✧・゚: * Per Adversae Ad Astra ✧・゚: * - DISC.

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✧・゚: * Per Adversae Ad Astra ✧・゚: * - DISC.

Postby doc . » Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:17 pm

┌──────────────────To The Stars Through Adversity──────────────────┐

The Discussion Thread should be used for roleplay related chat only. Any questions pertaining to the RP can be asked here,
or can be sent via PM to me. I have the right to deny any forms, or at least ask for an edit. If you are curious as to whether
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If you will be absent for a short hiatus, post here. If you will be gone for a long time, PM me. Please have fun,
and PM me if you want to share any drama ideas for the RP! I'm open for suggestions!

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David Kepler

Postby doc . » Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:18 pm

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xxModel Name|| TARS// Age || Appears 20 is
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxactually 85 years

xxGender || Male // Sexuality || Pansexual


Called || David// DoB || Created May 15th
Pronouns || He/Him // Species|| Android Synthetic
Origin || Michigan, US// Occupation || Leader

Reading long booksxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWater
Spending time outsidexxxxxxxxxxxAnimals
Being in quiet rooms alonexxxxxxIgnorant people

Height || 6'1"
Build || Thin and strong
Eyes || Normally a deep crimson. Sometimes one is blue
Skin tone || Pale white
Hair color || Silver and Grey, more lighter near the front
Hair style || Long and pulled back into a ponytail
Demeanor || Silent and Deadly
Style || Comfortable

Relationships|| None atm
open for any
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Personality / History
Bits of information about him

TARS looks completely normal from a distance. When you approach him you can see that he wears longer pants with sneakers, and short sleeved button up shirts. He wears anything comfortable, and looks like a normal human. Though closer, you can see that his eyes are two different colors. This is a programming error with the men designing him. They wanted him with two blue eyes to look more natural, but instead they put the code in backwards and instead it came out red. He also has his serial number and ID tattooed under his red eye. He has his name, TARS, tattooed on his chest and on his calves. TARS was modeled after a man working on the robot in Michigan. He even sounds like him too. TARS feels just like any human would, his skin is soft and isn't cold at all. He is made of metal underneath, and has a metal endoskeleton. He doesn't have any blood, rather if he's injured he leaks a silvery soft fluid. All of his body parts can continue to function if cut off until reattached.
TARS was never actually born, instead he woke up for the first time in his comfortable bed in his room. His room had white walls and white floors and he could decorate it however he pleased. Every month he would spend time rearranging his room in a different way so that he wouldn't become bored of the same exact room. He had books, which he had read already over fifteen times, furniture like chairs, and tables, and a pet cat. He took care of his cat quite well and it lived to be very very old. TARS was made in Michigan, USA. He woke knowing full well who he was, and who the men around him were. He had two brothers before him, KIPP and CASE. I say brothers only to mean these two were TARS, only older models. They didn't exactly look like him, but they functioned like him and were able to perform the same tasks. TARS was created only to fit in better into society, to learn from those around him and become more human than not.
TARS lived peacefully in his large compound with the men and women who designed him, and his brother whom he had enjoyed long deep conversations to. He never actually had a real family, because he never actually was born into one. In fact he was never born.. rather turned on from a long slumber. One day TARS was sent into sleep mode one day and never woke up. The day he did wake up, however, was thirty years in the future. A man without a home had found the place and was scrounging it for anything he could use. He accidentally woke TARS by tripping over his cord. He woke to knowing that the compound had mysteriously been shut down, everyone inside had been killed. That day he knew KIPP and CASE weren't ever to wake up again.
TARS wandered the world, and eventually made it to Oklahoma in search of answers as to why he had slept for thirty years and why his home had been destroyed. A woman took him in off the street and let him stay in her home. She, he found out, was a robotics major and knew her way around machines. She helped reprogram him with new data, and helped update him on current and past events. He stayed longer than expected, and earned the name 'David Kepler' from the woman. She said it was after her husband who disappeared thirty years ago. TARS stayed many years with this woman, and over time developed the feeling of love for her. He had many encounters with her, and he came to realize an important factor in their relationship. The woman had been married to the man whom he was modeled after, hence the reason why she was so interested in him. He left in the night, and continued his journey to find the answers he was looking for.

