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take this trashy post. i need to draw lovechildren

Postby divinity. » Sun Apr 28, 2019 12:57 pm

    ( ๅคช้™ฝ )xxโ๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐ˆ ๐‡๐€๐‘๐”๏ผ๏ผ
        โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” [ xquirkl flicker x]xx[ xforml form x]xx[ xtagged/mentionedl yoshiro x]

          indent she examined the scenery surrounding the two of them. it was peaceful and a beautiful sight. haru felt her body slouch slightly. her focus back onto the boy, she let out a small and confused hum. how does she calm herself down? she's never really thought of that till now. she's never really felt the need to calm herself down unless she was crying or mad. "i'm not sure. i just sit or lie down and just think. i think about good times and good thoughts. that or i just lay down and stare at the ceiling or if im outside i just look up at the sky," she shrugged. she does that whenever she needs to clear up her mind or when she simply wants to recollect some memories. she hummed as she acknowledged his comment. it was true. the spot they were at was serene and haru knew that. she took in the visuals of the area. the grass was greener and the trees flowed along with the occasional breeze. everything looked so pretty. "we can meditate here!" she exclaimed happily. flickering to a small yet wide area, she sat down and turned her body to face yoshiro. patting the small area beside her while sending the boy a small smile. "i don't really do this with anyone- i don't even know if i'd call it meditating either," she mumbled. "it's nice here though," she said before she released a small gasp. "this can be our secret hideout!" she joked. haru emitted a small giggle. she thought of it as a small area that could easily turn into a secret hideout. they weren't too far from the camp either. "i think, if anything bad happens and when everyone is safe we go to this spot to make sure the both of is okay," she proposed. lifting her hand into the air she stuck her pinky out. "you have to promise you agree to these terms!" she exclaimed waving her hand in the air frantically.
          indent she didn't know what to expect. she had a feeling he'd leave her hanging but haru would be fine with that. letting her back hit the ground. she stared at the sky. it's only been two days at the camp and everything was already becoming chaotic. the infiltration of the camp had shaken up the students of UA and the dance was the camp's attempt to avert their attention. a smart yet stupid move in her opinion. the memory was etched in haru's mind and it won't fade for a long time. releasing a small sigh she furrowed her brows. the more she thought about it the more frustrated she got- but it was her cycle. something would happen, haru would think it over and over, she'd accept that it happened and then after that she'd find peace at last. inhaling then exhaling, she let her mind wander. letting her eyes close before opening them slowly. "do you meditate often, yoshiro-kun?" she asked softly. "i don't. i've never really needed to. obviously it doesn't work out with me either. i try but i often end up overthinking things and getting frustrated," she huffed softly. "and i turn into the opposite of what i am whenever i get mad," she sheepishly giggled as she scratched her cheek. deciding it'd be best to stay quiet, she averted her eyes to the sky. closing her eyes, she let the silence consume her.

    ( ๆญป )xxโ๐’๐”๐™๐”๐Š๐ˆ ๐Š๐ˆ๐Š๐„๐๏ผ๏ผ
        โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” [ xquirkl dead eye x]xx[ xforml form x]xx[ xtagged/mentionedl kaito x]

          indent kiken listened to him in interest. he had to agree with kaito about being well known wasn't too much to worry about. it was the chaos and disorder he would bring that mattered. luckily for kiken, he brought chaos nearly everywhere he went. "man, we'd make the best danger duo, kaito," he commented sending a smirk to the other male. he wasn't lying. the two of them were well over powerful and intimidating, they could easily bring any minor or major hero down to their feet. if kiken felt fear- he himself would fear his quirk. his brow quirked slightly, "UA, huh?" he asked. he found that option much more entertaining. a small flash of an image of the students splayed out on the ground quickly made it's way into his mind. the smirk grew as he thought about it. "i say we'd go an terrorize those baby villains, what do you say?" he suggested. he liked the idea. "you are right. they're always the easiest ones to break. they're just a bunch of children with aspiring dreams that can easily be crushed," he shrugged averting his dull eyes. "i say we do that. we head on over to their little party and decide to ruin it, might as well toy with them," he chuckled. brushing his hair away from his eyes, "i say we should inform some other villains. we can't hog all the fun to ourselves~" he chimed. "we can always share some fun," he suggested, looking back at kaito. kiken wanted to see other villains have their fair share of fun as well. he wasn't all too selfish. "plus, i'd assume there would be some pro-heroes, so we'd need at least some back-up," he commented. "we don't know who will be there either," he sighed. kiken wasn't fond of pro-heroes. they always ruin the fun.

    ( ๅคฉไฝฟ )xxโ๐Š๐˜๐Ž๐’๐‡๐ˆ ๐‘๐„๐๏ผ๏ผ
        โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” [ xquirkl guardian angel x]xx[ xforml form x]xx[ xtagged/mentionedl m. emiko x]

          indent kyoshi shuffled his feet. he feared that if he didn't go back to the hideout the other would notice his absence. slipping the small card into the pocket of his overalls. he looked up at emiko. "thank you, miss! i think i have to leave. the vil- my parents are going to be worried that i'm not at home," he bowed down before expanding his wings and flapping them slightly. feeling his body being lifted off the ground. he faltered slightly. landing on his feet kyoshi quickly hugged the girl. "thank you!" he smiled brightly before letting his wings lift his small body off the ground. he felt the breeze brush his hair against his face as he flew through the air. squinting his eyes, he spotted the top of the hideout. diving down, he twisted his wings at an odd angle that would make a safe and quiet landing. grabbing the card in his hand, he opened the door and entered the hideout.
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I will definitely take this NOT trashy post and shall join u

Postby lilymei. » Sun Apr 28, 2019 1:39 pm

      โœฆ Eษฑฮนฦ™ฯƒ. / / โž
      โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Female โžข 20 โžข Divine Intervention Quirk โžข Location: Camp โžข Tagged: Kyoshi

        xxxEmiko noticed the shuffle of the boy's feet again and realized he had become nervous again, even before he started talking. She had always been one to take in minute details as she thought the composition of a person's actions was the easiest way to understand them. Sure, words helped here and there, but when it came down to it, anyone could disguise their words, no one could disguise instinct or intent. "Again, it's no problem. And oh! Sorry for keeping you, get home quickly then. I'll hopefully see you soon!" She said with a small smile, waving towards him as she expected him to fly off. However, when she was hugged instead, the girl let out a surprised gasp but chuckled and hugged him back, running a hand through his curly hair before letting go so he could fly off. Shielding her eyes from the sun with one hand, she watched him soar off until he was out of sight entirely and let out a small sigh, crossing her arms in thought.

