★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

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Re: ★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

Postby vampiress_fox » Sun Aug 02, 2020 10:41 am

Username: vampiress_fox
Name of cat: Lilac Purple
Sex of cat: Female
Gender of cat: Female
What is their favorite plant or plants, and why? Lilac Purple was named for her two favorite things, Lilac flowers and the color purple. She loves all purple plants, but Lilacs are a particular favorite of hers, mostly because that was what her human always kept around. She used to be the kitty-pet of a wonderful Man who owned a large Green House and Nursery, so she was able to get a lot of time with plants and learned things about them that most cats would never dream of knowing. She and her human used to do everything together and go everywhere together, but after one trip to gather new plants from the wild, she was separated from her beloved human. She had spent several days searching for him, but with them being from a different state, she doubted that she would ever find him. While inspecting a few interesting plants that were somehow thriving in the shadow of a bush, she heard the approach of a group of cats, so she decided that she might as well go out and see who they were.

Username: vampiress_fox
Name of cat: Firepatch
Sex of cat: Female
Gender of cat: Female
What is their favorite activity? Firepatch can always be found in the warmest and sunniest spot possible, generally on the beach somewhere. When not lounging in the sun, she can be found walking down the beach and watching the sun rise or set. She loves being on the beach near the water and with the sand under her paws. She loves the smell of the water, and swimming is by far a favorite activity of hers. Fish is probably one of her favorite foods and she is the best fisher in the clan. She has no qualms with wading straight out into a river to bat fish back up to the bank for her clan mates to kill. She is just as at home in the water as out of it, some might argue she is more fish than cat! She has an ambition to have a large family someday, but she is not in a hurry for such and enjoys just having fun with her family and friends.

Username: vampiress_fox
Name of cat: Waterripple
Sex of cat: Male
Gender of cat: Male
What types of injury do they help with the best, and why does this cat help? Waterripple used to be the resident cat at a vet clinic in the village that borders Hexclan land. One day he heard that the vets who owned him wanted to neuter him, and since he had been at the clinic for so long he knew what it meant. He wanted to be a dad some day and was having none of the idea, so the first chance he got he was out of the building and running for the forest. He has much experience with all types of wounds, but what he deals the best with are scratch wounds. His bedside manner is impeccable, and he has no issues with helping the medicine cat if they ask for it, though he would never become one. He works greatest with scratches because he is able to keep even pressure and to lick the wounds in a way that promotes a scab forming to stop the bleeding.

Username: vampiress_fox
Name of cat: Smokefur
Sex of cat: Male
Gender of cat: Male
What interesting experience have they had with a not-cat animal? Smokefur has spent most of his life traveling, making friends wherever he goes but not staying there for very long. He has not thought long about settling down, but he is starting to think that the traveling life is no longer for him. He has started thinking about all the places he had been. How he had met several pretty kind dogs in various two-leg settlements he has been to, how he has met a few foxes and badgers that has changed his opinion on the creatures that most cats call enemy, and the multitude of cats that he has met; some good and some not so much. But none of them can compare with the time that he met a penguin at a local zoo that he had gotten lost inside. He was looking for a cool spot to rest on an abnormally hot winter's day when he saw the huge icy rocks in the exhibit. He did not know what was going on, but he took the chance to cool off a bit. There were about a dozen different penguins in the exhibit, but the most interesting one to him was a penguin with wild eye-brows (a macaroni penguin). He settled in next to the creature and struck up a conversation. Even with the language barrier, he was able to gather a few interesting stories of various zoos they had stayed at and the various creatures that they had seen.
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Re: ★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

Postby sharklord » Sun Aug 02, 2020 3:57 pm

Username: sharpshooter.
Name of cat: Sunpool
Sex of cat: Female
Gender of cat: Female
What is their favorite activity? Sunpool enjoys playing with the kits of the clan, giving their parents a well-needed break and giving the molly a chance to have fun. Even though it had been moons since the calico had been a kit, she still enjoys playing games and finds that no matter how old she is, the kits are always happy to play with her.

One of the most common games Sunpool and the kits play is called Takeover. Sunpool and a few kittens will guard a rock, piece of moss, or a feather while the rest of the kittens try and take over. If the kittens can get the object to their base, they win, but if Sunpool's team capture the leader, they win. Sunpool will always make sure the team with the younger kittens win, but gives encouragement to the older kits, giving them tips on how to improve. This has made the molly a popular cat in the clan, and Sunpool is glad she has so many cats who love her.

