I Love You A Latte § Closed, Started!

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Lewin - 1 § Aspen - 2 § Everett - 1

Postby Corgi Fox <3 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:19 am

Lewin James Patterson § The Mocha § Tagged: N/A
"Did you get there alright?" a female's voice inquired over the phone. Lewin nodded, as though his mother were standing right there with him, as a warm smile spread itself across his lips. "Yes, I just got here, a few minutes ago," he responded, leaning on the granite countertop of the island that sat in the middle of a spacious, modren-style kitchen. His hazel - almost green, at the moment - eyes lit up as his gaze set itself on the windows leading out to the large deck. "Good, I'm glad," his mother, Leighanne, responded, relief evident in her tone, "I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing." "I'll be alright," he responded with a light chuckle; he knew she could be such a worrywart, sometimes, so she would naturally be concerned with him moving out of state. Then again, he supposed he couldn't blame her; the last time he moved, he was still living in the same city as his family, so it was certainly an adjustment for everyone for him to live so far away. "I know you will; but if you need anything, just give us a call," she responded with a small laugh, "I've got to go, though. I have an appointment, soon." "Thanks, mom," he responded, "Say hi to everyone for me." "I will," she responded, and with that, they said their goodbyes and hung up.
Lewin looked around the kitchen, tapping his index finger against the counter's cool, smooth surface, as he pondered what he would make for breakfast. Peering down at his phone, he checked the time: 8:02 AM. Maybe I'll go grab a coffee...I think I saw an interesting-looking little coffee shop on the way here, he thought to himself as he shrugged a bit. Coffee did sound pretty good, especially with some eggs benedict, which he could make when ne got back home. That, paired with a nice book to read while sitting out on the deck, sounded like a rather nice way to spend his first morning at his new home. So, with that, he whistled for Red. The Irish Setter barked, wagging his tail as he ran over to the brunette boy, who then clipped the Burberry leash to the enthusiastic dog's collar. With that, he and the dog headed out the front door and down the street.

Aspen Harpae Paisley § The Chai Latte § Tagged: Evangeline
As Aspen continued on her way, she pulled her phone back out of her pocket. She, once again, started scrolling through the coffee shop's social media posts. As she did, she noticed something in their pet-friendly pastries section: Scottie Biscottis. She let out a soft giggle - it absolutely made her think of Biscotti. "Well, now I've got to get Biscotti and Maple something!" she thought aloud, her tone thoroughly amused and thrilled at the sheer coincidence. She saved a screencap of the pet treat - in hopes that she wouldn't forget to order some - and then slid her phone back into her pocket as she turned onto a new street. Just as she turned her gaze back up ahead on her, she bumped right into somebody else. "Oh, gosh!" she quietly exclaimed in a start, taking a couple steps back as she looked at the girl with the Doberman, "I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" She doubted that she had hurt her, or anything like that, but also didn't like going under the assumption that she hadn't, either.

Everett Jacob Smith § The Caramel Macchiato § Tagged: N/A
Beep! Beep! Beep! An alarm sounded off loudly upon the dawn of a new hour. A muffled groan could be heard as a hand emerged from the pile of blankets that sat next to a cedarwood side table. It lazily fumbled around in search of the source of the obnoxious noise - an iPhone 11. As soon as his fingers brushed against the smooth, tile-like device, Everett tapped the screen, and suddenly, there was silence. He allowed his arm to drop to his side, dangling off the bed, as he tried to wake up completely. He had just gotten into town, the previous day; so, between the jetlag and the fact that he had stayed up fairly late to finish unpacking, he was feeling rather drained of his energy. With great reluctance, he rolled onto his back, after several minutes, and ran a hand through his soft, dirty blonde hair. Ugh, I can hardly even keep my eyes open...he thought to himself with a sigh. He reached over to the side table, once again, and grabbed his phone. He cracked his eyes open - as best as he could, anyway - to check the time. He could just barely make out the 8:12 AM that appeared on his screen. "Yeesh...I need some coffee," he then murmured to himself, his voice raspy from exhaustion.
Finally, he managed to heave himself out of bed, and headed to the bathroom to shower; after this, he threw on a black t-shirt, as well as a black hoodie, a pair of jeans, and a pair of black and white Converse. Feeling marginally more refreshed after his shower, he fed Freya, and then headed out the door in search of the nearest coffee shop or cafe. He drew in a deep breath of the fresh, crisp, slightly cool air - it was surprisingly refreshing. The tall boy already knew he would like living here, based upon first impressions.
Pet's name: Gianna
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I'm Corgi Fox<3, but call me whatever you want to! ^-^ Feel free to send me a trade or PM, if you'd like! ^-^
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[evangeline | 2] [collin | 2]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Wed Sep 30, 2020 8:58 am

