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Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

❝ storm's end ❞ 001

Postby eagle, » Mon Jan 13, 2020 8:24 am

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ( ❝ OURS IS THE FURY ❞ ) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
total 3 : ♂ 3 ♀ 0 nb 0 | servings 2 (+7) | ancestral request : n/a | font credit : xx

indentrain dripped from storm's whiskers, and his fur was heavy, slicked back to his body. wind pulled at his ears and tried to sway him off of his course, but the prince could only walk forward to where he could make out a crowd gathered at the top of the ridge. voices carried on the wind, and storm could only push forward, lowering his head and gritting his teeth on his ascent, though he could not be so easily swayed away. storm that stirs sea had always been known for his stubbornness, and he would not be so easily dissuaded by a bit of poor weather: it was nothing that he hadn't seen before.
indentwhen the wind shifted, bringing with it more rain that poured down again, drenching storm to the bone and sending darts of water directly into his eyes, he fought to maintain his grip. his claws dug into the ground, and he set his jaw. with each step he took, he could have sworn that the crowd came no closer. if anything, with each step, the crowd moved two steps back, further and further away from him. in the back of his mind, storm longed for the warmth of his nest back home, the sound of crow's gentle breathing as he slept, but he knew that this was too important to miss, and that he could only move forward. in that moment, home seemed a far way away, and storm could finally make out a single voice lifted above the others that crowded around at the edge of the world, above the crashing of waves as the ocean raged far below them, above the whipping winds and torrential rain. a single voice booming loud for all of those who came close to hear; the voice of one who mattered, who knew that he mattered: he who command the storm itself if he used even an ounce of the power thrumming in his paws.
indentthe crowd, upon a first glance, was a mismatched group of cats. it was a group of strangers with strange faces, none of whom storm had ever met before. ocean spray hung lazily in the air, crawling across the cats' paws, and seemed to create a barrier to separate storm from the strangers. though their pelts hung from their shoulders, their fur sodden with rain, though none appeared particularly bothered by the weather that stirred above them. though one of the cats turned to face storm upon his approach, all eyes snapped to the cat at the highest point of the rise from where he stood tall, his tail lifted to the brewing heavens. when lighting flashed over the ocean, his silhouette appeared even larger than ever before, and storm's paws stilled from the awe that pressed tight against his chest. though it hadn't crossed his mind before, storm knew that this was the cat he was searching for.
indentthe cat was an imposing figure from where he stood above his listeners, above the ocean, at the point where the world ended, where the ground rose to touch the sky and slice into the gray clouds. even with his fur plastered against his body and his face was obscured in darkness, storm knew that the tom was older, had been around for many seasons and had many stories to tell. and tell he did, with his voice raised above the chaos, though he didn't sound particularly bothered, and storm envied his nonchalance in the face of the strong winds that did their best to try and whisk him off his feet.
indent"- these enemies think that they can control us with fear," the massive tom was saying. his mighty tail lashed and he paused long enough to pace several steps over, and all eyes followed each ripple of his muscles. storm blinked rain out of his eyes and dug his claws into the ground when the wind picked up again, stronger than before. another gust blew, and another, and another, stronger with each iteration. "however, we all know what has happened. we all know that we have prevailed. anyone who has tried to destroy storm's end has failed. and they will continue to fail, i tell you, for this is merely a fact. storm's end is stronger than the insurgents that dare to threaten us, and we all know who truly belong here. this land is ours. this ocean is ours. this sky is ours. it all belongs to storm's end."
indentstorm's end... it was not a group that storm was familiar with. but he had brought here for a reason, had traveled all the way until his muscles ached and he no longer knew what it was like to not shiver from the cold wind that blew through his soaked fur. he tasted salt on his tongue, felt his burn his eyes, but it was only when the tom's eyes landed on him, peering through the crowd until he stared at storm finally unnerved the prince. it was only when his pelt prickled that storm realized that it was not just the leader that stared at him, but the rest of the crowd, who had turned to examine him, to look him up and down and see him for who he was. even when there was no light shining down on them, their eyes glowed and flashed with lighting that struck not the land or sea, but something deep within the cats, and storm bristled uneasily, able to only turn back to the tom at the front of the crowd when he pressed further, pacing back to his original place.
indent"we stand together, storm's end, as one. and, as we stand together, there is no one who could ever take us down. remember that, and feel no fear," the tom said, and storm watched in stunned silence when another flash of lightning set the sight ablaze for just a moment, and then plummeted the group back into darkness. again, another flash brought light and the deep rumbling from the clouds overhead that shook the entire cliff. then more darkness. it was when the third flash of lighting hit that storm saw it glide through the crowd, faster than any cat could possibly move, not running, but gliding. it looked like a cloud, perhaps, but also like a dark cat, not unlike crow, but paler, larger, and so much faster. in a blink, the light gave way to darkness and the form had gone from storm's sight, but there was no missing the scream that came from the front of the crowd, lifted on the rush of wind. where the great tom once stood, there was nothing.
indentcats rushed forward, others held them back to save them from the same fate as their leader who, only a heartbeat earlier, proclaimed that they could not be touched. horror met awe in storm's head, and he finally found it within himself take a step back. a shout proclaimed that the king had fallen to the ocean, and prince storm turned tail and fled. he felt eyes baring into his back, but these cats were not his own. he was not one of them, and they were not like him.
indentstill, their voices pounded into his head, calling his name. storm, one called to him. storm, whispered another. storm, storm, storm, storm -
indentthen, louder than the rest: "storm!" came the hiss, and storm jolted upright in his nest. his pelt was shockingly dry, and he blinked around his own familiar den. he took in the sights he knew better than any other, from the smooth floor, to the pile of extra moss and feathers kept in the corner for the colder night. though salt still stuck in his nose and on his tongue, storm swallowed the taste down when he took in the sight of crow flying at dusk staring at him, his usually warm yellow eyes wide with fear and uncertainty. it was only when storm turned to him that crow tipped his head to one side and his shoulders fell to lax. "hey, hey, storm. you were thrashing in your sleep again. it must've been a bad nightmare," he said, and storm blinked at crow for a long moment before blowing out a long exhale.
indent"yeah, yeah, a nightmare," storm said. from outside of the den, he heard the sound of rain beating down against the ground, and crow's ears twitched expectantly.
indent"do you want to talk about it?" he asked, and storm finally softened, leaning forward to lean against crow. though the other tom was smaller than storm, wiry where storm had broad shoulders, the dark tom supported his weight and let out a musical purr. "whatever it is, it's over now. you're okay."
indent"i know," storm rumbled, taking the moment to close his eyes and rub his cheek against crow's fur, taking in the warmth of his fur. "it was nothing, i don't need to talk about it. i'm sorry for waking you. we should go back to sleep." as with each time, he felt crow stiffen with hesitance, because that's how he was, always believing that they should talk and examine every thought that crossed their minds. but, before crow could say anything, storm pulled him back down into the nest, resting his chin on crow's head and wrapping his tail around him. crow let out a muffled laugh, but storm hushed him. "really, i'm just tired. go back to sleep, i'll tell you about it tomorrow."
indentcrow shifted, jabbing his paw into storm's side, who grunted in kind. "that's what you always say, and then you never tell me anything."
indentstorm smiled and made room for crow, letting him get the space he needed to get comfortable. "i'll tell you this one tomorrow. it was a strange one." crow let out another laugh, but already storm felt himself be pulled down into sleep. with crow's paw pushed into his ribs and his fur tickling under storm's nose, the prince settled and felt at peace, despite whatever dreams came to him.

