Pekee Pamoja Pride from Ukumbi wa Paradiso

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B 01 : Basic Writing Prompt

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Thu May 13, 2021 9:25 am

B 01 : A basic use writing prompt.
You can use this for ANY body of text as long as it meets the word count and hasn't already been used.
(Awards 1 white feather PER 200 words)

    Nuru watched completely transfixed as Midas turned his paw over in the flame. It was strange. As if the flames ignored his intrusion. His expression was stoic, the fire reflecting off his focused gaze. Time stood still, she wasn't sure how long. Finally after some unknown amount of time, he pulled his paw back and blinked as if remembering where he was. He stared at his paw, silent. Contemplating.

    "How... Did you know you could do that?" Her voice was soft as she asked.

    "I..." He glanced her direction before once again looking over his paw. "No. It just... I somehow knew it'd be okay."

    "But how?" The seer observed him, trying to see more of him. Anything that could help her or even him understand. "Do you think it has to do with your past? Where you came from?"

    "No. Maybe?" He sighed, quite uncharacteristic for him. His expression grew tense as though conflicted. "I cannot say."

    "It's okay not to know. It's okay to feel frustrated." She reached out and placed a paw on his, a moment of comfort before she slipped into a vision. Her eyes glowed brighter, unseeing to the world around her. She faintly heard Midas call her name before she was fully absorbed into the revelation.

    "Father, why are you doing this? You cannot just kick me out."

    "I can and I
    will, Midas. Until you can learn, you are hereby banished to wander among the prides of the valley." Nuru was watching as if an invisible bystander to the scene. Midas was clearly visible and his father a towering lion who shone of golden light and majesty. Suddenly, Midas was dissipating leaving only his father who sighed heavily after his son was gone. "Please, let him learn what he must."

    "Nuru. Nuru! Can you hear me?" His voice was slowly coming into clearer focus as the glow of her eyes dimmed and the vision faded. "Say something?"

    She blinked a few times, clearing her mind. "I'm fine. Sorry, I'm fine."

    "What happened?"

    "I... I had a vision." She looked up to him, his eyes widening with interest. At that moment, she realized her paw was still resting over his. She flushed and gently pulled her paw back, looking toward the ground. "When I touched your paw, I was pulled into a memory of sorts."

    "A memory?"

    "Yes. A memory of you." She looked up at him again. "It was brief and I don't understand what happened, but-"

    "Please," he interrupted as gently as he could. No doubt his curiosity was running high. "Anything you can share will help. Please"

    The seer gave a small smile then nodded. "Very well. I imagine this was just before you got here. At the very lest, before you arrived at our pride. It appeared to be an argument or a disagreement between you and your father. It was what you called the other lion present. He said 'until you can learn, you are hereby banished to wander among the prides of the valley' and after you were gone, he pleaded you would learn what you must."

    Midas turned to watch the flames, his eyebrows coming together in thought. "Was there more to this vision of yours?"

    Nuru shook her head. "No. I'm sorry."

    "No need to apologize. Thank you for telling me." His expression turned pensive. She left him to his thoughts, thinking it best to allow him time to ruminate about this latest information. She wasn't sure what it meant or if it had even helped him remember anything but she hoped it helped regardless. "I... I would like some time to myself."

    "Of course. Take all the time you need. I'll head back out to the entrance." She turned to make her exit, glancing back towards him when she reached the start of the cavern. He was again looking at his paw before turning to observe the flames. With a small smile, she turned back and made for the surface. The trip back up didn't take long. Being back out in the open air was refreshing. She took in a deep breath, even the humidity of the jungle not bothering her so much. Caves always made her feel stuffy. The lioness wandered to the edge of the small island to get a drink from the river.

    It had been an interesting morning, if she had to say so herself. If she had to guess, it was nearly afternoon by now. Probably best to stay the night with the pride again. They could make way for maeneo ya kufa tomorrow morning which would have them arriving either late the following morning with continuous travel or if they were to stop for the night they could arrive by nightfall the second day. Would probably be easier to stop for the night. Get some rest. Catch some food. She'd have to make time to visit with Faraji while she was there. Princess Banou and her mate Amaziah would no doubt be more than hospitable to her and Midas. Ever the dutiful princess and devoted partner those two. It was the least populated of the subprides. Perhaps for its location. The deadlands were unforgiving and harsh. Not to mention a hub for outcasts and rogues. If she had to take a guess, the hyenas had probably moved to the farthest reaches of maeneo ya kufa, just beyond the prides borders. Still, the pride would be safe and the cave containing the wondrous metal wasn't terribly far from the prides main location. So lost in thought about their next destination, she hadn't heard Midas come up to join her at the river. He was quiet though he looked and felt more relaxed than he had been earlier. Perhaps all that time alone helped him collect her revelations. She was unsure of what to say, if anything. There really wasn't much left for them to do here. The cave while having quite the tunnel to get to it was rather small considering. Perhaps one of the reasons this particular magical anomaly was so intriguing. And why the statue? She was curious as to what brought it about. What it meant. So many things she could learn about it if only she had the means to get answers. She was once again pulled back to the present as Midas cleared his throat.

    "Thank you, Nuru."

    She turned to him, head tilted slightly. "What for?"

