Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Fantasy animal roleplays featuring animals with special abilities/powers, or fantasy creatures such as dragons, unicorns, etc. However this category does not include fandom-based roleplays such as Warrior Cats or Pokemon

Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby Nomanssky101 » Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:38 am


The world has been wilted and destroyed by humans, wolves fled as destruction ensued, and now wolves have to take their future back from the people. With the uprising of the wolves, they gained courage and abilities beyond reality. To counter these abilities, the humans used technology to create traps and weapons to hunt these supernatural wolves. Will you join this canine rebellion?

Alpha Male: Miles
Alpha Female:
Beta Males:
Beta Females:
Hunters: Ash, Jynx
Scouts: Skell
Brawlers: Astral
Den Mothers:

Rules: No godmodding, No 6hr+ timeskips without permission, Follow CS rules, DO NOT post unless I have approved your character, and Alpha's word goes unless overruled by me. Multiple characters allowed, just include what character you are currently controlling in your message.

Code: Select all
Mate and/or Crush:
Additional Info:

Redemption Character Bank
^^^This has info on everyone's characters :)^^^

PM me the applications as this thread will be used for roleplaying.
Last edited by Nomanssky101 on Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:55 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby THEaruszkow » Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:50 pm

Name: Ash
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Power: Fire (Can light his fur on fire, his saliva is also combustible. )
Role: Hunter
Backstory: Grew up with his siblings before leaving his birth pack as his control of his power became more and more unstable. Has since learned to contain it.
Personality: Stubborn, cocky, sarcastic, extroverted, likes the sound of his own voice, confident.
Mate and/or Crush: None
Additional Info: He's a dark grey wolf with a lighter chest and muzzle, his fur is spikey and singed in areas. His eyes are yellow.
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Re: Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby Rae'tia » Tue Feb 09, 2021 10:57 pm

Name: Astral
Age: 4 years
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Power: Selenomancy
Role: Brawler
Astral was born into a litter of three, herself, Miles, and another male Konrad. Astral was just a year old when she discovered her power, and from her point of view, it caused her mother to leave. She knew it had. She'd seen it. The three siblings and their father stuck together, and she was presently surprised when her father introduced a female that would soon become their step-mother. When they were about two years old, their father and step-mother had a litter. One was born sickly, a pale-furred pup that easily burned in the sun. The small family's parents died when their young siblings were only six months old, killed by humans. After that, the group left their home and started to gather other wolves.
If nothing Astral is decisive and honest, above all else. She's also selfless, sociable, and considerate but they are in much less supply as they are tainted with a mindset of being insincere. Her decisiveness is what she's adored for though, this and her loyalty are what her friends go to her for in times of need. Of course, no one is perfect and everyone has a few things they wish they could change. Her scornful and short-tempered nature often put a cloud over everyone's head, her vicious tongue cutting like a hot knife through butter. Thankfully her honesty keeps those days to a minimum.
Mate and/or Crush: Open
Additional Info:
Sister to Miles and Jynx.
Astral is a leanly muscled shaded grey-brown she-wolf with lighter and darker accents, and amber eyes. She has a compact form, built for stanima.

Name: Miles
Age: 4 years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Power: Sonokinesis
Role: Alpha Male
Miles was born into a litter of three, herself, Astral, and another male Konrad. Miles discovered his power not long after their mother left. The three siblings and their father stuck together and he was surprised when his father introduced a female that would soon become their step-mother. When they were about two years old, their father and step-mother had a litter. One was born sickly, a pale-furred pup that easily burned in the sun. The small family's parents died when their young siblings were only six months old, killed by humans. After that, the group left their home and started to gather other wolves.
If anything it's well known that Miles is a Leaderly and efficient, hard-working male. If he's not gathering a group to go out hunting, then he's probably hanging with some of his favorite wolves within the pack. Miles is a trusting brute and likes to help out others when he can. Pups, trainees, elders you name it, he'll help them if they're in need. He also has a habit of over-sharing from time to time, sometimes going on long-winded rants that leave him both breathless and embarrassed. While not an annoyingly happy-go-lucky kind of wolf, Miles does have a positive outlook on life, often preferring to look on the bright side. That being said, when disaster strikes the male can be rather grim, and he's blunt about his feeling. Should he ever find himself liking someone - or disliking someone - he'll be upfront about it if asked. His arguably worst trait is his prejudice, against outsiders and those that aren't full-blooded wolves. This brings out his bluntly aggressive ways, which is never a good time for anyone involved.
Mate and/or Crush: open
Additional Info:
Brother to Astral and Jynx
Miles is a large, board-shouldered dark red-brown male with lighter accents and yellow eyes. He has a large bulky form built for strength.

