Create a Village - V.2

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Black Rock Weyrhold 16

Postby Simonpet » Mon Oct 08, 2018 2:47 am

π•“π•π•’π•”π•œ π•£π• π•”π•œ 𝕨𝕖π•ͺ𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
Number of People: 31 (17 β™‚ | 14 ♀)
Number of Animals: 24
Next Visit to North: 10/04/2018
Ancestors | Families | Items and Food | Mentors | Posts | References | Worldbuilding

Veashmorell (who insisted on being called Veash) craned his neck to look up at the young but large gold in front of him. "Pleased to meet you...Zu, uhh, Zzz-uh-erith?" he said with a quizzical look at Sedah. "That's her name, right?" he asked in a whisper. It had been mere days since he'd accepted Weyrwoman Seanni's invitation to join the Weyrhold and he had been extremely pleased to find that his Southerner cousins had both Impressed a dragon. And one was a queen, no less!

"Yeah," replied Sedah with a far-off look. Veash had quickly learned that this look indicated a rider speaking to their dragon through their telepathic bond. "She says that it's okay you didn't remember her name because your name is also hard to remember."

Veash sputtered in disbelief. "She said what?!"

Sedah looked at her older cousin with a smirk. "Don't scorch the messenger," she said.

Veash simply shook his head. "Dragons," he muttered.

"Carenath and I are gonna scorch that clump of Thread!" Beallolril yelled to Fira as he ran, flapping his wings in imitation of a dragon's flight.

"Faranath and I will back you up!" Fira called back as she waved around the cup she had borrowed from the kitchen. She was currently pretending that it was a flame-thrower as used by the Queen's Wing of old.

"We're going between!" Beal cried, ignoring her. "Oh, no," he cried in dismay a moment later, "Carenath's been Threaded! We're gonna head back to the Weyr!"

"I'll keep fighting!"


From afar, Eshni paused to watch as she carried the basket of numbweed that Master Shollun had asked her to gather. She shook her head in amusement. Had she ever been so young? Well, she reflected, it hadn't been that long ago. Maybe once her chores were done, she would join in the game. Be a dragon or rider for a while. Or maybe a Harper, singing about the valiant deeds of Beallolril and Fira! Well, Sean and Sorka, she amended, riders of the original dragons. Long dead they might be, but their deeds lived on in the collective memory. She smiled. She just had to tell them the stories of Lessa, Weyrwoman of Benden Weyr. Now those were something!

Eshni jumped as she realized that time was passing and she hurried inside before someone could yell at her to move on.

Ze'ku stood tall next to Hosurth. The blue was steady. Dependable. He had never let his rider down. And his rider wasn't about to do the same. Not now that they were going between for the first time.

"Riders," said N'reg quietly, "this is the most dangerous part of your training." He put a hand on Predath's leg and continued speaking. "Anyone can learn to care for their dragon. Anyone can learn to fly. But not everyone can successfully navigate between." He looked around. "Between is cold, harsh, unforgiving. If you ever work with the Starcrafters, even space is more safe. If you don't formulate a correct visual, you will simply be lost. Remember the Benden Weyr pair?"

Ze'ku nodded. Everyone knew about the weyrling and his dragon that had been found preserved in the walls of Benden Weyr. It was a common tale that was told to help show the dangers of incorrect visuals. Recent evidence had suggested that the pair came from the Third Pass, as he matched the description of D'lin, son of Weyrleader D'gan of Telgar Weyr. Theories ranged from he was trying to escape to Benden Weyr for safety against the plague to warning them of something to come. Whatever the reason, the boy and his dragon had ended up entombed in the stones.

"That would be your fate if you're lucky. More often than not, a bad visual means that you will simply never come out of between. The last we will hear of you are the surviving dragons mourning. So if remember your training on visuals, your trips between with me and Weyrwoman Seanni, and stay calm, you'll probably live through today."

There was an audible gulp and Ze'ku looked to his left to see that F'dust had turned white. "It'll be alright," he said quietly to the brownrider. "We'll all live. You'll see." F'dust didn't respond.

"Who'd like to go first?"

Ze'ku stepped forward, squashing the nervous fluttering in his stomach. "I'll go," he said in a reedy voice not his own. N'reg nodded his approval and the bluerider mounted his dragon as he had hundreds of times before.

"Rosanth will meet you at the destination," N'reg said. "Predath will give Hosurth the visual. Double-check to make sure that it's correct."

"Okay," murmured Ze'ku to Hosurth, "you got the visuals?"

Yes, the dragon replied. Predath says we are to meet Rosanth at East Weyrhold.

Okay. I know where that is, thought Ze'ku to himself. He checked the visual that Hosurth gave him and it seemed right. There was the windmill on the farm, appearing to float in darkness to prevent any incidents of Timing. "We're ready," he said aloud to N'reg.

"Luck be with you," N'reg said back.

Ze'ku nodded. Alright. Let's go. Hosurth sprang into the air with a few flaps of his wings and settled into a lazy circle.

Predath says that we can go whenever we're ready, said Hosurth.

Are you ready? asked Ze'ku, holding.


Then let's go between.

A moment later, there was a blackness, darker and colder than anything had ever been. Had Ze'ku not gone on trips with the Weyrwoman and Weyrleader before, he might have tried to scream. But it would have been no use as there was nothing between. No sound. No smell. No taste. No touch. Nothing but his own mind and Hosurth's mind comforting him.

Black, blacker, blackest, chanted Ze'ku as he'd been taught. And cold beyond all frozen things! He felt the sweet taste of the wind on his cheeks and whooped as he and Hosurth burst out of between to circle the East Weyrhold. "We did it!" he cried in elation. "We did it!" Though he knew that his blue would never admit to it, even Hosurth felt relieved that they had made it out of the horrible nothingness.

Hosurth landed at the direction of Rosanth who still circled above, waiting for the next weyrling to come through.

Curo chirped and Seregan laughed, grabbing at the hovering fire-lizard. The irate green darted out of range and settled on Seanni's shoulder. "Don't be like that," she said, chastising the 'lizard gently. All she got in return were feelings of annoyance and a brief vision of a hand closing on a tail. Seanni winced, knowing that Seregan tended to be...rough with the Weyrhold's animals. He was a boy, yes, but he should know better. She'd remind him not to be mean with Curo.

Seanni's knee began to shake and she looked down to see Nebenni, clutching her wooden toy wherry, shaking her knee. "What is it, darling?" she asked, picking up her daughter. Dark violet eyes stared from a pale face.

"I wanna visi' 'osant," said Nebenni pleadingly. "See said I can go!"

Seanni sighed, rolling her eyes. Rosanth had a soft spot for children, it seemed, and she was more than happy to spend time with her rider's little ones. And on a day like this, with snow falling lightly on the ground, there really was no reason not to visit the dragons.

I would like to see your girl, Rosanth said suddenly. She is very nice and looks like you.

Seanni's eyebrows shot up. Even her dragon said that Nebenni looked like her? What was it with people in the Weyrhold? She chuckled, lifting up her small daughter who cheered.

"N'reg!" Seanni called to her mate. They were considering getting officially married but with the possibility of Predath eventually losing a flight with Rosanth... It didn't seem right. "I'm taking Nebenni to see Rosanth and Predath! Anything else I should do?"

"No," called N'reg back, voice getting closer as he moved through their house. While they had quarters in North Tower, they were more official than anything personal. "I got Seregan."

Seanni nodded, satisfied. "C'mon," she said to Nebenni. "Let's get you dressed and ready to visit Rosanth." She turned to the fire-lizard on her shoulder. "And you, Curo, better be on your best behavior." The fire-lizard cheeped.

