.

Celeste laughed as Juniper told her Arion probably didn’t want to kill him anymore. “See, I knew he’d fall in love with you too! We just had to give him some time,” she hummed, swinging her legs off the bed and standing up. Her eyes sparkled as she imagined how Arion would treat Juniper in the future, and she bit back a mischievous smile. “You’ll have to get used to his kisses now. Just try not to make everyone else too jealous!”

Celeste beamed, “Aww, they’re from Basil? That’s why they’re so beautiful.” She pulled a hair tie from her wrist and wrapped it around the green stems, securing the blossoms. “All right, let’s get you some breakfast! You must be very hungry, and I really want to treat you today!” Celeste slipped her hand into Juniper’s and pushed open the door, peeking out into the hallway.


“Ah, I see. That’s...a shame,” Vanilla sighed with a flick of her lashes, straightening to her full height. "Arion, you really need to stop stealing all the cute ones! What happened to friendly competition?" She punched him playfully, an impish grin alighting on her delicate features.

"Oh my goodness, you're one to talk," Arion laughed, shaking his head. If anything, Vanilla had just as many Quell vying for her attention as Arion did, evidenced by the small crowd of people she drew every time she went out. "But you don't have to worry about me anymore. Basil is the girl of my dreams,” He smiled, leaned down and rested his chin on Basil's head, and reached up to stroke her cheek affectionately.

“Mhm, sure.” Vanilla nodded, absentmindedly twirling a piece of shiny pink hair around her finger. She made a small face as Basil asked if she and Arion were friends, “I guess you could say that. Friends, coworkers, competitors, whatever. And for the record, we're not sleeping together. Anymore.” Vanilla smiled sweetly, Arion rolling his eyes and muttering a thank god under his breath. “So relax sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about!” She said brightly, offering Basil another dazzling smile.


“Ooh! Thank you!” Miri chirped in delight as Gilly tossed her a second pastry. She quickly unwrapped it and bit into it, finishing it off in a few bites. It was even better than the last. Miri laughed as Gilly mentioned he'd packed snacks for the mission, her dark blue eyes lighting up. "Well of course! You always bring snacks everywhere," She grinned, elbowing him good-naturedly.

"Aww yeah you bet I'm ready! No matter what happens, we will come out on top," Miri said confidently, as the two of them walked over to join the small group of scouts in the middle of the plaza. Most were seasoned warriors who had seen more than their fair share of bloodshed. A few were younger sons and daughters who weren't as battle-hardened as their parents, but could handle themselves in a fight. All were standing ready, though a few of them were beginning to cast nervous glances in the direction of Lyra's hut.

"Miri!" A stocky, square-jawed Howler with feathery blond hair and a scowl muscled his way through the small group, making his way over to where Miri stood. He threw up his hands as he found that neither alpha was to be seen. "There you are, you little imp. Where's Endymion? And Lyra? We're ready to go," He frowned, huffing impatiently.

"Well good morning to you too, Rose," Miri smiled, not at all miffed by the other Howler's grumpy demeanor. "They're coming, don't worry! If you couldn't walk I'm sure it would take you longer to get here too."

"I suppose you're right," Rose grunted, reaching out to pat Miri's head good-naturedly. "Gilly, my brother! You got any blades that need some last minute sharpening?"


"As do you." Endymion acknowledged. He returned Lyra's slight smile with a glimmer of good humor in his blue eyes, before falling silent as she continued to speak. He nodded his head as she explained her decision, his expression serious as ever.

"I understand. You have nothing to apologize for. I believe you made the right decision," Endymion reassured her, nodding slightly. "You rest well, and I will see you soon. And Lyra," he paused, tapping his iron-clad fingers on the hilt of his long, black sword. "If my mother comes to visit you, don't be shy about asking her for healing potions. She has been studying brewing extensively, and I believe her abilities have surpassed even mine."
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby rubyrocketboots13 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:53 pm

(( Thank you so much!! 💕 I really appreciate it! It's been difficult, but things are getting better! ^^ ))


A smile tugged at the corners of Hawthorne's lips as he noticed Kyran's infectious grin. Just seeing the young man looking so happy made him feel lighter than air. "Ha~ You think I'm handsome?" He teased playfully, his deep green eyes alight with mischief, " Even when I look half dead at the moment?" He couldn't help but chuckle warmly at the young nurse's adorable blush, despite the fact that his own cheeks were redder than Arion's hair.

"I mean it! You're the kindest, most caring nurse I've ever met. Not to mention, you make those scrubs look sexy" Hawthorne teased, chuckling warmly as he ran his hands through his tousled green and black hair. Hawthorne smiled softly, giving an amused shake of his head. " Don't mention it." He said, reassuring him gently," You dont have anything to be sorry for."

