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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby EchoIre » Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:39 am


Briarbird had returned from her patrol with Glacierstar, and after a parting word slipped into the medicine den. Her whiskers brushed against the right side of the tunnel wall every so often, letting her know that she was walking on the right side; such things were important to avoid crashes in the darkness of LakeClan's Leafbare den. She was barley five steps from the main den when the sound of Appleleaves' fretting reached her ears.

"Oh, this can't be all our raspberry leaves!"

Crocuspaw's uncertain voice came after. "I'm sure that's enough, Appleleaves..."


The tom stopped himself short as Briarbird entered the den. The bard could feel him turn his head towards her, but couldn't see him nor his apprentice. "Hello?" The Herbalist called. "Are you hurt?"

Briarbird set the holly berries at her paws. "Nope!" She mewed. "Healthy as ever. I brought an herb for you."

"You did?" Soft pawsteps approached her from the darkness, and Briarbird could just make out the shape of Appleleaves as he drew closer. His whiskers brushed against her face. "Oh, that's wonderful, Briarbird! Thank you so much!"

Warmth swelled in the bard's chest. Unbeknownst to her, the Herbalist grimaced when he identified the herbs as holly berries, but he was too polite to say anything to her. Instead, he carefully grabbed the bunch of berries by the stem and walked them over to the stores.

"Thank you, Briarbird." Came Crocuspaw's voice once Appleleaves was safely out of earshot. "He's been worrying non-stop. You'd think the camp had fallen into utter chaos." Briarbird could practically feel the apprentice roll her eyes.

"If he's going to make you look for herbs with him, I could come along?" The bard offered to the darkness. "I think I'm pretty good at sniffing them out" She added, smiling even though she knew the apprentice couldn't see it. She was quite proud to have brought something for Appleleaves to use.

"I think he'd appreciate that." Crocuspaw agreed. "He couldn't protest against more eyes and noses in the search."


So, the three cats set out in search for herbs, though Appleleaves reminded Crocuspaw and Briarbird to keep an eye out for prey as well. He didn't want anyone getting sick, not from the cold or lack of prey.

Though Crocuspaw and Briarbird were usually the sort to be in good spirits whatever the circumstance, Appleleaves' apparent distress kept them quiet. Silence hung heavy over the patrol, broken only by the crunch of their snow under their paws. Appleleaves led the way, his tail flicking irritably as he muttered to himself about herbs and illnesses.

Briarbird, for one, hated the tension in the air. In an attempt to lighten the mood, she turned to Crocuspaw and did what bards do best: offered a story. "Have you heard the tale of Feeterina?" Briarbird asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.

A sharp look from Appleleaves stopped the apprentice from responding, and caused Briarbird to duck her head sheepishly. "Sorry. Right. Herbs." She mewed. The bard bumped Crocuspaw with her flank. "Next time, then. Good luck!"

And with that, she split off to look for herbs and prey. Crocuspaw and Appleleaves continued on together for a few minutes more - after the Herbalist apologized - though they two eventually parted ways to cover more ground.

{556 Words}

--cats on patrol
Briarbird | HP 100% | HUP 10% | Sick: N
Appleleaves | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Crocuspaw | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 1
experience: 34/200

Lungwort x2
Chamomile x
Catchweed x
Hare (3 FP) x
Squirrel (2 FP) x
--items in inventory used
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby Flatterina » Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:27 pm

