[ Shores and Summits ] Open

Roleplays featuring animals or non-human fantasy creatures which are based on a book/movie/tv show (e.g. Warrior Cats, My Little Pony, Pokemon)


Postby Catfrog » Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:22 am

    ANTDUSK ─ gender tom-cat age thirty-eight moons rank warrior
    mate/crush none clan summitclan

    a black tom-cat with pale green eyes ─ tags bearfluff, hollowmoon, lightningwolf

    Antdusk nodded bashfully at the deputy as he called for him to lead a patrol, and nodded
    at Lightningwolf as he came over to join the patrol. He set the feathers in the fresh-kill pi
    le and once he got up he saw hollowmoon approaching him. "Yeah, sure. The more the m
    errier. Speaking of more, where's Hawkpaw?"
    He counted Lightningwolf, Stagpaw, and Ho
    llowmoon in his patrol. He surveyed the camp, looking for the dark-furred tom-apprentice.

    SOFTPAW ─ gender molly age ten moons rank apprentice mate/crush
    open clan shoreclan

    a pale gray she-cat with soft fur and pale green eyes ─ tags sagepaw

    She gave Sagepaw a quick glance as walked over to her side, but her gaze quickly
    wandered back to the ocean. "Much better than stinky ol' alleyways. I personal
    ly think the coolest thing over in their summits are the sharp rocks that you c
    an see from here, but those could possibly kill me. Anyways, Summitclan cats
    have a weird scent, amirite?"
    She sniffed her own salty, minty smelling coat. "I b
    et they don't bathe."

    FLICKERPAW ─ gender tom age ten moons rank apprentice cru
    pixiepaw clan summitclan

    a tall white tom with ginger tabby patches and a scar on his muzzle ─ tags whitelightning

    He slowly opened his eyes, blinking at Pixiepaw's mentor before hearing the word 'training'
    and 'Flickerpaw' then whining, "I don't wanna train. My mentor is mean." He meowed. "Ca
    n't I go with you guys?"
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reed & hornet | 2

Postby nymx » Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:53 pm

    𝐫 𝐞 𝐞 𝐝 𝐬 𝐭 𝐫 𝐢 𝐤 𝐞
    clan - shoreclan | gender. - tom | rank. - deputy | apprentice. - sagepaw | age. - 25 moons |crush. - none | location. - shoreclan camp | tags. open

    Reedstrike laughed, turning his head to admire the view. "Yes, and all those apprentice duties I would so look forward to." he responded with a small snort. Turning his head to look at his clanmates, "I'll make sure they're aware. It won't happen again." he promised her, searching for his clnmates as he decided who would be patrolling today. "I'm afraid I have to be swept away from my duties, but I'll make sure to get some apprentices on that bedding of yours." he touched his nose to her cheek as he trotted over to his apprentice, Sagepaw. "Hey kiddo, we'll do some training today, I promise." he began, his gaze traveling to Charmbird. "But first I want to check the borders." he mewed, "Hey Charmbird! Hate to interrupt your plans, but can you and Dandelionpaw accompany us on a border patrol? Hopefully Thornfur and Spiderpaw as well." he called, his last words a bit of murmur as he looked to the warrior and older apprentice. She should have been a warrior by now, he guessed that was what their conversation was about. He'd ask after he delivered the news to his apprentice.

    𝐡 𝐨 𝐫 𝐧 𝐞 𝐭 𝐩 𝐚 𝐰
    clan - summitclan | gender. - tom | rank. - apprentice | mentor. - antdusk | age. - 11 moons |crush. - none | location. - summitclan camp | tags. open

    Hornetpaw lifted his head groggily as Whitelightning called to them, waking him up suddenly from his sleep. He turned his head whilist blinking his eyes open as he watched the other apprentices get up. With a yawn he finally lifted himself from his nest, the chilly air ruffled his fur as he walked in the clearing. His eyes searching for his mentor, Nightrunner as he sat down and groomed himself.
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Re: [ Shores and Summits ] Open