Name: Jynx
Age: 2 years
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demi-Androsexual
Power: Umbrakinesis
Role: Hunter
Jynx is the youngest of her litter, she was born sickly in more ways than one. But she was the first of her litter to find her power, which allowed her to be out during the day. She was just five months old when it happened, sadly a month later her parents were killed.
Looks can be deceiving when it comes to Jynx, but most know that above all else she's flexible and idealistic. Of course, she's also sweet, realistic, and tolerant, but in smaller doses and they're often spoiled by habits of being envious as well. Her flexible nature though is what she's often admired for. Friends tend to count on this and her protective nature when they're in need of support. Nobody's perfect of course and Jynx has a range of flaws to deal with too. Her petty and sly nature sour the mood many a time and reach all around. Fortunately, her idealism helps lighten the blows and moods when needed.
Mate and/or Crush: open
Additional Info:
Sister to Astral and Miles.
Jynx suffers from albinism, meaning her fur is pure white. Her eyes are a pale blue color. The skin on her body, including her nose and paw pads, are pink and are easily burned. She has a slender form, built for agilty.
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Re: Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby Nomanssky101 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:08 am

as stated in the Rp, please PM me the applications because this thread will be for the RP itself. That being said, accepted!
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Re: Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby Nomanssky101 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:59 am



Skell wakes up mid-nap and yawns. He decides to get up and be productive so he picks up the human hat he stole on a mission in his mouth, sets it down, turns into a human, and puts it on. He then proceeds to leave the den, stepping into the slush of mud outside the den. It had been raining for quite some time now, but he has to do his job, for the pack. He travels to the nearest known human outpost and enters the bunker. In this particular outpost, he had made friends with the inhabitants, always making sure to keep the hat covering his ears. They didn't know he was a wolf, even though he left for hours at a time. He had been stealing vital information and equipment from the outpost for a long time, and these items have given the pack nourishment and confidence to keep moving. He had to go by a human name. "Alex!" Yells a nearby human, as he runs over to talk. Skell had to pretend he was mute, as he didn't know proper English yet. The human is quite gullible, as Skell steals multiple pieces of food right in front of him, and he doesn't notice. Soon enough, after listening to the man ramble, Skell can leave.
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Re: Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby THEaruszkow » Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:58 am

Ash found himself wandering through the territory. He didn't know exactly what he was searching for, but if he ran into a rabbit on the way then that's always a plus. A chill breeze had him ruffling his fur before deciding to head back to camp, at least there'd be other people there.
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Re: Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby Rae'tia » Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:46 pm


4 years∙Male∙Alpha Male
tagged; Astral
mentions; Ash & Skell

The male rumbled softly as he awoke, he looked out of his den and then sighed. Getting to his feet the red-furred male padded out of his den blinking rapidly as the sun hit his eyes. Yawning softly, Miles glanced around taking note that there were only a few wolves around. Ash was probably out hunting, and Skell was out and about as well. He smiled when Astral padded out of another den, "Good morning sister... Divine any answers from the moon last night?" He asked, curious. Miles's sibling; Astral was one of his best sources of information when it comes to humans or things in general. She and Skell were the best, and probably two of his favorite. Though he'd never tell anyone that. Not that it changed much, it wasn't like it would affect the world around them. At least he didn't think so. But what did he know, he was just one wolf. He might be the pack's alpha, but he was still just a wolf, struggling to survive in this cruel world. Thanks to humans.


4 years∙Female∙Brawler
tagged; Miles
mentions; none

The night before the she-wolf had communed with the moon, much like she did every night. And while there were times she thought her power was useless, but in times like last night. Well, that changed things. And while she was tired from the night before she had a duty to her pack. So she woke with the Sun and sat outside her den watching as her pack-mates went to work. The female huffed when her brother trotted up. "The humans are always changing, creating, destroying. Something new has been made." She started, "If we don't find and dismantle it... Well, I don't want to think about it." The shaded grey female sat down, her muscles tensing as she glanced around the camp. "Anyways, everyone seems to be busy. Even Jynx is out and about, which is odd for her." Astral thought out loud, her face crimping with a mixture of worry and curiosity. It was odd that the youngest of their siblings wouldn't check in with one or both of them before leaving camp, even if she was going out alone.


