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warrior cat - cinderclaw

Postby broken* » Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:45 am


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cinderclaw was given the prefix 'cinder' due to her bright orange pelt, & given the suffix "claw" due to her
strong-willed & feisty nature, as well as her excellent fighting capability. cinderclaw is a strong molly, one
who has opinions and is not afraid of making them known to others. she tries not to do it in a disrespectful
way, but at times her emotions get the best of her and she can snap without thinking. honestly she just
wants to learn all that she can and prove her worth, but sometimes she can come across as overly-confident
or even cocky to other cats. she's really not arrogant though; underneath that tough guy exterior she's
insecure about ever achieving the standards set by her father.

cinderclaw was born in the beginning of the summer, so prey was plentiful and the weather was warm. it was
really a perfect day, but unfortunately, her mother was fighting a late case of greencough towards the end of
her pregnancy, and cinderclaw was the only of her litter who was born alive. aspenflight (father) and
lilywhisper (mother) viewed her as their little miracle, but lilywhisper passed away when he was barely a moon
old, & while heartbroken, aspenflight poured his everything into raising his daughter, & so cinderclaw put her all
into being the greatest warrior she could ever possibly become, hoping to one day become deputy and/or leader.

prior names cinderkit,
name cinderclaw
age 20 moons
gender female
sexuality pansexual
(female pref)
clan nightclan
rank warrior
height 8.8 inch
weight 9.9 lbs
fur short
coloration orange tabby
body compact & thick
eyes green yellow
scent copper & rust
likes fighting, patrolling,
training, hunting
dislikes overt-softness,
kits, elders, injuries
fears disability
other multiple small
scars from over the years

crush open
mate none
friends open
enemies open
neutral none

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warrior apprentice cat - hailpaw

Postby broken* » Tue Nov 20, 2018 5:19 am


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ ★ ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

when she was first born, she was a pure white color, and so she was given the prefix 'hail' from her father,
who followed the long line of family traditions where any kits 3/4 white or more are named in a way
relating to their founder, froststar. she will be given the prefix 'breeze' when she becomes a warrior due
to her being incredibly fast/quick, able to outrun even some of the seasoned warriors, able to slip in & out
of small, tight spaces. hailpaw still has a whole life to live & honestly still has to figure out who she is &
where she fits into this crazy world. she enjoys learning new things and training to improve each skill she has,
striving for perfection in everything that she does.

technically, she was the oldest in her litter; she had 2 younger brothers, but whereas she was incredibly strong
from the moment she was born, they were both weak & sickly. they both passed away during their kit-hood, so
its seen as her responsibility to carry on the family name with honor. her father is very harsh and expects her to
be perfect at all times. as a kit, she never got to play or have fun like most other kits; she essentially started
apprentice "training" since the day her eyes were open. she tends to be kind of emotionally closed-off, since she's
been taught that showing how she feels is a weakness she must never allow others to see. she's expected to take
over the clan one day when her father dies. her mother died a month before she became an apprentice from

other names hailkit,
name hailpaw
n.n. hail
age 8 moons
gender female
sexuality closeted bisexual
date of birth leaf-bare
rank remaining kit
height 4.4 inch
weight 5 lbs
fur short & slim
coloration white w/ brown
points (paws, ears, eye)
body lean & thin
eyes bright blue
scent pine needles
likes pleasing dad, learning,
cleanliness, excelling, training
dislikes being bossed
around, losing, mud/muck
fears failure
other ---

crush open
parents blizzardstar
& echomoon
friends open
enemies open
neutral open

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warrior cat - blizzardstar

Postby broken* » Tue Nov 20, 2018 5:43 am


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ ♛ ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

blizzardstar was given the prefix 'blizzard' due to his primarily white coat, as well as the fact that blizzards
cause damage and he was a strong, unwavering tom from the get-go. he was given the suffix 'wrath' as his
warrior name due to his harsh tongue & severely violent fighting style, as well as being known for taking
revenge on anyone who he deemed wronged him in any way. he is very self-serving, & to him there is nothing
more valuable than power. he can be incredibly manipulative, known for being very suave and knowing how
to convince, or scare, others into giving him what he wanted. to him, life is all about strategy; if you want
to win, you had better have a good playbook figured out in your head.

blizzardstar is extremely proud of his lineage, being that he is a direct descendant of the clan's founder, froststar.
it is said that the two share many personality similarities, as well as the fact that blizzardstar apparently looks
very similar to his ancestor, aside from his small cream-colored points. he is a hard cat to truly understand, and
yet he had a mate at one point. echomoon was the love of his life, if thats possible to believe. she was a sassy
molly who wouldnt let him boss her around and he loved chasing after her. he was devestated when, about three
moons ago, she had gotten overly-confident & tried to steal a farm chicken. her body was found, shot by the 2-leg.