Baridna had her hands full with her triplets. Despite Gen, toys, and the other weyrbrats to keep them entertained, despite Wax's great help in their education, despite the staff that took turns in keeping them safe and sound while the various members of the Weyrhold went about their duties... Despite all this and more, whenever Baridna took her children home, they were tough.

"We have to put the ornaments somewhere safe," she said to her husband as they sat down at dinner one day. "I don't want them to break." Or sell them. Baridna's glassmaking had been a constant source of income for the Weyrhold and the pieces that she kept to herself were dearly prized. She didn't want a wing or a hand brushing it onto the floor. Already that had happened a couple of times.

Jarshonen (usually shortened to "Jar") giggled and clumsily reached for a potato, accidentally knocking it onto the floor. His dark red eyes watched and when he saw that it was out of his reach (for Ayal had made special chairs to keep young children in while they ate), he pouted. "Mamamamama," he babbled in a sing-song voice, "tato tere, tato tere."

Boldosh snorted with amusement, mouth curling into a slight smile. "It's okay Jar," he said gently to his son. "Here's another." He reached across the table to give Jar another potato which the toddler took eagerly. Glancing at the other two, Riziolke ("Riz") was meticulously chewing on a piece of wherry while Balidosh ("Bal") played with some mashed potatoes. That he had mashed with his own fork.

Boldosh sighed and looked at his wife. "I agree," he said. "Renolla should know a good place to put them. She could easily place them in storage until the little ones grow up more."

Baridna nodded, not saying anything as she chewed and swallowed. "If I have some time," she said finally, "I'll inquire tomorrow. Or..." She whistled a call to Gen, her bronze fire-lizard, who flew over from his perch in a nearby room. "Or I can have Gen give her a message. Here," she said, taking out the pencil and small pad of paper that she always carried. "Give Renolla this." She sent the bronze a mental image of Renolla, dark skin and hair always styled above her head, wearing her favorite green dress. "Give her this." Gen grabbed the piece of paper, cheeped an acknowledgement and disappeared into between.

[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 21+ turns old consume 18 servings: x3 wherries. ]
[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 6-20 turns old consume 3.5 servings: x3.5 blueberries. ]
[ The carnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 4 servings: x1 bovine. ]
[ The omnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 0.5 servings: x0.5 small fish. ]
[ The herbivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 1.25 servings: x1 moonflower fruit. ]

[ Seanni leads N'reg and Renolla on a border patrol. They ride Rosanth and Predath, dragons, and bring Curo, Etasi, and Kolu fire-lizards. ]
[ Seanni leads N'reg on a scouting patrol. They ride Rosanth and Predath, dragons, and bring Brawn and Spirit, canines. ]
[ Jesni leads Ayal, Boldosh, and Nella in fishing. ]
[ Abesses leads Baridna, Nitia, and Tugall in hunting. They bring Sparky, fox. ]
[ Borrin leads Ershar, Fudiom, Kivee, and Veashmorell in gathering. They bring Pellar, hawk. ]
[ Shollun studies medicine. ]

[ Eshni tests being a Lower Caverns staff. ]
[ Seanni trains Sedah in dragon riding. ]
[ N'reg trains F'dust, Soyah, and Ze'ku in going between. ]

[ Waxinnan watches over the weyrbrats. ]

Mod notes:
[ Please don't kill anyone. Injuries of any severity are fine if rolled. ]
[ If any new members are found, please make them Lower Caverns staff. ]


Seanni | female | 40 turns | X | Rosanth
β†ͺ ST - A6 / HS - LC / HC - 8 / EC - D7

Junior Goldriders
Sedah | female | 20 turns | X | Zerith
β†ͺ ST - B3 / HS - S / HC - 24 / EC - C2

Retired Dragonriders

Renolla | female | 35 turns | Y
β†ͺ ST - D11 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - G2

Lower Caverns Staff
Fudiom | male | 54 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - A1 / HS - S / HC - 17 / EC - A3
Kivee | female | 33 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - E11 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - B5
Nella | female | 26 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - D6 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - A7
Veashmorell| male | 25 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - B1 / HS - S / HC - 24 / EC - C2

Balidosh | male | 2 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - A6 / HS - HW / HC - 5 / EC - C4
Beallolril | male | 6 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 61 / EC - G1
Eshni | female | 11 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - B9 / HS - HC / HC - 2 / EC - A2
Fira | female | 6 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - D11 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - B1
Jarshonen | male | 2 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - A6 / HS - HC / HC - 5 / EC - A6
Nebenni | female | 2 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - C4 / HS - LC / HC - 8 / EC - H7
Riziolke | female | 2 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - D9 / HS - HC / HC - 5 / EC - C4
Seregan | male | 2 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - C4 / HS - LW / HC - 8 / EC - D7
Tigill | male | 2 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - E11 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - B5
M. Abesses | male | 38 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 22 / EC - E3
J. Nitia | female | 31 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - A7 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - F3

M. Borrin | male | 39 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - B2 / HS - LW / HC - 30 / EC - F3
M. Ershar | male | 37 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC -C5

J. Boldosh | male | 33 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - A6 / HS - HC / HC - 5 / EC - B6
M. Jesni | female | 37 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - B9 / HS - HC / HC - 6 / EC - A2

J. Baridna | female | 33 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 5 / EC - C4

J. Waxinnan | male | 33 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - B5 / HS - HW / HC - 3 / EC - G2

M. Shollun | male | 34 turns | 7 KP | Y
β†ͺ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 33 / EC - H7


J. Tugall | male | 31 turns | X
β†ͺ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - A6

J. Ayal | female | 29 turns | Y
β†ͺ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 61 / EC - H2
N'reg | male | 35 turns | X | Predath
β†ͺ ST - C4 / HS - LW / HC - 21 / EC - H7





Fedust | male | 18 turns | X | Kimorth
β†ͺ ST - E1 / HS - HW / HC - 9 / EC - F5
Soyah | female | 17 turns | X | Borinth
β†ͺ ST - C1 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - C5
Ze'ku | male | 17 turns | X | Hosurth
β†ͺ ST - B7 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - A1



Bovine 3 | female | 8 turns | bovine
Bovine 4 | male | 7 turns | bovine
Bovine 5 | female | 7 turns | bovine
Bovine 6 | male | 4 turns | bovine
Bovine 7 | female | 4 turns | bovine
Sparky | male | 6 turns | fox
Brawn | male | 7 turns | canine
Pellar | female | 9 turns | hawk
Spirit | female | 7 turns | canine

Curo | green | 4 turns | Seanni
Etasi | gold | 7 turns | b1 | Renolla
Fire | bronze | 7 turns | b1 | Abesses
Gen | bronze | 4 turns | Baridna
Kolu | green | 4 turns | Renolla
Shulli | green | 4 turns | Waxinnan
Tirvam | blue | 4 turns | Shollun
Zor | brown | 7 turns | Ershar
Borinth | green | 3 turns | Soyah
Hosurth | blue | 3 turns | Ze'ku
Kimorth | brown | 3 turns | F'dust
Rosanth | gold | 13 turns | b1 | Seanni
Predath | bronze | 9 turns | b1 | N'reg
Zerith | gold | 3 turns | Sedah
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Create a Village - V.2

Postby lameloserlexi » Mon Oct 08, 2018 4:24 am


"I don't want to miss one second and I don't want to feel so cold."


Number of People: 5 | Males: 2 | Females: 3 | Number of Animals: 0 | Servings Needed: Fasting | Next Visit to Ancestors: anytime | Pregnant: 0 | Sick: 0 | Injured: 0
Nightbellows eats zero servings of nothing.

"May the spirits smile on these happy two!" The new owl, Camilla, cheered. She turned to Ezequiel with a smile, "You may kiss the bride." She told him, taking a step back.
Ezequiel leaned in for him and Indigo's binding kiss, finally married...

