I Love You A Latte v.2 § Accepting 5 girls, 6 guys!

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Lewin - 2 § Aspen - 2 § Nathaniel - 4

Postby Corgi Fox <3 » Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:35 pm

Lewin James Patterson
Age: 24
Role: The Mocha
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Location: Outside, then Tiny Mug
Mentioned: Nathaniel, Nyxalia, Daniel, Ahmad, Valentino, Micah
Tagged: N/A
As he walked along the streets, Lewin took a moment to take in his surroundings, and very much appreciated the atmosphere of the little town. It was much more peaceful than the city, which had constantly been bustling with people daily. Before, he passed by countless random faces, most of whom appeared to be rushing off to their next destination - that, and he encountered many a rude individual there. While he was sure there likely would be rude individuals wherever he went, the likelihood of dealing with one as often as he used to have to, he guessed, was probably rather small. Being an introvert, he certainly was relieved by that, as well as not being stuck in a crowd of people when he went for a walk, anymore. This town also seemed to be much cleaner, and quite beautiful, which was also a huge plus in his books. Though some of the buildings looked quite old, most were very clearly well taken care of, and there was much greenery in certain parts of the little town. With this, he nodded a bit to himself; this was definitely the type of place he'd like to call home, and so he was glad that he took a chance on the location for his restaurant. Even if his plans failed with it, however, he'd be perfectly content with simply getting some form of a job in town and staying there, in truth; though, he hoped that his restaurant would, of course, be successful.
With this, he shook the thought off, and continued on his way, Red happily trotting at his side. After all, worrying about the outcome of his investments before the project was even complete and seeing everyone's reactions would do him no good. It would, simply put, just add more stress to the coming days; and quite unnecessarily, at that. He shifted his focus back to looking around at the currently rain-drenched town. As he did, his gaze landed on the cute, petite-looking café - called The Tiny Mug - just a little down the road, right about where he recalled seeing it on the way to his new house. Two people - a blonde woman wearing a beanie and a brunette man, whom appeared to be together - were just leaving the little coffee shop, so it seemed. With an eager smile, he continued towards his destination, unable to help his curiosity about how their food and beverages would taste. As he approached the coffee shop, he made sure not to step in any of the small puddles that flocked to divots in the concrete and slightly to the sides of the road - which were made known by the numerous silvery ripples that the raindrops produced as they collided with them - and glanced at a sign near the door. "We welcome pets, too!" The sign read in a delicate, cursive font. Hm...interesting, he mused as he then closed his umbrella, and gently pushed the door open. That was a relief, suffice to say, as the jaunty Irish Setter at his side wouldn't have to wait outside in the current weather.
As he stepped inside, he noticed several other individuals whom were also currently occupying the building: aside from two employees, a brunette man that appeared to be making drinks and a blonde woman who was serving tables, there were two men that appeared to be ahead of him, as well as another woman, who appeared to be waiting for her order. With that, he patiently waited while those ahead of him were taking their orders.

Aspen Harpae Paisley
Age: 23
Role: The Chai Latte
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Location: Outside, then Starbucks
Mentioned: Morgan, Ivy
Tagged: N/A
As Aspen walked, thoroughly enjoying the soft, pitter-patter of the rain, she started quietly humming a soft melody. It was purely out of habit, although it was oftentimes a good indicator that she was currently happy - or, at the very least, contented - and comfortable in her surroundings. She honestly hadn't even realized that she had started humming, in truth, actually. Using her free hand - as she had returned her phone to her pocket - she reached out from underneath the umbrella, and watched as raindrops gently landed in her hand. Though it was a cold sensation to the touch, it filled her with a warm, fuzzy feeling; oftentimes, when it rained, she had made many a wonderful memory. She and her brother oftentimes played in the rain, not really caring how wet they would yet (and, to this day, she still wouldn't mind getting drenched by the rain, as a result). After all, they would always quickly dry off and have large, sweet, comforting mugs of either hot chocolate or chai lattes - courtesy of their mother or grandparents - and blankets aplenty awaiting their return to the house, so that they could quickly warm up. No matter what was going on in life, being in the rain and spending time with family always seemed to melt all of her troubles away...and, for a while, it always felt like they just didn't exist, at all, for a while. The memories she looked back so fondly on were as sweet as honey, and were filled with much nostalgia, and so the rain held a special place in her heart.
Mmm..mom's chai, she thought to herself, suddenly craving the sweet, milky tea latte upon recalling the thought of it. It was making her a little homesick, if she was being completely honest with herself. Debating on what to do in her mind - as The Tiny Mug's chai, while good, didn't taste as close to her mother's recipe as Starbucks' chai did - she pursed her lips and ran her hand through her hair. Well...she supposed that she could always visit The Tiny Mug, later in the day, to inquire about the summer festival and pick up some treats for her dogs. With a resolute nod, she then changed her course, and headed in the direction of the famous franchise's location.
Upon her arrival, she closed her umbrella, and opened the door, a soft chime greeting her as she stepped inside. The warm, welcoming scent of coffee immediately made its presence known, and yet another soft smile appeared on the redhead's thin, pink lips. The modern-style atmosphere and warm colors were always so appealing to her, and instantly made her feel at home. With that, she started heading to the counter; as she did, however, she noticed two women that appeared to just be meeting up. The one who was currently speaking to the one in the yellow shirt looked almost...familiar, she thought? Although, despite this, she couldn't quite put her finger on where she may have seen the girl, before. Shaking the thought off, however, she stepped up to the counter, and ordered her chai latte - along with a bacon, gouda, and egg sandwich and a cinnamon coffee cake - before paying. With that, she then found a table to sit at while she waited for her order to be finished, and started scrolling through social media whilst she was.

