1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

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Re: 1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

Postby wolfrunner » Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:40 pm

While the white haired male was watching the pair of battlers considering his options, his Bakumeter started alarming. It was flashing to alert Ren of a call.

"Of course I care about her still. We're still friends and she's still member of the team.", said Shun answering the floating dark colored bakugan. Though he turned to the girl finishing his statement and offered her a warm smile. Though when she mentioned her feelings for one of the Neathians a dark look came across his face. It wasn't one of anger or distrust, rather it was a look of concern. Weather or not they were dating didn't matter to Shun after all. The dark haired ninja still considered her close. "Don't worry about that, you're secret is safe with me but a word of advice. I'd be carefull if I were you, the Neathians are still our enemies after all. You heard of all the damage they've done to Gundalia didn't you? Just promise you won't let yourself get to attached to this guy."
Last edited by wolfrunner on Sat Feb 23, 2019 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

Postby Ghost Fox » Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:09 pm

    Ren looked down at his watch to see who was calling him, He has a perfect idea, maybe Jesse could get Jozie on their side, he couldn't believe that she fell in love with the enemy it was too perfect, he looked down at his watch, who is calling him.

    Jozie looked at Shun, "I think its best if I keep my distance from Ren, I don't trust him, so when he is around you guys, don't expect me to be around." She said looking away from her friend, "Sorry." She said feeling bad for wanting to keep her distance. She left him alone in the hallway, she made it to the common area, she looked up at the fake sky, there was a warning and pictures, letting everyone know who the enemy is and not to brawl with them, she stared at Jesse Glenn's picture. She bit the inside of her mouth.

    Wolfen was worried about Jozie, she always did fall hard for cute boys, maybe it was because she is lonely, which he understood, but she had to careful. "I wish you would stop falling in love right away with a cute boy." He said with a low growl.
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Re: 1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

Postby wolfrunner » Sat Feb 23, 2019 7:24 pm

Shun watched the Darkus pair leave still with a clearly worried expression on his face.

"Well well. Look who finally decided to take a brake from his busy important mission to answer a call. I'm sure the others would let me talk their ears off but you have to be so cold, though the one ai pick to call out of you six is the Emporer's Favorite."The last part was added more of a childish tease as a head of black hair and pair of grey eyes with slits for pupils took over the screen of the Bakumeter. The owner of said features grinned up at Ren from the screen as she faked a pout. What could be seen of the background would seem familiar to the brawler as the inside of the Bakugan Biological Research Labratory. Itbwas not out of place to find the girl who'd called in said lab before though.....given she was it's director's assistant.
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Re: 1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

Postby Ghost Fox » Sat Feb 23, 2019 7:38 pm

    Jozie stood there frozen, as she looked at the pictures, was he still around the common area? or was he hiding? In her eyes he wasn't bad, he hadn't shown any hostile or bad sighs, so why are they calling him the enemy. "I. . . .Don't understand this." She said to herself. It had to be a lie, some sick trick, could Ren be up to something and is using an innocent person as a cover up for his tricks.

    Wolfen sat on her shoulder, looking around, he didnt like her being out in the open like this with so-called enemies around, what if they want to use her against the brawlers. Shes at risk. But she is too stubborn and won't listen if he tried to say something, that poet dude, better not show his face.
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Re: 1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

Postby wolfrunner » Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:40 pm

"There is an ancient Neathian proverb that says 'foolish is the soldier who knows not the face of his enemy. For all his weapons will prove useless under the weight of his ignorance.'", came a calm even male voice from behind the Darkus pair staring at the warning posters rotating above. Jesse stood behind the teen with book in hand grinning at the girl.
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Re: 1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

Postby Ghost Fox » Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:55 pm

    Jozie looked at him from over her shoulder, "It's you." She said shocked, "Should you really be out and about, seeing that your up there as a warning." She asked tilting her head to the side, She did have her doubts about him now, but she felt calm around him, if he was the enemy then she shouldn't feel this way, she looked away from him. She was thinking of what to say she was at a loss for words, "Y-You should go, I don't want you to get caught." She said with a frown.

    Wolfen looked at them, "Come on Jozie, we should go." He said, looking up at his partner, "We shouldn't be seen with him, now that he is declared an enemy." he said with a nod, "I don't want you getting hurt, because of this poet dude." He said as he suddenly fell off her shoulder, he landed on her bakugan watch and sent out an help message to Dan, Shun, Marucho.