    xxxxage: twenty one | gender: female | sexuality: asexual panromantic | role: hot chocolate
    xxxxlocation: outside, heading to cafe | mentions: none | tags: aspen

    xxxxdespite having a gps right at her fingertips, evangeline was feeling a little bit lost. she wasn't sure if it was due the new surroundings or if her gps was acting up and bringing her along on a random route. whatever the cause, the young woman kept stopping to look around at where she was. riley didn't seem too bothered. in fact, the dog was happy to stop and sniff everything in her vicinity. i think we might be a bit lost, girl, evangeline huffed, continuing forward, gently tugging at the leash for riley to follow after her. turning the corner evangeline was suddenly caught off guard as another person bumped into her. it wasn't enough to knock her off her feet, but evangeline did have to take a step back. riley herself let out a small bark as eva almost stepped back onto her. fixing her glasses evangeline looked up at the person whom she had collided with. i'm fine, i'm fine! she softly exclaimed as the other woman asked if she alright. offering the woman a friendly smile she asked, are you okay? i didn't break or bruise anything, did i? the second part was meant as a joke, though, evangeline did worry that she might've hurt the other woman in some way. down by her side riley had gotten over almost being stepped on and was now excited to meet someone knew. her tail wagged furiously and she gazed up at the woman.

    xxxxsuddenly, the dog hopped up on her back feet, attempting to jump on the stranger and give her a welcome full of doggy kisses. oh no you don't! quickly evangeline intercepted the jump, stepping forward and wrapping her arms around the dog, holding riley back as she wiggled to get free. ah, i'm so sorry. she get's really excited around new people, it's something i'm working on ... evangeline apologized, the dog having turned on eva and started licking her face now. as you can see, she's really quite friendly, the woman then said with a soft chuckle, allowing riley to lightly place her paws back on the ground. this time around eva held the dogs leash tight and close so she couldn't jump up again. wiping her face off with the sleeve of her sweater, evangeline once again smiled kindly at the other woman.

    xxxxage: twenty | gender: male | sexuality: bicurious | role: chamomile tea
    xxxxlocation: cafe | mentions: none | tags: everest

    xxxxbeing given the okay to sit at the booth, collin placed his cup and plate down, sliding into the seat opposite of the woman. thank you, he said to her, glad that she didn't mind him sitting with her. at the statement toward the waffle collin took a look down at the plate of food. yes, it does! i hope it tastes as good as it looks, he commented with a smile. he noted that the woman had a cup of coffee and no food. part of him felt a little embarrassed that he would be eating while she wasn't. would she find it rude for him to eat while she wasn't? looking back up at her as she introduced herself collin did just the same. likewise. my name is collin anderson, he offered in return. everest, he thought, what a lovely name. as he was just about to ask if she didn't mind him eating in front of her, a barista came to the table and set a drink and biscuit in front of everest. softly he let out a sigh, glad that he wouldn't have to ask such a question or feel as if he were being rude. picking up his cup of tea, collin's cold hands warmed at the touch of the steamy hot cup. taking a sip of the tea he was pleasantly surprised at how good it tasted. being in a new country collin had been a little skeptical about what the food and drink would taste like. he knew that some countries tended to make their food and drink either more sweet or more bitter, not to mention portion sizes were completely different, sometime outrageously so. however, the tea was practically perfect. placing the cup back on the table collin gazed over at everest. for a while now she had been fiddling with a bracelet that she wore on her wrist. that's a lovely bracelet. if you don't mind me asking, where did you get it? collin inquired, somewhat curious about it.
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Lewin - 2 § Aspen - 3 § Everett - 1