2 years∙Female∙Hunter
tagged; open
mentions; none

Sliently creeping along the pale blue eyed lass, sighed softly as she pulled shadows from the trees that surrounded her to blanket her so the suns rays wouldn't burn her skin.
Beside her was a few snakes made of shadows, one on either side of her and then a third coiled around her tail making sure her back was covered. She she-wolf hadn't slept well the night before, and decided to do something useful for the pack. So, Jynx had gotten up and went on a walk, and started hunting as the sun rose. Now she was heading back to where she'd burried the smaller bits of her catches. A a hare and a young fawn. She grimaced at the thought of the fawn, it had broken a leg and probably wouldn't have surived to adulthood. So she'd giving the poor fawn some mercy and killed it. A shiver ran down her spine as she reached the area where she'd burried the hare and fawn, then sighed. "Another day, another hunt." She mumbled as she started to dig up her kills.
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Re: Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby Nomanssky101 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:01 pm



Having returned to the camp, he sits down on the cliff's edge, a place of calm, to think for a while. He had a little trouble with his thoughts, whether it be his power or any other subjects come-to-mind. He couldn't get his mind off of the mating season, as more pups in the pack would be what keeps it alive. Mating season was near, but he didn't have a mate or any means of getting one. He was quite small and wasn't a dominant wolf by any means. All he had was his Intelligence. After thinking for a while he proceeded to speak to Miles and Astral, to tell them of the information he gathered on his infiltration mission.

OOC: This is a back-to-back dialogue.
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Re: Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby Nomanssky101 » Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:08 pm



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Re: Redemption | Wolf Power RP | Accepting | No Loners

Postby Rae'tia » Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:46 pm


4 years∙Male∙Alpha Male
tagged; Astral & Skell
mentions; none

Miles was frowning by the time Skell stopped speaking, a low growl rumbling in his throat. "They're always up to something. How... Troublesome." He cleared his throat, huffing at the spark of anger that sparked in him that always flared when humans were spoken of within hearing distance. "Keep an eye on things, will you? But make sure not to be any cause for suspicion, do not get caught, and be sure to rest." He said, "Thank you for the information, Skell. It's much appreciated." He sat down and glanced at Astral as she spoke and frowned, her earlier words had been troubling. Now that she was once again speaking, he found himself agreeing with her and internally sighed because of it. While Astral's ability was useful, it rarely gave insight into good and happy things to come, so more often than not, he found it as a source of annoyance. And fear quite possibly. He shivered at the thought of what would happen if the humans ever found a way to force their own to mutate the way they had. Even with all the wolves in the world, humans technology combined with any powers that managed to mutate. Well, that fight would probably end up in the favor of the humans.


4 years∙Female∙Brawler
tagged; Miles
mentions; none

She had quietly listened as Skell gave his report to Miles, doing her best to look serene and regal looking all the while. Once Skell had finished his report, her gaze flickered to her brother, and raised one whiskered brow as the male spoke. She watched as her brother gave the scout orders, and nearly huffed. Once it seemed that her brother was done speaking she cut in. "The humans have plans for something, you might have heard whispers about it, maybe you haven't. But either way, we cannot allow this new device of theirs to come to fruition. While the moon hasn't told me what it does, it was perfectly clear that it could mean the end for us." She swallowed roughly. "If you catch wind about any devices, get any information that you can about it and come back so we can plan an assault." Astral cleared her throat, realizing that her brother was giving her a look that she couldn't really decipher. "Please." She added, feeling like then her former sentences wouldn't feel as much as an order.
Her thoughts flickered to the rest of the pack, and those it would be useful to bring on such a raid. Ash would be such a wolf, as he could burn any essential paperwork, or if he can get his flames hot enough, then he could burn whatever device they've made. An ear twitched as she thought, her gaze flickering between Miles and Skell as her mind wandered, only half paying attention. Miles and Ash could double team them, Skell leads the way, and Jynx would be our way in and out. She'd have to talk it over with Miles and the high ranking wolves if things came to a head, but she was willing to wait.


2 years∙Female∙Hunter
tagged; open
mentions; none

Picking both catches up by the scruff, she allowed the shadow snakes to fade away, but kept her cover hovering over her. Jynx sighed, while she could travel easily through the shadows, and even bring others with her anything dead was another conversation. She'd found out the hard way when she'd shadow traveled with a dead squirrel in her jaws. Jynx had been cleaning bits of squirrel off of herself for days after that. So that hadn't exactly been a fun experience, but one she needed. After all it would have been traumatizing to have to bring a dead pack-mate back to camp via shadow travel and end up with pieces of pack-mate attached to her. No. No thank you. She didn't even want to think about that. A shiver ran down her spine, I should probably get back to camp soon. She thought, But what to do after I get back? She wondered, silent as she padded back to the place she called home.

(sorry for the lateness, I've been busy.)
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