⋆ manhattan twenty-six ⋆

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montgomery // gonzales 001

Postby astrophile. » Sun Jun 23, 2019 3:52 am

    𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲
    detective // briefing room // tagged w cora
    ace was unusually punctual that rainy monday morning; arriving a good half hour before the rest of the detectives. on any other day, chances were he'd be arriving at the last second; nonchalantly sneaking into the briefing room not unlike a student slamming into their desk just as the bell rigs, and earning a displeased look from the teacher, or in this case, the precinct leader. there would be none of that today. though ace didn't quite know the reasoning behind him setting his alarm an hour earlier. he was not a morning person, and he was sure he looked it, but what the hell, at least he had tried. perhaps it was the fact that a new week brought forth new cases that had been the source of ace's newly-discovered passion. after spending the previous week sorting out a robbery between two tenants in manhattanville, he was itching for a more exciting case, a rush. the front page of the newspaper he had been reading at his desk told of a possible poisoning at a nearby apartment. that was just the kind of rush ace needed after a slow week, one that got his heart pumping. it was mother nature's drug, more potent and far more cheaper than anything off the streets, and ace was addicted. though one could argue it was equally as dangerous. the possibility of being a hero was just an added bonus. although it was up to jonah who got the case. that was his only obstacle, convincing the captain he was capable, but that shouldn't be too hard.

    the twenty-nine-year-old glanced up from scanning through the morning news for the umpteenth time as cora walked in, as chipper as ever. "at least someone's having a good morning," he scoffed, folding up the newspaper and tossing it into the pile of unfinished reports and folders he called his desk, next to his untouched cup of coffee. ace despised the drink, but it was the only thing that would help get him through the day. he rose to his feet, stretched, then started to the briefing room just as everyone else had begun to arrive. it seemed he was always in the center of things, always knew what was going on around the office, at least from a social standpoint. he had also earned the honorable, or dishonorable, title of being one of the worst gossipers, and in the past, it had worked to his advantage, such as getting the less cooperative suspects to talk. still, he could come across as overbearing, especially to the younger trainees, and he wasn't exactly everybody's cup of tea. his reputation of being rebellious and doing things his way certainly didn't help.

    𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬
    trainee // briefing room // tagged w nobody [open]


    "alright. be careful. i love you, mama," soleda's voice was a hush, nearly a whisper when she stepped out of the elevator and into the office. with an exhausted sigh she hung up the phone and set it face down on her desk, before collapsing into her chair. what better way to start a monday than learning your baby brother had blown a .09 driving home from a party and had spent the night in jail. yeah, soleda could think of several, one of which included being dragged by her feet behind a semi doing seventy on highway ten. being the youngest of five and the son of the sheriff, eddie had gotten away with more than he should have, and more than soleda ever had, but there were no free passes this time. the kid had it coming, and while it hurt soleda to see him locked up, it served him right. maybe a night in the county jail would do him good, knock some sense into him. not likely, soleda thought, her heart sinking. life was just a game to eddie, and more likely than not, he'd spend his whole life drunk and unemployed or drunk and collecting a paycheck from the oil rigs, just like his brothers and uncles before him. it hurt like hell to see him throw his whole life away, when soleda had worked so hard to get where she was now; saving up enough just to buy a bus fare to new york. she was doing alright now, with a job and a studio apartment in morningside heights, but that didn't mean it had been easy.

    she leaned back in her chair, rubbing at her temples. later she'd have to call her brother, but what was the use? he didn't listen to anyone. half of her wanted to let him go, let him get in trouble, he was an adult now after all, not a little kid. but the other half still held on to some false hope that he would clean up his act. for his family. for her. she had taken care of him most of his life; patched up his arm after a fall from his bike, and had been present at all his soccer games when her parents couldn't. she had tried to steer him onto the right path, but it was all in vain. the least he could do was act like he cared.

    she took a deep breath, clearing her head. she couldn't let that plague her thoughts. from day one she had been taught to keep her personal life and professional life separate. today was a new beginning, with new cases. she could lay awake late at night worrying about eddie all she wanted when she clocked out and went home. soleda glanced at the clock and stood up, heading towards the briefing room where everyone had begun to congregate, ready to leave that part of her life behind her for now.
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⋆ one ⋆