        xxxShe had noticed his falter in his words and was concerned that the word he had attempted to cross out of his statement was obviously "villains"... She hoped she hadn't made the wrong decision to try and help him out but in all honesty, she didn't regret her decision. To her, it was evident he wasn't satisfied with his current life, whatever it was and was trying to become a hero. That was reason enough for her to believe he meant no harm towards UA. Especially with his enthusiasm and how... real... how genuine it felt. Emiko had dealt with many variances of fake enthusiasm and joy in her life so detecting it in others was natural, but she had felt no malice intent from the boy or any shred of a lie in his statements. Reassuring her with this statement to herself, the white-haired female let out a small sigh and started to look for something to do.
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^^Totally not trash^^ Trash>>

Postby แด›สœแด‡ ษขแดแดแด… ๊œฑแด›แดœ๊œฐ๊œฐ » Sun Apr 28, 2019 2:02 pm

_๐ŸŽน_ C H A R L E SxM U R P H Y
xโ†ณ x"Shave and a haircut, TWO BITS."
xโ†ณ xHero (1-A) ~ Location: Cabin ~ Tags: Mitsuo
xโ†ณ xSharper ~ Piano Man ~ "Could you not?"
โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌ
Charlie just smiled at Mitsuo, not caring if the music even sounded bad or not. To him, piano music really could never be bad. It could only be seen as different then the normal. Even a bad key that would hurt someone else's ears would do nothing to Charlie. Mainly cause he was raised to embrace difference. So, he was rather descensitised to the odd sensations of the wrong or off keys. When Mitsuo called it bad, himself, Charlie just shook his head, completely disagreeing with the cat boy. "Not at all. Better than my first time. My teacher told me that I was playing it in twelve tone serialism. The most robotic thing you will ever hear. Your playing is just different." He said, rocking his body ever so slightly on the bed. It almost seemed like he could never be angry about anything at that moment. He was practically a big ball of sunshine.
When Mitsuo continued to praise his talent, Charlie just chuckled, letting him say it without any comment in return. It was nice, the praise. It was also nice that his roommate was so cheery as well. Charlie couldn't help but feel like the cabin was filled with the vibes of their happy moods. It would seem like it would be suffocating to the wrong people. Though, he didn't mind one bit.
Charles agreed with Mitsuo, though froze at his comment about actually encountering a villain. He suddenly felt terrible. Charlie had gotten freaked out by a sudden explosion and hid. Mitsuo must have fought with the villains that caused the explosion. "Oh, wow. I didn't know that. Are you ok? Fighting a villain sounds tough. Maybe you should relax more, put your mind at ease and..." As he rambled on, his mouth soon lowered into his scarf, making his words inaudible to the boy next to him. It wasn't often that he would hide in his scarf like this but with the attack, it seemed more common. He may need to request for a much longer scarf with his hero costume just to accommodate for it.
Charlie was finally done with his rambling when Mitsuo talked about his quirk. He escaped from his scarf, his smile returning at his roommate's words about his quirk not being fancy. "Well, if it makes ya feel better. I can't do either of those too. My quirk is Sharper. All of my senses are heightened significantly compared to normal people. Not really much but it's something, right?" He joked, making fun of his own seemingly simple quirk.

_โ„๏ธ_ W I N T E R
xโ†ณ x"Ice cold? I laugh at you, boy."
xโ†ณ xVillian ~ Location: Forest --> Streets~ Tags: Hayate
xโ†ณ xFluidity ~ Winter's Angel ~ "Nothing burns like the cold."
โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌ
Winter did their absolute best to ignore Hayate's antics. They were succeeding, in their opinion. Someone looking at them would disagree, though. When Hayate grabbed their cheek, they narrowed their eyes at his hand, looking like they were about to take it off. "Don't get a big head, dear." They responded, tone rather calm. They tried their best to smack his hand but were a little too late as he had moved away. They were determined to get the last word in, even if it didn't really matter. This wasn't really a competition. Even if their heart was saying that it was.
Winter was glad that Hayate didn't resist changing the nickname. They couldn't care less about being called 'darling' but the previous one was a little too close to home for their liking. Winter could still hear their little brother saying it like he was right beside them. His little stubs for fingers somehow being perfect for the family piano. When Charles did his first song for them, his cheer and praise were all they could stand to look back on. Winter wished the world was a fair place. It never works that way it seems, though.
They were so lost in their thoughts that they missed the way Hayate released a breath as if he had been holding it. They had missed all the body language of how he had suddenly felt bad for making Winter feel the way they did. They would never blame him, though. No one really knew about them except their villain work. So Hayate wouldn't know that Winter even had a sibling, much less one that she had to leave behind or what he had called them. Hayate probably could never seem like the one to blame in their eyes, though. You know, unless he got too annoying. Can't let that happen, though!
"Oh? And what type of prize would you want? Not that you'd win. I just want to see if I can use it against you." They responded with a smirk on their lips. "I would love to see you receive the same treatment." At his comment, they didn't deny it, just stuck their tongue out like a light tease. "Just stating the obvious, dear. Idiots like you are hard to come by." They joked, following along with his constant dragging. It didn't seem like very long to get to the public streets. Though, time flies when you are probably having fun. Hayate was quite interesting to be around.

_๐Ÿ”ฅ_ K A T Y L I N xA G R E S T E
xโ†ณ x"You're part of a machine, you are not a human being."
xโ†ณ xVillain ~ Location: Abandoned Building --> Above Streets ~ Tags: Takumi
xโ†ณ x**Allison** ~ Allison Angel ~ "I hope that you burn."
โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌโ™ โ–ฌ
Kate just snorted at the werewolf before. She could tell that he loved his scratches behind the ear. She poked his cheek softly, smirking at the blush on his face. "You make it so obvious, Takumi. Don't play poker. Like, ever." They teased, a playful glint dancing in her brown eyes. It was kind of funny how easily he could be read for a villain. Kate could almost pick him apart without even thinking about what she already knew about him. Then again, she enjoyed the simpleness of him as a friend. In Kate's normal everyday life, most things were so complicated. Takumi was a simple minded individual. A good friend, in her opinion. Then again, she learned from her family to surround herself with people dumber than you. That way you are seen as the smartest and no one will question it.
When he questioned her about more people like he had met, Kate just nodded. "Yes, I worked with one before. It was one job and I was desperate for food. I never saw him after that, though. Last I heard, he fell back underground. A different scent, however." She explained to Takumi. She shrugged, still remembering the time she did that. It wasn't very pleasant. At his next comment, she just blew a raspberry at it. "You know I'm not interested in any group. My quirk and I don't get along well with others, much. You are just a rare exception, bud." She complained, rolling her eyes at the thought.
When he made his next comment, Kate just smirked, her sharp teeth sparkling slightly in the morning light shining through the windows. "Oh boy, don't forget who's bigger, bud. Plus, you fry a dragon, you get burned." They snarked back, chuckling at the thought.
When he finally hopped on her back, Kate shifted her wings slightly, making Takumi fall right in the middle of her back, off her wings. "Fine, bud. Just don't shift too much. I don't really want to drop you but it happens sometimes." She commented before moving back outside. Although it was a little struggle, she was able to maneuver them both outside into the alleyway. From there, she grabbed a hold of Takumi, ending up grasping his arms. She then pushed off the ground, her wings moving them up and out of the alley. She glanced at the werewolf behind, starting to slowly head towards where she had first seen him heading. "Directions, bud?"
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` y'all wanna see trash? look at this.

