The Collision (Wolf & Dog rp) -Discussion N&A

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The Collision (Wolf & Dog rp) -Discussion N&A

Postby BakaNek0Lord » Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:40 pm

The Collision
Wolf and Dog rp Discussion & Fourm thread

-------RP Thread-------


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[b]Wanted Rank[/b]--

[b]Body Build[/b]--

[i]~In Depth~[/i]


RP Rules
1-Follow all Tess/CS rules
2-No mary sue/perfect characters- everyone has weaknesses
3-Try and involve everyone, feel free to plan interactions in the Discussion forum
4-Do not be rude to other people out of character due to something their character does in the RP
5-Do not majorly harm or kill another character without getting permission from that roleplayer
6-Use third-person point of view (He, she, they, etc)
7-LGBTQ+ Characters welcome
8-Up to 4 characters per user for now
9-Post at least once a week, let me know ahead of time if you will be gone If you have a higher rank you need to be more active. Posting bare minimum 4x a week.
10-No cussing/mature scenes. Fade to black when needed. Don't add needless detail to mature topics (Gore etc)
11-Add your favorite color to other section if you have read all this
12-Turn off signature in Rp but in discussion it is fine
13-Keep genders even (Ish)
14-Be realistic with travel times and hunting/fighting scenarios
15-Post a minimum of 5 sentences (Paragraph) for each character per post. Please try and make it easy for others to respond. I care less about grammar and more about detail and depth in your writing.
16-As of right now No dogs allowed in Wolf pack
17-Small dog breeds are allowed but will mainly be medics or council
18- Wolf-dog hybrids are allowed but PM me first they will normally be loners and are very limited (open)
-May add more if needed-
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Application Status

Postby BakaNek0Lord » Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:44 pm

Applications are currently OPEN
Roleplay is currently started

Applications for male wolves & dogs are Closed temporarily
female wolves and dogs are needed to even genders. Any applications for male wolf/dog can go on a waitlist.

...2/3 Amethyst pups reserved....

Waiting list

Banned or removed characters
Arwen & Willoughby -Lovestruck-dropped out(Characters ran off together)
Skittles & Pheonix-FireLight_AA-Removed for rules 12 & 15(Characters left)
Quote & Eva-Vibrancy-Removed for inactivity (Characters vanished.)
Succubus-iggyzoi-Removed for Inactivity (Character Vanished)
Morrie-henshin-Removed for inactivity(Character vanished)
Cassidy & Genesis-wildsight-Removed for inactivity (Characters vanished)
Aria-HappyAlpaca16-Removed for Inactivity-Never posted
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Magnus, Redd, Clove & Enver

Postby BakaNek0Lord » Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:50 pm


Name-- Magnus
Age-- 4 Years
Gender-- Male
Orientation--Closeted Bi
Breed-- Wolf
Pack-- Wolf pack
Rank-- Alpha
Wanted Rank-- Alpha
Other-- He became alpha when he was 2 after the death of his mother

Pelt--Varying shades of rich browns, creams, and greys. His coat is dense and protects him from the weather.
Body Build-- Large and muscular.
Scent-- Juniper trees
Voice-- Deep and masculine. His voice is similar to Johnny Depp.
Eyes-- Cold grey, up close you can see specks of blue
Other-- He is a tad larger than most the other wolves in his pack

~In Depth~
Personality--Magnus is a walled-off wolf. He separates his personal life and his responsibilities to the pack remarkably well. He can come off as harsh and cold at times, often having to make tough decisions for the best of the whole pack; but he is not a merciless leader. He genuinely cares for the members of his pack but he knows he can't be soft living in such harsh conditions. Only the strong survive in the harsh White mountains. In his less experienced days, he was more prone to making emotional and dangerous decisions but now he is more collected and thinks through his actions. He is not a pushover despite this, his calm can quickly escalate into action if needed.
Likes-- He likes the summer seasons, basking on boulders in the sun, and hunting White-tailed deer. He tends to keep to himself during personal times but enjoys watching his pack go about their days, seeing them thrive fills him with pride. He enjoys his solo walks through the territory, taking in the beauty of their territory when able.
Dislikes-- He strongly detests the dogs and sees them as pests, a threat to his pack and their well-being. The many generations of fighting has left him with a bitter outlook towards there ever being peace, he wants them gone and out of the valleys to increase his pack's hunting grounds. He also dislikes disobedience in his own ranks and is not against punishment when it is needed.
Strengths-- He is a very physically and mentally strong wolf. He is not lumbering, so he retains the agile gait of other wolves but is not so lithe to be fragile. He is not impulsive, carefully planning his moves before action.
Weaknesses-- He has an emotional disconnect between himself and others. His best interests and wants for the pack are not always perceived as such. He has no close confidants and no one he can truly trust with what he is thinking. Also, an old injury to one of his hind legs acts up a bit during winter, making it sometimes hard for him to run.
History-- Magnus was the only pup born to the previous alpha pair. He spent his entire pup hood training to be the future alpha of the pack. When he was but 10 months old his father died during a particularly harsh winter and his mother took over the pack. This meant he had even less time to be a pup and had to train harder so he could eventually help his mother. When he was 2 his mother died saving a dog from the Dividing River and he was left to take over the pack. (PM if you would like to play a part in his past etc)
Other--He is a direct descendant to the alpha the dogs originally encountered. // Theme song: 'Natural' Imagine dragons