Nathaniel Jaxon O'Hara
Age: 21
Role: The Vanilla Frappe
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Location: The Tiny Mug
Mentioned: Nyxalia, Daniel, Ahmad, Valentino
Tagged: Micah
Nathaniel's attention was returned back to the two individuals, whom he had just served, as they again thanked him. The Irish boy smiled brightly as he happily responded, "No problem! Have a great day! Come again!" The two appeared to chat a bit before taking their leave; meanwhile, Nathan's attention had turned to a dark-haired woman, who ordered an apple cider. The two men who had previously entered had not yet ordered anything, and so he decided to just make the girl's beverage whilst they were deciding on what to get. With that, he steamed the proper amount for her beverage - which had been made fresh in-house, earlier in the morning, as it was every day, due to taking so long to cook - and then poured it into a mug. His gaze then shifted over to the woman as he asked, "Ma'am, would you like it to be topped with some cinnamon and whipped cream?" Some people seemed to like it that way, whilst others did not; either way, however, he never wanted to make any assumptions, and thus figured that he would check with her.
Pet's name: Gianna
Pet's name: Fox
Pet's name: Ein

I'm Corgi Fox<3, but call me whatever you want to! ^-^ Feel free to send me a trade or PM, if you'd like! ^-^
K-Pop § K-Dramas § Webtoons § Anime § Manga § Nintendo § Chocoholic § Dog Lover
2 Timothy 1:7 †
These Cuppy Puppies are so cute! <3
Pet's name: God's Promise <3
Credit to Cuppy Puppy Adopts ^-^
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Re: here comes the seon // post 2

Postby rheia » Wed Jun 02, 2021 7:53 pm

        -- 𝐨𝐡 𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧
        xxxxxxixxiixxxxxxx [ 23 | bisexual ] [ caramel macchiato ] [ location: home ] [ tags: avery ]

      Seon let himself laugh at Avery’s comment, feeling more at ease with every moment that passed. He got the feeling that he and Avery were going to get on just fine living together, and the thought warmed him despite the rain. “Nah mate, not meltin’, just a bit soggy.” Laughed the tan man, rolling his eyes playfully. He watched as Avery grabbed the box, noting appreciatively how he rested it down on his toes to avoid it touching the wet ground and nodded in thanks as the other man reached up to shut the trunk. With a click of the keys, his car was locked and he shifted the weight of the weight of his backpack onto his other shoulder.

      “It’s a house, isn’t it?” He shrugged playfully at Avery’s comment on the home’s aesthetic, sly grin never once leaving his face. The other man started towards the door and Seon began to follow, hauling the suitcase behind him as he went. At his new housemate’s next comment, the Scot let out a rather dramatic sigh. “Oh? There go my plans of knocking the walls down and making my room open plan.” He joked with a little laugh before adding, “Nah, you’re good, mate. Probably for the best that can’t paint anyway – I was never very good at it.” It was true. He’d bought an apartment with the help of his parents back in Scotland during his time at university and had been oh so excited to decorate the place. It didn’t take long before he changed his mind and called in a professional after he all but ruined his bedroom carpet with the paint.

      Seon didn’t notice much as he stepped into the house, having turned to use both hands to haul the suitcase over the little step at the door. When he turned back around, however, his biggest grin yet split back over his face. There wasn’t much in the way of decorations in the house, though Seon had expected as much considering the rental had been listed as a student’s accommodation, but it still radiated homely vibes to him. He wandered slowly behind Avery, case trailing behind him as he looked around with a smile.