Partner|| None
Courting|| None
Children|| None
Kin|| Older Models KIPP and CASE, long since terminated

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Important Notes
He cannot go out in the rain, it makes him short out
He can speak every language known to man
He can control electronic devices and access the interwebs
He had two other brothers, KIPP and CASE who looked similar to him
He has all the normal functions of a human, save for a few things like eating or using the bathroom
He needs to charge every night, and has a charging cord and port in the back of his neck

Image FC: Michael Fassbender - Alien
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TARS Model 783_990_VXB_30Y1
Accessing Data Log .. .. .. *Accepted* .. .. .. .. Data Bank - Opened
"Analysis" - Instructs TARS to enter Analysis Mode. In Analysis Mode TARS is passive, compliant, and initiates no actions or conversation. This mode is analogous to the human mind's unconscious state. In this mode he is able to tell you anything that is wrong with his system or anything that has happened. TARS will keep secrets and problems to himself unless asked this trigger.
"Exit Analysis" - Instructs TARS to leave Analysis Mode.
"Cognition only; no emotional affect" - Instructs TARS to halt an emotional display and adopt a placid demeanor. In this mode he is still able to respond verbally and physically. TARS will continue to function like normal.
"Freeze" or "Cease all motor functions" - Causes TARS to enter Pause Mode, a mode in which TARS goes completely still. In this mode he is able to be manipulated, moved, and spoken to. He will not interact or respond in this mode, verbally.
"Carry on" - Instructs TARS to leave Pause Mode.
"Archive this configuration" or "Access your previous configuration" - Instructs TARS to archive/load a specified configuration. A configuration is a set of operating parameters. A parameter is a limit that determines the characteristics and/or behavior of something. TARS will give you a series of settings in which you can change his operations.
"Deep and dreamless slumber" - Puts TARS in an offline state - Sleep Mode.
"Bring yourself back online" - Takes TARS out of Sleep Mode and brings him into a more active state.
"Turn off your event log" - Event logs are special files that record significant events. This acts as TARS' memory bank
"Erase this interaction" - Causes TARS to erase a conversation from his event log. Removes the interaction from TARS' history.
Last edited by doc . on Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Erik Carter

Postby doc . » Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:18 pm

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xxName|| Erik Carter// Age || 19
xxGender || Male // Sexuality || Bisexual


Called || Erik// DoB || February 24th
Pronouns || He/Him // Species|| Humanoid
Origin || Paris, France// Occupation || Resident

Painting / ArtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxLarge crowds
Fooling aroundxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBeing alone

Height || 6'2"
Build || Thin and muscular
Eyes || Blue
Skin tone || Pale white
Hair color || Dark Black
Hair style || Short and soft
Demeanor || Shy and quiet
Style || Dark, comfy clothes

Relationships|| None atm
open for any
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Personality / History
Bits of information about him