Postby `kosmic » Sun Apr 28, 2019 9:32 pm

      xxx( โ˜… ) โ”โ” ๐Š๐”๐‘๐Ž๐‡๐ˆ๐Œ๐„ ๐Œ๐€๐„๐ƒ๐€ ,
      xxxxxxSTATUS. league of villains & LOC. coffee shop & TAGS. susumu & WORD COUNT. 741
      xxfrom there, kurohime fell into the normal flow of her work day. she kept that fake customer-service smile and voice, looking as if she had no worries in the world. as long as the customer were happy, then she was doing her job right. as if on queue, the little coffee shop got hit by its usual morning rush, filling up quickly. it felt like every week more and more people showed up, the small coffee shop turning into something bigger as time passed. not that she was complaining, it actually intrigued her. still managing to keep a smile on her face as she served customer after customer, it was miracle she was able too. even now, with several things on her mind, kurohime kept a positive attitude. as she made coffee and lattes alike, her mind kept trailing back to the events from the previous night. the whole plan was pretty much a bust, even she had to admit that. kidnapping that one student was alright at first, until one of her little friend's showed up out of nowhere. even now, kurohime couldn't help but feel slightly irked just thinking about them. if those girls were smart then they would stay away from the league, more specifically, her. kurohime wouldn't hesitant to make the girls' life living hells, thats if she let them live in the first place. normally, she wasn't very nice to people she hated or was annoyed by, not even bothering to waste her time with them. which coming from her, was no surprise - kurohime was known for her fits of jealousy, or her distaste for others. for example, whenever she witnessed susumu flirting with some girl it always pissed he- wait, what was she saying? "kurohime!" a voice broke her thoughts, an audible "eh?" leaving her throat and blinking her eyes as reality registered. met with a burning gaze from her co-worked, she lowered her gaze to see what she was being death glared about now. gasping, she quickly set the coffee pot back in it's place, the counter currently covered with the black substance. it appeared kurohime had gotten too lost in her thoughts, overfilling a coffee cup and spilling it all over. quickly, she grabbed some towels and cleaned the mess up, pouring a new cup and bringing it to the customer. luckily, glancing at the door, it appeared the rush was calming down.

      xxonce there was no longer anymore customers to tend to, kurohime busied herself with cleaning up some tables. as she did so, her mind began to wonder back to the last thing it was on: susumu. which brought up a new question: why the hell was she getting mad about him talking to other girls? it made zero sense, and even slightly frustrated her. she hated not understanding her feelings, it was such a nuisance. just as she had finished up cleaning the last table in the coffee shop, an all too familiar reached her ears, a shiver crawling up her spine. speak of the devil. bringing her server's tray closer to her chest, hugging it close, she tried to hide the heat rushing to her cheeks. turning to face the male, her purple hair bouncing slightly, her ruby irises focused on him. "s-susumu, I didn't see you come in," she greeted, a small smile across her pink lips. "yeah, well, a girl has to keep a job somehow," she replied to his first remark, shrugging her shoulders slightly. it was such a strange concept, kurohime a more... well behaved person in this scenario. she couldn't exactly act like her crazy, normal self here. ugh, that stupid nickname of his, it made her knees weak every time. "you know, the best I could be, working," she then replied in a murmur. a light smirk tugged at the corners of her lips suddenly, "mm, did you miss me that much? too come visit me at work?" she teased, eyes glistening in a playful manner. it never got old. this wasn't the first time susumu has showed up at her job, the two encountering one another outside the league on several occasions. in fact, every time he did, she had to deal with her co-workers remarks: "oooooo, he's cute~" "is that your boyfriend?" which drove her crazy, on a daily basis. even so, with them having to stay away from any villainous activities for awhile, she wasn't complaining about seeing him now.
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[ 001 ] [ you guys are great shush- ]

Postby ultimate writer. » Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:40 am

    ( ๏ผฉ๏ผฎ๏ผก๏ผฒ๏ผฉ ๏ผด๏ผก๏ผญ๏ผก๏ผซ๏ผฉ ๏ผ๏ผ )
    ( โšœ age. 25 years old ) ( โšœ gender. male ) ( โšœ role. crime analyst ) ( โšœ tags. open )
      Due to his positive relationship with U.A's staff members, it's not uncommon if they call him and his team to patrol the academy in order to prevent any villain attack during important events being hosted here. Since he was the only crime analyst in his team, he was usually kept away when there is a battle between heroes and villains going on. He only joins in when either he was asked to or when his team and the heroes are in critical condition- aka he was the only choice left during those times. Not that he's complaining or anything, it's just that it's kind of helpful when your ally is capable of fighting along with you yet assisting you at the same time. Though, he won't say that he is a good fighter like the professional heroes, but he can at least provide support them rather than just watching and doing nothing yourself.

      The police force came here not a while ago, and since there were currently no signs of villains approaching this area nor did he receive any instructions, you can say that he might be having free time for himself. He just came out of the main building after he talked to some of his colleagues and then discussed the positioning with his leader. Despite there was tight security, it was an rational thinking that he should keep his guard up. Who knows when will danger suddenly arise out of nowhere? He is not intending to seek for any sorts of trouble right now, especially getting wounded is not in his to-do-list right now.He decided to stay near the main building of U.A, since that's where the strongest members of his team were assigned in. Despite he was wandering around like an headless chicken, he was alert of his surroundings. And no, he didn't have to remember the directions of the U.A campus since he got used to it, thanks to his previous visits here.
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welcome to ploegy's trash post of the day

Postby Ploegy » Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:14 am

      โ‡€๏ผน๏ฝ๏ฝ“๏ฝˆ๏ฝ‰๏ฝ’๏ฝ ๏ผต๏ฝ™๏ฝ…๏ฝŽ๏ฝ!!
      xxxxmale โ€ข fifteen years old โ€ข arsenal quirk โ€ข tagged: haru