      “You know what, mate? I think I’ll settle in right well here.” Beamed the man at Avery as he reached the door to his new bedroom. Avery had set the box down and opened the door, allowing Seon a chance to peer his head in. It was a very simple room, which greatly suited him and Seon found the excitement from that morning bubbling back up inside him once again. The man shuffled past Avery, pulling the suitcase into the barebones room where he stood it upright next to the bed and dropped the handle. The next to go was the backpack over his shoulder, which he slung down onto the bed. Regarding the box, he turned back to the door with his ever-present grin and told Avery, “Just anywhere, eh. I’ll probably do some explorin’ before I unpack. I definitely want it, if you’re happy to have me!”

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Re: I Love You A Latte v.2 § Accepting 3 girls, 2 boys!

Postby senna_ » Thu Jun 03, 2021 8:36 am

𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧
[cismale]..[23 years old]..[demi/heterosexual]..[honey oat latte]..[location: his house]..[mentions: tag]..[tags: seon]..
Avery quite appreciated Seon's sunshine attitude. He had a quirky side to him, with a goofy, boyish smile, and energy that was certainly uplifting, though not overwhelming; Avery didn't feel like he had just been whacked with a load of unhandled chaos. He'd experienced a wide range in different personalities and character traits over his past few years as a student desperate to share rent fees with, and he was genuinely curious to discover more about Seon. Avery hadn't ever been a bubbly social butterfly, and although it took him a bit to really settle into a new situation, he already felt less nervous about this whole situation. Maybe it was because of the mellow, carefree vibe Seon gave off, or maybe it was something else. That fact that he certainly wasn't a pureblood Thistlewood-citizen, maybe? Or maybe Avery was just overstepping boundaries when he thought that; an accent didn't mean anything. He was still hemming and hawing over whether to say something about that or not.

That small smile had returned back onto Avery's thin lips as Seon's theatrical actions. "I mean, that's a blood brilliant idea," he chimed in, really rolling the words off his tongue, as if he was genuinely considering it. "It would certainly make the place seem a bit more open." For whatever reason, and maybe it was a terribly cruel thing to accept into his mind, but Avery really could picture Seon as a rather sloppy artist. Something about his boyish charm gave off a perfect visual of whipped paint; the furniture would have a new coating before the walls themselves would. Avery himself was deliberate with that sort of thing, although he preferred a canvas over an entire wall. Not that he could do anything about the glum walls, anyway.

As soon as Seon had wiggled his way in, Avery slid close to the doorframe, just far enough in that he could place the box he had been carrying onto a part of the floor that was considered to be in the bedroom and not the hallway. This was Seon's room now, he wasn't going to barge in. Not that he'd do that anyway; Avery had honestly avoided the room since the last move-out. It wasn't officially his, so apart from some here-and-there cleaning, it was left unattended, waiting impatiently for its next roommate to love it and dazzle it up. "As long as the feelin's mutual," he returned, quirking a brow. "I've lost, what, three roommates already? Says something about me, eh?" There was a gentle bitterness to his tone, enough for it to appear more sarcastic than anything else. Of course, Avery had indeed gone down the "what have I been doing wrong?" path multiple times, but at the end of the day, he hadn't ever let it really get to him. Things happened, life went on.

His chocolate-brown eyes flitted towards the window, which was covered by a thin cloudy-grey drape, then back to a beaming Seon. "There're lotsa small shops downtown. Coffee shops, 'specially. Tons of 'em." His head tilted ever-so-slightly to the side, and he crossed his arms comfortably across his chest. "So I hope you're a coffee addict," he added a moment later, letting a tiny sly smile of his own whisk across his features for a brief second.


𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐡𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐚
[cisfemale]..[21 years old]..[heterosexual]..[strawberry lemonade]..[location: starbucks]..[mentions: tags]..[tags: ivy, aspen]..
Maybe it was just the rush of events that seemed to finally hit Morgan, or perhaps she had been more anxious about this entire situation than originally believed, but the second she approached the girl in the cheery yellow shirt, she felt exhausted. The adrenaline inside of her hit a low, as if was the sun, scooped up and overrun by smoky grey clouds. Morgan had always been very thankful about one thing in terms of her physical appearance, and that was the fact that while she was rather pale, she didn't often show dark circles under her eyes. It just hit her mentally; she stiffened a yawn, then felt bad. It wasn't because she was bored, but the excitement from arriving in a new state to the anxiety about losing her place and struggling to find a new room wiped her out. Her eyes, which had skitted towards the window, attempting to check up on Tigger ─ this was difficult because the windows were a bit tinted and he wasn't something like a big dog ─ before snapping back into it. Letting out a small giggle, mostly because she was embarrassed by her random zone-in-zone-out moment, she shot Ivy a sweet, apologetic smile.