BunnoBlizzard wrote:Ocean Clan

+15 XP [119 words]
+10 XP [Patrol sent]
+5 XP [Enemy fought]
+10% Hunger each

Leafpaw carefully inched forward, trying to spot the intruder through the bush as the stranger came closer to them. She suppressed a gasp when a tom came into her view that she’d never seen before.
His fur was pitch black, with only a white dot on his forehead between his icy blue eyes. In his mouth he carried a dead thrush. Next to her, she heard Tansypetal growl under her breath before straightening and stepping out of the bush, her head held high. Leafpaw followed her quickly, her body tense.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Tansypetal demanded, staring at the rogue, who had dropped his prey in shock and was now blinking at them. After a heartbeat, his hackles raised and he dropped into a crouch.
“Who are you?” he snarled back.
“The ones whose territory you’re trespassing. Leave this prey here and get out,” Tansypetal hissed, and next to her Leafpaw also bared her teeth.
“I do what I want, and I take what I want,” the tom replied, unsheathing his paws, “and I’m going to defend my right to do that.”
With a final screech he threw himself forward at Leafpaw, having singled her out as the easy target. She was too surprised to react and could only yowl in pain when claws raked over her face. Blood trickled into her eyes and she jerked back, blinking furiously, only narrowly dodging a second swipe.
Tansypetal rammed the rogue from the side and both of them crashed to the floor in a screaming pile, claws whirling and fur flying. Leafpaw used the time to collect herself again and clear her vision, and darted in when the two cats separated for a second, both their furs ruffled and breathing heavily.
She managed to claw the stranger across the flank but received a second swipe to the face in return and one to the shoulder when she couldn’t dodge quickly enough. Warm blood drenched her fur and she yelped in shock at the searing pain and sudden blindness.
“Leafpaw, fall back!” Tansypetal called out as she engaged again, and Leafpaw only too gladly complied. She wished she could be of more use, but she had to admit the tom was a skilled fighter, way more skilled than she was.
Not better than Tansypetal, though, and soon her leader stood panting in front of the cowering rogue. “I will not give you another chance. Leave this territory at once or I will not be this lenient next time.”
The stranger spat a clot of blood onto the floor in front of Tansypetal’s feet, shot a withering glare at Leafpaw, and finally limped away, vanishing between the foliage.
When he was gone, Tansypetal whirled around and hurried over to Leafpaw. “Are you alright?” she asked with worry tinging her voice as she licked Leafpaw’s face, cleaning the blood from her eyes. The apprentice winced as her rough tongue stung in her wounds.
“I’m fine,” she groaned, still too shaken to say more.
Tansypetal took a step back and tilted her head. “No, you’re not. We need to get back to camp immediately and take a closer look at this. Come on, let’s go quickly so we’re home before the sun sets. You’ll need some rest.”
Grudgingly, Leafpaw agreed and forced herself back onto her feet. The rogue’s paw had hit her squarely in the head and now she was feeling slightly dizzy. A rest sounded like a nice idea now.

Together the two cats collected the vole the tom had left behind and their findings from before they had been interrupted, and started on the way home.
[+1 Vole, +2 FP, +2 XP]

Close to the path they were following, Tansypetal spotted some herbs growing and picked them, hoping they would be able to help Leafpaw.
[+1 Bindweed, +1 Goldenrod, +2 XP]

+2 FP | +1 Bindweed | +1 Goldenrod | +34 XP | Level 2 [121/300]

Leafpaw has been severely injured! You'll need to use three herbs of your choice to cure her.

+35 XP [556 words written]
+10 XP [Patrol sent]
+20 XP [Codewords used]
+10% Hunger each

Note: You can only use each code word once! You used distress in your previous post, so all that’s left now is amber for you next post.
Also, your cats Appleleaves and Crocuspaw share the same link, and neither are in your clan archive. Please fix the link before your next post!

Briarbird walked on her own, her nose close to the ground to sniff for herbs. On her left she kept the lake so she wouldn’t wander off too far, and on her right were the first outcrops of the forest, the treetops covered by snow so gleaming white it hurt her to look.
While she periodically scented every few steps, she couldn’t help but let herself be distracted. The general worrying that seemed to grow more intense back in the camp by the second was beginning to also infect her.
She had overheard the two Herbalists when she had delivered the holly leaves with Glacierstar, and their words were gnawing at her.
Raspberry leaves. What were they used for again? She didn’t know too much about herbs, but she imagined she’d heard the name used in combination with pregnancy. Her heart suddenly beat faster and shook her head. No, fretting wouldn’t be of any help right now. Surely Ravenlily and her kits were as fine as they possibly could be, and raspberry leaves were used for something else entirely. Constipation, maybe.
Briarbird chuckled weakly to herself, then redoubled her efforts to find something usable. But even though she did her best, all she found were some scraps of a bird that seemed to have died today or the day before, smelling relatively fresh still. Well, even the best herbs didn’t stop a cat from starving, and surely Appleleaves would appreciate these findings, too.
[+1 Scraps, +1 FP, +1 XP]