    Ren looked down at his bakuwatch, "Lex, I haven't heard from you in a while, I thought you something might have happened to you." He said with a sigh. He was glad she sounds safe
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Re: 1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

Postby wolfrunner » Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:17 pm

"And a fond hello to you to.", the dirty blonde replied. So this was Jozie then was it? The Ventus Battler knew that the Battle Brawlers were supposed to be Ren's area, while he and the others gathered other children to send back to Gundalia. Yet this particular battler.....intrigued Jesse. He had the feeling that this one wasn't so locked up in his leader's lies as the others were. True, hypnotized Jozie would only perform at a mere 75 percent capacity, but it was better then risking his and his teammate's mission in Interspace. Besides it would no doubt irritate the Darkus Battler. The Minor Twelve Orders had a rather interesting dynamic among themselves. For the most part each member got along with each other and Jesse was no exception to this. However that also meant the green-clad poet was no exception to giving the Emporer's favorite trouble and make things difficult. "Since your partner has already alerted your comerades......what does the fair maiden say to a battle?"

Lexandra - tagged; Ren
The dark haired teen laughed looking up at Ren from the screen. "Careful Ren, it's starting to sound like you actually care. Better watch that doesn't turn into genuine sympathy, especially since you're spending so much time around humans. It could distract you from your mission.", she chided the male battler with amusement. Taking a breath to calm herself Lex dropped the teasing. She glanced over to the side like she was checking to make sure that nobody was walking in surprising their conversation. Returning her attentions to the Gundalian Spy, "So speaking of the mission how is it going? I mean I've watched Misstress Kazarina hypnotize the battlers you guys send back but that's it. Remember how thrilled I was Mason was going? I think I may actually miss him. It's so boring here without you idiots, all I do is go over data. Misstress Kazarina is not Zenet and Lumagrowl is just as bad."
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Re: 1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

Postby Ghost Fox » Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:33 am

    Jozie looked at him, then she sent a message to her friends that it was a false alarm, that Wolfan accidentally hit some bottoms on his way down. She looked at Jesse, "A battle, why, its higher stakes now." She said looking down at the ground. She couldn't risk losing, what would he do if she lost, take her back? would she end up like the others?

    Wolfen growled he was getting mad, he had to warn the others, she couldn't battle if he wasn't with her. He flew away from them, "Sorry Jozie." He said as he left

    Ren chuckled a little, "Its sorta going as planned." he said with a sigh, "One of the brawlers is not falling for my act as I hoped." He said with a slight growl, "at the rate she is going, she is going to ruin my plan, but she is in love with Jesse." He said with another smile on his face, "i need a plan on how to use that against her." He said staring down at his screen.
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Re: 1x1 Private Bakugan Gundalian Invaders with wolfrunner

Postby wolfrunner » Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:48 pm

The dark haired girl blinked, "You mean someone other then me and Zenet can understand him?" This surprised her. While it wasn't all that difficult to understand the poetic way the Gundalian Ventus battler spoke, she only knew of herself and the youngest member of the group to be actually understand him. More over someone, a human, was in love with him. That was a shocker. More then likely it was a combination of the Gundalian's disguise and the way he spoke that charmed the poor Battle Brawler. "Right. Like you got lucky with his disguise and personality worked a little too well. You're really bad at lying Ren.", said Lex, "But IF one of the Brawlers are somewhat attracted to Jesse, then why not go with that? Push Jess and this human together. If he can gain her trust then so will his allies, or she'll fight with his allies just to be with him even if they are the enemy. Sounds crazy, but trust me that she will be as hypnotized as those kids you all are sending back here for Misstress Kazarina. Maybe try attempting to kidnap the human and have Jesse battle you, or one of the others so you can keep your cover with the Battle Brawlers Mr. Spy, to keep from having her brought back to Gundalia?"

Jesse sighed shaking his head, "I see the maiden doesn't trust me and her partner has run away, ah well. Perhaps another time fate will be in our favor and let us do battle with each other. As for the stakes....." The young man paused before adding, "It would depend. If you lost or won you'd come back with me, we are in a time of war madame."
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