Postby འབྲོག་ཁྱི » Sun Jun 23, 2019 7:03 am

    ⤜──────→ 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐁𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲
    Det. Bailey she/her tagging y'all briefing room form wc; 338


        The bus sped along the streets of Manhattan, unperturbed by the weather. It had been raining all morning, and a motorcycle wasn't exactly suited for this kind of weather - if you wanted to arrive to your destination in dry clothes. Laura had discovered her love of motorcycles after a ride with the NYPD motor unit during her early days as a detective. Chris hadn't exactly approved of this hobby, but - as with most things - had finally come to the realization that she was too adorable to be denied. And in New York, a bike was definitely more practical than a car - well, when it wasn't raining.
        The heavy raindrops beat against the canvas of her umbrella as she strode towards the precinct from the bus stop. The rain had driven many pedestrians into the cafes and stores lining the street, but Manhattan could barely ever be considered quiet. A few minutes of brisk walking, and she was greeted by the tall doors of the local department of the NYPD. She closed her umbrella and shook the excess water off before stepping indoors.

        As soon as the elevator's doors pinged open, she rushed to her desk through the entrance of the bullpen to deposit her backpack. She wasn't entirely late yet, but arriving last into the briefing room wouldn't exactly be an achievement. However, as pushing open the door of the briefing room revealed the sight of her dear friend Cora, any worries about time seemed to evaporate from her mind. With quick strides, she dodged past Archie and Elliot to wrap the woman in a warm hug. After letting go, she gently held her at arm's length by the shoulders, regarding her as if she had been gone for three years instead of three weeks. "Had you been gone a day longer, I would've driven to Maine under the assumption that you'd gotten lost in that wilderness," she grinned, finally dropping her arms to her sides to allow the others to not entirely hog the returning detective's attention.
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⋆ clarence one ⋆

Postby braunkatt » Mon Jun 24, 2019 4:14 pm

      𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐒xxxxxxlocation: briefing roomxxxxxxtagged: andre

      mornings were a sacred time for clarence campos. these were times that he was able to truly prepare himself for the crazies that the city brought to his day by day. with a large cup of joe in one hand and the daily newspaper in another, the sun could be seen trickling through the blinds of his office. an abundance of books were spread out on the desk, each had a bookmark scattered throughout, all in various stages of course. clarence wondered how he could possibly keep track of the plots, but he managed. the man adored the feeling of being alone while the sun was saying it's hellos for the day. clarence sat with his legs crossed and propped onto his desk, his eyes glazing over the brilliant orange casts of the sun. his eyes then rushed over to the clock, there was an assortment of shuffling coming from the outside.

      quietly yet promptly he set his belongings down on the desk, a picture frame of an orange tabby lay adjacently from the clock displayed above. his fingertips glided over the blinds, revealing trickles of sunlight as he opened them wider. a heavy sigh parted from the man's lips, the sound of his footprints solemnly waking up his sleepy eardrums. a small smile spread acorss his lips at the sight of his two trainees, soleda gonzales and toby o'connor. both bright young workers ▬ clarence couldn't help but to feel a sense of satisfaction with their progress. he knew that the two would contribute amounts to the police force, and he felt blessed to be their mentor.

      he could see several of his co-workers slowly but steadily appearing by the one, all gathering around the bullet board. clarence took a large swing of his coffee before sauntering up to andre gutierrez, one of his closest friends in the precinct. he quickly noticed the distance andre stood from the group, but instead of letting the poor soul by his lonesome self, he approached the man. "gutierrez," the man rolled his tongue, following with a stiff nod. "you look someone peed in your cheerios." he slyly cocked an eyebrow, purposefully facing his feet toward the man.
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⋆ jonah / cora ⋆ two

Postby monism » Mon Jun 24, 2019 6:15 pm

━━━━ ( Jonah Reed ) ⋆ the captain ⋆with: everyone ⋆

"Okay so today we have-" Jonah stopped abruptly upon spinning around to see only the two trainees waiting for the captain to begin. He lifted his eyes to see Cora chatting up quite a large group. Deciding to give her a break since it was her first day back, he turned his to the two young detectives. "Gonzales, O'Connor," he greeted them with a curt nod. He took a moment to reflect on their recent performance- it had been past satisfactory. "I hope you two are adjusting well," he was never one for small talk. They both showed a lot of promise, he figured detective Gonzales would run some sort of specialized task force one day as her cleverness cannot be matched. And for Toby, Jonah recognized he was a spitting image of his younger self. Perhaps he would one day become the captain.