Postby Corgi Fox <3 » Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:00 pm

Lewin James Patterson § The Mocha § Tagged: N/A
Taking in his surroundings as he exited the private road that led to his new home, another rush of excitement came over Lewin. This was the first time he was opening his own business - a restaurant - and it was all being done on his own. He had always worked under his father's businesses, and as he got a bit older, through prestigious connections. It was exciting, albeit unfamiliar, to finally do something that was completely independent. As he thought about this, he continued down the street, with Red - his silky red fur flowing as he trotted - in tow.
It was only a few minutes more before he reached The Tiny Mug. He noticed the 'pets welcome' sign, and headed inside with his canine companion. Glancing around the little coffee shop as he stepped in line, he took note of some things. His intent was not to run other businesses into the ground - especially little places like this - and, so, he was remaining quite conscious of this fact. He didn't want to do anything too similar, and took notice of things to use for pointers.
His thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he noticed that the couple of people in front of him were finished ordering. "Welcome to The Tiny Mug! What can I get started for you, today?" the barista greeted him cheerily. With a soft smile, he greeted the barista. "Hello," he responded as his eyes scanned over the menu, "I'll take a caramel latte, and a berry scone." "Alright, coming right up!" she responded. She then made the hot beverage, and grabbed a scone out of the glass case of pastries by the cash register. Handing them to him, she said, "Alright, that'll be $6.50." "Thank you," he said politely as he handed her the cash, and then headed back for the door. Though the atmosphere was warm and inviting, he would rather be at home. The cafe seemed to be quite busy, at the moment, anyway.

Aspen Harpae Paisley § The Chai Latte § Tagged: Evangeline
Letting out a silent breath of relief, Aspen smiled. With a nod, she perkily responded, "Good," a slight chuckle slipping past her lips. Slightly surprised by the girl's response, the redhead blinked. She hadn't expected too be asked the same thing; then again, she supposed she hadn't expected that one would have taken too kindly to being run into, in the first place, either. Although, she was grateful that she hadn't been chewed out. Upon hearing her last remark, she laughed a little, and joked back, "Nah, I think I'll survive - no worries there!" It was definitely not how she expected to start the day, but meeting new people was always nice. In fact, she was actually hoping to make a couple of friends during her time in town, especially since she was already starting to feel a bit homesick, despite loving it in town, already.
Her thoughts were interrupted when a little flash rushed by in the corner of her eye; before she knew it, the girl was restraining the obviously excitable Doberman. Upon hearing the apology, Aspen smiled and shook her head slightly; with a wave of her hand, she replied, "Oh, don't worry about it - I've got a couple of dogs at home. In all honesty, they'd probably react the same way." Observing the dog, for a moment, she smiled and added, "They'd probably get along well!" After the girl released the dog, Aspen held her hand out to shake, and said, "I'm Aspen, by the way!"