The after party of the wedding now went on, the few people of the village chatting it up and listening to Jaymes play his lute. Indigo couldn't stop herself of grinning wide. However, Camilla slid over by her side, an obvious frown. "You need to watch how Z acts with the village." She told the chief, crossing her arms.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Indigo narrowed her eyes at the new member of the village. She was now reconsidering allowing her in, despite her medical expertise.
"I mean," She started, sneering a bit, "That he has to control his temper. I've heard of what he's done outside this village, before he joined and all. He's a fighter alright..."
Indigo's eyes flashed with malice. However, she controlled herself. "The past is the past. Leave it there." She pushed, walking away to join in on the small game that Ezequiel and Jaymes were now playing. However, she couldn't help but keep glancing back at the Owl. 'I need to keep an eye on her.' She scorned.

[ Indigo and Ezequiel go on a hunting patrol ]
[ Juno and Jaymes go on a border patrol ]
[ Juno goes on a scouting patrol ]
[ Camilla researches medicine ]

Beast Master
Indigo Vicari | Female | 20 | Human
ST-B4 | HC-3 | HS-LW | EC-D6 | X

Name | Gender | Age

Camilla Thatcher | Female | 24 | Human | 0
ST-B6 | HC-20 | HS-S | EC-C2 | X

Head Bear
Juno Hettlinger | Female | 18 | Human
ST-D1 | HC-2 | HS-HC | EC-B5 | X

Name | Gender | Age

Head Wolf
Name | Gender | Age

Ezequiel "Z" Bertoli | Male | 23 | Human
ST-D1 | HC-2 | HS-HC | EC-B5 | X
Name | Gender | Age

Head Fox
Name | Gender | Age

Jaymes Weitzman | Male | 17 | Human
ST-B2 | HC-18 | HS-S | EC-C7 | X
Name | Gender | Age

Name | Gender | Age
Name | Gender | Age

Name | Gender | Age
Name | Gender | Age

Name | Gender | Age
Name | Gender | Age

Name | Gender | Age
Name | Gender | Age
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Moose (x10) | x1 | 10 servings
Trout (x6) | x3 | 18 servings
Heron (x3) | x1 | 3 servings
Rabbit (x1) | x2 | 2 servings
Corn (x4) | x0 | 0 servings
Beet (x3) | x0 | 0 servings
Wheat (x1) | x0 | 0 servings
Honeydew (x3) | x0 | 0 servings
Apples (x2) | x0 | 0 servings
Peaches (x2) | x0 | 0 servings

Item Storage
Silver | 2
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Fri Oct 12, 2018 12:09 pm


Winter is here! During winter, your villagers will catch even less prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to rise. In addition, they are far more prone to catching sickness and can die from even a seemingly-mild cold if not taken care of properly.

Though dangerous, winter comes with its own set of amusements. The snows have begun to fall and mountainous villages will be covered in it. Children will be excited for snowball fights and winter holidays will begin.

Amethyst13 has decided to step back from CAV and has handed ownership to me. We are currently deciding if there will be a new topic created or if ownership of this topic will simply be transferred to me. In the meantime, I will take charge of any new villages and replies will continue as normal.

Cyrrane | Baryo sa Dalampasigan | Solaris Canyon | Nuudotkhyat | Adularia | Iron Rosette | Bellmare | Mekhanikos | Skytree | The Stormclouds | Floukru | Vale of Archaic Corybantic | Athens

ilhdc7 wrote:

[ Ruby and Rhen find a garden keeper. ]
[ Lynn and Ruby find a hostile fire-lizard fair. Angry to be disturbed, they chase the two scouts out of their territory, giving them some injuries in return. Thankfully, these injuries aren't serious but both Lynn and Ruby will need to be checked by Jasper before they go on another scouting mission. ]
[ Jason, Vivian, and Rhen catch x1 goose. ]
[ Tug gathers x1 mushroom. ]
[ Jasper gains 1 KP. ]

[ The peach seed grows. ]

[ The gods recommend that Finn become a lion. Roar. ]

[ Scarlett gives birth to one child! Unfortunately, they are born with a twisted foot that will give them a permanent limp. Their traits are: ST - F9 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - D3 / X / demigod. ]

[ Alexander requires one more post of rest. ]
[ Judgment has been passed on Helen and she has been permitted into the Fields of Asphodel. ]

[ The gods grant Alexander a lion. Their traits are: ST - C10 / HS - LC / HC - 4 / EC - A2 / X / demigod. ]
[ The garden keeper's traits are: ST - C10 / HS - LW / HC - 61 / EC - F3 / X / demigod. ]

Makoto Naegi wrote:

[ Celeste gains 1 KP. ]
[ Nicholas finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Alex and Marvis find a gatherer. ]

[ The apple seed fails to grow due to winter conditions. ]
[ The watermelon plant yields x1 watermelon. It wilts afterwards. ]

[ Sally-Mae has successfully tested gathering. ]

[ The ancestors grant Alina's request of a head knight. Their traits are: ST - H6 / HS - LC / HC - 51 / EC - F10 / X / wizard. ]
[ The gatherer's traits are: ST - B5 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - H10 / X / human. ]
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Wolfypoof » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:31 pm

Season: Winter
During winter, your villagers will likely catch even less prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to rise. In addition, they are far more prone to catching sickness and are more likely to die from even a mild cold if not taken care of properly.

Announcements: Let me know if I did anything wrong :0

Simonpet wrote:
π•“π•π•’π•”π•œ π•£π• π•”π•œ 𝕨𝕖π•ͺ𝕣𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕕
[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 21+ turns old consume 18 servings: x3 wherries. ]
[ The humans of Black Rock Weyrhold 6-20 turns old consume 3.5 servings: x3.5 blueberries. ]
[ The carnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 4 servings: x1 bovine. ]
[ The omnivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 0.5 servings: x0.5 small fish. ]
[ The herbivorous animals of Black Rock Weyrhold consume 1.25 servings: x1 moonflower fruit. ]

[ Seanni leads N'reg and Renolla on a border patrol. They ride Rosanth and Predath, dragons, and bring Curo, Etasi, and Kolu fire-lizards. ]
[ Seanni leads N'reg on a scouting patrol. They ride Rosanth and Predath, dragons, and bring Brawn and Spirit, canines. ]
[ Jesni leads Ayal, Boldosh, and Nella in fishing. ]
[ Abesses leads Baridna, Nitia, and Tugall in hunting. They bring Sparky, fox. ]
[ Borrin leads Ershar, Fudiom, Kivee, and Veashmorell in gathering. They bring Pellar, hawk. ]
[ Shollun studies medicine. ]

[ Eshni tests being a Lower Caverns staff. ]
[ Seanni trains Sedah in dragon riding. ]
[ N'reg trains F'dust, Soyah, and Ze'ku in going between. ]

[ Waxinnan watches over the weyrbrats. ]

Mod notes:
[ Please don't kill anyone. Injuries of any severity are fine if rolled. ]
[ If any new members are found, please make them Lower Caverns staff. ]

Seanni, N'reg and Renolla find nothing of interest.
Seanni and N'reg find nothing of interest. Unfortunately N'reg suffers a minor leg injury along the way and needs to be seen by Sholun.
Jesni, Ayal, Boldosh and Nella fish x1 small fish
Abesses, Baridna, Nitia and Tugall hunt x1 wherry and x1 bovine.
Borrin, Ershar, Fudiom, Kivee and Veashmorrel gather x1 redfruit and x1 moonflower fruit seed.
Shollun gains 1 KP
Eshni successfully tested Lower Caverns Staff.
Sedah learns dragon riding.
F'dust, Soyah and Ze'ku all learn in going between.

s8n wrote:

[ Indigo and Ezequiel go on a hunting patrol ]
[ Juno and Jaymes go on a border patrol ]
[ Juno goes on a scouting patrol ]
[ Camilla researches medicine ]

Indigo and Ezequiel hunt x1 heron
Juno and Jaymas find nothing of interest
Juno finds a scout. Their traits are ST-F10 | HC-62 | HS-LC | EC-C2 | X | Human.
Camilla gains 1 KP
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Wolfypoof » Tue Oct 16, 2018 6:33 pm

Number of People: 13
Number of Animals: 1
Servings Needed: 3ΒΌ
Next Visit to Ancestors: Oct 23

Like most days, Alex and Marvis were awake early in the morning. It was apart of their knight duties to guard the village as soon as possible. They weren't all that keen on waking up early but they never told Alina that. As they patrolled the village while everyone was asleep, they made some conversation.