"I'm, like, such a terrible person right now, but do you mind if I just run and grab a coffee or something?" she asked, taking a tiny step back. "It's just that I was on a plane a few hours ago and I haven't really gotten much sleep, and now it's really starting to hit me. I was going to offer to get you something but..." Her voice trailed off and she nodded quickly to the cup that was already nestled into the palms of the young woman's hand. "Two seconds, I promise!" At that, Morgan sent her yet another smile, then turned and headed up to the barista, who was currently awaiting their next order. "Hi! A grande strawberry açaí, please; light ice, if possible." She paid, then stepped back, fishing for her phone. Her camera was somewhere in her car, lightly packed with the rest of her things, so the phone's camera would have to work. Angling it, she snapped a few pictures, praying one would be good enough for either her blog or her Instagram. Without checking, she tucked the device back in her small purse, then shuffled closer to the side. There were a few orders ahead, she noticed, so Morgan quickly selected one of the pictures she took, uploading it to Instagram;

Finally made it into Thistlewood. In love already<3

She posted it with a hum of approval, then stepped back, back nearly touching the wall. Her eyes roamed as she waited, landing on a pretty girl with reddish-brown hair. Something she was wearing caught Morgan's attention immediately. "Oh my gosh!" she stepped closer, bending slightly forward to admire the rose-gold necklace, equipped with a delicate pearl, that was clipped around the stranger's neck. "Sorry... I don't mean to be weird," she continued a second later, backing up slightly with yet another giggle. "Your necklace is just really pretty."


𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐮𝐤𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐯
[cismale]..[22 years old]..[bisexual]..[caffè mocha]..[location: sidewalk]..[mentions: tag]..[tags: nyxalia]..
Even though it was May, and you could certainly feel the warmth of the late spring air, Daniel found himself still puffing out a breath of air, half-expecting to see a cloud of his breath float out in front of him in return. Of course, nothing happened. If it wasn't so dreary out, he might even say it was nice. The air was a bit thick, muggy, and it would be difficult to breathe in if one were to spend all day outside, but Danny had stuff to attend to later. It was a nice start; the walk was a nice beginning to his day. "We have been living in a town filled with coffee shops," he continued, keeping both his face and his tone as solid and plain as possible. "It's a classic move, buying a croissant with a warm beverage." He wasn't here to judge, though; Daniel, in all honesty, did sometimes find himself following the opposite of the "don't judge a book by its' cover" line, especially on his bad days, but that didn't always last. Even with that, he certainly hadn't often found himself judging what people were into food-wise. Why did that matter? So even if Nyx really wasn't into trying new foods, or simply didn't ever find the flaky, buttery treat appealing, he didn't care. Everyone had different opinions on different things.

He took another sip of his iced coffee, appreciating the cool fluids against his slightly dry throat. Perhaps the mugginess had taken a toll on him after all, or maybe it was just the talking. Daniel didn't often feel nervous talking to people, though, no matter who they were, and he didn't feel any anxiety now, so he took a wild guess and told himself that the lack of fluids he had after his morning jog was turning back around to nip at him now. He swirled the ice cubes around in his plastic cup once again, appreciating the jingle-like sound they made when they clunked against one another. "You don't need to lend me anything," he chuckled. The offer was unusual to hear, but warming all the same. Daniel was pretty sure the only offer like that he'd gotten was from Olivia, who had offered him her ballcap back when she was around four or five. Sweet, innocent little Olivia.

His dark eyes flitted down to her once again, then skimmed over her car, before putting his arms out, as if he was about to get a body scan by a security guard. "Nothing to hide here," he told her. "Just my keys and wallet. I don't live very far away, so even if we did a lap, I could probably just drop it off there." His eyes settled against her own gaze once more, serious. "Because I'm getting that umbrella," he insisted. "It'll be a lot better than that hat, promise you that much." He waited until she had gotten ─ or gotten rid of ─ what she needed from her car, then turned and slowly began to follow her once she started up again.

For a moment, Daniel remained silent, listening to the rumbling of motors as multiple different cars drove past. "Didn't know that," he told her earnestly. Danny hadn't ever been much of a sweets person, not towards the "typical" stuff like candies or chocolate bars, so he truthfully didn't realize that cinnamon was actually half-decent, if she was being serious. She didn't let a laugh slip, so he suspected she meant it well. He found himself speeding up once again, just slightly; she was only maybe six inches shorter than he was, so it wasn't like his strides were unbearable in comparison to her own, but he was still mindful of the speed he went at. "Cool," he grinned. "I had to do a lot of the cooking when I lived with my parents, although I wasn't the greatest at baking. So you should definitely show me some stuff sometime." Was that being too forward? It wasn't like he was inviting her to move in with him or anything. "If you're into that stuff, you should bake for the festival that's coming up. I see a lot of people who bake a ton of stuff and sell them off."