Everett Jacob Smith § The Caramel Macchiato § Tagged: N/A
Beep! Beep! Beep! An alarm sounded off loudly upon the dawn of a new hour. A muffled groan could be heard as a hand emerged from the pile of blankets that sat next to a cedarwood side table. It lazily fumbled around in search of the source of the obnoxious noise - an iPhone 11. As soon as his fingers brushed against the smooth, tile-like device, Everett tapped the screen, and suddenly, there was silence. He allowed his arm to drop to his side, dangling off the bed, as he tried to wake up completely. He had just gotten into town, the previous day; so, between the jetlag and the fact that he had stayed up fairly late to finish unpacking, he was feeling rather drained of his energy. With great reluctance, he rolled onto his back, after several minutes, and ran a hand through his soft, dirty blonde hair. Ugh, I can hardly even keep my eyes open...he thought to himself with a sigh. He reached over to the side table, once again, and grabbed his phone. He cracked his eyes open - as best as he could, anyway - to check the time. He could just barely make out the 8:12 AM that appeared on his screen. "Yeesh...I need some coffee," he then murmured to himself, his voice raspy from exhaustion.
Finally, he managed to heave himself out of bed, and headed to the bathroom to shower; after this, he threw on a black t-shirt, as well as a black hoodie, a pair of jeans, and a pair of black and white Converse. Feeling marginally more refreshed after his shower, he fed Freya, and then headed out the door in search of the nearest coffee shop or cafe. He drew in a deep breath of the fresh, crisp, slightly cool air - it was surprisingly refreshing. The tall boy already knew he would like living here, based upon first impressions.
Pet's name: Gianna
Pet's name: Fox
Pet's name: Ein

I'm Corgi Fox<3, but call me whatever you want to! ^-^ Feel free to send me a trade or PM, if you'd like! ^-^
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Re: I Love You A Latte § Closed, Started!

Postby inactive, » Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:27 pm

cisfemale x 19 x heterosexual x tagged; lewis location; the cafe

Kaila's eyes snapped open, her phone alarm blaring from beside her head. She let out a groan, burying herself into the covers as a hand lazily picked up her phone, slapping it until she hit the 'snooze' button for her alarm and it stopped making noise. The bed was so warm, and Kaila was so cold, it wouldn't hurt to just take a few extra minutes of sleep. "Kaila! Mom says to get up!" Her younger brother screamed, running into her room before running out, leaving the door wide open and letting the warmth of her room drift out and the bright lights from the rest of her house glare in. She sighed before sitting up, taking about an hour to shower and brush her teeth, do her hair and get dressed along with her makeup. Giving herself a once-over in the mirror, she smiled, gently touching the fabric of her new skirt she had bought the other day. She headed downstairs, giving her grandmother and mother a hug, before she set off. She had nothing to do today, so she would let the day take her where it wanted to. And apparently, the first place the day would take her would be the small cafe down the road, the one she had passed and it smelled so good. Thank goodness it was so close, otherwise she would've gotten very lost, a bad habit of hers. As she opened the door, a man taller than her exiting with a dog on a leash. "Aww! Well, who is this sweetie? Ooh, someone is very well taken care of, look at your fur!" Kaila dropped to her knees, talking to the dog as she gently petted it, smiling. "Oh sorry! I didn't even think to ask your owner if I could pet you. So owner, am I allowed?" She tilted her head upwards to look at the dog's owner, flashing a smile.
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Re: I Love You A Latte § Open, Accepting!

Postby YupItReallyIsMe » Thu Oct 01, 2020 3:12 am

Everest May~ The Green Tea~ 21~ Location: coffee shop~ tags:Collin

Everest smiled when he said his name. She'd known one other Collin in her time and he was incredibly kind. When she looked at the man across the table from her, she thought his name for him very well and he seemed kind enough too. She picked up her biscuit and took a bite, reveling in the fact that it was warm. When Collin asked Everest about her bracelet a shocked face took over and she hesitated a moment to make sure her emotions were under control. "My brother gave this to me." She said softly, reminiscing on the day they'd made their bracelets for each other.

Everest and her brother had always been incredibly close, having gone through a lot as kids and feeling the need to protect each other at all costs. She absentmindedly touched her bracelet again. "He's the reason I moved out here." She said softly and gave Collin a sad smile. She didn't like the conversation being on her for so long and so she returned it to him. "What about you? How'd you end up here?"

Q Nirene~ The Rooibos Tea~ 23~ Location:Park~ tags: open

It's fall. Q's favorite time of year. Everything and everyone is changing, getting ready for the cold although not quite ready to make the change completely. Some people are still holding on to summer, wearing their tank tops and shorts as if they were bold and daring. Some, like Q, had moved on to long sleeved sweatshirts and jeans, and a few were already bundled up in their layers of winter clothes. He loved it.

