Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby frankie (dup) » Mon Jul 23, 2018 1:07 pm

Number of Cats: 08
Servings: 10/3 needed (I think)
Next Moonpool Visit: Anytime. Skipping mine right now, so I'll have the next one whenever.
Mod: Osleya

It wasn't long before Sagestar heard somebody coming up behind her.
She turned around to see a fluffy white cat with pale green eyes approaching her, stumbling lightly over the ground before slipping onto the ground.

Sagestar's stomach twisted and her mouth went dry.

Is she dead?

Sagestar ran over to the body of the white cat, who was shaking slightly on the ground where she'd fallen.
"Are you alright?"
"D-dead. He's dead, no, he can't be..."
"Who's dead?"
The cat on the ground didn't respond, just continued shaking and repeating those words.

Sagestar repeated her question several times before finally trying to rouse the poor cat from her loop.

After she gently shook the cat, they went from repeated strings of words to utter silence.

It was nearly a minute before the cat finally spoke, her voice thick and warbling.
"My mate..."
"I'm so sorry. What's your name?"
Sagestar averted her gaze.
I'm so bad at this...
"Campion. Yours?"

Sagestar flinched in surprise. The white cat had gone from whimpering on the ground to steely and closed off in a matter of seconds.
"Errrrrr... I'm Sagestar, leader of RainClan."
"Huh. Clan cat. Mind if I join?"
Sagestar shook her head.
"Great. Which way?"
Sagestar flicked her tail in the direction of camp.
"Uh... follow me?"
The two cats walked side by side in silence for a few minutes before Sagestar spoke.
"Do you want to talk about-"
"Nope. don't wanna talk. Walk faster."

Sagestar sighed and sped up.
Luckily, she was able to keep her mouth shut for the rest of the trip.


Briarleaf tracked her way through the long, damp grass until she found a small patch of comfrey roots.
Her face lit up and she dug up the two roots and carried them carefully in her mouth. the root wasn't meant to be ingested and she didn't want to harm herself or the root by eating any portion.

She spotted a white cat as she re-entered camp, and her shoulders sagged.
She's in shock, and I don't have any poppy seeds or thyme.

The cat's fur bristled once she spotted Briarleaf, but Sagestar said something and the cat relaxed, giving Briarleaf a curt, formal nod.
Briarlef returned the nod. She'd find the poppy seeds or thyme later.


Mallowcloud's patrol was an uneventful as all the patrols he'd been on up to this point, and his patrol-mates trailed behind him absent-mindedly, occaisonally stopping to investigate a strange smell that would nearly always turn out to be old or a false alarm.

But this time was apparently different, as Mallowcloud picked up on the scent of milk.
He raised his head in alarm, and turned to face Applepaw, the youngest of their small group, and therefor most likely to easily verify the freshness of the scent.

"Applepaw, could you come over here and investigate this scent? It's definetly the scent of milk, but I'm not so sure how fresh it is."

The ginger-furred apprentice whirled around to see if there was some other Applepaw the deputy could have been referencing, but upon realizing that he was the focus of Mallowcloud's request, he came forward to check the scent.

"Yes, that's a fresh scent. Really fresh, actually. Should we follow it?"

Mallowcloud turned to face Dunnockpelt, who titled their head to one side and smiled softly.
"Well, I don't see why not."

Mallowcloud followed the trail of the scent, he and the rest of the patrol anxious as to what they would find at the end.


The small group of hunters walked in silence to the forest, where Sagestar flicked her tail, silently indicating that the group pay attention.
"Prey is plentiful right now and we're all competent hunters. I suggest that we split up. Wasppelt, you've said that you've fished for prey before?"
"I have. I'm not excellent at it, but I'm competent enough."
"Good. You know where the river is? Fish there. It's alright if you don't get anything, it's good to train as well. Linnetpaw and I will hunt around the river, and we'll all be far enough away from eachother to not disturb eachother's catches, but close enough to help the others if something goes wrong. Is that clear?"
Sagestar's group nodded enthusiastically, and they continued walking to the river area.

Upon reaching that area, Sagestar climbed a tree and waited patiently on the branch, hiding so that her scent was masked.
A small, black and white bird landed on the branch across from Sagestar, and it wasn't long before she had the little thing in her mouth.

Satisfied with her catch, she climbed down the tree to see Wasppelt with a large fish and Linnetpaw with another bird.

Greatly pleased with that day's turnout, the group headed back to camp.


Linnetpaw stood by the tree patiently as their mentor, Sagestar, ran over the process of how to climb a tree without falling and nastily snapping your neck. Applepaw, Mallowcloud, and Dunnockpelt weren't back from their patrol yet, and Linnetpaw shifted on their feet worriedly, silently pleading that nothing bad had happened to them.

"Linnetpaw, are you listening to me? This is very important."

Linnetpaw jerked upwards, blinking wildly.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry! I must've zoned out."

It took a few tries, but eventually, Linnetpaw was able to get a decent way up the tree. Sagestar told them to come down after a few failed attempts to go higher.

Embarrassment heated Linnetpaw's fur. They had only done okay today. Usually, things went their way, but today...

"Linnetpaw, are you worried about the patrol? I'm sure they'll be fine, they'll be back soon!"
"Of course."
"You didn't seem to be at your most focused today. I'd be happy to train you some more later, if that's what you'd want?""
Linnetpaw smiled warmly.
"I'd like that."

Linnetpaw felt just a little bit calmer as they headed back into camp.


Swiftpaw's head dipped as Wasppelt drilled him on leadership skills. It was soooooooooooooo boring and all he wanted to do was go out and play, but he couldn't because of his dumb paw and dumb Wasppelt and dumb him for not saying anything! Now he was holed up in the apprentice's den for a while until he could walk without pain. It hurt so bad, and he was so bored.

Wasppelt tapped him on the shoulder, and with a groan, he looked back up, trying his best to focus as the molly tried to teach the bored apprentice.


Linnetpaw shifted uncomfortably as Sagestar called the clan back into camp to arrange the next patrols. Mallowcloud, Applepaw, and Dunnockpelt weren't back yet, and Linnetpaw was terrified that something terrible had happened.

After the few minutes that it took for the entire clan of eight to gather, worry grew deep in Linnetpaw's chest.

Sagestar finally spoke, rouing them from their worry.
"Our patrol isn't back yet, but once they return, they and I will go hunting. Wasppelt, Linnetpaw, and Swiftpaw will be going on patrol, provided that Swiftpaw feels better."

The black and white apprentice nodded cheerfully, and Sagestar continued.
"I will be teaching Linnetpaw how to fish, and I'll request that Mallowcloud do the same for Applepaw once they return. Wasppelt, could you train Swiftpaw to hunt?"
The ginger molly nodded, and Sagestar smiled.
"Good. Then that concludes this meeting. We'll eat right now, and the patrol eat whenever they return. After you eat, Briarleaf, would you mind finding some more herbs?

Linnetpaw headed to the fresh-kill pile with the other cats, trying their hardest to relax.

[New Member: The queen joins the clan as Campionclaw]
[Patrol: Mallowcloud's patrol follows the milk-scent]
[Hunting: Birds and fish added to pile]
[Herbs: x2 comfrey added to pile]
[Training: Linnetpaw and Applepaw have learned Climbing. Swiftpaw has learned leadership]
[The clan eats x1 bird. [3/3 servings needed)
[New Hunting Patrol: Sagestar, Mallowcloud, Dunnockpelt, and Applepaw]
[New Patrol: Swiftpaw, Wasppelt, and Linnetpaw]
[New Herbs: Briarleaf searches for herbs]
[New Training: Linnetpaw and Applepaw train for fishing. Swiftpaw trains for Hunting.]
[OOC: Sorry if I screwed up anywhere here]

          Sagestar | 29m | Female | 🐱
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Mallowcloud | 23m | Male | 🐱

          Medicine Cat:
          Briarleaf | 39m | Female | 🐱

          Wasppelt | 29m | Female | 🐱
          Dunnockpelt | 16m | Genderfluid (AMAB) | 🐱

          Applepaw | 9m | Male | 🐱
          Linnetpaw | 9m | Agender (AFAB) | 🐱
          Swiftpaw | 8m | Male | 🐱

          Campionclaw | 31m | Female | 🐱
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name (open) | Username
    Clan Name (open) | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name (open) | Username
    Clan Name (open) | Username

    North | Clan Name (open) | Username
    East | Clan Name (open) | Username
    South | Clan Name (open) | Username
    West | Clan Name (open) | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint (x2)| Eaten to cure whitecough and greencough
    Cobwebs (x1) | Put onto a wound to stop or slow bleeding. Can also bind broken bones
    Comfrey (x2) Repairs broken bones, soothes wounds, used for wrenched claws, used for itching, for inflammation on stiff joints, eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest, and used for burns.
    Rosemary (x1) | Masks the scent of a dead body.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Birds | x1 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x1 | 3 servings
    Minnows | x0 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings

    Mallowcloud | Applepaw | 2 | Battle, Hunting, Climbing
    Sagestar | Linnetpaw | 2 | Battle. Hunting, Climbing,
    Wasppelt | Swiftpaw | 1 | Battle, Leadership

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Wasppelt and ? | Applepaw
    ? and ? | Linnetpaw
Last edited by frankie (dup) on Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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frankie (dup)
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``✧ ━━ [ ice nation !! ]

Postby clarke, » Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:54 pm


        P O P U L A T I O N
        ✧ 44 felines ✧
        ✧ ♀: 30 ✧ ♂: 14 ✧
        ✧ servings: 8 ✧
        ✧ patrol # : 4 ✧
      B O R D E R S
      ⇑ ✧ clan name ✧ user
      ⇒ ✧ clan name ✧ user
      ⇓ ✧ halcyonclan ✧ mochi
      ⇐ ✧ echoclan ✧ katrione
✧ swiftclan ✧ phina
✧ steamclan ✧ katrione
✧ clan name ✧ user
✧ clan name ✧ user
✧ clan name ✧ user
✧ clan name ✧ user
✧ clan name ✧ user
✧ clan name ✧ user

          one moon before...
          ezio glanced up at octavia curiously; he knew that she was his commander, and that he shouldn't look her in the eyes like this, but he had to know something. "are you my mother? nolana and orpheus told me we weren't siblings, but i know that isn't right, because you brought me home that day."
          heda sighed impatiently, glancing down at the small, red-haired kitten."no. your mother abandoned you, i simply gave you a home. nolana and oprheus are not your family; and i'm not either. do you understand that?" octavia said briskly. ezio nodded his small head, ears pinned down against his skull."and you need to learn trigedasleng. it will only set you apart further from this clan if you do not learn the language. every warrior must know it."
          "if you're not my mom, how come you get to tell me what to do?"
          "ezio, i'm your commander. if you cannot listen to me, it's no wonder your mother abandoned you," as soon as the words slipped out of her muzzle, she felt a deep sense of regret. the kit looked hurt, but said nothing, and neither did octavia; if he was to live with azgeda, he would eventually need to understand that life wasn't always about having a mother at the end of the day.