Postby drift. » Fri Oct 25, 2019 1:44 pm

|Tom|Siamese, mint eyes|Tags: Softpaw, ReedStrike, Patrol|
"Yeah, I do think those jagged ledges look pretty fun to climb on, but also kind of scary. What if you fell?" Sagepaw listened with a smile slowly creeping onto his maw, "Judging by the stench on their border I'd say no." he chuckled, swiping his tongue over his paw as if to make a point. "Hey! I found a cool hollowed log down past the-" his mentors deep voice cut into his words and he shut his eyes in brief disappointment. Quick to bounce back Sagepaw stood and gave Softpaw a playful flick of his tail, "sorry Softpaw, I suppose I'll have to show it to you another time. I'll see you later.." Sagepaw turned tail and met up with Reedstrike, his mint green eyes looking curiously up at the deputy. "Did you mention a patrol?"

|Tom|Maine Coon, pale blue eye|Tags: Stagpaw, Hollowmoon ;; Patrol|
Bearfluff turned and nodded to his apprentice. "Yes, border patrol." The large tom shook out his thick coat and padded over to meet his apprentice, giving him a friendly head-butt to the shoulder. His ears flicked at the sound of another cat approaching and his eyes instantly softened at the sight of the senior warrior, "Good morning, Hollowmoon. We could use someone as experienced as you to teach Stagpaw how to properly mark borders!" he teased after licking her ear warmly. He cherished Summitclan's senior warriors, they were what held the traditions and stories of the clan. They helped shape the future. Bearfluff looked at the cats in his patrol and surveyed each one. "Hm. I suppose we're still needing to locate Hawkpaw, then?"
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[ Ripple and Nettle ] 3

Postby SilentMelody » Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:35 pm

male ★ 32m ★ bi ★ shore leader ★ crush: open ★ tags: thornbreeze, open

    He smiled at the warrior's response and briefly dipped his head to him before Thornbreeze padded away, trying to find his apprentice. Just before he could get lost in his thoughts again, Ripplestar glanced around the area to find the cats he was looking for.

female ★ 11m ★ lesbian ★ summit med app ★ crush: open ★ tags: lightningwolf, hornetpaw

    "Yeah, hard-working..." she laughed lightly and shook her head, knowing that she only worked hard to please her aunt, Locuststar. At the warrior's farewell, Nettlepaw responded, "Alright, thank you and have a good day, Lightningwolf." She headed out of the den as well with a mental note of how many herbs she needs to get and managed to bump into Hornetpaw in her cluttered thoughts. His eyes widened for a second before she smiled and teased, "Watch where you're going."
Last edited by SilentMelody on Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [ Shores and Summits ] Open

Postby Keesa » Fri Oct 25, 2019 4:03 pm

Opalpaw - camp - Tags: Open!
Opalpaw was knew she’d gotten up late this time. It was hard to tell if the sun was up or not in the cool of the apprentice den but she could hear the muffled voices of her clan mates for outside the den, a sound she always found deeply comforting. Getting up slowly she’d made her way to the entrance of the den, she couldn’t hear anyone else in the den with her but she was careful all the same, getting stepped on is never a good way to start the day. By now it was easy to weave her way around the nests, having memorized the route so completely she was confident she could do it in her sleep! Her whiskers twitched as she stepped out of the den and into the open air of camp and tilled her head skywards, enjoying the feeling of the cool morning sun on her fur. At least it was daylight out, it was always such a bother when she got up late at night thinking it was day only to have to wait hours for everyone to get up. Opalpaw stretched, hopefully Thistlecry wasn’t mad, though if he was so impatient he could have just gone and woken her himself. She opened her mouth, allowing her senses to take in the camp, hmm, no sign of him yet, maybe she should do see what the other apprentices were up to? Or at the very least find someone to give her something to do.