indenthowever, when storm opened his eyes in the morning, there was no time to tell crow about his nightmare. dreams aside, it had been a peaceful night before, but duties intruded, as sunlight peeked through the entrance to the prince's den, and a shadow lay across the ground just outside, clearly waiting for storm with some piece of news. storm sighed, reluctant to join the activity when the dregs of sleep clung to his whiskers, when crow was still sleeping so peacefully, small puffs of air coming from his nose. at last, storm rose from the nest, careful not to jostle crow, and he turned to leave the den, only to turn back to crow at the last moment and press his forehead to the dark tom's flank. when crow didn't stir, storm let out a quiet chuckle. "i love you," he whispered, but crow's breathing remained slow and steady in his sleep. a smile curved onto storm's maw. "i've been wanting to try and say it for a while now. i love you," he said again. in the moment, there was no consequence, not when crow was still asleep. at last, storm straightened and cast crow one last glance before leaving the den, to find one of his mother's queensguard waiting there for him.
indent"prince storm," the massive molly said when storm ducked out from his den, tipping his head to her in acknowledgement. even at his tallest, risen up to full height, storm could not match up to his mother's chosen guard, and quail was the largest, as well as his mother's most trusted. if the queen sent quail nesting in tree to summon storm, he could only think that this business was particularly important. "you mother sent me to gather you as soon as you were awake," quail said, her eyes darting towards the trees that surrounded the glade's camp. already, the sun was rising to crest over the tops of the trees, and storm had to stamp down on the smile that threatened to form, instead steeling his practiced look of impasse.
indent"i suppose she thought that i would be awake earlier, then," storm said wryly. quail's tight smile was good enough of an answer, surprisingly warm and tender in the moment, even as one who had watched the young prince grow up over the moons, closer to the ruling family than many others as a result of her station beside the queen. storm's whiskers twitched and he nodded to the queensguard. "alright, well, i'm awake now. shall we?" quail nodded, just once, at that, and together they weaved through the activity of the camp to where his parents shared a den in the secluded corner.
indentthe glade was normally a bustle of activity as the cats worked, going about their days. though the glade was neither a clan, or a tribe, they conducted themselves quite similarly to the other collectives of wild cats. they were led under storm's mother, the queen, lily at pond's edge, but any attempt at organization did not go much further than that. there was no formal mentorship for training, but younger cats sought out more experienced cats when they were old enough to leave their mother's side, patrols were organized by any cat who joined one, and the cats shared what they brought back. borders were loosely secured, and cats were free to come and go as they pleased, being forced out only if they dared to cause trouble that stayed the flow of activity that the rest of the cats fell into upon entering the glade. surprisingly, it worked, and cats trusted the system. all were fed come night, and it was rare that cats left by their own volition, instead enjoying the loose structure and peaceful rhythm that came. the queen treated anyone who was ill or injured, and, in turn, many cats grew exceptionally loyal to the queen and her family, and were rewarded with unofficial guard status in turn. it was a simple way of life, and it worked for them.
indentwhen quail nodded storm into the den, storm ducked under the hanging moss that grew over the mouth of the entrance, and his mother's voice sounded out at the sight of her only kit, her only heir. "thank you for coming, storm," she said, and the young tom was immediately struck by how tired his mother sounded, how exhausted she looked as she sat in her nest. his father was no where to be seen, and lily must have caught storm's searching glance, as she let out a long, drawn-out sigh. "i told him to go check the borders," she said, which only sent a prickle down storm's spine.
indent"mother, what is it?" he asked, padding forward until she reached out a paw to touch against his chest, stopping him in his tracks. "what's wrong?" he thought of his father out on the borders, where his mother would never normally send a cat.
indent"you should take crow, go out for the day," lily replied tiredly. "go out onto the land, patrol the far borders... put some space between yourselves and the camp." storm's brow furrowed, it didn't make any sense. he thought of how many cats had been in the camp when quail led him to his mother, of how quail had been sitting outside of his den, waiting for him for most of the morning. he thought of why his mother might want him to be out of camp with crow, why she would send his father, her mate, from the camp. storm tried again to approach his mother, but lily's eyes closed tightly, shutting out her only kit. "storm, i'm ordering you and crow to leave for a patrol, and not to come back until nightfall, no matter what you hear," she said, but before storm even had the chance to argue, a shout went up from the opposite end of camp, and lily's eyes flew open. she rose to her paws, and quail entered the den, looking to the queen. another member of the guard stood behind her, blocking the entrance with broad shoulders and thick fur. still, lily looked to her son.
indent"my queen," quail said, her voice pulled taunt with what storm realized, in a cold flash, was fear. "the scout spotted their first line. they're here."
indentto storm, lily growled. "storm, do as i say. get crow and leave. in case anything happens... you're the prince, you can't be lost. you need to lead."
indentbut storm was speaking over her, just as another yowl sounded from the camp, closer this time, and quail shouted for the queen. "i don't understand. who is here? i will fight, mother, i will -"
indent"no!" lily shouted over her guard and son, lashing her tail. "you are going to leave" she stalked forward, pushing against her son, pushing, pushing, pushing, until they were out into the clearing. but when they both turned, it was clear that it was too late, that they were already thrust into the heat of battle. there was a whirl of fur and claws, the surge of the fighting nearing ever closer as quail's companion launched himself at another massive tabby, knocking him over, but a passing cat streaked past, raking claws into the guard's side, and he let out a screech of pain. quail made for the cat, but was bowled over by another invader, and storm braced himself, bunching his muscles to pounce, but then his mother's pale fur collided with the stranger. she twisted, biting and slashing. "get crow!" she shouted to storm, letting out a cry of pain when teeth sunk into her ear. in response, she kicked, sending her attacker reeling, giving the queen just enough time to shout again. "go, storm! NOW!" and it was all the prince could do to turn tail, with the hope that quail could help his mother and that he would be able to make it through the fighting, back to his den, or to find crow in the meantime.
indenthe made it only a pawful of steps before a smoky tom lunged into his path, teeth bared, and storm lashed out, rearing back onto his hindlegs to match his attacker. for a moment, they remained locked together, wrestling to push the other down. however, as the blood roared in his ears, storm felt his grip on the ground loosening, saw the other cat's grin when he knew that he had the advantage. only at the last minute, when storm felt his balance wobble, the cat let out an affronted yowl, and storm collapsed onto four paws when the tom crashed to the ground. a brown tabby who was vaguely familiar to storm as a new arrival to the glade had knocked the tom's paws out from under him, and gave storm the chance to rake his claws into the tom's side. the large cat scrambled to his paws just after the brown tabby bit at his tail, running off in the opposite direction. storm heaved, and the tabby offered him a nod, which storm returned. "i need to get to the other side of camp," storm managed to tell the tabby, who looked in the direction of storm's den. the tabby's expression tightened, but before he had the chance to say anything, however, another voice interjected, raising about the sounds of battle:
indent"rock, high left incoming!" came the shout, and the tabby didn't hesitate, whirling around and striking out just in time to send the attacker reeling back. the voice came again, closer. "watch your back!" and storm turned on his heels just in time to watch another cat rear back to bring him paws down on storm, but a black cat came charging forward, only to drop his shoulder at the last minute and barrel into the cat. the black cat was quick on his toes, pinning the stranger down and biting his shoulder until a defeated shout came out, and the black tom released him, just in time for storm to kick at a scarred muzzle that came too close, baring yellowed teeth.
indent"night, we need to get him across camp," the brown tabby said, and the black cat - rock and night, storm pieced together - looked at storm with wide eyes.
indent"that's a no-go, fighting's thick over there," night said, but rock shrugged and storm lashed his tail.
indent"my friend's over there. i need to get him," storm said, and night's eyes flicked to storm first, then to rock.
indentsomething invisible must have passed between the pair of toms, as night shrugged at last and nodded to rock. "you have more experience than i do," he said. "your call."
indent"i'll take front, you cover the back," rock said, then looking to storm. "this friend better be worth it," he said, but storm said nothing. with that, the three fell into formation. rock, at the head at the three, knocked away cats, storm slashed at anyone who tried to come close from their flanks, and night bared his teeth when a cat tried to catch them from the back. like that, they made good progress, bunched together to protect all side. however, like night said, the fighting seemed to have come to a head, and it was difficult to make out pelts in the knot of fighting.
indent"crow!" he shouted, hoping that some saving grace would let him be heard above the rest of the fighting. "crow!" but there was no sign of his familiar pelt, no sign of the cat storm loved so dearly. it was only when he thought he might have caught sight of his friend that storm made a dash for it, deaf to night's indignant shout at his back. but then the tide of the fighting shifted again, the pelt lost to the fray. the next thing storm knew, rock's voice came from above the battle screeches, but it was too late. when storm turned, it was only to watch the paw come directly towards him, knocking him sideways and sending the world spinning. the ground was soaked red, the grass torn by claws, and then storm smelled salt, felt the ocean spray against his fur. and then the world went dark.