He stopped at the stoplights, the same set of lights where Nyxalia had first sent him a text message, and pressed a button, waiting for the lights to turn so he and Nyx could safely cross the street. While he waited, he let his eyes rest on her once again. "Nobody's judging," he assured her with a shrug. "I can't pronounce it properly either; born to everything Russian and Ukraine, but missed out on the terrible accent they all have. Probably for the best." For a fleeting second, a thought along the lines of, The only people who'd judge would be my parents, but you won't ever have to worry about that slipped up, but he crinkled his nose and disregarded it, allowing Nyxalia to step forward once the lights changed colours. "What's your favourite thing to bake?"
'senna_x.xshe/herx'.x'est'x.x'adultx'.x'soc student
hey all, i'm senna! i'm a young adult,full-time university
student, and a writer with a spontaneous muse :') i'm
most likely to be caught napping, thinking about plots
i'll probably never write, or hyper fixating on the late
st paranormal podcast <3

'hufflepuff'.''leo''.''cat mom'.''researcher'.''my misfits
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Re: I Love You A Latte v.2 § Accepting 3 girls, 2 boys!

Postby poppyxoxo » Thu Jun 03, 2021 6:39 pm

Nyxalia Smith
female ~ 23 years old ~ heterosexual ~ The Hot Chocolate ~ location: The Tiny Mug ~ tags: x ~ mentions: Daniel

Nyxalia supressed a series of giggles as she watched Daniel step before her, holding out his arms as though she was meant to inspect him. She stepped towards him and placed her one free hand on her hip, jokingly looking over him. "Alright, you passed" she stated in her fake authorities tone. She willingly met his gaze, her head tilting just so that she could in fact meet his eyes. "There's nothing stopping you from getting that umbrella but I'm not giving back the beanie. Unless it's a family heirloom".

Nyxalia tossed her forest green tote bag on to the back of her car and transferred a few vital things from her handbag into it. She stepped away from her car with the tote slung on her shoulder and the bag of croissants in the other. Nyx locked the vehicle before crossing the road, jogging slightly to avoid taking too much time. The last thing she wanted was to be hit by a car without having had a chance to get to know Danny better. "Just my luck" she chuckled to herself before re-joining Daniel who was waiting patiently for her on the sidewalk. She reached in to the bag on croissants and delicately pulled one out, inspecting it before taking a bite into the warm, buttery pastry. "Oh my God..." she gasped, closing her eyes for a moment to enjoy it. "This is the bets thing that I've ever eaten!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide as she glanced up at Daniel before adverting her gaze. "Today marks the day when someone actually got me to try something new" she added lightly.

"That's true; our town is notorious for its amazing drinks" Nyx agreed, as if just remembering that she had a half finished hot chocolate in her hand. She took a sip of the still warm liquid. "Only if you're sure! It's not a bother, if that's what you're worried about" Nyx assured Daniel but quickly dropped the topic. Nyxalia walked silently beside Daniel, enjoying the croissant that she now held as though it was gold. She paused in her place, reaching into her tote bag. She grabbed out the bag that contained the other croissant and offered it to Daniel. "You better take that one so I don't eat both, because I definitely will if I had the chance. Thank you, by the way. I'll have to take you out for breakfast one morning".

A few hairs had blown astray in the wind and the now fluttered around her. Nyxalia lifted a hand to hastily tuck them behind her ear. Taking another sip, Nyx stepped away from the curb as a car sped by, nearly splashing her. "I'm in light coloured pants" she cursed the driver, shaking her head but couldn't help a small grin. "Uh, so back to your phone number on the cup, I've got to say that was a really good idea. I wish I could think of stuff like that" there was truth behind the blondes words as she truly did appreciate the gesture and knew she would thank herself later. "I mean, everyone has to start somewhere so I'm sure your baking wasn't all that bad. I'll definitely have to show you a few things, including my handy sieve. I'll take you up on that suggestion. Are you participating?". Nyxalia grew up finding many different ways to occupy herself and purchasing baking materials was one of them.

"I think it would have been really... interesting to hear you with a strong accent". Nyxalia was enjoying herself already, much more than she had in a while. Something felt lighter; as though a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She shivered slightly. It really wasn't that cold but Nyx had been cold since she had left the house. She inwardly scolded herself for forgetting to take her iron tablets. "This might be a weird combination but me and my brother use to bake chocolate chip cupcakes. Been my favourite thing to make so far. What about you?".
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Re: I Love You A Latte v.2 § Accepting 3 girls, 2 boys!