Redfur - loner - ??? Hills by the ocean- Tags: open!
He came over towards the edge of the cliffside, following the hollow roar of waves crashing against stone until he came to a spot were he could peer over into the water finding himself surprised at his own fascination at the foaming waves, it was actually kinda nice here. He’d been warned by some fellow loners a while back about two large groups of cats that lived around these parts and that they were best to be avoided. Still, he’d come anyway, driven by curiosity and the innate instinct to do the opposite of what others say he should do, an habit that was more trouble than it was worth. Redfur felt the sharp pang of hunger and sighed, this was unfamiliar territory and so far his hunting has been unsuccessful. The sleek red cat turned, looking around and trying to think of were he might find easy prey.
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Re: [ Shores and Summits ] Open

Postby casper. » Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:14 am

✦ Ryebelly
✦ molly | elder | 130 moons | shore
✦ mentioned: ~ | tagged: Reedstrike

The old molly purred, "Be careful on the patrol," she mewed to the Deputy. Ryebelly stood up and stretched one last time before moving back into the caves. She slowly padded back to the elders den, greeting other cats along the way. She sat down and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

✦ Thornbreeze
✦ tom | warrior | 32 moons | shore
✦ mentioned: ~ | tagged: Spiderpaw

Thornbreeze licked his paw and proceeded to clean his face while listening to Ripplestar, he nodded, "Great, I'll go tell her," the tom dipped his head and padded off to the apprentices den. He sighed, she should have been awake by now. "Spiderpaw!" he whispered sternly. "Get up and come out here I'm waiting and have important news."

✦ Stagpaw
✦ tom | apprentice | 11 moons | summit
✦ mentioned: ~ | tagged: Bearfluff

Stagpaw happily greeted his mentor. His fur was itching to go and get out of camp for a while. "Are we leaving soon?" he asked, hoping to not sound impatient but he couldn't wait. He always found it interesting how the other clan could live with the stench of the water and the sound of waves, whenever they were at the border he would look over and wonder what it was like, he always believed it would be annoying.

✦ Dandelionpaw
✦ molly | apprentice | 8 moons | shore
✦ mentioned: ~ | tagged: Charmbird, Reedstrike

Dandelionpaw let out a small purr, "Sounds great!" The small molly sat down next to her mentor but bounced back up as the deputy approached Carmbird. She greeted the big tom with a smile, "Morning Reedstrike!" she admired the big tom, one day she might even have the chance to be a deputy and then she'd be able to help everyone all the time! She looked back over to Charmbird, she guessed it was more of an order to go on patrol but she still hoped Charmbird would agree to it.
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reed & hornet | 3

Postby nymx » Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:00 am

    𝐫 𝐞 𝐞 𝐝 𝐬 𝐭 𝐫 𝐢 𝐤 𝐞
    clan - shoreclan | gender. - tom | rank. - deputy | apprentice. - sagepaw | age. - 25 moons |crush. - none | location. - shoreclan camp | tags. sagepaw, dandelionpaw, charmbird

    Reedstrike nodded his head at his apprentice, "Just to check the borders and then, i promise, we'll do some training." he nudged Sagepaw as he grinned at Dandelionpaw's response. He dipped his head, smiling at the she-cat before turning his attention to Charmbird. "Alright then, shall we?" he beckoned the small group as they made their way to the border they shared with Summitclan.

    𝐡 𝐨 𝐫 𝐧 𝐞 𝐭 𝐩 𝐚 𝐰
    clan - summitclan | gender. - tom | rank. - apprentice | mentor. - nightrunner | age. - 11 moons |crush. - none | location. - summitclan camp | tags. nettlepaw

    Hornetpaw blinked his eyes in surprise as a figure bumped into him. He opened his mouth to say something rude but her voice interrupted him. Nettlepaw, the clan's medicine cat and also their rival leader's daughter. He didn't like that, but Nettlepaw didn't run off to join him, did she? She was loyal. He laughed at her teasing, "Oh really? I could say the same for you!" he retorted, it sounded rude but he meant good by it. "I mean what could you have been thinking of to run into oh-so glorious me?"
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Re: [ Shores and Summits ] Open

Postby Queen of flames » Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:01 am

she ~ senior warrior ~ no crush ~ Dandelionpaw ~ tags: Dandelionpaw, Reedstrike,
She was able to say, that letäs go when Reedstripe instructed them "...sure" she meowed simply to the clan deputy turning back to her apprentice "well we can do some training on our way back to the border patrol" she meowed to her. She looked across the camp to see the mentioned warrior and apprentice, seeing them there talking "hmm, I think Spiderpaw will have her assessment soon? maybe we could take someone else instead?" she meowed to Reedstrike.