      Listening to her explain how she dealt with her anger made Yoshiro realize that he wasn't the only one that wasn't sure how to deal with it. Still he doubted her methods would work all too well for him. Thinking always made it worse and made him begin to overthink the actions he had taken. That was what he was stuck in now and he hated it. He needed to escape his own mind which was a hard task to do. Maybe if he was more social it would help, but that wasn't going to happen. Haru was already pushing him from his comfort zone in that regard and he wasn't sure how he felt about that. In a way he was used to sheltering himself from others that talking about things like this made him feel strange. He wasn't sure how to express how he felt and it was bothering him. That was another thing he wished to escape at the moment. Between the events from the previous night and being entirely confused on his own emotions, he wasn't sure what to do. Usually he would have resorted to training and getting some excess energy out in order to put himself at ease, but he didn't have that option right now and he wanted to avoid his quirk for the moment. Using it so soon after being healed had brought him some pain and he wasn't sure if said pain would still be lingering or not. Putting himself through that on top of what he already had seemed like the worst possible thing to do, but at the same time this whole relaxation thing was different than what he was accustomed to. Living a luxurious life, being out in the woods wasn't something he was used to. Actually, he was surprised that it didn't bother him all that much. He supposed he was a bit more open to such things than his family was or maybe he was only alright with it because this was necessary to the path he had chosen for himself. Either way he was glad that he hadn't packed his most expensive clothing to come to this place. If he had he would have been more uptight. Still if his family saw where he was they would probably be disgusted. Even Chie would probably be bothered despite going through hero training herself.

      Snapping from his thoughts, Yoshiro heard Haru mentioning meditating here and that she had never done it with anyone else before. He couldn't say he had either given that it was a more recent thing he had picked up on. He only had started it in attempt to clear his mind given that it was rare for him to get worked up or even become truly angry. Still meditating had proved to be a good way for him to at least clear his mind even though it left him sitting in silence. It wasn't the greatest way to help himself, but it had worked the few times he had done it. As Haru went on to say they should consider this their secret hideout, the boy quirked a brow. He didn't see the point in having a hideout when they camp wasn't going to be lasting too long. At the same time it almost sounded like she was joking about it. Honestly he wasn't great at telling these kinds of thing. As soon as he saw her looking to make a promise though, he knew it was no joke. She really could be so childish sometimes. "Do I really need to make a promise like that? I'm not a kid anymore," he huffed with a shake of his head. Watching her wave her pinky in front of him, he was sure that he had little say in the matter though. How irritating. Still he didn't make any movements to make a promise on it. He would just make a mental note of it for now. Maybe if it came to that he would come here, but he hoped that nothing else bad happened at camp that would result in that. "I'll keep it in mind. Let's leave it at that." With those word, Yoshiro lowered himself to the ground and took a seat. As he did so, he pulled his glasses off and hung them on his shirt for the moment. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and placed his hands into his lap as he briefly attempted to relax himself. "I haven't meditated much, only a couple times," he told her as his shoulders slumped and his body began to relax a bit. "I do think too much though so it is a struggle, but I need something to help with it all."

      Feeling as though he had said enough, Yoshiro finally fell silent and steadied his breathing. At first thoughts of the night before came flooding back to him, but he quickly shoved them away. He couldn't let those consumed him. He had to come to terms with what had happened and move on. That was what he was hoping he would come to at the end of this. His mind began to move from the night to Haru. Why was she on his mind? Maybe it was because she was around him too much of late. Still for him to be thinking of her felt strange. He rarely ever thought of others unless tied with a specific event. Feeling his focus begin to dwindle quickly, he forced his eyes open and realized his cheeks had become a little hot. Tilting his head downward, he did his best to hide it so the girl would not question it.

      โ‡€๏ผญ๏ฝ‰๏ฝ”๏ฝ“๏ฝ•๏ฝ ๏ผซ๏ฝ๏ฝ‚๏ฝ๏ฝ™๏ฝ๏ฝ“๏ฝˆ๏ฝ‰!!
      xxxxmale โ€ข fifteen years old โ€ข cat quirk โ€ข tagged: charlie

      The feline found it hard to believe that his playing had been any better than what the other had done on his first attempt although maybe he had started at a much younger age. That might make a difference. Not that it mattered. Even if the other boy wasn't appalled by his clumsy piano playing. "You're being too kind," he purred with a soft chuckled. "I have come to the understanding that my paws just don't work well for this kind of stuff, ya know? Even some things I had to learn in order to be more human are a struggle for me. Even using a phone or holding a cup can be real difficult for me despite how many times I've done it in my life." It was embarrassing to admit such things to others outside his family, but it what he had to deal with by having paws instead of human hands. He was just thankful that some people had been willing to work with him despite these things. He did have plenty of good things about him. For one he could learn things quickly and often picked up on new things much faster than others. When seeing new quirks he was quick to assess how they might work and what the user might do with them. He was also a decent lockpicker though he wasn't sure how useful such a skill was when he was trying to become a hero. His size also allowed him to fit into places a regular sized human wouldn't be able to access thus making him useful in those kinds of situations. There was plenty more he could do as well, but most were like the rest; only useful in certain situations. Still despite all this, he tried to stay positive and did his best to fit in with everyone even if they decided to look down upon him. That was just how Mitsuo was. Some were nice to him and some weren't. He was just glad that Charlie was falling on the nice side rather than the other. It made it much easier to talk to him unlike the boy that he had been dealing with the night before while trying to work out a plan to deal with the villains. Working with individuals like the one last night was difficult even though he did his best to put up with it.

      As the topic shifted to what he had said about the attack from the previous night, Mitsuo let his tail droop a bit. "Physically, I'm sore from taking a blast from one of the villains while trying to protect the girl they ended up taking," he said with a small frown. He was sure that by now he shouldn't hurt as much as he did, but that was what he got for having a more fragile build. Still he didn't let that slow him down. "Emotionally, I'm still trying to cope with it all. I mean, I failed to keep the girl safe and if it hadn't been for the other boy there I think things would have gone far worse for all of us. Still, I was barely able to do anything because well, I'm just a cat." For a moment, it was obvious how much of a burden his own quirk was on him and he revealed the hurting side of himself even though he hated letting others see it. He didn't want anyone to worry about him or to even pity him because he struggled so much with his quirk. After a brief moment of silence after he spoke, the cat forced the sadness away and perked up once again, giving his tail a slow wag. "But you know, I'll be just fine. Heroes always pick themselves up and do their best to do better the next time. I'm going to be no different. Those villains better watch out!" he exclaimed as a burst of confidence overcame him. Maybe it was a mask to try and hide the anxiety that he felt or maybe it was truly how he felt. Even Mitsuo wasn't sure what it was. He just wanted to make sure his companion didn't worry too much about him. He knew it was out of kindness, but he was a stubborn boy himself and didn't want to relax too much. He needed to get stronger and the dance would be a way to relax anyways. He still had the whole day to work and train. But maybe Charlie did have a point about relaxing. Pushing himself would only tire him out though he could still do some light training then relax until the dance. "Don't worry about me though. I'll be just fine! I've got nine lives so it'll take a lot to get rid of me!" he chuckled, once again finding himself using the nine lives line. Did anyone actually believe that about cats? Maybe they would if he used it enough to divert any concerns.