A short while she met up with the other two cats at the point where they had split up again and found them both already waiting for her. At the older Herbalists’ feet there lay a dead vole, moderately well nourished despite the season. A good catch, she had to admit, slightly surprised. She hadn’t thought that Appleleaves was also a good hunter.
[+1 Vole, +2 FP, +2 XP]

A good hunter though he may be, he was certainly not in a good mood. Disappointment flickered in his eyes and he said little as he acknowledged her return with a curt nod and then led the three of them back to the camp.
Crocuspaw didn’t seem to have found any valuable herbs, either, and the apprentice was unusually silent on the way back. Briarbird briefly pondered if she should try to share the legend of Feeterina again, but ultimately decided against it. Applealeaves’ tail was lashing dangerously as he walked, and she appreciated having two fully intact ears.

+3 FP | +68 XP | Level 1 [102/200]
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Any Genre -- Any Length
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby ivyy. » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:03 am

≋O≋c≋e≋a≋n≋ ≋C≋l≋a≋n≋
Tansypetal carried her back to camp by putting her on Tansypetal's back. Her eyes and gaze were distant and distracted, she recognized that tom. He wasn't just any tom. She closed her eyes and opened them again, looking angry but determined. She felt horrible for Leafpaw but she would make sure this rogue would never hurt anyone anymore, not on her watch. She carried poor groaning Leafpaw up the slope and was greeted by Snowshell who yelped in alarm, "Oh my! What happened?" She asked, helping both of the she-cats. Thrushslip appeared from the leader's den with Cherrykit and Peachkit hanging on his back. He shielded their eyes and told them to go to the nursery which was next to the leader's cave-den. "Leafpaw! Tansypetal!" He darted over to them and put Leafpaw on his back so he could carry her. He brought her over to the medicine den and set her in one of the moss-leaf beds. He shook his head and clicked his tongue, trying to remember the needed herbs for Leafpaw that Tansypetal taught him about. "Get Elder Leaves, Goldenrod and Horsetail, hurry please." He pressed some excess moss from their moss bedding storage to her wound as the others scrambled to help and retrieve the herbs from the nearby herb storage cave-den. Tansypetal knew which herbs were needed and ran to go get them. Thrushslip looked at Snowshell and remembered she didn't know herbs at all, that was a bit of a stupid mistake on his end. "Get some wet moss for her to drink from that pool right over there." Snowshell looked at the pool and grabbed the wet moss, drenching it and gently placing it at her nose tip so she could lick it while laying down. Tansypetal returned with all three herbs and placed them on her wounds. Thrushslip glanced at her sideways, "What happened?" Tansypetal stood up and let him finished what he had started with addressing the herbs while she told them what had happened. She flexed her claws and finished her explanation, "I had him in my claws! He could've killed Leafpaw." She muttered, angry at the rouge she recognized and herself. Snowshell exchanged sad glances with Thrushslip and spoke, "You need to rest Tansypetal. We'll go out for the next patrol, plus, the kits missed you too." Peachkit and Cherrykit were peeking their heads in. "Can we see Leaf?" Tansypetal smiled and shook her head, "Her name is Leafpaw little ones but sure, be careful and do not wake her, she's very tired." Cherrykit happily bounced into the den and sat at Tansypetal's paws, smiling cluelessly. "We missed you! Thrushslip was playing with us before you came! It was soooooooo fun!" She said, exaggerating. Tansypetal laughed and cast a glance at Thrushslip who blushed and looked down, Tansypetal smiled and licked Cherrykit's little head. Peachkit was snuggled up by Thrushslip's paws and Leafpaw's leg. Tansypetal found herself curling up in a nest beside Leafpaw's and the kits trudged over to her tiredly, the both of them curling up by her flank. "G'night mama." Despite them not really being her kits, as Thrushslip and Snowshell found them abandoned by rouges, these kits began calling her mama and thrushslip as their father. Every time they mentioned him and her as their adopted parents he always blushed and averted his gaze and they never noticed. Tansypetal fell into deep, tired sleep and the kits did too. "Snowshell let's go patrol to check around the border." He suggested, "We need more prey." Snowshell nodded and sat up, walking out of the den with him and leaving the entirety of the cave-den so they could go hunting and patrolling. "Those kits are precious." She shoved him with her shoulder playfully, "They took to you and Tansypetal well." She teased in a friendly manner. Thrushslip blushed and shook his head, "Whatever Snowshell." They got down the ramp and walked past the shore, into the seaside forest they rely on so much.[ 666 words ]