"I still don't trust that Nicholas guy," Marvis said.
"What's he going to do? Turn everyone into a frog?" Alex replied in a mocking tone.
"He might!" she shouted.
"...I don't see what the deal. Sure, he made fun of us but Alina does that all the time," he said.
"She's different though." They fell silent as they passed Celeste's and Ida's house. It was never a good idea to disturb Ida's sleep. They found that out the hard way. Marvis stood up straight when the house was out of the sight.
"I'm telling you that this guy's bad news... He looks like someone who schemes things..." she narrowed her eyes.
"You're just paranoid. You'll get over it," Alex yawned.

Morning had passed and everyone was out and about. Sally-Mae excitedly ran across the grass with a bow in hand as Eli chased after her. Emma was tending the garden while Benjamin left with their new companion, Maria. Alex let out a sigh.
"Everything's so peaceful..."
Marvis gave him a funny look.
"Not that that's a bad thing but something exciting wouldn't hurt," he said.
"Ah... Right."
"Marvis, Alex sit up straight," said Alina who was suddenly right in front of them.
"Y-yes!" Marvis said, standing up straighter than a pole. Alex followed suit.
"You may be knights but you lack discipline. So, I've decided to give you two a role model," Alina explained.
"A what?" they both asked. Alina motioned to the stranger that had been standing beside her the whole time.

"This is Johnathan. He will be our head knight. You two must listen to him and hopefully you'll turn into the knights I've envisioned. That is all," she said before leaving. Johnathan was a tall man with striking purple eyes. He stared right at them without speaking or blinking.
"Uhh... Hi there," Alex said. "We ar-"
"I already know your names," he said.
"Oh, really? Well, that makes things easy," Marvis grinned nervously. Johnathan thrust the sword on his back into the air. Alex and Marvis squealed in surprise.
"What knight squeals in the face of danger?" he asked them with a scary look on his face.
"S-sorry, you just scared us," Alex said, his voice shaking.
"Hmph. We leave at once to patrol the borders," he said, turning his back to them.
"Okay!" Marvis shouted, trying to sound as enthusiastic as she could. She leaned in close to Alex's ear and whispered," forget what I said earlier. Let's focus on this shady person."

[The Iron Rosette consumes an apple and small fish]
[Celeste studies medicine]
[Sally-Mae tests hunting with Eli]
[Emma plants an apple seed]
[Benjamin and Maria gather for food]
[Johnathan, Marvis and Alex go on a border patrol]
[Nicholas and Alina go scouting with Muffin (dog)]

    Alina| Female | 36
    β†ͺ ST-D4 | HC-24 | HS-S | EC-C10 | X | Elven

    Celeste | Female | 37 | 5 KP
    β†ͺ ST - E3 | HS-AC | HC-5 | EC-C11 | X | Nymph

    Head Knight
    Johnathan | Male | 41
    β†ͺ ST - H6 | HS - LC | HC - 51 | EC - F10 | X | wizard

    Alex | Male | 32
    β†ͺ ST-A4 | HC-12 | HS-S | EC-A10 | X | Elven
    Marvis | Female | 41
    β†ͺ ST-B1 | HS-HC | HC-38 | EC-G5 | X | Witch

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Nicholas | Male | 35
    β†ͺ ST-J3 | HS-HC | HC-37 | EC-B6 | X | Wizard
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Eli | Male | 52
    β†ͺ ST-L9 | HC-19 | HS-S | EC-A5 | X | Elven
    Kaiden | Male| 30
    β†ͺ ST-C4 | HS-S | HC-17 | EC-H4 | X | Elven

    Emma | Female | 38
    β†ͺ ST-C11 | HC-44 | HS-LC | EC-G1 | Y | Human
    Benjamin | Male | 34
    β†ͺ ST-E3 | HS-AC | HC-5 | EC-C11 | X | Nymph
    Maria | Female | 23
    β†ͺ ST - B5 | HS - LC | HC - 11 | EC - H10 | X | human

    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Sally-Mae | Female | 6
    β†ͺ ST-G6 | HS-HC | HC-32 | EC-H4 | X | elf

    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Ida | Female | 106
    β†ͺ ST-G6 | HS-HC | HC-32 | EC-H4 | X | Elven
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Small fish | x2 | 1 serving
Chicken | x3 |3 serving
Rabbit | x4 |3 servings
Deer | x4 | 6 servings
Potato | x3 |2 servings
Carrot | x5 |2 servings
Lettuce | x4 |2 servings (1 seed)
Apples | x1 | 2 servings
Orange | x2 | 2 servings
Watermelons | x6 |3 servings

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Muffin | Male | 13 months | Wolf (dog) | # of times bred | Looks
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

- | Sally-Mae | - | 1 | Gathering
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by Wolfypoof on Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby NightWolf950 » Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:41 am


Number of Villagers: 18 (Males; 9 Females; 9)
Next Request: October 23rd
Servings needed: 18

Windbriar consumes x8 peaches and x1 wheat




{Takeshi requests a new member

Studying Medicine: Timber
Hunting: Axel, Mitsuru, and Kazimir
Gathering: Wisteria, Xzavier, Mako
Patrolling: Luther, Madoka, and Chi
Scouting: Myles (Companion: Scout), Evidone, and Takeshi (Companion: Twister)
Training: Ohpelia/Yuri - Friendliness | Kiirion/Hikari - Planting | Rose/Orchid - Stealth}

Head Chiefs:
Takeshi | 51 | Female | Human
β†ͺ ST-E8 | HC-94 | HS-S | EC-Green | X
Kazimir | 52 | Male | Vampire
β†ͺ ST-C11 | HC-37 | HS-HW | EC-D9 | X

Timber | 39 | Male | K. Points: 7 | Shifter
β†ͺ ST-D1 | HC-2 | HS-LW | EC-C7 | Y | Baboon Shift

War Chiefs:
Luther | 47 | Male | Vampire
β†ͺ ST-G11 | HC-25 | HS-HW | EC-H6 | X

Madoka | 42 | Female | Kemonomimi
β†ͺ ST-B9 | HC-64 | HS-HC | EC-DBlue | X
Chi | 20 | Female | Kemonomimi
β†ͺ ST-D6 | HC-55 | HS-LW | EC-A10 | X

Scout Chiefs:
Myles | 54 | Male | Human
β†ͺ ST-B10 | HC-110 | HS-HC | EC-Blue | X

Evidone | 31 | Male | Nymph
β†ͺ ST-A4 | HC-38 | HS-AC | EC-Hazel | X
Ophelia | 34 | Female | Vampire
β†ͺ ST-D5 | HC-10 | HS-S | EC-C11 | X

Hunting Chiefs:
Axel | 52 | Male | Elf
β†ͺ ST-E5 | HC-10 | HS-HW | EC-Red | X

Rose | 41 | Female | Human
β†ͺ ST-B7 | HC-55 | HS-LW | EC-A6 | X
Mitsuru | 43 | Male | Kemonomimi
β†ͺ ST-E8 | HC-15 | HS-S | EC-C8 | X