Parents-- Sven and Ellanie
Siblings-- None



Name-- Redd
Age-- 11 years
Gender-- Male
Breed-- Irish setter Mix
Pack--Dog pack
Rank-- Council
Wanted Rank--Elder
Other-- One of the older dogs in the pack became a council member when he was 6

Pelt--Flowing red-brown Fur he must painstakingly groom to keep clean and untangled
Body Build--Elderly. In his prime he was fit and lean, in age he has lost his muscle mass.
Voice--Smooth and soothing, weathered with age and life
Eyes-- Once a deep chocolate brown, now greying

~In Depth~
Personality--Redd is a kind old dog, happy to see the future generations thriving in the lowlands. He once was prideful and impulsive but his years on the council have calmed and weathered him. He can get frustrated at times but does little more than complain when so. This old dog has seen his prime and recently started to feel it was time he stepped down from his role and join the elders for his last years.
Likes-- He enjoys telling stories to pups and keeping the legacy of Delilah and the past leaders alive in the pack. He also enjoys a good sunbath down by the river, though the water is a no now adays.
Dislikes-- He greatly dislikes the wolves and their savage ways, but respects their cultural differences. He also strongly dislikes the winter and cold.
Strengths-- His experience and wisdom is rivaled by none other in the pack, he has been alive the longest of the dogs, the last member of his own generation.
Weaknesses--He is feeble and weak-bodied in his old age, his sight and hearing have begun to leave him as well.
History--Born the previous generation (11 or so years ago) He was a fiery and ambitious dog. He was an impulsive and temperamental guardian/hunter but he never failed to protect the pack. It was a shock to him when he was voted to the council many years into his life, but he embraced the new responsibility. It helped smooth out his rough edges and allowed him to help his pack in more ways than just providing them food and protection.
Other-- Theme song: "Take it from an old man" Waitress the Musical

Parents--Dorothy and Hutch
Siblings--Maybelle and Cooper
Pups--(PM if you would like to rp one, They would be adults by now)



Age--2 years
Gender-- Female
Breed-- Mutt with Husky and Samoyed ancestry
Pack--Dog pack
Wanted Rank--Scout

Pelt--Long feathered fur with White and black colorations.
Body Build--She is Muscular and solid/robust
Scent--Dogbane flowers
Voice--Energetic and bright
Eyes--Bright Blue
Other--The hearing in her left ear is somewhat impared

~In Depth~
Personality-- Clove is bright and adventurous. She is a dog that wants to explore everything and live her life to the fullest. She won't be satisfied by living her status quo and staying in one place. She is friendly and charismatic, always welcoming and friendly, even to the most guarded. Don't mistake this friendliness for naitivity, she is no bubbly fool. She has a good head apon her shoulders and is not needlessly immature. She is friendly but she can set boundaries and let others know when she is serious aswell.
Likes-- SHe enjoys exploring and playing in the many small rivers in the lowlands. She has a thirst for adrenaline and adventure like no other. Spending her time with others is another favorite hobby of hers, preferring not the be alone too long.
Dislikes-- She dislikes being scolded or forced to stay in one spot for too long. She has a natural desire to wander and when that is not allowed she can get a bit grumpy.
Strengths-- She is resilient and brave, not letting herself be stuck thining inside the box. She has a way of thinking outside the box that not everyone else does. She is also a very physically fit dog due to her constant movement.
Weaknesses-- She can be swayed by her emotions easily, and sometimes can be deceived or taken advantage of thanks to her want to believe in others. Also, her left ear is slightly impaired due to a birth defect.
History-- Clove was born in the pack and has never seen or felt the touch of humans. She knows only the vast lowlands around her and the pack she resides in. Her mother was a new recruit to the pack, having been a pet before recruited by a scout (Clove's father) so she grew up with stories of the humans, unlike many of the other dogs. She is fascinated with the idea of humans but from the scary stories told by the elders, she is not interested in ever being a pet.
Other-- Theme song: "I Lived" One Republic