Username: sharpshooter.
Name of cat: Azuremoon
Sex of cat: Male
Gender of cat: Male
What types of injury do they help with the best, and why does this cat help? Even though Azuremoon did not join HazelClan with the purpose of being a healer, the young tom soon found himself helping the healers on their busiest days. Taking on the role of a nurse of sorts, Azuremoon often dressed shallow cuts and scratches from patrols and on rough-housing kits. This surprised the Clan at first, as Azuremoon was not the type of cat to help others. The blue tabby was brisk and quiet, keeping to himself and only speaking when he felt it was needed, never going out of his way to help his clanmates. Still, the cats of HazelClan talked about it for a few days, then promptly forgot all about it. That is until Cherrykit was heard telling her mother about how nice the warrior was, and how she felt sorry for him.

"Why do you feel sorry for him, dear?" Cardinalflight asked absently, barely paying attention to her daughter.

"Last time he helped me out, he told me about his sisters! They got into loads of trouble when they were my age, and he learned the best ways to make them feel better! I feel sad 'cause he isn't with his sisters anymore. I know I would be sad if I didn't have my littermates!" Cherrykit chirped.

"Oh, that's nice dear," Cardinalflight responded, too absorbed with cleaning her face to really hear what Cherrykit had said.

Unlike Cardinalflight though, other mothers in the nursery were listening. Rosestar peered through the nursery entrance thoughtfully, her gaze resting on Azuremoon. Ashenclaw looked up sharply and beckoned the kitten to her.

"Do you know why?" The bicolor molly asked.

"He said something about the Twolegs and his sisters being taken away! Will I be taken away?"

Ashenclaw shook her head. "Of course not, don't be ridiculous! We aren't anywhere near Twolegs, Cherrykit."

And with that, Azuremoon's story had reached HazelClan's queen of gossip. Although not an interesting story, Azuremoon's history spread like wildfire through the clan. The young tom was uncomfortable for a few days with the sympathetic looks he was getting from the young mollies in the clan, but after everything died down, Azuremoon found himself closer with the Clan, often seen helping the healers with their duties.

These got longer as I wrote them, but I'm tired so the writing may not be the best! good luck to everyone <3

TW: Snakes wrote:Username: sharpshooter.
Name of cat: Snakewhisper
Sex of cat: Female
Gender of cat: Non-Binary
What interesting experience have they had with a not-cat animal? Echo wandered around the forest, wary of many scents flooding the air. Cat-scent, prey-scent, even the faint scent of a fox was present, and Echo only really wanted an encounter with one of those things. It had been quite a while since they had eaten, and the fresh scent of a young squirrel was too hard to resist. Dropping into a crouch, the young cat crept towards the source of the freshest smell; a rustling bush.

Echo pushed off their hindlegs, claws extended, soaring towards the bush. A squeak and a satisfying thump told Echo all they needed to know. The squirrel was caught.

Sighing happily, Echo nipped the squirrel on the back of its neck and picked it up, turning to head back to their makeshift home, only to pause and almost drop their prey. Sitting in their path was a good-sized snake, tongue flicking with interest.

Echo's eyes darted around, looking frantically for a way to escape, only to jump when a soft, slurred voice rang in their ears.

"Do not fear, prey-hunter."

Echo stared at the snake in shock. "Was that...?" They blinked, trailing off.

"Indeed. I come not for you nor your prey, though it does smell quite tasty." The snake hissed in an odd whisker-chuckle. "No, I only come with a message. You are to make your way to the tall rocks and climb them. There your destiny awaits. As long as you follow your path, no harm shall come to you, but stray, and you will be filled with misery." Will another soft hiss-chuckle, the snake slithered away, disappearing into a nearby bush.

Echo sat there for what felt like a moon before coming to their senses. "Might a well..." They chuckled and glanced up at the tall rocks. "Guess I should eat before I go." And Echo tucked into the squirrel, finishing it quickly and setting off on a strange journey to their destiny.

They arrived at nightfall, pushing their way into a bustling camp. A big cat with ginger fur, the closest to the entrance, turned to look at them, claws sliding out in preparation to attack. "Halt!" The tom ordered.

Echo winced away from the large tom, muttering quickly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you all were here, I was told to come here.."

Echo's frantic apologies were cut short as a powerful molly strode towards them.

"You have no need to fear. Gingerface can get out of hand sometimes. My name is Rosestar, and I'm the leader of this group. May I ask what your name is?"

Echo gulped. "Echo."

Rosestar dipped her head in greetings. "Welcome Echo. This is HazelClan, a group of cats who work together to survive. If you wish, you are welcome to join us."

The cat paused, thinking over everything that had happened in the crazy day. "Sure."

Rosestar purred and guided the loner to a corner of the camp, where they sat and chatted, Echo sharing the story of the way the had found the camp. During their storytelling, a few other cats had followed their leader and sat, listening intently to Echo's story.

A longhaired tabby spoke up when Echo finished. "That sounds quite interesting! I've never heard of a cat and snake conversing before." She mewed softly.

Echo nodded. "I was quite surprised myself."