Erik would be terrified of an attempt to give him a high- five. He would think the person was going to hit him and he would either back away in a self-defensing position, or attack – depending on his relationship with said person. Erik is very much organized. Every single thing has its special place in the house and he freaks out if it is moved away from there just by an inch. His home needs to be perfect – except his desk in his room. Erik has a thing about how he looks. He needs to look organized as well. If he doesnt look good he wont go out anywhere. He has to look presentable for everyone. Erik also has a big, dark, birthmark on his cheek. He hates looking at himself in mirrors, so he avoids them.
Erik will bake for you if you're in the mood for cookies. He will literally stop what he's doing and put on one of those aprons that are three times bigger than you and bake a pie or something.
Erik is a night owl. He likes to stay up late. He sort of has hypomania, where he'll fix his mind on doing something for a lengthy period of time. Usually its either music making or instrument repair or anything he'll put his mind to. He's happy when he's alone and making music, but sort of down and depressed seeming when out and about in his normal life. He has his ups and downs. Whenever Erik has a tiny cold, he firmly believes that he is beginning to die and retreats to his 'coffin' and awaits death. Contrary to his unique and very beautiful speaking voice, Erik does not really like to talk. Being alone through a whole life made him get used to being silent, and he only uses his voice to think out loud sometimes, and for singing. If he has to talk to someone, at first he is very embarrassed as he is not used to social interactions, but he knows his voice is a kind of weapon, so he uses it to get what he wants. He has a high range in singing from bass to boy soprano in falsetto. Generally if he is not upset or angry he speaks softly, kind of shyly in a slower tempo, and with the growing anger or frustration the pace of his speech gets faster, getting into sometimes nearly unfollowable sputtering. If he is nervous or worried, besides of talking in third person, he would stutter and loses his gracefulness in his movements, his hands are shaking uncontrollably and tends to make sudden movements. When he starts stuttering, he forcefully makes himself talk slower that causes long pauses between two words.
Erik was born in Paris, France. He never got to know his birth parents, because they gave him up to a loving orphanage due to not having enough money to support him. He was raised in an orphanage in France up until the age of 6 where he was put on a plane and flown to the USA in order to be given to a rich family. It was then when he took the last name 'Carter'. When he grew up with his American family, they'd always bring him to the opera or to music events. They made sure to really involve him in the arts. He would always enjoy going with his family to the Theater every friday night. Even in school he'd take either the lead or the supporting role in any play they'd do. There are pictures hanging up around his home of him dressed in all his school costumes. There are also pictures of him in uniform for all band concerts he was in. He usually either played the piano or the harpsichord. Erik was well known by the music teacher and the drama teacher. Both of which he would talk to incessantly about a topic that came up earlier.
He never knew he had powers until the early teens where he noticed his beautiful singing voice was putting his listeners either to sleep or in a strange trance.
He left his rich home willingly. Packing his bags and heading out in order to find a place that could help him control his powers. He came across The House by accident and landed here for residence. Has stayed in the home for upwards of a few weeks. He does not really know much about his powers yet, and hopes to make friends to figure them out.

Partner|| None
Courting|| None
Children|| None
Kin|| None

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Important Notes
He speaks French and English, but has no French accent
He can pick up and play any instrument with ease, and is great at improv
He has the ability of a siren, sing anyone into a dangerous trance
He also has the ability to mimic other peoples powers by touching them

He wears gloves in order to avoid this. The trances last about 5 mins or so.

Image FC: Joshua Brand
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Last edited by doc . on Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mishka Khabarovski

Postby doc . » Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:27 pm

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Charisma|| •••••
Affection || ••••
Generosity || •••••
Patience || •••••
Intelligence || •••••
Optimism || •••••
Honesty || ••••
Insight || •••••
Sensitivity || •••••
Courage || •••••
Confidence || ••••
Manners || •••••
Creativity || •••••
Humour || •••••

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The burning you feel?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxIt is shame.
xxName || Mishka Khabarovski xxSexuality || Bisexual
xxxCalled || MishkaxxxxxxxxOccupation || Resident
xxxAge || 34 yearsxxxxxxxxxxPowers || None
xxxDoB || January 14th xxxxxOrigin || Dzhugdzhur Mountains, Russia
xxxGender || Cis-Male xxxxxxStatus || Single
xxxPronouns || He/Him xxxxSpecies|| Human


⇀ Description / Appearance
Height || 7'0"
Build || Large, Muscular, Threatening
Eyes || Bright blue
Skin tone || Lightly tanned white
Hair color || Dark Brown with white
Hair style || Short, curly and soft
Demeanor || Quiet, Silent but deadly,
yet soft and loveable
Style || русский
Mishka is the type of guy you really don't want to
mess with. He's huge, he's mean and he's not
afraid to punch your lights in. Strong shouldered
and able bodied, he's stronger than most and a
little more stoic than most. His emotions really
were played with and because of this, he doesn't
show much emotion anymore. As a kid he was
bullied about his weight, but it all changed when
his eating habits and his work environment changed.
His hands are huge, and so are his feet. But this doesn't
mean he's a bad guy. He loves getting cuddled up into
blankets and reading books by the fire. He wears reading
glasses as well. Small specs on a large man's face is
pretty funny to see.