The captain's expression softened as Kyran spoke. Gently, the back of his calloused fingers brushed against Kyran's cheek, tenderly caressing his soft dark skin before slipping under his chin, lifting it up ever so carefully so that their eyes met. Hawthorne's gaze was soft and caring, though filled with determination. " Listen to me, love. You're the best damn nurse in this entire hospital. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He said firmly, giving Kryan a soft smile," You have the biggest heart I've ever seen and you're amazing at what you do. Don't worry about being replaced, okay? You belong here at the hospital." He said honestly," And don't you worry, you'll get the hang of calming down your patients. I can't claim to know what its like to be a nurse, but I've got some experience in leadership under my belt. And, in my professional opinion," He teased playfully, " I think that you've just got to work on your presence is all. You've got to be kind and caring, but in control of the situation. " He said, giving a warm laugh, " Taking care of rowdy patients really isn't that different from leading an army of warriors in that prospective. You do everything you can to keep them safe, especially from themselves
when they're panicking."

Hawthorne gently drew his hand from Kyran's chin, looking away shyly to hide his fierce blush. " Don't apologize, it's alright" He said, looking over to the young nurse with a soft smile. " You were just being honest and that's nothing to apologize for." The captain chuckled warmly as Kyran mentioned that he seemed to like him. " Ha! Would I have invited you on a coffee date if I didn't enjoy your company?" He teased playfully, giving Kyran another cheeky wink.


Juniper broke into a crooked grin as Celeste mentioned her brother. " You were right, bunny! It just took a little time" He chuckled warmly, his deep purple eyes twinkling with amusement," Ha~ I dunno if he loves me yet. Honestly, I'm just happy he doesn't want to rip me in half anymore."

Juniper was right by Celeste's side as she moved to get up, offering his support in case she felt unstable. Gently, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, flashing her a crooked grin. "I love kisses! Buuuut, my favorite ones are your kisses~" He teased before stealing an impish little kiss from Celeste. His lips were soft and sweet as he lightly pressed them against hers. He pulled away with a crooked grin, looking quite pleased with his loving, yet mischievous gesture.

The young Howler perked up even more at the mention of breakfast. His mouth watered a bit at the thought of the delicious Quell cuisine he had been lucky enough to try. " Mhm! I'm always hungry!" Juniper laughed warmly, " Breakfast sounds amazing!" He grinned, lacing his fingers through Celeste's before following her over to the door. His sensitive nose caught the familiar scent of both Arion and Basil, along with the scent of someone he didn't recognize.


Basil wasnt at all used to receiving so much attention from such attractive Quell. Her face was flushed bright red, feeling practically giddy. Never in a million years would she have guessed that one of her fashion idols thought that she, of all people, was cute. She felt as if she might faint from fan girling so hard. Basil couldn't fathom how she had caught the attention of not one, but two of Solodin's most attractive Quell.

The young earth Quell nuzzled into Arion, her cheeks still flushed bright pink. With him resting his chin on her head, their height difference was even more noticeable. Basil felt quite small, yet safe with him like this. Her heart fluttered a bit happily as he called her the girl of his dreams. A shy giggle escaped her plump, deep plum colored lips.

Basil's face flushed deep red as Vanilla heavily implied that she and Arion had slept together. She felt a bit tongue tied for a moment, blushing hard from embarrassment. She, of course, had no qualms with Arion having previous partners, but, she felt rather inadequate when his partners had been as beautiful and confident as Vanilla. Basil had never even dated anyone besides Arion before, so she was inexperienced. Shyly, the young earth Quell returned Vanilla's smile, her cheeks burning bright pink. "Oh, I'm not worried! The history you two have isn't any of my business" She said blushingly, nuzzling a bit more into Arion. Basil smiled up at him and gave him a sunny smile. Arion was just so sweet and had been so kind to her. She didn't have any worries that he might want to get back together with Vanilla again.


" You're more than welcome! I'm just glad to see someone enjoying them!" Gilly said, flashing her a crooked grin. He hadn't really expected Endymion to accept his gift, but it didn't stop him from at least trying to be friendly to the stoic warrior. Perhaps he seemed foolish for it, but Gilly had a big heart and made an effort to be friendly towards everyone he felt deserved a bit of kindness.

Gilly laughed merrily as Miri elbowed his side, his deep brown eyes twinkling with amusement. " I never leave home without snacks! You gotta keep your energy up when you're a warrior!" He declared, patting his leather satchel with a warm laugh.