Soon his detectives started settling down. "Alright let's get started here," he began, quickly rereading the assignments he had made the hour before. "Welcome back Cora, " he said with a slight nod of his head. He then began reading the assignments and case types to get the day rolling.

━━━━ ( Cora Thatcher ) ⋆ detective ⋆ with: everyone ⋆

Cora's eyes lit up as Elliot approached her. She had never been the one to catch feelings for someone so quickly, but this just seemed so natural. Yeah, he was kind of nerd- especially when he was talking about his bird, but it didn't bother Cora. "Oh my gosh, it was so boring there let me tell you," she began, theatrically. "I guess Maine's nice and all but I did miss Manhattan- and all of you guys of course." Her eyes lingered on Michael as he spoke, who was clearly ill-tempered, but she didn't really pay that much attention to him anymore. Cora smiled warmly at the nearing detective Holmes. "Hey Archie, thank-" she was cut off by an unexpected hug. "Man I really missed you," she exclaimed heartily to Laura. Laura was her best friend in the office, someone she could really look to.

She turned her head to see Jonah looking rather irritated. "We should probably go," she said to her friends, giving an embarrassed smile. She took her usual spot, middle right corner and stuck her wrist under her chin. She was absolutely shaking with excitement, the idea that she'll be back in the front lines after so long was almost surreal to her. She was almost to all the paperwork and mundane parts of the job- only looking forward to the chance to solve a puzzle.

"Holmes, Thatcher: a bank on 5th street was robbed by 5 armed men," the captain read from his chart. Cora shot a smile towards Archie, ready to dive into the case right away.
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2 - hate is a very strong word

Postby sapphic psychic » Tue Jun 25, 2019 9:30 am

location: briefing room - tags: clarence, ace (kinda)

andre peacefully sipped at his coffee, being all the more careful to not make any stupid mistakes or run into anyone. he didn't want to have to go home and change at this point - everyone was arriving and he was certain the morning briefing would begin soon. the man finished his beverage and discarded the cup, now going back to rejoin his colleagues. just as he was about to jump into conversation, clarence walked up to him. andre visibly relaxed as clarence, though somewhat older than he, was his closest friend in the police department. arguably kind of quirky, andre valued the company and support clarence offered. they got along nicely, and knew that he could trust clarence with anything.

"you could say that," andre grumbled with an eyeroll. "i spilled my damn coffee just before i left. had to clean the pants." he gestured down to his new black pants, even though there was no visible stain. "so you could say my morning didn't start off quite right." andre was just about to ask how clarence was doing when the captain started reading off the case assignments. he grit his teeth when ace was called to be paired with him - he just had to get stuck with the junkie. gutierrez was almost 100% sure that jonah was aware of andre's strong disliking of ace; he made it quite clear. andre didn't understand why reed had partnered them, but there was nothing he could do about it. when the captain was all done, andre turned to his companion and said, "any chance we could switch partners?" it was only a half joke - he knew reed would never allow it but it was still worth a shot. he'd much rather be with the trainees - but then again, he had never been very good at training them, so maybe it was better this way.
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⋆ Two // Archie ⋆

Postby Crookedleaf » Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:55 am

𝓐𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓶𝓮𝓼
Age: 28xxRole: DetectivexxLocation: briefing roomxxTagged: soleda & Cora towards end

Archie smiled as Laura went to her friend, talking to her, and he quietly back from the conversation. He took another sip of his "monday" coffee, his face twisting slightly, before he noticed the stressed looking Soleda walking into the briefing room and he migrated over to her. I believe she is one of those trainees? Good work she does Archie stood besides her letting out a small sigh before he spoke.