indentstorm felt like he was floating, drifting. he was one with the waves from his dreams, moving in and out with the tide that pushed and pulled. and while he floated, images and sounds drifted into and out of his consciousness. the cloud of shadow that carried on the wind from his nightmare, pained screeches, crow's laugh and the feeling of his shoulder pressed against storm's. he saw his mother claw an attacker, saw quail be tackled by a cat who matched her side. he heard the cat from his dreams shout above a raging torrent of rain, calling for the rise of storm's end, and, weaved among it all, he heard a pair of voices, clearer and more immediate than the rest:
indent"- and are you sure he's still breathing?"
indent"he keeps mumbling, of course he's still breathing," the other voice answered, and storm sloshed through the tar of the darkness that addled his mind until he realized that he was him, and that the voices were talking about him. "storm's end... he keeps mentioning storm's end." the second voice said. the first voice grunted, and storm felt, distantly, the feeling of solid ground under his back, the scratch of a rock piercing into his pelt.
indentthen, at last, the world under storm's back stilled again, and the first voice came back, breathless. "no one's talked about storm's end in seasons. everyone knows they haven't been around in ages. what would he know about storm's end?"
indent"apparently something," the second voice mused, and storm had the notion that he knew these voices. they were not strangers to him. if only he could open his eyes. there was the sound of rustling, and the voice piped up again: "we need to keep moving, you saw what happened. we're not safe here."
indent"then maybe if you helped me carry him a little bit -"
indent"you told me to be lookout!" the voices argued. "he could be dying, and then we're going to get caught, and i'm going through this again -"
indentstorm wanted to tell them that he wasn't dead, that he wasn't dying. that he was fine, and would be fine if he could swim his way out of the stretch of darkness. he urged his eyes to open, but found that it was impossible. there was only one thing that he wanted among the flashing images and voices: "crow." and, immediately, the other voices fell silent for a long moment.
indentthen, at last: "move over," the second voice said. "i'll get his scruff, let's keep moving." then he felt teeth piece into his scruff, and he was lifted into darkness. there was the sound of pawsteps, but they fell away into the distance, floating out of reach, and storm was left to drift again.