The young deer Howler nodded approvingly as Miri spoke, pleased that she seemed confident and ready to go on their mission. " You've got that right!" He hummed in agreement, " The only thing tougher than a Howler warrior is a whole pack of 'em together!" He teased, giving her a playful nudge.

Gilly perked up as he heard a familiar voice in the crowd. He broke into a wide grin as he spotted their pack mate's grumpy scowl. " Heya, Rose! It's good to see ya, brother" He hummed, offering his hand for a friendly fist bump, " Yup! You know I wouldnt trust anyone else with my blades!" He grinned crookedly before presenting his weapons, along with a pastry that he offered to Rose," Care for some breakfast?"


The faint glimmer in Endymion's eyes caused Lyra to smile softly, her heart warming a bit in her chest. Her soft pink lips pressed together in amusement at his comment, though she made no further comment.

Lyra's soft smile was replaced by a familiar determined gaze as she spoke. " Thank you, Endymion. I know I can rely on you." She said, bringing her hand to his armor clad shoulder, " I know I made the right decision trusting you with leading this mission." There was so much she wanted to say to him, but she knew that they didn't have much time to talk with the sun rising in the horizon.

"Come back safe to me." Lyra murmured, looking up to him quietly. Her deep brown eyes were clouded with a turmoil of emotions that she never let anyone but him see. She knew he could handle himself in combat and wasnt foolish enough to put himself in unnecessary danger, but yet this still didnt ease her fears.

" I'll see you soon. The others are waiting for you." She drew her hand from his shoulder, offering him a soft smile. " And if your mother comes to visit, I'll remember to ask about them." Lyra promised, leaning heavily on her staff. Both of them knew that she was in no shape to go running through the forest on a scouting mission. She could barely stand for long before growing tired, though Lyra was careful to show no inkling that she was in discomfort. Pure stubbornness kept her from revealing any hint of weakness, but she was slowly learning to accept that she needed help, starting with giving Endymion the job of leading the scouting mission.
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Re: 1X1 with arvanien

Postby arvanien » Sun Oct 31, 2021 8:20 pm

(I’m so happy to hear that!!! I hope this upcoming school year is the best for you yet! :D)


"Of course! I always have," Kyran admitted somewhat bashfully, leaning just a little closer to Hawthorne's bedside, propping up his cheek on his palm. "Well, about that, I think you look much better than yesterday! You could even be set to be discharged today," he remarked cheerfully. "But of course, that's far from all that I like about you," the young nurse laughed, his warm olive eyes sparkling with adoration as he held Hawthorne's gaze.

Kyran burst into a fit of bright giggles, his whole face lighting up at Hawthorne's flirty comment. "Ew! Please, these scrubs are the ickiest things ever," he rolled his eyes. Despite that, he couldn't look away as he noticed the way Hawthorne ran his fingers through his hair. "You're such a flirt, you," he grinned fondly, his fingers reaching out to fix the captain's tousled hair.

Kyran tilted his head into the gentle roughness of Hawthorne's touch, suddenly aware of how very close they were. His heart hammered uncontrollably as he hung on every word the captain said to him, his skin warming rapidly under Hawthorne’s fingers. “Okay…if you say so,” He managed at last, his voice very small and paper-thin. “Wow. Um…” Kyran turned away, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say! No one’s ever told me that I’m good at nursing, let alone that I’m…the best? In the entire hospital? And-and all this coming from you?” A small, brittle laugh escaped him as he buried his face in his hands. “That means more than you could ever know to me. Thank you, thank you so much,” Kyran shook his head in disbelief, smiling brightly despite the tears slipping down his face. “But you’re absolutely right. It’s clear to me now, and I’ll do my best to improve. Thank you for the advice,” he grasped Hawthorne’s hand in both of his, “I’ll be sure to make you proud!”

Kyran blushed fiercely, all sappiness forgotten at the mention of the date Hawthorne had promised him. “Of course, how would I forget? My goodness, the more I think about it the more I can’t believe it’s real,” he exclaimed, going to take his hands through his purple and maroon curls.

(Okay I cannot remember for the life of me whether I ever determined what types of magic Kyran has to have so we will go with that ig)


“Oh no, I meant what I said. I always knew you’d win him over sooner or later!” Celeste laughed, reaching up to smooth Juniper’s hair lovingly. She took his hand in hers as Juniper wrapped his arm around her shoulders, clearly grateful for his constant, attentive presence.

Celeste’s eyes fluttered shut as Juniper pressed his lips against hers, their faces aligning perfectly for a sweet moment. Her lips curved into a small smile as they parted, her clear blue eyes filled with adoration as they met his. “I’ll make sure you get them as much as you want, then,” she promised softly, just for him to hear.