          "believe me, i've had enough skrish to deal with for the next 10 seasons," wanheda commented, flicking leksa's ears with her tail.
          "if you'll even live that long!" leksa teased, her gray and white face soft with kit fluff.
          "are you kidding me? wanheda will outlive us all," tauriel meowed from the side, a look of admiration on her face as she glanced at the tall warrior. "after all, she does command death," she said, sighing softly. she licked her spotted flank, pretending to ignore the creeping leksa. the small gray and white second was behind in her growth spurts, but she could still fight with pramheda's fury. leksa had recently recieved her azgeda mark; so her face was freshly scarred with the crescent moon, as were all the other seconds and new warriors, including tauriel, who was more azgeda at heart than any of the other recruits. wanheda's daughter pounced onto tauriel's side, battering her with her paws and biting at her thick fur.
          "i surrender!" tauriel said, purposely rolling onto her back and squashing leksa underneath her. the second squeaked, pushing with all her might to get out from under the warrior.
          "that's enough. leksa has real training to do." octavia interuppted, her eyes narrowing into slits."join foxpaw in the arena. he's waiting for you to finish your kit-games; but i don't wait." leksa stared for a brief moment until wanheda nodded, allowing her daughter to leave.
          "she's a child, octavia. not your nightblood to bring to every battle you have," wanheda hissed at octavia, her tail twitching impatiently, rapidly; almost aggressively.
          "don't forget where you stand, wanheda." octavia meowed, before padding after the small natblida. tauriel cleared her throat, her gaze questioning, but not prying.
          "so, she's your daughter. whose the lucky tom?" the spotted feline changed the subject, her light fur shaded by the stone she laid under. the azgeda castle provided shelter on even the hottest days. wanheda sighed and laid down next to the savannah cat, unsheathing and sheathing her claws over and over again.
          "she is not my blood, though she may as well be. i found her abandoned, and stepped down as commander. she was weak, barely alive; i couldn't just abandon her. not when she..." wanheda trailed off, not willing to say her dead mate's name outloud.
          "lexa," tauriel finished, her gaze sympathetic.
          "what? how did you-" wanheda outcried, her eyes wide with shock, voice echoing with pain and confusion all at once.
          "i was once friends with lexa. she spoke of a cat named clarke, who she swore her life to. then, she told me she betrayed you, and you became someone she didn't recongnize, someone lexa didn't understand."
          "wanheda," the old commander murmured outloud, her gaze softening. "yes, lexa did not understand who i had become. she said she never meant to make me into this... into the commander of death. but it is who i always was, and who i was sure i would always be. then... this broken kitten found me,"
          "the kitten is lexa's," tauriel whispered, her voice cracking. "i was there when she gave birth. i- i was supposed to protect the newborns until lexa came back." she paused, her voice trembling. "she never came back. i knew that she wanted to keep the kits a surprise for you, but how could i bring you two newborn kittens? how would you trust me, that i was telling the truth? if i had known that the gray and white kitten, who you would eventually name leksa, was a natblida, i would have brought her. you would have trusted me. but, there was no way to tell. leksa was too weak. i had to save the tom, because i could only carry one. i took them to a clan where they would be protected, and when i came back for she-cat, she had disappeared. i thought a predator got her... but then, here she is. alive and well, with her mother." tauriel took a deep breath, whiskers twitching. "pramheda willed it, don't you see?"

          [ border patrol: yellowsong, prometheus, torin, madi, diamond, bayek ]
          - diamond has applicable powers on border patrols. {attracting cats}
          [ hunting patrol: thelonious, sundance, echo, waverly, asteria, remus ]
          [ hunting patrol: wanheda, octavia, skairipa, bellamy, hickory, cleopatra]
          [ trying for kits: dogbite and adriel, blackthorn and waverly, diamond and luxx, oakshade and jayde.]
          [ training: wanheda: leksa. | skairipa: niamh. | remus: bayek. | asteria: alexious. | hickory: cleopatra. ]

                octavia - 26m - ♀

                skairipa - 32m - ♀
                onyx - 30m - ♂
                bellamy - 26m - ♂
                madi - 27m - ♀
                prometheus - 20m - ♂
                asteria - 23m - ♀
                wanheda - 45m - ♀
                yellowsong - 35m - ♀
                hickoryfur - 25m - ♀
                remus - 42m - ♂
                echo - 26m - ♀
                diamond - 62m - ♀
                torin - 21m - ♂
                sundance - 21m - ♀
                xelane - 16m - ♀
                tauriel - 35m - ♀
                waverly - 14m - ♀
                thelonius - 38m - ♂
                COMMANDER'S SECOND
                cat here

                niamh - 9m - ♀
                bayak - 8m - ♂
                cleopatra - 8m - ♀
                alexious - 8m - ♀
                leksa - 7m - ♀
                qadira - 6m - ♀
                foxpaw - 6m - ♂
                padame - 6m - ♀
                helios - 6m - ♂

                niylah - 44m - ♀
                alysia - 16m - ♀
                adriel - 23m - ♀
                cerylia - 42m - ♀
                alalia - 37m - ♀
                hemlockbud - 38m - ♀
                jayde - 32m - ♀

                maia - 3m - ♀
                cyprian - 3m - ♂
                alaire - 3m - ♂
                xylia - 3m - ♀
                nolana - 3m - ♀
                orpheus - 3m - ♂
                ezio - 3m - ♂
                rattlekit - 0m - ♀
                beau - 0m - ♂

              P R E Y
              trout ✧ 3 servings ( x8 )
              salmon ✧ 3 servings ( x8 )
              rabbit ✧ 2 servings ( x8 )
              mouse ✧ 1 servings ( x7 )
              crow ✧ 1 servings ( x9 )
              H E R B S
              cobweb ✧ ( x2 )
              beechnuts ✧ (x1)
              catmint ✧ ( x1 )
              alder ✧ (x1)
              thyme ✧ ( x1 )
              honey ✧ (x1)
              heather ✧ ( x1)
              yarrow ✧ ( x1 )
              nettle ✧ ( x1 )
              R E L A T I O N S
              • octavia & dragon
              ↳ nolana, orpheus
              • cerylia & thelo
              ↳ torin, maia, xylia
              cyprian, alaire
              • hemlock & mouse
              ↳ beau, rattlekit
              • alalia & julius
              ↳ foxkit, qadira
              padame, helios
              M E N T O R S
              • wanheda & leksa
              ↳ hu
              • skairipa & niamh
              ↳ hu, bat
              • remus & bayek
              ↳ hu
              • asteria & alexious
              ↳ hu
              • hickory & cleopatra
              ↳ hu

Last edited by clarke, on Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Ame's Replies

Postby amethyst14 » Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:13 am

    Season: Green Leaf
    Weather: It is now extremely hot in the territories. With everything so dry the water seems to have been sucked up by the plants. Water levels are dangerously low, at least hunting is still good. The heat has made prey slower and easier to catch so your cats wont have to put to much effort into hunting.

    Announcement: N/A

| Jadeclan | Pebbleclan | Reefclan| Rippleclan | Northclan | Acornclan | Featherclan | Hailclan | Venomclan | Vagaryclan | Songclan | Lupineclan | Blizzardclan | Jayclan | Auroraclan | Oiseauclan | Coyoteclan | Mireclan | Blueclan | Cherryclan's Clowder | Lynxclan |


apochrypha wrote:— J A D E C L A N —
— Ozzy has joined JadeClan as an Apprentice!
— The Clan consumes a rabbit (2 servings).
— Hazelflight and Willowstar hunt.
— Hawkeye and Ozzy train.

    Hazeflight and Wilowstar caught 2 squirrels.
    Ozzy learned the speed skill.

Makoto Naegi wrote:Image
[Acornclan consumes a bird, rabbit and squirrel (7 servings)]
[Flamebelly has been murdered! The clan begin to suspect one another as it's made clear one of them did it...]
[The clan holds a vigil to mourn for his death]
[Rabbitnose hunts for herbs]
[Flintpaw and Brightpaw train with their mentors]
[Cowpelt, Cinderflight, Mothdapple and Fernpaw hunt]
[Bramblestep, Greypatch, Bearbrook and Hailmask patrol]

    Rabbitnose finds 2 raspberry leaves.
    Flintpaw learns the tracking skill.
    Brightpaw learns the battle skill.
    Cowpelt, Cinderflight, Mothdapple and Fernpaw caught 2 rabbits and a vole.
    Bramblestep, Greypatch, Bearbrook and Hailmask ran into twolegs while on patrol, they took Hailmask.

Simonpet wrote:𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐞𝐫
[ Cherryclan's Clowder has one more fasting moon. ]
[ Storm requests an adult (Huma). ]

[ Hare goes hunting. ]
[ Storm goes on a patrol. ]

[ Storm trains Isabella in hunting. ]

    The ancestors sent an adult.
    Hare caught a bird.
    Storm found a rogue while on patrol.
    Isabella learned the hunting skill.

ForgottenShadow wrote:Image
<The clan consumes one pigeon>
<Froststar travels to the wish wall alone and wishes for a strong and loyal deputy>
<Bluesky takes on the position of a medicine cat and searches for herbs with his brother, Stoatpaw so he’s not left alone in camp>

    Starclan sent a loyal deputy.
    Bluesky found dock and cobwebs.

    (You have 3 fasting posts, you don't need to feed your clan for one more post.
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ash's replies [72]

Postby ashton. » Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:38 am

      bluebell | coon | deep | eagle | falling | fire | frozen | garrison | ivy | lamb | lark | laurel | lilac | moor | morning | moss
      petal | prairie | raven | robin | shaded skies | shaft | spring | stem

      weather: green-leaf.
      during green-leaf, you can catch a max of six pieces of prey. during patrols, you are more likely to run into twolegs and their dogs, and rogue groups will most likely start to try and settle on your territory, so keep an eye out. you are still likely to get floods, but there will be more droughts towards the middle of green-leaf. the cats in your clan can get dehydrated easier during green-leaf than they would in other seasons. your clan will still receive new cats but not as much as you would in new-leaf.