"Personal problems got you stressed?" He questioned taking another sip of his death coffee, "Hopefully you can get on a good case, that always tends to help take your mind off of it." Archie didn't want her to feel like intruding on her personal life, so he didn't press on with further questions, and instead said," I'm hoping a new case can take my mind off of the fact I still haven't got my little niece something for her birthday, and I have no idea what kids are into nowadays." He stopped speaking when heard the captain say,""Holmes, Thatcher: a bank on 5th street was robbed by 5 armed men..." and looked towards Cora giving her a grin and thumbs up. This is going to be great!
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⋆ clarence two ⋆

Postby braunkatt » Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:41 am

      𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐒xxxxxxlocation: briefing roomxxxxxxtagged: andre and toby

      tactfully, he nodded his head as andre spoke. a merciful smirk encasing the man's features, his eyes glanced to the supposed stain andre cursed of. "that happens too often, my friend." a low chuckle rasped from the back of his throat, a lazy gaze toward the captain solemnly brought clarence out of his sleepy state. he continually glanced between the captain and andre, keeping notes in the back of his head. he quickly took notice of his friend's partner ━ sending the man a hopeful glance.

      "any chance we could switch partners?" gutierrez asked, clarence just about spit the coffee right out of his mouth. he found it amusing. though he could understand from andre's point, ace could be a little over the top at times, but he had good intentions...at least that's what clarence thought. "maybe this will be a learning experience." he nodded dumbfoundedly, his lips parted with unconcern. eventually, the man was able to pinpoint one out of the two of his trainees. toby o'connor specifically. "pardon me." he grumbled under his breath before taking a seat beside o'connor.

      "o'connor," the sergeant greeted in a hushed tone. "you ready for today?" his tongue grazed the tops of his teeth as he glanced away from his trainee, trying to find soleda in the small crowd of heads.
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𝙤'𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙧 // 𝙞𝙞

Postby jacewy » Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:11 pm

𝙏𝙊𝘽𝙔 𝙊'𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙉𝙊𝙍』▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
    detective in training | 23 | where: briefing room | tags: clarence

TOBY'S FOOT TAPPED MINDLESSLY ON TOP of the briefing room as he took out his small leather notebook he always kept with him for various case notes. He didn't have a lot to start with, but it was good to clean his mind, and it took a little bit of stress off of his shoulders when it came to the case. Toby flipped through the pages to find one that was clean, tapping his pen on his lips as he did so. When absorbed in his thoughts, the world around him was blurred and unimportant. When the young detective in training did find an empty page in the notebook, he flipped the top corner to doggy-ear the page, before clipping the ballpoint to the page. Just as he did so, he heard a hushed, "Pardon me." Toby looked up to see the sergeant take a seat beside him. He pocketed the leather-bound before resting his hands on his lap, one hand laid over the other.

"O'Connor," Campos greeted, which made Toby force himself to meet his eyes. "Good morning, Sergeant." He managed a smile to accompany his hello.

"You ready for today?" In return, Toby simply nodded, keeping up the simple and small smile. As Campos soon turned to search for, Toby assumed, Gonzales, he rested his hand on his neck and returned to his idle sitting.
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3 - breaking barriers

Postby sapphic psychic » Thu Jul 04, 2019 5:34 am

location: briefing room - tags: clarence, ace

andre could only scoff at the notion of it being a learning experience. there was no way in h*ell that andre was going to learn anything from that prick. maybe it would be a good way to control his anger, or perhaps strengthen his punching arm. who knew. andre nodded as campos left, leaving him to be alone once again. his gaze skirted over the numerous little huddles of people, eventually settling on ace. the man seemed to be alone, so andre figured maybe it was his chance to attempt to talk to his partner adnd compare notes. there would be no punches or insults thrown - andre was just hoping to make some temporary peace with this guy. if they had to work together for the next little while, there was no point in just fighting with him. eventually, andre might have to put his life in ace's hands.

the man worked his way over to ace, offering a curt nod in the man's direction. "morning," andre greeted the fellow detective. "i guess there's no point in beating around the bush. i know that i don't really like you and i'm sure im not exactly your cup of tea either. however, im willing to work around this, or at least try to." andre took a breath, examing ace's face and checking for some sort of reaction. "i just want to make sure that we have our boundaries set for each other before we have to work together."
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montgomery // gonzales 002