As Q sat on a bench with a book and a warm mocha next to him, he observed the people out. Children running about, playing with their mothers or father's or sometimes both, leaves falling around a couple on a picnic. He smiled to himself, picking up his coffee and sipping at it. The sun was out, but that didn't exactly mean it was warm. Classic fall feeling. He stood for a moment, stretching his legs before sitting back down and returning to his book.
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Lewin - 3 § Aspen - 3 § Everett - 1

Postby Corgi Fox <3 » Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:46 am

Lewin James Patterson § The Mocha § Tagged: Kaila
As he was exiting the building, Lewin slid the hand that held Red's leash into his pocket. His thoughts returned to taking mental notes of this little cafe. Upon first impression, he really liked it. He figured he'd have to go back, hopefully when it wasn't quite so busy. It seemed as if it would be a nice place to go to relax and unwind, as well as to get some reading, or work on a laptop.
Right before he could continue on his way, a female's voice cut through the crisp fall air - followed by Red barking a bit - his train of thought abruptly derailed, once more - not that he really minded, though, in all honesty. The burnette boy looked down in the direction of the voice to see a shorter individual with curly, black hair. He smiled a bit, opening his mouth to respond, when she suddenly dropped to her knees and started petting his canine companion, who received the attention with open arms - tail wagging, and nuzzling into the girl's hand. Lewin chuckled as he leaned against the window, before taking a sip of his coffee. Upon hearing her apology, he shrugged lightly, returning the smile as he responded, "Sure, I don't mind." He glanced over at Red, who seemed more than happy to meet a new person. The hazel-eyed girl seemed quite friendly and sociable, upon first impression. Recalling that she had asked about the dog before starting to pet him - as well as figuring he could introduce himself, he looked over at her, again. "Oh, yeah - his name's Red, by the way," he then added, nodding towards the Irish Setter, "and I'm Lewin."

Aspen Harpae Paisley § The Chai Latte § Tagged: Evangeline
Letting out a silent breath of relief, Aspen smiled. With a nod, she perkily responded, "Good," a slight chuckle slipping past her lips. Slightly surprised by the girl's response, the redhead blinked. She hadn't expected too be asked the same thing; then again, she supposed she hadn't expected that one would have taken too kindly to being run into, in the first place, either. Although, she was grateful that she hadn't been chewed out. Upon hearing her last remark, she laughed a little, and joked back, "Nah, I think I'll survive - no worries there!" It was definitely not how she expected to start the day, but meeting new people was always nice. In fact, she was actually hoping to make a couple of friends during her time in town, especially since she was already starting to feel a bit homesick, despite loving it in town, already.
Her thoughts were interrupted when a little flash rushed by in the corner of her eye; before she knew it, the girl was restraining the obviously excitable Doberman. Upon hearing the apology, Aspen smiled and shook her head slightly; with a wave of her hand, she replied, "Oh, don't worry about it - I've got a couple of dogs at home. In all honesty, they'd probably react the same way." Observing the dog, for a moment, she smiled and added, "They'd probably get along well!" After the girl released the dog, Aspen held her hand out to shake, and said, "I'm Aspen, by the way!"