tom~ apprentice ~ open crush (gay) ~Copperflame ~ tags: open
Sighing in annoyance when he waked up at the moment when Dandelionpaw and few other apprentices headed out of the den, not so pleased that it was morning already as he wanted to enjoy more of his dreams. Narrowing his eyes, he glared at the den entrance for a moment, before thought was his time to get up, he didn't want to get yells by Copperflame, when he was the last cat still on his nest.

tom~ warrior~ open crush (bi)~ apprentice~ tags: Antdusk, Hollowmoon, Bearfluff, Stagpaw
He made his way to the other warriors, giving a nod to Hollowmoon when the senior warrior asked the join the patrol. He gave a lick to his front paws when he heard the Antdusk questioning about the missing apprentice Hawkpaw "hmm? No I don't know I am not seen Hawkpaw this morning, maybe he is still sleeping?" he meowed to him.

she~ warrior~ open crush (bi)~ Pixiepaw~ tags: Pixiepaw, Flickerpaw
She made a look after Horentpaw, who without much words get up and out of the den, sighing 'Only if my own apprentice could be that brave to get up when asked to' she thought looking over to Pixiepaw "Pixiepaw? Do you hear me? It's time to wake up?" she meowed a little louder this time. She turned to Flickerpaw "hm? I am not sure...I don't think Wolfjaw really like if I just take you with us...maybe you could ask him first or if he has some plans for you already" she meowed.

]she~ queen~ open crush~ kits~ tags: open
She is still curling around her kits and continuing her sleeps at the nursery together with her kits.
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Re: [ Shores and Summits ] Open

Postby drift. » Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:33 pm

|Tom|Siamese, mint eyes|Tags: Dandelionpaw, ReedStrike, Patrol|
drift. wrote:"Yeah, I do think those jagged ledges look pretty fun to climb on, but also kind of scary. What if you fell?" Sagepaw listened with a smile slowly creeping onto his maw, "Judging by the stench on their border I'd say no." he chuckled, swiping his tongue over his paw as if to make a point. "Hey! I found a cool hollowed log down past the-" his mentors deep voice cut into his words and he shut his eyes in brief disappointment. Quick to bounce back Sagepaw stood and gave Softpaw a playful flick of his tail, "sorry Softpaw, I suppose I'll have to show it to you another time. I'll see you later.." Sagepaw turned tail and met up with Reedstrike, his mint green eyes looking curiously up at the deputy. "Did you mention a patrol?"

The pale young tom nodded, though he despised training. Why did the best fighter in Shoreclan have to be my mentor..' Sagepaw forced a smile at the other apprentice but stayed behind his large mentor. Why are they always so friendly..? he flicked his ears in an attempt to rid himself of the envious thought. It was simple. Reedstrike was the deputy, everyone liked him. "Sounds good to me," Sagepaw mewed cheerfully and stuck by his mentor's side while they continued on the patrol. "Maybe I could even scout ahead as practice?" he hinted at his mentor, his mint green eyes pleading. He desperately wanted to prove himself, he was so scrawny compared to Reedstrike- nor was he as respected or as liked.

|Tom|Maine Coon, pale blue eye|Tags: Patrol|
Bearfluff sighed and dipped his head to Antdusk, "I suppose one of the other warriors will have to keep an eye on Hawkpaw if he shows up. Or, if he's lucky he can follow our scent to the south border and catch us. But the sun is rising and we should really be on our way.." he turned to his apprentice and grinned, "I think so, and if it's alright with Antdusk I want you to help lead the patrol. Don't get in his way, but try and detect our scent markings before we arrive, as well as scent the air for strange cats- including Shoreclan." Bearfluff gave the dark tom a questioning glance, "Is it alright if Stagpaw tags up front with you for a bit?" the scarred tom hoped that it didn't look like he was passing his apprentice off on someone else, he just knew he wasn't the only cat who had valuable things to teach his young apprentice. "Whenever you're ready Antdusk, we're right behind you."
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Spottedlily | Sunstrike | Pixiepaw