    "For everything, I suppose. For sharing the vision you had. For allowing me my space. For taking me on this tour of your home. For your hospitality." He also turned toward her, his gaze soft and even a hint of a small smile on his lips. "Thank you for being you."

    She held his gaze a moment longer before her face flushed and she looked down at the ground. "Oh." What is it about him that has me acting like a lovesick adolescent? The seer cleared her throat softly. "You don't really need to thank me for-"

    "I do. I want to. This has been a strange time for me. I can't remember anything about why I'm here or where I even came from. You had a vision of my arrival to your pride months ago. A total stranger you didn't know and you've done nothing but take me in and show me kindness. You've entertained my want to explore your home and see these magical anomalies. You're even helping me find who I am, in a way. You have my gratitude, Nuru of Pekee Pamoja."

    The lioness flushed harder but forced herself to meet his gaze again. It was interesting to see how different he was from merely yesterday. There was a softness about him. Not heavily so but just slightly. His expression was less stoic, a small smile now a little more present. She smiled back at him. "Then...I suppose you're welcome, Midas."

    His own smile widened before he nodded his head gently toward her. "Now then. Where are we off to next?"

    "Actually, I was thinking we could stay the night here again. Maeneo ya kufa is quite the journey from here. It would be good to catch some rest and perhaps have a meal. Surely the hunters have caught something for the day. We'll leave first thing in the morning. Depending on how we feel, we may have to make another stop before we get there. But we can discuss that tomorrow when we're a bit closer to our next destination."

    "Sounds like an ideal plan. This next region- it is the home of the cave with endless gold?"

    "That it is. An abandoned mine with never ending gold. An oddity."

    "The fact that it is never ending or that it is abandoned?"


    "Mmm. I see."

    Nuru stretched out her limbs, her claws extending and digging into the soft ground. Then she stood and shook out her pelt. "Should we start heading back? There isn't much else to do here."

    "Lead the way."

    "Ah, Nuru! Back from your visit with the mysterious flames?" Ahadi smiled as she approached the two.

    "Yes. It was..." she turned to look at Midas who shared a knowing smile with her. "Illuminating."

    His smile widened. "Indeed."

    "I'm glad you enjoyed your trip." The glances between the two went unnoticed by the young princess. "Will you be staying another night with us?"

    "If we could trouble you one more night?"

    "Oh, no trouble at all! You're practically an aunt to me."

    Nuru chuckled. "Thank you, Princess Ahadi. We'll also be needing a meal. We'll be leaving first thing in the morning, making our way to maeneo ya kufa."

    "Be sure to say hello to Banou for me."

    "Of course." She bowed her head to the princess who nodded back in return before taking her leave. Nuru turned to Midas. "We've secured our stay and a meal for the night."

    "Excellent." His smile faded leaving his face a little more neutral. "Is there anything else you wish to do while we're here? Any family you need to visit in this region?"

    She had mentioned to Azizi the night previous she would make her rounds with the pride. They hadn't had much time this morning before leaving for the cave. Perhaps now would be as good a time as any. A slow smile grew on lips. "Not any immediate family, but definitely those close to me."

    Midas nodded his head in understanding. "Of course. I will take my leave. Perhaps fetch that meal."

    "Oh. Of course."

    "...was there something else?"

    "Huh? Oh! No, sorry. Go ahead and get something to eat. I'll meet back up with you later."

    He stood a moment longer as if contemplating her words. "As you say."

    With that he took his leave to get himself food. Nuru stood and watched him for a moment before also leaving in search of Tishala. She wasn't family but as she had told Midas the night before when arriving here that Tishala was basically an honorary grandcub of hers being adopted by Faraji whom she had adopted when he was just a cub. The seer found the lioness in question at the edge of the resting grounds.


    The striped and spotted lioness turned, startled. Upon seeing Nuru, she let out a breath and smiled. "Nuru. I had heard you were here. Was afraid I missed you this morning."

    "I'm only here for the night. I'll be taking my leave in the morning. But I wouldn't have left without saying hello to you first. I hope you've been doing well."

    "I have. It's nice out here. At least, I enjoy being here. It's also nice being so close to the family. Watching Mosiya come into her own as a mother, watching Azizi and Nalah grow up. My heart has never felt so full."

    Nuru mused. "Ah, the feeling of parenthood. And being a grandmother," she added with a chuckle.

    Tishala groaned with a smile. "Don't remind me of my age."

    "Of your age? And what of mine?"

    The lionesses shared a glance before they both laughed.
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B 01 : Basic Writing Prompt

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Tue Jun 01, 2021 6:11 pm

B 01 : A basic use writing prompt.
You can use this for ANY body of text as long as it meets the word count and hasn't already been used.
(Awards 1 white feather PER 200 words)

    "Well, I'm glad you sought me out and gave me the chance to say hello."

    "Of course."

    "I had heard you're travelling with a strange lion." Tishala gave Nuru a grin.

    "Yes, Midas. I'm not sure where he's from- and neither does he, apparently. I had a vision of him arriving to the pride a couple months ago but nothing beyond our initial meeting. He seems... lost, almost. I'm taking him around the different regions, showing him the different magical areas in each one." She paused a moment, recalling him placing his paw into the fire in the cave. "I'm not quite sure what to make of him. He seems reserved. I can't really read anything from him. It's actually a little irritating."