“Okay then, let’s get you the best Solodin has to offer! Lucky for us, I know just the place,” Celeste beamed at Juniper as they walked out of the room together. “You’ll never believe who the best restaurant in Solodin belongs to!”


Arion laughed as he twirled one of Basil’s soft green locks around his finger. He seemed perfectly unabashed by Vanilla’s bold, almost inappropriate comments, while anyone else would have the decency to look embarrassed. As Basil looked up to smile at him, he cupped her face lovingly in his large hands. He was absolutely enamored by the way she was clinging to him. “You are so beautiful, you know that?” he murmured softly to her, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

“Well, aren’t you the most charming little doll! Quite a pleasure to meet you, love,” Vanilla’s pale green eyes sparkled warmly as she straightened to her full height. In her white stiletto heels, she was nearly as tall as Arion himself. “Anyways, we came to fetch Celeste didn’t we? Arion, come along, get your head out of the clouds. We don't have all day!” She patted Arion’s shoulder, looking around for a nurse that might help them.

“Arion! Basil! Oh my goodness, Vanny?” Celeste’s cheerful voice rang through the empty hallway. She hurried towards the trio, pulling Juniper along with her. “You guys came back!!”

“Celeste!” Arion laughed, giddy with excitement as he rushed towards the couple. He caught her as she practically jumped into his arms, hugging her fiercely as she clung to him for dear life. The two of them giggled like maniacs as Arion spun Celeste around, their laughter echoing noisily down the hallway.

After a moment, Celeste pulled back, putting her hands on Arion’s shoulders and examining her best friend with a big smile. "Look at you all dressed up! I haven't seen you wear makeup like that in ages. What's the occasion?"

Arion shrugged casually, "Oh you know, to distract everyone from the fact that I've been missing since yesterday. And…about that whole fiasco,” he sighed, “Let’s face it, I messed up really badly. I owe Hawthorne a big apology,” Arion groaned, resting his forehead against Celeste’s collarbone.


"Like you need to ask me," Rose grinned, snatching the pastry out of Gilly's hands. His warm brown eyes twinkled as he shoved the whole thing between his teeth, eating it in one bite. The blond Howler reached for a canteen, pouring water over a whetstone and going to work on Gilly's blade. The soft sound of coarse grit whetstone firmly held by even coarser hands smoothing over the blade's edge was barely loud enough to conceal Endymion's approaching footsteps.


"You always can." Endymion promised. He dropped his gaze from Lyra's, suddenly looking very tired. He knew he could never be able to guarantee the absolute safety of the pack. Not even the most powerful Howler could. But he would die trying.

"Rest well. We will be back before nightfall if all goes to plan." He returned Lyra's soft smile with softer eyes before turning and walked back to the group, his black helmet still cradled under his arm.

"Oh, look, there he is!" Miri perked up as she spotted Endymion trudging towards the group, tugging on Gilly's hand. "Is Lyra okay?" she asked in a hushed voice as she made her way to him, though it was difficult for most fourteen year olds to keep their voice down even when they wanted to.

Endymion nodded down at her before raising his voice slightly to speak to the whole pack. "It is Lyra's decision that she will stay behind to rest today. In the meantime, I hope there will not be a confrontation today, but that we live to fight another day. But if we encounter humans, we leave behind no survivors. Rose," He called suddenly, and the muscular blond Howler snapped to attention, shoving the handle of the now-perfectly sharpened blade back into Gilly's hands.

A quiet murmur arose among some of the warriors as Endymion made his announcement, but it was more one of assent than objection. Many of the Howlers who hated and feared Endymion were the older, greyer ones had disliked his transition from a sunburnt little boy to a bone-pale, ruthless and vengeful sorcerer. Needless to say, all of the warriors he had fought alongside of both respected and trusted him, and he needed not worry about what they thought of him.

"Right! So it's this way isn't it?" Rose stepped through where the wall of foliage had been before Arion had ripped it down, the rest of the warriors following. Endymion let them all pass, as a leader always took up the rear of the pack.

Endymion suddenly reached out, catching Gilly by the shoulder before he could go. "Gilly.” His deep blue eyes held a fierce, but not hostile glint. “Without your help, we couldn't have provided our warriors with the protection they need." He balanced his helmet in his other hand, the neatly sewn lining of the cloth within glimmering dully. The dark haired Howler was truly grateful that Gilly and Miri had taken the time to insulate the scouts' helmets, ensuring that they would not breathe in any of the toxic chemicals they would be exposed to. "Thank you."

Last bumped by arvanien on Sun Oct 31, 2021 8:20 pm.
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