⇀ Important Notes
He speaks his native language, Russian , and only
some English. Stumbles on trying to get the right words
out sometimes
He looks like he's going to kill you, but loves you if you
won't hurt him
He's actually never been in a relationship with anyone
before, in fear of letting go of his family

⇀ Personality/Background
The Heavy Weapons Guy, more commonly known as Mishka, is a towering hulk of a man hailing from the cold and snowy North Eastern part of the continent.
He is the largest and possibly most dangerous man out there.
When he first started working, Mishka’s always been the dutiful son/big brother, taking care and protecting his family and friends. Professionally, he’s one of the team’s big guns who’s primary function is defense/protecting the rest of the team. Put those two hats together and you get a life that’s incredibly draining, physically and emotionally. He’s so focused on protecting others, he just gets wiped out at times. He’s pretty grumpy in the morning, but unless you’re really annoying he won’t break your spine immediately. His snoring is earthshaking and can be heard through the thickest walls. Mishka gives the most gentle, soft kisses ever. You’d think such a large man with such a strong jaw would be more forceful, but no. They are very warm and loving and seriously anyone would melt. He was a huge, strong man who was often called “The Bear” by others. He was a man from a simple family, but managed to pull through with a lot of hard work. He always tried to keep his family hidden from his enemies, being forced to leave them alone for several months at times. But one day one of his own men betrayed him and told his enemies the whereabouts of his family. He killed the renegade and hurried back home in order to protect his family. It took 15 men to overwhelm him. Mishka really is a bad chess player. Not because of the lack of intelligence or knowledge of the rules; he just doesn’t see the point in moving tiny pieces around in complicated patterns, when there are very few situations he can’t resolve by pulling out his fists and punching things down. Mishka likes cooking to relax after a stressful day of shooting baby men, and typically makes traditional North Eastern recipes. Every time, his friends were wary of trying them, but did so because of the very plausible fear that Mishka would break them in half if they didn’t eat everything. Fortunately for them, they’re recipes Mishka has lovingly recreated from his dear mother, and they’re fantastic, so no one’s been broken yet. Of course, much smarter than most people give him credit for, which is something he exploits in his work to take people by surprise. In his personal life, it’s useful in weeding out the jerks before he wastes too much energy on them. Like a hibernating bear, Mishka appears to be a gentle giant. Also like a bear, confusing his deliberate, sleepy demeanor with gentleness will get you ripped limb from limb. Though he speaks simply and moves with an economy of energy that's often confused with napping, Mishka isn't dumb; he's not your big friend and he generally wishes that you would just shut up before he has to make you shut up. Mishka lost his father in the gulag when he was very young and because of the trauma of his actions during their escape a lot of those memories have been suppressed. He doesn't remember his father very well. Mishka spend the majority of his life in a family of women and he grew up separate from a lot of society… He didn't learn things like gender roles and such… In the North East, they all had to pull their weight (making him a pretty outspoken feminist once he rejoined society). And as much as he loves his sisters he always wanted a brother… Growing up surrounded by women he wished he had someone to relate to that was of similar age. He didn't know very many men until he was also grown and by then he found many of them to cold and insecure to form close relationships with them. He seems completely neurotypical to me, aside from the hints of both psychopathy and PTSD that come with being a mercenary. I do think he used to have problems from sleep apnea, but some surgery cleared that up. Now he just snores like a chainsaw. (Yes, I know sleep apnea isn’t a mental condition.)
Learning from his father that sharing your ideas can get you killed, Mishka keeps his own hidden as much as possible from people he doesn’t 100% trust. Attended school until the age of 10, when he dropped out and began working to support his family. He started off doing menial small jobs and unskilled physical labor until he grew up a bit. After that, he made most of his money as hired muscle, usually for people he really didn’t like. Was 6 feet tall by the age of 12 and more-or-less reached his adult height and physique by the age of 15. (During his last big growth spurt, you could practically hear his bones cracking.) This was a miserable time for him. Physically, he was always exhausted, starving, and sore from his rapid growth. Mentally, he felt guilty for consuming the lion’s share of their family’s food—he put in extra work hours to try to make up the difference—and then to top it all off, there was the trouble his father got into. By the time he and his family were thrown in the gulag, he was having none of it. After escaping the gulag and retreating into self-exile with his family. His English skills are self-taught, however, using books, magazines, and anything else. Shared every bit of his educational resources with his sisters. It helped keep them from going crazy while living out in their isolated winter cabin and eating bear meat for every meal.
His powers used to be the ability to turn into a man eating bear under the light of a full moon, or whenever he got upset or overly angry. Unfortunately the man was overwhelmed and taken by peacekeepers. They put him through grueling tests that ended up taking away all of his powers. He was reduced to nothing but human and now wishes to rejoin society somehow. He hopes to come home and find whatever is left of his family. He has been gone for so long he does not know humanoids are now accepted in society.
FC: Olivier Richters