Mistyleaf - she wrote:

[Softpath is welcomed into StemClan!]
[The Clan consumes x1 Hare]
[Skykit is now Skypath and training under Branchfur. Flarekit is now Flarepath and training under Icenose. Nettlekit is now Nettlepath and training to be a Healer under Stormheart]
[Ashfall teaches Drizzlepath Fishing]
[Snowstar teaches Softpath fighting! The two then patrol the border.]
[Icenose teaches Flarepath hunting then the two hunt if the training is successful.]
[Rogerfang and Reedfur switch of looking out at Lookout Hill]
[Branchfur trains Skypath in fishing! They then go back to camp]
[Whitepelt is kitting! Ashfall is the father. Stormheart and Nettlepath assist, and during this Stormheart teaches Nettlepath Kitting]

      drizzlepath and skypath learned fishing!
      softpath learned fighting!
      snowstar's border patrol was uneventful.
      flarepath learned hunting!
      icenose's hunting patrol caught a mouse!
      whitepelt gave birth to 1 2 3 4 5 kits!
      nettlepath learned how to help with kittings!

.galaxy. wrote:
Shaded Skies

[Algernon, Elroy, and Tick go on a border patrol]
[Moose, Stitch, Elroy, and Tick hunt]
[Pepper goes in search of herbs]
[Stitch and Moose hunt together]
[Algernon goes to the Sun-Eye to ask Scatteredscales for a Rearer]

[Shaded Skies fasts for one moon]

      algernon's border patrol was uneventful.
      moose's hunting patrol caught a shrew and two blackbirds!
      pepper found rush and stinging nettle!
      stitch's hunting patrol caught a shrew!
      scatteredscales sends shaded skies a rearer! her kits are due in two moons.

Dinolil1 wrote:

Stormpaw, Mintpaw, Frostpaw and Laurelpaw become warriors.
Foxpaw, Crowpaw and Owlpaw go training.
Privetpath, Sedgefrost and Sloestem go patrolling.
Smudgeflower, Mistclaw and Lichenface go patrolling.

      foxpaw, crowpaw, and owlpaw learned hunting!
      both border patrols were uneventful.

__surprise__ wrote:

[ oighir, stoirm, gualaigh, snowtuft, adhmad and lasair hunt ]
[ seabhac, sioc, branar, carraig, cloch and fuinseog hunt ]
[ dramhaíl, óir, farraige solas and duilleog patrol ]
[ foraoise, sneachta, cait and oíche patrol ]
[ all apprentices train ]
[ the medicine cat apprentices train with réalta ]
[ réalta, ádh and rós go herb hunting ]
[ cait asks for a warrior ]
[ ádh and lasair get into a fight (roll for injuries please) ]
[ robinclan fast ]

      oighir's hunting patrol caught three mice, a stoat, and a sparrow!
      seabhac's hunting patrol caught a stoat, a mouse, a sparrow, a squirrel, and a shrew!
      dramhaíl's border patrol found a warrior!
      foraoise's border patrol was uneventful.
      sneatcha and bán learned stalking!
      carraig, cloch, and fuinseog learned hunting!
      rós and ádh learned herb application!
      réalta, rós, and ádh found bright-eye, tormentil, juniper berries, and celandine!
      starclan sends robinclan a warrior!
      lasair sustains a minor injury - shallow scratches on his shoulder, not requiring any herbs. ádh sprained her paw and has deep cuts in her flank. she needs two to three herbs for her injuries, plus two moons of rest.

Galipaygo wrote:

Tatteredpelt trains Riverpaw in climbing
Fernheart trains Snakepaw in advanced combat
Yewfeather trains Bramblepaw in advanced swimming
Stonebark trains Juniperpaw in swimming
Silvertail trains Greypaw in advanced hunting
Saltwind trains Puddlepaw in combat
Timberstar and Yewfeather evaluate Bramblepaw
Timberstar and Stonebark evaluate Juniperpaw
Timberstar and Silvertail evaluate Greypaw
Hollypelt and Valleyglow search for herbs
Yewfeather, Bramblepaw, Stonebark, and Juniperpaw hunt
Snowtrail, Brindlestripe, Fernheart, and Snakepaw hunt
Tatteredpelt, Riverpaw, Littleheart, and Rainpelt patrol the boarders
Satlwind, Puddlepaw, Rippleface, and Goldenflower patrol the boarders
Note to mod: Stonebark's image won't work, can I use this one? If not can I have a replacement?

The clan consumes a big fish, squirrel, and mouse, 6 servings!

      riverpaw learned climbing!
      snakepaw learned advanced combat!
      bramblepaw learned advanced swimming!
      juniperpaw learned swimming!
      greypaw learned advanced hunting!
      puddlepaw learned combat!
      bramblepaw, juniperpaw, and greypaw pass their assessments and are ready to become warriors!
      hollypelt and valleyglow found borage, ragwort, and mint!
      yewfeather's hunting patrol caught a squirrel, and two big fish!
      snowtrail's hunting patrol caught a mouse and a bird!
      tatteredpelt's border patrol found a warrior!
      saltwind's patrol was uneventful.

      [ that's fine! ]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby xGoldenTiger » Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:56 am


    Clan Summary
    Rouges being rouges. hide your wife hide ya kids, bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do

    An expansive woodland that is as far as the eye can see. A large river runs threw cutting across the center of the territory. The territory is rich and filled with a multitude of herbs and prey making it a true prize for it's owners.

    Formed by rouges, loners, and the forgotten. These cats will take, steal, fight, whomever gets in their path.


    Physician(healer, more than one in the empire most of the time, trained in combat as well)
    Paladin(seasoned warriors, highly skilled, will eat your face)
    Grande Dame(Elderly queen, infertile, or simply a guide to mothers)
    Sage(elder cats that will eat your face, they have seen it all)

    Clan Code
    1. Defend one another with your life
    2. Fighting among the clan is permitted. Queens and Cubs may not take part.
    3. Fighting loners and rouges is also permitted but do not get the whole clan involved in your problems. When coming across another clan or band be civil and inform either the Adviser or King immediately.
    4. You may kill other cats in combat if they are not of the clan.
    5. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
    6. Prey is killed only to be eaten.
    7. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.
    8. Ambassadors may have kits as long as they have another queen willing to take part in caring for them.
    9. Any cat can have a mate with whoever they wish as long as they have passed their assessments. Would be preferred if medicine cats waited until they have trained at least one novice.

    Retirement- Previous high standing members are able to retire at 140 moons if they are uninjured. They take a new standing in the empire as a guide to younger cats of the empire.
    Final Farewell- When cats become the ripe age of 120 moons they leave as age will soon take over their bodies and bring weakness to the other members. The empire will mourn their sacrifice.
    Devouring Desperation- Though the empire gives kits time to prove themselves when times are rough they will sacrifice the weakest cub to give less mouths to feed. The clan will mourn their death.
    The Assessment- Squires must successfully defeat their mentors in a battle witnessed by the standing King in order to become Knights and gain the right to have mates. Medicine cats do not have to go through the battle but instead must heal their mentors from a poison they consumed and successfully eradicate it from their systems or whenever they are deemed worthy.

    Does not matter with the clan as long as they are strong and able to perform their duties to the clan.

    Naming theme is Greek with nontraditional warrior names.
    Salvatore | |King | img | Bisexual | Strict
    Asclepius | | Physician | img | Demisexual | Protective
    Birch | | Solider | img | Pansexual | Clever
    Swift | | Novice |imgadultimg.| Asexual| Righteous


    Post Code.
    Code: Select all
    [size=85][b]Number of Cats:[/b] 4[/size]


    [color=#800000]Salavatore[/color] | 30m. | [color=#0000FF]♂[/color] | [url=][b]♚[/b][/url]
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Name | ##m. | Gender | [url][b]♛[/b][/url]

    [color=#00BF80]Asclepius[/color] | 49m. | [color=#0000FF]♂[/color] | [url=][b]♝[/b][/url]

    Name | ##m. | [color=#0000FF]♂[/color]/[color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=link][b]♜[/b][/url]
    Name | ##m. | [color=#0000FF]♂[/color]/[color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=link][b]♜[/b][/url]

    [color=#4c260a]Birch[/color] | 62m. | [color=#0000FF]♂[/color] | [url=][b]♞[/b][/url]

    [color=#400080]Swift [/color]| 11m. | [color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=][b]♟[/b][/url]

    [b]Grande Dame:[/b]
    Name | ###m. | [color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=link][b]♟[/b][/url]

    Name | ##m. | [color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=link][b]♟[/b][/url]
    Name | ##m. | [color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=link][b]♟[/b][/url]

    Name | #m. | [color=#0000FF]♂[/color]/[color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=link][b]♟[/b][/url]
    Name | #m. | [color=#0000FF]♂[/color]/[color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=link][b]♟[/b][/url]

    Name | ###m. | [color=#0000FF]♂[/color]/[color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=link][b]♟[/b][/url]
    Name | ###m. | [color=#0000FF]♂[/color]/[color=#FF40FF]♀[/color] | [url=link][b]♟[/b][/url][/size][/left][right][size=85][b]Ally Clans:[/b]
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    [b]Enemy Clans[/b]
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | lynxclan | ForgottenShadow
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    [b]Medicine Store[/b]
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    [b]Fresh-Kill Pile:[/b]
    Pidgeon | x1 | 3 servings
    Rat | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
    Vole | x0 | 0 servings
    Starling | x0 |  0 servings

    [color=#800000]Salavatore[/color] | [color=#400080]Swift [/color] | 5 | Hunting, Tracking,
    Fishing, Standard Combat, Advanced Combat
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    [b]Deceased Cats:[/b]
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits[/right][/size][/list]

Last edited by xGoldenTiger on Wed Aug 01, 2018 8:11 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Simon's Replies

Postby Simonpet » Tue Jul 24, 2018 11:57 am

The territories are in full bloom and prey is running rampant, making them an easy catch. Queens and kits will be much more likely to survive during birth and new cats are still likely to be found. However, the chance for drought and dehydration is higher and predators, while unlikely, are more dangerous than ever due to the abundant resources.

Hey guys! I'm back. c: Apologies for taking so long to do the replies; it's a lot of actions to sort through! In addition, I've changed my hunting rolls to number of servings, rather than number of prey. So where you would have gotten x4 prey, for example, now you'll be getting x4 servings. Apologies if anyone feels that this is unfair, but I've decided to make it this way so that you guys don't receive an abnormally large amount of prey compared to other clans. In addition, I'll keep working on the hard mode rolls so that if anyone wants to start that, they'll be able to transition without me having to scramble and make things up on the spot.