      Pushing the thought from his head, he listened as Charlie talked about his own quirk. As he did, a curious mrow escaped Mitsuo's throat and he cocked his head. "Heightened senses, huh? Guess that makes you a bit more like me since I have cat senses. With a quirk like that you can be some cool spy or something like that ya know! Like in those old movies they always play on tv!"

      โ‡€๏ผฎ๏ฝ๏ฝŽ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ‰ ๏ผญ๏ฝ‰๏ฝš๏ฝ•๏ฝ“๏ฝˆ๏ฝ‰๏ฝ๏ฝ!!
      xxxxfemale โ€ข sixteen years old โ€ข octopus quirk โ€ข tagged: katsuro

      Camp had been a slog so far and it was only day two. She had heard of the attack that had happened the night before, but she had been asleep during the whole thing. Hearing what had taken place from some of the others, she was surprised that she had been able to sleep through it all. Even so she had very little interest in the events. Apparently from what she had heard the student that had been kidnapped had returned late in the night and everything could return to normal or as normal as it could be. There was no point in getting caught up in any of it now thus she had continued on with her trainee life. If villains already had their sights on them, then she would need to find a way to get stronger. Her quirk wasn't necessarily strong on land but somehow she had managed to get into UA with it. It definitely wasn't her intelligence that had gotten her this far and she was well aware of that so she was sure it had to be her quirk. Still she felt it was a miracle that she had managed to make it this far in her life. Pretty much anyone that knew her knew that was how she felt. She was sure that any of her classmates would be able to tell that was how she felt even after being around her for five minutes. She was horrible at hiding most of her emotions and she was a bit of a blabber mouth, often not keeping many things to herself. Sometimes that was a problem, but she also felt that being an open book was nice. Still it was one thing she planned on working on. The last thing she wanted was for a villain to be able to easily read her movements and take her down with ease. That was why she needed to dedicate herself to some training even if she hated it. Feeling sweaty and gross was a total downside to the whole training thing for her. No pretty girl like herself should ever have to feel such a way. That was something she would have to still overcome as well. Such feelings would only hold her back in her training, but she couldn't help it. Sighing softly, she found herself standing at the training grounds nonetheless and she had made sure to dress in light clothing to avoid making herself sweat all too much.

      As she looked out onto the field, she spotted a boy training alone. She had seen him before though only briefly though she couldn't say she knew anything about him. She barely knew anything about her classmates despite it being the second day. That was a problem, but what could she say. She hadn't been her usual chatty self on the first day and thus far on her second day she hadn't either. This boy could be a start. It helped that he was pretty cute too. Maybe she could postpone her own training to tease him a bit. Allowing a smirk to curl at the ends of her lips, the octopus girl pushed herself forward towards Katsuro. He may have been training but she was entirely ready to stop that. Halting a few feet away from him, she flashed him an innocent smile as she twirled the end of one of her tentacles around her index finger. "Looks like you're working hard there, huh?" she began, making sure to keep herself toned down for at least a couple of minutes. She hadn't want to come on too strong and scare him off immediately. That would be no fun for either of them. At the same time, it might be fun to see how this boy would react if she took him entirely off guard. It truly was hard to make up her mind on this. Usually she was never this indecisive when it came to such things yet here she was. Doing her best to keep that hidden, she placed her free hand on her hip and allowed her expression to change to a more flirtatious look. She was sure even without words that it might be enough to catch the boy off guard though she needed to be careful just in case he took it the wrong way. There were plenty of times she found herself in a bad situation because she decided to get flirty with the wrong kind of person. Hopefully she wasn't making that mistake again. "How would a strong boy like yourself like to spend a little bit of time with a girl like me? Hm, wouldn't you love to give me some attention?"

      She wasn't sure how he would take such words. Maybe he would think she was asking him to train with him or maybe he would understand that that she was hinting at something completely different. If he was out here though she kind of figured he might try to drag her into whatever kind of training he was doing. Maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world since she did need to become stronger, but if her flirting was entirely missed that would be a true disappointment.
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Re: ๐™Ž๐™ฎ๐™ข๐™—๐™ค๐™ก ๐™Š๐™› ๐™‹๐™š๐™–๐™˜๐™š ๐Œ๐‡๐€ ๐‘๐ ๐Ž/๐€

Postby lacebunnie » Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:49 am

    โ™› ๏ผซ๏ผก๏ผฉ๏ผช๏ผฉx๏ผญ๏ผฏ๏ผฒ๏ผฉ๏ผณ๏ผจ๏ผฉ๏ผด๏ผก !!
    xxxโ” ( quirk ; hellraiser ) ( feeling ; what is going on ) ( tags ; michiko ) โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”
    xxx[ ooc;; sorry for the short post :'( ]
      โ had kai been any more captivated by the woman in front of him, he wouldn't of even heard her voice, saying she knew he was there. also probably would've started drooling if he wasn't already doing so. even he wasn't entirely sure if he should feel exuberant or not at the fact that she had caught him. oh boy, caught red handed, he thought to himself, before slowly emerging out of the bushes to stand in all his 6'3 glory in front of this bewitching creature. he opened his mouth but words failed to come out as he raised a hand to scratch the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his, and avoiding eye contact at all costs. "i-um... i didn't mean to cause you any trouble, i'm sorry. i wasn't intending on doing anything, i was just sent here to scout. really, that's all." he couldn't stop the blush from rising to his cheeks when his eyes wandered at met hers. i think i'm gonna pass out. the dark haired boy found himself asking where all his charm had gone. he was usually enchanting both women and men alike back and forth, how could one woman make him totally lose his cool? yet another thing he wasn't sure of, nor was he sure how to feel about the development. really on a roll here.