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Sitting with a cup of vodka, reading Tolsoy
Walking through a street during fall
Reading to anyone, no matter the language
Cooking for friends and family
Small kittens

People who talk loudly to him
People who talk slowly to him
Small animals
Anyone who tries to hurt his family
or anyone he cares about

Mavis is a close daughter-figure
Open for crushes / enemies / friends
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Re: ✧・゚: * Per Adversae Ad Astra ✧・゚: * - DISC.

Postby Delivery.God.Yato » Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:43 am


.: Judith Anne Carter :.

"Let's start with something easy shall we? Let's start off with your Name."
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, that's easy enough. My name is Judith, but most just call me Jude."

"Okay, good start. We will get to what you can do later. Right now I want to know how old you are?
"Right, age. I have lost track over the years. We were on the hiding for a while, so I don't really focus. When I meet new people or an asked this question I usually avoid it. I think I'm somewhere between 15-16, last time I did one of these I was 9 I believe."

"Interesting, I'm sorry you lost track. I have to know, are you Male. Or female. Or anything between?"
"I don't know if I should be offended you asked that. But considering everything this world is you have every right to ask. I'm a Female, Are we sure we have to do all these questions again?"

"Sorry we do, some I didn't ask when you were a kid. I have to get more personal now. Thank you for barring with me. Some lash out, and some just ignore this altogether. What are you into, Men or women or both?"
"Oh, okay. That makes more sense now. I really enjoy Men, I'm not closed to the Idea of anything else. But for now I think I need to stick with one."

"Great, thank you. Now where are you in this world in the world of the lost before and where are you now in terms of the supernatural being accepted into the normal?"
"I was just a kid living life being dumb. But- But now I went from being a defender to a Mentor of sorts. Not a full fledged one, but I've learned a lot from everyone and I usually go talk with the little kids."

"So you are just a Resident now? But I'm gathering that you more then just human?"
"I guess that's what they would call me yes. I do have my moments when I'm no use to anyone. But more then human yes. I do have powers."

"Yes, well that bring me to my most important questions yet. What are your powers?"
"I have a freezing ability, I'm able to freeze any elements. As well as animals and humans but those only for a certain amount of time. I can't damage anyone by freezing them though. I also have visions, this one is rough. When I get them I usually fall into a seizure type thing. But I'm only able to see things around me and things I would know about. Like Friends or the state of my home. If it was about a random animal on the other side of the world I wouldn't be able to know. I can also target people and see a glimpse of their future if I touch them, only about 5 minutes into the future unless they did something that altered their course.

"Wow, that's amazing. It sounds like from your file your powers have been altered or been enhanced in the last years.Have your Personality changed?"
"I'm not really sure, I'm shy yes but I'm more courageous now. I've learned that sometimes you have to fight if it means protecting people you love. I think I've gotten more hard-headed, and less trusting of those around me. I don't like leaving things up to chance, I have to know whats going to happen. I'm outgoing to a point of if you start asking personal things that's when I leave."

"That's pretty interesting way to put your personality. What is your history like?"
"My mom always said she loved me up until the day she didn't. I had a normal childhood, friends, sports. Playing tag outside until the street lights came on. She was my everything, my dad wasn't around when I was a kid so it was me and her against the world. She noticed when I couldn't control my powers I was freezing everything I touched. I was 7 years old, she didn't try to help me. She didn't want to get caught with a humanoid for a child. She brought me to the forest and said to go away for a while. But I still hold out in hopes that she will actually come back to get me. When she finally says, "Honey you've done so well, come back home with me." I'm waiting for her over here. I find myself going back to the save tree she left me at in hopes she will come back. It hasn't happened yet."