Skullclan | Finchclan | Wildclan | Graveclan | Halyconclan | Rosemaryclan | Ferretclan | Amberclan | Dustclan | Sunclan | Coveclan | Moonclan | Gorseclan | Tideclan | Crescentclan | Duneclan | Darkclan

.galaxy. wrote:
[Honeykit is an apprentice! Tumbletuft is her mentor]
[Breezewhisker is kitting! Alongside Boarstrike, Amberchirp is assisting her]
[Boarstrike is out searching for herbs]
[Honeypaw and Tumbletuft train]
[Brushstar and Brambleshine go on patrol]
[Tanglefrost, Feathercloud, Amberchirp, and Sparrowsnap are out hunting]
[Amberchirp returns to warrior duties]
[Brushstar goes to Moonpool to ask for a clanmate!]
[Duneclan begins the trek to a new camp somewhere in the territory.]
[Duneclan consumes 3 servings; 1 shrew and 1 stoat]

[ Brushstar and Brambleshin find an elder. ]
[ Tanglefrost's patrol catches x2 shrew and x1 stoat. ]
[ Boarstrike finds x1 thyme and x1 mousebile. ]

[ Honeypaw learns hunting. ]

[ Breezewhisker gives birth to five healthy kits! All kits carry longhair and the two black-based kits carry dilution. ]

[ Starclan grants Brushstar's request of a warrior. ]

scarlet_wolf wrote:ImagexxxxxxxxxxxxImage
[ blackthorn is welcomed to graveclan ( proof ) ]
[ spidernose requests a warrior at the angelstone on behalf of graveclan ]
[ hollykit becomes hollypaw and is apprenticed to wiltedstar, thymekit becomes thymepaw and is apprenticed to ivytongue, and vervainkit becomes vervainpaw and is apprenticed to chamomilewhisker ]
[ heavypad and hornetpaw train for the swimming skill ]
[ fallowstep and minkpaw train for the hunting skill ]
[ wiltedstar and hollypaw train for the battle skill ]
[ ivytongue and thymepaw train for the battle skill ]
[ chamomilewhisker and vervainpaw train for the battle skill ]
[ after many moons of being postponed, sorrelpaw finally takes his warrior assessment. if he passes, he will be known as sorrelcloud. ]
[ wiltedstar, flintmask, heavypad, fallowstep, chamomilewhisker, and ivytongue patrol the borders ]
[ silversky and dogbite patrol the borders ]
[ harriercloud, pineflower, littlefang, hawkeyes, gorseclaw, and geckosplash go hunting ]
[ cormorantface, raptorgaze, and blackthorn go hunting ]
[ spidernose searches for kitting herbs ]
[ badgerbelly is kitting! ( father ) ]
[ spidernose assists badgerbelly ]
[ graveclan doesn't eat for one moon ]

[ Wiltedstar's patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Silversky and Dogbite find a dame and her two kits. ]
[ Harriercloud's patrol catches x1 mouse, x1 rabbit, and x1 snake. ]
[ Cormorantface's patrol catches x2 rabbits. ]
[ Spidernose finds x1 fennel and x1 mint. ]

[ Hornetpaw learns swimming. ]
[ Minkpaw learns hunting. ]
[ Hollypaw, Thymepaw, and Vervianpaw learn battling. ]
[ Sorrelpaw passes his assessments with flying colors! His name is now Sorrelcloud. ]

[ Badgerbelly gives birth to three healthy kits! ]

[ Starclan grants Spidernose’s request of a warrior. ]

[ Graveclan will begin to starve in two moons. ]

[ Mod notes: Would you like me to ever send you a queen for Wiltedstar, or are you going to find one within your clan? In addition, if you'd like, I can provide suggestions when a new cat comes in, something along the lines of: "she looks as though she could make a good queen" even if she's put into another rank like warrior or dame. ]

faerie; wrote:
[ patrols ]
↳ hunt: orchidstep, dawntuft, dovewatcher, cicadaflutter, lionwatcher, olivebanch
↳ hunt: sunpeak, plumheart, brindleclaw, admonium, newtberry, cypress
↳ hunt: nettleflower, brookrunner, smoke's rising, boulderfoot, ivoryfang, ivystripe

↳ border: squirreltuft, bird's gaze, lion's fur, olivebranch, rhizome

↳ herbs: bumbletail & poppyleaf

[ training ]
↳ adanya, millie, beau, jasper, mintpaw

↳ rattlepaw, viperpaw, dipperpaw, cottonpaw, fawnpaw, juniperpaw, sagepaw, valerian

[ other ]

following cats go to phina's swiftclan: bird's gaze, lion's fur, pearclaw, plumheart
olive manages to get away and also finds himself in swiftclan. he looks for a new start, but is incredibly wary.

mousepaw and rabbitpaw attempt their final assessments. if passed, they will be named mousecurl and rabbitclaw respectively. (i moved them into the warriors for easy access but i havent sent them on any patrols etc)

sootstar loses two lives due to the injuries she sustains.

the clan abandons the territory due to the fire and traumatic experiences they have all endured. they will travel
for 3 posts before settling near an ocean and forest.

ferretfur goes to the moonpool and requests a queen.

[the clan consumes x5 small fish.]

[ Orchidstep’s patrol catches x2 squirrels and x2 voles. ]
[ Sunpeak’s patrol catches x2 mice and x1 small fish. ]
[ Nettleflower’s patrol catches x2 squirrel and x1 small fish. ]
[ Squirreltuft’s patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Bumbletail and Poppyleaf find x1 wild garlic, x1 catchweed, and x1 oak leaf. ]

[ All apprentices learn swimming. ]
[ Mousepaw passes her assessments with some difficulty, emerging proud at the end. Mousepaw's name is now Mousecurl. ]
[ Rabbitpaw passes her assessments easily and ends up bragging to then-Mousepaw about how easy they were. Rabbitpaw's name is now Rabbitclaw. ]

[ Starclan wishes the former Amberclan cats the best of luck. ]
[ Starclan wishes Sootstar a speedy recovery. ]
[ Starclan wishes Amberclan the best of luck. ]
[ Starclan grants Ferretfur’s request of a queen. She will give birth in two posts. ]

Fancy Pancakes wrote:
{Ivystorm and Badgerstar go on a patrol}

[ Ivystorm and Badgerstar find a warrior who brings them x1 mouse as a gift. ]

[ Darkclan has one more fasting moon. ]

pompompurin wrote:

border patrols:
❧ sabra and his patrol go back to investigate the cry. (if anyone dies, kill victor c:)
❧ shiloh, gullrunner, tate, nico, and dashiell go on a border patrol.

❧ applemist, dashiell, whispin, jax, shea, and eagle go hunting.
❧ sabra, julius, victor, zedd, sarabi, and anwyll go hunting.

❧ all trainees train.

whispin can learn -> climbing, swimming, defense, stealth
catania can learn -> defense, swimming
all others can learn -> hunting, climbing, swimming, defense, stealth

❧ vivian is kitting! father

❧ the clan consumes x3 big hare.
❧ sabra has been murdered. julius is the new chief !
❧ julius requests a hunter.

[ Sabra’s patrol goes back to the fox den and sees nothing. As they turn to walk away, a growl and the sound of scrabbling in the dirt is heard. The cats turn around in alarm as a fox, bloodied and dirty, pushes its way out of the collapsed den. A struggle ensues, during which the fox and Victor are killed and Zedd is injured. He will need x1 goldenrod and one post of rest to recover. ]
[ Shiloh’s patrol finds nothing of interest. ]
[ Applemist’s patrol catches x2 mice and x1 large fish. ]
[ Sabra’s patrol catches x2 mice, x1 rabbit, and x1 small fish. ]

[ All trainees learn swimming. ]

[ Vivian gives birth to three kits! Two are munchkins and one is not. The black kitten carries sepia colorpointing. While two kits are healthy, one kit was born with a crooked tail which may hamper their climbing ability in the future. ]

[ The ancestors wish Julius luck and goodwill in his leadership. ]
[ The ancestors grant Julius’s request of a hunter. ]

[ Mod notes: Meanwhile, I muotalize you slowly for killing off Sabra because that is illegal and is worth a punishment. Oh, wait. I want to keep reading your posts. Muotalization is a bad idea, right? ]

ToffeeTheWolf wrote:
    An expansive woodland that is as far as the eye can see. A large river runs threw cutting across the center of the territory.

    Harsh, Power hungry, Standoffish, Secretive



    Retirement- Previous high standing members are able to retire at 140 moons if they are uninjured. They take place as a guide to younger cats of the empire.
    Final Farewell- When cats become the ripe age of 120 moons they leave as age will soon take over their bodies and bring weakness to the other members. The empire will mourn their sacrifice.
    Devouring Desperation- Though the empire gives kits time to prove themselves when times are rough they will sacrifice the weakest cub to give less mouths to feed. The clan will mourn their death.
    The Assessment- Squires must successfully defeat their mentors in a battle witnesses by the King in order to become Knights and gain the right to have mates.

    Does not matter with the clan as long as they are strong and able to perform their duties to the clan.

    Can this cat be my clans leader?