--cats on patrol
Thrushslip | HP 100% | HUP 100% | Sick: N
Snowshell | HP 100% | HUP 100% | Sick: N
--level 2
experience: 121/300

Mouse | 1 FP | x1
--- | 1 FP | x0
Shrew | 1 FP | x2
Vole | 1 FP | x1
--- | 3 FP | x0
--- | 4 FP | x0

Daisy Leaf | Eases the pain of aching joints | x1
Deadly Nightshade | Kills a cat in moments | x2
Goatweed | Eases grief | 1x
Bindweed | Helps with broken limbs | 1x
Horsetail | Treats infection & stops bleeding | 1x
Yarrow | Makes a cat throw up & heals cracked pads | 2x
Marigold | Stiff joints & stops bleeding & stops infection & for inflammation | 1x
[ more can be found here: ... er:1932401 ]
--items in inventory used
1x Marigold, 1x Horsetail, and 1x Elders Leaves for Leafpaw's wounds.
Barracuda, Eagle, Owl, Barracuda, Foxes, and Stormclan cats. (Tansypetal's murderous ex-clanmates)
Last edited by ivyy. on Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
hi hi!! i'm ivyy. but you can call me isabella or bella <3

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Postby sunny-skies » Sat Mar 27, 2021 3:57 am

BigFrog4231 wrote:The Tribe of Singing Wind

as the tribe continued on, morning dew couldn't help but shiver. despite his very thick coat, the tom was still freezing. poor flower and songbird, with their shorter pelts, had much less protection against the air's chill than he did. still, the group was sure to keep a watchful eye for their surroundings. prey wasn't that likely to make an appearance in this kind of weather, after all, so they had to be sure to take every chance they got to make a catch.

the small group weaved through the territory, the trees above doing little to shelter them from the cold winds. as flower scanned the area around him, he was quick to find a clump of herbs tucked away under a nearby bush! unfortnuately, some of them seemed to fall victim to the leafbare frost and had become shriveled and unusable. however, together the group was able to scrape up a couple salvagable herbs. picking them gently as to not damage them, they grabbed a couple to bring along with them before moving on. (+1 daisy leaf, +1 chickweed)

snow, always so observant, was quick to pick up the fresh scent of a squirrel nearby. silently turning away from the others, she stepped away for a moment to pursue the creature's trail. with quiet paws, she followed the scent and it wasn't long before she saw the squirrel in a small clearning, pawing through the undergrowth in search of food. upon seeing the molly, the squirrel attempted to bolt up a nearby tree but snow had gotten to it before it had the chance to run. within only a few moments, the molly held the limp creature in her jaws. (+3fp, +3xp)

on the way back to camp, the patrol's silent return was interrupted by songbird's sudden series of coughs. the tom insists that he's perfectly fine, though flower seems to think otherwise. while the tribe didn't have a healer quite yet, the leader was almost certain that he had caught something from the leafbare's colder temperatures.

oh no! it looks like songbird has gotten sick while on patrol, though luckily it only seems to be a minor cold. he'll need x1 tansy in order to make a full recovery

+40xp for 630 words written
+10xp for patrol sent
+10% hunger

total :

+55xp | +10% hunger | +1 daisy leaf, +1 chickweed | +3fp (squirrel) | level 2 (192/300)
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explore III