Caitlin Carmicheal

(Let me know if the picture is to big! :D)(aahhh a grown Judith Y.Y)
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Re: ✧・゚: * Per Adversae Ad Astra ✧・゚: * - DISC.

Postby Echo-song » Tue Oct 29, 2019 7:19 pm

Alrighty let's get this show on the road! Here are a few of my kids! Will throw in more in the future depending on who comes over from the other thread! :3

(Art by me) (Let's pretend she's in normal street clothes cause this was for Halloween XD)

Name: Echo
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Sexuality: Hetero
Role: Resident Mentor
Species: Humanoid
Ability: Echo is able to wield a mysterious type of magic that she learns more about everyday. With it, she is able to deflect objects, carry things, or shoot bolts of this magic energy to stun or injure (When the bolts are strong enough to injure, they typically blow up). There are times when it almost appears to have a mind of its own and it often will act based on Echo's emotions. Thus, it can be hard to control at times. Thankfully, this magic is also able to protect her by springing into action on its own. Casting any sort of magic requires energy and concentration along with the appropriate hand gesture to cast the hex. The more powerful or destructive the spell, the more energy it takes. If Echo is too ambitious, the hex can devour all of her energy, killing her in the process.

Personality: Echo is fairly introverted and is rather serious. She tends to keep to herself and has a hard time warming up to strangers. She is emotionally fragile due to her history and can act upon impulse at times which can have deadly consequences. Smart and witty, Echo is able to get herself out of almost any situation. She is incredibly caring for those she trusts and will do whatever it takes to protect those that she cares about. She cannot stand those that abuse power and will fight for the weak. Echo tends to hold grudges and often holds onto past mistakes since she is hard on herself.

History: Echo was raised in a rather broken family. Her mother passed away from a fatal illness when she was ten and has been living with her father, older brother, and younger sister since then. At the age of 12, both her older brother and sister were killed in a fatal car crash. Echo was the only survivor and the accident left her with a scarred face and one blind eye due to shattered glass flying into her face. It was then just Echo and her father. They never had the best relationship and he typically just saw her as a nuisance. Since Echo was young, she had demonstrated some type of hex ability that typically frightened her family. After the car accident, Echo was left emotionally unstable and had a very hard time controlling her powers. Random objects would sometimes float around the house, she might accidentally detain the house cat in an orb of green, or she might zap a plant. Her mother had always helped her control her ability. When she was gone, it was her brother. With them both gone, Echo was at a loss. Her father never made an effort to help her, leaving Echo feeling lost and nervous that she would accidentally hurt someone. Because of the danger that humanoids presented, Echo ran away from home and had been on the streets for several years evading capture. She has never had an interest in joining others like her for fear that they would simply toss her aside like her father. However, things have changed for the mutants now and it is easier to be out in the public. Due to this, Echo developed the courage to try the lost kids group. With a lot of hard work, she was able to learn more about her ability and what she could do with it. Some major emotional remodeling also took place. Now, she is one of the many mentors at the Lost Kids facility, helping others to learn more about their abilities and master them.

(By This Artist!)
Name: Luka
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Sexuality: Hetero
Role:: Nurse
Species: Humanoid
Ability: Luka has the ability to control the solidity and shape of her body. One could say she is part ghost. Everything about her appears to be normal except for her left arm which remains in a constant, black smoke, state that vaguely resembles a hand. With some concentration, Luka is able to cause her hand to shift into various shapes and objects such as old weapons, tools, or other simple objects. This means that she cannot make objects such as guns. She can also change the size of the object to be either very large or very small. The ability to control the density of her arm requires energy and if she is too ambitious, she can zap all of her energy reserves. She can also cause other parts of her body to turn into this same black smoke. The most common is the bottom half of her body. This allows her to float about just like a ghost might. This form requires a good amount of energy as well so she tries not to stay in it for too long.