indenthe didn't know how much time had passed when storm opened his eyes, but the sky was dark, with only a bright sliver of moon to light the world. for a long moment, it was all the prince could do to blink up at the moon and listen to the wind rustle the leaves of trees somewhere nearby, somewhere behind him. what jarred him, however, was the sound of the ocean, of waves smacking against a cliff, that he would know anywhere. the dream came back to him: the wind and rain, the shadow, the booming voice, the eyes that pierced into his fur. it had to be connected somehow, he knew it.
indent"you're awake." storm felt a pulse of adrenaline run through him, and he sat upright, spinning to face a brown tabby, his green eyes dull in the darkness. at storm's urgency, rock merely flicked his ear. "night wasn't sure if you were going to make it for a while there, but we managed to get you out of the fighting. we should be safe here for a while."
indentstorm stared at him for a long moment. "what happened?" he asked the obvious question, ignoring the dryness of his throat and the tightness of his muscles. rock's fur appeared to be plastered with dried blood, and the battle came back to storm in full-force, nearly rocking him off of his paws. he turned his face away from rock, only to find where night was curled a short distance away, his nose tucked under his tail.
indent"he's a heavy sleeper," rock supplied, and storm dared to look at the tabby again. "you said that we needed to find your friend, and then you took off into the middle of the fighting. night said he saw you get knocked down and we got you out of the middle of it all. but you wouldn't wake up." rock wasn't a thickset cat, but in the moonlight, there was no mistaking the strength in the set of his shoulders, in the shape of his head. he was a strong cat, young in his moons, but there was a wistfulness in his eyes that told storm that rock had seen enough for his life. "we held off a few of the cats for as long as we could, thinking that maybe you would get up. but... it wasn't looking good. there were too many, and too many of the glade cats were retreating or were already gone. we had to get out of there." then silence, and storm felt sick to his stomach. crow.
indent"did you see a dark cat? he's not big, but he has yellow eyes, and -" storm began, but the look on rock's face stilled his tongue. even if he had seen crow, it wasn't like rock or night would have known him if they ran directly into him. storm steeled himself and leveled his gaze at rock again. "why'd you help me?" he asked, and rock's eyes drifted to night.
indent"we weren't at the glade long. we were part of a tribe but... well, not everything can last forever. but an attack like that, in the middle of the day like that... of course we helped you," rock said, and he flicked his tail. "we weren't there long, but it was nice, and i recognized that you were the prince, right?" when storm nodded, rock blew out a breath. "right, so... it's kind of our job to protect you, wasn't it?"
indent"my mother... it's probably too much to hope that she's alive, isn't it?" storm asked, and this time rock dipped his head.
indent"the fighting got bad. like i said, there were too many already gone for us to risk staying. taking you with us, that was already a risk." he paused and tipped his head towards the sky. "i'm sorry, but it didn't seem like a lot of cats were making it out of there alive." but of them turned at the sound of movement, and night sniffed, shuffling for a moment before his eyes blinked open. he blinked at rock first, then his green eyes flicked towards storm.
indent"well, aren't you a sight," night mumbled, his voice still thick with sleep when he found his paws and shook out his dark fur. in the dim moonlight, night was a walking shadow when he crossed towards the other pair of tom, and storm took in the slight limp, the way he favored his left side, his right shoulder still bleeding. a look passed between rock and night, with rock's expression opening for the dark tom, who merely shook his head slightly.
indent"i know herbs," storm interjected. "it's the least i could for you two helping me."
indentit was only much later, by the time dawn began to paint the sky in softer shades and the moon traded its place with the sun, that storm had finished applying herbs and cobwebs to their injuries. more than once, night dozed off again, and storm didn't miss the way rock fought to keep his eyes open. it was during one of the times when night fell asleep that storm looked up from where he was pressing cobwebs into rock's side. "i just... wanted to say thank you for helping me, you didn't have to," storm said, and rock's laugh was dry and humorless, but not unkind.
indent"sure we did," rock said. "i'm not exactly in the business of leaving cats behind for dead, not when i can try to help them. and night... even if he wouldn't say it, he feels the same way too." as if in response, night shifted in his sleep. "i'm sorry we couldn't get to your friend but... he could still be out there." at that, storm managed a tight smile.
indent"i guess so. crow... he's always been a survivor, i suppose. i can keep my hope," storm said, though his heart clenched with despair, his brain telling him that, just as much as it could be true that crow had survived, the opposite was likely even more true. it was enough to break his heart.
indentthere was a long beat of silence before rock spoke again, wincing minutely when storm pressed more cobwebs to a slash across his cheek. "when you were out, you kept mumbling storm's end. why?" rock asked, and storm paused, hesitating before blowing out a breath.
indent"i had a dream, and this one cat was standing on a cliff, talking to a crowd. he kept talking about his tribe, and he kept calling it storm's end. and he died, fell into the ocean. i don't know, it was a strange dream so i guess it was just fresh in my mind, i don't know." storm paused again when rock pulled away from him, fixing him with a quizzical expression. "what?"
indentrock furrowed his brow. "when we first lost our tribe, night and i heard a story from a loner about an ancient tribe that lived not too far from where we are now. one of their kings supposedly fell into the ocean while giving a speech. i haven't heard the story again since... how would you know about it?"
indent"i don't... i don't know," storm said, and he and rock stared at one another for a long moment. nearby, night stirred in his sleep again, turning over, but neither of them looked towards them. "could it be a coincidence that i had the dream and we were attacked in the same day?" storm asked, and rock didn't need to say anything, his expression was enough. "if storm's end didn't used to be that far from here, we could go there. check it out... maybe there's something there. even just somewhere to stay and get some rest so we won't be out in the open," storm said. rock prodded night until the other tom opened his eyes, blinking against the pale dawn light.
indent"c'mon," rock urged. "we're moving."

indentas much as storm would like to think that it was just a dream, that the images conjured in his sleep were just that, awe settled in the pit of his stomach as they crested the final rise towards the height of the cliff. rock and night had led the way for most of the trip, talking about how they had traveled there before before they found the glade. there were no cats in sight, no scent markers to tell where a tribe should be, as storm felt his hope waver: there was nothing here for them, so sign that he wished to appear. however, just as he thought that they should turn around, he tasted the salt and recognized the path he walked in his dream, the scene recreated before his eyes in the waking world.
indentwith a clear sky overhead and without the rain battering his body, storm had the thought that it was beautiful. storm heard night call out to him when he picked up the pace, first walking faster, then sprinting forward up the path. here, he thought as he slowed again at the top, was the crowd. and there, he thought as he moved even further up the rise, was where the king stood before he was blown away.
indent"the story goes that storm's end was ruled by kings and queens," rock said when he and night had caught up to storm. together, they stood together at the edge of the world, the ocean churning so far down below them.
indent"i'm a prince," storm said, and it was not rock, but night, who spoke next, taking a setp back from the edge so that he could look up at storm.
indent"now you're a king, if you'll take it," night said, and storm looked back from night and rock to the stretch of open water before him, as far as his eyes could see. he could feel the pulse of the sea, felt the power traveling up the cliff, rippling into his muscles as the trio of driven out, ragged cats stood together where ground and sky met. he thought of the glade, of the cats that had fallen. he thought of the wounds that night and rock bore, of his mother. he thought of his father, of quail, of the rest of them. he thought of crow, and his eyes fell shut when the ocean spray splashed up when another wave crashed into the cliff.
indent"king," he whispered to himself. "the king of storm's end."

consumption fasting post 1
added cats rock & night xx
hunting rock and night
border patrol rock and night
herb hunting storm looks for herbs


      KING ⎯⎯
      ↳ storm that stirs sea
      storm, 24m, ♂

      HEIR ⎯⎯
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender

      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender

      HEAD SQUALL ⎯⎯
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      CYCLONES ⎯⎯
      ↳ night that falls upon forests
      night, 20m, ♂
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      SQUALLS ⎯⎯
      ↳ rock that breaks ground
      rock, 29m, ♂
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      STRIKES ⎯⎯
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      SKIES & CLOUDS ⎯⎯
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender

      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      ↳ full name
      called, age, gender
      ↳ full name

          MENTORS ⎯⎯
          MEDICINE ⎯⎯
          borage x1
          catmint x1
          cobwebs x1
          marigold x1
          poppy seeds x1

          DECEASED ⎯⎯

          FAMILY TREES ⎯⎯
          PREY PILE ⎯⎯
          mice, x0, 1 serving
          voles, x0, 1 serving
          rabbits, x0, 2 servings
          squirrels, x0, 2 servings
          hares, x0, 3 servings
          big fish, x0, 3 servings
          total: 0 servings
          ALLIES ⎯⎯

          ENEMIES ⎯⎯

          BORDERS ⎯⎯
          north, isle of the withered fangs, stormt4lon
          north-west, house phantasmic, [kat]
          west, tribe of darkest waters, inky
          south, tribe of hidden shadows, [kat]
          south-west, purity of the lemurs, sharpie
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Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Postby Bluey, » Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:16 am

Tribe of Tumbling Stones
toms: 001 mollies: 001 total: 002
moderator: FariyCharmed
Cats pelts are mostly browns, beiges, light gingers and creams short haired

Wingteller opened his eyes to find himself cosy in his nest. He could see Sun who was already awake grooming herself.
[ Wingteller and Sun go hunting
Wingteller looks for herbs ]

          Wing of soaring hawk (Wingteller) | 43 moons | Male | X

          Sun that shines at noon (Sun) | 35 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Healer to-be:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Raspberry leaf | Helps a queen give birth | x1
    Cobweb | Used as a bandage to stop bleeding | x1
    Lavender | Hides the scent of death and cures fevers and chills | x1
    Yarrow | used to make a cat expel poison | x1
    Burdock | helps with bites and infected wounds | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Voles| x2 | 1 servings
    Bird eggs| x4 | 1 servings
    Small birds | x0 | 2 servings
    Large birds | x0 | 3 servings
    Possums | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by Bluey, on Thu Jan 16, 2020 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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starter. 000.