Postby strangetales » Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:24 am


thankfully firestorm started to feel better quickly and with his everlasting energy that kept him on his paws, he was eager to go on the hunt for herbs, the only thing he was probably good at hunting. strawberryfur will definitely be happy about the herbs they managed to scrape up who have luckily survived the cold, especially in leafbare due to cats being more likely to get sick during this season, they needed everything they could get to help a fellow clanmate in distress. everyone knew once their healer had the right herbs, she could cure almost everything with the help of starclan. the patrol also caught a - very skinny - squirrel and flamepetal has even managed to get a large rabbit between her claws, proving once again that she was a good hunter. "good catch", scratchface meowed, his voice muffled by the fur of the squirrel he carried between his jaws. flamepetal raised her nose further up into the sky, both because her chest filled with pride upon the compliment and also because she had to be careful to not trip over the large rabbit she carried with a bit of struggle - it was almost as big as the rather small molly herself.

[ 203 words incl. 1 event word ]

falconcry | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
firestorm | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
flamepetal | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
scratchface | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no

arctic foxes, hawks, minks, skuas, wolves
owl llll| 4 FP | x1
rabbit | 4 FP | x1
scraps | 1 FP | x3

poppy seeds | numb pain, help sleep | x1
catmint | treat white- & greencough | x1
lamb's ear | heal cuts, give strength | x1
blackberry leaves | soothe bee stings | x1
experience: 019/200

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Postby sunny-skies » Mon Mar 29, 2021 4:56 am


though the patrol had already managed to make a good couple catches already, they still decided to continue on. it would never hurt if the clan stocked up a bit more, after all, and the cats wanted to make the most out of their time away from camp. after storing both of their catches in a nearby log and making sure that no predators could get to it, the group moved on deeper into the territory. "we'll retrieve our prey once we start heading back to camp. but for now, carrying it around could get in the way of hunting and foraging." scratchface promised the group with a small nod.

firestorm's ears perked at the sound of soft footsteps, possibly belonging to a mouse or vole, nearby. lifting his nose into the air only confirmed it, as the tom could easily catch the fresh scent of a mouse. stepping away from the others for a moment, he crept forward slowly as he followed the creature's  trail. soon, he was quick to spot the small mouse in the bushes, nosing its way through a patch of herbs. the tom inched forward to get closer before suddenly pouncing foward, his eyes set on the creature in front of him. within only a few moments, the tom proudly held the mouse's limp, round body in his jaws. what a catch! (+2fp, +2xp)
as most of the herbs already seemed to be crushed from the tom's hunt, firestorm was only able to spot one that was still usable. still, though, it was better than nothing. gently picking the thin leafy stalk with his teeth, he carried both of his finds as he rejoined the rest of the patrol. (+1 marigold)

upon his return, firestorm was surprised to see that the patrol had gotten a shrew while he was away. flamepetal, being the great hunter she was, had managed to make another catch! it was fairly plump, too, and was sure to feed at least a couple of cats. thankfully for her, the shrew was much lighter than the rabbit she had caught earlier and held it in her jaws with less effort. (+2fp, +2xp)

as she followed closely behind the rest of the patrol, falconcry lifted her nose to sniff the air. after a few moments, she paused in her steps, narrowing her eyes as she caught the familiar scent of an arctic fox. the molly knew the scent all too well, evrn if the clan had the good luck of rarely crossing paths with the predators in their territory. she turned to the others, her tail lashing anxiously behind her, informing the others of her find. the group of cats paused for a moment, deciding how they should deal with the nearby predator. should they pursue the fox in hopes of chasing it off, or ignore it?

+20xp for 203 words written
+10xp for patrol sent
+10xp for one code word used
+0% hunger (0 free posts left!)

total :

+45xp | +0% hunger | +1 marigold | +2fp (mouse), +2fp (shrew) | level 1 (64/200)
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby Hush » Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:13 am

Clan of Roaring Silence

Badgerstar and Lynxtuft spent their morning tidying up the camp, the mostly flat wall alongside the waterfall revealed to be covered in distinct claw marks, remanence of the clan that came before them. Needing to know more and not having a medicine cat to help them know what had happened, Badgerstar decided it was time to find their clan’s version of moon pool, knowing there had to be somewhere for him to speak to Starclan from what he’d learned from the medicine cat he’d met at his farm. His whiskers twitched as the corners of his muzzle turned upward and a fond look came to his face as he remembered his time with her. She was so kind and helped patch him up when he got his face tore up in a fight. Her fur was soft and beautiful but her most distinct feature was her twin tails, her name describing her well.