    "What, that you can't pry into his head like you can with everyone else?," she teased.

    Nuru shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I just wish I knew how to help him. Though I think, in some strange way, interacting with the anomalies is helping."

    "Wait. Interacting with the anomalies?"

    "Yeah...he sort of put his paw in the fire-"


    "-and nothing happened. If anything, it was like the flame ignored him."

    "Huh. Wow. That's, uh... yeah, that's not normal."

    "I know." It was still strange to remember. She almost wished she knew what he was doing when she had left the cavern. Perhaps it was nothing at all. Despite her curiosity, she wasn't going to pry. He could tell her if he wanted to. "I should probably be off. I still need to eat. I'll be leaving early in the morning for maeneo ya kufa."

    "Quite the trip. Be sure to say hello to Faraji for me."

    "Of course. I had planned to." The seer stepped closer to embrace Tishala briefly before taking her leave in search of some food. She made her way back to the central area where she could see several of the lions already helping themselves to the prey that had been caught for dinner. Not too far from the others she could also see Midas who was enjoying a meal of his own. The others were kind of keeping their distance, though mostly because they were in their own familiar groups. Occasionally someone would walk by and acknowledge him and he'd nod back in response but there wasn't much beyond that.

    Nuru grabbed herself something to eat and carried it over to Midas. He smiled politely at her as she lay on the ground. "Hello again, Midas."

    "Nuru. Have you met with everyone you needed to?"

    "Mostly. I just had a lovely chat with Tishala. This morning with Azizi and Binti was nice. I wish there was more time to spend with Ahadi and Reth but I know they're busy with their roles as leaders. If I can find them, I may seek out Mosiya and Kito later and say hello. I'm not too close with any of the hunters nor do I know the newest member, Kobe. Just know he's the guard captain. Beside that, I'd say I've met with everyone I needed to in this region."

    He nodded his head, taking a moment to chew some of his food before speaking. "I see. It seems you don't need much time in this region. Perhaps because you don't have family here?"

    "I suppose that does make sense. While I do consider some close like family, they're not of my blood so it's not really the same. But I'm also not familiar with this region. Or the other regions, for that matter. I tend to stick around the plain. If I had to guess, I'm most familiar with kikoa cha zamani. That will be the next region we visit after maeneo ya kufa."

    "I look forward to seeing it. All of them, actually. I'm fascinated with your home. And..." He paused for a moment, considering. She watched him carefully. "If I am to be completely honest, I am hoping our future visits to these other magical anomalies will unlock more of my past- more of myself. I must admit, I was not expecting such a reaction. Nor do I think it would've been possible without your presence. Without you there, I might not have learned anything. I'm grateful for you, Nuru."

    There he goes again, making me blush. She smiled and nodded her head once before returning to her meal. He gave her another smile before also returning to his own. The silence that fell between them was comforting. He finished first then took a moment to clean up before standing. "You going to turn in for the night?"

    "Actually, I think I'm going to wander about the area. Not too far, just want to look around the region some."

    "Sure. I think I'll look for Kito and Mosiya after I finish. I'll see you again when it's time to turn in?"

    "I shall return before nightfall."

    Another smile broke out on her face. "Until then." He bowed his head before turning to wander between the trees. She returned to the food before her and finished up her meal. After cleaning up her paws she pushed up from the ground. Perhaps she could seek out Kito and Mosiya. They shouldn't be too far off. She wasn't actively looking for them before so they could simply be on the other side of the clearing or even just beyond the treeline. She was about to head off in that direction when a voice stopped her.

    "Heard you were looking for me?"

    The lioness turned around to see the obsidian coat of Kito, a smirk on his lips. "Perhaps I was. I was hoping to see you and Mosiya before I leave tomorrow. I had spent some time with Azizi yesterday and again this morning along with Binti. I didn't see much of Nalah though."

    "Ah, she wanders around here. Not much to do right now. Keep cool. She may have taken to one of the rivers. It tends to get pretty humid here during the summer."

    "I've noticed. I don't envy your home."

    "It has it's moments. It's got some beautiful waterfalls and rivers. There's plentiful life if you know where to look. Having the wild dogs close is not as bad as you'd think either. They make for great neighbors."

    "It's a good thing they're our allies then. Now. You mind taking me to Mosiya? Perhaps we can talk a bit before I turn in for the night. I hope to leave at first light. I've got a long journey ahead."

    "Sure thing, Nuru."

    Kito lead the way, not too far from where they were actually. Nestled kind of past the trees she could see Mosiya. As they approached, she looked up at them with a smile. "Hey, Nuru."

    "Mosiya. You look well."

    "I feel well. Thanks. I had heard you were around here somewhere. Showing someone around?"

    "Yes. Midas."

    "Kind of an intimidating guy," Kito interjected.

    "I think I caught a glimpse of him earlier, but I didn't pay much attention."

    "He's nice enough. Reserved. Though I can definitely see how he can be intimidating," Nuru agreed. "I just wanted a chance to say hi before I left tomorrow. I don't want to stay away from home for too long. Maybe only spend a couple days in each region."

    "Are you at least going to make time to visit your family?"