[ The Woodlands have been founded. Katrione will decide your mod. ]
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The Woodland Post 1

Postby xGoldenTiger » Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:25 pm

    Number of Cats: 1
    Next Moon Pool: now

    "Gods" the tom meowed out in astonishment viewing his land taking in the fresh air deeply letting out a small sigh at the end of his exhale. His stripped pillars carried his frame forward with a look of confidence of his sly maw. His green eyes danced surveying the lands This place belonged to him now it was his and he would make sure of it. Though he would need the support of others to grow his empire, to create a place that they could call home. He shifted turning away looking for the Moon Pool after a quick patrol.
    [Salvatore patrols]
    [Salvatore hunts]
    [Salvatore goes to Moonpool asking for an Ambassador]
    [Swift and Birch can be found whenever Adopts*]

            Lives: ★★★★★★★★★







      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Clan Name | Username
      East | Clan Name | Username
      South | Clan Name | Username
      West | Clan Name | Username

      Medicine Store
      Herb | Usage
      Herb | Usage

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings

      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kits
      Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by xGoldenTiger on Thu Jul 26, 2018 8:24 am, edited 16 times in total.
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( graveclan // 09. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Tue Jul 24, 2018 2:11 pm

i▬( the king )
i▬wiltedstar, 30m, tom
i▬★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

i▬( the queen )
i▬geckosplash, 28m, molly

i▬( the heir )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( the heir's mentor )
i▬alias, age, gender

i▬( the gypsy )
i▬spidernose, 28m, tom
↪ twisted hind leg

i▬( warriors )
i▬flintmask, 25m, tom
heavypad, 22m, tom
fallowstep, 34m, tom
chamomilewhisker, 34m, tom
ivytongue, 34m tom
harriercloud, 36m, molly
pineflower, 19m, tom
littlefang, 19m, molly
hawkeyes, 39m, tom
gorseclaw, 32m, tom
cormorantface, 48m, tom
raptorgaze, 41, tom
blackthorn, 14m, tom
silversky, 33m, molly
dogbite, 31m, tom
sorrelcloud, 16m, tom
hickorypatch, 32m, molly
mirra, 20m, molly

toadsplash, 47m, tom
claystream, 41m, molly
sugarfoot, 30m, molly

i▬( apprentices )
i▬hornetpaw, 10m, tom
minkpaw, 8m, tom
hollypaw, 7m, molly
thymepaw, 7m, tom
vervainpaw, 7m, molly
sweetdrop, 7m, molly

owlpaw, 6m, molly
aloepaw, 6m, molly
gatorpaw, 6m, tom

i▬( dames )
i▬barleystep, 37m, molly
leechriver, 45m, molly
arguspelt, 26m, molly

↪ due now
badgerbelly, 33m, molly
ibiswing, 34m, molly

i▬( kits )
i▬whinchatkit, 4m, molly
magpiekit, 4m, tom
pansykit, 4m, molly
perchkit, 4m, tom
otterkit, 3m, molly
hurricanekit, 1m, tom
coldkit, 1m, molly
cricketkit, 1m, molly
mothkit, 1m, tom
waxkit, 1m, tom
swiftkit, 1m, tom
twitekit, 1m, molly
grasskit, 3m, molly
hollowkit, 1m, tom

i▬( exiled & deceased )
i▬plumshade, 35m, molly, killed by ivytongue

i▬( families )
i▬silversky & fallowstep // holly, thyme, & vervain
barleystep & chamomilewhisker // whinchat & ma-

plumshade & heavypad // otter
leechriver & unknown // pansy & perch
arguspelt, burntsight, & oakfang // unborn
badgerbelly & unknown // wax, swift, & twite
frostbite & flintmask // hurricane & cold
unknown & unknown // aloe & gator
ibiswing & unknown // cricket & moth

( borders )— - n/w = lagoonclan, n = hazelc-
lan, n/e = tundraclan, e = brambleclan, s/e
= floodclan, s = kwamiclan, s/w = mallowcl-
an, w = lambclani▬

i▬( allies )— -

i▬( enemies )— - basinclan


(statistics: 27 toms, 25 mollies, 52 total // 09 servings needed // next visit to angelstone is 06/30/18 // archive )— -
(fresh kill pile: 6 mice, 0 birds, 3 small fish, 5 snakes, 7 rabbits, 3 voles, 0 squirrels ;; 49 servings )— -
(medicine store: 2 chervil, 0 cobwebs, 1 honey, 0 poppy seeds, 1 juniper berries, 1 yarrow, 1 mallow leaves, 1 stinging nettle, 1 bright-eye, 1 thyme, 1 mint )— -
(posts: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 )— -
(training: heavypad, hornetpaw: [ 4 ] battle, hunting, stealth, swimming // fallowstep, minkpaw: [ 2 ] battle, hunting // wiltedstar, hollypaw: [ 1 ] battle // ivytongue, thymepaw: [ 1 ] battle // chamomilewhisker, vervainpaw: [ 1 ] battle // mirra, sweetdrop: [ 1 ] battle, hunting // geckosplash, owlpaw: [ 0 ] skill // silversky, aloepaw: [ 0 ] skill // hawkeyes, gatorpaw: [ 0 ] skill )— -

servings per piece of prey ;; mice = 1 // birds = 3 // small fish = 2 // snakes = 3 // rabbits = 2 // voles = 1 // squirrel = 2

ixxx▬his ears were ringing. his pupils were the size of the moon, his mouth was filled with the tang of blood from where he'd bitten his tongue in his terror, his muscles ached from the run and then the swim and then dragging his waterlogged body onto the island, his paw pads cracked and bleeding from something-or-other, his entire form wracked with shivers, whether from the cold or the fright or both, even he was not sure.
ixxx▬but he had made it. sorrelpaw gulped breath into his weary lungs, the sting of icy water overcome by his incredible amount of relief; faces peered at him, illuminated in flashes by the lightning that lit up the sky behind him; wiltedstar, perched atop the dead tree that reached it's spindly branches upwards, towards the sky; flintmask, his pelt weighed down by the onslaught of torrential rain; chamomilewhisker, water streaming from his downy pelt; harriercloud, with her nose tipped to the sky, unaware of the cold droplets splattering her muzzle; hornetpaw, whose pelt was a beacon of light within the dark of the storm; at random, sorrelpaw recognized cats from his clan, his home, and a sudden surge of affection laced through him.
ixxx▬a voice broke him from his reverie. "cats of graveclan," wiltedstar's slow voice was heard even over the rumble of thunder that echoed from afar. "today, an apprentice has finally finished his training and will now be accepted into the clan as a warrior." the small king continued; sorrelpaw blinked. he spoke as if it was sorrelpaw's fault that his warrior ceremony had been delayed for so long, but it was, in truth, because of wiltedstar and plumshade, who'd disabled the king for a moon and rendered him unable to complete the ceremony. "sorrelpaw," wiltedstar's yellow gaze, illuminated in the lightning that caressed his silhouette, was tilted towards the maine coon tom whose fur was plastered down with water, the tom seeming much tinier without the weight of his long pelt. "you have shown decency in all skills that you have performed, but none so much as to warrant a suffix indicating as such." it was a blow to sorrelpaw; he was a wonderful climber, and his fighting wasn't horrible, in his opinion, but he kept his teeth clenched together and his tongue still.
ixxx▬"from this night onward," wiltedstar concluded with an air of importance filling the words. "you will be known as sorrelcloud, for your soft demeanor. may you win many battles." and with that, the clan dispersed.
- — -

ixxx▬another day had dawned upon the graveyard; cats emerged from restless sleep, pelts still damp from the night before, blinking weary eyes and clearing dreams from their thoughts. thunder had persisted all throughout the night, though none slept more anxiously that wiltedstar.
ixxx▬the small tomcat's dreams had been plagued with memories; one memory in particular still haunted him, even as he drew his tongue across the ruffled fur of his chest and smoothed his expression into one of indifference.
ixxx▬he had dreamed about receiving his nine lives.
ixxx▬he'd not thought of that night in many moons, not since his clan was limited to only himself. it was a hard decision, really, to choose to feign respect for the dead. wiltedstar had never believed in starclan, and receiving a few extra lives hadn't changed that, but what he saw when he did become a leader had shaken him, had made his paws unsteady and his heart hammer for hours.
ixxx▬he'd seen his mother.
ixxx▬as wiltedstar (wiltedfang at the time) tipped his nose to the sky, upwards towards the angelstone, and let his yellow gaze vanish behind his lids, the sound of small rodents rummaging in the brush and the breeze that rustled the trees disappeared.
ixxx▬a voice made his eyes reappear; a soft voice, tinged with despair, a tiny lift of a smile, expression fierce with love that only a mother could project.
ixxx▬"wiltedfang," she'd breathed, fur twinkling with stars that laced their way through her calico pattern. wiltedfang felt as if his entire world were spinning, as if he couldn't quite catch his balance. "mom," the word was ripped from his throat, and with the syllable, he lurched forward, pressing his nose into the fur on her shoulder, inhaling her slightly-muted scent that was tinged with the smell of the sky, like rain and electricity and fresh blue days and it was her.
ixxx▬"my son," hollystream echoed the shorter tom's tone, affection drawing her tongue over the crest of his forehead. "you will be a worthy leader," she purred; it was a mother's unconditional love that blinded her to the fact that wiltedstar would be a harsh leader, but in the moment it did not matter either way. wiltedfang was vaguely away of other cats behind his mother; eight in total, including the calico molly.
ixxx▬abruptly, she stepped back, and wiltedfang began to follow her until she twitched her tail in indication that he should stay; this was a significant night, one that would impact his future kingship status.
ixxx▬"wiltedfang," a tom's voice began, and a blue, thickly-furred cat stepped from the mix. "i am slatestar; former leader of mistclan, who resided not far from where you have chosen to make your home." slatestar padded closer, tipped his nose down to peer at wiltedfang. "with this life, i give you the gift of bravery; fight for those that need to be fought for." slatestar's nose pressed into wiltedfang, and it felt like fire flooded the king-to-be's veins.
ixxx▬his muscles gave out; crumpling into a crouch, wiltedfang hissed with the force of the life, his body screaming with protest as pain laced through his small form, and it was with no small effort that he forced himself to his feet once more, the fire dulling to a trickle of ache.
ixxx▬another cat stepped forward; wiltedfang forced himself not to cringe away, though he feared that this life may hurt as bad as the next. this time, it was a long-haired golden tabby tomcat who smelled, like all of the ancestors had so far, of the sky, but mingled with herbs this time. "hello, wiltedfang," the golden tom purred, shooting a smile in the grey-and-white tom's direction. "i am palesun; former medicine cat of mistclan." he paused, drawing closer, tail sweeping a graceful arc. "with this life, i give you the gift of loyalty; protect those whom you love without caution, without worry for your own wellbeing."
ixxx▬pain, again, this time drawing a snarl through wiltedfang's teeth before he was able to stumble to his paws.
ixxx▬the next life-giver was taller than any of those who'd come before him; a massive, dark savannah tomcat who peered down at wiltedfang with a stoic gaze. "i am darkmask, also of mistclan; as a warrior, i fought many battles." a pause, as darkmask prowled a circle around wiltedfang, who whirled to follow him with his gaze. "with this life, i give you the gift of valiance; fight for what is rightfully yours."
ixxx▬this life sent a surge of cold throughout wiltedfang; he quaked in place, body wracked with shivers, momentarily frozen to the spot before he was finally able to angle his eyes back up towards the cat who now approached; a blue-grey tom whose whiskers twitched as he gazed down at wiltedfang, who was miniscule in comparison to almost all of these cats. "my name is tallwhisker; i hail from a fallen clan, far from here." he sat, curling his tail over his paws, leaning forward before brushing his nose against wiltedfang's; "with this life, i give you the gift of endurance; be unafraid of long journeys, and may your paws travel far."
ixxx▬again, this life was not as painful; it only ruffled his fur, sent a scent of fresh wind and grasslands drifting by wiltedfang's nose, made him want to dash off and chase the breeze.
ixxx▬a jet black molly, this time, who tilted her head at wiltedfang sideways; she was obviously blind in one eye, and made no effort to hide it. "i? i am batpaw, once apprenticed to tallwhisker; we set off together, escaping the ruins of our clan, and travelled far and wide before we met our untimely demise." the apprentice, finally some cat in equal size as wiltedfang, shot a look towards tallwhisker that seemed far too fond to be only that of an apprentice and her mentor. "with this life, i give you the gift of compassion; forgive those who have wronged you, and understand the turmoil that others face."
ixxx▬wiltedfang had not expected pain again; his head suddenly pounded, a headache that blinded him and made him want everything to be silenced and made him grind his teeth together before it vanished as suddenly as if had arrived.
ixxx▬a tomcat who appeared far into his lifetime, a brown tabby with matted fur that limped closer, a gleaming scar bright on his throat. "i am eaglefoot," the cat croaked. "i, too, come from a clan who met its end far too quickly; may yours prosper for many lifetimes." dipping his head, eaglefoot's gaze returned to wiltedfang. "with this life, i give you the gift of wisdom; use your judgement confidently, young one, and do not let false trickery fool you."
ixxx▬wiltedfang was almost numb at this point; he barely noticed the pain this time, only gritted his teeth, winced, before he straightened once more.
ixxx▬a siamese tabby approached next, her tail tucked close to her flank. "hello, wiltedfang," she greeted the future king, her voice tinged with an odd accent that the tom could not place. "i am river that rushes swiftly, from the tribelands; i was killed by cats like you, clan cats. but bitterness is a wasted emotion." a soft smile tinged her whiskers. "with this life, i give you the gift of reasoning; do not let your temper control your actions. you are a wise young cat. i am sure you will lead your clan to the fullest of your ability."
ixxx▬what swept through wiltedfang this time was not pain, not cold, but an almighty flash of sorrow that threatened to overcome him; he saw other tribe cats in his mind's eye, other felines who smiled and purred and greeted one another like old friends.
ixxx▬and then those cats were gone, and before him was his mother.
ixxx▬hollystream was beautiful, a calico molly with longer fur than wiltedstar and a smile that made his heart ache. "my precious son," she whispered, pressing her nose to his softly in a gesture of affection. "you are strong and resilient and i will always be proud of you; with this life, i give you the gift of love."
ixxx▬pain wrenched through wiltedfang before she'd even finished, and he collapsed onto her, writhing with the fury of the pain. "care for those who need it and those who don't; everyone deserves to be loved, and it is the one thing that i hope to pass on to you. i love you more than you could ever imagine, wiltedfang."
ixxx▬and with that, the pain forced wiltedfang awake.
ixxx▬it was becoming light when he awoke from receiving the lives; he shook violently, whirled, and vomited up the mouse he'd eaten earlier onto the grass, his stomach heaving until it was empty of all of its contents.
ixxx▬but he was a king now.
ixxx▬wiltedstar, his thoughts echoed, in the voice of a certain calico molly. wiltedstar.
- — -