      he took a glance over to where some students had gathered beforehand, looking to see if anyone besides michiko had noticed his presence. things seemed to be clear, relieving kai just a bit. the last thing he would want is to cause a huge fiasco, or another one to be exact, as he had caught wind of the villains kidnapping a student. in all honesty, though, he didn't want this woman to shoo him away or tell him to get lost. even in the current situation, where he should've made a run for it already, he wanted to stick around. what am i getting myself into...
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๐˜ต๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฉ๐˜บ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฐ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ๐˜จ๐˜จ๐˜จ. ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ช๐˜ต ๐˜ช๐˜ด

Postby divinity. » Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:52 pm

    ( ๅคช้™ฝ )xxโ๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐ˆ ๐‡๐€๐‘๐”๏ผ๏ผ
        โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” [ xquirkl flicker x]xx[ xforml form x]xx[ xtagged/mentionedl yoshiro x]

          indent her eyes were still wide open. she was just staring. she had taken note that yoshiro didn't complete the pink promise but she figured he wouldn't. letting the topic go, she closed her eyes for a small moment before she found them to be open again. small memories from the night before made their way into haru's head. she didn't like one bit of it. it wasn't even a big deal, haru she told herself. her body sunk into the grass the more she kept thinking about the incident. releasing a small sigh, she sat up before looking out at the view. a small breeze flew through the air providing haru a small chill. brushing her hair away from her face, not like it mattered anyway she frowned slightly. she focused her mind on something else- something brighter. haru giggled softly, "i haven't done this in a while. meditated- i mean. i usually just push my problems away. it's kind of bad to do that but it's not like it really matters. it works," she smiled gently as she shrugged. turned her head to look at yoshiro, "i think a lot, too. a little too much. my mind is always going at a hundred miles per hour," she chuckled softly. haru was being quiet. she didn't want to ruin the peace they had, especially with their current surroundings. haru let a small tender smile rest upon her face. turning back to yoshiro, both her brows jerked up subtly as she saw that he didn't have his glasses on. her mouth formed a small circle as she took in the sight. had she seen him without his glasses before? nevertheless, she couldn't help but be starstruck and stare. cute, she thought. she didn't see anything wrong with calling a friend cute. it was a normal thing right? she was positive it was a normal thing. the smile on her face widened slightly. "hey yoshiro-kun. you look good without your glasses on. do you need them to see?" she whispered, her question showing her curiousity. haru was about to say something else but she watched as the boy tilted his head down as she saw a flash of red. "yoshiro-kun. are you okay?" she asked a small frown appeared. was this place too hot for him? the temperature felt fine to her. placing a hand onto his shoulder before gently turning his face upwards. "are you okay? is it hot here?" she asked, "i can't tell if it is. if it's hot we can always go somewhere else," she mumbled. she was rather worried on why the boy's cheeks were red. gasping, "maybe you're sick!" she exclaimed before moving her hand from his shoulder to his cheek and then to his forehead. scooting closer to the boy, she narrowed her eyes. "you seem fine to me, just a little hot," she mumbled.
          indent crossing her arms, "i'm going to assume you're fine!" she said coming to a conclusion. "i think you might get sick though. i'm not sure. maybe we can pass the nurse later," she shrugged. releasing a small sigh, she rested her head onto the boys lap not thinking much of it. "today is gonna be a lot," she mumbled before she closed her eyes. "the dance is gonna be overwhelming," she giggled softly. "i hope everything goes well," she whispered.

    ( ็ˆ†็™บ )xxโ๐Š๐€๐“๐’๐”๐‘๐Ž ๐ƒ๐€๐ˆ๐’๐”๐Š๐„๏ผ๏ผ
        โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” [ xquirkl mine-field x]xx[ xforml form x]xx[ xtagged/mentionedl none x]

          indentyou'll never see this post coming.
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Re: ๐™Ž๐™ฎ๐™ข๐™—๐™ค๐™ก ๐™Š๐™› ๐™‹๐™š๐™–๐™˜๐™š ๐Œ๐‡๐€ ๐‘๐ ๐Ž/๐€

Postby AcetheKidd » Tue Apr 30, 2019 3:39 pm

Maleโžฅ17โžฅSlime quirkโžฅTagged:Mayu

        Daichi stood there for a moment, trying to picture what she was describing. All he could think about one of those big poofy dresses that the women wore in a movie he once watched in he was a little younger. He couldnโ€™t imagine how hard it must had been walking around in something like that. Not only that, the men in the movies dressed really fancy to..nope, no way he could do it. Daichi would most likely had passed out somewhere. Thinking about it just made him hot.โ€Yikes. That sounds super unconformable and really hot. L-like the sweating hot.โ€ there was a tiny faint smile on the boyโ€™s face.โ€ Wait really? Guys donโ€™t wear hats to dances? Umm..i thought that they did. Whew, iโ€™m actually glad they donโ€™t. I donโ€™t wanna be the odd one out, you know?โ€ if he would had wore it, he would had been.โ€ The last time i wore a hat, it was stuck on me for a week..it was so annoying.โ€ he said with a chuckle.โ€ Ah, their business folk. Umm..i can see why theyโ€™re kinda strict on you, but iโ€™m sure they will loosen up abit~.โ€ he gave her a slight nod.โ€ Awsome! Man, your going to love all the stuff, like, some of the stuff is just so odd looking but theyโ€™re all so neat. Oh Also, iโ€™ll make sure to show you the stuff..not my parents. Those two will never let us leave.โ€ yes indeed, his parents did talk alot whenever they got excited..which was most of the times.

        Daichi couldnโ€™t help but to feel bad for her..if only he could help Mayu. He could help actually help, by being a great friend. He didnโ€™t want her to feel like she bounded by anything.โ€ It does seems confusing, but i promise you, things will be alright in the end. Iโ€™m going to make sure that you enjoy yourself~ well around me and here, so donโ€™t worry to much about your parents to much ok? Urrr..i mean, not like..yeah.โ€ he cleared his throat before speaking again.โ€Yeah! Your right~ iโ€™m still kinda nervous but that's alright. Also, i can do a quick warm up before start.โ€ now, what was he going to sing? Nothing to long, but nothing extremely short. Maybe something a little upbeat, a few lyrics would do. After thinking, he thought of decent song to sing
        .โ€ Hello Dolly
        This is miss Dolly
        It's so nice to have you back where you belong
        You're lookin' swell, Dolly
        I can tell, Dolly
        You're still glowin', you're still crowin', you're still goin' strong

        feel the room swayin'
        While the band's playin'
        One of our old favorite songs from way back when
        So, take her wrap fellas
        Find her an empty lap, fellas
        Dolly, never go away again.โ€

        Daichi inhaled a deep breath and looked at Mayu with a blush.โ€U-Umm. How was that? It wasnโ€™t bad right? I-i can keep going if you want,,,or stop.โ€ he wiped his forehead some. He had to admit, singing in front of someone felt really good