Postby astrophile. » Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:59 am

    𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲
    detective // briefing room // tagged w andre
    so, a three-year-old missing in central park. while it wasn't the murder case he had been hoping for, he was quite satisfied. even if it meant he'd be paired with the intolerable grouch. the reason behind the captain pairing them together, ace could only guess, was to teach them a lesson of sorts. with the amount of times they had clashed in the past, their dislike for each other wasn't a secret.

    mind if we switch partners "ouch." ace arched an eyebrow at andre's less-than-pleased reaction to them working together on this case, and turned to face the man as he walked over. "that's kind of harsh, don't you think?" he asked, tilting his head to the side and furrowing his brow, playing dumb to andre's hostility. forget the lesson, perhaps jonah simply had a death wish for the both of them. he met andre's eyes as he spoke, only half listening to whatever he had to say this time. although he was quite impressed with his little speech, which he guessed had been the most words the male had spoken to him that weren't a string of insults. he sucked in a breath when andre finished. "well, with that out of the way, we need to work fast. you know as well as i do how critical these first few hours are," ace had been around the block a few times, and this wasn't the first time he'd been given a missing child case. sometimes they were found, a little shaken up but more or less in the same condition they had been in when they disappeared. other times, the last time the parents would see their child was in a morgue, identifying them. and there were always the ones who had never been found, who were still missing to this day, 10, 20, 30 years later, their parents still holding onto some small drop of hope that maybe, just maybe they were still alive and well, maybe settled down with kids of their own, unbeknownst to the fact that they had another family looking for them. unfortunately, it didn't always turn out that way. ace couldn't count the amount of times he'd had to break the news to the parents that they would never see their child again, and one was too many times. seeing their faces crumble with grief and pain, and knowing there isn't anything you can say to make things better, because there is nothing to say. they're gone, and that's that. of course, not every case was like this. the majority were domestic disputes, a family member snatching away the child and fleeing to another state, and in extreme cases, another country. nine times out of ten, the reason wasn't to harm them. those types of cases had the highest return rates. in addition, children wandered all the time. the natural curiosity of a child led them to stray, and in the time it takes the person watching them to tie their shoe or check the time on their phone, they were gone. in a place like central park, someone was bound to come across a three-year-old walking alone, and help them back to their parents. case closed, everyone goes home, life is good. still, it made ace uneasy, and there was a sense of urgency he rarely felt with any other type of case, and he was chomping at the bit to get out and found miya before somebody else did.

    𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐚 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬
    trainee // briefing room // tagged w clarence & toby

    soleda had completely forgotten the family drama by the time she joined the others in the briefing room; locked the door to that memory and thrown away the key. while some grouped together, chatting with others, but soleda preferred to be alone, at least this early in the morning. the west texas town she had grown up in was tiny- one yellow traffic light tiny- and it seemed that its 400-something residents were always in each other's business; who was getting married, who cheated who, who was getting divorced. it was one of the many things about small-town america she didn't miss. in balmorhea, it could take half an hour to walk the mile to the local grocery store because everyone stops and talks to you. in new york, you could live your whole life without so much as a few words to order your coffee in the morning.

    soleda glanced up at the voice, who she recognized to be archie. while she had never really talked to the young detective, she did respect his determination and carefree attitude. she smiled absentmindedly as he talked, and shook her head with a quiet laugh. “no, it’s not that, i’m just tired. trying to get used to the noise of the city and everything,” she waved it off, chalking up the circles under her eyes to trouble sleeping, which wasn’t a completed lie; she was still adjusting to hearing honking and sirens late into the night. the saying was true, it was the city that never sleeps. at his next comment soleda smiled and shook her head. “can’t help you there. i grew up with four brothers, and i doubt your niece will want a g.i. joe for her birthday,” her eyes darted to the captain as began to read off the case assignments. when her name was called she tried to hide her disappointment for her new case. true, she was still young and new, she couldn’t expect a big case this early, but still. all these murders and robberies and they got a stolen car. when jonah had finished, she stood up with a heavy sigh, searching in the small crowd of detectives before finding clarence and toby, and she walked over to the table. “a car. laura and eli get a murder case, ace and andre get a missing child, nope, we get a car,” she huffed, taking a seat next to the other trainee.
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