    "I plan to, yes. Maybe spend an extra day in kikoa cha zamani and msitu wa baridi. I suppose it will also depend on the weather. Hopefully the summer will be kind and not have any storms."

    "One can hope. I'm sure it'll be nice to see your family. I don't know if I could live away from my mother."

    "I could." Mosiya pushed Kito at his comment which only made him chuckle. "What? I could. Though it was nice to have her around to watch the cubs when they were...well, cubs."

    "Hmm. Not so little anymore, are they?" Nuru gave them a warm smile.

    "Definitely not. I'm pretty sure Azizi is planning to officially ask Binti to be his bond mate this Msimu wa Upendo."

    "How exciting. Do you think you two would be ready for grandcubs?" They both groaned a little, making the seer muse softly. "Not to worry. You're both still young yourselves. And with that, I will leave you two for the night. I must ensure a good nights rest."

    "I'm glad we got to visit before you left." Kito nodded his head in agreement.

    "As am I. Enjoy your evening." Nuru smiled and took her leave of the couple. Heading back the direction she came from, she noticed the clearing was mostly clear. Everyone had finished their meal and was now either turning in for the night or relaxing. The hunters were all gathered with both Asani and Hami, Sefu's two sons with Ubatili and Chiku respectively. They appeared to be relaxing together as, family. It appeared that Kobe had turned in for the night huddled to himself on the far end. She even saw Nalah making her way over from the rivers beyond the trees. No doubt Ahadi and Reth were holed up in their own private area. She had just left Kito and Mosiya so probably Azizi and even Binti were out there by them. Possibly even Tishala. There was only one missing and he was probably still looking around. She found a spot for herself to settle in for the night and lay down with her head on her paws. The sky was getting darker though there were still streaks of pinks and purples.

    "Settling in for the night already?"

    She picked up her head and turned to see Midas smiling down at her. She felt so tiny laying on the ground with him standing over her. Still, she smiled up at him. "I'm not as young as I used to be. I need to ensure I give myself enough sleep if we're to be travelling all of tomorrow."

    He huffed in a short laugh. "Fair enough. I suppose I can understand that."

    Nuru watched him walk past her and lay down not too far from her. "Did you enjoy exploring?"

    "I did. This is a beautiful region. The trees are lush and tall. It'd probably be nicer if it weren't so humid. Though the rivers are gorgeous. The way the water runs, the sound of rushing rapids or the trickle of the streams. It's very musical here if you can sit long enough to just listen." He smiled over at her, his head low but still raised above his paws which were crossed.

    "Hmm. I agree. I don't think I've ever thought of it that way, but yes this region is definitely very alive with sounds of the natural world around us." She laid her head back down on her paws but kept her gaze in his direction.

    "Did you enjoy your time visiting with your friends?"

    She smiled. "I did. It's always nice to catch up with those I don't get to see often. See how they're growing. When I was speaking with Kito and Mosiya, they told me their son Azizi plans to propose to Binti. Ask her to be his bond mate. I remember when Kito was asking Mosiya." The lioness chuckled warmly. "I've never seen that boy so flustered before. It's not in his nature. He definitely tried to play it off though Mosiya saw right through him. Always was able to see when he was nervous."

    "Sounds exciting. Does your pride have a special ceremony for couples?"

    "We do. Typically a couple will wait until Msimu wa Upendo, which lasts about the last two weeks of the final season. They approach the king and queen for their blessing and are bonded together with a blade of napier grass for a full day to symbolize their joining. Not all the couples do so. Though most of the prides pairs have done just that."

    "Have you ever been bonded to someone?"

    Nuru blushed lightly. "I- No."

    "Not even to the father of your children?"

    "Actually, I've had two partners if you will. But wasn't bonded to either. I suppose it was a spontaneous match on both occasions. My first litter with Khamisi was with one lion while my second litter with Badru was with another."

    "I see." He fell quiet and finally lay his head down over his paws. She noticed that he also kept facing in her direction. "I suppose we should attempt to get some rest. As you said, we're not getting any younger."

    She gave a halfhearted chuckle as her eyes slipped close. "I suppose you're right. Goodnight, Midas."

    "Goodnight, Nuru."
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I 11 : Create a signature themed around this character

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sat Jun 05, 2021 3:02 pm

b l u n t
p a r a n o i d
r e a c t i v e
d e d i c a t e d
i n t u i t i v e
o b s e r v a n t

𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝖋𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝔡𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔰
𝔬𝔫 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔢 𝔡𝔬
𝔦𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢

Khamisi Badru




*Since there is a moving element to the signature, I'm copying the code to this post rather than taking a screenshot.
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B 01 : Basic Writing Prompt

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:57 pm

B 01 : A basic use writing prompt.
You can use this for ANY body of text as long as it meets the word count and hasn't already been used.
(Awards 1 white feather PER 200 words)

    Nuru was first to wake up. The sky was still fairly dark but it was apparent the sun was starting to rise, the deep blues mixing with dark purples and even a pale orange. She felt well rested. With a soft yawn she stretched out her limbs and got to her feet. It'd be good to get a move on while they still had a lot of the day ahead of them. It was a long trip. Looking over at Midas, she noticed how peaceful he seemed in sleep. Less intimidating. Shame I've got to wake him. She got a bit closer to him. "Midas. Midas, get up."