Maleโžฅ???โžฅNightmare quirkโžฅTagged:kiken

        Katioโ€™s cheeks turn red, but turn his face before kiken could see him.โ€Yes, we do make a good pair indeed,โ€ after his cheeks returned to normal.โ€i have to say, i do miss when i was younger..for the time. Some old friends and i almost brought this world to itโ€™s knees, but those stupid heroes managed to best us..barely. Iโ€™m sure you heard about it at some point. The battle had my blood pumping for sure, i thought we were going to win..โ€ Kaito sighed, looking up at the sky.โ€ I wonder what the other four are doing at the moment. I may be cold hearted, but i do care my comrades..and..her.โ€ when he said โ€œherโ€ it was whispered. It was true that kaito was evil, but he did have a soft spot. In this world, you couldnโ€™t be truly evil or good. Everyone had a good and bad side and without balance, the world be thrown completely off..like he didnโ€™t mind that at all.โ€ Anyway, iโ€™m sure those guys are doing ok.โ€ One of his old buddies was helping him as they spoke.โ€ Oh? Those villains i was trying to find earlier.โ€ oh yes, this sounded like a fun idea. When he fought Takumi, the wolf didnโ€™t put up much of a fight. Most likely because it was day time.

        โ€œ Humm, i guess we can leave the kids alone for now. Perhaps when they come back to the school.โ€ how unfortunate, he wanted to see his grandson, but it could wait.โ€ Alright, weโ€™ll go mess with the babies tonight then. The wolf i beat up earlier was kinda fun~.โ€ he placed his hands together, rubbing them. Man, if he didnโ€™t get any action soon it was going to drive him up the wall. Daytime..was a huge drawback for Kaito, although there was some people asleep during the daytime, he couldnโ€™t really use his quirk like he wanted to. The hellish creature he make would just evaporated by the light of day.โ€ Well then, i hope theyโ€™ll put up some kind of fight tonight. A challenge sounds really fun.โ€ he wondered..is this generation of villains and heroes really weak? He was about to find out really soon

Maleโžฅ20โžฅWere-wolf quirkโžฅTagged: Katylin

        Takumi tilted his head a little.โ€huh? I think i have a good poker face thank you very much.โ€ he huffed. He really didnโ€™t, Takumi was the type of guy who would blow someoneโ€™s cover and his own. Thankfully he wasnโ€™t much of a gambler, because he would lose everything including the clothes on his back.Poor wolf, he wasnโ€™t the brightest guy around but he tried his best..sometimes.โ€ Pff. why not catch your own food, your a dragon arenโ€™t you. If you donโ€™t know how to, your best friend Takumi can should how itโ€™s done~.โ€ It was amazing that Takumi kept a friend this long and he had to say, Kate was good friend..although they didnโ€™t see eye to eye sometimes. It was alright, the dragon was pretty chill..maybe itโ€™s some kind of animal bond they had.โ€ Anyway, have you heard about a big battle that happened years ago? There were five heroes and five villains who fought in this city. People said it was pretty bad.โ€ he scratched the top of his head as he spoke.โ€ The villains lost and like, vanished and the thing was, they were the same age as that kid i ran into.โ€ there was this bad feeling in his stomach that started to form.โ€...That kid might be trouble now that i think about.โ€

        The wolf snorted and turned his head.โ€ Yeah, whatever. Wolves rules, dragons droll. Beside we are more liked by people so take that! And were more fluffy.โ€ Takumi stuck out his tongue.โ€Ok,ok i got it. Your big and strong so me putting a little more weight on you shouldnโ€™t hurt.โ€ he thought about doing it just to mess with Kate..isnโ€™t that what friends did? Mess around with each other..โ€ Also, go this way. Make a sharp left until you see another alleyway. Our spot is there.โ€ he pointed. Once again, he started cough a little blood in his head.โ€Teh, such a annoying quirk. Iโ€™m really getting sick.โ€ his wounds were treated some,but this sick feeling he had was very stubborn

femaleโžฅ23โžฅFortune/Mis-fortune quirkโžฅTagged: inari

        This was unbelieve. The government wanted her, out of all these powerful pros babysit U.A because some little kid escaped their clutches? Then, rumors of the old villainous group from years back were starting to become active. Not only this, but breches tightly secured places. This was to much for Kyoko to handle, she wasnโ€™t as strong as most heroes and not to mention fighting was such a hassle. All she wanted to do was chill out and run her bar, but no..all this stuff had to happen. The woman didnโ€™t have time to watch some kids, wasnโ€™t that staff jobs?โ€ Must be really pathetic and desperate if they need someone like me to watch over U.Aโ€ there was taller individual standing in front her, Kyokoโ€™s giant brother. Well actually, alot of people were taller than her, but did she care? Absolutely not. People think that her short height is a huge weakness of hers but itโ€™s really.โ€You, idiot i swear if something happens to bar, i will kill you and after i do, iโ€™ll find some way to revive you then end you again.โ€ she said then turn her back.โ€ D-Donโ€™t worry big sis, i-iโ€™ll take good care of it.โ€ he knew not to get on Kyokoโ€™s bad side, so he was going to take care of the bar like his life depended on it..his life did depend on it actually.

        โ€œGood boy. Hopefully iโ€™ll be back soon, but with all this mess going on iโ€™m not so sure.โ€ Kyoko sighed and begin to make her way to U.A. It didnโ€™t take her to long to get there and during her trip, she only thought about how annoying this all was. The short woman walked closer to the school, grumbling to her self.โ€ Teh..i canโ€™t believe this. Babysitting little brats..โ€ just ahead, she spotted a blue hair gentleman and walked over towards him. Before Kyoko spoke to him, she pulled a fan with a detailed design on it and placed it slightly over her mouth as she spoke.โ€Excuse me, you there. Whatโ€™s currently going on here? The students are all here yes?โ€ something was telling her they were away, but she wanted to make sure.
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"inked" 008 | "frostbitten" 007 | "puzzling" 005