prior-names blizzardkit,
blizzardpaw, blizzardwrath
name blizzardstar
n.n. blizzard
age 67 moons (7 lives)
gender male
sexuality heterosexual
date of birth leaf-fall
rank leader
height 10.1 inch
weight 13 lbs
fur short & thick
coloration white w/ cream
points (legs, tail, ears)
body large & muscular
eyes light blue
scent copper & rust
likes getting his way,
being respected, victory
dislikes goody-goodies,
failure, softness, weakness
fears nothing
other multiple scars; largest
bite-mark across belly from
losing his 1st life to a badger

crush/mate echomoon (dead)
kits hailpaw
friends open
enemies open
neutral open

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Re: warrior cat - quailthorn

Postby broken* » Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:11 am

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ ❈ ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

quailthorn was given the prefix 'quail' due to her coat's similarity to one as a newborn kit, & she was given
the suffix 'thorn' due to a combination of her personality & her fighting. she's not incredibly strong but she's
known for being incredibly quick on her paws & agile, able to jump around her opponent at such a fast rate
that she tends to confuse them or make them dizzy. she is known for having strong opinions & not hesitating
to jump into a fight with another cat for upsetting her. easy to assume that she has quite the temper, not
exactly being the best at controlling her tongue, often causing others to get riled up as well.

she had a little brother named troutpaw, and she wass super protective over him, because she basically raised
him herself. he was ten+ moons younger than her. their father was attacked by an unknown source, his body
found mauled beyond belief, & their mother went missing when troutpaw was 2 moons old, never to be found.
her little brother was always a tiny thing, and he was in and out of the medicine cats den constantly due to
being both sickly and clumsy. a few moons ago he fell into the marsh; since he had not been taught how to
swim yet, he ended up drowning, and so quailthorn was left alone.

other names quailkit,
name quailthorn
n.n. quail
age 26 moons
gender female
sexuality bisexual
date of birth new-leaf
rank warrior
height 8.5 inch
weight 7.8 lbs
fur short & soft
coloration broken calico
body petite & compact
eyes amber
scent wild ginger
likes hunting,
patrolling, doing things
dislikes staying still,
feeling useless
fears being alone
quirks ears always appear
to be swiveling
other ---

crush open
mate none
friends open
enemies open
neutral open

Last edited by broken* on Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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warrior cat - queen

Postby broken* » Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:12 am


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ ❇ ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

dustcloud was given the prefix 'dust' due to her lightly colored, scattered coat pattern, & she received
the suffix 'cloud' due to her long, thick, puffy, fluffy fur. growing up, she was definitely a bit of a
troublemaker, one who was very rambunctious, full of energy, and always getting into trouble because
'why not?' growing into herself as she became a warrior, she matured and her true colors began to finally
show. she was a dreamer for sure, hoping for the fairytale that few cats in the clan got, where she'd
fall in love and live happily ever after. didnt necessarily happen, but she's still got those dreams in her

dustcloud is actually the sister of petalheart, both mollies being born as twins to the same litter, but
traveling down very different paths in life. dustcloud was very rebellious, never really trying very hard
in her training, and she barely scraped through her warrior test. when she was old enough to be assigned
a mate, she hope for one of the few toms she had her eyes on for awhile, but to no avail. she got sootstrike,
the cold, harsh, and honestly quite mean warrior. they got into 'lovers quarrels' alot, fighting about anything
& everything really, but eventually dustcloud became pregnant & moved to the queens den. it may sound
awful of her, but sootstrike was his typical arrogant self and tried to take on a fox by himself; he got killed
one moon ago, & she is expected to give birth to her kits anyday. she sees his death as a chance for herself
& her kits to have a better life, a second chance, to have a mate/father who is kind & loving.

prior names dustkit,
name dustcloud
n.n. dust
age 32 moons
gender female
sexuality heterosexual
d.o.b green-leaf
rank queen
height 8 inches
weight 14 lbs
fur short, thick
coloration dilute calico
(white, grey, ginger)
body round, petite
eyes olive green
scent flowers
likes honesty, support,
kittens, friendship
dislikes acting w/o
thinking, bullying
fears being alone
quirks teeth grinding
when nervous
other partially deaf in
her left ear from ice being
stuck inside it as a kit

crush/mate open
previous mate sootstrike
kin 3 unborn kits
friends open
enemies open
neutral open