Dreamcloud still comes to him in his dreams sometimes and he couldn’t help but wonder if it was a sign. It was possible that she had his kits, but he wouldn’t even know where to find her, that was until a tuft of her fur flowed down from the waterfalls. He knew it was hers right away and took it as a sign from Starclan that he was meant to find her. Lynxtuft joined him as he set off, traveling their norther border until they reached a frozen lake with large enough rocks and a fast moving river that snaked up the mountain. Lynxtuft left him to travel the rest of the way by himself since she needed to hunt for her kits. Badgerstar continued up the mountain, his climb thankfully drama free, at least until he reached the flat valley in the snow covered mountain range.

[ 300 words]

xxxxxxxxxx--cats on patrolxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx--level 1
xxxxxxxxxxBadgerstar | HP 100% | HUP 20% | Sick: NxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxExperience: (109/200)
xxxxxxxxxxLynxtuft | HP 100% | HUP 20% | Sick: N
--items in inventory used
Any items used this post (or eaten)
ex. food, herbs, explore items
Hawks, Owls
Foxes, Coyotes, Dogs, Wolves

-- Prey
Mice, rats, shrew, vole
Moles, squirrels, snakes
Fish of varying sizes, frogs
Various birds, rabbits


Shrew | 2 FP | x1
Mouse | 2 FP | x1
Daisy | Eases the pain of aching joints. | x1
Coltsfoot | Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads. | x1
Lamb’s Ear | Gives a cat strength. | x1
Watermint | Eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache. | x1
Bright-eye | Mix with lovage to help cure coughs. | x1
Mallow Leaves | Soothes bellyache. | x1
Wintergreen | Treats wounds and some poisons. | x1
Thyme | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock. | x1
Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection from setting in. | x1
Catchweed | Stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin. | x1
Chervil | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. | x1
Lungwort | Cures yellowcough. | x1

* id #256165
* Pantry Puffs
* Art shop
* Toyhouse
xxxxart credit*stamp credit
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✦ Explore 001.

Postby Vivika » Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:26 am

last writer's response; n/a xxxxxxxlast explore post; n/a xxxxxxxclan archive; xxx xxxxxxxexplore archive; xxxxxxxxxximage credit; xxx

    The Patrol:
    Sparrowtail • 100% health • 0% hunger • Not sick
    Hazelclaw • 100% health • 0% hunger • Not sick
    Ripplecrest • 100% health • 0% hunger • Not sick
    Smokestrike • 100% health • 0% hunger • Not sick
    Loki • 100% health • 0% hunger • Not sick
    Sorrelpaw • 100% health • 0% hunger • Not sick
    Explore info:
    level zero: (0XP/100XP)
    items used: none.
    prey list: vole (1 FP), lizard (2FP), perch (2FP),
    herring (3FP), squirrel (4 FP), rabbit (4FP)
    predator list: hawks, eagles, vultures & foxes.

    Prey Inventory:
    vole: x0
    lizard: x0
    perch: x0
    herring: x0
    squirrel: x0
    rabbit: x0
    Herb Inventory:
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    Herb Inventory cont.:
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0
    herb name: usage usage usage • x0


    Writing/Action Points; (70 words)
    • A certain group of six cats have been assigned on patrol.
    • Sparrowtail is leading the group for this patrol! He's never worked with this little
    ragtag band of kitties, before so hopefully it all goes well? And no chaos or drama
    occurs in the process? He'll have to pray to Feeterina for that, and see how it goes!
    • They're currently out looking for herbs and food supplies for the clan.
    // notes: a first explore post! i hope everything looks alright, haha. lmk if i need to change anything!! <3
    also as a head's up, i'm unlikely to be writing much (if anything) for explore at all, since my schedule tends to be
    all over the place, hehe. i definitely wouldn't mind shorter responses, if that makes things any easier! <33