Postby Kveykva » Wed May 01, 2019 7:17 am

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ผณ๏ฝ•๏ฝ“๏ฝ•๏ฝ๏ฝ• ๏ผฎ๏ฝ๏ฝ‹๏ฝ๏ฝˆ๏ฝ๏ฝ’๏ฝ
    ใ€โœฆใ€‘| "Inked In" | 27 | Male | Tattoo | Villain | Tags: Kurohime Maeda
    โ๐šœ๐š๐šŠ๐š’๐š— ๐š–๐šข ๐šœ๐š˜๐šž๐š• ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š•๐š˜๐š› ๐š–๐šŽ ๐š’๐š–๐š™๐š›๐šŽ๐šœ๐šœ๐šŽ๐šโž
Kurohime turned on a dime to face the villain, amethyst hair framing ruby eyes and a pearly smile. It didn't take her long to call him out. "Mm, did you miss me that much? To come visit me at work?" Susumu matched her smile, raising his hands in the air. "Guilty as charged," The silver haired villain rested his arm on the counter behind him, returning the cup of tea to his lips. "you know I never see you outside of work." He nodded his head to cue the double meaning, though villain work aside it was still true. When Kurohime wasn't with the League she was here, so the only times she and Susumu crossed paths were his fairly regular trips down to the coffee shop. "Busy busy busy. Let me know when you take your break, I'd love to to sit and chat." He tapped the bottom of her chin with a finger and gave her a charming smile before returning to his seat in the corner of the cafe. He spent his time idling over his cup of tea, either gazing out the window at the bustling streets, browsing his phone for any changes in the city's biggest media events, or making small talk with customers as they came and went, occasionally taking the time to toss out some flirtatious compliments to nice young ladies as they passed through. Even at its slowest, the quaint cafe was more than a little busy, buzzing like a hive mind of social intercourse. Susumu loved every moment of it, and almost everyone he came across loved his company in return, however short it may have been. Yet as the day went on, Susumu was still only waiting for Kurohime. I wonder if she knows. He tapped his fingers on the table to the tune of an invisible beat, his leg bouncing with an excess of energy just underneath it. If Susumu had to guess, probably not. While the man was quite vocal about his interests and the definition of "natural flirt," he was quite good at keeping those around him guessing on who, if anyone, he had any true feelings for. And with how airheaded that sugar cube Kurohime could be, she was likely oblivious as hell. Just the way he liked it. I'll keep her guessing, see how this plays out.

Kveykva wrote:
    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ผก๏ฝ’๏ฝƒ๏ฝ”๏ฝ‰๏ฝƒ๏ฝ ๏ผด๏ฝ๏ฝ‹๏ฝ…๏ฝŽ๏ฝ๏ฝ‹๏ฝ
    ใ€โœฆใ€‘| "Cherry Bomb" | 15 | Female | Bioarmor | Class 1-B | Tags: Open
    โ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐šœ๐šž๐šŒ๐š‘ ๐š™๐š˜๐š ๐šŽ๐š› ๐š๐š•๐š˜๐š ๐š’๐š—๐š ๐š๐š‘๐š›๐š˜๐šž๐š๐š‘ ๐šข๐š˜๐šž๐š› ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š’๐š—๐šœโž
Perhaps running so recklessly into the forest wasn't the best course of action. Arctica accomplished little more than getting herself lost again, and a lost hero wouldn't be of much help against a gang of villains. Can't I do anything right? For a bright, shining moment, she thought coming to terms with the villainy in her bloodline would give her some kind of emotional support, or something along those lines. Instead she achieved nothing besides getting herself completely and hopelessly lost. The more she tried to follow the trail, the more lost she became. Further and further the young hero strayed from camp, only for the trail she followed to grow cold. The strong scent of blood was overwhelmed by the smell of leaf mold, and the stains dwindled out from patches to nothing. With no other trail to guide her, Arctica was left standing in the middle of the woods, completely helpless and utterly alone. Before she knew it, everything cane crashing down. No matter how hard she tried, nothing she did as a hero was enough. She wanted to help whoever had been kidnapped. She wanted to do something more than stand on the sidelines. More than anything, Arctica wanted to prove that she had worth as one of the good guys. "I don't want to be a villain!" The frost demon wailed, years of pent up emotions spilling out all at once. She forgot her fear; she forgot her hesitance. The only thing she felt was an unbridled rage at who she was: a pretender. Arctica's true blood ran rich with the cruelty of villains, but she wanted nothing to do with that family. I can't deny my blood.

The more she denied it, the more anger she built up inside. She was lost in the middle of the forest, probably miles away from the UA camp or any kind of civilization. Which meant she could let loose. With a frustrated cry, Arctica drove her fist into the dirt, throwing up a shower of earth. She vented against everything she could--the trees, boulders, ground, nothing was safe from her rage. Once her tantrum finished, Arctica sat in a pile of destruction with her energy drained and fists bloodied. She didn't know what else to do now besides cry, so that's what she did. The armored failure cried in the center of the chaos, sitting alone until her tears too ran dry. From there, Arctica sat in silence, wallowing in her own pity until the distinct sound of footsteps crunched through the mess of splintered wood and crushed rock. Arctica didn't even bother to look up to see who'd come out to find her. "G-Go aw-away..." She sniffed, the harsh statement barely coming across as such.

    โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ ๏ผฒ๏ฝ…๏ฝ‰๏ฝŽ๏ฝ ๏ผน๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ‡๏ฝ•๏ฝƒ๏ฝˆ๏ฝ‰
    ใ€โœฆใ€‘| "Jigsaw" | 33 | Female | Puzzle | Class 1-B Homeroom Teacher | Tags: Asami Eiko
    โ๐š™๐šž๐š•๐š• ๐šข๐š˜๐šž๐š›๐šœ๐šŽ๐š•๐š ๐š๐š˜๐š๐šŽ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐š› ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š๐š’๐š๐š‘๐šโž
Once the flurry of Reina's questioned had at last calmed down, the UA teacher began to notice her student seemed exhausted, either from the night before or from her sudden and ridiculous amount of questions. Likely both. Reina relaxed her grip as Asami began to speak, soon letting her arms fall to her sides, but they didn't linger there long. The more information the jigsaw hero got from Asami, the more she fiddled with her hands--an anxious habit of hers. Once the student had finally finished, Yamaguchi took a moment to find her next words, but instead pulled Asami into a second hug. "The instant you found blood, you should have come and gotten one of us teachers." She scolded mildly. "But what you did was still very brave, but giving up a vial of blood to a group of thugs like that without any hints to what they plan to use it for was dangerous. There's hundreds of possible blood related quirks, so unless your time healing quirk has the ability to reverse the blood being drawn from your body we may have a second problem on our hands with you and Ms. Imai." With a final sigh, Reina at last released Asami from her embrace. This was a lot for her to take in. A villain hideout this close to the UA camp? It almost felt too coincidental. I'd better let Tetsuya know his student is okay. After a moment, Reina turned back to Asami. "Stay close to camp, preferably by your cabin. We don't know what's in store for you and Haru at this point and we need to keep an eye on the two of you until we have a better idea of the full consequence of giving your blood to those nasty villains." She huffed once before tapping the knife on her hip. "And you said you haven't seen Takenaka, right? That means I still have a student missing and need to start up that search party."
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