Kiirion | 53 | Male | Elf
β†ͺ ST-A10 | HC-27 | HS-HW | EC-B4 | Y
Wisteria | 53 | Female | Kemonomimi
β†ͺ ST-C10 | HC-48 | HS-S | EC-Violet | X
Xzavier | 29 | Male | Human
β†ͺ ST-G6 | HC-11 | HS-LC | EC-B11 | Y
Mako | 23 | Male | Werewolf
β†ͺ ST-F8 | HC-44 | HS-LC | EC-F4 | X

Yuri | 15 | Female | Kemonomimi
β†ͺ ST-C10 | HC-76 | HS-S | EC-Green | X
Hikari | 15 | Female | Kemonomimi
β†ͺ ST-C10 | HC-76 | HS-S | EC-DGreen | X
Orchid | 17 | Female | Human
β†ͺ ST-C10 | HC-36 | HS-LW | EC-C6 | X






Ohpelia | Yuri | Scout | 2
β†ͺ Tracking/Peace keeping/Percussive talking/Friendliness
Kiirion | Hikari | Gather | 2
β†ͺ Harvesting/Planting/Soil care/Crop care
Rose | Orchid | 0
β†ͺ Tracking/Stealth/Land layout/How to properly kill

x | x | Warrior | # of sessions
β†ͺ Stealth/Balance/Offense/Defense
x | x | Scout | # of sessions
β†ͺ Tracking/Peace keeping/Percussive talking/Friendliness
x | x | Hunter | # of sessions
β†ͺ Tracking/Stealth/Land layout/How to properly kill
x | x | Gather | # of sessions
β†ͺ Harvesting/Planting/Soil care/Crop care


Food Storage:
Deer | x1 | 3 servings
Rabbits | x3 | 1 servings
Hares | x4 | 1 servings
Trout | x0 | 3 servings
Potatoes | x0 | 3 servings
Carrots | x2 | 3 servings
Wheat | x3 | 2 servings
Apples | x6 | 2 servings
Peaches | x0| 2 servings
Watermelon | x2 | 4 servings

Item Storage:
Cotton | x1 | craft-able
Wheat seed | x1 | 1 use
Iron | x1 | craft-able
Watermelon seed | x1 | 1 use
Gold | x2 | Money
Leather | x2 | craft-able

Twister | Male | 8 | Horse | Owner: Takeshi
Scout | Male | 7 | German shepherd | Owner: Myles
Bessy | Female | 4 | Cow


x | Gender | Cause of death

Ally Villages:
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages:
Village Name | Username

North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Kennel Name | Username
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Dinolil1 » Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:57 pm

Number of People: 8
Number of Animals: 0
Servings Needed: 0
Next Visit to Ancestors: 0

An entire year, that was how long it had been since Atermio's birth and Solaris considered that a lot of things had changed. They were no longer a pack of rats, hiding from the fiercer owls in the sky; They were something, not quite a family, but at least they were working together and maybe, someday she hoped, they could even reach out to the other villages. It did no good to be a loner, at some point or other you had to get out there and pray to the heavens above that the person you met was as awkward as you.

''You're smiling.'' Remarked Thurayya, resting her head on Solaris' shoulders. ''Did something good happen?'' An excited look slowly spread across her face, like a bird preparing to take flight. ''Let me guess...a bat took a dump on Ayberk's head?'' The shapeshifter inquired, looking hopeful. ''Because that would probably make me laugh for about...a year or so.''

Huffing amusedly, Solaris shook her head. ''Play nice, Thurayya...'' She nuzzled her, smiling softly into her hair. For a moment, she allowed herself to quietly breathe and enjoy the aromatic peace. ''Your hair smells nice, is that lavender?'' Solaris looked up at her, peering thoughtfully into her eyes. ''I didn't think you'd be the type to wear lavender.''

She shrugged quietly, looking down at Solaris. ''I just felt like it, can't a badass girl wear something soft every now and then?'' Thurayya quirked a brow, rubbing circles into her hand. ''Is that why you're smiling? Because you see something soft inside me?'' The shapeshifter teased, poking her in the ribs.

''Well, no...'' Solaris grinned, shaking her head. ''...It's just...I feel like things are finally clicking in place.'' The centaur sighed, ears twitching. ''I can finally breathe without worrying that Stella will punch Chandra in the face.'' Solaris looked up at Thurayya. ''I feel like I can finally tell you that I love you.''

Wide-eyed, Thurayya was caught off-guard. ''...Do you know how bad of an idea that is?'' She chuckled awkwardly, shaking her head bashfully. ''I love you too, you silly horse.'' Thurayya leaned in and quietly kissed her, holding her tight in a hug. ''You're really sappy, you know that?''

''Says the person currently hugging me.''

Thurayya and Leo go hunting.
Ayberk and Chandra go gathering.
Solaris and Sitara go on a patrol.

    Head Chief
    Solaris Roserunner | Female | 34
    β†ͺ ST-C6 | HC-60 | HS-S | EC-D7 | X | Centaur

    Sitara Goldmane | Female | 51 | Knowledge Points
    β†ͺ ST - B7 | HS - LW | HC - 20 | EC - D6 | X | Shapeshifter

    War Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Hunting Chief
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A


    Thurayya Stormsnake | Female | 32
    β†ͺ ST-J4 | HC-34 | HS-LC | EC-G11 | X | Shapeshifter

    Leo Greeneyes | Male | 31
    β†ͺ ST-D2 | HC-57 | HS-S | EC-H4 | X | Human

    Ayberk Seastride | Male | 32
    β†ͺ ST-C6 | HC-21 | HS-LC | EC-F1 | X | Vampire

    Chandra Quickfoot | Male (Trans) | 29
    β†ͺ ST - D8 | HS - LC | HC - 21 | EC - G4 | X | Human

    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A


    Stella Ivyclaw | Female | 48
    β†ͺ ST - F5 | HS - LW | HC - 53 | EC - E2 | X | wood elf

    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A


    Artemio Ivyclaw | Male | 1
    β†ͺ ST - F5 | HS - LW | HC - 64 | EC - G2 | X | wood elf
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    β†ͺ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Trout | x1 | 2
Perch | x2 | 1
Tench | x1 |1
Salmon | x1 |5
Carrot | x1 |2
Lettuce | x1 | 4
Tomato | x2 | 1
Apple | x3 | 2
Orange | x2 | 1
Pear | x3 | 3

Item Storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Stella Ivyclaw and Pran Ivyclaw | Artemio Ivyclaw
Name and Name | Kids
Last edited by Dinolil1 on Fri Oct 26, 2018 5:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

I believe that you are purrfect!

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9. athens has it's first marriage

Postby ilhdc7 » Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:43 am

head count: fifteen
animal count: one
servings total: twelve point five
next request from the gods: 18th

Bane narrowed his eyes at Lynn. β€œYou want another wolf? We already have one. Luna. She’s great, she’s super nice, and well behaved. Why do you want another one?”

Lynn huffed and rolled her eyes at Bane, batting his hands away as he tried to stop her from moving too much. β€œPuppies, duh! Protection, duh!”

Bane grabbed her hands quickly, making sure she was standing still as she glared at him, β€œNo. Luna is enough. She’s great!”

Lynn pulled her hands out of his, β€œBane, no. We need more animals! More protection!” She turned her head as a person came up beside her, patting her shoulder. β€œYes?”

It was Rhen, β€œThe meeting is going to start soon, Alex is going to talk or something.”

Lynn nodded as Bane glared at Rhen’s hand that was still resting on her shoulder. He didn’t like it, one bit. Rhen pulled his hand off of Lynn and went on his way, down the path they had built not to long ago. Lynn look at Bane, as he had an odd look in his eye, β€œWhat?” She said before going down the trail.