ixxx▬now, though, a different molly's tone broke him from the memory. "wiltedstar?" geckosplash began, only her nose visible from where wiltedstar curled in his den. he rose, now, padding from the den, shaking his fur off as if he was discarding the restlessness of his memory. "geckosplash," he greeted, a purr rising in his throat without effort. she was beautiful, he realized once more, and the smile that lifted her mouth now made his heart soar.
ixxx▬"would you like to ― " she hesitated, shuffling her paws before grinning coyly at him; she was playing at this, the whole innocent and nervous thing, and wiltedstar didn't hate it. " ― to go for a walk with me?" she concluded.
ixxx▬wiltedstar stared at her for a brief moment, a moment that seemed like hours, like days, like moons; her, approaching him for the first time; her, smiling at him for the first time; her, going on their first patrol together; her, pressing her flank against his as they walked.
ixxx▬it was easy to say the word.
- — -

ixxx▬flintmask padded through the undergrowth, the sound of birdsong mingled with the raspy croak of a raven the only thing audible, other than his pawsteps. the south-east border was not near camp, nor were any of graveclan's other borders, for their territory was expansive, full of prey and predators alike.
ixxx▬as the highlander tom ducked under a low-lying limb from a fallen pine, his paws sank into a light patch of mud; he tugged his toes from the sludge, distaste tinging his whiskers. but the disgust that he felt now would soon be overwhelmed, would soon be replaced with joy.
ixxx▬the thought alone made him surge forwards, and finally, finally, he was at the border.
ixxx▬a molly greeted him, two bundles of fur clutched between her teeth delicately.
ixxx▬frostbite set off with a pair of kits weighing him down, but he felt nothing but love, nothing but incredible happiness as a purr rumbled in his throat. his joy drowned out the other sounds of the forest as he neared the graveyard.
ixxx▬he was hit with a sudden surge of nervousness; what would wiltedstar say? but flintmask would protect these kits with his life, would let not a single claw touch them, whether it meant exile or not.
ixxx▬"flintmask?" a voice inquired, and the owner of such voice blinked at the larger tom. yellow eyes flicked towards the kits, and the tone was suddenly anxious. "they're yours?" spidernose whispered, his voice downcast and fright lacing his gaze as he shot a glance over his shoulder. "you can't let wiltedstar find out," he warned, and flintmask nodded.
ixxx▬"i know," he answered, setting his kits down delicately. "i will tell him that they were found at the border; he will not question it, i think." despite his reassurance, flintmask placed a paw protectively near the kits who whined at his paws, confusion evident in their tiny squeaks; where was their mother, they were asking in their small voices.
ixxx▬"have you named them?" spidernose asked, crouching to examine the seemingly-healthy little ones.
ixxx▬flintmask nodded; names had whirled throughout his mind on the way to and from the floodclan border, and he was finally voicing them aloud. "hurricanekit, for the grey tom there," he drew his tongue over the kit in question's forehead lightly. "and coldkit, for the molly."
ixxx▬at this, spidernose finally smiled softly; adoration was laced throughout flintmask's every word, throughout every movement he made, and spidernose swore, in that moment, that he would protect these kits as fiercely as he would have protected ones of his own.
ixxx▬"you found them at the border," spidernose agreed.
- — -

ixxx▬a second tom was carrying a kit back towards the graveclan camp, but these were not his kin.
ixxx▬raptorgaze was carrying the younger of the two, hollowkit, by the scruff, and the older, grasskit, was bouncing behind him, curiosity in her every word. "where are we going?" she kept asking, and raptorgaze had yet to answer. she'd been hesitant to leave her clan's camp, had wondered aloud if her mother would be mad, but once they were outside and were exploring, any concern of hers vanished, giving way to a brightly inquisitive nature. the brown-tabby tomcat who raptorgaze carried was rather quiet, squirming every so often, but otherwise was behaving. the tortoiseshell javanese kept having to herd grasskit back towards him, as she was insistent on investigating everything.
ixxx▬"almost there," raptorgaze murmured, his words muffled by the weight of the tom that he clenched between his teeth delicately.
ixxx▬it was not much longer before they'd made it to the cemetery. cormorantface was the first cat that raptorgaze saw, and he bounded forward, grasskit dashing to keep up with him. setting hollowkit down, raptorgaze raised a grin towards the taller ticked-tabby tom who stared, wide-eyed, at these bundles of fur.
ixxx▬"they're for us," raptorgaze purred after a beat of silence. "i took them from quickclan."
ixxx▬these words did not have the reaction that he was hoping for. horror rose in cormorantface's expression, and he recoiled from raptorgaze; "you stole them?" he rasped. "they have mothers, they have families, raptorgaze, and that's not us, they're not ours, what have you done ― ?"
ixxx▬cormorantface cut off, ears flattened to lay against the arch of his skull. "take them back," he spoke without inflection, monotonous, before turning and padding off.
ixxx▬raptorgaze seemed to wilt; they were a gift, these kits would be theirs, they would be a happy family! he was sure that cormorantface would come around, sure that he could not resist the kits who peered up at raptorgaze with evident confusion at the interaction, who were soft and adorable and belonged to them now.
- — -

ixxx▬spidernose breathed a light sigh through his maw, ruffling the tiny roots that reached down in tangles from the massive, fallen tree above that marked the gypsy's den. he was sitting at the edge of his arid hovel, peering out with half-lidded eyes, ripe with exhaustion. it had been a long night; he'd helped deliver badgerbelly's three kits, he'd checked up on arguspelt twice, he'd examined ibiswing's kits, cricketkit and mothkit, and had inspected the pair of small kits that raptorgaze claimed to have "found," grasskit and hollowkit.
ixxx▬his den smelled of mint and chervil, honey and lavender. it lulled him into a daydream-like state, as his eyes glazed with the vacancy of his attention.
ixxx▬he was not old, and yet graveclan seemed a dangerous place to live without ensuring that one had a cat to take their place, he considered. spidernose wondered now if wiltedstar would allow him to take an apprentice; the black-furred tomcat considered his options.
ixxx▬hornetpaw was out of the question. he was a warrior through and through, and none of silversky's kits seemed fit for gypsyhood, either. spidernose dragged his gaze from where the apprentices in question sat, and turned his attention instead to sweetdrop, one of graveclan's newest members; she was gentle enough, but with her rather peculiar ability to find cats on almost every patrol, the gypsy was sure that wiltedstar would want her to remain a warrior, if only to take advantage of her sweet nature.
ixxx▬owlpaw? no, she wanted to be like her father; a fierce warrior, a -claw. aloepaw? gatorpaw? it was too soon to tell, for either of them, though gatorpaw was a bit too much like hornetpaw to become a suitable gypsy.
ixxx▬whinchatkit? magpiekit? no, they, too, already showed visible signs of wanting to become warriors. they tumbled about and wrestled, chased leaves and pounced upon their mother far too often, and the same went for pansykit and perchkit.
ixxx▬otterkit? she was incredibly sweet, and as gentle as sweetdrop, with whom she already got along with, even despite the age gap. spidernose would keep an eye on her, at least for a while; perhaps she would show interest in herbs as an apprentice.
ixxx▬hurricanekit? coldkit? again, too soon to tell.
ixxx▬any of badgerbelly's kits would be a viable option; waxkit, swiftkit, twitekit. grasskit and hollowkit were too intrigued by their new home to show any signs of wanting to be apprentices quite yet.
ixxx▬arguspelt was kitting soon; perhaps spidernose would find a perfect apprentice in her offspring.
ixxx▬only time would tell.
- — -