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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby BigFrog4231 » Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:56 am

The Tribe of Singing Wind
Songbird sat in the Healer's den in a warm nest of moss and feathers. His coughing and sneezes rang out through the quiet camp, making each cat nervous that the sickness may spread. Dew had volunteered to stay behind and watch over Songbird, making sure he took the proper herbs and had enough to drink. Flower and Snow were speaking in the leader's den, trying to decide what the tribe's next move should be. ``We need more fresh-kill. You know that snow storm wasn't the last, and we need every chance we need to catch more prey``, Snow spoke, irritated that Flower was actually debating not going on a patrol today. ``But Songbird may fall even more ill, we can't risk being out of camp if his cough worsens``, Flower meowed, worried. ``You need to stop worrying about Songbird and put more faith into Morning Dew! He knows how to take care of others, and to be honest, I think he's happier this way.`` Snow hissed at the leader, her tail lashing. She calmed herself, peeking out at the two cats in the Healer's den. Songbird was sleeping, his shaky breathing occasionally interrupted by coughing. Morning dew was walking out of the den, catching a breath of fresh air and soaking a moss ball in more water. He gave a friendly nod to Snow, catching her gaze, and padded back into the Healer's den. Flower sighed, knowing Snow was right. ``We'll eat and then we will leave, thank you Snow``. Snow gave a curt nod to Flower and left the shelter of the den, heading over to the fresh-kill pile and picking out something nice and big for the two cats.

Flower and Snow had eaten well, and were about to leave the camp. Snow waited near the exit, grooming her long white fur while Flower said goodbye to Songbird. He turned to Morning dew, who was cleaning out old bedding. ``Morning dew, I would like to talk to you once we get back. I have an idea I think you may enjoy``, The leader smiled at the young cat. Morning Dew dipped his head in acknowledgement. ``Thank you Flower, but I must insist you stay away from Songbird right now. It would be a disaster if you also fell ill! Can you image the chaos if the tribe's leader got sick?`` Morning dew spoke, a friendly tone still in his voice. ``Good luck and stay safe, both of you!``, He meowed to both Flower and Snow, poking his head out of the den. Snow turned and left with Flower following, saying a quick goodbye to the cats. ``I was thinking we should steer clear of the forest or the ruined Upwalker nest since we just hunted there not long ago. Staying in the meadow would be a safe bet``, Flower meowed to Snow, looking around the snow coated meadow. ``I agree, it would be a bad idea if we tried there again``, she spoke to the leader. Flower nodded and tasted the air, following any scent of fresh-kill they could find. The two cats could only hope for more fresh-kill in these conditions, not knowing what they would find in the frozen meadow.
[ 534 words ]

--cats on patrol
--> Snow that coats the ground: HP- 100%, HUP- 20%, Sick- N
--> Flower that grows under tree: HP- 100%, HUP- 30%, Sick- N
--level 2
experience: 192/300

Scraps | 1 FP | x1
Vole | 2 FP | x3
Shrew | 2 FP | x1
Squirrel | 3 FP | x1
prey | 3 FP | x0
Vulture | 4 FP | x0
Groundhog | 5 FP | x0
Raccoon | 5 FP | x1

Dandelion | Used for stings and painkiller | x1
Sorrel | Traveling herb | x1
Lamb's Ear | Gives cats strength | x2
Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection | x1
Watermint | Treats bellyache | x2
Sweet sedge | Stops infection | x1
Hawkweed | Treats Greencough/Whitecough | x2
Goatweed | Eases grief | x1
Lovage | Treats coughing | x2
Feverfew | Reduces fever/Aches | x1
Chervil | Stops infection | x1
Catmint | Treats Greencough/Whitecough | x1
Yarrow | Makes cats vomit/Ointment can heal cracked pads | x1
Elder Leaves | Painkiller | x1
Tansy | Treats coughing | x1
Chickweed | Treats Greencough/Whitecough | x2
Tyme | Treats shock | x1
Wintergreen | Stops infection | x1
Blackberry Leaves | Used for stings | x1
Daisy Leave | Eases aching joints, sprains, and pain | x1
--items in inventory used
Raccoon | 5 FP | x1 | Feeding Snow and Flower (edited bc I put the wrong name ;o;)
Tansy | Treats coughing | x1 | Treating Songbird
Foxes, Raccoons, Snakes, Opossums, Hawks,
Eagles, Badgers(uncommon), Beavers(Only near lake)
Last edited by BigFrog4231 on Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Warriors Survival Game • Explore