Parents-- Juliet and Dutch
Siblings-- (PM)



Age--3.8 years
Wanted Rank--Hunter/Warrior

Pelt--Majority of his pelt is creams dappled with dark greys and blacks
Body Build--tall and lanky, he has long slender legs
Scent--Mixture of Wildflowers
Voice--Warm and childish
Eyes--Light honey brown
Other--His fur is longer than most other wolves year-round and is softer rather than course

~In Depth~
Personality--Enver is often described as the light of the pack. He is the complete opposite of Magnus. He is a very friendly wolf with a bright smile and a playful attitude. He is very pup like in his energy and is almost always talking someone's ears off or flirting with someone. Despite the flirting, he has no actual mate and never seems to get close to anyone in particular. He is someone who treats everyone the same regardless of pack, rank, species, or looks. If he could be friends with everyone he would be and certainly tries. Enver is a bright bubbly wolf who puts the wellbeing of others over himself and has often been called self-sacrificing. He sometimes helps Magnus with sensitive topics to keep the alpha from making too harsh of decisions.
Likes-- Enver likes a lot. It's much harder to describe his dislikes than his likes. He loves his pack and everyone in it, considering them all family. He enjoys the spring season and swimming in the rivers. He has a particular soft spot for wildflowers as well, often taking naps in them.
Dislikes-- There isn't a lot that he openly dislikes but one of those things that he does dislike is thunderstorms. He is also not a huge fan of fighting or needless punishments.
Strengths--His largest strength is his brother-like friendship with Magnus, which means that the alpha is likely to listen to him. Aside from this he is a very well-liked wolf and has few enemies, meaning he is very charismatic and has a certain talent at diplomacy. His long legs also help him be rather fast so running away from danger is no problem for him.
Weaknesses-- He has a hard time holding others accountable for their misdeeds and is very forgiving, almost to a fault.
He also isn't very strong, his light build not meant for battering other wolves or larger prey around.
History--Enver was found as a pup and brought into the pack and raised by a pack mother. He was Magnus's playmate for his entire pup hood and the two grew close like brothers. Their friendship was strained after the death of Magnus's father but they reconnected later on after his alpha training was finished. Most of his life up until now has simply revolved Magnus or the pack, wanting to repay them for taking him in.
Other--The wolf that raised him died about a year ago.// Theme song: "Youve got a friend" James Taylor

Parents--Unknown but raised by a wolf named Hayden
Siblings--Not that he knows of
Friends--Magnus &Open

(None of the above photos belong to me. I do not claim them nor do I gain from them in any way.)
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Magnus, Redd, Clove & Enver In depth relationships

Postby BakaNek0Lord » Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:53 pm

Reserved for in depth relationship/opinions of other characters for my characters
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Postby BakaNek0Lord » Thu Dec 19, 2019 5:01 am

Applications are now open :)
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Re: The Collision (Wolf & Dog rp) -Discussion New & Acceptin

Postby SilentMelody » Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:38 pm

Name-- Lily
Age-- 3 years
Gender-- female
Orientation-- lesbian
Breed-- mutt, but mainly Australian Shepherd
Pack-- Dog pack
Rank-- Leader
Wanted Rank-- Leader
Other-- descendant of Delilah

Pelt-- somewhat long and fluffy
Body Build-- slightly muscular and slender
Scent-- lavender
Voice-- like Lana del Rey
Eyes-- light brown

Personality-- Lily is a fair and compassionate leader.
She's very gentle and motherly with a big soft spot
for pups, although she's never had any.