    The large slumbering lion slowly opened his eyes before setting his sight on Nuru with a gentle smile. "Good morning." Midas let out a long yawn. "Is it time to head out?"

    "We have a lot of ground to cover today. We won't make it before the day is out. If we travel straight on, we'll be there late morning or early afternoon tomorrow. If we take time to rest, we can schedule it to arrive by the second nightfall. It might be better to catch some rest, but we can also just play it by ear."

    Midas got to his feet and gave his coat a quick shake. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll follow your lead, Nuru."

    With an affirming nod, she turned to lead the way. "Maeneo ya kufa is practically a wasteland. There's a river that runs through the valley between the mountains, but it's generally only there during the winter months. This time of year, it's nothing but a damp waterbed. The ground is typically dry and cracked. The mountains are craggy. There's also the occasional cactus. It tends to get hot there as well, though not as humid as the jungle is."

    "If the land is so barren, why bother putting a pride there?"

    She pondered a moment before giving her response. "I suppose without more information, it does seem rather strange. While it is a rather poor defense at the moment, the pride there is the first defense against the hyenas. Our spies have determined that they have started congregating in the farthest reaches of the mountains. Probably thinking we wouldn't set up a pride in that region. If the founder or the king and queen were to be targeted, it'd make sense to travel straight into the plain. Having Banou and Amaziah stationed between the prides highest rulers and the hyenas would give some time to either fortify or even relocate their intended targets."

    "Ah, I see. Sounds like a good strategy." Midas fell silent, walking in step just slightly behind to her side. "You said it's a poor defense but only for the moment. Why so poor currently?"

    "The pride there is the smallest we have stationed with only eight members. The rulers, Princess Banou and her mate Amaziah don't currently have any children. Then there's the old knight Kibwe with his daughter Kesi. The reunited siblings Shomari and Shani. My adopted son Faraji as well as another cub that was taken in some time ago, Lutum. There's also a rogue in the area: Kivuli. I've never met him myself. As far as I'm aware, they've had very few run-ins with him. He tends to keep to himself and from the stories I've heard, it's probably better that way."

    With a noise of satisfied content, he fell silent once again. Nuru also got quiet, the silence and his presence comforting. The sun was rising higher making the sky bright. They were nearing the edge of the treeline which also aided in making it brighter. Her plan was to lead them straight across. She didn't want to leave the dense trees just yet. In fact, they might even come across the pakiti ruins or maybe just catch glimpses between the trees. If she stuck to the jungle just a little more it would eventually come back out to the strip of plain that ran between kuni wa mkondo and maeneo ya kufa. If they make well enough time, she predicts they'll make it to the last stretch of the plain before calling it for the night. If the decide to stop, that is. They continued on a while in silence, Nuru simply leading the way. On some occasions, she barely heard him behind her and would turn to see him not far off. Every time he'd catch her and offer a smile. The first couple times, she'd simply smiled back. By the fourth (and last) time she had gotten flustered. Why did she feel the need to keep checking on him? She was aware how interested he was in seeing the other regions and their magical anomalies so it wasn't like he was going to just wander off. And why are you acting so bashful? You're a grown lioness, Nuru. Not some lovesick adolescent with a silly crush. Besides, this is no time to be looking for bachelor number three. You barely know this lion- who doesn't even know himself- and you're just showing him around the area. That's all. He's probably not sticking around, and he's probably got no interest in you anyway. Not that it would matter if he did because you're not looking!

    "Erm, Nuru?" His hesitant voice snapped her out of her inner scolding, a little embarrassed to have been in her head for so long. "Could I ask you a question?"

    Worried she'd somehow allude to her previous thoughts, she took a moment to take a breath. "Oh, of course. I imagine that wasn't your question?"

    Midas gave a soft chuckle. "Afraid not, no. I... I'm curious about your family." She turned and glanced at him over her shoulder. "Sorry, I know that's rather personal. I was just thinking about that vision you shared with me. How I was talking with my father." As his voice grew softer, she came to a halt and turned to look at him more fully. He'd dropped his head slightly. "It's still fuzzy and I'm not even sure I can truly say I remember it at all, but I wish that I could. It's frustrating not to recall any of my family. It's been shown I at least have a father which I can only assume means I also have a mother. But do I have siblings? Cousins? Aunts or uncles? What about a mate or-or cubs of my own? Surely there was someone in my life, right?" He lifted his head and stared at her as if she held the answers. Her heart broke a little for him, seeing how much this hurt him. "Someone who loved me? Someone I loved back? There has to be...right?"

    "Midas." Nuru reached out and placed a gentle paw over one of his own. It was subtle but she noticed him startle slightly and glance down at her touch before returning his sorrow-filled gaze to her. "It's alright. I don't mind answering your question. You needn't be so concerned. I wish I could offer you all the answers, but hopefully this journey will help unlock more of your memories. Or maybe you'll begin to remember things all your own. I'm sure you have a wonderful and loving family. Not just parents, but... I don't doubt there's a lioness out there that's just waiting for you to come home to her. Who knows, perhaps there's even a cub or two that's also waiting."

    He searched her glowing eyes almost as if searching for the answers in them before nodding his head and taking a shuddering breath. "Thank you. It... means a lot to hear you say that."