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warrior cat apprentice

Postby broken* » Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:48 pm


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ ✮ ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

swallowpaw was given the prefix 'swallow' for right before he was born, his mother saw a swallow whose
blue colors were so dark she thought it was black. he will be given the suffix 'nose' because of his knack for
getting into trouble, as well as his incredible sense of smell. he is known to be able to spot the tiniest details;
his tracking skills are excelling above normal for most cats in the clan. it comes in handy when he is hunting,
doing patrols when a loner or predator is scented, etc. swallowpaw also enjoys and is quite good at climbing,
enjoying spending time up in the trees, much to the dismay of his clanmates. his name is kind of comical,
because swallows are known as 1 of the most graceful birds, & he is known for being quite a clumsy little
guy. he is truly a sweetheart, & he tries to be helpful when he can, but he's so curious he tends to get
himself into quite a bit of trouble sometimes, sticking his nose where it doesnt belong.

swallowpaw's parents had one kit and one kit only; that would be him. they were wanting a larger litter,
one to pass along their bloodline and strong genes, but all they got was him. so they were incredibly
strict & firm, trying to train him even as a little kit to be a warrior and stop fooling around like he
enjoyed. to them, life was about sacrificing for the clan, not about having fun. when he was just a
moon old, his father got swept up in a river during a storm & killed, & her mother was so overrun with
grief that, according to the medicine cat, she died of a broken heart several moons later, before swallowpaw
even became a warrior. luckily, he was no longer nursing, and was able to transition well enough.

other names swallowkit,
name swallowpaw
n.n. swallow
age 10 moons
gender male
sexuality heterosexual
date of birth leaf-fall
clan flicker
rank apprentice
height 5.7 inch
weight 6.6 lbs
fur short & soft
coloration tuxedo
(black & white)
body thin & lean
eyes olive green
scent tree sap
likes training,
hunting, learning
dislikes rainstorms,
thunder, snakes
fears death
quirks climbs up high
into the trees when
he gets frightened
other small scar over
right eye from falling
out of a tree as a kit

crush open
kin open
friends open
enemies open
neutral open

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warrior cat deputy

Postby broken* » Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:58 pm


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ ❁ ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

petalheart was given the prefix 'petal' due to her very feminine, pretty appearance, & she received
the suffix 'heart' due to her undying loyalty to her clan. petalheart is the perfect combination of firm
& friendly. she knows when to put down her paw, not ever allowing another cat to walk all over her,
but she also is very compassionate towards her clanmates and is willing to talk to anyone who needs
advice. she enjoys being in the presence of others, liking to keep good company, & pretty much
considers herself to be everyones friend. she is a very reliable, dependable sort of cat, the type to
take others secrets to the grave, only willing to break that confidentiality if someone's life were
in danger, & so many cats come to her to vent about troubles.

petalheart is actually the sister of dustcloud, both mollies being born as twins to the same litter, but
traveling down very different paths in life. petalheart was immediately seen for her pretty face &
feminine figure, even as an apprentice, and so she began working hard at a young age to be more than
that. she put her all into training to be the best warrior she possibly could, wanting to be the strongest
fighter, the leading hunter, and even a supreme tracker & climber. her parents were incredibly proud of
all the hard work she put into her apprenticehood, & she showed such promise that she was actually
promoted to warrior two moons early. she was only 21 moons old when the previous deputy passed away
in a freak hunting accident, and was honored to be chosen as his replacement.

prior names petalkit,
name petalheart
n.n. petal
age 32 moons
gender female
sexuality pansexual
d.o.b green-leaf
rank deputy
height 9 inches
weight 8.9 lbs
fur short, thick
coloration seal point siamese
(cream, dark brown)
body feminine & petite
eyes light blue
scent pine needles
likes hardwork, trust,
dedication, loyalty
dislikes laziness, lying,
bullying, fakes
fears losing cats
in the clan (death)
other has a large
scar around the front
of her neck from getting
caught in barbed wire
several moons ago

crush open
mate tbd
friends open
enemies open
neutral open

Last edited by broken* on Wed Nov 21, 2018 8:47 am, edited 8 times in total.
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warrior cat

Postby broken* » Tue Nov 20, 2018 2:01 pm


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ ☀ ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

sandgaze was given the prefix 'sand' due to his light colored, speckled coat, and the suffix 'gaze' due to
his incredible eyesight and known attention to the little details. he's seen as one of the best trackers.
although he was raised by a strict father, he tends to be a very calm, relaxed cat. he can often be seen
just lounging around the clan while not assigned a task, & has been called lazy, which he dislikes.
he is very quiet and observant, and tends to overhear a lot of things that others probably would
rather he did not know. but he is trustworthy, so while they may not even know he knows their secrets,
he is a kind enough tom, and he would never spread rumors or secrets about anyone.