    Parents-- Adrian and Rose
    Siblings-- ______
    Crush-- open
    Mate-- open
    Pups-- none
    Friends-- open
    Likes-- She loves her packmates and pups, but she also loves running free.
    Lily also loves talking to dogs and catching up with everyone in the pack.
    Dislikes-- She dislikes those that want her to act like a "proper" leader by
    being more strict and harsh. Lily believes that leaders should be kind.
    History-- She comes from a long line of leaders, born into her leadership.
    Lily and her sibling trained to become leaders, eventually proving
    themselves worthy of leading the pack together.
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Re: The Collision (Wolf & Dog rp) -Discussion New & Acceptin

Postby SilentMelody » Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:43 pm

    Personality-- He tries to be friendly and just wants to fit in, but he's still struggling with communication.
    Tynan tends to be awkward due to this but has a habit of staring at wolves' mouths during conversation
    so he can keep up.
    Likes-- He likes the wolves in the pack that accepts him and appreciates them, so he tries to talk to
    them more often. Since he can't hear, Tynan enjoys using his other senses like comforting smells.
    Dislikes-- He doesn't like fighting, but he knows that's what he has to learn if he wants to be a
    hunter/warrior. On top of that, Tynan hates being an omega and knows he can do better for the pack.
    Strengths-- His biggest strength is hope and persistence, which he clings to each day. Not all wolves
    like Tynan, but he makes an effort to become friends with everyone.
    Weaknesses-- He's permanently deaf, but he used to hear and is getting used to reading "lips". Tynan
    knows proper vocabulary and pronunciation, but he talks really slow. This causes him to have a hard
    time communicating.
    History-- He was born as the runt of the litter to a male named Giles and a female named Lyssa.
    Tynan grew up somewhat close to his siblings and liked to play with them before his accident. At one
    and a half years old, he was a trainee and was practicing fighting moves with his mentor. However,
    Tynan's mentor was too rough and he threw him against a rock. His head hit the rock hard, and it
    damaged his skull. Over time, his head healed but his hearing never did and he still struggles with it.
    He only wishes that he could become a hunter/warrior.

    Other-- He's open for siblings and friends!
    Name-- Tynan
    Age-- 2 years
    Gender-- male
    Orientation-- gay
    Breed-- Wolf
    Pack-- Wolf pack
    Rank-- Omega
    Wanted Rank-- Hunter/warrior
    Pelt-- solid black
    Body Build-- slightly smaller than average
    Scent-- musk
    Voice-- like Alexander Calvert
    Eyes-- light yellow
    Other-- permanantly deaf
    Parents-- Giles and Lyssa
    Siblings-- open
    Crush-- Enver
    Friends-- open
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Re: The Collision (Wolf & Dog rp) -Discussion New & Acceptin

Postby BakaNek0Lord » Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:54 pm

SilentMelody wrote:
    Res for female leader of the dog pack

    Notes for myself:
    - daughter/granddaughter of Delilah
    - probably lesbian?

Res for a male omega of the wolf pack

Res accepted, I'll get it set up now :)
Also, just a note but generation wise she would be in Great x5 Granddaughter territory. Ill specify that better, sorry for the misunderstanding :)
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Postby vibrancy » Thu Dec 19, 2019 2:58 pm


quote. ❞

Name-- eva
Age-- 3
Gender-- female
orientation-- heteroflexible
Breed-- australian shepherd mix
Pack-- dogs
Rank-- leader alongside her sister
Wanted Rank-- guesses she has it

Pelt-- fluffy, soft, mottled black, grey/white & tan
Body Build-- small, strong, & feminine
Scent-- white pine
Voice-- dove cameron
Eyes-- light brown

~In Depth~
she tends to have very strong opinions about things, which can make her hard to
work with at times, but she truly cares for the pack, which she considers her family
and responsibility.
Likes-- teamwork, her sister, pups!, chatting, and sometimes flirting, talking about her past
Dislikes-- pessimism, disrespect toward her or lily, insubordination, and talking about anything depressing.
Strengths-- she’s very optimistic, positive, strong-willed, protective, friendly, very outgoing, and has a very compassionate heart towards her packmates. she’s also physically strong, despite her medium size.
Weaknesses-- stubborn, bullheaded, has quite the bad temper when defending herself and/or her opinions, family, or friends.
she also can be quite the chatterbox. she doesn’t often lose complete self-control, but can definitely have a tantrum here
and there. did I mention she’s very stubborn?
History-- born into her rank, she grew up alongside her sister who she definitely looks up to. they grew into the next leaders of the pack, guiding the dogs together.

Parents-- Adrian and Rose
Siblings-- Lily
Crush-- not yet
Mate-- oop
Pups-- nope
Friends-- nearly everyone in her pack? XD pm me about close friends.
she’s probably closest to her sister.
descendant of delilah

my fave color is soft blue!
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Re: The Collision (Wolf & Dog rp) -Discussion New & Acceptin

Postby Firelight_AA » Thu Dec 19, 2019 3:10 pm

I might join, I'll think about it.
I have Autism more specifically Asperger's so please go easy on me if I'm not posting.
I have a Toyhouse now!
Image Orange Glow
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