    She watched him with hidden concern. She'd never seen him so... vulnerable before. It had always seemed like he was frustrated with his situation but never to the point of almost breaking down. She wanted to help him. More so now than ever. If he had a family of his own to return to, she was determined to help him remember and see to it he returned to them. She gave him a sweet smile and patted his paw twice before pulling it back. "Come on. We still have a lot of ground to cover."

    Somewhat reluctantly, he coughed a laugh. "Of course. Sorry for the delay." After a deep breath he nodded his head and followed beside her again as she continued on their way.

    Taking a quick peek around, she could just barely make out the ruins behind them. They'd be reaching the edge of the jungle shortly. "No need for apologies. So. My family. Was there anything specific you were wanting to know?"

    "I'm not sure. I supposed you've already told me about all of them, haven't you?"

    "Let's see. I've got six children of my own: four sons and two daughters. Two of my sons live with me here. Khamisi is a knight back home in ukumbi wa paradiso. He's bonded to the healer, Niagh. Sweet girl. They've got four cubs of their own. Sanaa, a knight who is bonded to the head knight Bakari. Then there's Subira, one of the healer's apprentices; she's taken Asani as her mate. You might have only caught a glimpse of him last night. Ashura is the other healer's apprentice. Lad is still looking for the right girl. Elewisa is a courier. He's bonded to Hediye, not only one of the spies but also a lioness form a different plane. Oh! I almost forgot, they just had some cubs of their own this past spring. Akina, Sadiki, and Tabari. I haven't seen them since the Maisha Mapya ceremony. It'll be good to see them. They're my first set of great-grandcubs."

    "You don't seem old enough to have grandcubs, let alone great-grandcubs."

    She tossed him a grin which he returned. "Flatterer." Turning back, she continued. "That's all on Khamisi's side. Badru, my second son, has a much smaller family. He had a fling with a lioness he met traveling once. Some time later, he was given one of the cubs: Almasi. She's one of the scouts. I hear she's looking to settle down soon. Almost two years after, a second cub showed up. She had wanted a different life than the sister she grew up with so came to search out her father and other sister. Changed her name to Thamina. She's a hunter under Badru who is the head hunter. That's all my blood family. If you want to count Faraji, it's as I said yesterday: Faraji took in Tishala who had Mosiya whose mate is Kito and they have Nalah and Azizi, which is looking to propose to Binti."

    "Seems like either way you have a large family. Do you enjoy it? Having so many?"

    Nuru smiled warmly as she nodded her head lightly. "I do. I mean, I only have the two sons. They were fortunate in having large litters. Though I don't get to see them all all the time, it's still nice to make time to visit. I also enjoy having someone to care for."

    He paused before speaking up again. "Do you ever think of having more yourself? It seems your family is still young and I foresee a lot of grandcubs and great-grandcubs in your future. But have you ever considered having more children?"

    Her steps faltered slightly, caught off guard by his question. "Oh! Uh..." How am I supposed to answer that? Do I want more? Can I have more? Taking a moment to really consider his question, a small smile came to her lips. "I suppose I haven't really thought much about it before but... yeah, I guess it would be nice to have one more. Maybe a girl. To raise and have here at home with me. I love my boys, and even my children that are out and abroad, but I've never really gotten the chance to spend much time with my daughters. It'd be a nice change. And... while it's a bit of a dark thought, it would be nice to have someone to pass my gift onto when the time was right."
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Breeding - Writing Prompt

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:20 pm

In Character Breeding : 250 Words

Pair : Almasi and Degotoga

    I guess it's about time I confess. I've started to consider settling down which meant keeping my eye out for the right lion or lioness. I suppose there were some in the area I had considered before but not so much for mate material. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing! I just... I don't know, consider them more as friends than I would see them as potential bond partners. When it felt like I didn't have options within the pride, I figured I should try my luck outside the pride. It seemed to work out alright for dad. ...sort of. Though it would be nice if it was more permanent. Sorry, I'm getting off track. I took some time off, Tabia more than happy to take some of my routes, and set out to meet some new lions. I wasn't expecting immediate results. And even if I had been that lucky, I'd want to take time to make sure it really was the right one. We'll skip past all the lions I met along the way and just get right into it then. I think I've met him- the one. Funnily enough, we're both scouts. When we met he had been patient with me, me being new to the area and all that. Though it had been our first meeting, he was casual which made me feel welcomed. I suppose that initial impression is what started my general interest. He was sweet. I spent more time around the area, getting to know him and seeing how our lives compared. I asked about his friends. Seems I'm not the only one who has been dubbed the "parent friend' in the group. We had a good laugh about it. I had to return home eventually, but I promised him I'd keep in touch and visit when I could. It's all still very new but...I felt like we just clicked together. I'm looking forward to our next meeting.
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B 01 : Basic Writing Prompt

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:46 pm

B 01 : A basic use writing prompt.
You can use this for ANY body of text as long as it meets the word count and hasn't already been used.
(Awards 1 white feather PER 200 words)

    Nuru could feel his questioning gaze before he even spoke up. "Are you saying your gift of sight is passed down? And, when it is, you will- what, just cease to exist?"

    "In so few words, yes."