Bane sighed and followed behind her, not knowing what to say.

[ alexander asks the gods for a commodore ]

[ jason, vivian & bane go hunting ]
[ rhen goes on a border patrol and takes luna (wolf) ]
[ bane looks for a mate for luna ]

[ jason trains finn ]
[vivian & alexander get married (no children) ]

[ jasper studies medicine ]
[ alexander rests under jasper's care for 1 post]
[ lynn & ruby get their injuries treated ]

[ tug & basil go gathering ]
[ tug tends to peach seed 1 (2) ]

[ the pets consume .25 servings ]
[ the people consume 12.5 servings ]

    alexander, male, 28, son of athena
    β†ͺ ST - A7 / HS - S / HC - 4 / EC - H5 / X / demigod

    jasper, male, 20, 2 kpoints, son of apollo
    β†ͺ ST - B7 / HS - AC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / Y / demigod

    ruby, female, 29, daughter of ares
    β†ͺ ST - F9 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - G3 / X / demigod

    rhen, male, 30, son of nemesis
    β†ͺ ST - E4 / HS - HW / HC - 64 / EC - C4 / X / demigod
    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A

    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A

    lynn, female, 27, daughter of aphrodite
    β†ͺ ST - F2 / HS - LC / HC - 10 / EC - D3 / X / demigod
    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A

    jason, male, 29, son of apollo
    β†ͺ ST - E10 / HS - HW / HC - 9 / EC - A3 / X / demigod

    the lions hunters
    vivian, female, 26, daughter of hecate
    β†ͺ ST-C5 | HC-26 | HS-HC | EC-D2 | X | Demigod
    bane, male, 27, son of hermes
    β†ͺ ST - C10 / HS - LC / HC - 4 / EC - A2 / X / demigod
    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A

    garden keeper
    tug, male, 24, son of persephone
    β†ͺ ST - F7 / HS - S / HC - 8 / EC - A4 / X / demigod
    basil, female, 22, daughter of demeter
    β†ͺ ST - C10 / HS - LW / HC - 61 / EC - F3 / X / demigod
    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A

    pupil age 13-18
    finn, male, 13, son of aphrodite
    β†ͺ ST -F1 / HS - LC / HC - 20 / EC - A3 / X / demigod
    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A

    pre-pupil age 8-12
    fate, male, 10, great-grandchild of dionysus
    β†ͺ ST - F9 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - H7 / X / demigod
    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A

    scarlett, female, 30, daughter of atlas
    β†ͺ ST - F9 / HS - LW / HC - 3 / EC - D3 / X / demigod
    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A

    ryker, male, 0, grandson of atlas
    β†ͺ ST - F9 / HS - HW / HC - 1 / EC - D3 / X / demigod
    β†ͺ twisted left foot
    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A

    name, gender, age
    β†ͺ N/A
ally & enemy villages

border villages

food storage
rabbit | 0 | 1 servings
goose | 1 | 3 servings
deer | 0 | 6 servings
moose | 3 | 10 servings
mushroom | 1 | 2 servings
potato | 1 | 3 servings
spinach | 0 | 4 servings
--- one spinach seed ---
blackberries | 3.5 | 1 servings
peaches | 1 | 2 servings
watermelon | 2 | 4 servings

item storage
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable
Item Name | amount | uses left/craftable

luna | female | 2 | wolf | [0/2] times bred
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred

jason | finn | hunting | 0
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

helen - old age

helen & fate = grandmother & grandchild
lynn & finn = full blood siblings
man & scarlett = ryker

notes for myself
ages 21+ = 1 serving
ages 6-20 = .5
ages 5- = 0
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Re: Create a Village - V.2

Postby Arya22 » Fri Oct 26, 2018 1:39 am

Number of People: 10
(5 Females 5 Males)

Next visit with Ancestors:next post

The atmosphere between the two men was tense as they walked through the forest. Zaos was sullen, angry to have been forced to spend the whole day with Pantaleon, and while childish, Panto was very aware of the dislike Zaos had of him. So none chattered, just talked when it was necessary. Their silence was only broken by the chirp of birds and the rustle of small animals in the forest, until both men heard something different. A voice.

"Oh you damned plants, leave me alone! Stop. Sticking. To me!" It was a female voice. "Aah, what a horrible insect! Shoo!" And an angry one at that. Without a word, Pantaleon and Zaos went closer, and what they saw made their eyes round. A tall woman, who looked to have been quite wealthy before, was battling with some vines while swiping the air angrily to shoo away a fly. She had pale skin, red hair and was quite beautiful, if not for the fact her face was distorted in an angry frown. Without waiting, Pantaleon stepped out of his hiding-spot and went up to the woman. "Hello! Who are you?" he simply asked.

"Aah!" The woman jumped at least a foot in the air and stepped back. "Who are you?" she demanded when she had recovered from her fright. She sounded angry. Pantaleon wasted no time. "My name is Pantaleon, and I am a hobbit living in the village of Cyrrane." he replied curtly. The woman frowned. "What were you thinking, just creeping up on me like that?!? You could have given me a heart attack!" she yelled at him. Pantaleon, not used to that, stepped back, looking confused. "I-I..." the woman pressed her advantage. "It was completely undignified and rude! I will make sure that-"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" the yell made both jump and turn to where it came from. Zaos was standing in front of them, hands on hips and a dark frown on his face. "Why are you both squabbling like children? We are not here to talk, Pantaleon, we came here to patrol! Fine, we found someone. Now, let's deal with it properly and not like hens at feeding time!" Pantaleon looked down, embarrassed. "Sorry." he mumbled. The woman was not much different. Her posture changed from an angry one to a neutral one and she had the decency to look down. She did not say anything.

"Now, who are you?" Zaos asked, a note of warning in his voice. "Tamara Milner, daughter of Follar Milner, merchant." the woman replied meekly. She had learned her lesson. Zaos nodded, but before he could talk, Pantaleon began. "Well, I'm sorry I frightened you milady, but now, would you like to join us in Cyrrane? We're a small but growing village and need new people." he said. Zacharius climbed from his pack onto his shoulder, peering curiously at Tamara. The red-haired woman seemed to hesitate, then a smile grew on her lips. "I'd like that very much, thank you."


Much closer to camp, something else was happening, different, yet similar.. Myriam was walking back to the village after having been at the ancestors shrine. Today, she had done something she never thought she could: she had prayed for siblings to come. Here, barely anyone knew the others since birth. No-one shared that intimate bond siblings had. And Myriam missed that. So she had requested siblings.. If it worked. Myriam was deep in her thoughts as she walked, and at first she didn't notice the two figures sleeping by the side of the tracks. Two small figures. It was just as she walked past them that Myriam saw something, and looked down. Immediately, she gasped. Twins! Children!


Rhys had been having a dream, about being back at home with mum, when she was still alright. She called them, saying she had biscuits to give them. "Children, come!" Rhys became aware of the voice calling, and it wasn't his mother's. "Children, wake up!" His eyes flickered open to spot a young woman with brown hair and dark skin. He felt movement next to him and knew his brother was awake. "You're not mum." the little boy said suddenly, sounding disappointed.


Myriam felt her heart wrench as she looked over the little ones. They were dirty, thin, and looked exhausted. Their clothes were ripped in places and both definitely needed a good bath. She hadn't wanted this! At the boy's words, she smiled gently. "No, I'm not your mum. Where is she?" Myriam asked. The twins were similar in almost everything, but the hair. One was blond, the other black-haired. It was the blond one who had spoken at first, and he continued doing so. "Mum is dead." he simply said.