Everett Jacob Smith § The Caramel Macchiato § Tagged: N/A
Beep! Beep! Beep! An alarm sounded off loudly upon the dawn of a new hour. A muffled groan could be heard as a hand emerged from the pile of blankets that sat next to a cedarwood side table. It lazily fumbled around in search of the source of the obnoxious noise - an iPhone 11. As soon as his fingers brushed against the smooth, tile-like device, Everett tapped the screen, and suddenly, there was silence. He allowed his arm to drop to his side, dangling off the bed, as he tried to wake up completely. He had just gotten into town, the previous day; so, between the jetlag and the fact that he had stayed up fairly late to finish unpacking, he was feeling rather drained of his energy. With great reluctance, he rolled onto his back, after several minutes, and ran a hand through his soft, dirty blonde hair. Ugh, I can hardly even keep my eyes open...he thought to himself with a sigh. He reached over to the side table, once again, and grabbed his phone. He cracked his eyes open - as best as he could, anyway - to check the time. He could just barely make out the 8:12 AM that appeared on his screen. "Yeesh...I need some coffee," he then murmured to himself, his voice raspy from exhaustion.
Finally, he managed to heave himself out of bed, and headed to the bathroom to shower; after this, he threw on a black t-shirt, as well as a black hoodie, a pair of jeans, and a pair of black and white Converse. Feeling marginally more refreshed after his shower, he fed Freya, and then headed out the door in search of the nearest coffee shop or cafe. He drew in a deep breath of the fresh, crisp, slightly cool air - it was surprisingly refreshing. The tall boy already knew he would like living here, based upon first impressions.
Pet's name: Gianna
Pet's name: Fox
Pet's name: Ein

I'm Corgi Fox<3, but call me whatever you want to! ^-^ Feel free to send me a trade or PM, if you'd like! ^-^
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2 Timothy 1:7 †
These Cuppy Puppies are so cute! <3
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Credit to Cuppy Puppy Adopts ^-^
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Postby carotid » Thu Oct 01, 2020 5:59 am


male + 24 + vanilla frappe
location: out n about
tagged: open :-)


        Charlie had headed out earlier that morning after the desire for an iced chai tickled the back of his mind. While he was never really an early riser, sometimes the cravings hit just enough to make him pull himself out from under his comforter and get ready for the day. After throwing on a pair of black chinos and a red sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, he deemed his appearance good enough; while his hair was still a tousled mess just as it always seemed to be, people seemed to forget about his messy hair after looking at the rest of his put-together appearance. They'd also forget just as soon as he flashed them a sunny grin.

        He now found himself sitting at the bustling cafe with the chai of his dreams sitting in front of him. The barista added two espresso shots upon his request, and even just the mere presence of bitter espresso was almost too much for the sweet-toothed guy. Charlie flipped through the poetry novel he'd just purchased, pleased with the amount of penciled-in notes and annotations that already speckled the pages. He'd become lost in the writing, apparently, because as soon as he looked up, just about every table was full with people speaking in gentle conversation or sitting on their own, just as he was. Usually he wouldn't mind, but the amount of people made him itch. He dog eared the page of the book that he had been on, grabbed his pencil and chai, and left the coffee shop. Surely someone needed the table more than he did.

        He then took to walking down the sidewalk, inhaling the crisp air. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. The change of the seasons was upon them, and Charlie was a big fan of the fall. Especially Halloween, as much as he was against jumpscares and spooky things. Not that he'd ever admit how scared he was at haunted houses or things of the sort.


male + 21 + dark roast
location: joggin' in the city
tagged: open :-)


        Mr. Grump was up and awake after the sound of his alarm blared into his dreams. Jamison had been immersed in a happy dream, one where he was hanging out in a place with lots of sunshine and flowers, where the earth seemed to be teeming with cheeriness and blooming plants and simply the delight of life. As he was drawn back to his reality of a dark apartment with minimal furnishings and boxes piled up on top of each other, he rubbed away the happy dream from his eyes, and was faced with nothing but peeps of sun peeking through his shades.

        Each day felt the same, and it was getting sort of old. Jamison decided to move when his old city was getting too stale and one of his only friendships had gone south. The only thing driving him was his desire for new places and new things; he had become a bit of a nomad throughout cities, as he'd never felt particularly tied down to an area. He pushed aside the transparent curtains of his bedroom window and opened the blinds, allowing the sunlight to stream through and into his otherwise dark bedroom. It was too late to go for a run- as he usually preferred to go much earlier, when most people were still asleep and not traipsing the city- but his limbs begged for movement and to just get busy with doing something.