sandgaze was born in the beginning of the summer, so prey was plentiful and the weather was warm. it was
really a perfect day, but unfortunately, her mother was fighting a late case of greencough towards the end of
her pregnancy, and cinderclaw was the only of her litter who was born alive. aspenflight (father) and
lilywhisper (mother) viewed her as their little miracle, but lilywhisper passed away when he was barely a moon
old, & while heartbroken, aspenflight poured his everything into raising his son, & while sandgaze never was
necessarily the strongest fighter, he excelled at tracking & hunting, passing his test to warrior with flying colors.

prior names sandkit,
name sandgaze
n.n. sand
age 21 moons
gender male
sexuality pansexual
(female pref)
rank warrior
height 8.8 inch
weight 9 lbs
fur short & coarse
coloration broken tabby
body long & lean
eyes green yellow
scent wild ginger
likes rabbits, patrolling,
hunting, learning
dislikes rudeness, injury,
judgement, rivalry
fears severe disability
other multiple small
scars from over the years

crush open
mate none
friends open
enemies open
neutral none

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warrior cat - ravenstrike/ravenstar rebel leader

Postby broken* » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:12 pm


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ ♛ ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

ravenstrike was given the prefix 'raven' due to her pitch black coat and shifty personality. she was given
the suffix 'strike' as her warrior name due to her ability to attack other cats, verbally or physically, for
whatever reason she deemed fit. once the rebels break off from the clan, she will take on the suffix 'star'
instead, taking the place as the rebel cats leader. during her apprenticeship, it was clear that she excelled
in fighting; it was her favorite thing to do, to learn, & to improve upon. raven has always been known for
her knack of getting into scuffles with others. she enjoys riling them up verbally, to the point where they
attack her first, so that her fighting back is just 'defending herself'. when she is dedicated to someone
however, she is incredibly loyal to them & as a leader she would be the type of cat to put anyone who
tried to hurt those she cared about/her 'clan', in their proper place, by whatever means necessary. she is
not opposed to physically harming someone nor is she against mentally torturing them; whatever gets
the job done.

ravenstrike hails from two warriors who both came from rogue backgrounds, so starclan just never was a
thing that either of them believed or really got into. it was kind of just some clan rubbish that the elders
told the kits to keep them in check and to make the clan follow stupid old-fashioned rules. this was the
mindset that was passed on to ravenstrike and her siblings when they were growing up, and so upon entering
her apprenticeship & then warrior-hood, she just never had a firm belief, or any belief at all really, that
starclan existed. when cats died they died and were gone forever, they were not mist cats up in the sky who
wanted to help the clans. thats just a load of bull that she doesnt believe.

prior-names ravenkit,
name ravenstrike
will be ravenstar
age 43 moons
gender female
sexuality pansexual
date of birth leaf-fall
current rank marsh warrior
future rank rebel leader
height 10.1 inch
weight 13 lbs
fur long & thick
coloration pure black
body large & muscular
eyes bright yellow
scent copper & rust
likes getting her way,
being respected, victory
dislikes goody-goodies,
failure, softness, weakness
fears nothing
other multiple scars; largest
around the front of her
neck from getting
caught in barbed wire
several moons ago

crush/mate open
kits none
friends open
enemies open
neutral open

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warrior cat deputy owlleap

Postby broken* » Wed Nov 21, 2018 3:23 pm


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ ❁ ]▬▬▬▬▬▬

owlleap was given the prefix 'owl' due to his big eyes and watchful nature & he received
the suffix 'leap' due to his incredible skills with jumping over things, leaping, climbing up trees,
all that sort of stuff. owlleap is incredibly dedicated to his clan, willing to lay down his life for
any one of them, but especially those most vulnerable like the kits or elders. he is even more
dedicated to his medicine cat/leader; he believes starclan chose them to be in their role for
a reason & are deserving of his complete respect.

owlleap's parents, roseweather & stormgaze, were both senior warriors when they had their first litter
of kits. both of them could trace their lineages back to the clan's beginning, & were incredibly firm
believers in starclan. roseweather lost her sister when they had just been apprentices, & she swore up
and down that she was visited by her in her dreams at least twice over the moons. stormgaze had lived
through a sickness brought on by two-legs contaminating their water supply; something that the medicine
cat had warned of, being told by starclan ahead of time. both of them had 'direct' experiences that made
their beliefs in starclan be so strong, and that belief was passed down to owlleap growing up.

prior names owlkit,
name owlleap
n.n. owl
age 36 moons
gender male
sexuality bisexual
d.o.b green-leaf
rank deputy
height 9 inches
weight 8.9 lbs
fur short, thick
coloration seal point siamese
(cream, dark brown)
body lean & long
eyes light blue
scent pine needles
likes hardwork, trust,
dedication, loyalty
dislikes laziness, lying,
bullying, fakes
fears disability, death
other multiple small
scars from over the years

crush open
kin open
friends open
enemies open
neutral open

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