Postby broken* » Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:22 pm

    the phyle of charmolipi, which translates to the tribe of sweet sorrows. the tribe was originally founded by a pair of mates, the original mother of the earth and father of the sky, who had been cast out of their two-leg home by the birth of a two-leg kit which turned out to be allergic to cats. the pair of cats had spent their entire lives with the family, and so being thrown out to the streets caused them much heartbreak. they spent a few moons wandering the streets, filled with despair and loneliness, before father of the sky suggested they get out of the city and head towards the coastline. they found the caves within the cliffside, and both were filled with a sense of belonging, like they had finally found a home. as they ventured deeper into the cavern, they discovered a pretty pool of water that sparkled, and had a gentle drip from the ceiling coming from the outside and feeding the pool, which ran off into a tiny stream. both cats went forward to drink the water, and woke up surrounded by the tribe of endless hunting, starry cats who greeted them with smiles.

    the tribe resides along the grecian coast on the side of the aegean sea. their camp is located within the steep cliffs that line an alcove of a sandy beach. there is a scattering of caves within the rock-wall, all funneling into the same larger cave area which is considered the main camp. each cat of the tribe must be a skilled climber, for the cliffside that lines the beach is quite steep, and climbing up to the top is the only way to reach the hunting meadows.

    tribe ranks ~
    healer - the head of the tribe, who acts as both leader and herbalist.
    they take on one of two names, depending on their gender; she-cats are renamed
    mother of the earth (gaia) and tom-cats are renamed father of the sky (uranus).
    healer to-be - typically the first-born kit of the tribe's current healer,
    the first-born of the current uranus or gaia. the healer to-be is trained from the moment
    they are born to how to rule the tribe after their parent's death or retirement.
    hunters - the adult cats who are lithe-bodied creatures known as the fastest & most agile
    members of the tribe, who are responsible for their ability to catch prey and feed the tribe.
    guards - the adult cats who the larger and more-muscular members of the tribe
    who are more equipped for fighting & are responsible for protecting the rest of the tribe.
    to-bes - the young cats of the tribe, between 8 moons and 14 moons of age,
    these cats are those in training to become guards or hunters.
    kit-mothers - these are the she-cats who are pregnant or caring for kits;
    when they are without kits, they hold the ranks of guards or hunters.
    kits - the youngest members of the tribe who are not yet ready to begin their
    training nor have they been assigned a future rank yet, always under 8 moons of age.
    elders - the oldest members of the tribe or those who have been severely injured & are unable
    to continue on with their prior rank duties, regarded for their wisdom & sought out for advice.

    the tribe consists of cats of all shapes and sizes; all breeds, patterns, and fur-types are welcomed within the tribe.
    cats are free to pick their own mates, but if a cat has reached the age of 40 moons without having a mate or kits, they will be assigned a mate by the current healer, as to insure a future for the tribe, as they view kits as the future.

    may i please request this cat as my founder?
Last edited by broken* on Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Fairy's Foundings

Postby winter solstice. » Mon Jan 13, 2020 1:52 pm

broken* wrote:

    the phyle of charmolipi, which translates to the tribe of sweet sorrows. the tribe was originally founded by a pair of mates, the original mother of the earth and father of the sky, who had been cast out of their two-leg home by the birth of a two-leg kit which turned out to be allergic to cats. the pair of cats had spent their entire lives with the family, and so being thrown out to the streets caused them much heartbreak. they spent a few moons wandering the streets, filled with despair and loneliness, before father of the sky suggested they get out of the city and head towards the coastline. they found the caves within the cliffside, and both were filled with a sense of belonging, like they had finally found a home. as they ventured deeper into the cavern, they discovered a pretty pool of water that sparkled, and had a gentle drip from the ceiling coming from the outside and feeding the pool, which ran off into a tiny stream. both cats went forward to drink the water, and woke up surrounded by the tribe of endless hunting, starry cats who greeted them with smiles.

    the tribe resides along the grecian coast on the side of the aegean sea. their camp is located within the steep cliffs that line an alcove of a sandy beach. there is a scattering of caves within the rock-wall, all funneling into the same larger cave area which is considered the main camp. each cat of the tribe must be a skilled climber, for the cliffside that lines the beach is quite steep, and climbing up to the top is the only way to reach the hunting meadows.

    tribe ranks ~
    healer - the head of the tribe, who acts as both leader and herbalist.
    they take on one of two names, depending on their gender; she-cats are renamed
    mother of the earth (gaia) and tom-cats are renamed father of the sky (uranus).
    healer to-be - typically the first-born kit of the tribe's current healer,
    the first-born of the current uranus or gaia. the healer to-be is trained from the moment
    they are born to how to rule the tribe after their parent's death or retirement.
    hunters - the adult cats who are lithe-bodied creatures known as the fastest & most agile
    members of the tribe, who are responsible for their ability to catch prey and feed the tribe.
    guards - the adult cats who the larger and more-muscular members of the tribe
    who are more equipped for fighting & are responsible for protecting the rest of the tribe.
    to-bes - the young cats of the tribe, between 8 moons and 14 moons of age,
    these cats are those in training to become guards or hunters.
    kit-mothers - these are the she-cats who are pregnant or caring for kits;
    when they are without kits, they hold the ranks of guards or hunters.
    kits - the youngest members of the tribe who are not yet ready to begin their
    training nor have they been assigned a future rank yet, always under 8 moons of age.
    elders - the oldest members of the tribe or those who have been severely injured & are unable
    to continue on with their prior rank duties, regarded for their wisdom & sought out for advice.

    the tribe consists of cats of all shapes and sizes; all breeds, patterns, and fur-types are welcomed within the tribe.
    cats are free to pick their own mates, but if a cat has reached the age of 40 moons without having a mate or kits, they will be assigned a mate by the current healer, as to insure a future for the tribe, as they view kits as the future.

    may i please request this cat as my founder?

[ The Phyle of Charmolipi has been founded! Your healer brings with them five herbs of choice. ]
[ deimos will assign you your mod. ]
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

Postby Guest » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:10 pm

Tribe of Ever Falling Snow
toms: 000 mollies: 000 total: 000
moderator: None

This will be where it begins. The voice echoed in their mind. They nodded, and padded to a rock to settle.
??? Founds the tribe.