Postby senna_ » Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:54 am

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐮𝐤𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐯
[cismale]..[22 years old]..[bisexual]..[caffè mocha]..[location: sidewalk -> his house]..[mentions: tag]..[tags: nyxalia]..
Daniel crinkled his nose slightly, giving his head a shake ─ making sure he had stopped before doing such a thing to avoid shaking up his vision and potentially toppling right over. "Definitely not family heirloom," he assured her, his tone just the slightest bit tense, as if the words spoken aloud were bitter on his tongue. "I think I probably got it at a thrift store or something like that, honestly. I've got more, it's all yours." He didn't feel weird handing off articles of clothing to her, too, in which he took was likely a good sign. She hadn't really given off greedy vibes, suggesting she likely wasn't only talking to him for gifts and prizes. Not like the last.

He made sure to walk in a slower pace than what they were travelling at before when he realized she now had the croissant ─ which hopefully wasn't too cold by now (again, he thanked the warm weather, as muggy and uncomfortable as it was) ─ in her hands. An amused smile, tight-lipped nut genuine, had fallen onto his features at her dramatic vocals regarding the pastry. "I shouldn't be complimenting my 'enemy' in business, but The Tiny Mug has way better croissants than Starbucks. They're probably homemade or something. But don't tell my boss ─" he added quickly, playfully, with widened coconut-brown eyes ─ "I don't need to lose my job over a preference in fresh croissants." He wasn't oblivious to the way she had shied away from his lingering gaze, but he didn't say anything about it. She seemed much more content focusing on her croissant, evidently and understandably, anyway. " 'Actually?' " he echoed. "Is this your way of admitting that you're a picky eater? Is that why you're always ordering the same thing?" He reached over and gently poked her upper arm. "You're in for a surprise, then, because traditional foods are a big thing in my family."

Truth be told, he hadn't even realized the bagged croissant was missing from his hands. When he glanced down at Nyx's hands once more, Danny surprisingly realized that yes, she was now holding both. He must have accidentally left it on the roof of her car while she was putting things away. Yes, that would make perfect sense, because he had been fishing for his keys. "I forgot about it," he admitted sheepishly, accepting the other bag with a grateful smile. "Good eye, because if it weren't for you, this poor thing would have gotten drenched on the top of your car. Unless that's just typical Thistlewood charm? Maybe everyone needs to experience a soggy croissant once in their life."

He once again found himself falling short at her generous comment regarding breakfast. Danny had always found himself conflicted when it came to dates regarding economics of any sort. It was tradition in his culture to have the person who suggests and takes the other out to pay, but it was also very proper for the man to pay. He reminded himself yet again that that wasn't the American way ─ it really was ironic, how unfamiliar he was with American culture, even though he was born in the States ─ and that equality was just as encouraged as it was for a man to hold a door for a woman over on the other side of the world. Nyxalia truly was a sweet girl with a large heart; a nice step in a new direction from where Ludmyla stood. Thankfully, she had continued on, grumbling gently about the weather. "I think I'd get splashed first," he pointed out teasingly, then tilted his head as if in genuine reconsideration. "Or, partly. I keep leaving you behind; super sorry 'bout that."

His house was now in sight, and a slight curve towards the right side of the pavement was hopefully enough to indicate that they'd be making their temporary stop within a few seconds. "Honestly?" he gave a simple shrug, eyes now unable to focus on much more than the house, in case they accidentally walked right by it. "I don't do it a lot. At all, actually; it's not professional and my boss probably woulda fired me or given me some warning if he found out." He turned his head towards her, giving her a somewhat sarcastically charming smile. " 'Suppose someone up above just told me you were different." He then motioned to the small house to her right, hopefully giving her enough time before cutting in front to step up onto the driveway. "Do you want to come in for a quick second? Throw out your bag and cup if you're done? If you're cold I can grab an extra layer for you, too."

Tucking the bagged croissant under his arm, he reached in his pocket to retrieve his house keys. "Nah," he answered, pulling back at the satisfying clip of the lock. "That's not really my thing. I'll be your number one customer, though." He pushed open the door and kept one hand on it to keep it open, though didn't yet walk in, not until he figured out what Nyxalia was going to do. "Not weird in the slightest. It's basically like a cake-muffin, eh? I think that sounds really good, actually. I've gotta go for more of a dinner food; pirozhki is good. It's like a pizza-pocket type of thing, but has, like, potatoes and meat and cabbage in it. Kinda like some sort of street food or something; my younger sister likes to call it her comfort food." He smiled distantly at that, then motioned to the door. "The umbrellas are right by the door but if you want or need anything, you're welcome to come in for a sec before we continue our walk."
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Re: I Love You A Latte v.2 § Accepting 3 girls, 2 boys!