ixxx▬fallowstep trotted along the border, a smaller figure at his heels; the molly who followed him was his daughter, and he was about to tell her such.
ixxx▬hollypaw huffed lightly; "wiltedstar is going to get mad at me if i'm late to training," she grumbled lightly. she'd never been particularly close to fallowstep, nor did she particularly want to be on a border patrol with him. she would much rather be teasing her siblings, or practicing fighting moves with wiltedstar, but no, fallowstep wanted to tell her to come with him without any explanation.
ixxx▬he halted suddenly, and hollypaw skidded to a halt before she crashed into him.
ixxx▬spinning on his heel, fallowstep inhaled slowly, a rattling breath that sounded like the breeze that caressed the foliage above. "hollypaw," he began, and went silent for a long moment.
ixxx▬the molly apprentice blinked at him, a frown lowering her brow over her eyes. "fallowstep," she echoed his tone, staring at the larger tomcat with a mixture of defensiveness and confusion lacing her expression; her mother didn't like this tom, for reasons that hollypaw did not know, and so she was not entirely trustful of the ragdoll.
ixxx▬fallowstep was sure that hollypaw could heart his heart pounding. the words wouldn't come out, wouldn't form on his tongue, but suddenly —
ixxx▬"i'm your father."
ixxx▬hollypaw took a long moment before she reacted, and even then; "what?" she asked, her tone blank, monotonous.
ixxx▬"i'm your dad."
ixxx▬it seemed to have sunk in; horror replaced hollypaw's expression, and before fallowstep could call out, she whirled around, stumbled, and fled.
ixxx▬fallowstep choked out a feeble wait!, but the molly was already out of earshot, already slipping through the brush.
ixxx▬he was still for a long moment.
ixxx▬that had gone better than he'd expected.
- — -

ixxx▬a brown tabby tomcat, a purr rumbling in his throat, pressed his cheek against the dark tortoiseshell molly's, his eyes narrow slits with his gentle affection. they had been of mistclan, and then ridgeclan, but the most important thing was that they'd stayed together throughout everything.
ixxx▬claystream's tail was woven between toadsplash's, and her pelt was warm with the sunlight that filtered through the treetop canopy above.
ixxx▬"clay?" toadsplash inquired, drawing his tongue swiftly over the arch of her forehead. claystream hummed in response, and the tom took that as a signal to continue. "have you ever considered having more kits?"
ixxx▬the question struck home; she tipped her head towards him, eyes bright against her dark fur. it was a long moment before she answered, and even then, the words were heavy with the weight of loss, the weight of their only children gone, having disappeared, presumably dead.
ixxx▬not knowing was almost worse than the truth, they'd both decided.
ixxx▬and yet —
ixxx▬a surge of affection for toadsplash struck claystream, her heart soaring with the proximity of the tom, the sharing of breaths, the synchronization of heartbeats.
ixxx▬"i would love to have more kits," she finally answered, her eyes full of only him, only her mate, only the tom she loved. "but only with you."
- — -

ixxx▬mirra's fur mirrored the ground beneath her as she slid through the brush, her belly caressed by the ground, her paws one-two-one-two sliding forward, closer to the mouse that snacked on a small seed, unaware of the feline who crept up on him.
ixxx▬the mouse let out a squeal and bounced off into the brush.
ixxx▬with no small hint of annoyance, she lurched to her paws, glaring in the direction of the mouse, a hiss escaping her throat. a silhouette shifted, and she recoiled, claws unsheathing on instinct, her moons of living alone making her incredibly defensive, incredibly aggressive, especially since she had a younger molly to look after.
ixxx▬"who are you?" she snarled, ears swiveling backwards to display her hostility. the cat who approached blinked at her, blue eyes set in a dark-masked face with a cream-colored pelt.
ixxx▬it was a tom, absolutely; his voice was soft when he answered, though mirra's distrust was still evident. "i'm hawkeyes," he answered, settling into a sit, making himself seem less threatening. "and yourself?"
ixxx▬he'd always been a polite tomcat, and, unless this molly attacked, he would not be dropping his morals so quickly.
ixxx▬the calico-tabby feline stared for a moment longer, her ears twitching slightly in his direction, though she remained standing. the fact that he did, in fact, introduce himself first did help to relieve her of her immediate aggression. "i am mirra," she answered after a long period of silence. "you are a clan cat, then," her gaze swept up and down the tom. hawkeyes was definitely a clan name; mirra had encountered plenty of clan cats over her life, and they had not always been friendly, had often chased her from their territory, given her scars on her muzzle and a general distrust of strangers.
ixxx▬"you are correct," hawkeyes dipped his head once, yet another show of his lack of hostility. his tail swept a circle around him, coiling over his paws. "i am of graveclan; i am sure that wiltedstar would gladly accept you into our clan with open paws, if you wished to join."
ixxx▬mirra stared. she'd never been invited into a clan before, had always had her prey stolen and her pelt clawed. "i — " she hesitated, pausing, glancing away towards the brush. "i would love to have a home," she continued, a beat of silence following her words. "but i have a companion. she is young, barely old enough to hunt. i will not join if she cannot come with me."
ixxx▬these words did not surprise hawkeyes. he nodded, whiskers twitching in the direction that mirra had glanced. "well, mirra," he slid languidly to his paws, gentle motions that were unthreatening. "i am sure that you will both fit in; lead the way."

[ a multitude of cats are accepted into graveclan over the moon; sweetdrop & mirra; toadsplash & claystream; aloekit & gatorkit, who are just in time to become apprentices; hurricanekit & coldkit, who flintmask claims to have found at the floodclan border; and, lastly, grasskit & hollowkit, who were stolen from quickclan by raptorgaze. ]
[ the number of cats in graveclan has increased to above fifty; they are now allowed five patrols and squirrels have been added to the prey pile. ]
[ owlkit becomes owlpaw and is apprenticed to geckosplash; aloekit becomes aloepaw and is apprenticed to silversky; and, lastly, gatorkit becomes gatorpaw and is apprenticed to hawkeyes. ]
[ heavypad and hornetpaw train for the climbing skill ]
[ fallowstep and minkpaw train for the stealth skill ]
[ wiltedstar and hollypaw train for the hunting skill ]
[ ivytongue and thymepaw train for the hunting skill ]
[ chamomilewhisker and vervainpaw train for the hunting skill ]
[ mirra and sweetdrop train for the battle skill ]
[ geckosplash and owlpaw train for the battle skill ]
[ silversky and aloepaw train for the battle skill ]
[ hawkeyes and gatorpaw train for the battle skill ]
[ wiltedstar, geckosplash, heavypad, fallowstep, chamomilewhisker, and ivytongue patrol the borders ]
[ harriercloud, pineflower, littlefang, hawkeyes, gorseclaw, and flintmask patrol the borders, searching for badgerbelly's molly mate, raven. ]
[ cormorantface, raptorgaze, blackthorn, mirra, and sweetdrop patrol the borders ]
↪ sweetdrop has applicable powers! she attracts at least one cat while patrolling the borders.
[ silversky, dogbite, sorrelcloud, and hickorypatch go hunting ]
[ toadsplash, claystream, and sugarfoot go hunting ]
[ spidernose searches for herbs ]
[ arguspelt is kitting! ( fathers one & two ) ]
[ spidernose assists her; mirra attends the birthing. ]
↪ mirra has applicable powers! she prevents complications during kittings.
[ wiltedstar and geckosplash try for kits! she moves up in rank to queen. ]
[ toadsplash and claystream try for kits! ]
[ spidernose requests a warrior on behalf of graveclan. ]
[ graveclan consumes 9 servings. ]

( wink wink!! geckosplash is moving up in the world. but just for future note, i totally wouldn't mind if you suggested queens when they were found!! :"> and secondly, it's great to see you back omg!! )
Last edited by notwearingsocks on Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:53 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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lagoonclan [8]

Postby silver ~ » Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:41 pm

Image xx Image
number of cats: 17


drizzlepelt looked down on her kits with upmost love and affection, one tom and one molly. the tom was birth first and was the larger of the two, he was a pale brown with thin close-together stripes. the molly was small and delicate looking, she had thicker stripe similar to her own with splash of white on face, legs and stomach. they both reminded her some much of milo and while normally that would leave her heartbroken, this time it seemed to fill the gap he left behind. the tom reminded her of the bark on the alder trees, they used to spend days under - so alderkit. the molly's delicate look seemed fitting of flower in the garden of milo's twolegs, she vividly remembered him trying to tell her all of the flower that stretchered the fence. however, she only remember one, his favorite, the dahila - dahilakit.

drizzlepelt was so deep in thought she didn't seemed to notice the crowd that formed around her trying to sneak a peek of the newborns. that was until heatherfrost pushed her way through telling the crowd "to give drizzlepelt some space". it was a gesture the normally shy drizzlepelt would be gratitude for but this time she wanted her kit's to see, adored as she adored them.


[ moosetrail joins the clan ]
[ the elder is named skye joins the cat ]
[ the apprentice is named gobypaw and his mentor is pikeclaw ]
[ drizzlepelt announces her kits names to be alderkit and dahilakit ]

[ heatherfrost looks for herbs ]
[ pikeclaw trains gobypaw in combat ]
[ moosetrail and ebonygaze go hunting]
[ poppyflame, cobramask and galepaw go hunting ]
[ kestrelstar, brookheart and buzzardpaw go on patrol ]
[ almondbark and echoshade go on patrol ]
[ the clan eats three mice]


          kestrelstar | 29 m. | ♂ |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★


          medicine cat:
          heatherfrost | 36 m. | ♀ |

          echoshade | 18 m.| ♀ |
          poppyflame | 27 m. | ♀ |
          brookheart | 29 m. | ♀ |
          cobramask | 29 m. | ♀ |
          ebonygaze | 31m. | ♂ |
          moosetrail | 37 m. | ♀ |
          almondbark | 43 m. | ♂ |
          pikeclaw | 48 m. | ♂ |

          buzzardpaw | 11 m. | ♂ |
          galepaw | 11 m. | ♀ |
          gobypaw | 6 m.| ♂ |

          drizzlepelt | 45 m. | ♀ |
          alderkit and dahilakit

          alderkit | 1 m. | ♂ |
          daliahkit | 1 m. | ♀ |

          skye | 131 m. | ♂ |
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    enemy clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    north |
    north west | open sea
    north east |
    east |
    south |
    south west | graveclan (scarlet_wolf)
    south east |
    west | open sea

    medicine store

    fresh-kill pile:
    mice | x0 | 1 servings
    shrew | x0 | 1 servings
    frog | x0 |1 servings
    small fish | x2 | 2 servings
    big fish | x2 | 3 servings
    birds | x2 | 3 servings
    = 16 servings ( 3 eaten )

    cobramask | galepaw | 4 | hunting, swimming, combat, stealth
    brookheart | buzzardpaw | 4 | hunting, swimming, combat, stealth
    pikeclaw | gobypaw | 0 |

    deceased cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    snowball (♀) and unnamed (♂) | kestrelstar + brookheart
    unknown (♀) and unknown (♂) | galepaw + buzzardpaw

adult ref :: buzzardpaw (buzzard) | galepaw (galesong)
Last edited by silver ~ on Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby .galaxy. » Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:35 pm

Shaded Skies
Number of Cats: 9
Servings Needed: 3
Next Sun-Eye Visit: July 30th
Battle Royale: on hold until 10 members

Each passing morning brought the Young Blood's naming day that much closer - truth be told it brought some level of anxiety to the kit's Rearer. Russel found dull fear to be a close friend each time she peered at her little ginger kit, and though she'd been told that getting too attached to the young one before his naming day was dangerous, she couldn't help herself. This was her son. Her blood, her Young Blood - she'd taken to calling him Bumble in secret, whispering the title to him while they lie awake at night. All the acting in the world could hide her heart, portray to Algernon a cold indifference to the fate of her kit, but it wouldn't fool the heavy weight in her chest that sunk lower each time the sun rose and sank.