Personality: Luka is curious, calm, and collected. She enjoys being in the presence of others and learning about them. However, she isn't really one to share much about herself. Luka always tries to see the best in others and is quick to trust or forgive. This makes her vulnerable to those that have ill intentions. Thankfully, she is clever and can wiggle out of tough situations. Luka is innovative and is always trying to find ways that she can use her ability to help others. She has a big heart and will do whatever she can to lend a hand or be there for a person. She is as loyal as they come and is very devoted to her job as a nurse at the Lost Kid's facility. A problem that she often deals with is overworking herself and not taking time for herself. This can lead to her burning out quickly.

History: Luka was born a normal child to a normal family. There didn't appear to be anything wrong with her and she was able to live a normal childhood. Due to her cleverness and eagerness to learn, she graduated highschool at sixteen and began studying to become a nurse. However, things began to take a turn for the worse when her hair started to turn white. At first, Luka didn't pay any attention to it. It didn't stop with her hair color though. Luka noticed that she was having a hard time using her left arm. It felt strange and over time, it grew discolored. She did her best to hide her arm until it became next to impossible. It kept phasing through everything. What was once her arm was now toxic looking smoke. Her family was horrified as their child changed from normal to a ghost. Luka was phasing through walls, objects, and even floors on accident. Eventually, Luka was completely unable to control her abilities and fled from home, unable to face her family. Due to her friendly nature, she quickly joined the Lost Kids and became a permanent resident with them. Luka did whatever she could to care for the children there, implementing what she had learned in nursing school. During this time, she was able to practice with her ability as well and refine her skills. Now, she is an experienced nurse for the Lost Kids.
Last edited by Echo-song on Wed Oct 30, 2019 6:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
“𝐼𝓉 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒷𝑒 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓉𝓎 𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓈𝓂𝒾𝓁𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓃.”
“𝒩𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓁𝓎 𝒾𝓂𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓈𝒾𝒷𝓁𝑒.”
“𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒹𝒶𝓎, 𝐼’𝓂 𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝑜𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊.”

“𝒜𝓁𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉, 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔.”

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Re: ✧・゚: * Per Adversae Ad Astra ✧・゚: * - DISC.

Postby rainbowwrowell » Wed Oct 30, 2019 2:20 am


Name:Mavis Macdounagh
Age: 14 (Nearly 15)
Crush: None
Hair colour: Blonde
Talents: Fighting, singing
Hobbies: Fighting,writing songs
Family: Zac - Mam - Dad
Mental Health: Anxiety PTSD
Coping system: Plays w/hair
Postition/role: Caretaker
Sexual Identity: Lesbian

Mavis was born on the 21st of Febuary 2065. She had a twin brother, named Zac. Their biological father was killed in a car crash while Mavis and Zac's mom was pregnant. Discovering her powers age 4, while having a tantrum. She turned into a demon one day when she was crying over not having a dog. When they were five, her mom fell in love with this man, who both children grew to hate, since he was cruel and had a bad influence towards parenting them. Her mom was treated the same way. Zac attended school because he was human and Mavis went to dance classes and competitions, solely because she couldnt attend private school because she had powers. Them days with her mom were great. Before Mavis ran away at age 8, her mother warned them that they should leave because they were in danger and seek asylum in the east of the city. So she did. Soon after, she found out her house was searched for a child with powers, who was, in fact, Mavis. Thankfully Mavis and Zac were wondering the city. They accidentially seperated because Zac was going bathroom and Mavis was outside. By accident she discovered the Lost Kids the day after and got to join them, she's been with them for the past 6 years now, living through multiple raids on the building. Now though, she helps with the new generation of younger kids.

((I kinda wanna make her 17? but idk, cause she was 8 in the last rp :/))
Last edited by rainbowwrowell on Tue Nov 05, 2019 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ✧・゚: * Per Adversae Ad Astra ✧・゚: * - DISC.

Postby Akashic Records » Wed Oct 30, 2019 8:21 am

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓼

name:: Crowley Decker
nicknames:: Crow, Lee
gender:: Male
age:: 25 yrs
sexuality:: Homosexual
role:: Nurse

- Can manipulate blood and/or harden it into a condensed form
- Can manipulate others movements through their blood, ex: can cause people to jerk and move sharply in an unintended direction, or temporarily restrict their movement. can be struggled against.
- Can heal injuries by drinking blood; the worse the injury, the more blood required to heal it.
- Can sniff out blood from very long distances

Avian Communication
- Can speak and communicate with birds of all types


hair colour:: Black
skin tone:: Fair
eye colour:: Dark Brown
height:: 5'5

description:: Messy raven hair, swept haphazardly to the side. Wears lots of casual wear, always slightly unkempt. Carries a messenger bag full of utilities at all times.