Myriam's eyes widened and she hesitated. "Oh- I'm really sorry about that." she replied quietly. The little boy shook his head. "Why? Did you kill her?" Myriam shook her head quickly. "No! No, I did not kill her. I'm just sorry for you.." she took a deep breath. "If your mum is dead, where is your dad?" she asked. The boy scratched his head, revealing for a short time his pointed ears: they were elves. "Dad? What's that?" he wondered. Myriam hesitated. "Oh.." their mother had probably never told them about their dad.

"Nothing. Now, I want to ask if you'd like to come with me. If your mum is dead, then there's no-one to take care of you anymore." the boy hesitated. "mum told us to look for the elf village. Are you the elf village?" Myriam shook her head. "No, I do not live in the elf village. But there are elves in my village. They could take care of you." the little boy hesitated, looking at his brother. The other one did a half shrug, half nod, and the young boy looked at Myriam. "We'll come. What's your name?"


Pantaleon, Zaos and Tamara were already back. The young woman hadn't talked to many people, mostly just nodding curtly when they introduced themselves to her, but not trying to make any conversation after. Most people found her a little stuck-up, even Zaos, which was quite ironic. Pantaleon, true to himself, only saw the good in her and tried to make conversation with her- not very successfully. She was still mad against him.

It was during one of those unsuccessful attempts that Myriam came to the village. Walking by her were the twins. Immediately, everyone crowded around them. "Where are they from?" Aaron asked. But before Myriam could answer, a wave of other questions hit her. "Are they hurt?" asked Joan. "They're even smaller than me!" Pantaleon exclaimed. "Elves?" Zaos asked incredulously. And more. After a while, Myriam had enough. "Quiet now!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying over all her anger. "They are twins, Elves, who I found in the forest. I don't know much else. Joan, please take them with you and make sure they are not hurt. Aaron, go make dinner with Hilda. Zaos and Laedrya, please stay here. The others, disperse !" she had sounded angry enough, and everyone followed her orders.

When everything was in order, Myriam turned to Zaos and Laedrya. "You might have guessed why I asked you to stay back." she said, looking at them. "Those two don't have a family, their father abandoned the mother and she is dead now. You are the only two elves in my village, and you are already going to have a child soon.. Will you please accept the two as adopted children?" Myriam was anxious. She had no idea how this sort of thing usually happened in elven villages, and hoped Zaos wouldn't react too badly.

Surprisingly- or not?- it was Laedrya who answered. "Of course we will. We will treat them as our own children and care for them." she smiled reassuringly. Zaos looked at his wife, an unusual look on his face- it was gentle, loving. His hand sneaked into hers and he nodded at Myriam. "We will." Myriam, touched by their words, smiled brightly. "Thank you very much. They need loving parents." she was amazed at the change of behaviour from Zaos, but none the less happy about it. Zaos and Laedrya moved off.

Just as they left, Tamara walked over. "Excuse me miss, but you seem like the person in charge here. I would like to know why I was dragged here by two very unrespectable men and why everyone else is ignoring me." Myriam turned, surprised. She hadn't noticed her in the mayhem. "Oh, I'm sorry. Who brought you here?" the woman pointed to Pantaleon and Zaos. "The childish dwarf and the rude elf over there." Myriam couldn't help but smile. "Oh, the hobbit is called Pantaleon, he is a scout, and the elf is called Zaos. A warrior." she explained. "This village is called Cyrrane. I founded it a few years ago and have been trying to make it grow. As you may have noticed, we aren't many yet, and that is probably the reason why you were 'dragged' here. I would be honored if you decided to stay with us." the woman seemed to hesitate, then shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, I did say I wanted to stay here a while ago. My name is Tamara Milner." Myriam smiled. "Welcome then, Tamara."


The villagers were well into dinner. Myriam was talking to Joan, inquiring about the twins health. "They'll be fine. Both are thin and malnourished, I have no idea how long they stayed alone, but nothing too dangerous. They have a few scratches, but again, not infected or large ones. In a few days they'll be healed." Joan assured the leader. Myriam smiled. "I'm reassured. They looked exhausted when I found them. I was worried." she admitted. Joan smiled back.

"No, nothing to worry abou- wha-" the last words were torn from her as a small and grey thing ran past her, climbing on her knees on the way. It was a mouse. Joan barely had the time to recover when a noticeably larger animal darted behind it, jumping on her knees and clawing her legs. "Ah, get off!" Joan yelled at Barthelemy, who was chasing the mouse. The cat wasted no time and jumped down immediately, but on the way bumped the plate Joan had been holding, making it crash to the ground. The cat darted around the village center, still following the mouse. He made a few tools fall to the ground and broke a flowerpot, then disappeared into a dark alley.

It was silent for a while before an angry voice rose up. "I can't believe it!" Zaos, his face dark and angry, strode towards Myriam. "I was never happy to let this cat come to the village, and see how right I was? It only destroys and ruins our work! How can you agree with that?" his eyes shot lightning. In a corner, Pantaleon kept quiet, not wanting to attract Zaos' wrath. Despite the situation, Myriam stayed calm. "Zaos, please settle down. The only reason Barthelemy made the tools fall down was that they were not put in the shed. The only reason he broke the flowerpot was that it was not steady enough. And he was chasing a mouse, an animal which would make surviving very hard. Mice eat our food, dirty our houses and gnaw on our bedding. We don't want them here and I am happy Barthelemy chases them." her voice was firm, brooking no argument. Zaos stopped in his tracks, glaring at Myriam. After a second he just turned on his heels and left, head high and haughty.

Once everyone had begun to talk again, Joan looked over Myriam. "Oh my. You handled that rather well... But Zaos really does hate you now doesn't he?" Myriam sighed, nodding. Her plate was almost empty but she didn't finish it, just picked at her food. "I wish he was as calm and thoughtful as his wife." she admitted quietly before standing. "Can you please organise everyone to tidy this up? I need to have a break." Joan nodded. "Go ahead." she smiled, proud to have a sort of responsibility. Myriam smiled gratefully and walked away.


Everything was now tidied up and almost everyone was in bed already. Myriam was scribbling things on paper Tamara had brought with her, and which had turned out to be pretty useful. Tamara had also said she could teach her how to make paper, and Myriam had gratefully accepted the offer. It would be a great addition to village life. Myriam put down the pencil she had been holding- also from Tamara- and sighed, stretching her fingers. She had learned to write back in her old village, but hadn't practiced much and was sore after writing. Just as she looked up, she saw Pantaleon alone by the entrance of his house. He was crouching, petting the cat by his feet.

Myriam caught herself watching him, watching his messy brown hair, his well-defined jaw and small yet powerful arms. As if aware of her staring, Pantaleon looked up, and for a second Myriam was frozen. His eyes reflected the fire and gave him a haunting, mysterious look. Then Myriam shook herself and stood up quickly. What was she doing? She saw Pantaleon stand and walk towards her. He looked tired and worried. "Is everything ok, Panto?" she asked as he came closer. Panto shrugged, holding his arms around himself. "I'm fine. I'm just a little tired." "Why don't you go sleep then?" Myriam asked. Pantaleon just shook his head. "I don't want to." Myriam waited for a second, but Panto didn't say anything else. "Why not?" Myriam asked gently. Pantaleon replied so quietly Myriam had to come closer to hear his words. "I don't like it when I see the beasts kill people I know." he whispered.