Postby sunhorsestar » Tue Jun 08, 2021 7:10 am

Micah Tariah | Apple Cider | Tagging: Nathaniel | Location: The Tiny Mug

Micah pulled out her wallet with a small smile and a nod. "Yes please!" She agreed. She’d never tried it with such toppings, but hey! There was a first time for everything, right? The young woman's smile didn’t fade. A nice, friendly atmosphere was in the little coffeehouse, a little piece of paradise away from the chaos of life. "Worked here long?"
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Re: I Love You A Latte v.2 § Accepting 3 girls, 2 boys!

Postby poppyxoxo » Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:59 pm

Nyxalia Smith
female ~ 23 years old ~ heterosexual ~ The Hot Chocolate ~ location: Street --> Daniel's house ~ tags: x ~ mentions: Daniel

Since Nyxalia had been walking along for a while, she had gotten use to the temperature outside. It really wasn't all that cold, Nyxalia was just a bit more sensitive to cold even if it was one hundred degrees outside. Nyxalia picked up on the slightest tense tone to Daniel's voice deciding to pick up the mood. "Ooh yay for me then! You have to admit, I look pretty damn cute in this thing. Although, I'll probably keep it for a while then when we hang out again you'll mention that you're cold and I'll give it to you thinking that it's mine but it's actually yours" she talked as though she could see slightly into the future. She laughed it off and continued in silence.

The air seemed to attack any of her baby hairs in site because they began to float around her head like a halo. She sighed in half frustration, attempting to tuck them behind her ears. She continued to alternate between finishing off her hot chocolate and her croissant so that she wouldn't be tempted to eat the other one. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I obviously haven't actually tried the croissants at Starbucks but I'll take your word for it" she reassuringly nudged his arm, laughing at the way he acted as though he was telling her a confidential secret. "Surely that's something silly to fire an employee about. Oh wait, is that your boss now?" she asked in a teasing tone, glancing over in the direction of an imaginary person. Nyxalia walked along beside Daniel, watching her rain splattered shoes as the scuffed the pathway. A slight heat rose to her cheeks when Daniel actually caught on to her secret. "Now this might sound sarcastic but you just figured me out in five seconds. Huh" Nyx half chuckled in surprise. She nibbled on her lower lip, beaming at the ground. "Well, just for you I'll broaden my horizons. I'm sure your family has amazing food."

Her tote bag gently smacked against her hip in time with her steps. "How could you do such a thing; forgetting about these heaven sent things?!" quipped, tilting her head slightly to peer earnestly at Daniel. Of course, she was innocently playing around.

"I would have offered to use my body to block you from getting splashed but I'm short so that wouldn't help your situation. It's not your fault that I have the legs of a corgi dog" although her sentence may have been slightly ridiculous, there was truth behind it. Nyx followed the direction that Daniel was looking in and she made the assumption that was his house. It was quite nice actually. "That's kind of sad but at least now you can channel any and all of your coaching mechanisms into me" she suggested, gesturing with her hands in a slight shrug. She glanced away, hiding her once more reddened cheeks. It had been a while since she had received a compliment, let alone from someone that she liked. "I'd love to come in. Not just to steal another item of clothing, I promise... but I would appreciate it very much" Nyx took the offer thankfully.

"Awe I appreciate that. If you were a regular customer, I would get by just fine by selling my cake muffins". She waited patiently off to the side to give Daniel some space. "That actually sounds quite good. You're sister seems like a smart one". The blonde followed Daniel into his house, observing the good decorating. She raised her eyebrows, a faint smile brightening her soft features. "Thanks Danny".
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Lewin - 2 § Aspen - 3 § Nathaniel - 5

Postby Corgi Fox <3 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 2:42 am