        He tossed on a t-shirt and sweats, pulling on a hoodie as well after checking the weather on his phone. After a few other hygienic things, it was off to run. The bright light of the daytime made Jamison squint when he stepped outside the apartment complex, but he already made it this far; no turning back now. He began jogging, feeling much less anxious with every step hitting the asphalt. The sunlight helped his mood lighten up, too. Maybe it would be a good day after all.
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Re: I Love You A Latte § Closed, Started!

Postby LunaClaw » Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:16 am

Rosemary Hilton/ Female/ Heterosexual/ open
Rosemary was sitting inside her house staring out the window at the street. She saw her dog Destiny staring at her. "Ok, come on girl" Rosemary says going downstairs and getting the food for her pup. Destiny was Spoiled, no spoiled was an understatement. Rosemary watched her dog eat. She then decided to go outside. She put on a coat and sunglasses hoping no one would reconize her. She had to be careful.
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Re: I Love You A Latte § Closed, Started!

Postby aquamiao » Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:30 am

Cassandra Miller - bi - 22 - Pumpkin Spice Latte - Tags: Q - Location: coffee shop

Cassandra had finished her drink pretty quickly. Mindlessly sipping away at the steamy drink as she scrolled through her social media accounts on her phone- a seemingly neverending cycle of scrolling, liking someone's post, messaging a friend, etc, etc... Before she even knew it, she had finished the whole thing. It was quite tasty while it lasted, however. It was a shame she didn't get to mingle with any new people during her time, but hey! The day was far from over, and perhaps she would swing by later for an afternoon tea.

She stood up and pushed her chair back in against the small table for two. She made sure to wipe any crumbs off the table and onto the ground with her hand- she knew she couldn't stand a messy table and was sure that others felt the same. She tossed her disposable coffee cup and the small black plastic plate into the waste bin neatly. Thanking the people working behind the counter, she made her way out of the small coffee shop- the bells on the door jingling.

After being inside a warm space for so long it only made sense that she would feel cold outside at first. She took a shuddering inhale of the sharp morning air, hunching her shoulder up close to her head so she could bury her neck and chin deeper into her orange-brown coat. She felt energized from her morning drink and wasn't ready to go home quite yet... her amber eyes scanned her surroundings for a new activity to do. Oh, the park! It was just across the street, a lovely park clad with a children's playground and a pathway paved through the cluster of trees that surrounded the playground. Cassandra had walked it a few times before- it was relaxing, and a bit romantic too- if shared with the right person. So she made her way across the busy street on the crosswalk, the park in her sight.

She stood then at the start of the short concrete trail, ready to go, but someone nearby caught her attention. A man sitting nearby on a bench- alone - who she didn't recognize. And she knew quite a few people in town, and most people knew her. After a moment of pondering on the situation, she decided to talk to him.

"Hi-hi!" She approached him with a cheerful smile and offered a friendly wave. She hoped that didn't come off as too creepy! She had people tell her previously that her confidence when starting up a conversation tended to be a little intimidating. "I don't think I've ever seen you around before! And I know people- trust me. Have you been around here before?"
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Re: I Love You A Latte § Closed, Started!

Postby inactive, » Thu Oct 01, 2020 9:02 am

cisfemale x 19 x heterosexual x tagged; lewin location; the cafe

"Lewin? Nice to meet you, and thank you for letting me pet lovely little Red here!" Kaila's voice went more high pitched as she turned her attention back to Red, as she had learned the dog's name now, continuing to pet the Irish Setter. Once she had done, she stood back up with a giggle, a bright smile on her face."Sorry about that, I love animals, especially one's as cute as yours. He did help though, I can't say I was paying much attention to where I was going and I probably would've ran straight into you!" She let out a laugh, shaking her head softly."Say, are you new in town? I can't say I recognise you, and the town's not exactly massive, I know quite a few people..." Kaila was able to get a good look at Lewin's features, he was a pretty attractive man, he could be a model."Oh, I hope I'm not disturbing you from somewhere you have to be too." Kaila was quite a people person, so it was normal for her to start up conversations with people she met, it also helped that she knew so many people too.
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