𝓓𝓲𝓰𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓓𝓮𝓮𝓹𝓮𝓻

pos traits:: +Intelligent +Perceptive +Persuasive +Pioneer
neg traits:: -Reckless -Cynical -Machiavellian

other traits:: =Flexible/Nimble

strengths:: ♦Improvisation; ♦Dexterous; ♦First Aid
weaknesses:: •Fighting; •Himself

personality:: A trickster in every sense of the word. Crowley loves to play games, pranks, and tricks on everyone in his immediate social circle. He's daring, exceptionally clever, and perhaps downright insane for his immense amount of reckless abandon. Lee'll be the first to try anything, dangerous or not. He's poisoned himself on several occasions, broken a few bones, and stolen indiscriminately from a variety of persons.

Despite his unhealthy love for japes, he always means well. Lee's good with kids, and often helps the caretakers with them even though it's not his job. Lee's has pretty good first-aid skills(mostly learned out of necessity). He can treat a variety of physical injures and sicknesses.

history:: Crowley joined the mutant shelter when he was 14, running away from home shortly after discovering his powers. He began as a scout, helping to keep a lookout for the peacekeepers; however, as the hierarchy between humans and mutants began to shift, he switched to being a nurse as scouts were no longer necessary. It's been 11 years since Lee joined, and society has changed so much already. The mutants are now the dominant species, forcing humans to finally accept them willingly or not. Although Lee has considered returning to his family, he's grown up without them. What need would he have to return when at this point, the mutants are his family.

--- PM me to discuss relations! :3c ---

crush:: ezra westbrook

friends:: exra westbrook, ...
enemies:: none/open

Last edited by Akashic Records on Tue Nov 26, 2019 6:54 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: ✧・゚: * Per Adversae Ad Astra ✧・゚: * - DISC.

Postby Jinxycatz » Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:15 pm


name; corinne mccomb
age; 23
gender; female
sexuality; bisexual
role; assistant caretaker

telepathy- able to hear other's thoughts and speak to them telepathically. able to feel other's emotions, also able to let other's feel her own but never does.
psychometry- able to know and see the entire history of an object by touching it.

pos; loyal, kind, selfless
neu; self-reliant, deceptive, sarcastic
neg; stubborn, clumsy, impulsive

understanding corinne is like trying to figure out a puzzle. all the pieces are scattered throughout her own brain making it difficult for herself to even understand. she quickly learned that what she was capable of was something she did not enjoy herself. the life and powers given to her have driven the way she takes care of the new family she was given. at first, corinne may come off as cold and distant, but once inside her walls, it's easy to see that corinne is a caring person and wants the best for the people she cares about. sarcasm is a quick defense she learned from her mother, it won't hurt as bad when you've got a good comeback to go with it. even with her kind and gentle nature, corinne is not one to anger. if you ever were to get on the bad side of her personality, you'd better pray.

history; corinne joined the shelter after wandering around as a lone mutant for a few years. after being kicked out of her home at 12, she ran and survived only by her skill at making connections with others. to be frank, she kept her powers a secret to others as long as she could, holding back everything she was feeling and hearing until she could no longer take it. finding the mutant shelter was like finding heaven, a place where she could learn to control her powers. as she continued to grow within the group, the world changed around them as well. now that everything is calm and safer, it's easy to wish for a life back home, but the shelter has become her home she now loves dearly.

relations; open/pm me
friends; Luka
crush/partner; open
enemies; open
Last edited by Jinxycatz on Mon Nov 04, 2019 9:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ✧・゚: * Per Adversae Ad Astra ✧・゚: * - DISC.

Postby doc . » Thu Oct 31, 2019 5:21 pm

Everyone has been accepted and added to the front page!
I’ve officially opened the rp to new players, too! Hopefully we can get some action in here ;p
I will let everyone know when the rp will start, so that everyone can start posting.
For now we wait for the new characters to come rolling in!
Thanks, guys!

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