Lewin James Patterson
Age: 24
Role: The Mocha
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Location: Outside, then Tiny Mug
Mentioned: Nathaniel, Nyxalia, Daniel, Ahmad, Valentino, Micah
Tagged: N/A
As he walked along the streets, Lewin took a moment to take in his surroundings, and very much appreciated the atmosphere of the little town. It was much more peaceful than the city, which had constantly been bustling with people daily. Before, he passed by countless random faces, most of whom appeared to be rushing off to their next destination - that, and he encountered many a rude individual there. While he was sure there likely would be rude individuals wherever he went, the likelihood of dealing with one as often as he used to have to, he guessed, was probably rather small. Being an introvert, he certainly was relieved by that, as well as not being stuck in a crowd of people when he went for a walk, anymore. This town also seemed to be much cleaner, and quite beautiful, which was also a huge plus in his books. Though some of the buildings looked quite old, most were very clearly well taken care of, and there was much greenery in certain parts of the little town. With this, he nodded a bit to himself; this was definitely the type of place he'd like to call home, and so he was glad that he took a chance on the location for his restaurant. Even if his plans failed with it, however, he'd be perfectly content with simply getting some form of a job in town and staying there, in truth; though, he hoped that his restaurant would, of course, be successful.
With this, he shook the thought off, and continued on his way, Red happily trotting at his side. After all, worrying about the outcome of his investments before the project was even complete and seeing everyone's reactions would do him no good. It would, simply put, just add more stress to the coming days; and quite unnecessarily, at that. He shifted his focus back to looking around at the currently rain-drenched town. As he did, his gaze landed on the cute, petite-looking café - called The Tiny Mug - just a little down the road, right about where he recalled seeing it on the way to his new house. Two people - a blonde woman wearing a beanie and a brunette man, whom appeared to be together - were just leaving the little coffee shop, so it seemed. With an eager smile, he continued towards his destination, unable to help his curiosity about how their food and beverages would taste. As he approached the coffee shop, he made sure not to step in any of the small puddles that flocked to divots in the concrete and slightly to the sides of the road - which were made known by the numerous silvery ripples that the raindrops produced as they collided with them - and glanced at a sign near the door. "We welcome pets, too!" The sign read in a delicate, cursive font. Hm...interesting, he mused as he then closed his umbrella, and gently pushed the door open. That was a relief, suffice to say, as the jaunty Irish Setter at his side wouldn't have to wait outside in the current weather.
As he stepped inside, he noticed several other individuals whom were also currently occupying the building: aside from two employees, a brunette man that appeared to be making drinks and a blonde woman who was serving tables, there were two men that appeared to be ahead of him, as well as another woman, who appeared to be waiting for her order. With that, he patiently waited while those ahead of him were taking their orders.

Aspen Harpae Paisley
Age: 23
Role: The Chai Latte
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Location: Starbucks
Mentioned: N/A
Tagged: Morgan
Oh my goodness, that's absolutely gorgeous...! Aspen thought to herself as she scrolled through Instagram; a wedding dress had appeared on her screen, a slim, form-fitting design with a train that flared out beautifully. It was something that drew much inspiration for, perhaps, a new design of a dress. Since she didn't exactly have a pen and pad to draw, nor write, anything down, she saved the image, and made a mental note of what she had in mind. Well, at least she now had a project to start working on when she got home! With that, she propped her head on her hand, and her mind slowly started to wander, drifting off into her own wedding - should she ever have one. What would it be like, and what kind of a man would she end up marrying, anyway? Ever since she was a child, she had dreamt of that day, and couldn't wait to meet "Mr. Right", so to speak...
Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted, however, at the sound of a woman's voice. Only slightly startled, her finger accidentally tapped the screen just right to cause the device to scroll back up to the top of the page, and it started refreshing the social media app as a result. She caught a slight glimpse of some Starbucks beverages - likely posted by one of the influencers that she followed. Though, before she could see who posted it, her eyes flicked over in the direction of the voice to see the girl that she had seen just a few minutes ago. A friendly smile spread itself across her face at the compliment, and she responded, "Aw, thank you! It's actually a pretty special necklace to me, because it was a gift from my family." She was always happy to hear that people liked her necklace; seeing as how sentimental it was to her, she was glad others occasionally noticed it, as well. A soft laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head and added, "Nah, you're fine; I don't find that weird, at all. I really like your outfit, by the way!"

Nathaniel Jaxon O'Hara
Age: 21
Role: The Vanilla Frappe
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Location: The Tiny Mug
Mentioned: N/A
Tagged: Micah
"Alright!" Nathaniel nodded in a cheery tone, in response to the woman's answer, as he then grabbed the can of whipped cream. As he topped the warm beverage with a mound of whipped cream, the woman spoke once more. "Oh, for a little while, I suppose," he responded with a slight shrug as he then set the can of whipped cream down and lightly sprinkled the top with a layer of cinnamon, "I moved here somewhat recently. But, so far, I'm enjoying working here." His signature bright smile reappeared on his face as he then handed her the apple cider. Being the type to be curious, and somewhat "golden retriever-like" - according to his family - and wanting to make friends, he then added, "Have you been here long? If you don't mind me asking, anyway."
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