    They fell silent again as she continued to lead them on. Just as they reached the treeline again, Midas inquired once more. "Is that how you received it? From your mother?"

    The seer slowed her steps, vividly remembering that horrid night when she got the gift. "Yes... but I hope to pass it on much differently."

    He must have sensed the change in her demeanor, his next question asked much softer as if afraid to ask. "What happened?"

    She took a deep breath. "It was... rushed, in a manner of speaking. I was young. My mother got sick. Very sick. Of course she had taken time to tell me what to expect and offer some tips on how to be susceptible to visions or how to cure a headache after a strong premonition, but it was all very basic. Her last night... I was by her side. I remember telling her not to leave me, that I still had so much to learn. With her last breath, my new calling began. The pain was excruciating. I hadn't anticipated that. I promised to be the seer that the pride needed. I told her I'd make her proud." She hadn't realized she'd stopped walking. They were on the furthest reaches of kuni wa mkondo to the east where it bordered the southern part of ukumbi wa paradiso. "I want my daughter to be prepared. Not like I was. Truly ready to take on the gift."

    "Can your other daughters not receive the gift?"

    "It's a little complicated." She remembered to press on so they could at least cross the majority of the plain before nightfall. "One of them lacked the capacity for it. The other had some potential but... without her here for the training, I'm afraid I can't pass the gift on to her."

    "Does it have to be a daughter? Couldn't one of your sons bear the responsibility?"

    Nuru gently shook her head. "No. Something about the history of the gift. It's never been passed to a son before. Almost as if only the lionesses could receive it. Though I'm not sure if it's ever been attempted, passing the gift onto a son. I would assume it hasn't. With the increased insight I have, I've never seen the potential in any of my sons to carry the burden. Perhaps it can be done, but I would still rather pass it on to a daughter. Seems an unbreakable tradition."

    "I can see how that would be significant to you." He followed quietly alongside her for a moment then spoke up once again. "I hope you can achieve your dream one day. It seems to be important, even if it wasn't something you had considered before."

    The orange lioness smiled softly and nodded her head gently. "Thank you. Perhaps one day I can have that."

    The two of them fell into another comfortable silence as they walked along the plain, the tall grass gently swaying in the light breeze. Regardless of how light it was, it was still appreciated under the warm sun. It was the hottest month of the year, after all. They picked up light conversation again. Asking about life here in the valley, how she got here, and wondered about her visions. Mostly he asked her questions and she merely answered them. She would occasionally ask a question though most were answered with unknowns. It seemed he didn't have much memory of his time before arriving in the plain himself. It was intriguing to think she had seen his arrival last season and he could hardly recall anything before that moment himself. As if he had just come to being by apparition. She wondered if he had. The god of creation and goddess of creation had shown up much the same, simply appearing before the pride shortly after the portal had ripped open by the lake. Perhaps Midas was a god? Or at least some deity of sorts. Even now just as she had in her vision of him she could feel a power coming from him. He might not be aware of it, but perhaps that too would be unlocked as he gained more of his memories on this journey.

    After a long day of travel, the sun was finally behind the horizon leaving only streaks of light across the darkening sky. She could see the mifupa kavu mountains in the distance. "We should rest here for the night. We'll need to travel around those mountains tomorrow to reach the small valley where the riverbed meets the prides cave."

    "Fair enough. Seems a better task to undertake in the light than in the dark."

    "It most definitely is." Nuru took to circling in the grass making a small flattened patch to lie in for the night. She noticed Midas doing the same just beside her. With the grass stamped down, she laid down slightly curled with her head resting over her front paws. Midas also finished clearing a space for him and took to the ground. The areas they cleared overlapped slightly and they were lying rather close. They were almost lying opposite of one another though were face to face. She let out a small yawn before giving a soft smile.
    "Goodnight, Midas. Rest well."

    He returned the smile and sighed in content. "You as well. Goodnight, Nuru."
    The second day of travel had been about the same as the day before. Light conversation with long comfortable silences in between. They left as soon as they woke up, the sun's light peaking over the tops of the mountains. Perhaps they would arrive in the late afternoon rather than nightfall. They traversed around the mountains which took up most of the time. Typically there were passes to go through or caves to cut through but these mountains didn't have such things. Too craggy to travel over and any caves that were available were typically short or had caved in at some point. It made the trip longer but at least it was safe. Nearing the location of the pride as the sun was starting its decent to the horizon, they were met by an ashy and purple lioness.

    "Kesi." Nuru smiled. "It's good to see you in good health."

    The skeptical spy gave a quick grin and a subtle nod. "Nuru. What brings you all the way out here?" Her gaze shifted over to the large golden lion and narrowed. "And who is this?"

    "This is Midas, a traveler. I had a vision of him last season that he would be arriving in the valley. He arrived nearly four days ago? Today is his fourth day in my company, at least. He's why I'm here. I've offered to show him around the regions of pekee pamoja. We've just come from kuni wa mkondo and it's cave with the eternal flame. We hope to visit the endless metal cave tomorrow here in maeneo ya kufa. More than likely, we'll head out the following day for chikoa wa zamani to see the gem cave and then travel to msitu wa baridi to see the elder tree."

    Kesi nodded slowly, absorbing all the information. "Seems like quite the trip ahead of you. Come. I'll take you to Banou and Amaziah."