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Healer to-be:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    Enemy Tribes:
    Tribe Name | Username
    Tribe Name | Username

    North | Tribe Name | Username
    East | Tribe Name | Username
    South | Tribe Name | Username
    West | Tribe Name | Username
    Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
    Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
    Northwest | Tribe name | Username

    Medicine Store:
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 1 servings
    Prey | x0 | 1 servings
    Prey | x0 | 2 servings
    Prey | x0 | 2 servings
    Prey | x0 | 3 servings
    Prey | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

    The Tribe of Ever Falling Snow lives in a pine forest. It's relatively cold, and the lake is frozen most of the time. In the winter, the snow comes early.

    Threats in the territory consist of:
    Hawks, Badgers, Foxes, Raccoons, and the ice. ( It isn't too thick. )

    Prey in the territory consists of:
    Rabbits, Squirrels, and Mice.

    Most cats are white or grey with long fur.

tribe of dark waters • 02

Postby inky. » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:42 pm

toms: 002 | mollies: 002 | total: 004 | next request: 1 post | mod notes: ftu images! no deaths/ injuries for now pls ^^

Sea Watcher and Fang walked calmly along the beach. Fang didn’t particularly enjoy the way the sand squished between her toes, but she did enjoy the sea. Ever since she was a kit, she loved listening to the crashing waves. Her mother would bring Fang and her sister to the small lake by their two-leg’s house, and once Fang became a rogue, she was determined to stay near the water. That’s partially the reason she agreed to follow her friend all the way out here. Their journey had been long and tiring, taking them all the way to the other side of the island- and the island was huge. “I’m glad you came with me, Fang.” Sea Watcher meowed, almost like he heard her thoughts “I wouldn’t have done it without you.” Fang huffed with laughter. “I know you wouldn’t have. And I would never let you go alone.” She meowed “You’ve been with me since the beginnin’. I won't leave you alone. I’ll pester you forever.” The tom laughed. “I’d be okay with that.” He lifted his eyes from the beach to look ahead. Beyond the next cliff, he saw two figures walking through the morning mist. As they drew closer, he could tell they were cats. One was tall and bulky, well muscled, and the other was short and thick-furred. “D’you see that?” Fang whispered. Sea Watcher nodded and started padding to the pair. “Are you-of course you’re going towards the strangers.” She sighed, following her friend reluctantly. The two groups eventually met. Fang examined them. There was a large black and white tom with obvious strength as his main feature. The fluffy she-cat looked kind, but nervous, and she partially hid behind the tom. “Who are you?” Fang meowed sharply. “You are on Tribe land.” Sea Watcher added. The tom took a step forward. “My name is Snarlin’ Badger, but Badger is fine.” He introduced “This is Swayin’ Willow.” Fang twitched an ear. “Why are you here?” She ask curtly. Badger looked at her, sharp eyes taking her in. “I was about to get to that part. Patience is a virtue.” He shot. Fang wrinkled her nose and squinted at him. “Merdovik told me to meet you ‘ere. Said someone named ‘Sea Watcher’ needed a head guard.” The leader dipped his head. “Ah, right. I’m Sea Watcher. This is Fang, my head huntress.” He introduced. The tom’s eyes moved behind Badger. “What about her?” He asked gently. Badger sighed and looked over his shoulder where Willow was cowering. “I found her on my way. I don’ think she speaks very well. What I’ve heard is very broken, but she seems to understand everythin’ okay.” He reported. Fang cleared her throat and motioned for Sea Watcher to talk to her. The two turned and walked a few paces before stopping. “What’s wrong?” Sea Watcher meowed. “White Wave, I don’t know ‘bout this.” Fang sighed “We don’t even know them! Why do we need strange cats? We can survive here on our own, just like the ol’ days.” Sea Watcher flicked his ear. “Fang, I’m Sea Watcher now. It’s my duty to make the Tribe of Darkest Waters strong, and to do that we need more cats. I know it’s different, but we have to adjust. It’s what Merdovik wants.” He returned to Badger and Willow before Fang could say anything else. “Welcome to the Tribe.” The tom meowed with a smile “Our camp is this way. Willow, since you came with Badger, you’ll be a guard.” Sea Watcher led the cats towards the cavern. Fang walked beside Badger, sneakily eyeing him. She didn’t know what would come of this. He was undoubtedly handsome, but he gave off the wrong vibe. She would definitely keep her eye on him. But now, she had to settle and accept the fact that the Tribe had two new members.

[sea watcher, fang and willow hunt]
[sea watcher, willow and badger patrol]
[sea watcher gathers herbs]
[2/5 fasting posts (2 servings)]

          sea watcher:
          sea watcher | 26 m | male | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          head guard:
          snarling badger | 28 m | male | X

          swaying willow | 31 m | female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          head hunter:
          dark fang | 21 m | female | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    North- The Dark Sea ( no borders)
    East- Storm’s End ; eagle,
    South- House Phantasmic ; lyttlekytten
    West- Tribe of Shrouded Mist ; winter
    Northeast- Purity of the Lemurs ; sharpiesandhamilton
    Southeast- Firefly Meadows ; kazin
    Southwest- Tribe of Snarling Specters ; spasticjazzhands
    Northwest- Isle of Withered Fangs ; snow

    medicine store:
    chervil | used during kitting | x1
    chickweed | treats greencough | x1
    cobweb | used to stop bleeding | x 2
    goatweed | eases grief | x1
    marigold | used to prevent infection | x 2
    raspberry leaves | used during kitting | x1
    thyme | eases shock/anxiety | x1
    herb | Usage | amount

    fresh-kill pile:
    mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    vole | x0 | 1 servings
    squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    fish | x0 | 2 servings
    bird | x0 | 3 servings
    beaver | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

    deceased cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by inky. on Tue Jan 14, 2020 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby broken* » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:59 pm

╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╗

    xx Image©
    x .cats. 01 total; 0100♂ ║ .prey. 00 servings ║. visit. 1/12

    .mod notes.
    xxxx i would like to request cats
    xxxx that are on ftu images please!

    xxxx prey types & 5 herbs added to storage

      the phyle of charmolipi | for searching purposes

    ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╝

    ➣ her 'brother'
    cats received
    ➣ 'blank' of 'blank'
    ➣ 'blank' of 'blank'
    prey consumption
    ➣ 4 fasting posts left
    herb hunting
    ➣ gaia
    hunting patrol
    ➣ patrol one
    --- gaia
    border patrol
    ➣ patrol one
    --- gaia
    training exercises
    ➣ none


      ➣ mother of the earth (gaia) ║ 20 moons ║ ♀ ║

      healer to-be
      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •

      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •

      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •

      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •

      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •
      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •
      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •
      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •

      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •
      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •
      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •
      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •

      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •
      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •
      ➣ name ║ ? age║ ♀♂ ║ •

    uwu. if you find this, I hope you're having a good day! ^^


    ╞══════════════════ ● ● ● ● ● ●
    the tribe was very small at that moment in time; over last summer there was a terrible storm that washed right up into the caves where the tribe cats resided and drown many of them. gaia had been out on a border patrol with her brother but the pair of them had been separated due to the downpour, & so she had sought out shelter in the hollow base of a tree. when the storm finally subsided, she returned to the caves, only to find every bit of her life completely washed away into the ocean. gaia had been having dreams for several moons about a tragedy befalling the clan, due to her father brushing off the ancestors in the tribe of endless hunting; the rumor in the tribe was that he had not spoken to the ancestors in nearly twelve moons, and while several of the cats were still loyal to the starry cats, the majority of them had been following in her father's way of abandoning the tribe of endless hunting.