Myriam put a hand on his shoulder. "So you've been having dreams?" she asked. "Nightmares?" Pantaleon hesitated, seeming unsure of the word, then nodded. "That's it. Nightmares." Myriam was quiet for a second. What to say? "I'm sorry you've been having nightmares.. But you have to remember that they're not real. Those beasts aren't here. They won't hurt anyone you know. Here we are protected by houses and fences, and we have people who know how to fight. They won't let that happen." she didn't know how to comfort Panto. The hobbit shrugged. "Zaos hates me." Myriam shook her head quickly. "No, I don't think so. I think Zaos hates the fact he's not my favorite. He thinks he should be the one everyone looks at, and he's jealous of you. But I think deep down he is still a caring person." she replied, thinking back on that smile she had seen from Zaos. He could be caring and gentle, despite appearance. Panto looked puzzled, but he nodded. "Alright."

Panto yawned, which made Myriam yawn too. The hobbit was amused. "Why did you do that?" he asked. Myriam shrugged. "Oh, that sort of thing tends to happen. When others yawn I do too." she told him. Pantaleon smiled. "That's funny." just then, he yawned again. Myriam, this time, did not. "Now, off you go. You won't be any good to us tomorrow if you don't get some sleep." Pantaleon, tired, simply nodded and began to walk off. Myriam sat back down and too the pencil in her hand. Just as he was about to enter his house, Pantaleon turned around. "Myriam?" he asked. Myriam lifted her head. "Yes?" "Thank you for talking to me. I won't let the beasts come anymore." Myriam smiled and watched him enter his house. What a curious person.

(Myriam and Pantaleon patrolling
Zaos patrolling
Aaron and Hilda hunting
Joan researching medicine
Tamara gathering fruits/veggies
Laedrya resting and taking care of Rhys and Arun
Aaron and Hilda trying for kids)

      Head Chief:
      Myriam Sheherezad | 27 | Female | Human
      β†ͺ ST-D7 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A6 / X

      Joan Helend | 19 | Female | Human | 1
      β†ͺ ST-D11 / HC-11 / HS-HC / EC-E6 / Y

      War Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Zaos Faelen | 32 | Male | Elf
      β†ͺ ST-E3 / HC-1 / HS-LC / EC-A6 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Scout Chief:
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Pantaleon Brown (and Zacharius) | 27 | Male | Hobbit
      β†ͺ ST-C5 / HC-23 / HS-S / EC-H7 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Hunting Chief:
      Aaron Crawford | 35 | Male | Human
      β†ͺ ST-C3 / HC-53 / HS-S / EC-D7 / X

      Hilda Bronzemane | 31 | Female | Dwarf
      β†ͺ ST-D6 / HC-5 / HS-HW / EC-A2 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Laedrya Faelen | 30 | Female | Elf (gives birth next post)
      β†ͺ ST-A11 / HC-24 / HS-LC / EC-D7 / X
      Tamara Milner | 21 | Female | Human
      β†ͺ ST - F4 / HS - AC / HC - 22 / EC - G9 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Arun Faelen | 5 | Male | [url=image link]Elf[/url]
      β†ͺ ST - E3 / HS - HC / HC - 1 / EC - E2 / Y
      Rhys Faelen | 5 | Male | [url=image link]Elf[/url]
      β†ͺ ST - E3 / HS - LC / HC - 26 / EC - E9 / X
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=image link]Race[/url]
      β†ͺ n/a/n
      Ally Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      Enemy Villages:
      Village Name | Username
      Village Name | Username

      North | Forest and a river | Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet
      East | Forest | Adularia | Darkhearted123
      South | Forest | Village Name | Username
      West | Lake | Village Name | Username

      Food Storage:
      (7 3/4 servings every post)
      Deer | x1 | 3 servings (l)
      Boar | x2 | 4 servings (m) (3 3/4 servings used up)
      Hare | x3 | 3 servings (s)
      Bovine | x0 | servings (l)
      Carrots | x2 | 4 servings (m) (used up)
      Potatoes | x0 | servings (m)
      Mushrooms | x0 | servings (s)
      Apples | x2 | 4 servings (m)
      Blueberries | x0 | servings (s)
      Cantaloupe | x0 | servings (l)
      Total: 16 servings | 2 years

      Copper | not used | Not perishable
      Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish

      Barthelemy | Cat | 2 years | Male | Looks
      Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]

      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      β†ͺ learned
      Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
      β†ͺ learned

      Name | Cause of Death
      Name | Cause of Death

      Myriam <-> Pantaleon
      Name ->/<-> Name

      Zaos and Laedrya | Arun+Rhys (adopted),
      Aaron and Hilda | Kids
      Name and Name | Kids
Bookworm | she/her | bi & demisexual
I am Arya22 and I'm a female who likes reading
Pm me to chat about anything at all!
Signature coded by Amburned. Thank you!!
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Sat Oct 27, 2018 3:39 am


Winter is here! During winter, your villagers will catch even less prey and the odds of deaths during births will continue to rise. In addition, they are far more prone to catching sickness and can die from even a seemingly-mild cold if not taken care of properly.

The end of winter is nigh! The last of the holidays will have been celebrated and villages will now prepare for the spring. Though the snows are still piled high, some may swear that they're finding melting patches. Children of all ages and species will be disappointed to find that their beloved snowmen will not survive for much longer, but hopefully can be consoled with the knowledge that winter will come again.

I will be doing activity checks to all villages! If you do not respond by October 31st, your village will be taken off the list. On November 1st, I will be announcing the move to the V3 thread. I apologize sincerely for these many changes in so little time, but I'm not planning to introduce anything major into the game (mostly cleaning up the coding) and will be (re)opening the market for official trading.

Cyrrane | Baryo sa Dalampasigan | Solaris Canyon | Nuudotkhyat | Adularia | Iron Rosette | Bellmare | Mekhanikos | Skytree | The Stormclouds | Floukru | Vale of Archaic Corybantic | Athens

Makoto Naegi wrote:

[ Celeste gains 1 KP. ]
[ Benjamin and Maria gather x1 carrot. ]
[ Johnathan, Marvis, and Alexa find nothing of interest. ]
[ Nicholas and Alina find a cow that appears to have wandered free of its herd. Perhaps the gatherers will use it to help plow their fields. ]

[ The apple seed grows and will bear fruit in two posts. ]

[ Sally-Mae has successfully tested hunting. ]

Dinolil1 wrote:

[ Thurayya and Leo catch x1 salmon. ]
[ Ayberk and Chandra gather x1 carrot. ]
[ Solaris and Sitara find a warrior. ]

[ The warrior's traits are: ST - B7 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - D6 / X / shapeshifter. ]

ilhdc7 wrote:

[ Jason, Vivian, and Bane catch x1 rabbit. ]
[ Rhen finds a scout. ]
[ Bane finds a hoplite. ]
[ Tug and Basil gather x1 potato. ]
[ Jasper gains 1 KP. ]

[ The peach seed will bear fruit next post. ]

[ Alexander is free to return to his duties. ]
[ Lynn and Ruby are free to return to their duties. ]

[ Finn gains 1 training point. ]

[ The gods grant Alexander's request of a commodore. Their traits are: ST - C1 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - D5 / Y / demigod. ]
[ The scout's traits are: ST - D8 / HS - LC / HC - 6 / EC - A2 / X / demigod. ]
[ The hoplite's traits are: ST - E5 / HS - LC / HC - 62 / EC - H2 / X / demigod. ]

Arya22 wrote:

[ Myriam and Pantaleon find nothing of interest. However, Pantaleon is spooked by some animals and he falls over, injuring his stomach when a branch scratches him badly. He will need two posts of rest. ]
[ Zaos finds x1 twine. ]
[ Aaron and Hilda catch x1 bovine. ]
[ Tama gathers x2 blueberries and x1 cantaloupe seed. ]
[ Joan gains 1 KP. ]

[ Hilda is pregnant! She will give birth in two posts. ]

[ Barthelemy the cat catches x1 mouse, which gives him x1 carnivore food scrap. ]

[ Mod notes: Remember to use the new food serving sizes! Your meats, especially, will be worth a lot more servings now. ]
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