    Both Nuru and Midas gave quick nods and followed the purple lioness. It wasn't much of a walk to the cave. Like most of the caves in the region, it wasn't very large though it seemed to be one of the larger ones they'd happened to find. Perhaps it was the reason they chose this specific spot to set up the smaller pride. That and its proximity to the river bed when it had water. Being fewer in number, all of the lions could fit in the cave should it get too hot or if a storm rolled in. On warmer nights, they're more likely to be spread out around the caves entrance rather than piled in together.

    "Nuru?" The group turned and spotted a cloudy spotted lion. Kesi stated she'd fetch the princess to bring here then left the two there as the smaller lion approached. "I wasn't expecting to see you. What are you doing here?"

    She smiled warmly and embraced him as he got within reach. "Do I need an excuse to be here, Faraji?"

    "No, of course not. It's just unexpected." He returned the hug then nodded at Midas. "New member of the pride?"

    Nuru pulled back with a chuckle and shook her head. "No, just a traveler. I'm showing him around. He's asked to see the magical anomalies in the different regions."

    "I see. So you're here to see the cave, right? With the seemingly endless supply of gold?"

    Midas gave a nod. "That would be correct."

    "Is this the first stop you've made or...?"

    Nuru shook her head. "No, we've just come from seeing the eternal flame. We didn't really explore it but we technically started at kamwe kuisha. Perhaps we can take another look at it after we've been to the other regions." She glanced over at Midas to see him nodding slowly."

    "I wouldn't object. It would be nice to see more of the plain."

    She smiled. Part of her wondered how long he'd stay with the pride. If he wanted to stay. Could he stay? It might depend on his memories. If he recovered some of the family he longed for, no doubt he would wish to return to them. It would be sad to see him leave. As they spent more time together and got to know one another- or rather, more of her sharing about herself with him, the more she felt they were becoming fast friends. He was knowledgeable despite lacking memories. He was kind and caring. She remembered feeling so intimidated by his presence that first day and even in the vision. She still got a bit of that feeling when she looked at him now as he was a large lion with rather imposing features, but he was proving to be soft and bighearted.

    "It's good to see you, Nuru." The three turned to see Banou as well as Amaziah and Kesi. The princess gave a professional smile. So much like her mother, she thought. "Kesi informed me of your visit. I take it this is our visitor? Midas, was it?"

    "You are correct." He bowed his head low. "I appreciate your hospitality, princess."

    Her smile widened. "The pleasure is mine. We don't often get visits though I don't blame the others. This is a harsh land and it's not easy to love."

    The large red lion beside her grumbled softly. "I still don't think I love it here. Though I would prefer this to the frozen snow. And perhaps the heat here is more tolerable than the heat in the jungle."

    Nuru gave a warm laugh. "It definitely is not easy living here but every region has its trials and blessings." The group nodded in tandem but she cleared her throat to carry on. "I thought it best if we rest for the night and make our way to the cave tomorrow. Perhaps Shani or Lutum could point us in the right direction?"

    "Of course. You're welcome to sleep in the cave or find a space outside. There might also be some food left over from our hunt earlier, though not much."

    "Anything is welcome," Midas admitted.

    "Then by all means, help yourselves." The lions made their goodbyes leaving Nuru and Midas to themselves. They opted for a light meal before turning in for the night. Nuru was unsure where she wanted to retire but noticed Midas laying down a little ways from the cave.

    "Decided on sleeping outside?"

    He smiled and nodded before looking up at the night sky. "I thought it would be nice to look up at the stars again. They're so beautiful."

    She too smiled and looked up. "That they are." After a few more minutes of gazing, she looked down and made her choice. Lying not too far from him similar to the night before, she turned so she could see the stars while keeping her head down. "Perhaps I will join you."
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R 04 : Relationship

Postby Tiger♥Bear » Sat Aug 21, 2021 5:39 pm

R 04: Is there another relationship for one of these characters that can/does trump this one? Someone they'd choose to spend time with over this other individual?
Minimum requirement: 150 words/flat fullbody drawing
Awards: 1 white feather

    The indigo lioness turned to see her father standing in the mouth of her den. "Dad? What are you doing here?"
    Badru smiled as he entered. "Am I not allowed to visit my daughter?"
    She smirked and shook her head. "I just wasn't expecting you is all."
    The hybrid hesitated, looking down at the ground. "I've been worried about you."
    "Worried about me?" Almasi cocked her head. "Why?"
    "You've been gone a lot. Missing our weekly visits. No one seems to really know why you're leaving or where you're running off to."
    The lioness dropped her head, her fur heating up. She knew exactly what he was talking about. She hadn't told anyone about it yet. Not Tabia. Not even Thamina. It had been going on for a while now. Getting pretty serious. Even to the point she could feel the faintest flutters of life in her abdomen. Despite being embarrassed of getting caught, she couldn't help but smile as her mind conjured the reason to her absence. She lifted her head, giving her father a shy smile. "Well. I, uh..." She cleared her throat. "I met someone."
    Badru raised a brow, questioning. "You met someone? Who?"
    Her smiled widened. "A lion. He's not from here though. He's real sweet and kind. I... I really like him, dad."
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