    the black and white bicolor molly made her way to the back of the caves, where the pool of stars was located behind the healer's den, and she took a deep breath as she entered, never yet having truly spoken to the ancestors. she lapped up the water, her eyes closing as she lay down, darkness overwhelming her mind as she fell into sleep. as she awoke, she was surrounded by misty beings made up of stars, some smiling and others looking more serious. one cat stepped forward, bumping its head against her own before it spoke. "hello, we are so pleased that you have joined us, and we thank you for never giving up faith in us and remaining a strong believer. and that is why you have been chosen as the next healer of the phyle of charmolipi. from this day forward, you will go by the name mother of the earth, or gaia for short. do you have any requests of us?" the tom's words were firm but kind, and he offered her a bit of a comforting smile. she gulped a bit nervously, but attempted to stand tall as she replied. "my brother, i wish to be reconnected to my brother. please bring him back to me." the tom nodded his head, and then everything blurred back together in a rush.

    the molly shook her head as she awoke from the sleep, standing up feeling more reassured and at peace with everything. slipping from the depths of the caverns, she skillfully scaled the rocky cliff-wall to the top, planning to go hunting in the meadows and patrolling of the borders.
    end of text.
    ╞══════════════════ ● ● ● ● ● ●
    ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╗

    xixxx .n. tribe name ║ .s. tribe name ║ .e. the aegean sea ║ .w. tribe name
    xixxx .allies. tribe names ║ .enemies. tribe names
    xixxx .mentorships.
    x ➣ mentor ⇝ to-be --- hunting/fishing, fighting, stalking, endurance

    .necessary links.

    prey storage
    herb storage

    family lines
      the phyle of charmolipi | for searching purposes

    ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╝
    Last edited by broken* on Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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    Re: Tribe of Thorned Roses 1

    Postby NightWolf950 » Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:01 pm

    Number of Cats: 3 (2 males | 1 females)
    Next Request: Jan. 18th
    Servings Needed: 2 (0-6)
    Mod: deimos

    Font Credit and Divider Credit


    As the sun slowly rose above the rolling hills of the Italian countryside its golden rays peaked through the small holes of an old barn. Inside resting on top of a pile of hay lied a small brown tabby tom, the only sign of life was the slight rise and fall of the tom's flank as he breathed. Beside him lied two more sleeping bodies, one of a ginger and white tom and the other being of a brown and white tabby molly. The trio lied peacefully asleep as the sun's light rose higher and higher through out the barn. It wasn't long until finally the molly began to stir, her ears twitching as the sound of bird song seemed to echo through out the barn. Rising to her paws, the molly stretched and yawned before turning to her two traveling companions. With a soft roll of her eyes, the brown and white tabby she-cat gently prodded both toms before speaking. "Time to wake up sleepy heads. We're almost there. I can feel it." she meowed. Each tom let out a small grown before rising to their paws as well, each getting a good yawn and stretch in as well. "You know Cloud it's been moons since we began this journey. Maybe it's a sign that we aren't suppose to be in a tribe. Rose was kind enough to take us in. That and it's peaceful here. The two-legs don't mind having us around, plus it's not like they really disturb us anyways." the ginger and white tom meowed. Cloud frowned a bit, shaking her head no and letting out a small huff. "I know our old tribe disbanded, but I still have faith. After all Rose did have those dreams where he met the ancestors." Cloud meowed. Rose sat quietly as the duo bickered a bit back and forth before finally clearing his throat and speaking. "Cinder, I know you make think you should give up, but look at me. I was a loner at one point never thought I'd amount to anything special until one night when cats with stars in their fur visited me and told me that my path would soon cross with yours. You two have been my trusted friends and companions since the day we met. I believe we can do this. Besides I know you miss having a place you can truly call home since you and Cloud at to flee your home. I'm grateful though that you two where able to remain together. Plus once we find the perfect place I'd be happy to have little kits following me around and asking their favorite uncle all sorts of stories." Rose meowed, giving a wink at Cinder. Cloud let out a small chuckle, gazing lovingly at her mate who radiated nothing but embarrassment. "E-enough. Come on." Cinder meowed, nudging the two towards the opened barn doors. 'Let's just find our home' he added.

    The trio padded along side one another, stopping briefly too look back at the barn and two-leg home they where leaving behind. It was true that although part of him wanted to stay, Cinder also wanted to find that perfect place to call home in hopes to finally start a family with his mate Cloud. The pair once where apart of a great tribe, until one day when everything fell apart and the tribe split apart. The two cats had wondered miles upon miles until they met young Rose, a kind yet feisty tabby tom who took them in with no hesitation. It hadn't taken long for the three cats to form a tight bond and thus opening up completely to one another. It was then when telling the story of their tribe life did Rose inform them that starry cats had visited him only nights before. Their meeting was destiny. The three took turns telling the others all sorts of stories, ranging from past moments to crazy legends they have heard of when they where kits. It was about sun high when they finally came across a large lush cypress forest. It was in the middle of no where, with the closets two-leg homes being little ant hills off in the distance. Surrounded by a vast range of rolling hills covered in beautiful flowers, it was here that the trio knew they would lay claim to and begin their tribe. Rose exchanged a look with Cinder than Cloud before leading them in to the woods. As they padded onward it wasn't long until they came upon a large abandoned yet beautiful villa. Rose padded up the font steps, entering the villa through a whole in the door. The inside was large and spacious, big enough to house many cats in the future. Shortly upon entering, both Cloud and Cinder came inside. As the trio stood int he entrance way a feeling washed over them and in that moment they knew they had found their forever home. With a small nod, each cat separated exploring the large villa by themselves before meeting back up in the garden.