Rosestar stood with a chuckle and yawned. "Well Echo, that's definitely a strange story. If you'd like, I'll get your ceremony done now so you can get what sounds like some much-needed rest." The tortoiseshell offered, smiling at Echo's quick nod.

As Rosestar called the cats of the Clan together, Echo fidgeted nervously at the base of the rock. They hoped this was the path they were destined for.

"Tonight we are joined by a cat who has seen something almost no other cat will see in their lifetime. Echo was brought here by a message delivered by a snake, leading them to us. Tonight, I ask our ancestors to look upon this cat and give them their blessing. Echo, from now on you will be known as Snakewhisper. May our ancestors guide your path into one of happiness and health."
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Postby Katrione » Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:10 pm

      Please DM all of your entries to Simonpet directly! We don't want the studs getting lost!

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Re: ★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

Postby Simonpet » Sun Aug 02, 2020 5:23 pm

sugar and spice and everything nice!
CLAN Forestclan
CAT BEING BRED Argusclaw (Aa / bb1 / CC / Dd / LL / McMc / mkmk / oY / ww)
YOUR FAVORITE SWEET TREAT? I don't really have one! I love napoleon cake, apple pie, some ice creams, and most dark chocolate. Everything else is enjoyable but doesn't really makes me go ohmygosh I'll DIE without it.

Side note, it's very nice to see my event kitties getting some love. <3 Like kat said, it might be a better idea to PM the entries/links to me so that we don't bury the studs! an oversight of mine, apologies
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Re: ★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

Postby Katrione » Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:37 am

      Hey! The staff has decided to allow people to claim a second stud slot! However, they will require more posts than the first slot. If the stud requires 2 posts initally, you need 4 additional posts (6 total). if the stud requires 3 posts initially, you need 6 additional posts (9 total). This is to ensure that everyone has a chance to get at least one stud slot, and promotes participation at the gathering.
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Re: ★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

Postby chaotic creativity » Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:46 am

he got white paint on his toesies
Username: sharpiesandhamilton
Clan: chessclan
Cat being bred (please include their genotype): tectonicmarch (Ll, BB, XOXo, Dd, Aa, McMc, WsWs)
If your cat was an artist, what medium(s) would they use and why? Clay. Tectonic is very messy and would often throw it around, hitting it on a wall and saying whatever shape it took was her masterpiece.
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Re: ★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

Postby bsktcase » Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:53 am

USERNAME bsktcase
CLAN Sloughclan
CAT BEING BRED Silentrapid LL / BB / dd / aa / WsWs
Silentrapid is a very stern looking cat but he can be gentle, so he would break the ice like this;
As he took a look around the gathering he spotted a she-cat who looked nervous. Padding up to her he gave her a soft smile "Hello my names Silentrapid." he mewed. Sitting down in front of her. "I noticed you looked slightly nervous to be her. Don't worry this place is safe." he said the smile growing on his face. Giving her a gentle nudge "Come on I can help show you around if you want?".
❝ And I lost you
The one I was dancin' with
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Looked up at the sky
and it was maroon
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Re: ★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

Postby Ariento » Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:21 am

bsktcase wrote:USERNAME bsktcase
CLAN Sloughclan
CAT BEING BRED Silentrapid LL / BB / dd / aa / WsWs
Silentrapid is a very stern looking cat but he can be gentle, so he would break the ice like this;
As he took a look around the gathering he spotted a she-cat who looked nervous. Padding up to her he gave her a soft smile "Hello my names Silentrapid." he mewed. Sitting down in front of her. "I noticed you looked slightly nervous to be her. Don't worry this place is safe." he said the smile growing on his face. Giving her a gentle nudge "Come on I can help show you around if you want?".

Alina appreciates Silentrapid's gentleness, and accepts his offer to show her around the Gathering.
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Re: ★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

Postby ponz » Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:29 am

he got white paint on his toesies
Username: ponz
Clan: Golden Kingdom
Cat being bred (please include their genotype): Koi's Scales (ll, BB, XOXo, Dd, aa, McMc, WsWs, AcAc)
If your cat was an artist, what medium(s) would they use and why? Koi would definitely be interested in watercolor! She is a bit of a disaster when it comes to going with the flow, so an art form that requires extensive planning ahead of time to achieve the right colors and control paint bleeding would give her the structure she needs for success!
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Re: ★ CAC Fanclub V.4 ★

Postby amethyst14 » Mon Aug 03, 2020 7:36 am

    ...the baron is the obvious choice...
    CLAN The Neighborhood
    CAT BEING BRED Ryne- LL, bb, dd, aa, Ccs

    HOW DO YOU GET BARON'S ATTENTION Ryne stares at the tom and when he looks over she will pass a wink at him. She smiles and moves towards him, lifting her tail in greeting as she drew closer to him. And then she lay on the charm of being overly friendly.
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