Postby Epiclilkitty » Wed Oct 30, 2019 3:43 pm

    S P O T T E D L I L Y

    [ She-Cat ] [ 24 Moons ] [ ShoreClan ] [ Medicine Cat ] [ Location: Just Inside SummitClan Territory ] [ Mood: Distracted ] [ Mentions: Tawnypaw ] [ Tagged: Open ]

      Spottedlily awoke with the sun, as she did most mornings. Blinking open pale green eyes, the Bengal she-cat glanced around the large burrow that made up the medicine cat's den. The den was quiet, its only occupants her and her still sleeping apprentice, Tawnypaw. It had been quite a while since they had any seriously sick cats, so, for the most part, the den just smelled of wet sand and herbs. But that was the way the she-cat liked it. Scrambling awkwardly to her paws and being careful not to put too much weight on her mangled right foreleg, Spottedlily allowed herself a brief moment to stretch before limping out of the den and into the intricate tunnel system beyond. She chose not to wake her apprentice, preferring to spend a bit of time alone. Let the young she-cat sleep. She would travel to the nearby forest and look for herbs. It would give herself some time to clear her head and wake up properly. Limping through the tunnel, the young she-cat emerged into the bright sunlight that lay beyond the tunnel system and slipped silently from camp. Her belly rumbled at the scent of the freshkill pile, but she ignored it. The walk to the nearby forest was a slow but peaceful one. No cat or creature disturbed her as she padded along the well-worn path and she allowed her thoughts to drift as she meandered along. Eventually, the scent of SummitClan jarred her from her thoughts and she was surprised to see she had accidentally wandered across their scent markers. She thought about turning back, but she could see some herbs a few fox-lengths ahead and figured no one would miss a few measly herbs. Limping over to the bushes, she began to gingerly trip the leaves from the branches, creating a small pile at her paws to be carried back to camp.

    S U N S T R I K E

    [ Tomcat ] [ 35 Moons ] [ SummitClan ] [ Warrior ] [ Mood: Concerned ] [ Mentions: Stonestare ] [ Tagged: Bramblekit ]

      Sunstrike's ear twitched as he listened to the hustle and bustle of the clan from the warmth of his nest in the warriors' den. It was far too early, in his opinion, to be awake right now. He had led the moon high patrol the previous night and his whole body ached with exhaustion. They hadn't returned until the first hint of dawn had appeared on the horizon and he felt like he could sleep another three moons and it still wouldn't be enough. Rolling over, the pale ginger and cream tabby tomcat tried to burrow further into his nest, but before he could get back to sleep, tiny pinpricks dug into his pelt and roused him fully. Lifting his head, he blinked down at the tiny, dark brown bundle of fur and frowned slightly in concern. "Bramblekit?" He asked, voice gruff with sleep. Looking around, he didn't see his former mate or his other daughter in the den and reluctantly pushed himself to his paws and shook out his thick pelt. "Where is Stonestare? Why aren't you in the Nursery?"

    P I X I E P A W

    [ She-Cat ] [ 10 Moons ] [ SummitClan ] [ Apprentice ] [ Mood: Tired ] [ Mentions: Sunstrike ] [ Tagged: Whitelightning, Flickerpaw ]

      Pixiepaw groaned loudly in protest at the insistent meows of her mentor, wanting nothing more than to bury herself further into her soft, warm nest and disappear from sight. Rolling over, the petite calico and white Manx instead burrowed deeper into the flank of her denmate and best friend, Flickerpaw, her voice coming out muffled when she spoke around his ginger tabby fur. "Five more minutes," she whines softly. Too softly, it would seem, as Whitelightning still asked if she had heard her and insisted once more that she get up. Opening her eyes reluctantly, the small she-cat sat up and rubbed at her eyes with one paw before blinking blearily at the den's other occupants. "Do we have to go out so early? Sunstrike had us patrolling all night," she meowed mournfully, half-tempted to just lay back down and go back to sleep.
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