The new presence in the den had quieted her secret rebellion - this Token that Algernon had brought seemed ill-content to lie about all day and rest until her litter arrived. She was bitter, snappish when Russel tried to spark conversation; the new rearer had been told that Russel's litter was to compete with her own, once they were born. It didn't exactly set the path for a friendly relationship. With few cats else to turn to, Russel had found herself retreating to the only cat she'd really spoken to at length; the very same cat she'd been quietly resisting in naming her kit.

"Do you have a moment, Algernon?" She called plainly into his space; the leader of the group had laid claim to a wide area off in a corner of the camp where tall grass wove around piles of rubble, shielding most of the space from outside eyes. He seemed to enjoy her cooler persona, so that was what she would give him. Moments later, a tufted blue tail poked out from the tall grass, waving loftily through the air for a breath before beckoning her forward and vanishing. His attention might be enough to save Bumble. She told herself firmly, forcing a flat expression onto her features and ducking through the tall grass into the small clearing Algernon called his own. She found the large blue tom lounging on his side in the dirt, languidly dragging his tongue over the fur on his chest and pausing upon her arrival, turning a dull green eye in her direction.

"I have every moment our great Mother gives me, Russel." He purred, rising to his paws and cutting a lazy circle around her. Pointedly the rearer refused to follow his path, staring dead ahead until he paused before her again, something indescribable glittering in his gaze that sent a cold thrill down her spine.

"Well then let's hope She gives you a moment more," she rumbled, leveling an uninterested stare his way as she slid around him and settled down in the place the leader had previously been lying. "Rest with me." Not quite a command, but it certainly wasn't a request either. Her blunt words seemed to strike some cord with the tom because he tilted his head her way, a sly smile curling across his features.

"Bold, little fire flower." The purr in his voice dripped something sickly sweet and rumbling as he lowered himself to the ground and inched towards her, tail twitching against the soil until he sank onto the ground beside her. "I think I quite enjoy it." Fighting the bile that threatened to rise in her throat, Russel lie still as Algernon coiled around her side and rested his chin atop her flank, watching her curiously for a long moment. She said nothing, eyes half-lidded and distant for a breath before she ducked her head and absently began grooming his side. He was the one to break the silence, emboldened by her 'obedience.'

"Tell me about your previous mate, Russel," he hummed, catching the ginger molly so off guard that she stopped her grooming to peer at him cautiously. If he noticed the look, he didn't react, carrying on as if it weren't a strangly intrusive question. "The father of our little Young Blood. I haven't seen hide nor hair of him at the borders, nor have you spoken a word of his mere existence since arriving here." His head remained planted almost lovingly - the thought made her sick - on her side, ears perked in her direction as he surveyed her face for a response. Forcing down her surprise, Russel gave a dismissive twitch of her whiskers before contemplating her answer.

"Talon, sir. His name was Talon." Was. Past tense stung more than she'd thought it might. A handful of moons had passed though his death was still fresh in her mind. Still, she kept her voice steady and pointedly refused to acknowledge the interest in Algernon's eyes as she spoke. "We were hardly close," lie, "I met him in passing and found him handsome enough," another lie. Talon had been my whole world. "The kit resembles me over his father, if that crossed your mind. Lucky, too." Russel forced a bored hiss passed her teeth, gazing out towards the grass that covered the way to the rearer's den. "I was the one who lived, not Talon. It's best that the kit resemble me. Perhaps it will serve him well in moons to come-"

"Hush, pet." His smooth voice purred from her side, followed by the gentle rasp of his tongue over her thick pelt. "It's some small relief that the kit bears more of you than the father. I'd prefer not to see another when I look at the son of my mate." The large ginger-and-white molly stiffened abruptly, a spark of fear racing through her veins and shocking every inch of her body into stillness. No revulsion came, she didn't despise his presence so much, but this hadn't been in the cards. She'd come searching safety and a home, not - "Well?" His voice cut softly through her thoughts, and she came back to reality staring into dull green eyes that were shockingly gentle. No trace of arrogance or malice lurked there, just an almost unbelievable amount of subdued kindness. "I won't hope for a litter of our own until your Young Blood has left on his Naming Day, but if it serves you well I'd treat you as best any cat could."

Preservation of her life and her little Bumble's life came before any and all else. What better way to achieve that then to settle at the side of the leader? Don't look poorly on me, Talon, please. She prayed briefly, leveling a stare at Algernon and rolling her answer over her tongue for a heartbeat until finally, "of course."


The heavy surveillance on Stitch had finally abated - Moose had slowly lifted her leering eye and withholding of prey, seemingly choosing to leave him to his miserable understanding of how his life would function from this point on. His sister held a great deal of authority over him now. It was something he had to accept. She'd already bested him in battle once, even though, he remembered bitterly, Algernon had given his favor to Moose before the fight. How was that fair in the slightest? How could either of them continue knowing that -

"You look like a dead rat when you're thinking. You know that, right?" His bitter, rambling thoughts were cut short by a low voice at the fringe of his senses. Offended, the white-patched tabby whirled to find the cat responsible. Sitting tall just behind him, with her tail curled neatly around her paws, was Tick. The mostly black tortoiseshell was peering curiously at him, head tilted just so in such a way that he could palpably feel the scrutiny. She looked greatly amused, visibly trying to shield a smile behind a stern look that hardly suited her pretty face.

"What do you want?" He sniffed, tail lashing irritably at her sudden presence. It didn't help his sour mood that she seemed to be just peachy keen. Almost more infuriating than that was the knowing look in her eyes, likewise poorly hidden behind her default disinterest.

"You can use a friend," she hummed, rising to her paws only to bow in a luxurious stretch. "Or, at the very least," Tick began, straightening to her full height and flashing him a mischievous grin, "you look like you could use someone who knows how to run about and not get their rump kicked as a result." Something in his expression must have betrayed his bewilderment because she loosed a hearty, purring laughter. As Stitch's nose crinkled at her words, Tick rose to white-speckled, almost dainty paws, and darted forward to swat him across the shoulder. Her claws remained sheathed, but the blow stung for an instant, leaving nothing but a scoff from the tabby tom and a bright gleam in the tortoiseshell molly's stare.

"Come on, softpaws. We're hunting with Algernon and Elroy, but stick with me and I'll show you a thing or two." Tick punctuated the new nickname - if it could be called that - with a playful wink, her grin growing into a brilliant smile as she bumped Stitch's side with her flank and took off towards the shoreline. For a long moment he remained there, rooted in place by surprise at the sudden appearance and kinship from the dark molly. He didn't have much longer to process the encounter, however. Her voice rang out across the rubble-strewn camp, "hurry up, softpaw! Don't make me drag you across the water by your tail!"

"Fine, alright! Keep your fur on, I'm coming."

[Algernon, Stitch, Tick, and Elroy hunt]
[Moose and Elroy patrol]
[Stitch and Tick hunt]
[Pepper goes searching for herbs]
[Algernon goes to the Sun-Eye and asks for a kinfolk]
[Russel and Algernon are mates - they're not trying for kits yet]
[Shaded Skies consumes 3 servings of prey: 1 squirrel]

[can find whenever: Rat, Sheep, and the siblings Sunkit and Hawkkit]

          Moon Father:
          Algernon | 33 moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Night Heir:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Full Moon:
          ↪️ battle assessments & duels

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Half Moon:
          ↪️ hunting patrols & food distribution

          Moose | 19 moons | Molly | X

          Waning Moon:
          ↪️ healing & herbs

          Pepper | 45 moons | Trans Tom | X

          Waxing Moon:
          ↪️ information gathering & warden

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Elroy | 49 moons | Molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Stitch | 19 moons | Tom | X
          Tick | 21 moons | Molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Russel | 28 moons | Molly | X
          Token | 33 moons | Molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Young Blood | 2 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Comfrey Root x1 | Bones. Wounds. Stiffness. Burns.
    Feverfew x1 | Fever. Aches. Headaches.
    Goldenrod x1 | Healing wounds.
    Horsetail x0 | Infections. Bleeding.
    Juniper Berries x1 | Bellyache. Gives strength. Troubled Breathing. Calms.
    Cobwebs x0 | Bandaids
    Raspberry Leaves x2 | Painkiller. Kitting.
    Dock x1 | Scratches
    Catchweed x1 | Usage
    Tansy x1 | Usage
    Borage x1 | Usage
    Rush x1 | Usage
    Stinging Nettle x1 | Usage
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    41 servings total

    Shrew | x2 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings
    Stoat | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
    Blackbird | x7 | 3 servings
    Big Fish | x2 | 3 servings

    Cloud | Shadow | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Cloud | Shadow | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    ?? and ?? | Moose & Stitch
    Talon and Russel | Young Blood 1
    ?? and Token | Kits
    ?? and ?? | Kits
    ?? and ?? | Kits

    • Can find whenever: Rat, 13 m, Sheep, 24 f, and the siblings Sunkit [4 m] and Hawkkit [4 m]
    • Token due in: 1 moon
    • note
Last edited by .galaxy. on Sat Jul 28, 2018 10:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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