Postby Flatterina » Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:28 am

+30 XP [666 words written]
+10 XP [Patrol sent]
+10 XP [Injury healed]
+10% Hunger each

Thrushslip was slightly distracted with his worry about Leafpaw and Snowshell had to nudge him when she scented a vole to get his attention back on track. Embarrassed, he nodded and waited while she vanished between some ferns, only to return a few seconds later with the rodent limply hanging from her teeth.
[+1 Vole, +2 FP, +2 XP]

“Well done!” he meowed and the two of them continued on, traveling further into the forest. Soon, they stumbled upon a patch of plentifully growing herbs under some ferns where they had been protected from the worst of the cold, and each took a few with them. Curing Leafpaw had depleted their stores quite some bit, and this would be very useful.
[+1 Poppy Seeds, +1 Willow Bark, +1 Stinging Nettle, +1 Lovage, +4 XP]

“Let’s go back and check on the others,” Snowshell suggested, her words muffled by the herbs and the vole in her mouth. Thrushslip was only too glad to agree, since he was pretty worried about the kits being out and about in the camp while Leafpaw and Tansypetal were sleeping.
They had just started on their way back when the molly stopped, her eyes narrowing. Thushslip glanced at her, wondering what had come upon her.
“Stranger,” she hissed. “Not the stranger I smelled on Leafpaw, someone else.” Thrushslip’s heart beat faster in alarm. “One of our former clanmates?” he asked, tense.
Snowshell tilted her head. “I’m not sure, actually. The smell might be familiar, but we’ve left the camp so long ago I can’t be completely certain.”
“What do we do? We need to check on the others and get these herbs back to them, but we also need to dissuade strangers from wandering through our territory whenever they want. Do we fight this cat or do we let them pass?

+2 FP | +1 Poppy Seeds | +1 Willow Bark | +1 Stinging Nettle | +1 Lovage | +56 XP | Level 2 [177/300]

+20 XP [300 words written]
+10 XP [Patrol sent]
+10 XP [Codeword used]
+10% Hunger each

Lynxtuft split off at the base of the mountain and set to her task of finding food for herself and the kits. The icy wind was blowing, and she was glad Badgerstar hadn’t expected her to climb up the mountain with him. Up there she could spot snow, and she reflexively puffed up her fur at the thought of the cold beneath her feet.
She hoped that he would find what he was looking for, though.
Her thoughts were interrupted when she stumbled upon a sickly-sweet smell that made her hair rise up. She recognized this, she realized, as she made her way closer, carefully avoiding the frozen waters and the slippery stones.
Soon she was standing before the plant, the pitch black berries sparkling in the sun, mocking her. She suppressed a shudder as she carefully plucked them with her claws and wrapped them in a leaf so she wouldn’t have to touch them with her mouth. Then, even though the cold made her cringe, she thoroughly washed her claws in the river. Deadly nightshade was not to be underestimated and she would have to hide them well when she was back in the camp. Kits got in all kinds of trouble, she knew, and seemed to enjoy finding new and creative ways to try and kill themselves when their parents weren’t watching.
Nearby, she also found some burnet growing, of which she also took some leaves to carry back with her.
[+1 Deadly Nightshade, +1 Burnet, +2 XP]

A short while later she resolved to make her way back. She hadn’t yet caught any food, but she was more worried about the kits waking up while she was gone and getting funny ideas.
Luckily, she encountered the warm scent of a mouse about halfway back to the camp and successfully caught it.
[+1 Mouse, +2 FP, +2 XP]

+1 Deadly Nightshade | +1 Burnet | +2 FP | +44 XP | Level 1 [153/200]
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