    "Rose where you at!?" Cinder called as he and Cloud entered the garden. All three of them agreed to meet back up here to tell of their findings. Although being called Rose stood still his eyes fixated on a single white rose that seemed to have a small light blue glow coming from it. It seemed to be calling out to him and in that moment a starry figure seemed to emerge from the flower. "Rose. It's taken you quite some time to find us. However we are grateful that you have finally come. It is here you will build the Tribe of Thorned Roses. We have faith that not only you, but Cinder and Cloud will form a great tribe." the starry figure spoke. "Rose!?" Cloud called out this time, with a hint of worry in her voice. The brown tabby tom looked over his shoulders then back to the starry cat, opening his mouth to speak. "Hush. We will speak more when the time comes. However for now it seems like you should get going before they begin to worry even more." The starry cat chuckled. With a small nod, Rose ran down the path that lead up to the gazebo, almost colliding with Cinder. "Rose what took you so long. You had us worried. Thought maybe some predator took you or something." the ginger and white tom meowed. Rose gave a small shake of his before speaking. "No... I. I think I found where I am suppose to go when I have to speak to the ancestors. There's this single white rose that gives off a faint blue light. A starry cat spoke to me." Rose explained. Cloud quickly poked her head closer and smiled. "It looks like the ancestors where right to choose you then. I believe this is the home we where meant to find." She purred. Rose gave a small chuckled and nodded. "Alright then it's settled. Our tribe will begin here. Thanks to the ancestor I spoke with I already have a name for the tribe. From this day forward we will be known the Tribe of Thorned Roses.I also have decided on something else and it's thanks to you two." Rose meowed tenderly. He had grown to love seeing how loving the pair where towards one another and wanted to incorporate them and their love into the tribe's future.Cinder and Cloud both exchanged a look before look back at Rose with puzzled looks on their faces. "I have decided that all cats will be assigned a mate when they become of age. You two will become the tribe's Gli Amanti along with my trusted advisers. All couples will look up and respect you. You are the true embodiment of true love." Rose purred. Cloud began to tear up and quickly nuzzled the brown tabby, a loud purr erupting from her. "Rose, that's so kind of you to think of us so highly. We promise. We own't let you down." Cloud purred. Cinder smiled and dipped his head, although over come with a wave of emotion himself. "Come on.... enough with all this mushy stuff lets head in before the sun competently sets." Cinder spoke, flicking his tail as he lead the other two inside.


    {Tribe of Thorned Roses has 4 fasting posts left

    Request: Roseteller requests a cat
    Ceremonies: n/a
    Other: n/a

    Medic Info: n/a
    Kitting Info: n/a
    Deaths: n/a

    Gathering herbs: Rose
    Hunting: Rose, Fire, and Cloud
    Hunting: n/a
    Patrolling: Rose, Fire, and Cloud
    Patrolling: n/a

    Training: n/a

    Mod. Note: n/a

    Teller of white rose | 22 moons | Male | Rose

    Fire that turns into cinders | 35 moons | Male | Fire

    Single cloud in morning sky | 33 moons | Female | Cloud


    Kit Mothers:




    Healer To-be Skills | healing procedures, recognizing herbs, herb storage, understanding omens/prophecies
    Prey-Hunter To-be Skills | hunting, stealth, fighting, endurance
    Guard To-be Skills | stalking, fighting, endurance, tracking



    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0| 1 serving
    Vole | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Hares | x0 | 3 servings
    All birds | x0 | 3 servings

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 0
    Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 0
    Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 0
    Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 0
    Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0
    Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 0
    Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 0
    Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 0
    Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 0
    Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 1
    Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0
    Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 0
    Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0
    Chickweed | treats greencough - 0
    Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 1
    Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 0
    Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 0
    Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
    Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
    Deadly Nightshade | x - 0
    Deathberries | x - 0
    Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
    Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 0
    Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 0
    Fennel | helps hip pain - 0
    Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 1
    Foxglove seeds | x - 0
    Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 0
    Goldenrod | helps healing wounds - 0
    Hawkweed | like catmint - 0
    Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0
    Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 0
    Holly Berries | x - 0
    Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
    Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 0
    Lamb's ear | gives strength - 0
    Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 0
    Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0
    Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 0
    Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 0
    Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 0
    Mint | hides scent of death - 0
    Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 0
    Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
    Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 0
    Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 1
    Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 0
    Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 0
    Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 1
    Rosemary | hides scent of death - 0
    Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 0
    Sorrel | x - 0
    Stick | x - 0
    Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 0
    Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 0
    Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 0
    Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 0
    Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 0
    Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 0
    Water hemlock | x - 0
    Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
    Willow Bark | eases pain - 0
    Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
    Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 0
    Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 0
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    Fairy's Foundings

    Postby winter solstice. » Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:18 pm

    :*Lady Stardust*: wrote:
    Tribe of Ever Falling Snow
    toms: 000 mollies: 000 total: 000
    moderator: None

    This will be where it begins. The voice echoed in their mind. They nodded, and padded to a rock to settle.
    ??? Founds the tribe.

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Healer to-be:
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Ally Tribes:
      Tribe Name | Username
      Tribe Name | Username

      Enemy Tribes:
      Tribe Name | Username
      Tribe Name | Username

      North | Tribe Name | Username
      East | Tribe Name | Username
      South | Tribe Name | Username
      West | Tribe Name | Username
      Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
      Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
      Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
      Northwest | Tribe name | Username

      Medicine Store:
      Herb | Usage
      Herb | Usage

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Prey | x0 | 1 servings
      Prey | x0 | 1 servings
      Prey | x0 | 2 servings
      Prey | x0 | 2 servings
      Prey | x0 | 3 servings
      Prey | x0 | 3 servings

      Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
      Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kits
      Name and Name | Kits

      The Tribe of Ever Falling Snow lives in a pine forest. It's relatively cold, and the lake is frozen most of the time. In the winter, the snow comes early.

      Threats in the territory consist of:
      Hawks, Badgers, Foxes, Raccoons, and the ice. ( It isn't too thick. )

      Prey in the territory consists of:
      Rabbits, Squirrels, and Mice.

      Most cats are white or grey with long fur.

    [ The Tribe of Ever Falling Snow has been founded! The description for the cat is longhaired blue point bicolor cat. They bring with them five herbs of choice. ]
    [ Please let us know if you would like free-to-use pictures, linearts (in five posts), or descriptions! ]
    [ deimos will assign you your mod. ]
    Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

    Winter / Fairy / Gale
    Formerly FairyCharmed
    She/Her - Korea - UTC+9hrs.
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    winter solstice.
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    Re: [ Create A Tribe ] - [ V.2 ] - [ Open ]

    Postby Guest » Tue Jan 14, 2020 12:52 am

    The Tribe of Ever Falling Snow
    toms: 000 mollies: 001 total: 001
    moderator: LYTTLEKYTTEN
    Preference: Lineart! ( After five posts )

    Snow Bearer sighed, and looked to the sky. Why here, oh great ancestors? She thought. Snow Bearer wasn't unhappy with settling here. She was just confused when it came to the temperate. " Might as well make myself useful. " Snow Bearer slid off the rock and began to explore and hunt
    [ Bearer of Ice and Snow hunts and patrols the pine forest. ]

            Bearer of Ice and Snow | 20 moons | Molly | X

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Healer to-be:
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Ally Tribes:
      Tribe Name | Username
      Tribe Name | Username

      Enemy Tribes:
      Tribe Name | Username
      Tribe Name | Username

      North | Shrouded Mist | WinterCharmed
      East | Tribe Name | Username
      South | Tribe Name | Username
      West | IceClan | WinterCharmed
      Northeast | Tribe Name | Username
      Southeast | Tribe Name | Username
      Southwest | Tribe Name | Username
      Northwest | Tribe name | Username

      Medicine Store:
      Herb | Usage
      Herb | Usage

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Prey | x0 | 1 servings
      Prey | x0 | 1 servings
      Prey | x0 | 2 servings
      Prey | x0 | 2 servings
      Prey | x0 | 3 servings
      Prey | x0 | 3 servings

      Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves
      Mentor | To-be | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kits
      Name and Name | Kits
    Last edited by Guest on Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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